Grading Rubric Fly Lab Report BIO 348

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  • 8/3/2019 Grading Rubric Fly Lab Report BIO 348


    BIO 348 Grading Rubric Names: _____________________________




    Note you can lose points for any of these things that are not done; refer to the Power Point

    and the Student Lab Manual for more details.

    Title: 1pts

    Y N Title concise and informative


    Y N Problem or objective(s) clearly statedY N Short description of methodsY N Results summarized

    Y N Conclusions clearly and concisely statedY N Appropriate length in one paragraph

    Results Text:

    Y N Included all relevant data and results, describes the results in the text and includesdescription of trends and patterns in the data

    Y N Results presented in logical order and written in past-tense form

    Y N Presents summary data where applicable rather than all individual samples

    Y N Refers to each figure or table by number in parentheses at the end of the firstsentence in which the visual is described

    ResultsFigures and Tables (If applicable):

    Y N Figures and tables are numbered consecutively (Table 1, 2 not based on lab manual)

    and have individual titles or captions

    Y N Figures and tables are understandable without reference to the text

    Y N Figure titles/captions are located appropriately (titles above-tables; captions below-figures) and inserted into the text near the paragraphs which they are first

    mentionedY N Figures axes or table columns/rows are properly labeled (including units where



    Y N Briefly restates your results and how they relate to the objectives

    Y N Gives possible explanations of results




  • 8/3/2019 Grading Rubric Fly Lab Report BIO 348


    Y N Relates the results to other published research, providing enough information from

    the primary sources to show relevance

    Y N States conclusions clearly and makes sure they are based on supporting evidence

    Y N Briefly discusses any inconsistencies or possible sources of error in your data

    Y N Discusses the broader implications of your experiment and possible future studies

    that are implied from your findings

    Citations and References:

    Y N Cited in text where appropriate

    Y N Citations in text are in correct format (CSE style with author name/year)

    Y N References List in correct format (CSE style with author name/year); only includes

    articles that appear in the body of your paper

    Y N Reference list is alphabetized

    Y N Correct number of references as specified in the assignment included

    General Features of Report (you will lose points if these items are missing or incomplete):

    Y N Appropriate font, margins, and spacing (see syllabus)

    Y N Information placed in appropriate sections

    Y N Style sufficiently formal: no colloquial language.

    Y N Paraphrased sources appropriately; no plagiarism such as the use of another papers

    wording or direct quotes

    Y N Correct grammar, spelling, and sentence structure

    Y N Use of appropriate metric units throughout

    Y NSentences make sense and information clearly conveyed. Sentences, paragraphs andideas flow well and show evidence of careful writing, rewriting, and editing

    Y N Makes use of the information presented in the Laboratory and the Student

    Laboratory Manual as it relates to writing papers.