my: l --•*«~*"^-~ <^H***^****»'W^»^ , ^»^*« j»^£a&yK&&»fi«^fti^ I ^"'*'-"^^f^ i ^^Y*^,' 1 '-^' "" iitij^ywwi^^*^-.*^* 1 ** 6, V"— fXV cotsai^jotiRmii ERB>A^ *mi < im pMbuym *&3S*. '"^I'g^w m!ii»i[i Jiut i <UljlJIII|il»|| 1111,1" I U I J 11 in 1 it "'•tr*. m». Ann* ,T, (S^ranrows, IS, 4ft | r * Twaddled Sete. M St JW* $*»»«««** Gfc*^lA«blw estimate *$T,^ estate*^ * *motit # iSsj^iap: She formerly lived *t 149$ )«. Hi |B -^MR will oiLjapa Del% .Hope Ave. • *1M. IWBttJt # P l«a**t*KjMr$t. v $ t ' Ann$ tc&ureh * recfhm* w*TSodie*|*^S%'"2?%. ;> , mm, st M«y> ]Ef|3^3eatai* JMSMH. Doininfcw* Order 1 of; Camden, jgt, Basil's C h # # us* pis|ove» &4, x*&m#&Bt 9 » Society p ^ '*re, fam *fltt **<& .•" - M J%te^ J6 ^L.W* ,: « A 4 - ^ **-Masses St. Aito-ss lpfr'ftM& JfcfsJbw*M*|es efejspMua-St .'Peter*adPaul * • » *&**"*%2g*! *$ ***** g ^ g , , To^anda, pa w ,*& given 1H jW#q«?> *%* # ^ « > ° * i ^ e a c b i o * *fasse*/;4eweJ% - their jHKBMpffc - $£•.* W fety d%»sit v lKsaE'|5 to- ia« u T>«p*»tJB# « ! St- ^Mary's sold and p r w s ^ ; , divided be- in IteMt «Mdm'|S3fr «^^|*weii:fli!tS^epp«)rt5t f*th.ecs ^W<fHH^ii^^www'i Ifcils B«i# In lllls temodeled Main Office Of Union Trust Opens AQII. 7 ito&sro In every respect, tit* Waioix *&«st Company «f Rochester* remodeled Mjain' Office a t 19 *Maia ^Street %st will be reopened on Monday, Aj»?lt ?, l ^* v I h e baajk wfll be open m puWle tes^ectlon from 10 *m> until 6 pxa, Arthur M. R. Hwghes, pmk dent ol -ttie Union Trust GOTO* pany sadfl today; "One*his see the bank to appreciate M that has been accompiisheO. M '^e extends & cordial invitat|oft to Rochester «rea people to ^isit: the bank on reopening day, Ifce reinodeling has been. *f- ieeted through cobperatloa <jf bank ofncers, architects and con* tractor*. In planning the flrst; floor, t h e aim was to open the_ banking * m to puhlie View. This was accomplished with, ex> passes <*f glass and EetjcnU|e; doors, t . -v A3fCTDEWGHT ol the l*bby is the Mortgage department whtth operas Into the main b^nj* tag' are* "through the ©facers' platform, to the war Is the Pastfdenfs office and adjacent, is- the ;p»sidenrs cojnfei?enoe Room. • ; ' •. Direct entrance to the bankv tag are* U to the left o l the. lobby. The telleW cage* «r» low and open. Simplid^ *wa»ates tne, entice wawodelteg—prsjecik TOfcrf c*m and wnlnicotinK arenat^H^linWied^iilant* V Tim, beaenient hous^i pester v»ult 4tor the Mortgaji* and »nitd^wtrnettt* money imult; the safe deposit departmentsand a completely new and modern luach toein |ojf bar*, einiflcgas*. t n e ieesotid floor contain* the trurt department, credit depart- ment^ operatiorW, new btMOneaf, 1 persoimel, bookkeeping s a d au- diting departments.. Atoc«t 30 met* to the day, the xtjjsodeled office i«-. being opened jctttr the Unkwt^trust Cottpany opened its new borne on Haw* 2!t I8&«k a*.Mate '- AT TMAT TTMDC tht oJtWr* ot th* ipitftttttoti were itpolcted at havtrjc permitted nothing to stand 'fec^«bt may- -ef ibete: jmbt: tVon to aoaanthe am home one of the most rnoo^ra banking: la- ititutkw* in the United Statw,, ,:iSe"'Ortk« Trust ,.C«»r*&jr was the Urst bank in Rochester to adopt a busirJe** extensJoo d^pertmcet. This depertxhent mm ©ac*nl»d as the new bus!-. aaad publidty dev<utu>eiit iA«t four years pctvkH» to the opeoiac «f the bal^s-nr«r home: OrgMriwd la 3151, the first Unk« B«nk war located in old AKTHUK M. Jt. HUGHES C$riwthian> U r i l BtJUdlng^ in the rear of the Arcade. .In October of-ttferyear ihe; l*r& moved to ;25 State Street. .%' • Mary Day Parade Planned In Albany <^3s«ay f X¥.-^<N0)—An ap- 1 perf to the faitlrful of tUs dkt. «ese to ortanbM a paniJb and prayeir period 6a i ^ ^ . of the_ Bleeeed Vlrglft e e Way 1 was me4e by Btefcop E^mwad F. Gtbfeoes ef AJbany fan The BTWgeitat, oflMal newspaper or the dioeew. ; JOslMp.GlMieB*' ktter states the* plans fee tits, Hear Hay •eeaeestraUoM wU be aside by the MsTfcJsejr Coewnisslon ec esie voesge ec n*« weee and edterta tlw faMkfal to reoelT* CemnranSoe OB that daar suat en ike 7 b ^ Frieay aad I t n t Sat. One hundred.and JOW hoys at Aquinas Institute would choose the Federal Bureau o£ Investiga-. ilon a s a career, a savvey rnadtf k by the Northwest K^vards CM is preparation for Career 5^** the school, Wlday, 2M$yv%» «h ^iSedt this week. TheV Career CNsy program at the main school on Dewey Ave. and including the three upper* ciasses'has.the enthusiastic- en- dorsement of the Rev. Eugene A. (suiltoane. C. S,B„ principal of the Basilian Fathers high school. "StCDSsNTS H A V E .rnajni- feited great Interest in the forth- com&ig Career Day and faculty members are very happy about It and are grateful to the Ki- vvanians. J think it Is going to do a, great deal of good for the boys^ Father CuHlnane told the Courier Journal today. The project is a general one of the Ktwanis Club and is' de- signed to get the boys seriously considering their future, the committee said thfis week. "The boys are allowed to meet with men. in business and professional life, to seek their galdHhceand to ask of their experiences. A* MM^T Dior £*niMM£na4kMt i^^^—«nf- fu^u^^ £M|U^ML ^HVHM, *i* weeC 4haA Mils aely event ^ae ^Jsla^liH^^ lelss^ eC 'Maiftf' aMI ^ee slier* WtLe - .iaei —.CSECl— Victor BteJer oi Sltten, of the SsrlsT Hierarchy, dWd .at the age of TL He : h*d lone %#n TH iu»d-r*c«ritiy h»d sihedthe Holy See to anoint an wrtTUny ' . • * • ^'mm,: £ IT- '€• **.•; *i3-i -r*^i v:S» 3,|F, ^f , ' f% ! BaMtee Perth and Window Shaihvs *c «- I jBWWmfcJMIm iijpn jfc f!PW» wp fipm •» AliIwCTrfw |)M uiiwi» MI «iy room ^id'sH^r .eww #-* *w*wp»i*w»f rvwrmrwfp usieiiivfii rurnput room .^•»^«4^s+etwe^i>f y<wlmc^ rown. B«+obfs»n*bie qusttfy • f M s M . pt«t, na4w4 eolsw import bamboo, Al frfy equippW wi+n i W el si f»fi»ry Kfewefe. S» e«y to instsl. Don't h««* 6'long U tf sm .11 .II^IIH "ll'll. iiy'il.ipHll^il.HI'JI FBI Ctireem 4 Jd^mt^M Aquinas Boys Kiwanis €fal|, ^ SIX COUNSELLORS will visit the school on Career Day and have breakfast after .which a general assembly will be called at 9 a. in. Sessions will follow with eaeh boy being given in- structions on requirements to get into elthe* one of two Helds" the boy specified on his question- naire. Arranging for the Career Day •§s a committee conslstlsjg of (3e^ m ?. HalM), HerMt &> Schmii?, Irederlck R, Mettftigerv John R. ^ y e r s Jr., Charles U "STounglove, Walter Oyer and T* Theodore ^Gunlder of the Northwest Ki- wanis, Club. , The second highest preference shown by the hoys is for ac» countoncy, 89 signing for that. Other fields and the number of boys at Aquinas showing prefer- ence follow: Agriculture, $5; Printing, trades, 17; Radar tech- niclans, 17; Radio technicians, 28; Television technicians, 40; Merchandising, 70; OfBoe work- ers, 70; Production workers, 16; Architects, 44; Dentists, ,43; Journalists, 48; l&wyem 62; Physicians, 62; Teachers, S4j Un- dertakers, 15. Veterinarians, 14; Chemists, .3?; Physicists, 15; Pharmacists, J5; Scientific, 19; Public and Civil Services, 25; Foresters, «S; Foreign service. 21; Basehatf, 12; Service occupations, 20j Auto me- chanics, etc., 60; Commercial air- plane pilots, 3jS;' Commercial photographers, 14: S m a l l busi- ness owners, 29; Tool and Die makers, 12; Insurance. 13. . Religious vocations, 25; Aero- nautical engineers, 33; Chemical engineers. 2&; Civil engineers, 53; Electrical engineers, 58; In- needed contact with the putside world.' " , , * - Cray Men attend baseball and football games with patients; go with them on outings, end par- ticipate in bowling tournaments. Transportation is provided by the Red Cross Motor Service, to and from the Hospital mj'U)..'.'i l ".'I'i-""'.J l fc l j! fbi lectures ftfCDfi Comlngr-Sponsortd by Court St. Joseph, Catholic -Daughters of America, the Rev. Damascus iWinzen, prior of Mount Saviour Monastery, Elroira, is conducting. a series ot4eotures in the C. IV. Of A. elglr rooms. Non members, are welcome = to attend. _ .,, At the first meeting, in &m tion to Father Damascus'" UK Structions, t h e Rev, Daniel Ho» gan* assistant pastor of St. Vin- cent de Paul's Church. Showed colored slides of the Mass and explained #ue significance of the different parts of the Massvani the use o f t h e Missal. *«. rf4 .-••. Seminary Teachers To Meet In Capital The third annual conference of *dmw,i»trators .and teachers of minortsemiwarles will be h e l i at Catholic University, Washington, V.tfrw May |, 10, end 11;-it was innouneedby - Dr. liby dustrial engineers, 39; Siechant cftl engineers, 73; Television en- gineers, 17; Bankers,-11j, Com* merclal artists, 60; Radio, etc.f entertatterS, }2; "Actors, dancers, Singers, 18; BuQding trades^ 60, Including carpenters, 26, and; MusiciTns, 16. O—i-s Gray Ladies Needed For Veterans Aid A new class for Gray Ladies and Gray Men t o serve at Can- andaigua Veterans Hospital will begin on Wednesday, April 9. • Volunteers, men and women, are needed to encourage patients t o participate in active ancLquIet games and in the .manyiliver- sional activities which the' hos- pitals find important in patient treatment, . They take favors, cigarettes, ancl light refreshments to the plan, and .carry oh. ward es; help in hobby clubs; tutor .patients in'acSdefflfe sub-* yyas announced' b$ Dr. I*by J. iec,ts, music and art; aid, most, ^ s f e , ^ . director of workshops Important of all, they supply e ^ f a g * , *T^he purpose of the conferences Is the 'ttudy and discussion of pr^biems of administration, or- gahization, srfigram and curri- culum ot minor seminaries. This year's conference will deal v 'wlth two major subjects of the curri- culum, Latin and English. *** i >M* M 4 JfW }»»*M'«*)i»*f,»»f<Ht*»J|»3* m^tf |#.*,*«*r« *** 1 * *.4H h< m (MS**.* WHAMS*. Hm&M* Pr*f*u* Jtrnk tlm iimSnronn IK Ml lUl'lii'li . . l i t ii » ii. II.IMM. \ * #». Jt -- # * '{, ' *. * J * > Jh % * P ^ 1 * _ * ""w * a^ *' V f f # / A' PLS\ ^ I " $?%** i>. ./ FOOD STORES DEVILS FUDGE MARSH. 1 : Jl V f I" CAKE /J tttt torn* IHIS pkg. «f I 2fe DIWH mm imA^m n* S t n w l KBchfUf: uch $& Httftt-Likt Applt Pits II. AU Urgt Owlih Kfigt. lit 44c CHACKEo . • . .* What Inid —sllctd lie -- NOW tWO WAYS TO CIT A GYROSCOPE 1 0 WRAPPERS AND 25c OR 35 WRAPPERS AND NO COST Hurry! Offer Expirsi Moy l5lh, 'ft. Iring Wrappers From Any of Horts Irtwht to Your Friendly Hart-Stent ManogernmltSft Yeur Oyroicoeel HUNT BRAMD CALIFORNIA PEACHES LENTFN SPECIALS! CAN i IN SYRUP Hunts P EACHES MO. v/i m AGAlfllAND LUMCHE0M MEAT CAM ALASKA PINK SALMON NAII5C0 MUEMtUM CRACKERS CAMMtLfS POfUUK TOMATO SOUP FOUMANSTAJKSY SAUERKRAUT tmwn TOMATOES MONROE I R A N D RICH CATSUP «Hl£lC.CHICie EOO COLORS 37* XMX W CAN NO.2^1 CAN ^16' 14. OZ. | A ^ WFTtUlif mi.'if* l^yfW^WEOT Tif pmoti awifit© sfcioicH> GALAS ii. PKG. LfNTEN MCAIV mm CH0CRAW1TS jjioi JELLY REAMS it. FILiEDEGfiS 3 FOR CHOC* RAMFTS OreitJlO* kC lb. LB '4T04 . AVO. m EUES5 # » C idAST Lb.-49e Lb. 59c WeATLQAf *^^* WiI 1^ c^\lS i VECETflBlfS v? HIADS FANCY *IW TOMATOES FANCY WHITE MUSHROOMS LAtOE OtAFiEMUtT ^V^SM) «««»tfj»***»•# * #«#!Mf#* .pkg. 23c coi.s ib. i boj ; y pilUr I>HmI»» C«H« fi»i*i nitkorTfc* Jilltwlur ltiMi» MOTHER'S OATS LAUGE AA^ . tAcifAei vvr .•tiarltPbilar-ifoitpoH 0V»L $»RD)«S ttetmtidktCoitpoHi DILL PICKLES -' FOKMANi 22.0Z. CAN Exfr4i)oUat Coupon *jiP"' •**» / t /^ ^j^rf^^^^^^i^^ ; Vt* *^jirtk^./« t " - ^ u j,.—., «(V.^„ SAB.^,^,

PEACHESlib.catholiccourier.com/1952-january-december-catholic-courier-journal... · Gtbfeoes ef AJbany fan The BTWgeitat, oflMal newspaper or the dioeew. • ; • JOslMp.GlMieB*

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Page 1: PEACHESlib.catholiccourier.com/1952-january-december-catholic-courier-journal... · Gtbfeoes ef AJbany fan The BTWgeitat, oflMal newspaper or the dioeew. • ; • JOslMp.GlMieB*

my: l

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I^"'*'-"^^f^i^^Y*^,'1'-^' "" iitij^ywwi^^*^-.*^*1**6,•

V"— fXV cotsai^jotiRmii ERB>A^ *mi < im pMbuym

*&3S*. '"^I'g^w m!ii»i[i Jiut i <UljlJIII|il»|| 1111,1" I U I J 11




" ' • t r * . m». Ann* ,T, (S ranrows, IS, 4ft | r * Twaddled Sete. W» M S t J W *

$ * » » « « « * * Gfc*^lA«blw estimate *$T,^ estate*^

* *motit # i S s j ^ i a p : She formerly lived *t 149$ ) « . Hi |B - MR will oiLjapa Del% .Hope Ave. •

*1M. IWBttJt # P l«a**t*KjMr$t. v $ t ' Ann$ tc&ureh * recfhm* w*TSodie*|*^S%'"2?%. ;> , m m , s t M « y > ]Ef|3 3eatai* JMSMH.

Doininfcw* Order1 of; Camden, jgt, Basil's C h # # us* pis|ove» & 4 , x*&m#&Bt 9 » Society p ^ '*re, fam *fltt **<& .•" -

M J % t e ^ J 6 ^ L . W * , : « A 4 - ^ **-Masses St. Aito-ss lpfr'ftM& JfcfsJbw*M*|es efejspMua-St .'Peter*adPaul * • » *&**"*%2g*! *$ ***** g ^ g , , To^anda, paw,*& given 1H j W # q « ? > *%* # ^ « > ° * i ^ e a c b io* *fasse*/;4eweJ%

- their jHKBMpffc - $£•.* Wfety d%»sitvlKsaE'|5 to- ia« u T>«p*»tJB# «! St- ^Mary's sold and prws^;, divided be-in IteMt «Mdm'|S3fr «^^|*weii:f l i ! tS^epp«)rt5t f*th.ecs


Ifcils B«i# In lllls temodeled Main Office Of Union Trust Opens AQII. 7

i to&sro In every respect, tit* Waioix *&«st Company «f Rochester* remodeled Mjain' Office a t 19 *Maia ^Street % s t will be reopened on Monday, Aj»?lt ? , l ^* v

I h e baajk wfll be open m puWle tes^ectlon from 10 *m> until 6 pxa,

Arthur M. R. Hwghes, pmk dent ol -ttie Union Trust GOTO* pany sadfl today; "One*his t« see the bank to appreciate M that has been accompiisheO.M'^e extends & cordial invitat|oft to Rochester «rea people to ^isit: the bank o n reopening day,

Ifce reinodeling has been. *f-ieeted through cobperatloa <jf bank ofncers, architects and con* tractor*. In planning the flrst; floor, the aim was to open the_ banking * m to puhlie View. This was accomplished with, ex> passes <*f glass and EetjcnU|e; doors, t. -v

A3f CTDE WGHT ol the l*bby is the Mortgage department whtth operas Into the main b^nj* tag' are* "through the ©facers' platform, t o the war Is the Pastfdenfs office and adjacent, is- the ;p»sidenrs cojnfei?enoe Room. • ; ' •.

Direct entrance to the bankv tag are* U to the left o l the. lobby. T h e telleW cage* «r» low and open. Simplid^ *wa»ates tne, entice wawodelteg—prsjecik TOfcrf c*m and wnlnicotinK arenat^H^linWied^iilant* V

Tim, beaenient hous^i pester v»ult 4tor the Mortgaji* and » n i t d ^ w t r n e t t t * money imult; the safe deposit departmentsand a completely new and modern luach t o e i n |ojf bar*, einiflcgas*.

t n e ieesotid floor contain* the trurt department, credit depart­ment^ operatiorW, new btMOneaf,1

persoimel, bookkeeping s a d au­diting departments..

Atoc«t 30 met* to the day, the xtjjsodeled office i«-. being opened jctttr the Unkwt^trust Cottpany opened its new borne on H a w * 2!t I8&«k a*.Mate

'- AT TMAT TTMDC tht oJtWr* ot th* ipitftttttoti were itpolcted at havtrjc permitted nothing to stand 'fec^«bt may- -ef ibete: jmbt: tVon to aoaanthe am home one of the most rnoo^ra banking: la-ititutkw* in the United Statw,, , : iSe"'Ortk« Trust ,.C«»r*&jr was the Urst bank in Rochester to adopt a busirJe** extensJoo d^pertmcet. This depertxhent mm ©ac*nl»d as the new bus!-.

aaad publidty dev<utu>eiit i A « t four years pctvkH» to the opeoiac « f the bal^s-nr«r home:

• OrgMriwd la 3151, the first Unk« B«nk war located in old

AKTHUK M. Jt. HUGHES C$riwthian> Uril BtJUdlng^ in the rear of the Arcade. .In October of-ttferyear ihe; l*r& moved to ;25 State Street. .%' •

Mary Day Parade Planned In Albany

<^3s«ayf X¥.-^<N0)—An ap-1 perf to the f aitlrful of tUs dkt. «ese to ortanbM a paniJb and prayeir period 6a i ^ ^ . of the_ Bleeeed Vlrglft e e Way 1 was me4e by Btefcop E^mwad F. Gtbfeoes ef AJbany fan The BTWgeitat, oflMal newspaper or the dioeew. • ; • JOslMp.GlMieB*' ktter states the* plans fee tits, Hear Hay •eeaeestraUoM wU be aside by the MsTfcJsejr Coewnisslon ec esie voesge ec n*« weee and edterta tlw faMkfal to reoelT* CemnranSoe OB that daar suat en ike 7 b ^ Frieay aad I t n t Sat.

One hundred.and JOW hoys at Aquinas Institute would choose the Federal Bureau o£ Investiga-. ilon a s a career, a savvey rnadtfk

by the Northwest K^vards CM is preparation for Career 5 ^ * * the school, Wlday, 2M$yv%» « h ^iSedt this week.

TheV Career CNsy program at the main school on Dewey Ave. and including the three upper* ciasses'has.the enthusiastic- en­dorsement of the Rev. Eugene A. (suiltoane. C. S,B„ principal of the Basilian Fathers high school.

"StCDSsNTS H A V E .rnajni-feited great Interest in the forth-com&ig Career Day and faculty members are very happy about It and are grateful to the Ki-vvanians. J think it Is going to do a, great deal of good for the boys^ Father CuHlnane told the Courier Journal today.

The project i s a general one of t h e Ktwanis Club and i s ' de­signed to get the boys seriously considering their future, the committee said thfis week. "The boys are allowed to meet with men. in business and professional life, to seek their galdHhceand to ask of their experiences.

i» A * MM^T Dior £*niMM£na4kMt

i ^ —«nf- f u ^ u ^ ^ £ M | U ^ M L ^ H V H M ,

*i* weeC 4haA Mils ae ly event

^ae ^Jsla^liH^^ lelss^ eC 'Maiftf' aMI ^ee slier*

WtLe -.iaei —.CSECl—

Victor BteJer o i Sltten, of the SsrlsT Hierarchy,

dWd .at the age of TL He :h*d lone %#n TH iu»d-r*c«ritiy h»d s ihedthe Holy See to a n o i n t an wrtTUny ' . • * •





**.•; *i3-i



3,|F,^f,' f%

! BaMtee Perth and Window Shaihvs *c «- I jBWWmfcJMIm iijpnjfcf!PW» w p f ipm •» AliIwCTrfw |)M ui iwi» MI « i y room

id'sH r .eww #-* * w * w p » i * w » f rvwrmrwfp usieiiivfii rurnput room . ^ • » ^ « 4 ^ s + e t w e ^ i > f y<wlmc^ rown. B«+obfs»n*bie qusttfy • f M s M . pt«t, na4w4 eolsw import bamboo, Al frfy equippW wi+n

i W e l si f»fi»ry Kfewefe. S» e«y to instsl. Don't h««*

6'long Utfsm

.11 .II^IIH " l l ' l l . iiy'il.ipHll il.HI'JI

FBI Ctireem4 Jd^mt^M Aquinas Boys Kiwanis €fal|, ^

SIX COUNSELLORS will visit the school on Career Day and have breakfast after .which a general assembly will be called at 9 a. in. Sessions will follow with eaeh boy being given in­structions on requirements to get

into elthe* one of two Helds" the boy specified on his question-naire.

Arranging for the Career Day •§s a committee conslstlsjg of (3e^ m ?. HalM), HerMt &> Schmii?, Irederlck R, Mettftigerv John R.

^ y e r s Jr., Charles U "STounglove, Walter Oyer and T* Theodore ^Gunlder o f the Northwest Ki­wanis, Club. ,

The second highest preference shown by the hoys i s for ac» countoncy, 89 signing for that. Other fields and the number of boys at Aquinas showing prefer­ence follow: Agriculture, $5; Printing, trades, 17; Radar tech-niclans, 17; Radio technicians, 28; Television technicians, 40; Merchandising, 70; OfBoe work­ers, 70; Production workers, 16; Architects, 44; Dentists, ,43; Journalists, 48; l&wyem 62; Physicians, 62; Teachers, S4j Un­dertakers, 15.

Veterinarians, 14; Chemists, .3?; Physicists, 15; Pharmacists, J5; Scientific, 19; Public and Civil Services, 25; Foresters, «S; Foreign service. 21; Basehatf, 12; Service occupations, 2 0 j Auto me­chanics, etc., 60; Commercial air­plane pilots, 3jS;' Commercial photographers, 14: Smal l busi­ness owners, 29; Tool and Die makers, 12 ; Insurance. 13. . Religious vocations, 25; Aero­nautical engineers, 3 3 ; Chemical engineers. 2&; Civil engineers, 53; Electrical engineers, 58; In-

needed contact with the putside world.' " , , * - Cray Men attend baseball and football games with patients; go with them on outings, end par­ticipate in bowling tournaments.

Transportation i s provided by the Red Cross Motor Service, t o and from the Hospital



lectures ftfCDfi Comlngr-Sponsortd by Court

St. Joseph, Catholic -Daughters of America, the Rev. Damascus iWinzen, prior of Mount Saviour Monastery, Elroira, is conducting. a series ot4eotures in the C. IV. Of A. elglr rooms. Non members, are welcome = to attend. _ . , ,

At the first meeting, in &m tion to Father Damascus'" UK Structions, t h e Rev, Daniel Ho» gan* assistant pastor of S t . Vin­cent de Paul's Church. Showed colored slides of the Mass and explained #ue significance of the different parts of the Massvani the use of t h e Missal.

* « . rf4 .-••.

Seminary Teachers To Meet In Capital

The third annual conference of *dmw,i»trators .and teachers of minortsemiwarles will be heli at Catholic University, Washington, V.tfrw May | , 10, end 11;-it was innouneedby- Dr. liby

dustrial engineers, 39; Siechant cftl engineers, 73; Television en­gineers, 17; Bankers,-11 j, Com* merclal artists, 60; Radio, etc.f entertatterS, }2; "Actors, dancers, Singers, 18; BuQding trades 60, Including carpenters, 26, and; MusiciTns, 16.

O — i - s

Gray Ladies Needed For Veterans Aid

A new class for Gray Ladies and Gray Men to serve at Can-andaigua Veterans Hospital will begin on Wednesday, April 9. •

Volunteers, men and women, are needed to encourage patients to participate in active ancLquIet games and in t h e .manyiliver-sional activities which the' hos­pitals find important in patient treatment, .

They take favors, cigarettes, ancl light refreshments to the

plan, and .carry oh. ward es; help in hobby clubs;

tutor .patients in'acSdefflfe sub-* yyas announced' b$ Dr. I*by J. iec,ts, music and art; aid, most, ^ s f e , ^ . director of workshops Important of all, they supply e ^ f a g * ,

*T^he purpose of the conferences Is the 'ttudy and discussion of pr^biems o f administration, or-gahization, srfigram and curri­culum ot minor seminaries. This year's conference will dealv'wlth two major subjects of t h e curri­culum, Latin and English.





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