St. Gregory the Great Episcopal Church Athens, GA GREGORIANCHANT August 2013 CPR Training St. Gregory's is hosting a CPR certification on Sunday, August 11th from 2-5. The fee is $20 per person. (This is a very good deal.) Please let Missy Hamlin or the office know if you would like to attend. Healing Grief Group The Healing Grief Group will continue to meet on Wednesdays at 4PM in the library. This will allow you to attend the Healing Service at 6PM, if you would like. In Sympathy Our condolences to Phil Pollock and his children, Anne and “Hutch”, on the death of Rhoda; Tina Carlson and Esther Freeman on the death Ted Freeman, Esther's son and Tina's brother; Rebecca Baggett, on the death of her aunt, Pauline; Laura Ruffin, on the death of her father, Richard Jacks; the family and friends of Laquita Pimm, former St. Gregory's member, who died on June 19. Rest eternal grant to these, O Lord; And let light perpetual shine upon them. May their souls, and the souls of all the departed, through the mercy of God, rest in peace. Amen. “This is Rhoda Pollock” I don't think I ever heard Rhoda answer the phone any way other than "This is Rhoda Pollock". She told me it was because of her work - after umpty ump years of answering the phone that way, it just stuck. Rhoda was probably St. G's first organist - there may've been someone prior, but no one for very long. She was totally volunteer, but treated the position with . . . professionalism . . . because what she gave to the job was given out of love. When the church got the "new" hymnal (before I got there), she decided that our congregation was going to learn the music in it, and I mean ALL of it. While other organists and choir directors were still griping about how much they missed the hymnal 1940, St. Gregory's congregation was comfortably familiar with 80% of the hymnal 1982. She scheduled out the hymns about 6 months in advance, which was GREAT for me - I could look and see what hymns we'd be singing and then work the anthems to fit. By doing this, she was also able to compare what hymns we'd sung throughout the year, and compare that to previous years. We sang the "unfamiliar" tunes so much that they became the familiar ones. St. G's folks knew 'em all back then and sang them all with gusto. Of course, she had a few favorites, but the only way you'd know it was to pay attention over the course of years. Land of Rest was one we sang a fair bit (and by that, probably twice a year - but during her tenure that was definitely frequent), and that's why I got so blubbery at the end of service [on July 14, what would have been her 90th birthday]. Editor's note: Hymn 304 had been picked in advance without knowing any of this! Rhoda died just before midnight on July 13. Rhoda figured that people wouldn't gripe about hymns they didn't know if they got to know them, so she started "Old Aunt Rhody's Hymnody Lesson" and wrote insightful little articles that got included in the bulletins and the chant. Editor's note: By and large these comprise much of Jonathan's "about today's music" in our Sunday bulletins! I don't think I ever - EVER heard Rhoda complain about a hymn or an anthem...but a few (a very, very few) didn't get the full "we will learn this" treatment. The worst comment was "Well, we did that one." Totally deadpan...you could tell it meant "...and we won't be doing it again". But mostly we learned to love them. She was fairly sneaky about getting the congregation familiar with new tunes before we sang them - working them into "noodling music" and such, so that when we sang it, we'd already heard it several times. Smart. She was such a joy to work with - great musical sense, but also a terrific sense of humor, and really, really smart. Did you know she use to swim - like every day she'd swim laps at the YWCO - I once just happened to be there at the same time - she was a shark! Really fast, - and this was when she was probably into her 70's. Amazing. -- continued on page 2

GREGORIANCHANTstgregoryathens.weebly.com/uploads/5/1/0/1/5101449/august2013.pdf · Choir practice will resume on Wednesdays @ 7PM, beginning Wednesday, July 31. Come sing with us!

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Page 1: GREGORIANCHANTstgregoryathens.weebly.com/uploads/5/1/0/1/5101449/august2013.pdf · Choir practice will resume on Wednesdays @ 7PM, beginning Wednesday, July 31. Come sing with us!

St. Gregory the Great Episcopal Church

Athens, GA


August 2013

CPR Training

St. Gregory's is hosting a CPR certification on Sunday, August 11th from 2-5. The fee is $20 per person. (This is a very good deal.) Please let Missy Hamlin or the office know if you would like to attend.

Healing Grief Group

The Healing Grief Group will continue to meet on Wednesdays at 4PM in the library. This will allow you to attend the Healing Service at 6PM, if you would like.

In Sympathy

Our condolences to • Phil Pollock and his children,

Anne and “Hutch”, on the death of Rhoda;

• Tina Carlson and Esther Freeman on the death Ted Freeman, Esther's son and Tina's brother;

• Rebecca Baggett, on the death of her aunt, Pauline;

• Laura Ruffin, on the death of her father, Richard Jacks;

• the family and friends of Laquita Pimm, former St. Gregory's member, who died on June 19.

Rest eternal grant to these, O Lord;

And let light perpetual shine upon them.

May their souls, and the souls of all the departed,

through the mercy of God, rest in peace.


“This is Rhoda Pollock”

I don't think I ever heard Rhoda answer the phone any way other than "This is Rhoda Pollock". She told me it was because of her work - after umpty ump years of answering the phone that way, it just stuck. Rhoda was probably St. G's first organist - there may've been someone prior, but no one for very long. She was totally volunteer, but treated the position with . . . professionalism . . . because what she gave to the job was given out of love. When the church got the "new" hymnal (before I got there), she decided that our congregation was going to learn the music in it, and I mean ALL of it. While other organists and choir directors were still griping about how much they missed the hymnal 1940, St. Gregory's congregation was comfortably familiar with 80% of the hymnal 1982. She scheduled out the hymns about 6 months in advance, which was GREAT for me - I could look and see what hymns we'd be singing and then work the anthems to fit. By doing this, she was also able to compare what hymns we'd sung throughout the year, and compare that to previous years. We sang the "unfamiliar" tunes so much that they became the familiar ones. St. G's folks knew 'em all back then and sang them all with gusto. Of course, she had a few favorites, but the only way you'd know it was to pay attention over the course of years. Land of Rest was one we sang a fair bit (and by that, probably twice a year - but during her tenure that was definitely frequent), and that's why I got so blubbery at the end of service [on July 14, what would have been her 90th birthday]. Editor's note: Hymn 304 had been picked in advance without knowing any of this! Rhoda died just before midnight on July 13. Rhoda figured that people wouldn't gripe about hymns they didn't know if they got to know them, so she started "Old Aunt Rhody's Hymnody Lesson" and wrote insightful little articles that got included in the bulletins and the chant. Editor's note: By and large these comprise much of Jonathan's "about today's music" in our Sunday bulletins!

I don't think I ever - EVER heard Rhoda complain about a hymn or an anthem...but a few (a very, very few) didn't get the full "we will learn this" treatment. The worst comment was "Well, we did that one." Totally deadpan...you could tell it meant "...and we won't be doing it again". But mostly we learned to love them. She was fairly sneaky about getting the congregation familiar with new tunes before we sang them - working them into "noodling music" and such, so that when we sang it, we'd already heard it several times. Smart. She was such a joy to work with - great musical sense, but also a terrific sense of humor, and really, really smart. Did you know she use to swim - like every day she'd swim laps at the YWCO - I once just happened to be there at the same time - she was a shark! Really fast, - and this was when she was probably into her 70's. Amazing. -- continued on page 2

Page 2: GREGORIANCHANTstgregoryathens.weebly.com/uploads/5/1/0/1/5101449/august2013.pdf · Choir practice will resume on Wednesdays @ 7PM, beginning Wednesday, July 31. Come sing with us!


Peter Rice is our Grounds, Building and Green Committees Vestry Liaison. Many of you know that we are moving to AZ next month, so we are looking for a Committee Chair for Grounds and Maggie Reinberger has graciously stepped up to Chair the Green Committee/TerraCycle Tithing with Trash. Peter is bringing forth some great plans to and from the Vestry and he needs your help!

If you are willing to Chair the Grounds Committee, please contact Peter Rice ASAP as there are many plans to make for ongoing grounds maintenance and Fall projects!

We have high hopes about our move and also that St Gregory will not suffer as to our loss. There many amazing Gregorian's that we know could meet the task! -- Franchesca Lane

Farewell to the Lanes!

The Lanes’ Farewell Sunday will be August 11th!

Please know that it is our prayer that you remember us for our good deeds before our faults, our smiles and not our frowns...We have both grown tremendously in faith and spirt in this place and our children are grounded in their Christian faith because of your love. We will be back and forth to GA as most of our family is here. We will miss you all dearly.

Our home is for sale or available for rent by September 1. Click here for details. -- Franchesca

Choir Resumes

Choir practice will resume on Wednesdays @ 7PM, beginning Wednesday, July 31. Come sing with us!

Want some chickens?

The Linn family is needing to move out 5 of the chickens they have by the end of August. If you’re interested in taking them on, or want more information, please call Megan Linn at 706-614-0469.

Athens Chorale Society

Athens Chorale Society will be presenting their Summer Show @ Seney Stovall Chapel on August 23-25. Evening performances on Friday and Saturday @ 7:30PM and matinees @ 2:30PM on Saturday and Sunday. TIckets are $12. Contact Melinda Jones for more information: 706.850.5694.

A Great Week at Vacation Bible School!

We experienced a stellar week of Star Wars Vacation Bible School last week. 127 Gregorians and friends and family had great fellowship, enjoyed meals, were entertained with skits, created art, played games, learned our stories, sang songs and made space noise, and worshiped.

Special thanks to registrar Nancy Hobart, skit writers and directors Emma Jones and Julie Phillips, and actors Carl Jones, Quinn Phillips, Steve Phillips, Tristan Lankford,

Sam Johnson, Lydia Peck, Miles Peck, Ellie Barkdoll, Dakota Hamlin, Mike Peck, and special behind- the-scenes appearance by Jack Armistead. We loved the poems and games created and led by Alice Mohor, assisted by Nancy Hobart. Vicky Tavernier led out of this world music each night. Jenifer Borg, Madeline Darnell, Jana Murph, Donna Conway, Jenifer Marquardt, and Catherine Drewry inspired great art creations. Gordon Bienvenue, Karen Hankins, Scarlet Buckley, Carol Jones, and Beth Thornton brought our Bible stories to life. Pat Irby, Bernadine Shanefelt, Fran Covert, Shelby Welch, Lois Alworth, Erica Golding, Missy Hamlin, Katie Bienvenue, Jenifer Borg, Olivia Morris, Madison Russell, and Catherine Drewry put together wonderful meals. Bill Alworth, Dakota Hamlin, and Henri Johnson helped out in many ways. Walker McNiff, Terry Dotson, Martha DeHart, Nancy Carter, Jenifer Borg, Vicky Tavernier, Olivia Morris, Madison Russell, Carl and Emma Jones, Catherine Drewry, and Beth Long transformed our space with creative sets, props, and art. Julie Red Bear, Missy Hamlin, Allison Weaver, and Melissa Phillips provided a really cool nursery. Melinda Jones assisted with worship. Bill Alworth, Mark Tavernier, Dakota Hamlin, and Henri Johnson helped out in many ways.

Thank you to all who participated! May the Force be with you!

She also loved going out to Montana where at night it was "God's real dark". She was the first person I ever heard talk about light pollution and what an issue it could be...and what a joy a truly dark night sky could be. Phil is so gregarious - Rhoda was more a rock to his rollicking, but they both have hearts so big, so generous and they both give so much to this church.

Jill Crandall (edited ever so slightly from an email sent to the rector )

Page 3: GREGORIANCHANTstgregoryathens.weebly.com/uploads/5/1/0/1/5101449/august2013.pdf · Choir practice will resume on Wednesdays @ 7PM, beginning Wednesday, July 31. Come sing with us!

EfM - Education for Ministry

Our EfM (education for ministry) seminar group will begin in September. Each seminar is a combination of Bible study and theological reflection. Study and discussion materials are provided by the University of the South Theological Education by Extension Program. To learn more contact co-mentor Alice Mohor 706 742 8976 or [email protected]

New Pictorial Parish Directory!

Our Church will be producing a new pictorial directory. The photography dates will be September 11 thru September 14. Each family photographed will receive a free directory and a free 8 x 10 portrait. No purchase is required; however, for those interested in purchasing portrait you may do so at the time of photography. Lifetouch will be taking the portraits. You can make your own appointment by going to the church website and look for the pictorial directory link. For those who do not have internet service you can call Kendall at the church office and she can assist you in making your appointment. We need everyone to be in our new pictorial directory so please sign up as soon as possible for your best appointment. Thanks for your cooperation !

Happy Birthday!

Aug. 1 Mona Stratton Aug. 3 Jeff Sanford

Aug. 5 Patrick Risler, Sam Thornton

Aug. 6 Janet Wright Ginny Clark Aug. 8 Carolyn Abney David Ewing Stephen Marquardt

Aug. 10 Flora Barber Sophia Hovland Coppins

Aug. 12 Eddie Bennett Janice Rusk

Aug. 13 Anne Askren Kristen Carter Jerrin Jose

Aug. 14 Rachel Temple- Roberts Aug. 16 Julia Adang Auri Canup Barbara Jones

Aug. 17 Martha DeHart Emma Scott Marilyn Vickers

Aug. 18 Bobbie Gaissert Aug. 19 Angel Phillips

Aug. 20 Kline Howell

Aug. 21 Eliana Jordan

Aug. 22 Elise Linn

Aug. 23 Margarette Fowler

Aug. 24 Nancy Carter Carrie Kretzer Kristen Reinberger

Aug. 25 Michelle Vecchio- Weinmeister

Aug. 27 Jane Gabriel Henry Julian

Committee Leaders

ALL CALL! The Communications Liaisons, Michele Lease and Vicky Tavernier are working on compiling a master list of folks in charge of committees. We want your names and phone numbers even if you are a committee of one.

Committee Contact Folks: (anyone who convenes a meeting for any work at St. G.) As soon as you can, please sign the Work Wall in the Christian Ed. Building. If your committee is not listed, there are blank pieces of paper for you to add your work. There are markers right there on the wall for your convenience.

Future Volunteers: There are pages on the Work Wall for you to put your name if there is a committee you are interested in joining.

Our hope is that by September when things are back to normal we will know who we are and what we do! We will also be able to see if there are 'holes' in our structure so new folks can step up to fill the needs.


• to The Rev. Sarah Fisher, on her appointed interim at Grace Calvary, Clarksville. Sarah is the daughter of David Fisher and Carol Shoemaker;

• to Andrew Lane, on his promoted rank to Major in the Army Reserve!

• to Nathan Risler and Bryana Kropp, who were married June 7 in Oregon;

• to Jamey Loftin and Caroline Lafleur, married June 8;

• and to Zach Hamlin, who will be training with CSX and moving to New Orleans for his new job!