Group of Companies International Business Center Educational Complex

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Slide 2 Group of Companies International Business Center Educational Complex Slide 3 FRANCE Italie Allemagne Royaume-Uni Espagne Paris Situated within the European Union with Germany, Switzerland, Italy on one side and the Atlantic sea of the other side, France is the 5th economic power in the World. In France, there is 1.6 million SME/SMI today which employ more than 12 million people, that is 55 % of jobs. Slide 4 There is in Ile de France where there are the most beautiful treasure of France and most of them are in PARIS Paris Slide 5 Slide 6 Shere Punjab Complex is located in Seine-Saint-Denis, a department situated in the northeast of Paris, in the region Ile-de-France. Seine-Saint-Denis is one of smaller French departments, but stays however the sixth French department the most populated with 1.5 million inhabitants, and with 6,371hab/km, it is the third most densely populated in France. Slide 7 The departement of Seine Saint Denis is the first french departement with the most growth up activity. Stadium of France Saint-Denis Show of Bourget Bourget Slide 8 The eagle by Victor Roman In a quiet and artistic place, Bobigny is only 3 km of the doors of Paris and 15 minutes of the airport Roissy - Charles de Gaulle. Wedding Room by Herv di Rosa Music academy Jean Wiener Slide 9 Group of Companies International Business Center Educational Complex Slide 10 Total site surface: 8500m. A building of 2000m for the Group of Companies. A building of 2100 m for the Educational Complex. About 50 companies are located on the site. The complex is about 9km from center of Paris Slide 11 Slide 12 Slide 13 Slide 14 With the same voluntary spirit that M. Singh and his co-workers wish to develop their activities in building fruitful co- operations with the various territorial economic "speakers. The group of companies is located in Inter municipal Urban Free Zone. With certain conditions, this exceptional location allows the granting of fiscal and social exemptions for companies which settled here. About fifty companies have already chosen to settle down here and develop their activities in Building, Safety, Import/Export, Health, Information Technology, accounting, etc.... Slide 15 Group of Companies International Business Center Educational Complex Slide 16 Educational Building Slide 17 Create new intercultural exchanges Plan their future Adapt itself to the evolutions Meet new challenges 4 ambitions for students: Slide 18 Shere Punjab Complex welcomes its students in renovated brilliant and spacious premises in a modern and original building. A lecture hall of 70 places is equipped with a complete audiovisual system. A translation cabin is also available. The building is equipped with a Wifi system. Free parking lots are at your disposal. Slide 19 A private school without contract open to everyone. It proposes a general and technological education from first to last year of high school. The vocation of L5E is to welcome pupil, promote his assets and develop his skills whatever his difficulties. Since 2003, referring to the law forbidding wearing religious symbols to school, children are not authorised to wear yashmak, turban, kippah in the French public schools, and some of them lost one year of school or chose to stop definitively their studies. The L5E proposes a solution to them so that they can continue their schooling in the best conditions while practicing their religion at the same time. Slide 20 A superior school: It offers to the students the initial training to BAC+2 level, with the aim of obtaining European and state diplomas. A training college: It offers three departments to students: Business Administration Accountant management The work-based training in professionalization contract allows to join theory and practice, it facilitates to get a first paid work experience and facilitates accordingly working integration. Slide 21 The Private Higher educational institute, proposing the following trainings: MBA : Master of Business Administration MIB : Master of International Business MIT : Management of Information Technology Et Professionals Sectorials Seminars, on following fields: o Informatics environment security o Luxury Products - Fashion o Bank - Finance - Insurance o IT (Information Technology) e- business o High-tech Products o Food Industry Products o Wine - Liquor o Rubber - Plastic Science and Technology o Steel Industry o Automotive Industry Slide 22 The SHERE PUNJAB opened its doors on the 15th of September in 2007. M. Gurdial SINGH, entrepreneur, installed in Bobigny for several years is the initiator of this ambitious and innovative project which began in January 2007. A team of men and women of different horizons worked with him to concretise this project. By creating this complex, Mr. Gurdial SINGH and his co-workers wished to participate actively in the territorial development. At the economic level, thanks to the diverse activities generated by the "group of companies" implanted on the site. At the level of education and training, proposing to the young people new opportunities to build their future with the creation of three entities: a high school (L5E), a training college (CFM) and an international superior school (PSBS). Gurdial SINGH Slide 23 SHERE PUNJAB COMPLEXE : M. SINGH Gurdial (Pre) et Dhramvir (Fils) Tl. : +33(0)6 16 29 52 00 / +33(0)6 16 95 49 21 Courriel : [email protected] Site Web : CAMPUS FORMATIONS ET METIERS (CFM) : M. Pascal BAUDIMONT Directeur du campus Tl. : +33(0)1 48 32 30 30 Courriel : [email protected] Site Web : Etablissement priv CENTRE DAFFAIRES INTERNATIONAL Slide 24 Gurdial SINGH (CEO of Complex) and Anne-Marie IDRAC (Secretary of State for Foreign Trade) Slide 25 Didier RENAUD (Member of CGPME), Jean-Lou BLACHIER (President of CGPME), Anne-Marie IDRAC (Secretary of State for Foreign Trade), Franois LOOS (Former Minister of Higher Education), Gurdial SINGH (CEO of Shere Punjab), Surjit KAUR (Adviser), Martial GUILLET (Consultant), Valrie PERRIN-TERRIN (Secretary General of CGPME 93), Dhramvir SINGH (General Manager of Shere Punjab) Slide 26 Slide 27 Abdel SADI (1 st Deputy Mayor of Bobigny) et Gurdial SINGH (CEO of Shere Punjab) Slide 28 Gurdial SINGH, BOUTROS Ghali (ex-General Secretary of ONU) and other members of UNESCO Slide 29 Gurdial SINGH and Mathieu KRKOU (Former President of Benin Republic) Slide 30 Indira SIDAYA (Permanent Delegate to UNESCO in Paris) and Gurdial SINGH Slide 31 Jean-Lou BLACHIER (President of CGPME93), Gurdial SINGH et Valrie GISCARD ESTAING (Former President of France) Slide 32 Slide 33 Metro 5 : Bobigny-Pablo Picasso Metro 7 : Fort d'Aubervilliers Bus : 134/234/251 (stop to Rpublique) / 151 (stop to Lyce Alfred Costes) Tramway : T1 (stop to Hpital Avicenne) Highway : A86 exit N13 Hpital Avicenne 82-86, rue de lEtoile 93000 BOBIGNY Slide 34 France is the first touristic place in the world. Slide 35 Slide 36 SMALL VILLAGE OF ALSACE Slide 37 Slide 38 Slide 39 Slide 40 Paris There is in Ile de France where there are the most beautiful treasure of France and most of them are in PARIS Slide 41 Slide 42 Slide 43 Slide 44 Slide 45