GPSGateRaspberryPI – Project Status #01 BYTSCH Technology

GPSGateRaspberryPI – Project Status #01 BYTSCH Technology

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GPSGateRaspberryPI – Project Status #01

BYTSCH Technology

BYTSCH Technology

GPSGateRaspberryPi – Project Status #01

Summary – task definition


1. Base installation and configuration2. Database installation3. GPSGate server Installation4. Basis module development5. GPS connection6. GPS data handling and converting

BYTSCH Technology

GPSGateRaspberryPi – Project Status #01

Basis installation and configuration• Installation of Linux distribution patches• SSH access to the PI board with Putty• Share monitoring best managing of file system on the board with

Basis module developening:• Application design• Webserver functionality

GPS Connection(failed)• USB/RS232 interface configuration• HF radio command protocol

GPS Daten Verarbeitung und Umwandlung• GPS test data sending to GPSGate Server• GPS test data indication on the http-site


BYTSCH Technology

GPSGateRaspberryPi – Project Status #01GPSGate Server Installation• Installation of GPSGate Server• Create account for testing• Send test data to the GPSGate Server• Evaluate the test data


Result: successful GPSGate server installation

BYTSCH Technology

GPSGateRaspberryPi – Project Status #01Database Installation• Installation of MySQL database• Create table for users• Create table for GPS information• Test the connection and reading the data


Result: successful database installation

BYTSCH Technology10

http-website development

• System status and login control• GPS status• GPSGate Server settings• Import/Export• Connection to the Alex-Server:


GPSGateRaspberryPi – Project Status #01

BYTSCH Technology10


#06: PI behaviour in case of fail on the radio interface

#05: user manuals of radio danpoint and base station

#04: the height of the reference point "elevation"

#03: explanation of the response from the vehicle device (rs232)

#02: test of changing the gps position in the vehicle (during the movement)

GPSGateRaspberryPi – Project Status #01

BYTSCH Technology

GPSGateRaspberryPI – Project Status #01

Thank You..