Team 2 Depoali Middle School strength tolerance responsibility integrity knowledge empathy Introduction to Teaming and Team Expectations Greetings parents, family and friends! Welcome (back) to Depoali Middle School! We are very excited to be welcoming you to the beginning of a new year. This year, as well as following years, is important in your child’s development, and we will do everything we can to make the start of eighth grade as smooth as possible. Depoali, like many schools across the country, organizes groups of students into teams of instructors and peers. In other words, your student is grouped with a few more than two hundred other students, most of whom have the same teachers for English, math, social studies, and science. This way, we are able to get to know the students and best help them with individual needs. We intend to be a team that focuses on helping students make good choices and encouraging both academic effort and success. With your help and support, we are confident your student will be successful. In order to help your child be as successful as possible we have some expectations and policies that are consistent across the team. All of our policies are proactive—this means we want to set your child up for success and avoid problems before they occur. Please review this letter and other materials your child received (and/or will soon receive) in core classes, including the team policies and procedures handout and class syllabuses. Those materials will help you become familiar with policies and other expectations so that you and your child can be a member of our team! Expected Supplies In this packet you will find team policies and procedures. That handout is expected to stay in your child’s binder for easy reference. That handout lists supplies that your child needs. Please review it and any class syllabuses very carefully. It is worth noting that your child need not have many binders. With few exceptions, he/she should have one central binder with section for different classes. This is intended to aid in organization as well as reduce the stress of trying to remember which binders are needed at any given time. Your student’s binder and planner should go to and from school each day, along with other needed materials, and a backpack will make this much easier. It’s simple: Students who never bring work home are rarely successful. Students need to do their homework, study, and give parents the opportunity to monitor and

Greetings parents, family and friendsdepoalitwo.weebly.com/.../team_2_letter_2015-2015.docx · Web viewGreetings parents, family and friends! Welcome (back) to Depoali Middle School!

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Team 2Depoali Middle School

strength tolerance responsibility integrity knowledge empathy

Introduction to Teaming and Team ExpectationsGreetings parents, family and friends! Welcome (back) to Depoali Middle School! We are very excited to be welcoming you to the beginning of a new year. This year, as well as following years, is important in your child’s development, and we will do everything we can to make the start of eighth grade as smooth as possible.

Depoali, like many schools across the country, organizes groups of students into teams of instructors and peers. In other words, your student is grouped with a few more than two hundred other students, most of whom have the same teachers for English, math, social studies, and science. This way, we are able to get to know the students and best help them with individual needs. We intend to be a team that focuses on helping students make good choices and encouraging both academic effort and success. With your help and support, we are confident your student will be successful.

In order to help your child be as successful as possible we have some expectations and policies that are consistent across the team. All of our policies are proactive—this means we want to set your child up for success and avoid problems before they occur. Please review this letter and other materials your child received (and/or will soon receive) in core classes, including the team policies and procedures handout and class syllabuses. Those materials will help you become familiar with policies and other expectations so that you and your child can be a member of our team!

Expected Supplies In this packet you will find team policies and procedures. That handout is expected to stay in your child’s binder for easy reference.

That handout lists supplies that your child needs. Please review it and any class syllabuses very carefully. It is worth noting that your child need not have many binders. With few exceptions, he/she should have one central binder with section for different classes. This is intended to aid in organization as well as reduce the stress of trying to remember which binders are needed at any given time.

Your student’s binder and planner should go to and from school each day, along with other needed materials, and a backpack will make this much easier. It’s simple: Students who never bring work home are rarely successful. Students need to do their homework, study, and give parents the opportunity to monitor and review their work. If you help us with this expectation, we can make a huge difference.

Common PoliciesOne of the greatest benefits of teaming is that your student will experience some common policies and similar expectations from all of his/her teachers. This limits confusion and conflict as the year progresses. Please review with your son or daughter the team policies and procedures handout that is in this packet.

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Weekly Schedule, Homework & Communication with FamiliesThis is Depoali’s school-wide schedule:Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday FridayPeriods 1-7 meet

Per 1, 3, 5 & 7 meet

Per. 2,4 & 6 meet

Periods 1-7 meet Periods 1-7 meet

We imagine you are used to asking, “Do you have any homework tonight?” and you are also often skeptical when your child always answers “no”. Well, let us answer for them. You can expect homework every single night. Your student will be writing his or her homework assignments in his/her daily planner. If you are concerned with whether or not your child has any homework, this is a great place to check. Specifically, Math and ELA both will generally have short homework assignments every night; other courses will vary.

Email is a fantastic way to communicate with us. If you are concerned about your child’s performance, drop us a message and we will respond.

Although we prefer email, you can call us @ 775-852-6700. We are generally available before school from 7-7:30 am and after school from 2:00-2:45.

Simplest of all, we need your support in enforcing our expectation that your child brings his or her work/homework home every day. This helps you monitor it and helps him or her stay on top of it as well.

Addressing Behavior ProblemsWe are very serious about fostering a healthy and safe learning environment on our team. Students who disrupt this environment will earn fair and stern consequences. Most small problems are dealt with in our individual classes, but if we experience continued problems, students will be escorted into other rooms, may earn in-house suspensions, parent conferences, office referrals, and require development of behavior plans.

S.T.R.I.K.E. SignaturesDepoali has implemented a positive behavior system that rewards students for positive behaviors, both in the classroom and out. If you are not familiar with the STRIKE matrix and signatures, ask your child to show you the relevant pages in his/her planner. Students should have no problems earning at least five signatures per week. When checking your child’s agenda, it’s a good idea to see if your child is meeting that goal. If he/she is not, you may wish to have a discussion, as we have learned that students who are not meeting their goal are frequently struggling academically or socially.

Final ThoughtsThank you in advance for all of your support and understanding. Over the next few years, your child will decide if the path of a student is one he or she wishes to follow. He or she will further develop attitudes to academic subjects and school in general. We will make every effort to nurture these decisions and help your child earn success. If we work together, the next several years can be some of the most rewarding of your child’s life. Again, thank you.

Sincerely, The Teachers of Team 2

phone: 775-852-6700 web: depoalitwo.weebli.com or www.washoe.k12.nv.us/depoali/

Mrs. Evans:Mrs. Hartman:

Mrs. Tolotti:

[email protected]@[email protected]

Mrs. Weinhold:Mr. Williams: Miss Weeks:

[email protected]@washoeschools.net [email protected]

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Core Class Syllabusstrength tolerance responsibility integrity knowledge empathy

In each of your core classes, you will be expected to follow class objectives, grading, and procedures.

AdvisoryThis is a daily class which could be considered as your student’s home base. It

focuses on character education (STRIKE), team building, and enhancing communication skills. In short, it is a place where we build a close-knit school community. It’s also a good first line of communication for parents. In this class, we will check planners, create weekly home and school goals, discuss homework skills, and also address some social issues. You may sometimes see home-school STRIKE assignments, which are great opportunities to discuss these issues and skills with your child.

Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday FridayPlanner checks, signature counts, and free-choice reading.

Team time or CNN Student News

Literacy activities free-choice reading, and/or team time

STRIKE curriculum

STRIKE share,Home goals, and/or team-building

English and Language ArtsTopics: (Nevada State Common Core Standards):

Engagement with deeper level of understanding of literary and nonfiction texts.

Greater proficiency in argumentative, informative, and narrative writing. Sophistication in all aspects of language use, from vocabulary and syntax to the

development and organization of ideas. Adequate mastery of a range of skills and applications in speaking and


Grading Scale: Assessments (tests, quizzes, projects, published writing) 50% Homework 25% Classwork and Participation 25%

Regular Weekly Homework:Two assignments will be ongoing throughout the year: daily free choice sustained reading and regular free choice writing. I cannot emphasize the benefits of these enough. Students who read daily do better on standardized assessments and have a greater chance for success in college. Please be sure to dedicate time to reading and writing in a distraction-free setting. Parents, please help your students in this endeavor.

Homework and reading logs: 150 min. of free choice reading turned in Friday with parent signature. Independent writing notebook – assigned once a week.

Tips for Success

✔Attendance is essential to your success as a student. If you are absent, it is your responsibility to obtain the make-up work.

✔Always come to class prepared with all necessary materials and an appropriate attitude.

✔Participation in class is very important to your growth as a student. Be an active participant – know when to speak and when to listen!

✔Always come to class on time and be prepared to do your best!

✔Assignments are due at the beginning of class, should show pride in work, and

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A weekly parent letter will be sent on Monday. The back of the letter will have the student reading log.

Life ScienceObjectives: per the NGSS Standards

Students in middle school develop an understanding of key concepts to help them make sense of the life sciences. These ideas build upon students’ science understanding from earlier grades and from the disciplinary core ideas, science and engineering practices, and crosscutting concepts of other experiences with physical and earth sciences.

 The performance expectations help students formulate answers to the questions: How can one explain the ways cells contribute to the function of living organisms? How does a system of living and non-living things operate to meet the needs of the organism in an

ecosystem? How do living organisms pass traits from one generation to the next? How do organisms change over time in response to changes in the environment?

Science Grading Scale: Assessments (tests, quizzes, writing, projects, and labs) 50% Classwork and Participation 30% Homework 20%

Math 7

Math 7 Overview: Common Core Standards Units: Number Sense Expressions and Equations Ratios/Proportions Geometry


Your Homework: 1) Homework will be given regularly and is essential for making you feel secure with your math skills. 2) All homework will be checked for completion, showing all calculations at the beginning of class and must be legible showing: student’s name (first and last), date, and class period. Work without a name, calculations, or poor handwriting will not be accepted and will result in a zero.

Your Comp Book: will be used to take math concept notes (foldables) and problem solve based on common core standards. You are expected to have your comp book in class each and every day. Comp books will be graded quarterly under the classwork/participation category for approximately 100 points.

Math 7 Grading Scale : (based on district standards) Assessments and Projects 50% Homework 20% Classwork and Participation 30%

What’s due tomorrow?What was yesterday’s homework? Where can I download another copy of that assignment?

✔Did you know that we have a website with information from all core teachers, including an assignment calendar?

Visit us at depoalitwo.weebli.com.com and see what’s up!(no www)

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Math 7/8

Math 7/8 is the accelerated math course and differs from the Math 7 course in that it contains content from Math 8. This course logically builds from the 6th grade, but with the additional content it demands a faster pace for instruction and learning.

Math 7/8 Overview: Common Core Standards Units: Number Sense Equations Ratios/Proportions Geometry

Expressions Data Probability Geometry

Your Homework: 1) Homework will be given every night and is essential for making you feel secure with your math skills. 2) All homework will be checked for completion, showing all calculations at the beginning of class and must be legible showing: student’s name (first and last), date, and class period. Work without a name, calculations, or poor handwriting will not be accepted and will result in a zero.

Your Comp Book: will be used to take math concept notes (foldables) and problem solve based on common core standards. You are expected to have your comp book in class each and every day. Comp books will be graded quarterly under the classwork/participation category for approximately 100 points.

Math 7/8 Grading Scale: (based on district standards) Assessments and Projects 50% Homework 20% Classwork and Participation 30%

Please keep in mind: Earning an “A” in Math 7/8 is very difficult. Don’t let this discourage you. This is a fast

paced intensive course. Completing and keeping up on homework and study materials will be essential. See me early if you are having trouble.

This course is intended for students whose maturity, computational and conceptual skills are at a high level. Students will be required to take organized notes daily. Maintaining an organized notes and binder is also essential to this course.

My expectations will be very high. I will be teaching this class at a high level.

Social StudiesClass Overview:

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I am so excited for this new school year and very thrilled to have the opportunity to be your child’s Social Studies teacher. I will do my best to challenge your child and help them further their education in Social Studies. We have a few goals for 7th grade Social Studies. During this next school year we have a large amount of exhilarating History, Geography, Civics, and Economics material to examine. We will engage in this material by using summarizing, analyzing, interpreting skills, and questioning primary / secondary sources, and historical texts. Students will expand their vocabulary and learn the importance of hard work and dedication while engaging themselves in the wonderment and excitement of social studies!

Concepts this year vary and range in years from about 1600-1965 and include the following topics:

Geography Social Studies Skills Colonization Revolutionary War Constitution

Western Expansion 1st Industrial Revolution Civil War Nevada History Play by the Rules

Grading Scale: Assessments 50% Homework 15% Classwork and Participation 35%
