Grades PreK-2: Data Analysis and ProbabilityStandard I.Formulate questions that can be addressed with data and collect, organize, and display relevant

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Page 1: Grades PreK-2: Data Analysis and ProbabilityStandard I.Formulate questions that can be addressed with data and collect, organize, and display relevant
Page 2: Grades PreK-2: Data Analysis and ProbabilityStandard I.Formulate questions that can be addressed with data and collect, organize, and display relevant

Grades PreK-2: Data Analysis and ProbabilityStandardStandardI.Formulate questions that can be addressed with data and collect, organize, and display relevant data to answer them.ExpectationExpectation A.Pose questions and gather data about themselves and their surroundings.

PreK K 1 2

1. Collect data related to familiar experiences by counting.

*1. Collect data related to familiar


1. Pose and answer questions about charts and graphs relating to familiar experiences (e.g., recording daily temperature, the lunch count, class attendance, and favorite flavors of ice cream).

1. Collect data using surveys.

ExpectationExpectation B.Sort and classify objects according to their attributes and organize data about the objects.

PreK K 1 2

1. Sort and classify by a single attribute (color, shape, size).

1. Compare, sort, and group objects by a given attribute.

1. Compare, sort, and group objects by observable attributes.

*1. Collect, sort, and organize data.

ExpectationExpectation C.Represent data using concrete objects, pictures, and graphs.

PreK K 1 2

1. Draw a picture to represent data.

*1. Display information by using object graphs, pictorial graphs, and tables.

*1. Use organized data to construct picture, object, and bar graphs.

*1. Use organized data to create charts, graphs, and tables.

Page 3: Grades PreK-2: Data Analysis and ProbabilityStandard I.Formulate questions that can be addressed with data and collect, organize, and display relevant

Items needed for Activity

• Digital Camera

• Mirror

• Printer

• Computer

• Poster paper


• Pictures of people with all colors of hair (magazines are a good resource)


Page 4: Grades PreK-2: Data Analysis and ProbabilityStandard I.Formulate questions that can be addressed with data and collect, organize, and display relevant

Preparation Before Activity

•Prepare poster with hair color labels Ex.Brown Red Blonde Black • Get parental permission to photograph and display student pictures• Take pictures of students ahead of time and have them printed so they are ready to use during activity.

Page 5: Grades PreK-2: Data Analysis and ProbabilityStandard I.Formulate questions that can be addressed with data and collect, organize, and display relevant

The teacher will have the students sit in their designated spots on the carpet for group time. The teacher will invite the students to look at each other to see what color hair each has. The teacher will tell the students that they will be making a graph or chart to see how many students in the class have, brown, red, blonde, or back hair. The teacher will then explain the different shades of hair color to the children. The teacher may even show pictures of the different colors of hair ,especially of the different types in the classroom. The teacher will then pass a mirror around to each student to let them determine their own hair color.The teacher will give each child a photo of themselves that was taken earlier. The teacher will have the students look at their photos and decidewhat color hair they have. As the students decide the teacher will display the hair color poster that was made ahead of time. The teacher will then explain the poster. The teacher will tell the students that they will come up to the poster and put their picture beside the color that has their hair color. After all students have finished, the teacher and students will tally the amount of each color and discuss which color had the most and least. The poster will look like a graph.


Page 6: Grades PreK-2: Data Analysis and ProbabilityStandard I.Formulate questions that can be addressed with data and collect, organize, and display relevant


Number of Children

Brown Red Blonde Black


Hair Color Chart

Page 7: Grades PreK-2: Data Analysis and ProbabilityStandard I.Formulate questions that can be addressed with data and collect, organize, and display relevant


• The children will be able to tell how

many students have each type of hair color

by looking at the picture graph. The children

will be able to compare and sort by color.

Questions: Which color has the most?

Which color has the least?

How many with black hair? ect.