Chapters 6-7: Land Biomes and Aquatic Ecosystems

GPS, E.Q.’s, and Key Terms Georgia Performance StandardsRelated Essential Question SEV2.b – recognize and give examples of the hierarchy of the biological

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Chapters 6-7: Land Biomes and Aquatic Ecosystems

Chapters 6-7: Land Biomes and Aquatic Ecosystems

GPS, E.Q.s, and Key TermsGeorgia Performance StandardsRelated Essential QuestionSEV2.b recognize and give examples of the hierarchy of the biological entities of the biosphere.What are the abiotic and biotic components that define a biome?SEV2.c characterize the components that define a biome (abiotic and biotic)SEV2.d characterize the components that define fresh-water and marine ecosystems (abiotic and biotic)What are the abiotic and biotic components that define fresh-water and marine ecosystems?Chapter 6 Key TermsBiome, climate, latitude, altitude, tropical rain forest, emergent layer, canopy, epiphyte, understory, temperate rain forest, temperate deciduous forest, taiga, savanna, temperate grassland, chaparral, desert, tundra, permafrostChapter 7 Key TermsWetland, plankton, nekton, benthos, littoral zone, benthic zone, eutrophication, estuary, salt marsh, mangrove swamp, barrier island, coral reefE.Q. (SEV2.c) -What are the abiotic and biotic components that define a biome? What is a biome?

A biome is a large region characterized by climate, vegetation, and animal communities.

http://www.blueplanetbiomes.org/tundra.htmBiomes and VegetationThe types of plants that characterize a biome determine the other types of organisms that live in that biome.Plants are adapted to a certain region.Ex. Plants of the tundra are short due to limited water

What is climate?Climate

Climate is the long-term pattern of weather conditions of a region.

Climate is determined by:TemperaturePrecipitationSunlightWindHumidity

Temperature and precipitation are the most important factors in determining a regions climate.Temperature and Precipitation of Biomes

What is climate? Climate

Most organisms are adapted to a specific climate and cannot survive outside certain temperature ranges.

Panther Chameleonhttp://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Panther_chameleonWhat is climate? Climate

Biomes and vegetation vary with latitude and altitude.

Latitude is the distance north or south of the equator.

Altitude is the height of an object above sea level.

Latitude and Altitude

Climatogram: Climate

A climatogram is a graph that shows the average rainfall and temperatures of a region.


Chapter 6 Land Biomes Terrestrial Biomes

Tropical Rain ForestsTemperate Rain ForestsTemperate Deciduous ForestsTropical SavannaTemperate GrasslandsChaparralDesert TaigaTundra

Tropical Rain Forest BiomeProduce lush forestsThick canopies limit sunlight on the forest floorWarm temperatures Abundant rainfall year-round

Soil is thin and low in nutrientsMost biologically diverse biome. Tropical rainforests cover less than 6% of Earth's land surface, yet contain half of all the worlds plant and animal speciesProduce about 40% of Earths oxygen

Grassland Biomes2. Tropical Grasslands (or Savannas) warm throughout the year with definite dry and rainy seasonsTall grasses with scattered trees and shrubsDominated by herbivoresTropical areas of South America, Africa, and Australia1. Temperate Grasslands are warm and dry during the summer, most precipitation falls as snowShort or tall grassesMany underground animalsSusceptible to fast-spreading firesTemperate zones of South Africa, eastern Europe, and central North America

Prairie: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=icaGIeOY9gc Desert BiomeVery arid (dry) climate Very low amount of precipitationReceives less than 25 cm of precipitation annuallyFour Types: hot, semi-arid, coastal, and cold

Tucson, ArizonaSource: National Oceanic Atmospheric Administration

Plants and animals have a variety of adaptations to survive the deserthttp://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bWfslaxznGw



http://www.sciencephoto.com/media/382104/enlargeElf OwlJack RabbitTemperate Forest Biomes



Temperate Foresthttp://www.youtube.com/watch?v=plmQt2_8rmY Taiga Biome (Boreal Forest)Boreal ForestLocated in cooler northern climates.Long winters and short summersSmall amount of precipitation

http://www.blueplanetbiomes.org/taiga.htmConiferous trees dominateMammals have heavy fur coats to sustain cold winters

Source: Environment CanadaBanff, Canada

Taiga Adaptationshttp://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dP15zlyra3c http://www.threelittleladiesrabbitry.com/snowshoe.php

Tundra BiomeFound in far northern latitudesLong winters with subzero temperaturesWinters last 10 monthsLittle precipitationPresence of permafrost (permanently frozen ground)Mosses, low-lying shrubs



Barrow, AlaskaSource: National Oceanic Atmospheric Administration

Minor biomes, such as the chaparral, occur globally on a smaller scale. The chaparral is a temperate shrubland with a moderately dry, coastal climateEx. Santa Barbara, California

Polar ice caps and mountains are not considered biomes.Polar ice caps have no soil and, therefore, no plant community. The climate and organisms found on mountains change as the elevation changes.Aquatic Ecosystems

E.Q. (SEV2.d) - What are the abiotic and biotic components that define freshwater and marine ecosystems?What are the characteristics of aquatic ecosystems?The biodiversity of aquatic ecosystems is determined by:SunlightTemperatureOxygenNutrients (aka salt)

http://www.greenpeace.org/usa/en/campaigns/victories/oceans-victories/E.Q. (SEV2.d) - What are the abiotic and biotic components that define freshwater and marine ecosystems?What are the characteristics of aquatic ecosystems?

Aquatic ecosystems can be divided into two types based on salinity:Freshwater (lakes, streams, rivers, ponds, wetlands)Marine (oceans, estuaries, coral reefs)

http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/7/7c/HeathcoteRiverEstuarySaltmarsh.jpgE.Q. (SEV2.d) - What are the abiotic and biotic components that define fresh-water and marine ecosystems?What are the characteristics of aquatic ecosystems?

Aquatic organisms are grouped based on habitat and adaptations:Plankton tiny free-floating organismsZooplankton animal-like planktonPhytoplankton photosynthetic, plant-like planktonNekton swim actively in open water. Ex. fishBenthos bottom-dwellers (often attached to a surface). Ex. Sea stars, sea squirts, decomposers




Krillhttp://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ZooplanktonE.Q. (SEV2.d) - What are the abiotic and biotic components that define fresh-water and marine ecosystems?Freshwater Ecosystems

Freshwater ecosystems include lakes, ponds, rivers, streams, and wetlands.

Lakes and ponds have littoral zones and benthic zones.

Littoral Zone near the shoreAbundant and diverse life Abundant Producers Nutrient-rich

Benthic Zone bottom of a lake or pondCoolerNo sunlightDecomposersE.Q. (SEV2.d) - What are the abiotic and biotic components that define fresh-water and marine ecosystems?

E.Q. (SEV2.d) - What are the abiotic and biotic components that define freshwater and marine ecosystems?Freshwater Ecosystems

Eutrophication is an increase in the amount of nutrients in an aquatic ecosystem.Can occur naturally or as a result of pollution (e.g. fertilizer runoff)Algae growth increasesDepletes oxygen in the water (can create dead zones)

http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/EutrophicationE.Q. (SEV2.d) - What are the abiotic and biotic components that define freshwater and marine ecosystems?Wetlands

Wetlands are areas of land that are saturated by ground or surface water part or all of the year.Can be freshwater or marineInclude bogs, marshes, swamps, and estuariesHave many important environmental functions:Filter pollution and sedimentsProtect against floodingPrevent erosion Provide spawning grounds and habitats for fish and shellfishProvide recreation (e.g. fishing, canoeing, photography)


http://www.jonesctr.org/research/aquatics_research/chick_intro.htmlhttp://marinebio.org/oceans/estuaries-salt-marshes-mangroves.aspFlorida Everglades largest freshwater wetland in the U.S.

http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/EvergladesThe Everglades once covered 8 million acres, but now covers less than 2 million.

In 2000, U.S. Congress passed a law protecting the Everglades.

Home to over 60 endangered species.

Vital habitat for wildlife.

Supplies water to most Floridians.

http://www.mississippiriverdelta.org/blog/2012/12/12/duck-commander-urges-restoration-of-mississippi-river-deltas-imperiled-wetlands/E.Q. (SEV2.d) - What are the abiotic and biotic components that define freshwater and marine ecosystems?Coastal WetlandsEstuary - area where freshwater from a river meets the ocean.Salt water and freshwater mixNutrient-rich Important migratory locations and nurseriesSpecies must be able to tolerate changes in salinity

E.Q. (SEV2.d) - What are the abiotic and biotic components that define fresh-water and marine ecosystems?Mangrove swampsDense growth of mangrove trees, which have above-ground rootsFound in tropical and subtropical regionsPrevent erosion and reduce storm damageProvide habitats and nurseries to many speciesCoastal WetlandsSalt marshes form in estuaries where rivers deposit nutrient-rich mud.Important nurseries for fishes, crabs, and shrimps

E.Q. (SEV2.d) - What are the abiotic and biotic components that define fresh-water and marine ecosystems?https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uy-fi0RvqMACoral ReefsCoral Reefs are limestone ridges built by coral polyps and algae.Found in shallow, clear tropical seasThousands of species of plants and animals live in the coral reefs.Threatened by temperature changes and pollutionCoral bleaching occurs when the algae die, causing the coral to turn white.

Healthy coralbleached coralhttp://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Coral_bleachinghttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uy-fi0RvqMA

Worlds largest coral reef?http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wbNeIn3vVKM

E.Q. (SEV2.d) - What are the abiotic and biotic components that define freshwater and marine ecosystems?Live Kelp Forest Cam Monterey Bay Aquariumhttp://www.montereybayaquarium.org/efc/efc_kelp/kelp_cam.aspx

Kelp ForestsKelp Forest Underwater forest of kelp large seaweed (algae)Found in cold, nutrient-rich watersProvides habitat to many species including anemones, sea urchin, fishes, and sea otters.

*Harvested for algin, a binding agent used in cosmetics, pharmaceuticals, and food products such as ice cream.
