Group Profile Fix It (2)

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  • 7/30/2019 Group Profile Fix It (2)


    University of Puerto Rico at Humacao English Department

    Course: EDPE 4018/4005 Practice Teaching

    Group Profile Practice Center: CDPRE

    Cooperative Teacher: Mrs. Margarita Rodrguez

    Wilnelia Montaez Rosario 842- 97- 4429

    Professor: Dr. Anbal Muoz Claudio Date: August 31, 2012

  • 7/30/2019 Group Profile Fix It (2)


    Table of Content Student Survey . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .p. 3 Survey Copy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . p. 4-5 Graph of Survey Results . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . p. 6-22

    Analysis of Results . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .p. 22-

  • 7/30/2019 Group Profile Fix It (2)


    Student Survey

    This survey is the instrument we use to gather valuable information regarding our students. Th

    importance of this information is that with the data we collect, we can make decisions in the wa

    we are going to facilitate learning in our students. As a teacher, we need to know all relevant

    information regarding our students, such as: the name, gender; medical condition and others.

    The demographic data that we collect from the survey includes the name, gender, address, name

    of the mother, name of the father, with whom the student live. This information allows to the

    teacher to have a clear view of each student in the classroom. The student interest are also

    important for the teacher because gather the most powerful information in my opinion. Theteacher, when doing the lesson planning, should have in mind the students interests so they find

    it interesting, pay attention and participate in class. In the survey, I target these area asking them

    about their favorite T.V. shows, favorite sport, among others. All this questions are essential fo

    a teacher to ask to the students because let you have an overall look to your new students and

    these reflect in your planning and delivering the class. As Ausebel state with the meaningful

    learning only when a person sees the importance of something they learn it. If you approach

    your students with something they like, consider important most likely they will be engage and

    learning will take place.

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    Survey Copy


    EDPE 4025 Fecha: ________________________

    Escuela: ___________________________

    Agradecemos su cooperacin contestando este cuestionario que es requisito para la preparacin de un perfil de grupo.


    Nombre del estudiante: _________________________________ Sexo: _____ Edad: _______ Aos en la escuela: ___________ Grado: ___________ Fecha de Nac. __________________

    Nombre del padre: _____________________________ Edad: _______ Ocupacin __________

    Escolaridad: ____________________________

    Nombre de la madre:___________________________ Edad:______ Ocupacin:__________

    Escolaridad: _______________________________

    En que pueblo has vivido? _________________________________________

    Has vivido fuera de Puerto Rico? ___S ___No Dnde? ____________________________

    Con quin vives? ____padre y madre ____padre solamente

    ____ madre solamente ____otros: Especifique: _________________

    Nmero de personas (miembros) en la familia: _______

    Cuntos hermanos mayores tienes? ________ Menores? __________

    Has visitado algn pas fuera de Puerto Rico? ___ S ____No_____

    Cules son tus programas de televisin favoritos? _______________________________

    Deporte que ms te gusta: ___________________________________________________ Te gusta la escuela? ____S ____No

    Clase que ms te gusta: ______________________________________________________ Clase que menos te gusta: ____________________________________________________

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    EDPE 4025- Prctica Docente

    Cuestionario de Perfil de un Grupo

    Qu quieres ser cuando seas grande? ___________________________________________

    Qu clase consideras ms fcil? ___________________________________________

    Qu clase consideras ms difcil? ___________________________________________

    Te ayudan tus padres a hacer las asignaciones? ___S ___No

    Asisten a las reuniones de la escuela? _____S ___No

    Te gusta leer? _____S ____No Te gusta or msica? ___Si ___No

    Te gusta pintar? ____S ____No Te gusta estudiar? ____S ____No

    Medio de transportacin que utilizan para llegar a la escuela? ___________________________

    Enfermedades que has padecido: ________________________________________

    Usas espejuelos? ___S ___No

    Revisado el 28 de febrero de 1998 por la Dra. Lilliam C. Morales y los estudiantes de PrcticaDocente (EDPE 4025). Modificado el 14 de diciembre de 2011.Junio 2003

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    II. Graph of Survey Results

    The group profile is a valuable instrument for the teacher. This instrument let me as a teacher t

    know my students. Knowing my students I will take the most effective ways to reach my

    students when planning my class.

    Table # 1 Gender

    The Kindergarten group at the CDPRE is divided into 6 female students and 14 male students.

    The educational impact of this fact is that when I planning my class I have to have this in mind,

    that I have more boys and girls, when choosing a story or a game. I have to target the majority o

    my students so they are motivated to learn. This not means that I will forget the female

    population. Also when decorating the room you have to take this information in mind so my

    students feel comfortable.

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    Table # 2 Age

    The age is another key factor in the preparation of the lesson plans. According to the age they

    are at the moment will be their attitudes, teachers should remember in what developmental stag

    they are in order of not expect more they are capable off. Also according of the age will be the

    attention period, a student of kindergarten the periods are 30 minutes because that the longest

    they can pay attention at this with difficulty.

    Another important issue is that according the age you have to be more physical active in order o

    have their attention. The activities have to be active, exciting, using lots of song, games and

    knowing about the cartoons they like the most.

    In this case in particularly I have to keep in mind that an 80 % of my students are in the range o

    5 years old and I have a 20 % in the range of 4 years old. The implication of this is that my

    students that are already in the range of 5 years old will have achieve to develop some skills

    better than the ones in the 4 years range. Its important to me to be able of find a balance.

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    4 Years20%

    5 Years80%


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    Table # 3 Year of Birth

    The importance of know the date of birth of my student is that will aloud me as a teacher to

    know exactly in which part of the development my student will be. Let think for a second that

    notice that I have a student that according with their age should be presenting some skills and

    strength and that in that case are missing. I will start an observation and use the group profile i

    specific this question to see in which year the student was born, from there go and found in

    which stage of the development the student should be. After that decide if the case is severe

    refer the student with the social worker and see how we can help the student.

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    Year of Birth2007

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    Table #4 Residence

    As a teacher we need to know our students that include where did they lived. You need to know

    how far the student live, whit whom does the student lived. The educational implication of kno

    where the student live is that if you are having students that lives in places susceptible to

    flooding, you know that he/she will be absent every time that the weather is bad.

    Knowing the resident of the student you will know if the students came from a residential or

    from urbanization, this is not for discrimination, but an important information that help you to

    understand possible attitudes that the students possibly show. This information helps the teache

    have general information regarding the incomes that the family of the students possesses. This

    important because depending of this will be the parents participation in activities that you plan

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    Las Piedras10%




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    Table #5 Fathers Educational Preparation

    Among the fathers Educational Preparation is predominant the High School Diploma. Follow b

    then Associate Degree and Technical College. The importance of this in education is that the

    most prepare the parents are more likely they will be active participant in their kids education.

    This data will let the teacher predict how the father will be involved in the performance of theirkids and school activities.

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    High SchoolDiploma


    Technical Course6%Assosiate Degree11%



    Master Degree6%

    Doctor Degree0%





    Father's Educational Preparation

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    Table # 6 Mothers Educational Preparation

    Clearly in this table we can illustrate the difference of education preparation between the mothe

    and fathers. Mother this day has more academic preparation that father. This information could

    help because when you assign homework you know that the parents will be able to help them.

    This data shows what studies have being saying for long time in this days are more the woman

    that go to Universities and finish their BA.

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    High SchoolDiploma






    Master Degree5%

    Doctor Degree0%

    Technical Course5%


    Mother's Educational Preparation

  • 7/30/2019 Group Profile Fix It (2)


    Table #7 Country where the Student where Born

    This information will help the teacher when presenting new topics is able to use material or idethat the student can rely on it. The importance of this is that you can target diversity in the

    classroom. Students will be able to learn about other countries, their cultures and compare with

    their own.

    This information can help you beforehand you know in what countries some of you students

    have been. You include that places in your class so those students can share their experiences i

    that country and the ones that never left the island will gain knowledge and also impart what th

    know about P.R. to the others.

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    Puerto Rico90%

    Country where the Student where Born

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    Table # 8 Have you lived outside of Puerto Rico?

    This is an important question to make in a questionnaire because in education, it will help the

    teacher to make good decisions in the classroom. When they see other cultures, their view of th

    world changes and they no longer consider themselves the center of the earth. You can learn

    about differences and gain knowledge. The teacher can use those students that have had the

    chance of traveled outside of Puerto Rico, to share experiences with the peers.

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    Have you lived outside of Puerto Rico?

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    Table # 10 Have you traveled outside of Puerto Rico

    With this type of information, the teacher will know if the students have had others experiences

    that only happen when you meet new cultures. In this diversity, the person grows and the stude

    can become a great tool, so learning takes place at the classroom.

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    Have you traveled outside of Puerto Rico



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    Table # 11 Favorites T.V. Shows

    When you know what your students watch help you to make a connection with them. The

    students will be more receptive to new material if they feel that you understand him or her.

    When the teacher makes connection with the student, the student is completely fertile for new

    knowledge. In my personal case I didnt know anything regarding these T.V. shows, with the

    exception of few. For me is real important to start looking at this shows so Im able to connect

    with the little ones.

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    3% 3%3%

    10% 3%






    3% 3%3%


    Favorites T.V. Shows

    Kids T.V.


    Cartoon Movies

    Atencin, Atencin

    Sponge Bob

    Discovery Kids

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    Table # 12 Favorites Sports

    Knowing the sports our students like you can use that to integrate them in the English class

    talking about something the like. The student will more receptive to listen and practice the

    language. In my personal experience, I was recently forced to use in class a cartoon I never lik

    it before, Barney but it is no longer about me . The important thing is that my students like it an

    learned the skills they need to master at their level.

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    Soccer Gymnastic






    Running Martial Arts

    Favorites Sports

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    Table # 13 Do you like the School

    This information lets the teacher know the student's disposition. If the student likes the school,the teachers have a huge lead. Now the teacher only needs to keep that motivation and this

    student will help to motivate others. Also this information will let the teacher know who doesn

    like the school and work with motivation, activities around the student interests.

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    Do you like the School

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    Table # 14 Which class do you like most?

    The importance of this question is that it will help me as an English teacher when planning alesson to integrate another subject. With this information I know where my students strengths

    and weaknesses are. Also when you know who students that like English, you can work with

    them to reach others. Many occasions when a student didnt understand material from the

    teacher most likely get it when a peer explains it. In this question the majority of my students

    didnt answer.

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    Kindermusic5%Any class that

    mention animals5%


    Didn't answer55%

    Which class do you like most?

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    Table # 15 Which class do you like less?

    This question will help me as a teacher to identify where my students have problems. Most of

    the time when a person doesnt like a subject, it is because they dont understand the concept.

    With this information the teacher will be able to identify which concept they have problem with

    and be able to target.

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    Didn't answer84%

    Which class do you like less?

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    Table # 16 Your parents help you to do homework?

    The implication of this question is that the teacher will know if they can count with the parents the education of their children. When parents help the students with the homework, the student

    learn to study and practice at home.

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    Your parents help you to do homework?Yes No

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    Table # 17 Your Parents assist to the school meetings?

    The teacher with this information will know if they can count with the parents to get involved in

    the school activities. When parents are involved in the school activities and students

    development most likely they will do best in the academic area.

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    Your Parents assist to the school meetings?Yes No

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    Analysis of Results


    As part of my practice teaching I need to coduct a group profile for this purpose I have to

    administer a questionnaire to my students. In my case because they are in kindergarten I send

    the form to the parents. Only one student didnt turn the questionnaire back and a second stude

    that we just received yesterday. For this reason I dont have the information of these two

    students. Also from the students that returned the questionnaire, they didnt answer some

    questions. This is the reason that, in some questions, the percentage is different. In my

    kindergarten group the parents are very supportive they answer the questions. My students areversatile, actives and full of energy. The process of gathering the information was easy.


    The gender: The majority of my students are boys this implicates that when planning my class I

    have to take this in consideration. The preferences of the boys and girls are different which

    means that I will spend more time in boys stories than girls.

    My students are between 4 and 5 years old. The majority of them are 5 years old. This will

    reflect how mature the students are. That gave me an idea how my students will act in the


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    The towns from where my students came are important to know because in a weather situatio

    such as floods, you need to act quickly. If you have students that live in area susceptible t

    flood, you need to send them home quickly. Or in case it starts raining and you are waiting f

    the parent they may be late because they are far and could face flooding.

    The parents educational preparation is real important because you know as a teacher if you w

    count with the parents support. Most likely when one or both parents are professionals their ki

    tend to be more successful at school. In my kindergarten group the groups of father have th

    follow preparation:

    High School (7)

    Associate Degree (2) BA (2) MD (1) Technical Course (1) Collage (2)

    In my kindergarten group of mother have the follow preparation:

    High School (2) Associate Degree (4) BA (9) MD (1) Technical Course (1) Collage (2)

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    From this information we can deduct that women today have more academic preparation tha

    men do.

    In kindergarten, all the parents helped my students with their homework this is important t

    know because they are committed to the education of their kids. Parents like these are the on

    that will support you in their home, practicing the material at home.

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    I. Reflection

    The data I collect from the questionnaire had a huge impact in my effort of

    facilitate learning to my students. In first instance starting with the gender. Having

    this in mind when choosing books to read, or activities, even decorating the room

    this is vital to know. In my kindergarten we have more boys than girls, because o

    this when selecting a book should be about cars, sports, and action. That does no

    mean I will forget the girls, I will also target their needs. Also knowing the favorit

    cartoon lets me use it during the class so my students are more motivated to

    participate in class.Knowing with whom my students lived, if they lived with both parents or with only

    one parents have a huge impact in my classroom. That can explain why the studen

    acts in the classroom the way they do. If they are going through a rough time, suc

    as a divorce, can affect the way the act and perform in classroom. Also this

    information provide with the information of both parents in case they are divorced

    Knowing this information you can make decisions in how to help your students.

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    Also knowing the profession of the parents will let the teacher know if the student

    will receive help and good input from the parents. Also this will show how the

    economic situations are in our students home. When a teacher is realizing a

    lesson plan this is important because we have to have in mind if all our students can

    afford buy the materials for the project. If the answer is no, we need to modify th

    activities so all the students can participate.

    Other information that helps the teacher is to know how the students get to school

    If they dont have a car or the car is old you have to have that in consideration i

    you have on mind for homework or special project them to go to Ponce thisinformation is vital because those students will not be able to go to Ponce. The

    teacher will need to make changes so all the students are able to realize the

    homework. Without this questionnaire, the teacher would not be able to make tha

    analysis and some students will be left out. This is very important for the teacher

    because we need to include all students.

    The majority of students like to watch Discovery Kids and Atencin, Atencin

    and Hi 5 and Lazy Town knowing this will help the teacher to use characters or

    songs that the students already know.

    The majority of my student likes baseball, basketball and soccer. This information

    will help the teacher to integrate this in the class. By doing this, the students wil

    really be able to identify with the subject.