EhlersDanlos Na.onal Founda.on August 2013 Conference All rights reserved. 1 Alan G. Pocinki, M.D. EhlersDanlos Na.onal Founda.on Learning Conference August 13, 2013 Disclaimers “Offlabel” uses of medica.ons No financial conflicts of interest

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Ehlers-­‐Danlos  Na.onal  Founda.on   August  2013  Conference  

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Alan  G.  Pocinki,  M.D.  Ehlers-­‐Danlos  Na.onal  Founda.on  Learning  Conference  

August  1-­‐3,  2013  

Disclaimers  �  “Off-­‐label”  uses  of  medica.ons  � No  financial  conflicts  of  interest  

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Overview  � Autonomic  nervous  system  (ANS)  regulates  all  body  processes,  including  sleep  

� ANS  dysfunc.on  is  very  common  in  Ehlers-­‐Danlos  and  other  hypermobility  syndromes,  and  underlies  many  of  their  symptoms  

� The  most  common  type  of  sleep  disorder  seen  in  the  hypermobility  syndromes  appears  to  have  an  autonomic  basis  

Basics  of  the  ANS  � Sympathe.c  nervous  system:  “fight  or  flight,”  the  accelerator  

� Parasympathe.c  nervous  system:  “rest  and  digest,”  the  brake  


Autonomic  Instability    “Failure  to  Modulate”  � Concept  of  adrenaline  reserve  � Central  paradox:    the  lower  the  reserves,  the  more  exaggerated  your  stress  response,  so  your  body  “overresponds”  to  minor  stresses    

� The  overresponse  oXen  triggers  an  overcorrec.on,  then  an  overresponse…  


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Sympathetic and Parasympathetic Activity with Autonomic Maneuvers

Normal EDS with Dysautonomia


A=Baseline, B=Deep Breathing, C=Rest, D=Valsalva, E=Rest, F=Stand

Sympathe.c  and  Parasympathe.c  Ac.vity  Before  and  AXer  Treatment  

At Diagnosis After 18 months of treatment

A=Baseline, B=Deep Breathing, C=Rest, D=Valsalva, E=Rest, F=Stand

Non-­‐Restora.ve  Sleep  in  EDS  � Frequent  arousals  and  awakenings  � Li\le  or  no  deep  sleep  

Normal  Sleep  

Non-­‐Restorative  Sleep  

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Sleep  “Mispercep.on”  Another  Paradox  

� Many  EDS  pa.ents  report  that  they  “sleep  fine.”  � “I’m  a  great  sleeper.  I  can  sleep  any  .me,  anywhere.”  � But…  do  you  feel  rested  when  you  get  up?  

�  “No,  I  never  feel  rested.”  �  “I  wake  up  feeling  like  I  haven’t  slept.”  �  “I  don’t  think  I  know  what  feeling  rested  would  feel  like.”  

� Not  just  a  problem  in  EDS,  e.g.  as  many  as  90%  of  people  with  sleep  apnea  are  not  aware  of  it  

Heart Rate Variability Associated with Sleep Disruptions

Sleep Stages

Heart Rate

N3 N2


Awake 60



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Heart  Rate  Variability-­‐-­‐Another  Paradox  � The  lower  sympathe.c  ac.vity  is,  the  greater  heart  variability,  or  

� The  more  exhausted  you  get,  the  more  “depleted”  your  energy  reserves,  the  more  exaggerated  heart  rate  fluctua.ons  will  be  

� The  more  your  heart  rate  fluctuates,  the  more  disrupted  your  sleep  (not  to  men.on  day.me  ac.vi.es)  

� The  more  disrupted  your  sleep,  the  more  exhausted  you  get—a  nasty  vicious  cycle  

Non-­‐Restora.ve  Sleep  � Frequent  arousals  and  awakenings  � Li\le  or  no  deep  sleep  

Normal  Sleep  

Non-­‐Restorative  Sleep  

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And  to  Improve  Autonomic  Func.on,  You  Need  to  Improve  Sleep  

Sympathe.c  and  Parasympathe.c  Ac.vity  Before  and  AXer  Treatment  

At Diagnosis After 18 months of treatment

A=Baseline, B=Deep Breathing, C=Rest, D=Valsalva, E=Rest, F=Stand

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Treatment  of  Non-­‐Restora.ve  Sleep  � Address  underlying  causes  of  autonomic  dysfunc.on:  � Pain  � Fa.gue  � Dehydra.on  � Low  blood  sugar  � Emo.onal/cogni.ve  stresses    

Restoring  Autonomic  Balance,  or  Refilling  the  Pool  

� Be\er  sleep—quan.ty  and  quality  � Adequate—really—pain  control  � Don’t  “push  through”  fa.gue;  take  breaks  � Adequate  salt  and  fluid  � Avoid  hypoglycemia  � Minimize  emo.onal  and  other  stresses    

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EDS,  Untreated  (Sleep  Lab)  

EDS,  Untreated      (Same  Pa.ent,  Home  Sleep  Monitor)  

EDS,  AXer  Treatment  (Home  Sleep  Monitor)  

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Treatment  of  Sleep  Disorders  

� Don’t  overlook  the  basics:  � Good  sleep  hygiene  � Comfortable  ma\ress  � Dark  and  quiet  � Elevate  head  of  bed  (if  lightheaded  during  the  day)  

� Treat  sleep  apnea,  limb  movements  only  if  significant  

Treatment  of  Sleep  Disorders:  Medica.on  

� Complex  medica.on  “regimen”  is  oXen  required:  � Mul.ple  medica.ons  with  complementary  effects,  e.g.  one  medica.on  for  pain,  one  to  reduce  arousals,  one  to  increase  deep  sleep  

� Finding  the  right  combina.on  can  be  a  frustra.ng  trial  and  error  process  

� Home  sleep  monitor  can  be  helpful  

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Treatment  of  Sleep  Disorders:  Medica.on  

� Block  extra  adrenaline  (beta  and  alpha  blockers,  clonidine  and  guanfacine)  

� Offset  extra  adrenaline  (benzodiazepines,  SSRI’s)  � Reduce  pain  (analgesics,  muscle  relaxants,  Neuron.n™,  Lyrica™)  

�  Increase  deep  sleep  (trazodone,  amitryp.line,  doxepin)  

� Use  “Sleeping  pills”  sparingly  

Beta  Blockers  � Propranolol  

� Start  with  10  mg  at  bed.me  �  Increase  by  10  mg  every  4-­‐5  days  un.l  fewer  awakenings,  side  effects,  or  no  further  benefit  

� Switch  to  long-­‐ac.ng  if  needed  � Take  some  earlier  to  offset  “second  wind”  � OXen  need  smaller  day.me  dose  as  well  �  If  ineffec.ve  or  not  tolerated,  try  a  different  one  

Other  Beta  Blockers  � Metoprolol  

�  Start  with  half  a  25  mg  tablet  (metoprolol  tartrate)  �  Increase  by  half  a  tablet  every  4-­‐5  days  �  Add  long-­‐ac.ng  (metoprolol  succinate)  for  day.me  symptoms  

�  Nadolol  �  Generally  safe  in  pa.ents  with  asthma    �  Start  with  20  mg.  increase  by  20  every  4-­‐5  days  �  Add  smaller  AM  dose  if  needed  for  day.me  symptoms  

�  Carvedilol  �  Start  with  3.125  mg,  increase  by  one  tablet  every  4-­‐5  days  �  Add  smaller  AM  dose  if  needed  for  day.me  symptoms    

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Clonidine/Guanfacine  �  Clonidine  

�  Start  with  0.1  mg  at  bed.me  �  Increase  by  0.1  mg  no  sooner  than  one  week  � No  more  than  0.3  mg    � Usually  lasts  about  6  hours  

� Guanfacine  �  Very  similar  to  clonidine  but  lasts  longer  �  Recently  remarketed  as  Intuniv™  for  ADD  

Alpha  Blockers  �  Prazosin  best  studied,  shown  to  reduce  nightmares  in  PTSD,  where  “a  hypersensi.vity  to  adrenaline  triggered  many  of  their  nightmares.”    In  a  VA  study,  75-­‐80%  of  PTSD  pa.ents  stopped  having  nightmares.    

�  Start  with  1  mg,  increase  gradually;usual  dose  is  about  5mg,  but  average  dose  in  VA  study  was  about  10  mg  

�  Can  worsen  orthosta.c  intolerance  � Not  clear  if  combina.on  alpha-­‐beta  blockers  (e.g.  carvedilol)  are  as  effec.ve,  but  probably  not.  

Benzodiazepines  �  All  have  beneficial  proper.es:  

�  Seda.ve  �  An.-­‐anxiety  �  Muscle  relaxant  �  An.-­‐movement,  an.convulsant  �  “An.-­‐adrenaline”  

�  But  also  poten.al  problems:  �  Impair  cogni.on,  motor  performance  �  Depress  mood,  respira.on  �  Cause  or  worsen  fa.gue  �  Tolerance  �  Dependence  �  Withdrawal  

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Some  Common  Benzodiazepines  �  Clonazepam  (Klonopin™)  

�  Longest-­‐las.ng,  most  likely  to  have  residual  effects  �  Also  effec.ve  for  restless  leg,  PLMS  

�  Diazepam  (Valium™)  �  Typically  lasts  about  8  hours  �  Probably  best  muscle  relaxant  

�  Temazepam  (Restoril™)  �  Typically  lasts  about  7  hours  �  Capsule  limits  dosage  adjustment  

�  Lorazepam  (A.van™)  �  Typically  lasts  about  6  hours  �  Metabolized  differently  (less  variability,  interac.ons)  

Analgesics  � An.-­‐inflammatories  

� NSAIDs:  Ibuprofen,  Naproxen,  Meloxicam,  Celebrex™etc  �  Prednisone  

�  Tramadol,  short-­‐  and  long-­‐ac.ng  � Narco.cs,  short-­‐,  long-­‐ac.ng;  patches  (fentanyl,  Butrans™)  �  Cymbalta™,  Savella™  � Gabapen.n  (Neuron.n™),    Lyrica™  �  Lidoderm™,  Flector™,  Voltaren  Gel™,  Pennsaid™  

Muscle  Relaxants  �  Cyclobenzaprine  

�  Shown  to  improve  sleep  quality  in  fibromyalgia  �  Has  analgesic,  seda.ve,  muscle  relaxant  proper.es  

�  Soma  �  Less  seda.ng,  ?  more  analgesic  effect,  especially  with  narco.cs  

�  Skelaxin  �  Less  seda.ng,  some  can  tolerate  day.me  doses  

�  Tizanidine  �  More  seda.ng,  high  margin  of  safety  

�  Baclofen  �  Potent,  use  for  severe  painful  spasm  only    

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Other  Agents  �  Trazodone  

�  Probably  most  effec.ve  at  increasing  deep  sleep  �  Low  dose,  50-­‐150  mg,  most  people  take  50  mg  

� Amitryp.line  �  Also  increases  deep  sleep,  especially  with  pain  �  Start  at  10  mg,  most  people  take  20-­‐40  mg    

� Doxepin  �  Enhances  sleep  more  at  lower  doses  �  10  mg  tablet,  liquid,  or  Silenor™  3  mg,  6  mg  

� DDAVP  (Desmopressin)?  

“Sleeping  Pills”  �  Zolpidem,  short-­‐  and  long-­‐ac.ng  

�  Doesn’t  reduce  arousals  or  improve  sleep  architecture  �  Use  for  onset/maintenance  only  if  needed,  e.g.  un.l  other  meds  effec.ve  �  Can  cause  retrograde  amnesia  �  Zolpidem  usually  lasts  5  hours,  ER  about  7  

�  Lunesta  �  Doesn’t  seem  to  reduce  arousals  or  improve  sleep  architecture  �  Occasionally  helps  with  sleep  onset  and  maintenance,  e.g.  un.l  other  

medica.ons  become  effec.ve  �  Usually  lasts  about  7  hours  

�  Zaleplon  �  Good  for  sleep  onset,  especially  gesng  back  to  sleep  �  Lasts  2-­‐3  hours,  no  cogni.ve  impairment  

�  Melatonin/Rozerem  �  Occasionally  helpful  for  Circadian  problems  e.g.  evening  “second  wind”  

An.depressants  �  SSRI’s  oXen  cause  shallower  sleep,  more  dreams  

�  Prozac  worst,  Lexapro  best  �  Use  lowest  effec.ve  dose,  consider  liquid  formula.ons  

�  Cymbalta  sleep  neutral  if  taken  in  AM  �  Tricyclics,  e.g.  amitryp.line,  generally  improve  sleep,  but  oXen  cause  day.me  seda.on  at  an.depressant  doses  

� Wellbutrin  impairs  sleep  if  taken  late  in  day,  so  take  once-­‐daily  (XL)  form  early  in  day  or  consider  AM  only  dosing  of  twice  a  day  (SR)  form  

�  Remeron  can  improve  sleep;  also  can  cause  weight  gain  

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�   Last  night  I  took  one  metropolol  and  the  effect  was  astounding.  I  woke  up  at  4am  wide  awake.  For  the  first  .me  in  my  life  I  woke  up  refreshed  and  didn't  want  to  fall  back  to  sleep.  So  I  got  up  and  started  the  day!  (Before  if  I  have  had  to  get  up  while  it  was  dark  I  felt  physically  ill,  like  I  was  going  to  throw  up.)  I  was  hungry  for  breakfast  too.  I'm  sisng  here  ea.ng  carrots  and  hummus.  Usually  I'm  not  hungry  un.l  noon.  Amazing.    

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     �  “I  am  stunned,  amazed,  and  grateful  at  the  benefits  of  taking  propanolol.  The  improvement  in  my  sleep  quality  alone  is  fantas.c.”  

�  “The  medicine  you  gave  me  is  amazing.    Two  worked  great  but  three  worked  even  be\er.    I  forgot  to  take  it  one  night  and  slept  12  hours  and  felt  terrible.  The  next  night  I  took  it  and  slept  6  hours  and  felt  great.”  

�  The  metoprolol  seems  to  help  considerably  with  my  sleep.  In  fact,  between  metoprolol,  flexeril,  and  good  old  advil,  I’m  able  to  fall  asleep  and  stay  asleep.  The  metoprolol  really  seems  to  be  par.cularly  important  for  quality  of  sleep.    

�   I  just  wanted  to  let  you  know  again  how  much  the  Prazosin  helps  me.  I  am  sleeping  be\er  now  than  I  ever  have  in  my  life.  If  I  get  7  hours  of  sleep,  it's  always  uninterrupted  and  I  awake  feeling  rested  and  ready  for  the  day.  It's  changed  my  life!    

Summary  � The  most  common  type  of  sleep  disorder  seen  in  the  hypermobility  syndromes  appears  to  be  characterized  by  excessive  heart  rate  variability  at  night.  

� Medica.ons  to  suppress,  offset,  or  block  this  excessive  ac.vity  are  effec.ve  in  improving  sleep  quality,  as  measured  both  by  sleep  study  data  and  symptom  relief.  

Summary  (con.nued)  � Improving  sleep  and  minimizing  day.me  stresses  helps  to  replenish  autonomic  reserves,  which  in  turn  improves  day.me  autonomic  balance  and  also  helps  improve  sleep,  which  in  turn  improves  day.me  func.on,  which  in  turn  improves  circadian  rhythms  and  sleep,  which  …..  

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Ehlers-­‐Danlos  Na.onal  Founda.on   August  2013  Conference  

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EDNF  (Sandy  Chack)  and  Dr.  Heidi  Collins  for  invi.ng  me  Dr.  Peter  Rowe  for  encouraging  me  when  others  thought  I  was  nuts  Dr.  Clair  Francomano  and  Dr.  Fraser  Henderson  for  teaching  me  about  EDS  and  s.mula.ng    my  interest  in  it  All  my  pa.ents,  for  having  the  confidence  in  me  to  let  me  experiment  on  them  and  learn  from  them!