GRUDGEBALL Semester Exam REVIEW. BELLWORK –Get our your semester exam study guide. Review it before the semester exam review game begins

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Sem. Exam Review: TRASHKETBALL

Question 1: Rom./Trans.

Which of these Romantic elements does not overlap with Transcendentalism?

A. Emphasis of a love of nature

B. Intuition

C. Individualism

D. Interest in the gothic

Answer 1: Rom./Trans.

D. Interest in the gothic

Question 2: Rom./Trans.

Which movement focused on divinity & a relationship with God?

A. Romanticism

B. Transcendentalism

C. Both

D. Neither

Answer 2: Rom./Trans.

B. Transcendentalism

Question 3: Rom./Trans.

True of False: Romanticists believed that the ills of society were a result of urbanization

Answer 3: Rom./Trans.

TRUE! Romanticists believed that the ills of society were a result of urbanization

Question 4: Rhetorical Précis

Put the rhetorical précis sentences in correct order:

1. A description of the intended audience and/or relationship the author establishes with the audience

2. An explanation of how the author develops and supports the thesis

3. A statement of the author’s apparent purpose, followed by an “in order” phrase

4. Name of the author, genre, and title of work, date in parenthesis; a rhetorically active verb; and a THAT clause containing the major assertion or thesis in the text.

Answer 4: Rhetorical Précis

4. Name of the author, genre, and title of work, date in parenthesis; a rhetorically active verb; and a THAT clause containing the major assertion or thesis in the text.2. An explanation of how the author develops and supports the thesis3. A statement of the author’s apparent purpose, followed by an “in order” phrase1. A description of the intended audience and/or relationship the author establishes with the audience

Question 5: ThemeWhich is the most specific and thus least universal or broad theme topic?




D.Family Interaction

Answer 5: Theme

D. Family Interaction

Question 6: ThemeWhich universal theme topic, or subject, could be defined as “the optimistic anticipation of something only to then discover that what you want is impossible?”

A. Pursuit of goals

B. Reality & Illusion

C. Alienation

D. Hope & Disillusionment

Answer 6: Theme

D. Hope & Disillusionment

Question 7: ThemeWhich theme subject could be defined as the importance of authentic contact with others?

A. Human Interaction

B. Relationships

C. Tradition & Change

D. Alienation

Answer 7: Theme

A. Human Interaction

Question 8: ThemeWhich of the following should you not do when writing a theme statement?

A. Draw a general insight from a character’s behavior

B. Express the theme as an insight into life

C. Express the theme as an expansion of a subject

D. Express the theme as an adage or familiar saying

Answer 8: Theme

D. Express the theme as an adage or familiar saying

Question 9: ThemeWhich of these should you do when writing a theme statement?

A. Use qualifying words such as: sometimes, can, may, and often

B. Refer to specific characters

C. Express the theme as a subject

D. Express the theme as a command

Answer 9: Theme

A. Use qualifying words such as: sometimes, can, may, and often

Question 10: ThemeWhich is a question that needs to be asked when developing a theme from a topic?

A.Why is the topic an important issue?

B.How does the topic affect the way society functions



Answer 10: Theme

D. Both

Question 11: Theme

Identify the error in each theme statement:

“Always appreciate what you have”  

“Honesty is everything”

“What goes around comes around”

Answer 11: Theme


Question 12: ThemeTrue or False: Beginning your theme statement with the words “the theme is” is good.

A. False B. True


True or False: In rare cases a quote may stand alone with no lead-in.

 A. False B. True


True or False: All quotes must be explained and connected to a theme.

 A. False B. True

Answer 12: Theme

True or False: Beginning your theme statement with the words “the theme is” is good.A. False B. True True or False: In rare cases a quote may stand alone with no lead-in. A. FalseB. True True or False: All quotes must be explained and connected to a theme. A. FalseB. True

Question 13: MLA Paper

When writing essays, which is the appropriate perspective?


A.First Person

B.Second Person

C.Third Person

Answer 13: MLA Paper

C. Third Person

Question 14: MLA PaperDoes the following sentence properly introduce the quote?

Dr. Strudel’s research beckons a question based on the following problem; “Ashish plays Candy Crush during class, but somehow he makes good grades. Does he cheat off Chloe” (26)?

Answer 14: MLA Paper


Dr. Strudel’s research beckons a question based on the following problem; “Ashish plays Candy Crush during class, but somehow he makes good grades. Does he cheat off Chloe” (26)?

Question 15: Literary Style

From Robert Frost’s “Stopping by the Woods on a Snowy Evening:”

Whose woods these are I think I know His house in the village though

The underlined portion represents which element of literary style?

A. Use of dialogue B. Word color/word sound

C. Allusion

Answer 15: Literary Style

B. Word color/word sound

Question 16: Literary Style

What is this particular device called?

Whose woods these are I think I know His house in the village though

Answer 16: Literary Style


Question 17: Literary Style

From Edgar Allan Poe’s “The Raven:”

Presently my soul grew stronger: hesitating then no longer.

“Sir,” said I, “or Madam, truly your forgiveness I implore.”

The underlined portion represents which element of literary style?

A. Use of dialogue B. Word color/word sound

C. Allusion

Answer 17: Literary Style

A. Use of dialogue

Question 18: Literary StyleIn jovial sallies right and left, his white teeth flashing into he rollicked along, the centre of a company of his shipmates. These were made up of such an assortment of tribes and complexions as would have well fitted them to be marched up by Anacharsis Cloots before the bar of the first French Assembly as Representatives of the Human Race.

The underlined portion represents which element of literary style?

A. Use of dialogue B. Word color/word sound

C. Allusion

Answer 18: Literary Style

C. Allusion

Question 19: Literary Style

A. Point of View B. Tone

C. Expansive/Economical Diction

D. Vocabulary

The use of making writing tight & efficient, or perhaps elaborate & long-winded

Can be: First, second, third, omniscient, limited omniscient, multiple, inanimate

Answer 19: Literary Style

C & A

Question 20: Literary Style

A. Metafictional Techniques

B. Pace

C. Experimentation in Language

D. Time Sequencing/Chronology

The use of unusual techniques in literary style

A text’s structural “rhythm”

Answer 20: Literary Style

C& D

Question 21: Literary Style

A. Figures of Speech B. Kanye West

C. Word Color, Word Sound 

–Probably the most annoying man; married to inarguably the most annoying reality star 

–Use of words to make comparisons that enhance the text–exemplified through: personification, metonymy, etc.

–Quality of language exemplified through: alliteration, assonance, consonance, dissonance, rhythm, unusual word choice, etc.

Answer 21: Literary Style

B & A & C

Question 22: Literary Style

A. Metafictional Techniques

B. Pace

C. Experimentation in Language

D. Time Sequencing/Chronology

–Begs the question from the reader: Is the writing heavily descriptive, with emphasis on setting and atmosphere, or does it focus on action and plot movement?

–Begs the question from the reader: “Does the author call attention to his or her own process of narration?”

Answer 22: Literary Style

B & A

Question 23: Literary Style

A. Point of View B. Tone

C. Expansive/Economical Diction

D. Vocabulary

–The use of words that may be simple or fancy words…perhaps such words are technical, flowery, colloquial, cerebral, punning, obscure…and so on…

–The author’s attitude that sets a story’s mood

Answer 23: Literary Style

D & B

Question 24: Characterization

1 Mr. Hale is nearing forty, a tight-skinned, eager-eyed intellectual.

2 Like almost all men of learning, he spent a good deal of time pondering

3 the invisible world, especially since he had himself encountered a witch in his parish not long before.

Which line shows characterization through “looks?”

Answer 24: Characterization

Line 1

Question 25: Characterization

That woman, however, turned into a mere pest under his searching scrutiny, and the child she had allegedly been afflicting recovered her normal behavior after Hale had given her his kindness and a few days of rest in his own house.

Where do we see characterization through “effects on others?”

Answer 25: Characterization

…recovered her normal behavior after Hale had given her his kindness and a few days of rest in his own house.

Question 26: POV

Which point of view is used for the purpose of providing the most emotion and connection with the speaker?

a) First person

b) Second person

c) Third person limited

d) Third person omniscient

Answer 26: POV

a) First person