Govt. of Odisha Institutional and Capacity Building in Implementation of Watersheds in Odisha

Govt. of Odisha Institutional and Capacity Building in Implementation of Watersheds in Odisha

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Govt. of Odisha

Institutional and Capacity Building in Implementation of Watersheds in Odisha

Implementation Challenges

Institutional set up (dedicated human resource)

Capacity building of primary and secondary stakeholders (institutionalized delivery)

Institutionalized convergence Monitoring mechanisms

Institutional set up for programme delivery Dedicated institutions at state, district and

cluster level OWDM as SLNA

Management team(State) and technical team (SLNA) PD (watersheds) in each IWMP district

WCDCs housed at PD offices Management team(4 member APDs from state) Technical team (TEs from DoLR ,additional 3 member CBT

from State) 10 member support staff (state)

Full time PIAs at cluster level (GOs & NGOs) 4 member WMT from IWMP 3 member LST from State

Defined ToRs for Technical Experts, CBT,WMT and LST

Watershed Association-Watershed Committee WC for each micro-watershed of 500 ha Sarpanches and Ward members co-opted as members

Institutional set up for programme delivery

Institutional Arrangement

State LevelAgriculture Department

Orissa Watershed Development Mission


Managers/Asst managers

Subject Matter Specialists (TEs)

Support Staff

Agriculture DepartmentAgriculture Department

Institutional Arrangement

District Level PD(Watersheds)


Technical Team

1/2 TEs+ 3 CBTs (contractual)

Management Team

4 APDs (Govt officers)

Support Staff (10member)/DEO

Institutional Arrangement

Cluster LevelPIA (GO/NGO)


4 members


3 members

Institutional Arrangement

Watershed levelWA





Institutionalized capacity building delivery

Consortium of Resources Organisations Provided ToTs Developed Training modules (www.orissawatershed.org

and www.worlp.com ) both in English and Oriya Cluster Livelihoods Resources Centers (CLRCs) promoted in

WORLP & Jeebika continued Provided CB support to primary stakeholders Empanelled trainers/CRPs Potential of transforming to Resources Centers to

provide continued knowledge services(CBand other services)

Need for Piloting

Training need assessment for Primary and Secondary stakeholders

Preparation of CB calendar Standardized Cost Norm Focus on long term training Skilled base training Exposure and on farm demonstrations Promotion of CLWs for knowledge services

Institutionalised capacity building







Pool of Resource PersonsPool of Resource Persons










Consortium of Organisations in Livelihoods Resource Center Network

Resource Organizations: OUAT/CTCRI/CIFA/DWM/XIMB/CYSD/SMILE etc.

Cluster Livelihood Resource Centers

Purpose :•To address capacity building needs of the primary stakeholders

•Knowledge services CLW(NRM) training at Rayagada,OPDSC

Skill development on Hotel and Catering Services at SIHM,Bolangir

Institutionalised Convergence Convergence plan- an integral part of DPR

Micro plan/Detailed Project Report as per the needs of the


Holistic plan for the watersheds to leverage resources NRM /Livelihoods plan

Convergence Plan

Convergence workshops with Line departments Activities identified for Convergence

Farm Ponds/Open Wells/Ring wells Water Harvesting Structures Land development /Field bunding Plantation ( Cashew, Silviculture,Horticulture) Livestock management Water and Sanitation

Process of Convergence

Project Directors (Watersheds) designated as Project


Proposals raised from beneficiaries

Verification of proposals/sites by WMT/PIA

Preparation of Plan & Estimates by WMT

Technical Sanction by Asst Engineer/ ASCO/

PD(Watersheds)/Soil Conservation Officer

Administrative approval by PD WS

Proposals Uploaded online at the Block level

Financial approval by Collector on the online copy

Funds released to PD WS and there to WC

Issue of work order to beneficiary / WDC Secretary /UG

Works implemented

Process of Convergence

NREGS activities in Koraput district

Field Bunding

Farm Pond

Ring Well

NREGS Convergence

Diversion Weir, Kaniguma,Th Rampur Kalahandi

Irrigation canal, Thuamul, Th Rampur

NREGS Convergence

Convergence with NREGS

Farm Pond of Bhubane Sabar,Silva,Nuapada WHS at Tileijhar, Nuapada

Institutionalised Monitoring-IWMP

On-line MIS as per GoI Standardized MPR Monitoring Teams (GO and TE) Visit random clusters Checklist to monitor Processes and programme

components Objective checklist to monitor DPR Draft evaluation methodology prepared Selection criteria for evaluating agencies

Upto 2 m increase in Ground Water Level

Pre-Monsoon (Apr.2008)Pre-Monsoon (Apr.2004)


Source – Central Ground Water Board