Governance Committee Agenda Packet 07-16-14

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  • 8/12/2019 Governance Committee Agenda Packet 07-16-14





    California American WaterMonterey County Board of Supervisors

    Monterey Peninsula Regional Water AuthorityMonterey Peninsula Water Management District

    This meeting has been

    noticed according to the

    Brown Act rules. This

    agenda was posted on

    July 11, 2014.


    Committee Members:

    California American


    Robert MacLean

    Monterey Peninsula

    Regional Water Authority

    Jason Burnett, Chair

    Alt.- Chuck Della Sala

    County of Monterey

    David Potter

    Alt. - Simon Salinas

    Monterey Peninsula

    Water Management


    Bob Brower, Vice Chair

    Alt. Jeanne Byrne

    Staff Contact:

    David J. Stoldt, MPWMD

    Arlene Tavani, MPWMD



    Monterey Peninsula Water Supply Project

    Governance Committee


    Wednesday, July 16, 2014, 3:30 PM

    Monterey Peninsula Water Management District, Conference Room,

    5 Harris Court, Building G., Monterey, CA

    Call to Order/Roll Call

    Pledge of AllegiancePublic CommentsAnyone wishing to address the Committee on matters not listed on the agenda that are within the subject

    jurisdiction of the Committee, may do so during Public Comments. The public may comment on any other

    items listed on the agenda at the time they are considered by the Committee . Please limit your comment

    to 3 (three) minutes.

    Action Items Public Comment will be Received

    1. Approve Request for Proposal for Test Slant Well Construction Consisting of

    Three Separate Packages

    A. Slant Well Construction

    B. Monitoring Wells

    C. Civil Construction (pipeline, electrical, instrumentation, vault)

    Reports to Committee Public Comment will be Received

    2. Progress Report from California American Water on Development of Monterey

    Peninsula Water Supply Project Desalination Plant

    3. Update on Development of Landfill Gas Term Sheet

    Discussion Items Public Comment will be Received

    4. Suggest Items to be Placed on Future Agendas

  • 8/12/2019 Governance Committee Agenda Packet 07-16-14


    After staff reports have been distributed, if additional documents are produced

    by the Governance Committee and provided to a majority of the committee

    members regarding any item on the agenda, they will be available at the

    Monterey Peninsula Water Management District (MPWMD) office during normal

    business hours, and posted on the Governance Committee website at

    Documents distributed at the meeting will be made available in the same


    Upon request, a reasonable effort will be made to provide written agenda

    materials in appropriate alternative formats, or disability-related modification or

    accommodation, including auxiliary aids or services, to enable individuals with

    disabilities to participate in public meetings. A reasonable effort will also be

    made to provide translation services upon request. Please submit a writtenrequest, including your name, mailing address, phone number and brief

    description of the requested materials and preferred alternative format or

    auxiliary aid or service by 5:00 PM on Monday, July 14, 2014. Requests should

    be sent to the Board Secretary, MPWMD, P.O. Box 85, Monterey, CA, 93942.

    You may also fax your request to the Administrative Services Division at 831-644-

    9560, or call 831-658-5600.


    Monterey Peninsula Water Supply Project Governance Committee

    Meeting Date: July 16, 2014

    Agenda Item: 1. Approve Request for Proposal for Test Slant Well Construction

    Consisting of Three Separate Packages

    A. Slant Well Construction

    B. Monitoring Wells

    C. Civil Construction (pipeline, electrical, instrumentation,


    Summary: Attached asExhibit 1is Cal-Am Notification #4 informing the Governance

    Committee that Cal-Am intends to Issue two requests for proposals for

    the procurement of: (1) drilling of one test slant well and nine monitoring

    wells, and (2) civil construction work for the test slant well. The draft

    bidding document for agenda items 1.A and 1.B is submitted asExhibit 2.
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    The draft bidding document for agenda item 1.C is submitted asExhibit


    Action: The Governance Committee will review the attachments, receive public

    comment and make recommendations to California-American Water

    regarding the bidding documents.


    1 Cal-Am Notification #4 Transmitting Draft Request for Proposals Related to Source Water

    Infrastructure to be Issued by California American Water

    2 Draft Bidding Documents Drilling Services for One (1) Test Slant Well and Twelve (12)

    Monitoring Wells

    3 Draft Bidding Documents Test Slant Well Civil Construction Package

  • 8/12/2019 Governance Committee Agenda Packet 07-16-14






    TO: Jason Burnett, Chair, MPWSP Governance Committee

    FROM: Richard Svindland, VPEngineering, California American Water

    DATE: July 14, 2014

    RE: Cal-Am Notification # 4Draft Requests for Proposals Related to Source

    Water Infrastructure to be issued by California American Water


    This Cal-Am Notification is submitted to you pursuant to, and in compliance with,Section V.B. of the Amended and Restated Agreement to Form the Monterey PeninsulaWater Supply Project Governance Committee (the Agreement), as revised November5, 2013, entered into by and among the Monterey Peninsula Regional Water Authority(MPRWA), the Monterey Peninsula Water Management District (MPWMD), the

    County of Monterey (County), and the California-American Water Company (Cal-Am). Capitalized terms used but not defined herein shall have the meaning set forth in

    the Agreement.

    Cal-Am intends to issue two requests for proposals (RFPs) for the procurement of: (1)drilling of one test slant well and nine monitoring wells (both items can be bid onseparately or together) and (2) civil construction work for the test slant well, which arecollectively valued in excess of $1 million and relate to construction of the Source WaterInfrastructure. Pursuant to Section V.D., Category B.1., of the Agreement, theGovernance Committee may recommend qualifications and selection criteria to beincluded in the RFP for a Contract. Additionally, pursuant to Section V.D., Category

    C.2., of the Agreement, prior to Cal-Ams commencement of negotiations with a selectedcontractor relating to a Contract, the Governance Committee may review and issuerecommendations concerning contract terms relating to such Contract.

    Cal-Am has determined these matters are ripe for presentation to, and recommendationby, the Governance Committee. It is Cal-Ams current intent to issue the RFPs and draftcontracts relating to the Source Water Infrastructure by August 1, 2014. The GovernanceCommittee may: (1) under Category B.1, review and make recommendations relating to

    Exhibit 1

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    the qualifications and selection criteria to be included in the RFP for a Contract; and, (2)under Category C.2, review and issue recommendations concerning the contract termsrelating to a Contract.

    Pursuant to Section V.B. of the Agreement, the Governance Committee shall issue its

    recommendations, if any, to Cal-Am within ten (10) calendar days following receipt ofthis Cal-Am Notification. The recommendations should be in writing and sent to RichardSvindland of Cal-Am at [email protected].

  • 8/12/2019 Governance Committee Agenda Packet 07-16-14


    Bidding Documents

    Monterey District

    Monterey Regional Water Supply Project

    Drilling Services For:

    Schedule 1: One 1! "est Slant Well

    Schedule #: "$elve 1#! Monitoring Wells

    %uly #&1'



    Exhibit 2

  • 8/12/2019 Governance Committee Agenda Packet 07-16-14





    1. Invitation to Bid IV-1

    2. Instructions to Bidders IB-1 to IB-6

    3. Bid Form BF-1 to BF-4


    4. Agreement AG-1 to AG-8

    5. General onditions G-1 to G-!"

    6. #u$$lemental onditions #-1 to #-%

    !. &'(i)its #ee *ist o+ &'(i)its ,


    ,est #lant ell #ee GI&/& ,ec(nical #$eci+ications

    0onitoring ells #ee GI&/& ,ec(nical #$eci+ications



  • 8/12/2019 Governance Committee Agenda Packet 07-16-14


    California American Water

    Standard Construction Contract IV-1


    Monterey Peninsula Water Supply Project

    Schedule 1: One (1) Test Slant Well

    Schedule 2: Twelve (12) Monitoring Wells_________________________________________________________________________________

    Bids for furnishing all labor, equipment (excluding submersible well pump and appurtenances, as

    noted below), materials necessary to drill, install, and equip one (1) test slant well (Schedule 1) and twelve

    (12) monitoring wells (Schedule 2) that are part of the Monterey Peninsula Water Supply Project (MPWSP) -

    Test Slant Well Project. A second bid package (Civil Construction Package) which includes site grading, well

    vault installation, instrumentation and controls, electical conduit, and discharge piping will be separately

    procured. Bidder shall include installation of owner furnished well pump and appurtenances.

    Bids for performing all work to construct the MPWSP Schedule 1 (Test Slant Well), or Schedule 2

    (Monitoring Wells), or both Schedules 1 and 2, shall be received by e-mail to Ian Crooks

    ([email protected]), Engineering Managerat California American Water (Coastal Division). All e-

    mail bids must be submitted by 2:00 p.m., local time, August X, 2014. Each Bid must contain evidence of

    Bidder's qualification to do business as a Class A General Engineering Contractor per California Business &

    Professions Code Division 3, Chapter 9. Contractors, Article 4.

    Two (2) sets of Bidding Documents, including the Instructions to Bidders, Bid Form, Bid Bond Forms and

    Contract Documents, will be provided at no charge to the CONTRACTORS who are invited to bid the project.

    Additional copies can be obtained from California American Water, 511 Forest Lodge Road, Suite 100,Pacific Grove, CA 93950, for the cost of reproduction. Subcontractors, manufacturers, and material suppliers

    should obtain information and review the Bidding Documents by contacting potential Bidders.

    A mandatory pre-bidmeetingwill be held at the site location on August XX, 2014, 2014 at X:00

    a.m./p.m.. Contractors interested in participating the meeting shall contact OWNERs representative

    mentioned below no later than August XX, 2014.

    Ian Crooks, Engineering Manager, ([email protected])

    California American Water, 511 Forest Lodge Road, Suite 100, Pacific Grove, CA 93950


    OWNER reserves its rights to waive any informality or deficiency in any Bid, to accept any Bid, to negotiate

    modifications of any Bid with any Bidder and accept any modified Bid, to reject any Bid, to reject all Bids,

    and to rebid the Project, all at the OWNER's sole discretion.



    mailto:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]
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    1. Defined Terms

    Terms used in these Instructions to Bidders which are defined in the General Conditions of the Contract

    Documents hae the meanin!s assi!ned to them in the General Conditions" The term #Bidder# means one whosu$mits a Bid directl% to O&NER' as distinct from a su$$idder' who su$mits a Bid to a Bidder" The term#Successful Bidder# means the lowest' (ualified' res)onsi$le and res)onsie Bidder to whom O&NER *on the

    $asis of O&NER+s ealuation as hereinafter )roided, maes an award" The term #Biddin! Documents#includes the Initation to Bid' Instructions to Bidders' the Bid .orm' and the )ro)osed Contract Documents*includin! all /ddenda issued )rior to recei)t of Bids,"

    2. Copies of Bidding Documents

    0"1 Com)lete sets of the Biddin! Documents in the num$er and for the amount' if an%' stated in the Initation

    to Bid ma% $e o$tained from the )art% listed on the Initation to Bid" No refunds will $e made for the returnof com)lete or )artial co)ies of the Biddin! Documents"

    0"0 Com)lete sets of Biddin! Documents must $e used in )re)arin! Bids neither O&NER nor ENGINEERassume an% res)onsi$ilit% for errors or misinter)retations resultin! from the use of incom)lete sets of Biddin!


    0"2 O&NER and ENGINEER in main! co)ies of Biddin! Documents aaila$le on the a$oe terms do soonl% for the )ur)ose of o$tainin! Bids on the &or and do not confer a license or !rant for an% other use"

    3. Qualifications of Bidders

    Bidders must $e )re(ualified" Each Bid must contain eidence of Bidder+s (ualification to do $usiness in thestate where the )ro3ect is located or coenant to o$tain such (ualification )rior to award of the contract"

    4. Examination of Contract Documents and Site

    4"1 It is the res)onsi$ilit% of each Bidder $efore su$mittin! a Bid' to *a, e5amine the Contract Documentsthorou!hl%' *$, isit the site to $ecome familiar with local conditions that ma% affect cost' )ro!ress'

    )erformance or furnishin! of the &or' *c, consider 6aws and Re!ulations that ma% affect cost' )ro!ress'

    )erformance or furnishin! of the &or' *d, stud% and carefull% correlate Bidder+s o$serations with theContract Documents' and *e, notif% ENGINEER of all conflicts' errors or discre)ancies in the ContractDocuments"

    4"0 Reference is made to E5hi$its for identification of7

    4"0"1 those re)orts of e5)lorations and tests of su$surface conditions at the site which hae $een utili8ed $%ENGINEER in )re)aration of the Contract Documents" Bidder ma% rel% u)on the accurac% of the technicaldata contained in such re)orts $ut not u)on non-technical data' inter)retations or o)inions contained therein orfor the com)leteness thereof for the )ur)oses of $iddin! or construction"

    4"0"0 those drawin!s of )h%sical conditions in or relatin! to e5istin! surface and su$surface conditions *e5ce)t

    Under!round .acilities, which are at or conti!uous to the site which hae $een utili8ed $% ENGINEER in)re)aration of the Contract Documents" Bidder ma% rel% u)on the accurac% of the technical data contained in



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    :"0 /ddenda ma% also $e issued to modif% the Biddin! Documents as deemed adisa$le $% O&NER orENGINEER"

    ". Bid Securit#

    ;"1 Each Bid must $e accom)anied $% Bid securit% made )a%a$le to O&NER in an amount of ten )ercent of

    the Bidder+s ma5imum Bid )rice and in the form of a Bid Bond *on form attached,' issued $% a suret% meetin!the re(uirements of /rticle : of the General Conditions"

    ;"0 The Bid securit% of the Successful Bidder will $e retained until such Bidder has e5ecuted the /!reementand furnished the re(uired contract securit%' whereu)on the Bid securit% will $e returned" If the SuccessfulBidder fails to e5ecute and delier the /!reement and furnish the re(uired contract securit% within fifteen da%s

    after the Notice of /ward' O&NER ma% annul the Notice of /ward and the Bid securit% of that Bidder will $eforfeited" The Bid securit% of other Bidders whom O&NER $eliees to hae a reasona$le chance of receiin!

    the award ma% $e retained $% O&NER until the e5)iration of the )eriod that $ids are su$3ect to acce)tance'whereu)on Bid securit% furnished $% such Bidders will $e returned" Bid securit% with Bids which are not

    com)etitie will $e returned within .ourteen da%s after the Bid o)enin!"

    $. Contract Times

    The times for Su$stantial Com)letion and .inal Com)letion are to $e set forth in t%e !greement.

    &. 'i(uidated Damages

    9roisions for li(uidated dama!es' if an%' are set forth in t%e !greement"

    ). Su*stitute and +,r-E(ual+ tems

    Su$stitute or #Or-E(ual# items are su$3ect to the re(uirements of /rticle ;": of the General Conditions"

    /ll Bids shall $e $ased u)on the s)ecified )roducts" ?oweer' Bidders are encoura!ed to (uote on alternatie)roducts $% listin! them in the ta$ulation of #/lternatie E(ui)ment and@or Aaterials# of the Bid .orm asre(uired $% Section 11 of the General Re(uirements" No later su$stitutes will $e considered $% theO&NER"

    The s)ecified )roducts hae $een used in )re)arin! the Drawin!s and S)ecifications and thus esta$lish

    minimum (ualities which alternaties must meet to $e considered acce)ta$le" The $urden of )roof of e(ualit%rests with the Bidder and ade(uate su))ortin! information must $e )roided" The O&NER reseres the ri!htto acce)t or re3ect )ro)osed alternaties"

    The Bid sum for each )ro)osed alternatie shall include all mone% re(uired to incor)orate the alternatie into

    the )ro3ect" 6ater re(uests for additional monies for alternaties will not $e considered"

    1. Su*contractors/ Suppliers and ,t%ers

    1"1 If the E5hi$its re(uire the identit% of certain Su$contractors' Su))liers and other )ersons and

    or!ani8ations *includin! those who are to furnish the )rinci)al items of material and e(ui)ment, to $esu$mitted to O&NER in adance of the s)ecified date )rior to the Effectie Date of the /!reement' the

    a))arent Successful Bidder' and an% other Bidder so re(uested' shall within seen da%s after the Bid o)enin!su$mit to O&NER a list of all such Su$contractors' Su))liers and other )ersons and or!ani8ations )ro)osedfor those )ortions of the &or for which such identification is re(uired" Such list shall $e accom)anied $% an



  • 8/12/2019 Governance Committee Agenda Packet 07-16-14



    e5)erience statement with )ertinent or!ani8ation information if re(uested $% O&NER" If O&NER orENGINEER after due inesti!ation has reasona$le o$3ection to an% )ro)osed Su$contractor' Su))lier' other

    )erson or or!ani8ation' O&NER or ENGINEER ma% $efore the Notice of /ward is !ien re(uest the a))arentSuccessful Bidder to su$mit an acce)ta$le su$stitute without an increase in Bid )rice"

    If a))arent Successful Bidder declines to mae an% such su$stitution' O&NER ma% award the contract to the

    ne5t lowest Bidder that )ro)oses to use acce)ta$le Su$contractors' Su))liers and other )ersons andor!ani8ations" The declinin! to mae re(uested su$stitutions will not constitute !rounds for sacrificin! the Bidsecurit% of an% Bidder" /n% Su$contractor' Su))lier' other )erson or or!ani8ation listed and to whom

    O&NER or ENGINEER does not mae written o$3ection )rior to the !iin! of the Notice of /ward will $edeemed acce)ta$le to O&NER and ENGINEER su$3ect to reocation of such acce)tance after the EffectieDate of the /!reement as )roided in 9ara!ra)h ;">"0 of the General Conditions"

    1"0 No CONTR/CTOR shall $e re(uired to em)lo% an% Su$contractor' Su))lier' other )erson or

    or!ani8ation a!ainst whom CONTR/CTOR has reasona$le o$3ection"

    11. Bid 0orm

    11"1 The Bid .orm is included with the Biddin! Documents additional co)ies ma% $e o$tained from the )art%issuin! the documents as listed on the Initation to Bid"

    11"0 /ll $lans on the Bid .orm must $e com)leted in in or $% t%)ewriter"

    11"2 Bids $% cor)orations must $e e5ecuted in the cor)orate name $% the )resident or a ice-)resident *orother cor)orate officer accom)anied $% eidence of authorit% to si!n, and the cor)orate seal must $e affi5edand attested $% the secretar% or an assistant secretar%" The cor)orate address and state of incor)oration must

    $e shown $elow the si!nature"

    11"4 Bids $% )artnershi)s must $e e5ecuted in the )artnershi) name and si!ned $% a )artner' whose title musta))ear under the si!nature and the official address of the )artnershi) must $e shown $elow the si!nature"

    11": /ll names must $e t%)ed or )rinted $elow the si!nature"

    11"; The Bid shall contain an acnowled!ement of recei)t of all /ddenda *the num$ers of which must $efilled in on the Bid .orm,"

    11"= The address and tele)hone num$er for communications re!ardin! the Bid must $e shown"

    12. Su*mission of Bids

    Bids shall $e su$mitted at the time and )lace indicated in the nitation to Bidand shall $e enclosed in an

    o)a(ue sealed enelo)e' mared with the 9ro3ect title and name and address of the Bidder and accom)anied $%

    the Bid securit% and other re(uired documents" If the Bid is sent throu!h the mail or other delier% s%stem thesealed enelo)e shall $e enclosed in a se)arate enelo)e with the notation #BID ENC6OSED# on the face ofit"

    13. odification and it%draal of Bids

    Bids ma% $e modified or withdrawn $% an a))ro)riate document dul% e5ecuted *in the manner that a Bid must$e e5ecuted, and deliered to the )lace where Bids are to $e su$mitted at an% time )rior to the o)enin! ofBids"



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    14. ,pening of Bids

    The o)enin! of Bids will $e priate"

    15. Bids to emain Su*6ect to !cceptance

    /ll Bids will remain su$3ect to acce)tance for $5da%s after the da% of the Bid o)enin!' $ut O&NER ma%' inits sole discretion' release an% Bid and return the Bid securit% )rior to the acce)tance )eriod"

    1". !ard of Contract

    1;"1 O&NER reseres the ri!ht to re3ect an% and all Bids' to waie an% and all informalities and to ne!otiatecontract terms with the Successful Bidder' and the ri!ht to disre!ard all nonconformin!' nonres)onsie'

    un$alanced or conditional Bids" /lso' O&NER reseres the ri!ht to re3ect the Bid of an% Bidder if O&NER$eliees that it would not $e in the $est interest of the 9ro3ect to mae an award to that Bidder' whether

    $ecause the Bid is not res)onsie or the Bidder is un(ualified or of dou$tful financial a$ilit% or fails to meetan% other )ertinent standard or criteria esta$lished $% O&NER" Discre)ancies in the multi)lication of units of

    &or and Unit 9rices will $e resoled in faor of the Unit 9rices" Discre)ancies $etween the indicated sum ofan% column of fi!ures and the correct sum thereof will $e resoled in faor of the correct sum"

    1;"0 In ealuatin! Bids' O&NER will consider the (ualifications of the Bidders' whether or not the Bidscom)l% with the )rescri$ed re(uirements' and such alternates' Unit 9rices and other data' as ma% $e re(uestedin the Bid .orm or )rior to the Notice of /ward"

    1;"2 O&NER ma% consider the (ualifications and e5)erience of Su$contractors' Su))liers' and other )ersons

    and or!ani8ations )ro)osed for those )ortions of the &or as to which the identit% of Su$contractors'Su))liers' and other )ersons and or!ani8ations must $e su$mitted as )roided in the E5hi$its" O&NER alsoma% consider the o)eratin! costs' maintenance re(uirements' )erformance data and !uarantees of ma3or itemsof materials and e(ui)ment )ro)osed for incor)oration in the &or when such data is re(uired to $e su$mitted

    )rior to the Notice of /ward"

    1;"4 O&NER ma% conduct such inesti!ations as O&NER deems necessar% to assist in the ealuation of an%Bid and to esta$lish the res)onsi$ilit%' (ualifications and financial a$ilit% of Bidders' )ro)osed Su$contractors'Su))liers and other )ersons and or!ani8ations to )erform and furnish the &or in accordance with theContract Documents to O&NER+s satisfaction within the )rescri$ed time"

    1;": If the contract is to $e awarded' it will $e awarded to the lowest Bidder whose ealuation $% O&NERindicates to O&NER that the award will $e in the $est interests of the 9ro3ect"

    1;"; If the contract is to $e awarded' O&NER will !ie the Successful Bidder a Notice of /ward within the

    )eriod of time that $ids are su$3ect to acce)tance"

    1$. Contract Securit#

    /rticle : of the General Conditions and E5hi$its set forth O&NER+s re(uirements as to )erformance' )a%ment

    or other Bonds" &hen the Successful Bidder deliers the e5ecuted /!reement to O&NER' it must $eaccom)anied $% the re(uired Bonds"



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    1&. Signing of !greement

    &hen O&NER !ies a Notice of /ward to the Successful Bidder' it will $e accom)anied $% the re(uirednum$er of unsi!ned counter)arts of the /!reement with all other written Contract Documents attached"

    &ithin fifteen da%s thereafter CONTR/CTOR shall si!n and delier the re(uired num$er of counter)arts ofthe /!reement and attached documents to O&NER with the re(uired Bonds" &ithin ten da%s thereafter

    O&NER shall delier one full% si!ned counter)art to CONTR/CTOR"

    1). 7re-Bid eeting

    Refer to nitation to Bid for 9re-Bid Aeetin! re(uirements" If held' re)resentaties of O&NER andENGINEER will $e )resent to discuss the 9ro3ect" The nitation to Bidsets forth Bidder attendance and

    )artici)ation re(uirements for the meetin!" ENGINEER will transmit to all )ros)ectie Bidders of record such/ddenda as ENGINEER considers necessar% in res)onse to (uestions arisin! at the meetin!"

    2. Taxes

    Refer to /rticle ;"1 of the General Condition for information concernin! ta5es"

    21. etainage

    9roisions concernin! retaina!e are set forth in the /!reement"



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    3_Bid Form.docx BF-1


    PROJECT IDENTIFICATION: Monterey Peninsula Water Supply ProjectTest Slant Well and Monitoring Wells


    Engineering Manager, Coastal DivisionCalifornia American Water511 Forest Lodge Road, Suite 100Pacific Grove, CA 93950


    1. The undersigned Bidder proposes and agrees, if this Bid is accepted, to enter into an Agreement withOWNER in the form included in the Contract Documents to perform and furnish all Work as specified orindicated in the Contract Documents for the Contract Price and within the Contract Times indicated in this Bidand in accordance with the other terms and conditions of the Contract Documents.

    2. Bidder accepts all of the terms and conditions of the Invitation to Bid and Instructions to Bidders, includingwithout limitation those dealing with the disposition of Bid security. This Bid will remain subject toacceptance as stated in paragraph 15 of the Instructions to Bidders. Bidder will sign and submit theAgreement with the Bonds and other documents required by the Bidding Requirements within fifteen daysafter the date of OWNER's Notice of Award.

    3. In submitting this Bid, Bidder represents, as more fully set forth in the Agreement:

    (a) Bidder has examined copies of all the Bidding Documents and of the following Addenda(receipt of all which is hereby acknowledged):

    Number Date

    _____ _________

    _____ _________

    _____ _________

    (b) Bidder has familiarized itself with the nature and extent of the Contract Documents, Work,site, locality, and all local conditions and Laws and Regulations that in any manner may affectcost, progress, performance or furnishing of the Work.

    (c) Bidder has studied carefully all reports and drawings of subsurface conditions and drawings of

    physical conditions which are identified in the Supplementary Conditions as provided inParagraph 4.2 of the General Conditions, and accepts the determination set forth in ParagraphGC-4.2.2 of the General Conditions, as may be amended by the Supplemental Conditions, ofthe extent the technical data contained in such reports and drawings upon which Bidder isentitled to rely.

    (d) Bidder has obtained and carefully studied (or assumes responsibility for obtaining andcarefully studying) all such examinations, investigations, explorations, tests and studies (inaddition to or to supplement those referred to in (c) above) which pertain to the subsurface orphysical conditions at the site or otherwise which may affect the cost, progress, performance



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    3_Bid Form.docx BF-2

    or furnishing of the Work as Bidder considers necessary for the performance or furnishing ofthe Work at the Contract Price, within the Contract Times and in accordance with the otherterms and conditions of the Contract Documents, including specifically the provisions ofParagraph 4.2 of the General Conditions; and no additional examinations, investigations,explorations, tests, reports or similar information or data are or will be required by Bidder forsuch purposes.

    (e) Bidder has reviewed and checked all information and data shown or indicated on the ContractDocuments with respect to existing Underground Facilities at or contiguous to the site andassumes responsibility for the accurate location of said Underground Facilities. No additionalexaminations, investigations, explorations, tests, reports or similar information or data inrespect of said Underground Facilities are or will be required by Bidder in order to performand furnish the Work at the Contract Price, within the Contract Times and in accordance withthe other terms and conditions of the Contract Documents, including specifically theprovisions of Paragraph 4.3 of the General Conditions.

    (f) Bidder has correlated the results of all such observations, examinations, investigations,explorations, tests, reports and studies with the terms and conditions of the Contract


    (g) Bidder has given ENGINEER written notice of all conflicts, errors or discrepancies that it hasdiscovered in the Contract Documents and the written resolution thereof by ENGINEER isacceptable to Bidder.

    (h) This Bid is genuine and not made in the interest of or on behalf of any undisclosed person,firm or corporation and is not submitted in conformity with any agreement or rules of anygroup, association, organization or corporation; Bidder has not directly or indirectly inducedor solicited any other Bidder to submit a false or sham Bid; Bidder has not solicited or inducedany person, firm or corporation to refrain from bidding; and Bidder has not sought bycollusion to obtain for itself any advantage over any other Bidder or over OWNER.

    4. Bidder will complete all the Work for the price shown on following page.



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    For the lump sum of $(Price in Figures)

    (Price in Words)


    For the lump sum of $(Price in Figures)

    (Price in Words)


    For the lump sum of $(Price in Figures)

    (Price in Words)

    When additional work is authorized, or work is deleted, by the OWNER, the prices will be modified accordingto Section 01075 Price and Payment Procedures.

    5. Bidder agrees that the Work will be substantially complete within 133 calendar days (onsite workcan commence October 13, 2014 and must be completed by February 27, 2015) , after the date when theContract Times commences to run as provided in Paragraph 2.3 of the General Conditions, and completed andready for final payment within 90 calendar days after the date when the Contract Times commences to run.

    Bidder accepts the provisions of the Agreementas to liquidated damages in the event of failure tocomplete the Work on time.

    7. The following documents are attached to and made a condition of this Bid:

    (a) Required Bid Security in the form of Bid Bond.

    (b) Evidence of Bidder's qualification to do business in the State where the project is located.

    (c) Bidder's contractor's license number if required to work in the State where the project is to beconstructed.

    (d) Exhibit D California American Water Supplier Diversity Questionnaire

    8. The terms used in this Bid which are defined in the General Conditions of the Contract Documentshave the meanings assigned to them in the General Conditions.

    SUBMITTED on __________________________, 2014.



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    3_Bid Form.docx BF-4

    If Bidder is:

    An IndividualBy ________________________________________________________________________(SEAL)

    (Individual's Name)

    doing business as ________________________________________________________________Business address: ________________________________________________________________Phone No.: _______________________________________________________________________

    A PartnershipBy ______________________________________________________ (SEAL)

    (Firm Name)_____________________________________________________________

    (general partner)Business address: _________________________________________________________________Phone No.: ______________________________________________________________________

    A Corporation

    By_______________________________________________________________________________(Corporation name)

    ________________________________________________________________________________(state of incorporation)

    By_______________________________________________________________________________(name of person authorized to sign)


    (Corporate Seal)

    Attest ____________________________________________________________________________(Secretary)

    Business address: _________________________________________________________________Phone No.: _______________________________________________________________________

    A Joint Venture





    (Address)(Each joint venture must sign. The manner of signing for each individual, partnership and corporation that is aparty to the joint venture should be in the manner indicated above).



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    California American WaterStandard Construction Contract

    JULY 2010Page AG-1 of AG-9


    This Agreement is by and between California-American Water Company, a CaliforniaCorporation (Owner), and (Contractor).

    Owner and Contractor hereby agree as follows:



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    1.01 Contractor shall complete all Work as specified or indicated in the Contract Documents.The Work is generally described as follows:

    Schedule 1: Dual-Rotary Drill (1,000 feet), install, and equip one (1) 760 linear foot slant

    well with a submersible pump as specified in the technical specifications (submersiblewell pump and appurtenances to be furnished by OWNER).

    Schedule 2: Sonic Drill (90 - 330 feet), install, and equip twelve (12) monitoring wells (4clusters of 3 wells), as specified in the technical specifications.


    2.01 The Project for which the Work under the Contract Documents may be the whole or onlya part is generally described as follows:

    The above scope of work to drill, install, and equip the test slant well (Schedule 1) and

    monitoring wells (Schedule 2) is one (1) of two (2) construction bid packges that are partof the Monterey Peninsula Water Supply Project (MPWSP) - Test Slant Well Project. Thesecond bid package is the Civil Construction Package which includes site grading, wellvault installation, instrumentation and controls, electical conduit, and discharge piping.


    3.01 The Engineer for the Project is Ian Crooks, Engineering Manager (CAW CoastalDivision) who will act as the Owners representative, assume all duties andresponsibilities, and have the rights and authority assigned to Engineer in the ContractDocuments in connection with the completion of the Work in accordance with theContract Documents.

    3.02 The following Owner-affiliated entities or independent engineers, consultants, ormanagers have been retained by Owner to undertake some or all of Engineers orOwners authority, duties, or responsibilities under the Contract Documents:

    RBF Consulting, a company of Michael Baker Intl. is the owners agent and civildesign team for the MPWSP Test Slant Well Project. GEOSCIENCE SuppportServices Inc. is the slant well and monirtoing well design team.


    4.01 Time of the Essence

    A. All time limits for Milestones, if any, Substantial Completion, and Final Completionand readiness for final payment as stated in the Contract Documents are of theessence of the Contract.



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    4.02 Days to Achieve Substantial Completion and Final Completion

    A. The Work will be substantially completed within 133 days (October 13, 2014 toFebruary 27, 2015), after the date when the Contract Times commence to run asprovided in Paragraph 2.03 of the General Conditions, and completed and ready forfinal payment in accordance with Paragraph 14.07 of the General Conditions within 90

    daysafter the date when the Contract Times commence to run.

    4.03 Liquidated Damages

    A. Contractor and Owner recognize that time is of the essence of this Agreement and thatOwner will suffer financial loss if the Work is not completed within the times specified inParagraph 4.02 above, plus any extensions thereof allowed in accordance with Article12 of the General Conditions. The parties also recognize the delays, expense, anddifficulties involved in proving in a legal or arbitration proceeding the actual losssuffered by Owner if the Work is not completed on time. Accordingly, instead ofrequiring any such proof, Owner and Contractor agree that as liquidated damages fordelay (but not as a penalty), Contractor shall pay Owner: (1) $1,000.00 for each day

    that expires after the time specified in Paragraph 4.02 for Substantial Completion, orany extension thereof in accordance with Paragraph 12.02 of the General Conditions,until the Work is substantially complete ; and (2) $1,000.00 for each day that expiresafter the time specified in Paragraph 4.02 for completion and readiness for finalpayment, or any extension thereof in accordance with Paragraph 12.02 of the GeneralConditions, until the Work is completed and ready for final payment.


    A. The Contract Price for all Work is Insert Contract Price, as further specified in ExhibitC, subject to any subsequent amendments.


    6.01 Submittal and Processing of Payments

    A. Contractor shall submit Applications for Payment in accordance with Article 14 of theGeneral Conditions. Applications for Payment will be processed by Engineer asprovided in the General Conditions.

    6.02 Progress Payments; Retainage

    A. Owner shall make progress payments on account of the Contract Price on the basis ofContractors Applications for Payment as recommended by Engineer and as otherwisespecified in Paragraph 14.02 of the General Conditions. All such payments will bemeasured by the schedule of values established as provided in Paragraph 2.05.A ofthe General Conditions (and in the case of Unit Price Work based on the number ofunits completed) or, in the event there is no schedule of values, as provided in theGeneral Requirements.



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    California American WaterStandard Construction Contract

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    B. Prior to Substantial Completion, progress payments will be made in an amount equalto tt% percent of Work completed (with the balance being retainage), but, in eachcase, less the aggregate of payments previously made and less such amounts asEngineer may determine or Owner may withhold, including but not limited to liquidateddamages, in accordance with Paragraph 14.02 of the General Conditions.

    C. Upon Substantial Completion, Owner shall pay an amount sufficient to increase totalpayments to Contractor to tt00% percent of the Work completed, less such amountsas Engineer shall determine in accordance with Paragraph 14.02.B.5 of the GeneralConditions and less ttt00.00% percent of Owners determination of the value of Workto be completed or corrected as shown on the tentative list of items to be completed orcorrected attached to the certificate of Substantial Completion.

    D. All applications for progress payments shall be accompanied by a conditional lienrelease and, for payments after the first, an affidavit of payment.

    6.03 Final Payment

    A. Upon final completion and acceptance of the Work in accordance with Paragraph14.07 of the General Conditions, Owner shall pay the remainder of the Contract Price,and any retained funds, as provided in said Paragraph 14.07.

    B. An application for final payment shall be accompanied by a conditional lien releaseand an affidavit of payment.


    7.01 To induce Owner to enter into this Agreement, Contractor makes the followingrepresentations:

    A. Contractor has examined and carefully studied the Contract Documents and the otherrelated data identified in the Bidding Documents.

    B. Contractor has visited the Site and become familiar with and is satisfied as to thegeneral, local, and Site conditions that may affect cost, progress, and performance ofthe Work.

    C. Contractor is familiar with and is satisfied as to all federal, state, and local Laws andRegulations that may affect cost, progress, and performance of the Work.

    D. Contractor has carefully studied all reports of explorations and tests of subsurfaceconditions at or contiguous to the Site and all drawings of physical conditions in or

    relating to existing surface or subsurface structures at or contiguous to the Site (exceptUnderground Facilities) which have been provided pursuant to Paragraph 4.02 of theGeneral Conditions.

    E. Contractor has considered the information known to Contractor, information andobservations obtained from visits to the Site, information commonly known tocontractors doing business in the locality of the Site, the Contract Documents, and the



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    reports and drawings identified in the Contract Documents and referred to inParagraph 7.01.D above with respect to the effect of such information andobservations on: (1) the cost, progress, and performance of the Work; (2) the means,methods, techniques, sequences, and procedures of construction to be employed byContractor, including any specific means, methods, techniques, sequences, andprocedures of construction expressly required by the Bidding Documents; and (3)

    Contractors safety precautions and programs.

    F. Based on the information and observations referred to in Paragraph 7.01.E above,Contractor does not consider that further examinations, investigations, explorations,tests, studies, or data are necessary for the performance of the Work at the ContractPrice, within the Contract Times, and in accordance with the other terms andconditions of the Contract Documents.

    G. Contractor is aware of the general nature of work to be performed by Owner andothers at the Site that relates to the Work as indicated in the Contract Documents.

    H. Contractor is prepared to comply with the applicable requirements of Owners safety

    program, if any.

    I. Contractor has given Engineer written notice of all conflicts, errors, ambiguities, ordiscrepancies that Contractor has discovered in the Contract Documents, and thewritten resolution thereof by Engineer is acceptable to Contractor.

    J. The Contract Documents are generally sufficient to indicate and convey understandingof all terms and conditions for performance and furnishing of the Work.

    K. If checked, Contractor will provide Owner with a performance bond or apayment bond, or any combination thereof, as indicated in this Paragraph andconforming to the specifications in Article 5 of the General Conditions.


    8.01 Contents

    A. The Contract Documents consist of the following:

    1. This Agreement (pages AG-1to AG-8, inclusive).

    2. Notice of Award. (Note: This document is not attached to this Agreement)

    3. General Conditions (pages GC-ito GC-70, inclusive).

    4. Specifications bearing the title(s) Attachment 2 Technial Specifications TestSlant Well (Volume I) and Attachment 3 Technial Specifications MonitoringWells and dated July X, 2014 and July X, 2014, respectively. (Note: Thisdocument is not attached to this Agreement)



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    5. Drawings consisting of 20sheets with each sheet bearing the following generaltitle: Attachment 2 Technical Specifications Test Slant Well (Volume II) anddated July X, 2014. (Note: Drawings, if any, have been furnished by Engineer andare not attached to this Agreement).

    6. Exhibits to this Agreement (enumerated as follows):

    a. Performance bond form, identified as Exhibit A consisting of pages PB-1through PB-2;

    b. Payment bond form, identified as Exhibit B, consisting of pages LMB-1throughLMB-2.

    c. Contractors Bididentified as Exhibit C and consisting of pages C-1through C-4.

    d. Other exhibits as specified in the General Conditions, which may include butare not limited to, Exhibits G through R, inclusive.

    7. The following which may be delivered or issued on or after the Effective Date of theAgreement and are not attached hereto:

    a. Notice to Proceed (page NP-1).

    b. Work Change Directives substantially conforming to the form attached heretoas Exhibit E.

    c. Change Orders substantially conforming to the form attached hereto as ExhibitF.

    B. The documents listed in Paragraph 8.01.A are attached to this Agreement (except asexpressly noted otherwise above).

    C. There are no Contract Documents other than those listed above in this Article 8.

    D. The Contract Documents may only be amended, modified, or supplemented asprovided in Paragraph 3.04 of the General Conditions.


    9.01 Terms

    A. Terms used in this Agreement will have the meanings stated in the GeneralConditions.

    9.02 Assignment of Contract

    A. No assignment by Contractor of any rights under or interests in the Contract will bebinding on Owner without the written consent of Owner; and, specifically but without



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    limitation, moneys that may become due and moneys that are due may not beassigned without such consent (except to the extent that the effect of this restrictionmay be limited by law), and unless specifically stated to the contrary in any writtenconsent to an assignment, no assignment will release or discharge Contractor fromany duty or responsibility under the Contract Documents.

    9.03 Successors and Assigns

    A. Owner and Contractor each binds itself, its partners, successors, assigns, and legalrepresentatives to the other party hereto, its partners, successors, assigns, and legalrepresentatives in respect to all covenants, agreements, and obligations contained inthe Contract Documents.

    9.04 Severability

    A. Any provision or part of the Contract Documents held to be void or unenforceableunder any Law or Regulation shall be deemed stricken, and all remaining provisionsshall continue to be valid and binding upon Owner and Contractor, who agree that the

    Contract Documents shall be reformed to replace such stricken provision or partthereof with a valid and enforceable provision that comes as close as possible toexpressing the intention of the stricken provision.

    9.05 Contractors Certifications

    A. Contractor certifies that it has not engaged in corrupt, fraudulent, collusive, orcoercive practices in competing for or in executing the Contract. For the purposes ofthis Paragraph 9.05:

    1. Corrupt practice means the offering, giving, receiving, or soliciting of any thing ofvalue likely to influence the action of a public official in the bidding process or in the

    Contract execution.

    2. Fraudulent practice means an intentional misrepresentation of facts made (a) toinfluence the bidding process or the execution of the Contract to the detriment ofOwner, (b) to establish Bid or Contract prices at artificial non-competitive levels, or(c) to deprive Owner of the benefits of free and open competition.

    3. Collusive practice means a scheme or arrangement between two or moreBidders, with or without the knowledge of Owner, a purpose of which is to establishBid prices at artificial, non-competitive levels.

    4. Coercive practice means harming or threatening to harm, directly or indirectly,persons or their property to influence their participation in the bidding process oraffect the execution of the Contract.

    B. Contractor certifies that Contractor will to conform its business dealings with theCompany in accordance with the underlying principles of the Company's Code ofEthics, a copy of which is available on the Company's website at


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    9.06 Other Provisions

    A. Government Regulations

    The following clauses, where applicable, are incorporated in this Agreement byreference as if fully set out: The Equal Opportunity Clause prescribed in 41 CFR 60-

    1.40, the Affirmative Action Clause prescribed in 41 CFR 60-250.4, regarding veteransand veterans of the Vietnam Era, and the Affirmative Action Clause for HandicappedWorkers prescribed in 41 CFR 60-741.4.

    B. Background Check

    Contractor shall conduct a background check on each of its employees prior to theemployee performing any function or activity under this Agreement involving any directcustomer contact, or on-site at any of the Owners water treatment plants. As used inthe Agreement, direct customer contact shall include but not be limited to, any activityby the Contractors employee at or near a customers premises. The backgroundcheck conducted by Contractor shall consist of a check of at least the following:

    Previous employers and dates of employment; Education; Driving record; Criminalhistory (state and federal); References; Credit history. Prior to commencing any workunder this Agreement, Contractor shall provide proof to the Owner that therequirements of this Paragraph have been met. Contractor shall make available to theOwner, upon request, the documentation and results of the background check withrespect to any employee of Contractor performing any function under this Agreementinvolving any direct customer contact.

    C. Project Manuals

    Owner shall furnish to Contractor up to two (2) printed copies of the ContractDocuments. Additional copies will be furnished upon request at the cost of


    D. Notices

    Unless other specified in a specific provision of this Agreement, any notice required bythe Contract Documents to be given to the Owner shall be addressed as follows:

    Ian CrooksTitleCalifornia American Water511 Forest Lodge Road, Suite 100Pacific Grove, CA 93950

    Any notice required by the Contract Documents to be given to the Contractor shall beaddressed as follows:

    Insert Contractor's ContactInsert Contractor's Street AddressInsert Contractor's City, State and ZIP



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    IN WITNESS WHEREOF, Owner and Contractor have signed this Agreement.Counterparts have been delivered to Owner and Contractor. All portions of theContract Documents have been signed or have been identified by Owner andContractor or on their behalf

    This Agreement will be effective on the date it has been executed by OWNER (which is the

    Effective Date of the Agreement).


    California-American Water Company Insert Contractor Name

    By: By:

    Title: Title:

    Date: Date:




    Contractors License No.:



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    JUNE 2010



    2007 American Water S!tem E"iti#n

    Issued by

    American Water SystemVoorhees, New Jersey

    The Standard General Conditions of the Construction Contract, 2007 American Water System dition!"General Conditions#$, are %ased on the Standard General Conditions of the Construction Contract&re&ared %y the n'ineers Joint Contract (ocument Committee !JC(C (oc) No) C*700, 2007 dition$)The General Conditions incor&orate terms and conditions that are consistent with American Water System&ractices and &olicies) +nly the General Conditions contained herein are a &art of the Contract (ocumentsfor the &roect)



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    JUNE 2010



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    Article 1 Definitions and Terminology ........................................................................................... 11.01 Defined Terms............................................................................................................... 1

    1.02 Terminology .................................................................................................................. 6

    Article 2 Preliminary Matters......................................................................................................... 72.01 Delivery of Bonds and Evidence of ns!rance .............................................................. 72.02 "o#ies of Doc!ments .................................................................................................... 72.0$ "ommencement of "ontract Times% &otice to Proceed ............................................... 72.0' (tarting t)e *or+ .......................................................................................................... ,2.0- Preliminary (c)ed!les .................................................................................................. ,2.06 Preconstr!ction "onference% Designation of A!t)oried /e#resentatives ..................

    Article $ "ontract Doc!ments ntent Amending /e!se ............................................................ $.01 ntent ............................................................................................................................. $.02 /eference (tandards .................................................................................................... $.0$ /e#orting and /esolving Discre#ancies ..................................................................... 10$.0' Modifying "ontract Doc!ments ................................................................................... 11$.0- /e!se of Doc!ments .................................................................................................. 11$.06 Electronic Data ............................................................................................................ 12

    Article ' Availa3ility of 4ands% (!3s!rface and P)ysical "onditions% 5aardo!s Environmental"onditions% /eference Points .......................................................................................... 12

    '.01 Availa3ility of 4ands .................................................................................................... 12'.02 (!3s!rface and P)ysical "onditions .......................................................................... 1$'.0$ Differing (!3s!rface or P)ysical "onditions............................................................... 1'

    '.0' ndergro!nd acilities ................................................................................................ 1-'.0- /eference Points......................................................................................................... 16'.06 5aardo!s Environmental "ondition at (ite ............................................................... 16'.07 &otice of 5aardo!s Materials .................................................................................... 1,

    Article - Bonds and ns!rance ................................................................................................... 1,-.01 Performance Payment and 8t)er Bonds .................................................................. 1,-.02 4icensed (!reties and ns!rers .................................................................................. 1-.0$ "ertificates of ns!rance ............................................................................................. 1-.0' "ontractor9s ns!rance ................................................................................................ 20-.0- 8:ner9s 4ia3ility ns!rance ......................................................................................... 2$

    -.06 Pro#erty ns!rance B!ilder9s /is+ ns!rance ........................................................... 2$-.07 *aiver of /ig)ts .......................................................................................................... 2'-.0, /ecei#t and A##lication of ns!rance Proceeds ......................................................... 2'-.0 Acce#tance of Bonds and ns!rance% 8#tion to /e#lace ........................................... 2--.10 Partial tiliation Ac+no:ledgment of Pro#erty ns!rer ............................................. 2-



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    JUNE 2010Page GC-ii

    Article 6 "ontractor9s /es#onsi3ilities ........................................................................................ 2-6.01 (!#ervision and (!#erintendence .............................................................................. 2-6.02 4a3or% *or+ing 5o!rs ................................................................................................. 266.0$ (ervices Materials and E;!i#ment ........................................................................... 266.0' Progress (c)ed!le ...................................................................................................... 266.0- (!3stit!tes and ........................................................................................ 276.06 "oncerning (!3contractors (!##liers and 8t)ers ................................................... 27

    6.07 Patent ees and /oyalties .......................................................................................... 26.0, Permits ........................................................................................................................ 26.0 4a:s and /eg!lations ................................................................................................. $06.10 Ta?es........................................................................................................................... $16.11 se of (ite and 8t)er Areas ....................................................................................... $16.12 /ecord Doc!ments ..................................................................................................... $26.1$ (afety and Protection .................................................................................................. $$6.1' (afety /e#resentative ................................................................................................. $'6.1- Emergencies ............................................................................................................... $'6.16 ()o# Dra:ings and (am#les .....................................................................................$'6.17 "ontin!ing t)e *or+ ................................................................................................... $6

    6.1, "ontractor9s @eneral *arranty and @!arantee .......................................................... $76.1 ndemnification ............................................................................................................ $76.20 Delegation of Professional Design (ervices ............................................................... $,

    Article 7 8t)er *or+ at t)e (ite ..................................................................................................$7.01 /elated *or+ at (ite ................................................................................................... $7.02 "oordination ................................................................................................................ '0

    Article , 8:ner9s /es#onsi3ilities .............................................................................................. '0,.01 "omm!nications to "ontractor ................................................................................... '0,.02 /e#lacement of Engineer ........................................................................................... '0

    ,.0$ !rnis) Data ................................................................................................................ '0,.0' Pay *)en D!e ............................................................................................................ '0,.0- 4ands and Easements% /e#orts and Tests ................................................................ '1,.06 4imitations on 8:ner9s /es#onsi3ilities ..................................................................... '1,.07 "om#liance :it) (afety Program ...............................................................................'1

    Article Engineer9s (tat!s D!ring "onstr!ction ........................................................................'1.01 8:ner9s /e#resentative .............................................................................................. '1.02 isits to (ite ................................................................................................................ '2.0$ A!t)oried ariations in *or+ ..................................................................................... '2.0' /eecting Defective *or+ ............................................................................................ '2.0- Determinations for nit Price *or+ ............................................................................'$.06 Decisions on /e;!irements of "ontract Doc!ments and Acce#ta3ility of *or+ ........ '$.07 4imitations on Engineer9s A!t)ority and /es#onsi3ilities ........................................... '$

    Article 10 ")anges in t)e *or+% "laims ..................................................................................... ''10.01 A!t)oried ")anges in t)e *or+ ................................................................................''



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    10.02 na!t)oried ")anges in t)e *or+ ............................................................................ ''10.0$ E?ec!tion of ")ange 8rders ...................................................................................... '-10.0' &otification to (!rety ................................................................................................... '-10.0- "laims ......................................................................................................................... '-

    Article 11 "ost of t)e *or+% Allo:ances% nit Price *or+ ......................................................... '611.01 "ost of t)e *or+ ......................................................................................................... '6

    11.02 Allo:ances .................................................................................................................. '11.0$ nit Price *or+ ........................................................................................................... -0

    Article 12 ")ange of "ontract Price% ")ange of "ontract Times .............................................. -012.01 ")ange of "ontract Price ............................................................................................ -012.02 ")ange of "ontract Times .......................................................................................... -212.0$ Delays ......................................................................................................................... -2

    Article 1$ Tests and ns#ections% "orrection /emoval or Acce#tance of Defective *or+ ....... -$1$.01 &otice of Defects ......................................................................................................... -$1$.02 Access to *or+ ........................................................................................................... -$

    1$.0$ Tests and ns#ections ................................................................................................. -$1$.0' ncovering *or+......................................................................................................... -'1$.0- 8:ner May (to# t)e *or+ .......................................................................................... --1$.06 "orrection or /emoval of Defective *or+ .................................................................. --1$.07 "orrection Period ........................................................................................................ --1$.0, Acce#tance of Defective *or+ .................................................................................... -61$.0 8:ner May "orrect Defective *or+ ...........................................................................-7

    Article 1' Payments to "ontractor and "om#letion ...................................................................-,1'.01 (c)ed!le of al!es ..................................................................................................... -,1'.02 Progress Payments ..................................................................................................... -,1'.0$ "ontractor9s *arranty of Title ..................................................................................... 611'.0' (!3stantial "om#letion ............................................................................................... 611'.0- Partial tiliation ......................................................................................................... 621'.06 inal ns#ection ........................................................................................................... 6$1'.07 inal Payment ............................................................................................................. 6$1'.0, inal "om#letion Delayed ........................................................................................... 6'1'.0 *aiver of "laims ......................................................................................................... 6-

    Article 1- (!s#ension of *or+ and Termination ........................................................................6-1-.01 8:ner May (!s#end *or+ ......................................................................................... 6-1-.02 8:ner May Terminate for "a!se ................................................................................6-1-.0$ 8:ner May Terminate or "onvenience .................................................................... 67

    1-.0' "ontractor May (to# *or+ or Terminate .................................................................... 67

    Article 16 Dis#!te /esol!tion ..................................................................................................... 6,16.01 Met)ods and Proced!res ............................................................................................ 6,



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    Article 17 Miscellaneo!s .............................................................................................................617.01 @iving &otice ............................................................................................................... 617.02 "om#!tation of Times ................................................................................................. 617.0$ "!m!lative /emedies ................................................................................................. 617.0' (!rvival of 83ligations ................................................................................................ 7017.0- "ontrolling 4a: ........................................................................................................... 7017.06 5eadings .....................................................................................................................70



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    1.01 Defined Terms

    A. Wherever used in the Bidding Requirements or Contract Documents and printed withinitial capital letters, the terms listed below will have the meanings indicated which areapplicable to both the singular and plural thereo. !n addition to terms speciicall" deined,terms with initial capital letters in the Contract Documents include reerences to identiiedarticles and paragraphs, and the titles o other documents or orms.

    1. Addenda Written or graphic instruments issued prior to the opening o Bids whichclari", correct, or change the Bidding Requirements or the proposed ContractDocuments.

    #. Agreement $he written instrument which is evidence o the agreement between%wner and Contractor covering the Wor&.

    '. Application for Payment( $he orm acceptable to )ngineer which is to be used b"Contractor during the course o the Wor& in requesting progress or inal pa"mentsand which is to be accompanied b" such supporting documentation as is required b"the Contract Documents.

    *. Asbestos An" material that contains more than one percent asbestos and is riableor is releasing asbestos ibers into the air above current action levels established b"the +nited tates %ccupational aet" and -ealth Administration.

    . Bid $he oer or proposal o a Bidder submitted on the prescribed orm setting orththe prices or the Wor& to be perormed.

    /. Bidder( $he individual or entit" who submits a Bid directl" to %wner.

    . Bidding Documents $he Bidding Requirements and the proposed ContractDocuments including all Addenda2.

    3. Bidding Requirements $he Advertisement or !nvitation to Bid, !nstructions toBidders, bid securit" o acceptable orm, i an", and the Bid 4orm with an"supplements.



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    '#. Progress ,chedule( A schedule, prepared and maintained b" Contractor, describingthe sequence and duration o the activities comprising the Contractor9s plan toaccomplish the Wor& within the Contract $imes.

    ''. Pro-ect $he total construction o which the Wor& to be perormed under theContract Documents ma" be the whole, or a part.

    '*. Pro-ect *anual $he bound documentar" inormation prepared or bidding andconstructing the Wor&. A listing o the contents o the 8ro7ect ;anual, which ma" bebound in one or more volumes, is contained in the tables2 o contents.

    '. Radioacti#e *aterial ource, special nuclear, or b"product material as deined b"the Atomic )nerg" Act o 15* *# +C ection #011 et seq.2 as amended rom timeto time.

    '/. Resident Pro-ect Representati#e $he authori6ed representative o )ngineer whoma" be assigned to the ite or an" part thereo.

    '. ,amples 8h"sical e=amples o materials, equipment, or wor&manship that arerepresentative o some portion o the Wor& and which establish the standards b"which such portion o the Wor& will be 7udged.

    '3. ,chedule of ,ubmittals ( A schedule, prepared and maintained b" Contractor, orequired submittals and the time requirements to support scheduled perormance orelated construction activities.

    '5. ,chedule of .alues( A schedule, prepared and maintained b" Contractor, allocatingportions o the Contract 8rice to various portions o the Wor& and used as the basisor reviewing Contractor9s Applications or 8a"ment.

    *0. ,hop Dra!ings All drawings, diagrams, illustrations, schedules, and other data orinormation which are speciicall" prepared or assembled b" or or Contractor andsubmitted b" Contractor to illustrate some portion o the Wor&.

    *1. ,ite @ands or areas indicated in the Contract Documents as being urnished b"%wner upon which the Wor& is to be perormed, including rights?o?wa" andeasements or access thereto, and such other lands urnished b" %wner which aredesignated or the use o Contractor.

    *#. ,pecifications $hat part o the Contract Documents consisting o writtenrequirements or materials, equipment, s"stems, standards and wor&manship asapplied to the Wor&, and certain administrative requirements and procedural mattersapplicable thereto.



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    *'. ,ubcontractor An individual or entit" having a direct contract with Contractor or withan" other ubcontractor or the perormance o a part o the Wor& at the ite.

    **. ,ubstantial Completion $he time at which the Wor& or a speciied part thereo2 hasprogressed to the point where, in the opinion o )ngineer, the Wor& or a speciiedpart thereo2 is suicientl" complete, in accordance with the Contract Documents, so

    that the Wor& or a speciied part thereo2 can be utili6ed or the purposes or which itis intended. $he terms substantiall" complete and substantiall" completed asapplied to all or part o the Wor& reer to ubstantial Completion thereo.

    *. ,uccessful Bidder( $he Bidder submitting a responsive Bid to whom %wner ma&esan award.

    */. ,upplementary Conditions $hat part o the Contract Documents which amends orsupplements these >eneral Conditions.

    *. ,upplier A manuacturer, abricator, supplier, distributor, materialman, or vendorhaving a direct contract with Contractor or with an" ubcontractor to urnish materialsor equipment to be incorporated in the Wor& b" Contractor or an" ubcontractor.

    *3. /nderground $acilities All underground pipelines, conduits, ducts, cables, wires,manholes, vaults, tan&s, tunnels, or other such acilities or attachments, and an"encasements containing such acilities, including those that conve" electricit", gases,steam, liquid petroleum products, telephone or other communications, cabletelevision, water, wastewater, storm water, other liquids or chemicals, or traic orother control s"stems.

    *5. /nit Price Wor( Wor& to be paid or on the basis o unit prices.

    0. Wor $he entire construction or the various separatel" identiiable parts thereorequired to be provided under the Contract Documents. Wor& includes and is theresult o perorming or providing all labor, services, and documentation necessar" toproduce such construction, and urnishing, installing, and incorporating all materialsand equipment into such construction, all as required b" the Contract Documents.

    1. Wor Change Directi#e A written statement to Contractor issued on or ater the)ective Date o the Agreement and signed b" %wner and recommended b")ngineer ordering an addition, deletion, or revision in the Wor&, or responding todiering or unoreseen subsurace or ph"sical conditions under which the Wor& is tobe perormed or to emergencies. A Wor& Change Directive will not change the

    Contract 8rice or the Contract $imes but is evidence that the parties e=pect that thechange ordered or documented b" a Wor& Change Directive will be incorporated in asubsequentl" issued Change %rder ollowing negotiations b" the parties as to itseect, i an", on the Contract 8rice or Contract $imes.



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    1.0# Terminology

    A. $he ollowing words or terms are not deined but, when used in the BiddingRequirements or Contract Documents, have the ollowing meaning.

    B. 0ntent of Certain Terms or Ad-ecti#es

    1. $he Contract Documents include the terms as allowed, as approved, asordered, as directed or terms o li&e eect or import to authori6e an e=ercise oproessional 7udgment b" )ngineer. !n addition, the ad7ectives reasonable,suitable, acceptable, proper, satisactor", or ad7ectives o li&e eect or importare used to describe an action or determination o )ngineer as to the Wor&. !t isintended that such e=ercise o proessional 7udgment, action or determination will besolel" to evaluate, in general, the Wor& or compliance with the requirements o andinormation in the Contract Documents and conormance with the design concept othe completed 8ro7ect as a unctioning whole as shown or indicated in the ContractDocuments unless there is a speciic statement indicating otherwise2. $he use o

    an" such term or ad7ective is not intended to and shall not be eective to assign to)ngineer an" dut" or authorit" to supervise or direct the perormance o the Wor& oran" dut" or authorit" to underta&e responsibilit" contrar" to the provisions o8aragraph 5.0 or an" other provision o the Contract Documents.

    C. Day

    1. $he word da" means a calendar da" o #* hours measured rom midnight to thene=t midnight.

    D. Defecti#e

    1. $he word deective, when modi"ing the word Wor&, reers to Wor& that isunsatisactor", ault", or deicient in that it:

    a. does not conorm to the Contract Documents, or

    b. does not meet the requirements o an" applicable inspection, reerencestandard, test, or approval reerred to in the Contract Documents, or

    c. has been damaged prior to )ngineer9s recommendation o inal pa"ment unlessresponsibilit" or the protection thereo has been assumed b" %wner atubstantial Completion in accordance with 8aragraph 1*.0* or 1*.02.

    d. 4ails to perorm to industr" standards within the geographic area o the 8ro7ectat an" time during the Correction 8eriod speciied in 8aragraph 1'.0.

    ). $urnish1 0nstall1 Perform1 Pro#ide



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    1. $he word urnish, when used in connection with services, materials, or equipment,shall mean to suppl" and deliver said services, materials, or equipment to the ite orsome other speciied location2 read" or use or installation and in usable or operablecondition.

    #. $he word install, when used in connection with services, materials, or equipment,

    shall mean to put into use or place in inal position said services, materials, orequipment complete and read" or intended use.

    '. $he words perorm or provide, when used in connection with services, materials,or equipment, shall mean to urnish and install said services, materials, or equipmentcomplete and read" or intended use.

    *. When urnish, install, perorm, or provide is not used in connection withservices, materials, or equipment in a conte=t clearl" requiring an obligation oContractor, provide is implied.

    4. +nless stated otherwise in the Contract Documents, words or phrases which have a well?&nown technical or construction industr" or trade meaning are used in the ContractDocuments in accordance with such recogni6ed meaning.


    #.01 Deli#ery of Bonds and "#idence of 0nsurance

    A. Bonds2When Contractor delivers the e=ecuted counterparts o the Agreement to %wner,Contractor shall also deliver to %wner such bonds as Contractor ma" be required tournish pursuant to 8aragraph .01. o the Agreement.

    B. "#idence of 0nsurance2 Beore an" Wor& at the ite is started, Contractor shall deliver to%wner, certiicates o insurance and other evidence o insurance which %wner or an"additional insured ma" reasonabl" request2 which Contractor is required to purchase andmaintain in accordance with Article .

    #.0# Copies of Documents

    A. %wner shall urnish to Contractor the number o printed or hard copies o the ContractDocuments speciied in 8aragraph 5.0/.C o the Agreement. Additional copies will beurnished upon request at the cost o reproduction.

    #.0' Commencement of Contract Times) +otice to Proceed

    A. $he Contract $imes will commence to run on the thirtieth da" ater the )ective Date othe Agreement or, i a otice to 8roceed is given, on the da" indicated in the otice to8roceed. A otice to 8roceed ma" be given at an" time within '0 da"s ater the )ective



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    Date o the Agreement. !n no event will %wner have an" obligations or duties toContractor under the Agreement until Contract $imes commence to run.

    #.0* ,tarting the Wor

    A. Contractor shall start to perorm the Wor& on the date when the Contract $imes

    commence to run. o Wor& shall be done at the ite prior to the date on which theContract $imes commence to run.

    #.0 Preliminary ,chedules

    A. ,ubmission of Preliminary ,chedules2 Within 10 da"s ater the )ective Date o theAgreement unless otherwise speciied b" %wner or )ngineer in writing or at the8reconstruction Conerence2, Contractor shall submit to )ngineer or timel" review:

    1. a preliminar" 8rogress chedule indicating the times numbers o da"s or dates2 orstarting and completing the various stages o the Wor&, including an" ;ilestonesspeciied in the Contract Documentseotechnical Report, i an", is included as a Contract Document and isattached hereto as )=hibit >.

    #. Reports o e=plorations and tests o subsurace conditions at the ite &nown to%wner and drawings o ph"sical conditions relating to e=isting surace andsubsurace structures e=cept +nderground 4acilities2 at the ite &nown to%wner, i an", are attached hereto as )=hibit -.

    '. Copies o reports and drawings itemi6ed in )=hibit ! that are not included withBidding Documents ma" be e=amined atthe address