r r- i J t < n THE PENSACQLA JOURNAL WEDNESDAYMORNING OCTOBER 13 1909 mu Gray Insists on InvestigationFe- wThings Which Happened in Mobile Full Particu- lars ¬ Given So That You Can Investigate by r Mail Phone Wire or C Thats p > v Business Aint It B I Away with promises we want facts Its easy to publish what Quaker Herb Extract and oil of Balm Will do hut to prove It Is a different proposi- tion ¬ so say the people of Pensacola to Gray who will be at Hannah Broth- era drug store 17 South Palafox St next Thursday In reply Gray re- quests ¬ a publication of the following find urges the severest investigation ot the same of which he claims happened in Mobile only a few weeks ago Mrs E A Hughes who resides at Item and Springfield avenue Mo ¬ bile Ala who had undergone three operations in the past two years and had gave up all nope of ever seeing a well day again for over 7 years she suffered with stomach trouble of various kinds She was constipated subject to bloating belching and dizziness Her appetite was changeable sometimes she was ravenously hungry and at other times the very sight of food would nauseate her She was restless in her sleep and generally had horrible dreams Her memory was weak She was very nervous and in general serious condition All treatments had failed to relieve her she kept growing worse her husband called on Gray the Quaker Health Teach- er ¬ purchased a bottle of the Quaker Herb Extract took it home and his wife had taken it according to directions only four days when to the sur- prise ¬ pf aU she expelled a monster life sapping tape worm head and com- plete ¬ 1 over 50 feet In length this was the cause of all her stomach trouble this was the cause of all her suffering for the past years and today she Is well and happy i Another very important case 3Ir W Jo Wheeler of No 305 N Jack- son ¬ street who is an employee of the Southern R R Mobile Division whoI t has for years suffered with stomach trouble Indigestion constipation kid- ney ¬ and liver was losing much times He had read and heard of the many people who were being cured by the use of the wonderful Quaker Herb Extract and Oil of Balm He decided to try them procured one bottle aud after using the Extract only a few days came back and stated to Gray he had taken almost everything on the market and had tried various treat- ments ¬ but I never had anything to do for me what Quaker Herb Extract did Why the third dose I took I felt better My bowels commenced to act r and I passed as much as a cupful of small white worms and the very next action half as many more and from that time I feel that I am a well man and I sincerely thank the Quaker remedies for it Now Gray wishes any person who has a tape worm or If you know of any one who has kindly tell them Gray would like to talk to them He will give them a bottle of Quaker Herb Extract free just to prove it will expell tape worms without hav- ing ¬ to diet or starve in a tew short hours Call Thursday and nave a talk with Gray at Hannah Brothers Drug Store No 17 Palafox street Gray >> rove what he says from 9 a m to 5p m ir W Al BLOUNT- IS OPTIMISTIC TELLS THE TAMPA TRIBUNE THAT HE IS MUCH ENCOURAG- ED GIVEN WARM RECEPTION- IN TAMPA J jrhe Tampa Tribune of Monday con- tained ¬ the following j UI am more than surprised and feel highly gratified at the manner in which my candidacy for the United States senate is being met by the people of Florida said Hon W A Blount of Pensacola who was a call- er ¬ at tho Tribune office yesterday and who is at present the guest of Col Peter O Knight In this city It needs but a few minutes of con- versation ¬ with him to be convinced that ho is really optimistic for th reallaztion of his hopes Mr Blount enjoys a rather unique distinction iu the race It also borders on the para- doxical ¬ He is an attorney at law and has seldom beep an aspirant for po ¬ tJcal honors- In this day and age when lawyers rwho want omce and who always have wanted office are as common as nota ¬ ries public around a county court house the position of Mr Blount who has refused heretofore to enter his personality into officeholding is certainly out of the ordinary He has confined himself earnestly and stead- fastly ¬ to the pursuit of his profes- sion ¬ UP to the present there are several entries in the race for the Uppox Rouse at Washington and the books have not been closed yet The present United States senatos from the state of Florida are Hon a J P Taliaferro whose term will have shortly expired but who very much desires to retain his seat now that he has warmed it up and Hon Dun ¬ can U Fletcher The most striking feature of this situation is that both of these gentlemen come from Jack- sonville ¬ and other candidates are tak- ing ¬ advantage this to assault that citadel as being a closed corporation on the office of United States sena ¬ torThen there are Mr Blount already spoken of in this article and Mr Reeves of Pensacola ExGovernor Broward of Jacksonville and Claude LEngle of Tallahassee Why He Looks Pleased When I say surprised and grati- fied ¬ he continued HI can well say i that I mean It 1 went over to Jack oonvlUe and naturally expected that f would get a cold reception from the homo city of the present incumbents Much to my astonishment and pleas- ure I found there a very strong sen- timent ¬ against the idea of Jackson- ville ¬ hogging it all Tile better ele- ment ¬ and the sound men of that city stated to me that the plums should be passed around and that Florida would be better represented by having representatives in the United States 1 The Fight Is On Every moment of your life when you are at ham or abroad L awake or asleep etweanthepsongermsthatarjfr food and water everywhere and the billions of yonI invisible friends s inyour blood If these little soldiers are kept strong 1 and healthy by taking Hoods pariila you need have no fear of dia age Begin using it at once if you are at all under the weather or have tronbles of the blood stomach liver Eid kjdagyiu Get it of your druggist t p = senate from different sections of the state than to have them issue from one single center of the stat- eI am elated at the manner in whicu my old friends all over the state have written to me of their own accord and without any solicitation from me and promising me their aid and sup ¬ port in my campaign These volun ¬ tary assurances give me the great- est ¬ encouragement and I sincerely ba Ileve that I will be successful in the campaign An Able Man Without espousing the cause of any particular candidate for the senate The Tribune can truthfully say that Mr Blount would certainly grace the United States senate if he is elected- He is an able man with a distin ¬ record for integrity in flis professin In which he ranks highlv He has a genial personality and is a most pleasing man to meet He has entered the campaign full of deter- mination ¬ to win out and he says that he has not met with a discouraging- sign as yet- SLIGHTLY COLDER WITH SNOW When you see that kind of a weath- er ¬ forecast you know that rheumatism weather Is at hand Get ready for it now by getting a bottle of Ballards Snow Liniment Finest thing made for rheumatism chilblains frost bite sore and stIff joints and muscles all aches ana pains 25c 50c and 100- a bottle Sold by W A DAlemberte drug ¬ gist and apothecY 121 S Palafox St WALNUT HILL Special to the Journal Walnut Hill Oct 12The much needed shower came last Sunady and things seem very much revived Rev Mr Baggett preached a very interesting sermon here last Sunday There were also five accessions to the church Brother Baggetc has served the church here as pastor for quite i number of years and the people were glad to have him here again Miss Mattie Steward who is at tending the high school at Atmore visited home folk last Sunday Miss Godwin the teacher of Oak Grove school attended tne preaching services here last Sunday Miss Bessye Gully visited per friend Miss Ora Mimms last Sunday Miss Lucylo Graham Is visiting relatives at Robinsonville Ala at this writing Miss Lizzie Nicholsen of Oak Grove visited Miss Llllye Belle Mimms hero last Sunday Miss Della Lambert was a pleasant visitor here last Sunday Messrs Lonnie and Chapper Mimms visited home folk here last Saturday and Sunday DeWitt Smith who has been em- I ¬ ployed at Booneville Ala for the past few months is at home again Mr and Mrs E D Donaldson and I family and Mr and Mrs Will Don ¬ aldson visited relatives at McKlnnjn- vllle last Sunday- Ed Beck one of Enons prospero farmers passed through here last Monday en route for Atmore with a load of cotton Levi mimms W M Smith and E D Burroughs went to Atmore last Saturday J B Steward killed a large rattle- snake ¬ one day last week The singing at the home of Mr and Mrs Levi Mimms last Sunday even- ing ¬ was a splendid success Our scnol is progressing very nice ¬ ly All the pupils have not come in yet They are busy yet picking cot ¬ ton We are hoping that the crops will soon be gathered and that the children will soon come to school FOUR ARE KILLED IWACOLLISIONf- ly Associated Press Greenville Texas Oct 12one whit man and three negroes were killed and two white men fatally In ¬ jured at Kensington today when two freight trains on the Missouri Kansas and Teas Railroad collided I BOAT CLUB HAD A FINE EVENING HOUSEWARMING WAS DELIGHT FUL EVENT REFRESHMENTS- BEING SERVED AND NEW COM ¬ MODORE BEING SELECTED- An enjoyable evening was spent by the membership of the Pensacola Yacht and Motor Boat Club at the new meeting place on Baylen wharf It was a real housewarming and everyone present seemed to get real enjoyment train the gathering Light refreshments were served this having been provided as a surprise to the greater number who attended New Commodore- The resignation of George T Mor ¬ gan as commodore which had been received at a former meeting was ac ¬ cepted James C Watson who was vicecommodore was at once elected 4o fill the vacancy B H Thomas- was made vicecommodore and Peter Lindenstruth rear commodore- The Regatta Entries- A rule was adopted placing the tide limit on regatta entries as Oc ¬ tober 25 Boat owners will have to send In names of their vessels on or before that date if they wish to take part In the TrlCounty Fair regatta PEARY CHARGES AGAINST COOK MADE PUBLIC Continued from First Page us to the Eskimo boys Still later Commander Peary asked questions In minor points that had oc curred to him During the taking of his testimony- It developed that Dr Cook had told these boys as he told Mr Whitney and Billy Pritchard the cabin boy that they must not tell Commander Peary or any or us anything about their Journey and the boys stated Dr Cook had threatened them If they should tell anything The narrative of these Eaklmoa la as follows They with Dr Cook Francke and nine other Eskimos left Anoratok slept in Commander Pearys old house in Payer Harbor then went through Rice StraIt- to Buchanan Bay After a few marches Francke and three Eskimos returned to Anoratok- Dr Cook with the others then pro ceeded Flagler Bay a branch of Bu chanan Bay and crossed Ellesmere Land through the valley pass at the head or Flagler Bay indicated by Commander Peary and utilized by Sverdrui in 1899 to the head of Sverdrups Bay Fiord on the west side of Ellesmere Land Their route then lay out through this fiord thence north through Sverdrups Heueka Sound and Nansen Strait On their way they klllel muskoxer and bear and made catches arriving eventually at a point on the west Bide of Nansen Strait shore of Axel Helberj Land of Sverdrup south of Cape Thomas Hubbard- A cache was formed here and the four Eskimos did not go beyond this point Two others Koolootinswah and hito went on one more march with Dr Cook and the two boys helped to build the snow igloo then returned without sleeping These two Eskimos brought back a letter from Dr Cook to Francke dated the 17th of March The two men re ¬ joined the other four men who had been left behind and the six returned to Ano ¬ ratok arriving May 7th This informa ¬ tion was obtained not from the two Eski- mo ¬ boys but from the six men who re ¬ turned and from Francke himself and was known to us in the summer of 1908 when the Roosevelt first arrived at Etah The Information is Inserted here as sup- plementary ¬ to the narrative of the two boys Alter sleeping at the camp where the last two Eskimos turned back Dr Cook and the two boys went In a northerly or northwesterly direction with two sledges and twenty old dogs one more march when they encountered rough ice and a lead of open water They did not enter this rough Ice nor cross the lead but turned westward or soujthwteatward a short distance and returned to Helberg Land at a point west of where they had left the cache and where the four men had turned back Here they remained four or five sleeps and during the time Itookashoo went back to the cache and got bis gun which- he had left there and a few items of supplies When asked why only a few supplies- were taken from cache the boys re- plied ¬ that anly a small amount of pro ¬ visions had been used in the few days since they left the cache and that their sledges still bad all they could carry- so that they could not take more After being informed of the boys nar- rative ¬ thus far Commander Peary sug- gested ¬ a series of questions to be put to the boys in regard to this trip from the land out and back to it These questions and answers are as follows Did they cross many open leads or much open water during this time Ans None Did they make any caches out on the ice Ans No Did they kill any bear or seal while out on the Ice north of Cape Thomas Hubbard Ans No Did they kill or lose any of their dogs while out on the ice Ans No With how many sledges did they start ADs Two How many dogs did they have Ans Did not remember exactly but something over twenty How many sledges did they have when they got back to land Ans Two Did they have any provisions left on their sedges when they came back to land Ans Yes The sledges still had about all they could they were able to take but a few things from the cache From here they then went southwest along the northwest coast of Helberg Land to a point indicated on the map Sverdrups Cape Northwest From here they went west across the Ice which was level and covered with snow offering good going to a low island which they had seen from the shore of Heiberg Land at Cape Northwest On this island they camped for ono The size and position of this Island- as drawn by the first boy was criticised by the second boy as being too large and too far to the west the second boy call Ing the attention of the first to the fact that the position of the Island was more nearly In line with the point where they- had left Helberg Land Northwest- and > the channel between Amund Ringnes Land and Ellef Rlngnes Land The criticism and correction was ac Sticky Sweating Palmsaf- ter taking salts or cathartlo watersdid you ever notice that weary all gone feelingthe palms- of your hands sweatand rotten taste in your mouth Cathartics only move by sweating your bowels Do a lot of hurt a CASCA RET and eee how much easier the job is done how much better you feeL GC- 8CASCASETStoe a box for a we i treatment aU drLsu Biggest seller ia the world iiiliioa bests a SlOUCL- J ALL STOMACH MISERY ENDS INDIGESTION GAS HEARTBURN- OR DYSPEPSIA IS COMPLETELY OVERCOME FIVE MINUTES AF ¬ TER TAKING A LITTLE DIAPEP- SIN ¬ I The question as to how long you aro going to continue a sufferer from Indigestion Dyspepsia or outofor- der stomach Is merely a matter ot how soon you begin taking some Dia ¬ pepsin- If your stomach is lakclng in diges- tive ¬ power why not aelp the stom- ach ¬ to do its work not with drastic drugs but a reenforcement of diges- tive ¬ agents such as are naturally at work in the stomach People with weak Stomachs should take a little Diapepsin occasionally- and there willbe no more Indiges- tion ¬ no feeling like s lump of lead ia the stomach no heartburn Sour ris ¬ ings Gas on Stomach or Belching of undigested food Headac1es Dizziness or Sick Stomach and besides what you eat will not ferment and poison your breath with nauseous odors AU these symptoms resulting from a sour outoforder stomach and dyspepsia- are generally relieved five minutes af- ter ¬ taking a little Diapepsin Go to your druggist and get a 50 cent case of Papes Diapepsin now and you will always go to the taVe with a hearty appetite and what you eat will taste good because your stomach and intestines will be clean and fresh and you will know thera are not going to be any more bad nights and miserable days for you They freshen you and make you feel life Is worth living copied by the first boy who started to change the position of the island but was stopped as Commander Pearl had given instructions that no changes or erasures were to be made In the route- as drawn by the Eskimos on tho chart From this island they could see two lands beyond Sverdrupa Ellef Rlngncs and Around Rlngnes Lands From the island they journeyed toward the left hand one of these two lands Amund Rlngnes Land passing a small island which they did not visit Arriving at the shore of Amund Rlng ¬ nes Land the Eskimos killed a deer as indicated on the chart The above italicised portion of the statement of the Eskimo the period of time in which Dr Cook claims- to have gone to the Pole and back and the entire time during which he could possibly have made any attempts to go to It The answer of tIe Eskimo boys to Commander Pear > s aeries of Independent questions shown7 that they killed no game made no caches lost no dogs and returned to the land with loaded sledges makes their attainment of tho Pole tin the trip North of Cape Thomas Hubbard- a physical and mathematical impossibil- ity ¬ as it would demand the subsistence of three men and over twenty dogs dur- ing ¬ a Journey oGiteo hundred and forty geographical orr less than two sledge loads of supplies If it is suggested that perhaps Dr Cook got mixed and that he reached the pole or thought he did between the time of leaving the northwest coast of Heiberg Land at Cape Northwest and his arrival at RlngneB Land where they killed the deer we must then add to the date of Dr Cooks letter ot March 17th at or near Cape Thomas Hubbard the subsequent four or live sleeps at that point and the number of days required- to march from Cape Thomas Hubbard to Cape Northwest a distance of some sixty nautical miles which would advance his date of departure from the land to at least the 26th of March and bo prepared- to accept the claim that Dr Cook went from Cape Northwest about latitude eighty and a half degrees North to the Pole a distance of five hundred and seventy geographical miles In twenty seven days After killing the deer they then trav- eled ¬ south along the east side of Ring nes Land to tho point Indicated on the chart where they killed another deer They then went east across the south part of Crown Prince Gustav Sea to the south end of Heibiirg Land then down through Norwegian Bay where they se- cured ¬ some bears but not until after they had killed some of their dogs to the east side of Graham Island then eastward to the little bay marked Eids Fiord on Sverdrups chart then south ¬ west to Hells Gate and Simmons Penin ¬ sulaHere for the first time during the en- tire ¬ Journey except as already noted ort Cape Thomas H Hubbard they encoun- tered ¬ open water On this point the boys were clear emphatic and unshakable They spent a good deal of time In this region and finally abandoned their dogs and one sledge took to their boat crossed Hells Gate to North Kent up into Nor- folk ¬ Inlet then Tack along the north coast of Colin Archer Peninsula to Cape Vera where they obtained fresh older duck eggs There they out the remaining sledge off that is shortened It as It was awkward to transport with the boat and near here they killed a walrus The statement in regard to the fresh eider duck eggs permits the approximate determination of the date at this time- as about the first day of July This state ¬ ment also serves If indeed anything more than the Inherent straightforwardness and detail of their narrative were needed to substantiate tho accuracy and truth- fulness ¬ of the boys statement This lo- cality ¬ of Cape Vera is mentioned in Sverdrups narrative as the place where during his stay In that region he ob- tained eider ducks eggs From Cape Vera they went on down in ¬ to the southwest angle of Jones Sound where they killed a seal thence cast along the south coast of the Sound kill- ing ¬ three bears at the point noted on the map to the peninsula known as Cape Sparbo on the map about midway on the south side of Tones Sound Here they killed some muskoxen and continu- ing ¬ east killed four more at tho place Indicated on the chart and were finally stopped by the pack ice at the mouth of Jones Sound From here they turned back to Cape Sparbo where they win- tered ¬ and killed many muskoxen After the sun returned In 1909 they started pushing their sledge across Tones Sound to Cape Tennyson thence along the cast to Clarence Head passing inside- of two small islands not shown on the chart but drawn on It by the boys where they killed a bear thence across the broad bight in the coast to Cadogaa Fiord thence around Cape Isabella and up to Commander Pearys old keus in Payer Harbor near Cape Sablne where they found a seal cached for them by Pankpah Itookashoos father From here they crossed Smith Sound on the tee arriving at Anoratok Signed R B PKART V S N ROBERT A BARTLETT Master S R Roosevelt n B MCMILLAN GEORGE BORLP MATTHEW A HEXSON SMALLEST AUTO IN WORLD New Orleans Oct 12What is said to be the smallest complete automo ¬ bile ever constructed arrived here last night It is the property of W J Durand of New Iberia La president- of the Louisiana Automobile club it Is three and onehalf feet long and 18 Inches wide most of the parts being made in France by special order t l c J 1A v i 1lJJ We Are neadqtiartcrsj for all of the following goods tSj We have what you want when you want it Come here first and always save e time and trouble of walking all over the city v T t Stuarts Dyspepsia Tablets 50c and 100 Stuarts Charcoal Lozenges 25c- f Stuarts Calcium Wafers 50c e Dr Howards Specific 25c e IVTiona Tablets 50c E rj Papes Diapepsin 50c r 7 Papes Diuretic 50c 1 Compound Cardial 50c E Fluid Balrzivvort 50c lI CadQniiene 90c r Booth s Hyomel 50c and 100- Cardulfor E 1 women 100- D Hebras Ungoid 50c i VIola Cream 50c a a a a a e a a Viola Soap 25c rj Parisian Sage HaIr TonIc SOc r1J IIerpicide 50c and 100- D SJinol 100- r sBtq a e D D t 100 tJ oJ Cheneys Expectorant 25c rsi Agency for i Candies Sold 2507 pounds oft Whitmans in one week I Home of the 3t Remedie- s0THCRYSTALPHARMACY BRENT BUILDING gf < RT itF fsr r PANAMA CITY Special to the Journal Panama City Oct 12Mrs May Hogeboom lea this morning for St Andrews where she has accepted a position in Mrs O H Kestera milli- nery ¬ department- Miss Florence Tibers of Chipley is a pleasant Panama City visitor this week Hon D H Mays was a visitor on the bay this week looking over condi ¬ tions and getting acquainted with the wants of the people A Hogeboom has ibeen refitting his skating rink and putting in a bowling alley where the the bath rooms were Chas Thompson has sold his place on Magnolia avenue to Dr Hill Mr Thompson will go to South Florida soon Contractor Rodgers is engaged in- putting up a jail at the west end ot First street for the use of tne city The Standard Oil schooner Ira came in port yesterday with a cargo of oil W F Lock and F A Witherill took a pleasure trip up East Bay Sat ¬ urday Drs Hill and Adams have received their stock of drugs and are nov ready to furnish the people with the same TO REVOKE CHARTER- OF ORGANIZATION By Associated Press Tampa Fla Oct 12Just what action wil be taken by the convention of the building trades department of the American Federation of Labor in the case ot M B Skinny Madden- of Chicago who is here for the pur- pose ¬ it is alleged of having the char ¬ ter of the building trades council of Chicago revoked was not indicated at the morning session of the conven- tion ¬ today Madden declined to dis ¬ cuss his fight declaring he would make his arguments before the con- vention ¬ itself when given an oppor ¬ tunity The meeting today was oc- cupied ¬ solely with routine reports SNOW AND ICE IN MINNESOTA- By Associated Press Duluth Minn Oct Yesterdays blizzard continued today at the head- of the lakes A cutting wind driving in tram Lake Superior with constant flurries of snow Ice clad pavements- and a predominance of heavy fur gar- ments worn by Duluth citizens con ¬ tributed to the December appearance- of the present storm which struck this locality twentyfour hours ago Much delay is being experienced- by shipping on the lake On the rangle the blazzard has been general with reports of a foot or more of NIP IT IN THE BUDV First Appearance of Dandruff a Fore ¬ runner of Future Baldness That such Is the case has been con- clusively ¬ proven by scientific re ¬ search Prof Unna the noted Euro- pean skin specialist declares that dandruff is the qurrowedap cuticle of the scalp caused by parasites de- stroying the vitality in the hair bulb The hair becomes lifeless and in time falls out This can be pre- vented ¬ Newbros Kerpicide kills this dan ¬ druff germ and restores the hair to its natural softness and abundancy- Herpicide is now used by thou stands of people rail satisfied that it is the most wonderful hair preparation on the market today Sold by leading druggita Send tOe In stamps for sample to The Herpi eide Co Detroit Mich One dollar bottles guaranteed W A DAlemberte druggist and apothe ¬ cary 121 S Palafox St c WE ARE OFFERING SPECIAL LOW PRICE- Son on BUGGIES AND RUNABOUTS I WM JOHNSON SON Old S mthiles Oaklands I Brush Escambia Motor Car Co EastVGarclen Streets- now at various planes causing suf- fering ¬ tto live stock BRYAN IN SEATTLE Seattle Washn Oct 12 William Jennings Bryan arrived from Portland today and was met at the train by a committee of leading Democrats He visited the fair during the day and delivered a lecture there MEWAN IS DECORATED Brussels Oct 12Klng Leopold has decorated Walter McEwan the American painter with the order of Leopold II MOORS REPULSED Penon de la Gomera Morocco Oct 12 The Moors opened fire on this town today but were promptly shelled and driven off by the Spanish troops AFRAID OF HIS WIFE Macon Ga Oct 12Charging cruelty and other mistreatment D T Ricks filed suit for divorce yesterday against his wife Lizzie Ricks Among other things Ricks asserts that Mrs Rick frequently kicks him and that he is deathly nlrald of her r BELASCO IS IMPROVING- New York Oct 12Phe condition of David Belasco the theatrical man- ager who Is ill with pneumonia today showed a slight Improvement- MAJ BATES UNCONSCIOUS New York Oct 12MaJor General Alfred E Bates United States army retired who was stricken with apo- plexy ¬ Sunday Ws still unconscious today and no hope Is offered for his recovery General Bates Is 69 years old RICE MEN IN SESSION New Orleans Oct 12 Prominent memfoers of the tRice Association of America gathered here today for a meeting planned to discuss methods towards bringing about a greater con ¬ sumption of rice In the north and east It is declared that while prices on rough rice have been comparatively- high the quotations on clean rice have been proportionately low due to a sufficient lack of demand in the lat- ter ¬ instance For Dyspepsia- You Risk Nothing by Trying This Remedy- We w want every one troubled with indigestion and dyspepsia to come to our store and obtain a box of RaxaU Dyspepsia Tablets They contain BIs muthSubnitrate and Pepsin prepared- by a process which develops their greatest power to overcome diges- tive ¬ disturbance Rexall Dyspepsia Tablets are very pleasant to take They soothe the Irritable weak stomach strengthen and Invigorate the digestive organs relieve nausea and indigestion pro ¬ mote nutrition and bring about a feel lug of comfort Ifyou give Rexall Dyspepsia Tab ¬ lets a reasonable trial we will return your money If you are not satisfied with the result Three sizes 25 cents 50 cents and 100 Remember- you can obtain Rexall Remedies in Pensacola only at our storeThe Rexall Store The Crystal Pharmacy Brent Building KEEP u K11 E11 B 17 P- I IN THE HOME ALWAYS If you have INDIGESTION a touch of RHEUMATISM once in a lj WhjIe or trouble with your jlver or kIdneys It ia becUM your d J5 out ot breaks order Jt yOU cant Ieep at right It your ta e put In dlstlguJ1ntr pImples or blotches Its tile Mme old thtngyoijr out ot order YOu owe Jt to the family to take the Jneomparablo K S 1 a F ILLS EVERV BLOOB POISON K EBP really does what Its name Jndlcatespurtlles tie blood It t a cUre for all diseases or the and blOOd polSdnfng itsetf All Drug Store Sell It Si a Bottle y Letters TT Ei B P red on yellow package Manufactured by J The F W KETTERER MEDICINE COMPANY Jacksonvnie fJa Your druggist sells K E B p J t VV

Gray InvestigationFe- We Are neadqtiartcrsjufdcimages.uflib.ufl.edu/UF/00/07/59/11/00324/0112.pdf · 2009-05-15 · r r- i J t < n THE PENSACQLA JOURNAL WEDNESDAYMORNING OCTOBER

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Page 1: Gray InvestigationFe- We Are neadqtiartcrsjufdcimages.uflib.ufl.edu/UF/00/07/59/11/00324/0112.pdf · 2009-05-15 · r r- i J t < n THE PENSACQLA JOURNAL WEDNESDAYMORNING OCTOBER

r r-




Gray Insists on InvestigationFe-

wThings Which Happened in Mobile Full Particu-lars


Given So That You Can Investigate byr Mail Phone Wire or C Thatsp >

v Business Aint ItB I

Away with promises we want facts Its easy to publish what QuakerHerb Extract and oil of Balm Will do hut to prove It Is a different proposi-tion


so say the people of Pensacola to Gray who will be at Hannah Broth-era drug store 17 South Palafox St next Thursday In reply Gray re-quests


a publication of the following find urges the severest investigation otthe same of which he claims happened in Mobile only a few weeks ago

Mrs E A Hughes who resides at Item and Springfield avenue Mo ¬

bile Ala who had undergone three operations in the past two yearsand had gave up all nope of ever seeing a well day again for over 7 yearsshe suffered with stomach trouble of various kinds She was constipatedsubject to bloating belching and dizziness Her appetite was changeablesometimes she was ravenously hungry and at other times the very sight offood would nauseate her She was restless in her sleep and generally hadhorrible dreams Her memory was weak She was very nervous and ingeneral serious condition All treatments had failed to relieve her shekept growing worse her husband called on Gray the Quaker Health Teach-er


purchased a bottle of the Quaker Herb Extract took it home and hiswife had taken it according to directions only four days when to the sur-prise


pf aU she expelled a monster life sapping tape worm head and com-plete


1 over 50 feet In length this was the cause of all her stomach troublethis was the cause of all her suffering for the past years and today she Iswell and happy

i Another very important case 3Ir W Jo Wheeler of No 305 N Jack-son


street who is an employee of the Southern R R Mobile Division whoIt has for years suffered with stomach trouble Indigestion constipation kid-ney


and liver was losing much times He had read and heard of the manypeople who were being cured by the use of the wonderful Quaker HerbExtract and Oil of Balm He decided to try them procured one bottle audafter using the Extract only a few days came back and stated to Gray hehad taken almost everything on the market and had tried various treat-ments


but I never had anything to do for me what Quaker Herb Extractdid Why the third dose I took I felt better My bowels commenced to act

r and I passed as much as a cupful of small white worms and the very nextaction half as many more and from that time I feel that I am a well manand I sincerely thank the Quaker remedies for it Now Gray wishes anyperson who has a tape worm or If you know of any one who has kindly tellthem Gray would like to talk to them He will give them a bottle of QuakerHerb Extract free just to prove it will expell tape worms without hav-ing


to diet or starve in a tew short hours Call Thursday and nave a talkwith Gray at Hannah Brothers Drug Store No 17 Palafox street Gray>>rove what he says from 9 a m to 5p m








jrhe Tampa Tribune of Monday con-


the followingj UI am more than surprised and feel

highly gratified at the manner inwhich my candidacy for the UnitedStates senate is being met by thepeople of Florida said Hon W ABlount of Pensacola who was a call-er


at tho Tribune office yesterday andwho is at present the guest of ColPeter O Knight In this city

It needs but a few minutes of con-versation


with him to be convincedthat ho is really optimistic for threallaztion of his hopes Mr Blountenjoys a rather unique distinction iuthe race It also borders on the para-doxical


He is an attorney at law andhas seldom beep an aspirant for po ¬

tJcal honors-In this day and age when lawyers

rwho want omce and who always havewanted office are as common as nota ¬

ries public around a county courthouse the position of Mr Blountwho has refused heretofore to enterhis personality into officeholding iscertainly out of the ordinary He hasconfined himself earnestly and stead-fastly

¬to the pursuit of his profes-


UP to the present there are severalentries in the race for the UppoxRouse at Washington and the bookshave not been closed yet

The present United States senatosfrom the state of Florida are Hon

a J P Taliaferro whose term will haveshortly expired but who very muchdesires to retain his seat now thathe has warmed it up and Hon Dun ¬

can U Fletcher The most strikingfeature of this situation is that bothof these gentlemen come from Jack-sonville


and other candidates are tak-ing


advantage this to assault thatcitadel as being a closed corporationon the office of United States sena ¬

torThen there are Mr Blount alreadyspoken of in this article and MrReeves of Pensacola ExGovernorBroward of Jacksonville and ClaudeLEngle of Tallahassee

Why He Looks PleasedWhen I say surprised and grati-


he continued HI can well sayi that I mean It 1 went over to Jack

oonvlUe and naturally expected thatf would get a cold reception from thehomo city of the present incumbentsMuch to my astonishment and pleas-ure I found there a very strong sen-


against the idea of Jackson-ville


hogging it all Tile better ele-


and the sound men of that citystated to me that the plums shouldbe passed around and that Floridawould be better represented by havingrepresentatives in the United States

1 The Fight Is OnEvery moment of your life whenyou are at ham or abroad

L awake or asleepetweanthepsongermsthatarjfr

food and water everywhereand the billions ofyonI invisible friendss

inyour bloodIf these little soldiers are kept strong

1 and healthy by taking Hoodspariila you need have no fear of dia

age Begin using it at once if you areat all under the weather or havetronbles of the blood stomach liverEid kjdagyiu Get it of your druggist


p =senate from different sections of thestate than to have them issue fromone single center of the stat-

eI am elated at the manner in whicumy old friends all over the state havewritten to me of their own accordand without any solicitation from meand promising me their aid and sup ¬

port in my campaign These volun ¬tary assurances give me the great-est


encouragement and I sincerely baIleve that I will be successful in thecampaign

An Able ManWithout espousing the cause of any

particular candidate for the senateThe Tribune can truthfully say thatMr Blount would certainly grace theUnited States senate if he is elected-He is an able man with a distin ¬

record for integrity in flisprofessin In which he ranks highlvHe has a genial personality and is amost pleasing man to meet He hasentered the campaign full of deter-mination


to win out and he says thathe has not met with a discouraging-sign as yet-

SLIGHTLY COLDER WITH SNOWWhen you see that kind of a weath-


forecast you know that rheumatismweather Is at hand Get ready for itnow by getting a bottle of BallardsSnow Liniment Finest thing madefor rheumatism chilblains frost bitesore and stIff joints and muscles allaches ana pains 25c 50c and 100-a bottle

Sold by W A DAlemberte drug ¬gist and apothecY 121 S Palafox St

WALNUT HILLSpecial to the Journal

Walnut Hill Oct 12The muchneeded shower came last Sunady andthings seem very much revived

Rev Mr Baggett preached a veryinteresting sermon here last SundayThere were also five accessions to thechurch Brother Baggetc has servedthe church here as pastor for quite inumber of years and the people wereglad to have him here again

Miss Mattie Steward who is attending the high school at Atmorevisited home folk last Sunday

Miss Godwin the teacher of OakGrove school attended tne preachingservices here last Sunday

Miss Bessye Gully visited per friendMiss Ora Mimms last Sunday

Miss Lucylo Graham Is visitingrelatives at Robinsonville Ala at thiswriting

Miss Lizzie Nicholsen of Oak Grovevisited Miss Llllye Belle Mimms herolast Sunday

Miss Della Lambert was a pleasantvisitor here last Sunday

Messrs Lonnie and ChapperMimms visited home folk here lastSaturday and Sunday

DeWitt Smith who has been em-



ployed at Booneville Ala for the pastfew months is at home again

Mr and Mrs E D Donaldson andIfamily and Mr and Mrs Will Don ¬

aldson visited relatives at McKlnnjn-vllle last Sunday-

Ed Beck one of Enons prosperofarmers passed through here lastMonday en route for Atmore with aload of cotton

Levi mimms W M Smith and ED Burroughs went to Atmore lastSaturday

J B Steward killed a large rattle-snake


one day last weekThe singing at the home of Mr and

Mrs Levi Mimms last Sunday even-ing

¬was a splendid success

Our scnol is progressing very nice ¬

ly All the pupils have not come inyet They are busy yet picking cot ¬

ton We are hoping that the cropswill soon be gathered and that thechildren will soon come to school


ly Associated PressGreenville Texas Oct 12onewhit man and three negroes were

killed and two white men fatally In¬

jured at Kensington today when twofreight trains on the Missouri Kansasand Teas Railroad collided








An enjoyable evening was spent bythe membership of the PensacolaYacht and Motor Boat Club at thenew meeting place on Baylen wharfIt was a real housewarming andeveryone present seemed to get realenjoyment train the gathering Lightrefreshments were served this havingbeen provided as a surprise to thegreater number who attended

New Commodore-The resignation of George T Mor¬

gan as commodore which had beenreceived at a former meeting was ac¬

cepted James C Watson who wasvicecommodore was at once elected4o fill the vacancy B H Thomas-was made vicecommodore and PeterLindenstruth rear commodore-

The Regatta Entries-A rule was adopted placing the

tide limit on regatta entries as Oc¬

tober 25 Boat owners will have tosend In names of their vessels on orbefore that date if they wish to takepart In the TrlCounty Fair regatta


MADE PUBLICContinued from First Page

us to the Eskimo boysStill later Commander Peary asked

questions In minor points that had occurred to him

During the taking of his testimony-It developed that Dr Cook had told theseboys as he told Mr Whitney and BillyPritchard the cabin boy that they mustnot tell Commander Peary or any or usanything about their Journey and theboys stated Dr Cook had threatenedthem If they should tell anything

The narrative of these Eaklmoa la asfollows

They with Dr Cook Francke and nineother Eskimos left Anoratok slept inCommander Pearys old house in PayerHarbor then went through Rice StraIt-to Buchanan Bay After a few marchesFrancke and three Eskimos returned toAnoratok-

Dr Cook with the others then proceeded Flagler Bay a branch of Buchanan Bay and crossed Ellesmere Landthrough the valley pass at the head orFlagler Bay indicated by CommanderPeary and utilized by Sverdruiin 1899 to the head of Sverdrups BayFiord on the west side of EllesmereLand

Their route then lay out through thisfiord thence north through Sverdrups

Heueka Sound and Nansen StraitOn their way they klllel muskoxer

and bear and made catches arrivingeventually at a point on the west Bide ofNansen Strait shore of Axel HelberjLand of Sverdrup south of Cape ThomasHubbard-

A cache was formed here and the fourEskimos did not go beyond this pointTwo others Koolootinswah andhito went on one more march with DrCook and the two boys helped to buildthe snow igloo then returned withoutsleeping

These two Eskimos brought back aletter from Dr Cook to Francke datedthe 17th of March The two men re¬

joined the other four men who had beenleft behind and the six returned to Ano ¬

ratok arriving May 7th This informa ¬

tion was obtained not from the two Eski-mo


boys but from the six men who re¬

turned and from Francke himself andwas known to us in the summer of 1908when the Roosevelt first arrived at EtahThe Information is Inserted here as sup-plementary


to the narrative of the twoboys

Alter sleeping at the camp where thelast two Eskimos turned back Dr Cookand the two boys went In a northerly ornorthwesterly direction with two sledgesand twenty old dogs one more marchwhen they encountered rough ice and alead of open water They did not enterthis rough Ice nor cross the lead butturned westward or soujthwteatward ashort distance and returned to HelbergLand at a point west of where they hadleft the cache and where the four menhad turned back

Here they remained four or five sleepsand during the time Itookashoo wentback to the cache and got bis gun which-he had left there and a few items ofsupplies

When asked why only a few supplies-were taken from cache the boys re-plied


that anly a small amount of pro ¬

visions had been used in the few dayssince they left the cache and that theirsledges still bad all they could carry-so that they could not take more

After being informed of the boys nar-rative


thus far Commander Peary sug-gested


a series of questions to be put tothe boys in regard to this trip from theland out and back to it

These questions and answers are asfollows

Did they cross many open leads ormuch open water during this time AnsNone

Did they make any caches out on theice Ans No

Did they kill any bear or seal whileout on the Ice north of Cape ThomasHubbard Ans No

Did they kill or lose any of their dogswhile out on the ice Ans No

With how many sledges did they startADs Two

How many dogs did they have AnsDid not remember exactly but somethingover twenty

How many sledges did they have whenthey got back to land Ans Two

Did they have any provisions left ontheir sedges when they came back toland Ans Yes The sledges still hadabout all they could they wereable to take but a few things from thecache

From here they then went southwestalong the northwest coast of HelbergLand to a point indicated on the mapSverdrups Cape NorthwestFrom here they went west across the

Ice which was level and covered withsnow offering good going to a low islandwhich they had seen from the shore ofHeiberg Land at Cape Northwest Onthis island they camped for ono

The size and position of this Island-as drawn by the first boy was criticisedby the second boy as being too large andtoo far to the west the second boy callIng the attention of the first to the factthat the position of the Island was morenearly In line with the point where they-had left Helberg Land Northwest-and


the channel between Amund RingnesLand and Ellef Rlngnes Land

The criticism and correction was ac

Sticky SweatingPalmsaf-ter taking salts or cathartlowatersdid you ever notice thatweary all gone feelingthe palms-of your hands sweatand rottentaste in your mouth Catharticsonly move by sweating your bowels

Do a lot of hurt a CASCARET and eee how much easier thejob is done how much betteryou feeL GC-

8CASCASETStoe a box for a we itreatment aU drLsu Biggest selleria the world iiiliioa bests a SlOUCL-











The question as to how long youaro going to continue a sufferer fromIndigestion Dyspepsia or outofor-der stomach Is merely a matter othow soon you begin taking some Dia ¬

pepsin-If your stomach is lakclng in diges-


power why not aelp the stom-ach


to do its work not with drasticdrugs but a reenforcement of diges-tive


agents such as are naturally atwork in the stomach

People with weak Stomachs shouldtake a little Diapepsin occasionally-and there willbe no more Indiges-tion


no feeling like s lump of lead iathe stomach no heartburn Sour ris ¬

ings Gas on Stomach or Belching ofundigested food Headac1es Dizzinessor Sick Stomach and besides whatyou eat will not ferment and poisonyour breath with nauseous odors AUthese symptoms resulting from a souroutoforder stomach and dyspepsia-are generally relieved five minutes af-


taking a little DiapepsinGo to your druggist and get a 50

cent case of Papes Diapepsin nowand you will always go to the taVewith a hearty appetite and what youeat will taste good because yourstomach and intestines will be cleanand fresh and you will know theraare not going to be any more badnights and miserable days for youThey freshen you and make you feellife Is worth living

copied by the first boy who started tochange the position of the island butwas stopped as Commander Pearl hadgiven instructions that no changes orerasures were to be made In the route-as drawn by the Eskimos on tho chart

From this island they could see twolands beyond Sverdrupa Ellef Rlngncsand Around Rlngnes Lands From theisland they journeyed toward the lefthand one of these two lands AmundRlngnes Land passing a small islandwhich they did not visit

Arriving at the shore of Amund Rlng¬

nes Land the Eskimos killed a deer asindicated on the chart

The above italicised portion of thestatement of the Eskimo theperiod of time in which Dr Cook claims-to have gone to the Pole and back andthe entire time during which he couldpossibly have made any attempts to goto It

The answer of tIe Eskimo boys toCommander Pear> s aeries of Independentquestions shown7 that they killed nogame made no caches lost no dogs andreturned to the land with loaded sledgesmakes their attainment of tho Pole tinthe trip North of Cape Thomas Hubbard-a physical and mathematical impossibil-ity


as it would demand the subsistenceof three men and over twenty dogs dur-ing


a Journey oGiteo hundred and fortygeographical orr less than twosledge loads of supplies

If it is suggested that perhaps DrCook got mixed and that he reached thepole or thought he did between thetime of leaving the northwest coast ofHeiberg Land at Cape Northwest andhis arrival at RlngneB Land where theykilled the deer we must then add to thedate of Dr Cooks letter ot March 17that or near Cape Thomas Hubbard thesubsequent four or live sleeps at thatpoint and the number of days required-to march from Cape Thomas Hubbard toCape Northwest a distance of some sixtynautical miles which would advance hisdate of departure from the land to atleast the 26th of March and bo prepared-to accept the claim that Dr Cook wentfrom Cape Northwest about latitudeeighty and a half degrees North to thePole a distance of five hundred andseventy geographical miles In twentyseven days

After killing the deer they then trav-eled


south along the east side of Ringnes Land to tho point Indicated on thechart where they killed another deer

They then went east across the southpart of Crown Prince Gustav Sea to thesouth end of Heibiirg Land then downthrough Norwegian Bay where they se-cured


some bears but not until afterthey had killed some of their dogs tothe east side of Graham Island theneastward to the little bay marked EidsFiord on Sverdrups chart then south ¬

west to Hells Gate and Simmons Penin ¬

sulaHere for the first time during the en-tire


Journey except as already noted ortCape Thomas H Hubbard they encoun-tered


open water On this point the boyswere clear emphatic and unshakableThey spent a good deal of time In thisregion and finally abandoned their dogsand one sledge took to their boat crossedHells Gate to North Kent up into Nor-folk


Inlet then Tack along the northcoast of Colin Archer Peninsula to CapeVera where they obtained fresh olderduck eggs There they out the remainingsledge off that is shortened It as It wasawkward to transport with the boat andnear here they killed a walrus

The statement in regard to the fresheider duck eggs permits the approximatedetermination of the date at this time-as about the first day of July This state ¬

ment also serves If indeed anything morethan the Inherent straightforwardnessand detail of their narrative were neededto substantiate tho accuracy and truth-fulness


of the boys statement This lo-cality


of Cape Vera is mentioned inSverdrups narrative as the place whereduring his stay In that region he ob-tained eider ducks eggs

From Cape Vera they went on down in ¬

to the southwest angle of Jones Soundwhere they killed a seal thence castalong the south coast of the Sound kill-ing


three bears at the point noted on themap to the peninsula known as CapeSparbo on the map about midway onthe south side of Tones Sound Herethey killed some muskoxen and continu-ing


east killed four more at tho placeIndicated on the chart and were finallystopped by the pack ice at the mouth ofJones Sound From here they turnedback to Cape Sparbo where they win-tered


and killed many muskoxenAfter the sun returned In 1909 they

started pushing their sledge across TonesSound to Cape Tennyson thence alongthe cast to Clarence Head passing inside-of two small islands not shown on thechart but drawn on It by the boyswhere they killed a bear thence acrossthe broad bight in the coast to CadogaaFiord thence around Cape Isabella andup to Commander Pearys old keus inPayer Harbor near Cape Sablne wherethey found a seal cached for them byPankpah Itookashoos father Fromhere they crossed Smith Sound on the teearriving at Anoratok



SMALLEST AUTO IN WORLDNew Orleans Oct 12What is said

to be the smallest complete automo ¬

bile ever constructed arrived here lastnight It is the property of W JDurand of New Iberia La president-of the Louisiana Automobile club itIs three and onehalf feet long and 18Inches wide most of the parts beingmade in France by special order


lc J 1A v i 1lJJ

We Are neadqtiartcrsjfor all of the following goods

tSj We have what you want when you want it Come here first and always savee time and trouble of walking all over the cityv Tt Stuarts Dyspepsia Tablets 50c and 100

Stuarts Charcoal Lozenges 25c-f Stuarts Calcium Wafers 50ce Dr Howards Specific 25ce IVTiona Tablets 50c Erj Papes Diapepsin 50c

r 7 Papes Diuretic 50c1 Compound Cardial 50c E

Fluid Balrzivvort 50clI CadQniiene 90cr Booth s Hyomel 50c and 100-


1 women 100-D Hebras Ungoid 50c

i VIola Cream 50ca a a a a e a a

Viola Soap 25crj Parisian Sage HaIr TonIc SOcr1J IIerpicide 50c and 100-

DSJinol 100-

r sBtq a e

D D t 100 tJoJCheneys Expectorant 25c

rsiAgency for i Candies Sold 2507 pounds oft

Whitmans in one week IHome of the 3t Remedie-


gf < RT itF fsr r

PANAMA CITYSpecial to the Journal

Panama City Oct 12Mrs MayHogeboom lea this morning for StAndrews where she has accepted aposition in Mrs O H Kestera milli-nery


department-Miss Florence Tibers of Chipley is

a pleasant Panama City visitor thisweek

Hon D H Mays was a visitor onthe bay this week looking over condi ¬

tions and getting acquainted with thewants of the people

A Hogeboom has ibeen refitting hisskating rink and putting in a bowlingalley where the the bath roomswere

Chas Thompson has sold his placeon Magnolia avenue to Dr Hill MrThompson will go to South Floridasoon

Contractor Rodgers is engaged in-putting up a jail at the west end otFirst street for the use of tne city

The Standard Oil schooner Iracame in port yesterday with a cargoof oil

W F Lock and F A Witherilltook a pleasure trip up East Bay Sat ¬

urdayDrs Hill and Adams have received

their stock of drugs and are novready to furnish the people with thesame


By Associated PressTampa Fla Oct 12Just what

action wil be taken by the conventionof the building trades department ofthe American Federation of Labor inthe case ot M B Skinny Madden-of Chicago who is here for the pur-pose


it is alleged of having the char ¬

ter of the building trades council ofChicago revoked was not indicated atthe morning session of the conven-tion


today Madden declined to dis¬

cuss his fight declaring he wouldmake his arguments before the con-vention


itself when given an oppor¬

tunity The meeting today was oc-


solely with routine reports


By Associated PressDuluth Minn Oct Yesterdays

blizzard continued today at the head-of the lakes A cutting wind drivingin tram Lake Superior with constantflurries of snow Ice clad pavements-and a predominance of heavy fur gar-ments worn by Duluth citizens con¬

tributed to the December appearance-of the present storm which struckthis locality twentyfour hours ago

Much delay is being experienced-by shipping on the lake On therangle the blazzard has been generalwith reports of a foot or more of

NIP IT IN THE BUDVFirst Appearance of Dandruff a Fore¬

runner of Future BaldnessThat such Is the case has been con-


proven by scientific re¬

search Prof Unna the noted Euro-pean skin specialist declares thatdandruff is the qurrowedap cuticle ofthe scalp caused by parasites de-stroying the vitality in the hair bulbThe hair becomes lifeless and intime falls out This can be pre-vented


Newbros Kerpicide kills this dan ¬

druff germ and restores the hair toits natural softness and abundancy-

Herpicide is now used by thoustands of people rail satisfied that itis the most wonderful hair preparationon the market today

Sold by leading druggita Send tOeIn stamps for sample to The Herpieide Co Detroit Mich

One dollar bottles guaranteed WA DAlemberte druggist and apothe ¬

cary 121 S Palafox St









Escambia MotorCar Co

EastVGarclen Streets-

now at various planes causing suf-fering


tto live stock

BRYAN IN SEATTLESeattle Washn Oct 12 William

Jennings Bryan arrived from Portlandtoday and was met at the train by acommittee of leading Democrats Hevisited the fair during the day anddelivered a lecture there

MEWAN IS DECORATEDBrussels Oct 12Klng Leopold

has decorated Walter McEwan theAmerican painter with the order ofLeopold II

MOORS REPULSEDPenon de la Gomera Morocco Oct

12 The Moors opened fire on thistown today but were promptly shelledand driven off by the Spanish troops

AFRAID OF HIS WIFEMacon Ga Oct 12Charging

cruelty and other mistreatment D TRicks filed suit for divorce yesterdayagainst his wife Lizzie Ricks Among

other things Ricks asserts that MrsRick frequently kicks him and thathe is deathly nlrald of her r

BELASCO IS IMPROVING-New York Oct 12Phe condition

of David Belasco the theatrical man-ager who Is ill with pneumonia todayshowed a slight Improvement-


Alfred E Bates United States armyretired who was stricken with apo-


Sunday Ws still unconscioustoday and no hope Is offered for hisrecovery General Bates Is 69 yearsold

RICE MEN IN SESSIONNew Orleans Oct 12 Prominent

memfoers of the tRice Association ofAmerica gathered here today for ameeting planned to discuss methodstowards bringing about a greater con ¬sumption of rice In the north and eastIt is declared that while prices onrough rice have been comparatively-high the quotations on clean rice havebeen proportionately low due to asufficient lack of demand in the lat-ter


For Dyspepsia-You Risk Nothing by Trying

This Remedy-We


want every one troubled withindigestion and dyspepsia to come toour store and obtain a box of RaxaUDyspepsia Tablets They contain BIsmuthSubnitrate and Pepsin prepared-by a process which develops theirgreatest power to overcome diges-tive


disturbanceRexall Dyspepsia Tablets are very

pleasant to take They soothe theIrritable weak stomach strengthenand Invigorate the digestive organsrelieve nausea and indigestion pro¬

mote nutrition and bring about a feellug of comfort

Ifyou give Rexall Dyspepsia Tab ¬

lets a reasonable trial we will returnyour money If you are not satisfiedwith the result Three sizes 25cents 50 cents and 100 Remember-you can obtain Rexall Remedies inPensacola only at our storeTheRexall Store The Crystal PharmacyBrent Building



If you have INDIGESTION a touch of RHEUMATISM once in a ljWhjIe or trouble with your jlver or kIdneys It ia becUM yourd J5 out otbreaks order Jt yOU cant Ieep at right It your ta eput In dlstlguJ1ntr pImples or blotches Its tile Mme oldthtngyoijr out ot order YOu owe Jt to the family totake the Jneomparablo


K EBP really does what Its name Jndlcatespurtlles tieblood It t a cUre for all diseases or the and blOOdpolSdnfng itsetfAll Drug Store Sell It Si a Bottle yLetters TT Ei B P red on yellow package

Manufactured by J

The F W KETTERER MEDICINE COMPANY Jacksonvnie fJaYour druggist sells K E B p

