Bacterial Requirements Growth and Nutrition

Growth and Nutrition - Collin College

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Bacterial Requirements

Growth and Nutrition

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Bacterial Reproduction

ReproductionBinary FissionBuddingFragmenting

FunctionIncrease number of cellsGenetic recombination possible

End result : Growth

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Generation Time



ResultGenetic recombinationMutations

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Growth Curve Graph

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Growth Curve Labeled Phases

Lag phaseAdaptiveStart metabolism1-3 days

Log phaseGeneration time doublesMost metabolically active

Stationary phaseGrowth = death

Death phaseRequirements decreasePossible spore formation

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Growth Curve Changes due to AB

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Measurement of Microbial Growth

CFUSerial DilutionsPour PlateSpread PlateDirect

Number counted / fovIndirect

TurbidityMetabolic activity

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Nutritional Requirements

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Macro and Trace Elements

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Nutritional Element Use


Main componentCell water, aerobic respirationAA, NA, coenzymesH20Nucleotides, PL, LPSSeveral AA; coenzyme

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Metal Ions and Trace Minerals


Cofactors in enzymatic reactions in the cell

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Growth Factors: Vitaminsinvolved in many

Metabolic Reactionsredoxdeaminationdecarboxylationtransaminationsynthesis

Folic AcidBiotinNiacinPantothenic acidRiboflavin [B2]Thiamine [B1]Pyridoxine [B6]B12K

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Oxygen Requirements

Obligate AerobesMicroaerophilesAerotolerant aerobesObligate AnaerobesFacultative AnaerobesCapnophiles

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Oxygen Requirement Classification

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Aerobic / Anaerobic Lab Tests

aerobe FA aerotolerant anaerobe

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Oxygen Forms


Singlet: 1O2 with electrons in higher energy stateSuperoxide radical: O2-Peroxide Anion: O2=Hydroxide radical: OH-from incomplete reduction of hydrogen peroxide [H2O2]

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Enzyme Presence to Detoxify O2 -Superoxide Catalase Peroxidase

Abligate Aerobes and FA + + -Aerotolerant Anaerobes + - +Obligate anaerobes - - -

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Catalase Test

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Bacterial Examples of O2 Groups

Obligate AerobesPseudomonas

MicroaerophilesH. pylori

Aerotolerant aerobesStreptococcusLactobacillus

Obligate AnaerobesClostridium

Facultative AnaerobesE. coliStapylococcus


E coli


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Physical Requirements: pH

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pH Groups

AcidophileBacillus acidocaldariusLactobacillus acidophilus

NeutrophileE. coliStaphylococcus aureus

AkaliphileStreptococcus pneumoniaeNitrobacter sp.

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Physical Requirements: Temperature

PsychrophileUnsaturated FA in cell membrane

PsychrotrophRefrigerationRoom temperature

MesophileWarm Blooded Animals

ThermophileSaturated FA in cell membrane

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Psychrotrophs and Mesophiles

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Bacterial Examples: Temperaturepsychrophile psychrotroph

mesophile thermophile




E coli

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Physical Requirements: Salt

Extreme Halophile : 30 % NaClObligate Halophile : 15% NaClFacultative Halophile : 2% NaClHalotolerant : NaCl not needed, can grow in low salt

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Extreme Halophiles

Great Salt Lake

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Osmosis and Water Activity

Activity of water [Aw] = 1.0 for pure water

Aw for human blood = 0.99

Range required 0.7-1.0 AwE.coli requires Aw of 0.91Stapylococcus requires Aw of 0.85

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Nutritional Groups


Many bacteriaMost all Eukarya

How Acquire ElectronsOrganotrophsLithotrophs

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Symbiotic Relationships

Close ecological relationship between individuals of two or more different species


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Mutualism: Both Benefit

Human Eye-lash mite

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Bacterial Symbiosis

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Culturing Organisms

InoculumMediumPure CultureSterile

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Cultivation Media

Chemically DefinedComplex Undefined

General UseEnrichedSelectiveDifferentialAnaerobic

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Cultural Characteristics

Solid Media [Petri]ColorSizeShape ElevationMargin

Broth MediaSlantGelatin Liquefaction

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Colony Characteristics on Agar Plate

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Complex General Media:Nutrient (TSA) Agar

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Enriched Media

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Selective and Differential Media



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Special Media


SS Snyder Deep

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Anaerobic Culture Methods

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Isolation Techniques

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Biochemical Reactions

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