MI-MN Descriptions by Steven Rudolph Founder-Director Multiple Natures International Copyright © 2017 Multiple Natures International 1

Gross Bodily Intelligence - Web viewThey learn through listening to spoken word, reading, writing, and discussing. They are proficient in discussing and explaining in written or spoken

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MI-MN Descriptionsby Steven Rudolph

Founder-DirectorMultiple Natures International

Copyright © 2017 Multiple Natures International 1

Gross Bodily Intelligence

Understanding Gross Bodily IntelligenceThis intelligence refers to the ability to be aware of the functioning of one's body and others' bodies, as well as to demonstrate strong physical coordination.

People with a strong Gross Bodily Intelligence have an aptitude for moving and manipulating their body in a variety of circumstances. They explore and understand the world through touch and movement, and have a natural sense of coordination, balance, grace dexterity and timing. Their body is their strength and they remember by doing. They enjoy concrete learning such as games, role play, physical exercise, model building, and field trips. They are interested in health and care of the physical body, and have the ability to naturally invent new approaches to physical skills such as dance movements, athletic techniques, and other physical activities.

Characteristics of Gross Bodily IntelligencePeople with strong Gross Bodily Intelligence are inclined to:

Excel at playing a variety of sports Perform complicated dance steps Ride a bicycle with a sense of balance Climb ladders, trees or rocks with a sense of ease Use body language while speaking

Traits of Gross Bodily Intelligence1. Moving Rhythmically2. Timing3. Coordination4. Balance5. Strength6. Stamina

Famous People with High Gross Bodily Intelligence Sir Edmund Hillary (mountain climber) Michael Jordon (basketball player) Kate Moss (fashion model) Muhammad Ali (boxer) Jennifer Lopez (actor/dancer)

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Fine Bodily Intelligence

Understanding Fine Bodily IntelligenceThis intelligence refers to the ability to demonstrate strong coordination between the eye and hand, and show finesse in hand movements. People with a strong Fine Bodily Intelligence have excellent eye-hand coordination and work effectively with tasks that require manual dexterity. They love to work with their hands and have a natural gift for activities that involve manual skills such as cutting, stitching, or working with tools. They do well in activities where they get to put their eyes and hands to work simultaneously, whether it's in art, design, engineering, or even dentistry.

Characteristics of Fine Bodily IntelligencePeople with strong Fine Bodily Intelligence are inclined to:

Work ably with their hands Work well with tools Cut precisely with scissors Fold paper and clothing neatly Repair things with their hands Type with speed and accuracy Play musical instruments Stitch things or do embroidery

Traits of Fine Bodily Intelligence Dexterity Steadiness Hand-eye coordination Strength Stamina

Famous People with High Fine Bodily Intelligence Christiaan Barnard (heart surgeon) Frida Kahlo (painter/artist) David Copperfield (magician) Coco Chanel (fashion designer) Michelangelo (sculptor)

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Interpersonal Intelligence

Understanding Interpersonal IntelligenceThis intelligence refers to the ability to understand, communicate with, interact with, and influence others.

People with a strong Interpersonal Intelligence have an aptitude for effectively interacting and dealing with others. They are essentially a people person. They bond and interact easily with others, and can relate to others in a variety of ways. They can easily perceive the thoughts, feelings, motivations, and behaviors of others, have a knack for communicating with others, and can strike up a conversation or make friendships very easily. They are often called on when friends or family want to share their problems with someone and need a good listener and adviser, and can easily adapt to new social and physical environments, as well as respond well to feedback from others. They can easily participate in team and collaborative efforts, and have an ability to influence opinions and actions of others.

Characteristics of Interpersonal IntelligencePeople with strong Interpersonal Intelligence are inclined to:

Listen carefully to others Start conversations with strangers easily Have a large circle of friends Make introductions between people Influence others easily Think largely in terms of other people Understand people's motivations Be the center of attention in conversations and social gatherings

Traits of Interpersonal Intelligence1. Listening to others 2. Being with others 3. Talking to others 4. Inquiring from others 5. Bringing others out

Famous People with High Interpersonal Intelligence Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi (political leader) Oprah Winfrey (TV talk-show host) Joan Rivers (comedian) Larry King (TV and radio host)

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Nelson Mandela (President and politician)

Logical Intelligence

Understanding Logical IntelligenceThis intelligence refers to the ability to think analytically, in an orderly or practical manner and/or perform mathematical-related tasks.

People with strong Logical Intelligence have an aptitude for mathematical calculations, logical thinking, and pattern recognition. They possess an innate reasoning ability, and they can easily think in logical and numerical patterns as well as make connections between different pieces of information. They easily use abstract symbols, have a diverse set of mathematical skills, and create models, hypotheses and theories to explain phenomena. They are good at logical problem solving and enjoy complex operations such as math, physics, or research methods.

Characteristics of Logical IntelligencePeople with strong Logical Intelligence are inclined to:

Easily calculate mathematical sums in their heads Be terrific problem-solvers Identify and recognize patterns Draw conclusions from facts Pose logical arguments Be good at playing chess Connect different pieces of information

Traits of Logical Intelligence1. Mathematical calculation 2. Deduction3. Logic/reasoning4. Critical thinking 5. Understand cause and effect 6. Pattern recognition

Famous People with High Logical Intelligence Albert Einstein (scientist) Mark Zuckerberg (programmer/founder of Facebook) Marie Currie (physicist) Karl Marx (economist) Ada Lovelace (mathematician)

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Linguistic Intelligence

Understanding Linguistic IntelligenceThis intelligence refers to the ability to understand, acquire and use language effectively.

People with strong Linguistic Intelligence have an aptitude for learning and using languages. They learn through listening to spoken word, reading, writing, and discussing. They are proficient in discussing and explaining in written or spoken words. They perceive and respond to voice tones, tempo, rhythm, and word sounds, and can imitate languages. They have a natural command of the language, including subtlety of word choice, pronunciation, and semantics, and learn languages easily. They are often attracted towards writing poems and enjoy reading anything, including stories, dictionaries, signboards, and even instruction manuals. They may easily spell words that others are not even able to pronounce, and their friends love their ability to use quotes, proverbs or clever phrases while communicating.

Characteristics of Linguistic IntelligencePeople with strong Linguistic Intelligence are inclined to:

Learn new languages easily Possess an expansive vocabulary Use language accurately to convey their meaning Demonstrate facility in writing and speaking Enjoy reading Understand and follow the rules of grammar

Traits of Linguistic Intelligence1. Reading 2. Writing 3. Recitation 4. Vocabulary 5. Grammar

Famous People with High Linguistic Intelligence Abraham Lincoln (President of the USA) Nicki Minaj (rapper) JK Rowling (author) William Shakespeare (playwright/poet) Emily Dickinson (poet)

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Graphic Visual Intelligence

Understanding Graphic Visual IntelligenceThis intelligence refers to the ability to view things accurately or create mental images, process them and translate them from imagination to reality.

People with strong Graphic Visual Intelligence have an aptitude for design, drawing, coloring, painting, creating models, etc. They find it easy to think in pictures and images. They easily see images in their mind and can represent them in visually artistic ways. They have a knack for looking into details and often see elements that others miss.

Characteristics of Graphic Visual IntelligencePeople with strong Graphic Visual Intelligence are inclined to:

Draw, paint or color with accuracy Have a keen sense of color combination Represent ideas in visual or symbolic ways See images clearly in their heads Doodle (draw pictures) while listening to others

Traits of Graphic Visual Intelligence1. Noticing fine details 2. Sense of color3. Sense of light and shade4. Recognizes patterns

Famous People with High Graphic Visual Intelligence Walt Disney (animator) RK Laxman (cartoonist) Ansel Adams (photographer) Pablo Picasso (painter) Adruitha Lee (hair stylist)

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Spatial Visual Intelligence

Understanding Spatial Visual IntelligenceThis intelligence refers to the ability to manipulate objects within space, and move objects around with precision.

People with high Spatial Visual Intelligence have an aptitude for manipulating objects within a particular space and moving things around with precision. They learn by watching and observing. They can recognize shapes and colors, and can reproduce them through artwork. They can also learn from and encode information in graphs, charts, diagrams, and other graphic or visual representations. They perceive and produce mental imagery, and generate mental images for memory and recall. They can navigate their way effectively and easily visualize things in three dimensions. They can assemble bits and pieces together such as placing people appropriately for an act and positioning furniture in a given space. When it comes to inner space (inside your head, that is), they can easily see how things fit together. They enjoy doodling, drawing, painting, designing, and other visual creative activities.

Characteristics of Spatial Visual IntelligencePeople with strong Spatial Visual Intelligence are inclined to:

Visualize things in three dimensions Navigate vehicles with skill Take things apart and put them back together Economize on space when packing or storing things Repair things when they break Create models Find their way without a map

Traits of Spatial Visual Intelligence1. Sense of navigation 2. Visualization of objects3. Sense of proportion4. Sense of distance5. Recognition of faces or objects 6. Recognition of scenes

Famous People with High Spatial Visual Intelligence Galileo Galilei (physicist/astronomer) Emily Roebling (structural engineer) Jonathan Ive (technology and industrial designer)

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Leonardo da Vinci (architect/cartographer)

Musical Intelligence

Understanding Musical IntelligenceThis intelligence refers to the ability to accurately perceive and/or produce acts of sound, rhythm, tone and melody.

People with strong Musical Intelligence have an aptitude for learning and playing musical instruments, singing, identifying melodies and rhythms, differentiating different sounds and instruments. They learn through listening, and can remember and respond to a variety of sounds, including human voice, environmental sounds, and music. They easily recognize musical styles, collect music or musical information, and are easily distracted by sounds or noise in the environment. They find symbolism in music , and are able to express ideas and feelings through sound and music. They love music and, for most of them, music is life. It may be easy for them to remember a long list of songs and they can easily hear music in their head, even when it is not playing around them. They may often surprise their friends with their ability to learn a tune just by hearing it.

Characteristics of Musical IntelligencePeople with strong Musical Intelligence are inclined to:

Easily learn songs or play musical instruments Have an excellent sense of rhythm Hear music in their heads throughout the day Identify the different instruments playing in a song Use intonation in their voices while speaking to others Be good at dancing

Traits of Musical Intelligence1. Tonality 2. Rhythm 3. Pitch 4. Melody

Famous People with High Musical Intelligence Sarah Chang (violinist) Michael Jackson (performer) Mozart (composer/musician) Paul McCartney (singer/songwriter)

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Marin Alsop (conductor)

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Intrapersonal Intelligence

Understanding Intrapersonal IntelligenceThis intelligence refers to the ability to be deeply in tune with or control oneself physically, emotionally and/or spiritually.

People with strong Intrapersonal Intelligence have an aptitude for being in tune with their emotions, feelings, and inner self. They have a clear understanding of what makes them tick, and have good control over their emotions. They are aware of their range of emotions, and find appropriate expressions and outlets for them. They have a strong personal ethics code and are aware of beliefs and values that motivate them. They set goals and work towards them. They can work independently and are curious about deeper questions in life including meaning, relevance, and purpose. They manage their own ongoing learning and personal growth, seek understanding of their inner experiences, and strive for self-actualization. They have insights into the complexities of themselves and others, and naturally empower others and encourage them to introspection and self-understanding.

Characteristics of Intrapersonal IntelligencePeople with strong Intrapersonal Intelligence are inclined to:

Engage in self-analysis Enjoy spending time alone Understand their emotions Reflect on their goals and accomplishments Make life plans Think about the deeper meaning of life Perform religious or spiritual practices

Traits of Intrapersonal Intelligence1. Personal efficacy 2. Situation analysis 3. Self-criticism4. Philosophysing 5. Spending time alone

Famous People with High Intrapersonal Intelligence Anne Frank (girl writer during the Holocaust) Dalai Lama (Buddhist leader) Mark Twain (writer) Sigmund Freud (psychoanalyst)

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Anne Sullivan (educator/philosopher)

Naturalistic Intelligence

Understanding Naturalistic IntelligenceThis intelligence refers to the ability to tune into nature (e.g., plants, animals or wildlife), or natural life sciences (biological, chemical, physical, etc.).

People with strong Naturalistic Intelligence have an aptitude for connecting with nature, plants, animals, the environment, etc. They have a natural tendency to classify and discriminate among elements in a complex system, and have the ability to categorize and recognize individual examples as belonging to a group. They have an interest in nature and natural phenomena, and can map and chart relationships. They enjoy spending time in the lap of Mother Nature, among trees, plants, animals, birds, mountains and rivers and the sea. They are easily disturbed when people pollute the environment, as they greatly relish and appreciate the wonderful gifts nature has given the world.

Characteristics of Naturalistic IntelligencePeople with strong Naturalistic Intelligence are inclined to:

Enjoy spending time outdoors Connect strongly with plants and animals Distinguish between different species of living beings Reuse and recycle old or waste materials Surround themselves with plants or greenery Use natural or organic products

Traits of Naturalistic Intelligence1. Animals 2. Environment 3. Plants4. Physical sciences 5. Life Sciences

Famous People with high Naturalistic Intelligence Charles Darwin (scientist) Steve Irwin (wildlife explorer) Al Gore (Nobel Peace Prize winner and environmental activist) Ellen DeGeneres (Talk show host and animal rights activist) Dominique Browning (environmental journalist)

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Protective Nature

Understanding a Protective NatureThis nature refers to the tendency to protect oneself, others, bodies, ideas or practices from harm, damage, injury or loss.

People with a strong Protective Nature think first and foremost about others’ safety and security. They are lovers of justice, and find it difficult to turn a blind eye to prejudice and injustice of any type. Clear-cut rules and well-defined systems please them, and even more so when people follow them. They tend to be challenging and critical of others, often looking at spotting mistakes and correcting them.

Characteristics of a Protective NaturePeople with a strong Protective Nature are inclined to:

Follow rules and make others follow rules Foresee potential dangers and take steps to avert them Identify and rectify errors Be argumentative Discourage others from being wasteful Intervene when someone behaves abusively Come to the rescue if someone is in danger Preserve ideas, artefacts, languages, landmarks, etc., and ensure

they are not lost or destroyed over time Stand up for the weak or abused, and those who can't protect

themselves (including animals)

Traits of a Protective Nature1. Anticipates problems2. Assumes responsibility to protect3. Seeks justice4. Ensures fairness5. Identifies solutions to prevent problems

Famous People with a High Protective Nature Nelson Mandela (freedom fighter) Hillary Clinton (Sectary of State/attorney) Rosa Parks (social activist) Martin Luther King (civil rights activist) Rigoberta Menchú (political activist)

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Educative Nature

Understanding an Educative NatureThis nature refers to the tendency to acquire knowledge, skills or experience to teach, instruct, guide or inform others.

People with a strong Educative Nature derive immense pleasure from putting information together and filling up others’ knowledge gaps. Their greatest satisfaction may come from helping someone learn or understand something. Discovering as to why someone cannot understand something may come to them as a pleasurable challenge. This drive encourages them to devise numerous innovative methods of presenting facts and data for helping people overcome this problem. As soon as they catch on to something, they are eager to share their findings with fellow students.

Characteristics of an Educative NaturePeople with a strong Educative Nature are inclined to:

Explain things to others in clear and precise ways Understand exactly why others do not understand something Provide effective examples and analogies Simplify concepts Provide accurate instructions on how to perform a task Offer feedback to help others increase their knowledge or improve

their performance Find pleasure when others learn

Traits of an Educative Nature1. Identifies knowledge gaps in others2. Provides examples3. Establish connection/rapport with learner4. Clarifies concepts5. Directs learner attention6. Adapts to learners level7. Encourages independence

Famous People with a High Educative Nature Anne Sullivan (teacher of Hellen Keller) Jean Piaget (developmental psychologist) Maria Montessori (early childhood educator) Tony Robbins (motivational speaker) Eckhart Tolle (spiritual teacher)

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Administrative Nature

Understanding an Administrative NatureThis nature refers to the tendency to focus on details, organize and get work accomplished, and delegate responsibility.

People with a strong Administrative Nature are good at delegating responsibility, even though they may require someone else to set the vision for them if they decide to take the behind-the-scenes role. They are detail-oriented people who have an innate urge to make plans and goals, and to see them through to completion. They are meticulous about details, and prove to be great taskmasters - creating to-do lists, schedules, and most importantly, deadlines.

Characteristics of an Administrative NaturePeople with strong Administrative Nature are inclined to:

Set goals and make plans to achieve them Make daily or weekly schedules Regularly review their progress Create to-do lists Organize events Find the most efficient way to get work done Delegate responsibility to others

Traits of an Administrative Nature1. Manages time2. Manages others3. Completes tasks4. Works efficiently5. Leverages people/abilities/resources6. Prioritizes7. Attention to detail8. Removes obstacles9. Plans10. Organizes (things, information)11. Measures things (time, distance, resources, etc.)12. Creates and follows systems

Famous People with a High Administrative Nature Tim Cook (COO of Apple Computer) Dave Ulrich (global HR leader)

Copyright © 2017 Multiple Natures International 19

Creative Nature

Understanding a Creative NatureThis nature refers to the tendency to generate original ideas or works that have value.

People with a strong Creative Nature are always full of ideas and constantly engage themselves in creative pursuits. They are brimming with innovation and invention, great in brainstorming sessions, and make excellent problem solvers. If they have a passion for words, they may create poetry or literature. If they are interested in music, they may end up composing original songs. In the world of business too, creative people stand apart from others by coming up with clever ad campaigns or innovative product concepts and designs..

Characteristics of a Creative NaturePeople with a strong Creative Nature are inclined to:

Generate innovative thoughts Create novel concepts, innovations or inventions Absorb themselves in creative pursuits Become bored with routine thinking or activities Excel in brainstorming sessions Look at situations or problems differently than others Solve complex problems

Traits of a Creative Nature1. Knowledge Mining / curiosity2. Playing3. Framing4. Making5. Pivoting6. Open to inputs

Famous People with a High Creative Nature Helen Keller (educator) Artemisia Gentileschi (painter) Hedy Lamarr (inventor) Walt Disney (animator) J.K. Rowling (writer)

Copyright © 2017 Multiple Natures International 20

Healing Nature

Understanding a Healing NatureThis nature refers to the tendency to guide or help others recover from physical, mental, emotional or spiritual imbalance or pain.

People with a strong Healing Nature obtain the greatest pleasure from helping others stay healthy, fit and balanced. To them, the body, mind and soul are a fascinating world that needs to be explored and kept in balance. They are adept at assessing the energy in others, detecting blockages, and using a variety of tools and techniques to restore their systems and get their energy to flow freely.

Characteristics of a Healing NaturePeople with strong Healing Nature are inclined to:

Help others stay healthy, fit and balanced Assess the energy in others, detect blockages and suggest remedies Take care of others when they are not well Look into the health of elderly family members Listen empathetically to people's physical or emotional problems

and provide advice

Traits of a Healing Nature1. Empathy of Pain2. Sensing Imbalance3. Restoring balance4. Researches

Famous People with high Healing Nature Florence Nightingale (nurse) Marie Curie (medical researcher) Dr Andrew Weill (integrative medical practitioner) Dr Brian Weiss (hypnotherapist) Deepak Chopra (wellness guru)

Copyright © 2017 Multiple Natures International 21

Entertaining Nature

Understanding an Entertaining NatureThis nature refers to the tendency to amuse others, or attract, focus and maintain people's attention on oneself or one's work.

People with a strong Entertaining Nature have a special interest in amusing others. They have an uncanny ability to get others’ attention and to stir their emotions, whether it is through singing, dancing, making jokes, or even through their writings or drawings. They have a good sense of their audience, and what it takes to get them to get focused, and they control them with their great sense of timing, dynamics and expression. They get spurred on by the feedback of their audiences in the form of applause, smiles, laughs, or appreciation of their work.

Characteristics of an Entertaining NaturePeople with strong Entertaining Nature are inclined to:

Capture and hold people's attention Amuse others and/or make them laugh Stir people's emotions Be (or have their work be) the centre of attention Excel when they have to perform or present their work

Traits of an Entertaining Nature1. Humor2. Artistic expression3. Attention4. Bonding

Famous People with a High Entertaining Nature Ansel Adams (photographer) Charlie Chaplin (silent film comedian) RK Laxman (cartoonist) Archana Puran Singh (comedian/TV comic show judge) Wanda Sykes (actor/comedian)

Copyright © 2017 Multiple Natures International 22

Providing Nature

Understanding a Providing NatureThis nature refers to the tendency to invest one's time or interests to help, assist or care for others.

People with a strong Providing Nature have a built-in drive to serve others. They may be the ones who give others gifts, offer help when someone is in need, and so on. At a moment s notice, they get ready to put aside their own interests to help others, or to support a good cause. They take a keen interest in understanding the particular details about what makes someone else happy, and may even make an effort to remember and do those things without being asked. They are able to project themselves into someone else’s mind, understand what they want and serve them accordingly.

Characteristics of a Providing NaturePeople with strong Providing Nature are inclined to:

Serve others Remember birthdays and anniversaries Give gifts Offer help when someone is in need Put aside their own work or interests to assist others Volunteer for social causes Donate money or personal items to the needy

Traits of a Providing Nature1. Senses others' needs2. Serves others3. Altruistic

Famous People with a High Providing Nature Melinda Gates (philanthropist) Mother Teresa (social worker) Cesar Ritz (hotelier) Nigella Lawson (chef) Bill Gates (philanthropist)

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Entrepreneurial Nature

Understanding an Entrepreneurial NatureThis nature refers to the tendency to take on projects or create opportunities of a commercial or humanitarian nature, using a high degree of independence, where the reward may be monetary or involves self-satisfaction.

People with a strong Entrepreneurial Nature have a natural flair for business. They get pleasure from creating financial value and the ability to sustain and scale operations. They are constantly on the move to bring together people, concepts, and capital in a way that generates wealth. Where others see problems, they tend to see opportunities. Those who are entrepreneurially inclined have a knack for thinking up novel products and services. They have an excellent power of persuasion and are able to sell products, ideas and even themselves to others.

Characteristics of an Entrepreneurial NaturePeople with strong Entrepreneurial Nature are inclined to:

Bargain when they go shopping Negotiate and make good deals for themselves Budget and spend money carefully Spot ideas that could make money Start ventures by bringing together various resources

Traits of an Entrepreneurial Nature1. Creating Value2. Extracting Value3. Independence4. Opportunistic5. Perseverance6. Visionary7. Innovativeness8. Flexibility9. Resourcefulness

Famous People with a High Entrepreneurial Nature Warren Buffet (investor) Lucy Peng (entrepreneur) Steve Jobs (CEO of Apple Computers) Henry Ford (Industrialist)

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Thomas Edison (Investor and inventor)

Adventurous Nature

Understanding an Adventurous NatureThis nature refers to the tendency to seek out unusual challenges or place oneself far outside the space of what an average person would consider normal or safe.

People with a strong Adventurous Nature are all about pushing the limits, taking risks, and being competitive. The adventurous enjoy seeing what happens if they just went a little further, or tried things a different way. Some adventurous folks enjoy putting their body to the test, and might take to extreme sports such as mountain climbing or bungee jumping. However, those who are more academically inclined might use competition as a means of stretching their limits, though some are so self-driven that they don t need anyone to go up against to achieve great heights or explore new vistas.

Characteristics of an Adventurous NaturePeople with strong Adventurous Nature are inclined to:

Play adventure sports Take risks (socially, physically, mentally, financially) Act spontaneously (try new things without preparation) Travel to far-off places Experiment with things Do things that others would consider dangerous

Traits of an Adventurous Nature1. Risk taking2. Spontaneity3. Wanderlust4. Exceeds limits5. Competes

Famous People with high Adventurous Nature Sir Edmund Hillary (mountaineer) Emilia Earhart (pilot/adventurer) Gertrude Bell (explorer) Michael Schumacher (race car driver)

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