GOOGLE APP ENGINE Training in Chennai

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Google App Engine (GAE) otherwise called APP Engine. It is a stage as an administration (PaaS) of distributed computing for web application facilitating and growing in information administration focal point of Google. These applications are run various servers and sandboxed.

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1.Introduction to Google App Engine(23 min)Welcome to Google App Engine, friends! In this Nugget, we'll define what Platform-as-a-Service and App Engine are all about, and cover the features, benefits and potential of this amazing product in the Google Cloud Platform. We'll also look at a live App Engine application to understand how App Engine solves many of the problems we see with traditional application development. We'll finish with an overview of the Cheeved IT! sample application we'll be building together throughout this course.

2.Getting Started with Google App Engine (Java)(21 min)This Nugget will get you ready to build App Engine apps using Java! We'll start by getting familiar with our toolbox and the required components needed to build App Engine apps locally, including the Java runtime, App Engine SDK, Eclipse IDE, and the Google plugin for Eclipse. We'll also walk through installation of these tools and a Hello World demonstration to show how simple it is to build and deploy App Engine applications to the Google Cloud Platform.

3.Getting Started with Google App Engine (Python)(18 min)This Nugget will get you ready to build App Engine apps using Python! We'll start by getting familiar with our toolbox and the required components needed to build App Engine apps locally, including the Python interpreter and App Engine SDK. We'll also walk through installation of these tools and a Hello World demonstration to show how simple it is to build and deploy App Engine applications to the Google Cloud Platform.

4.App Engine Basics(16 min)This Nugget will get you up to speed on the basics of App Engine. We'll cover the life of a request and the internal components of an App Engine datacenter, talk about quotas and billing, and walk through a demonstration of how to create a Google Cloud Platform project. We'll also see how you can obtain $500 in free credits and apply them to your GCP project, and finish with a tour of the App Engine UI in the Developers Console.

5.Demo: App Engine Basics (Java)(13 min)In this demonstration Nugget, we're going to start getting down with App Engine! We'll cover how to get our sample application, CheevedIT!, up and running in our development environment. We'll take a tour of the the project structure and user interface, run it locally through Eclipse as well as the SDK, and finish by deploying it to a Google Cloud Platform project and testing it in the cloud.

6.Demo: App Engine Basics (Python)(16 min)In this demonstration Nugget, we're going to start getting down with App Engine! We'll cover how to get our sample application, CheevedIT!, up and running in our development environment. We'll take a tour of the project structure and user interface, run it locally through the App Engine Launcher, as well as the command-line, and finish by deploying it to a Google Cloud Platform project and testing it in the cloud.

7.Configuration and Management(18 min)This Nugget introduces the configuration files that you will use extensively throughout this course as well as application troubleshooting and management options. We cover the Java and Python versions of the config files and discuss common settings you'll work with in those files. We also take a look at some of the cloud console features for application management such as aggregated logging and versioning.

8.Demo: Configuration and Management (Java)(23 min)This demonstration Nugget will show you how to configure and manage a GAE application. We'll start by getting familiar with the configuration files used to map requests, define static content, and point our application to a GCP project. We'll also look at how to deploy and manage an application up in the Google Cloud Platform, covering topics such as logging, versioning, traffic splitting, and custom domains. We'll be configuring and managing the sample CheevedIT! application together for this Java demonstration!

9.Demo: Configuration and Management (Python)(25 min)This Nugget takes the time to understand the various GAE configuration and management options that you need to be aware of when developing a project. We review the app.yaml configuration file and what is required from it. Then we browse the developer's console and view the reporting and logging available for our GAE applications. Finally, we look at some advanced features in traffic splitting and domain name hosting.

10.Modules and Optimization(14 min)This Nugget will cover how to modularize and optimize an application in Google App Engine. We'll define what modules are and what they are useful for, how to structure a Java and Python application to take advantage of modules, and how to optimize performance and scalability at the module level.

11.Demo: Modules and Optimization (Java)(20 min)This demonstration Nugget will show you how to structure and configure an application with multiple modules in Java using Eclipse. We'll learn how create and work with a modularized application locally, deploy it to the Google Cloud Platform, and configure each module with its own performance and scalability settings. We'll also cover how to configure and deploy a dispatch file for custom routing.

12.Demo: Modules and Optimization (Python)(18 min)This demonstration Nugget will show you how to structure and configure an application with multiple modules in Python. We'll create and work with a modularized application locally, deploy it to the Google Cloud Platform, and configure each module with their own performance and scalability settings. We'll also cover how to configure and deploy a dispatch file for custom routing.

13.Authentication and Authorization(23 min)This Nugget takes the time to explain the basics of Authentication and Authorization in our Google App Engine projects. We discuss the mechanism for using Google Accounts to authenticate users in our application as well as authorizing their access to various components. We also take a deep dive into OAuth 2.0 to understand how our application can bring in third party data on the user's behalf.

14.Demo: Authentication and Authorization (Java)(25 min)This demonstration Nugget will start by showing you how to utilize the Users API to configure security and authentication in your application using Google accounts. We'll also take an in-depth look at how configure OAuth 2.0 credentials and code up the OAuth 2.0 flow to access user data on their behalf through the Google Calendar API. Buckle up, this Nugget goes to 11!

15.Demo: Authentication and Authorization (Python)(26 min)This demonstration Nugget will start by showing you how to utilize the Users API to configure security and authentication in your application using Google Accounts. We'll also take an in-depth look at how to configure OAuth 2.0 credentials and code up the OAuth 2.0 flow to access user data on their behalf through the Google Calendar API. Buckle up, this Nugget goes to 11!

16.Datastore Introduction(14 min)This Nugget takes a few moments to introduce the concepts and terminology associated with the Datastore. We cover the features of the Datastore's entity storage model and how it differs from a traditional RDBMS system. We also fire up the Cloud Console and do some basic entity creation and querying as well as looking at a few code samples for the client frameworks. The material in this Nugget is critical to getting the most out of the subsequent Datastore Nuggets in this course.

17.Datastore Basics(24 min)This Nugget will cover basic datastore design and implementation! We'll start by defining consistency models such as strong versus eventual consistency, why consistency matters in the datastore, and how to design with it mind. We'll also cover topics such as entity groups, ancestor paths, query basics and restrictions, as well the many datastore operations (get, put, delete, batching, key generation) you'll be coding up while working with the datastore.

18.Demo: Datastore Basics (Java)(36 min)This demonstration Nugget will show you the basics of working with the Datastore using the low-level Java API. We'll cover topics such as creating, loading, and saving entities, querying entities, working with keys, and many more common datastore operations. We'll also bring our sample application, CheevedIT!, to life by integrating the datastore and coding up the home, profile and search engine pages!

19.Demo: Datastore Basics (Python)(32 min)This demonstration Nugget will show you the basics of working the Datastore using the Python NDB library provided by Google App Engine. We'll cover topics such as creating, loading, and saving entities, querying entities, working with keys, and complex filtering. We'll also bring our sample application, CheevedIT!, to life by integrating the datastore and coding up the profile, home, and search engine pages!

20.Datastore Advanced(16 min)This Nugget will cover advanced datastore concepts! We'll start with a look at how the datastore is scalable by looking at the technologies it sits on top of, such as Bigtable and Megastore. We'll also cover what indexes are and why we need them, and finish this Nugget with a discussion around transactions and how the datastore handles concurrency.

21.Demo: Datastore Advanced (Java)(13 min)This demonstration Nugget will take an in-depth look at how to work with indexes! We'll cover how to auto-generate and manually create composite indexes, see the effects a missing index has on our application, and how to manage and remove indexes using We'll also go over a brief demo on how to code up a cross-group (XG) transaction.

22.Demo: Datastore Advanced (Python)(14 min)This demonstration Nugget will take an in-depth look at how to work with indexes! We'll cover how to auto-generate and manually create composite indexes, see the effects a missing index has on our application, and how to manage and remove indexes using We'll also go over a brief demo on how to code up a cross-group (XG) transaction.

23.Memcache(11 min)This Nugget introduces the powerful memcache feature of GAE. We discuss what memcache is and how to successfully use it in a GAE app to increase performance and reduce overall costs. We also take a quick look at the appstats profiling tool in action, demonstrating how to monitor the usage of our app.

24.Demo: Memcache (Java)(21 min)This demonstration Nugget will show you how to take advantage of Memcache in your GAE applications! We'll cover how to configure and use the Appstats profiler to monitor RPC usage and identify the areas in your application to use Memcache, and we'll code up the CheevedIT! sample application to take advantage of Memcache by putting it in front of many datastore operations. We'll also see how to work with and manage Memcache in the cloud console.

25.Demo: Memcache (Python)(20 min)This demonstration Nugget will show you how to take advantage of Memcache in your GAE applications! We'll cover how to configure and use the Appstats profiler to monitor RPC usage and identify the areas in your application to use Memcache, and we'll code up the CheevedIT! sample application to take advantage of Memcache by putting it in front of many datastore operations. We'll also see how to work with and manage Memcache in the cloud console.

26.Task Queues and Scheduled Tasks(15 min)This Nugget will get you up to speed on the services used to execute and automate work outside of our GAE applications. We'll cover Task Queues, both Push Queues and Pull Queues, as well as their differences and the configuration of each queue. We'll also cover Scheduled Tasks (Cron Jobs) and how we can repeatedly execute code living underneath URLs based on a time interval we define.

27.Demo: Task Queues and Scheduled Tasks (Java)(20 min)This demonstration Nugget will show you how to setup, configure and utilize Task Queues and Scheduled Tasks. We'll cover Push and Pull queue configuration, task creation, and how to work with them locally as well as in the Google Cloud Platform. We'll even use Push queues to send email notifications from our CheevedIT! sample application! We'll finish with a look at how to configure cron jobs to execute URLs on a regularly scheduled basis.

28.Demo: Task Queues and Scheduled Tasks (Python)(24 min)This demonstration Nugget will show you how to setup, configure and utilize Task Queues and Scheduled Tasks. We'll cover Push and Pull queue configuration, task creation, and how to work with them locally as well as in the Google Cloud Platform, we'll even use Push queues to send email notifications from our CheevedIT! sample application! We'll finish with a look at how to configure cron jobs to execute URLs on a regularly scheduled basis.

29.Google Cloud Platform Qualified Developer(9 min)This Nugget will get you familiar with the Qualification Exams for the Google Cloud Platform. We'll cover the structure, requirements, registration, and scheduling process, as well some exam tips for getting Google Cloud certified. We'll also show you how and where to acquire $500 in FREE GCP exam vouchers from our course pages here at CBT Nuggets! Good luck!