Six students from our SMILE (Support Mentor Inspire Listen Encourage) program attended the North Coast Regional Police Liaison Meeting held at the Coffs Harbour PCYC recently to show a Presentation to the group at the request of our Police Liaison Officer Senior Constable Snow. The group were very impressed with the presentation and the program, asking many positive questions and commented that they would like this program in their geographical areas as well. Jason Bromell declared „it must be called the Woopi project though‟. We really impressed the audience with the movie made by James Morgan. The program can provide social support, positive reinforcement, alternatives to drugs/alcohol such as fit- ness, music, arts and other stress relieving activities, self-esteem and confidence building activities, Ways to deal with bullying, and ways to deal with anger outburst. More details about our SMILE program will be available from the school website. Woolgoolga High School 15 June 2012 Issue No.9 GOOD NEWS WEEK Web address: www.woolgoolga-h.schools.nsw.edu.au E-mail: [email protected] L-R Tyler Quiring Olivia Monk Jarryd Rigoni (front) Jason Bromell Daniel Bastow and Lochie Gould S Support M Mentor I Inspire L Listen E Encourage PROGRAM PROGRAM

GOOD NEWS WEEK - woolgoolga-h.schools.nsw.gov.au

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Six students from our SMILE (Support Mentor Inspire Listen Encourage) program attended the North Coast

Regional Police Liaison Meeting held at the Coffs Harbour PCYC recently to show a Presentation to the

group at the request of our Police Liaison Officer Senior Constable Snow.

The group were very impressed with the presentation and the program, asking many positive questions and

commented that they would like this program in their geographical areas as well. Jason Bromell declared „it

must be called the Woopi project though‟.

We really impressed the audience with the movie made by James Morgan.

The program can provide social support, positive reinforcement, alternatives to drugs/alcohol such as fit-

ness, music, arts and other stress relieving activities, self-esteem and confidence building activities, Ways

to deal with bullying, and ways to deal with anger outburst. More details about our SMILE program will be

available from the school website.

Woolgoolga High School 15 June 2012 Issue No.9


Web address: www.woolgoolga-h.schools.nsw.edu.au E-mail: [email protected]

L-R Tyler Quiring Olivia Monk Jarryd Rigoni (front)

Jason Bromell Daniel Bastow and Lochie Gould








Issue No.9 Page 2

From the Principal’s Desk


High will be

offering a wide

selection of

courses in

2013 to suit


The Senior Student Information

Night will be held on Wednesday

20 June from 7.00pm to 8.15pm in

the Woolgoolga High School hall.

This night will inform both students

and parents of the options available

in the senior school years. Pathway

options will be discussed with

regard to subject choices,

expectations, senior student culture,

Board of Studies requirements - just

to name a few of the topics. It is

important for both parents/

caregivers and students attend.

Woolgoolga High will be offering a

wide selection of courses in 2013 to

suit students, whether they seek a

traineeship, vocational training or

are striving for university entrance.

Many thanks to our History staff -

Mrs David and Mrs Rook - for their

time and effort in organising another

successful senior History excursion

to Sydney last week. Their visits to

the Nicholson Museum and the

Jewish Holocaust Museum were

highly valued learning experiences.

Recently, the school Athletics

Carnival produced some more

records and our athletes will be

attending the Zone Carnival on

Thursday 21 June. We wish all

competitors well.

Community Consultation Survey

Many of our senior students and the

P&C have asked that we add a

navy blue tie to our school uniform

as an OPTIONAL EXTRA for senior

students. This is due to the

impressive look of our students

when they don the school jackets

and ties for our formal events

outside the school. I ask that

parents and community members

use this link to fill out a very short

survey (2 questions only).


On Friday the 8th June I was invited

to the North Coast Region

Aboriginal Education Awards 2012

at Yarrawarra Cultural Centre,

Corindi. I would like to congratulate

Madeline Duroux on her impressive

performance as MC at the

presentation. She represented our

school with dignity and poise.

End of Semester student reports are

expected to be distributed on

Thursday 28 June in the afternoon.

Guy Wright




Unfortunately, we have

had to postpone Cash

Bingo until the warmer

weather. This exciting

fundraiser will hopefully

recommence in


Issue No.9 Page 3

Some weeks ago,

four of our Year 11

students (Cheyenne

Ellis, Jacob Hawes,

James Morgan and

Emmanuel Tan)

travelled south to

represent our school

at the Rotary District

MUNA (Mock

United Nations

Assembly) meeting.

There were some

exotic performances

during the weekend and all the students had a lot of fun, dressing up in national

costumes, or variations, bribing other countries to support their motions and making

speeches about every topic under the sun, from Irish potatoes to drug addiction!

The host school, St Columba, put on an excellent show, with catered meals, lovely

snacks and between-meals entertainment such as a trivia night and their own senior

boys‟ a capella choir singing as the Saturday night special.

Everyone made good friends from other schools and they all want to go back again

next year!

See Rotary Press Release page 4

On Friday 8th June Coffs Harbour High

travelled to Woolgoolga High School for the

next debate for the Year 9 component of the

Premier's Debating Challenge. WHS argued

the negative to 'that we should stop trading

with countries that have poor human rights'.

The adjudicator Mr Muldoon was heard to

comment that it was very close with several

good arguments presented by both

teams. CHHS were the eventual winners, with

our Year 9 team having two more debates

remaining in the near future.

Page 4 Issue No.9

PRESS RELEASE from Woolgoolga Rotary


Five local students spent last weekend debating the big issues of the day at the Rotary Model United Nations Assembly in Port Macquarie. Emmanual Tan and Cheyenne Ellis from Woolgoolga High were the delegates from Canada and dressed the part in Royal Mountie and lumberjack outfits. Jacob Hawes and James Morgan, also from Woolgoolga High, donned Japanese costumes to become the delegation from tsunami-torn Japan. All four students were sponsored by Woolgoolga Rotary Club. Sarah Gleeson, who attends John Paul College and was sponsored by Coffs Harbour Rotary Club was also there representing the island nation of Tonga.

The student delegates debated everything from nuclear weapons and climate change to universal suffrage and economic development issues. A debate on decriminalisation of marijuana caused great excitement as did one on the wearing of the burqa and there were a few late proposals from the floor including an Irish proposition to make Irish potatoes a universal staple for the entire world!

Woolgoolga High School English teacher Frank Dean who played the role of Secretary General over the past two years was again asked to take on that role on the second day of the competition when the previous Secretary General was mysteriously kidnapped. And of course there were a few bomb scares and a lot of bribery of delegates to contend with over the weekend.

“The students had lots of fun and excitement and made many friends, but also learned quite a lot about their countries, the differing views and cultures of various other countries and how hard it is to win a vote by sheer force of good argument.” according to Rotary spokeswoman Pamela Fayle. “It‟s a great event to develop students‟ research skills and their confidence at public speaking”.

An Indonesian team from Bundarra Central School near Inverell took out best national costume and the winning team was the Cuban delegation from Wingham High School but the Canadian, Japanese and Tongan delegates from Woolgoolga did us proud.

L-R: 1st speaker Charlotte Chaffe leading the way, from

Cheyenne Hart, Bethany Atkins and Jonah Gallant.

Issue No.9 Page 5


Last Friday, Travers Powell from Tocal Ag College

visited the school and spoke to interested students

in the library about courses available for study at

their facility at Paterson (near Maitland NSW). Stu-

dents were exposed to a wealth of courses and in-

formation relating to agricultural fields of study.

For more information about studying at Tocal see

http://www.tocal.nsw.edu.au/home for college or

online courses.

Tocal College, CB Alexander Campus is situated in the picturesque Hunter Valley about 180 km

north of Sydney.

It provides a unique blend of agricultural training and practical experience for school leavers and

other people who may be interested in rewarding careers in agriculture.

Year 10, 11 or 12 school leavers gain a practical pathway to careers in agriculture or gain credit in

a variety of university degrees. Tocal College also provides a diverse range of education products

and services to farmers, landholders and rural industries. A key component of this is the delivery

of PROfarm short courses.

Tocal full-time students may qualify for financial help, in the form of Youth Allowance or from a

large range of scholarships.

Thankyou to Mr Griffin (our Ag teacher) for organising this interesting and informative talk.

Some Science students getting the perfect view of

the Transit of Venus through a solarscope which

was kindly donated to the school by Michael La-

mont. Students viewed Venus as a small black

dot moving across the face of the sun, a once in a

lifetime experience.

Issue No.9 Page 6

Year 11 Textile and Design

The Year 11 Textile and Design class have been learning about the ele-

ments and principle of design in their theory lessons. They have been ap-

plying these concepts to a practical project of their choice. They experi-

mented with various fibres, yarns and fabrics to produce squares display-

ing the elements and principles of design. These squares incorporated

different colours, textures, sizes and shapes all working harmoniously.

The class enjoyed this unit as they were able to apply their knowledge to

a practical project that they could use in their home such as a bed run-

ner, table runner, cushion cover, wall

hanging or carry bag. The class demon-

strated their creative talents and their

flair for textiles during this task. Mrs

Hurst was very proud of their efforts

and achievements over the course

of this project. Well Done Year 11

Mrs Fluechter

Page 7 Issue No.9


Earlier in the term the Woolgoolga under 15 girls

soccer team travelled to Nambucca for their 2nd

Round match against Nambucca High.

The Woopi girls dominated from the start, getting

to the ball first and spoiling any opportunity Nam-

bucca had to attack. Woolgoolga won the game

convincingly, displaying some excellent skills

and team work. Goals scored by Laura Fowler

(2), Jessica Midavaine, Jorja Murphy (2), Emily

Nudd (2) Lily Wilson, (while a Numbucca de-

fender scored Woopi‟s final goal) for the 9 – nil


Lily Wilson was voted Player of the match by her

team mates for excellent attacking skills and set-

ting up many of Woolgoolga‟s goals. Captain

Annie Wales and Laura Fowler also received a

number of votes. Other Woolgoolga players who

performed well were Emma Chahal, Jasmin

Chahal, Ashlee Johnson, Tessa Millican, Cassi-

dy Peirce, Emily Nudd, Ricky Skinner, Holly Sta-

pleton, Caitlin Valentine, and Maddy Weiss.


Woolgoolga High School‟s under 15 girls soccer team‟s journey in the Bill Turner Trophy came to an end

last week. The Woopi girls came up against a red hot team from John Paul College, a Catholic School from

Coffs Harbour in their Round 3 match.

From the opening whistle, the speed and skill of both teams was evident, showing that this was going to be

a quality, entertaining game of soccer. The Woopi girls scored the first goal of the game after some good

work from the backs who cleared the ball out of defence to Lily Wilson who then made a perfect pass to

Jorja Murphy to find the back of the net. Soon after Woolgoolga was awarded a penalty in the box, but un-

fortunately the opportunity to be two goals ahead was missed. JPC hit back with two goals before half time.

The second scored by a header off a perfectly placed corner.

In the second half the JPC Rep players started to control the game and dominate. The Woopi girls defend-

ed valiantly but JPC scored two more goals. Another goal was scored from a header off a corner. Wool-

goolga never gave up, with the final result 4 – 1.

Player of the match voted by her fellow players was Laura Fowler for her tireless work in the midfield .

Congratulations to all members of the Woolgoolga High School under 15 girls soccer team who have dis-

played impeccable sportsmanship throughout this competition and who are a credit to their School. Recog-

nition must also go to the local soccer clubs of Corindi and Woolgoolga whose dedicated coaches have

developed the soccer skills of the Woolgoolga High girls.

Also, a big thank you to all the parents and grandparents for their sideline support and transportation of the

WHS under 15 girls soccer team during 2012.

Issue No.9 Page 8

Back Row L-R: Caitlin Valentine, Holly Stapleton, Jas-

mine Chahal, Emma Chahal, Emily Nudd, Jorja Mur-

phy, Maddy Weiss, Gabby Simcoe

Front Row L-R: Kelera Marsden, Jessica Midavaine,

Lily Wilson, Ashlee Johnson, Tessa Millican, Annie

Wales, Laura Fowler

Issue No.9 Page 9


CROSS 20 July CHS State Cross Country Eastern Creek 3


14 June MNC Zone Athletics Carnival Coffs Harbour 2

1 August NC Regional Athletics Carnival Kingscliff (TBC) 3

6, 7 & 8 Sep- CHS State Athletics Carnival Homebush 3




Congratulations to Jessie Gentle Year 10 who has been

selected in the North Coast Touch Football team. Jessie will

travel to Sydney to compete at the CHS State Championships

later in the term.


with NRMA Safer Driving School!*

Book, pay and take your first lesson with NRMA Safer Driving School before 31 July 2012 and you'll go into the draw to


Experience NRMA Safer Driving School this winter and you could be hitting the slopes with your 3 best friends!

Hurry, book now!

Call 1300 696 762 or Coffs Harbour NRMA Office 66500122


id A




t F














id A





Don‟t forget to collect

your stick-

ers from


worths for

Earn and

Learn and

Coles Sports for

Schools vouchers and

place in box-

es outside


Issue No.9 Page 10




School Hall


You are invited to view Year 12 dance students’ HSC performance, composition and major dance works. The students will be marked

for their trial examination at this time.


Tue 19 June Discover Engineering Seminar

Wed 20 June Senior Subject Selection Night

Thurs 21 June Zone Athletics Carnival

Wed 27 June HSC Dance Performance Evening School Hall 5pm

Thurs 28 June Student Reports distributed

Friday 29 June Term 2 finishes

Mon 16 July Staff Development Day

(Student-free day)

Tues 17 July Students return for Term 3

As from Monday 11 June Bus No. 35 will

take all students home in the PM

ONLY on the one run.

Hence, the bus will leave @ 3.15pm to take the Sandy & Emerald Beach

students home on one run for No. 35.

The morning run will stay exactly the


Bus No. 35

Page 11

Issue No.9 Page 11

Positive Awards Double Gold Anika Morgan Y11

Jane Perry Y11

Gold Jasmine Chahal Y10

Zac Donald Y10

Zachery Donnelly Y10

Jessie Gentle Y10

Kajal Gill Y10

Lynette Hand Y10

Will Jeffery Y12

Emma-Lee Jones Y11

Emily Lowe Y10

Kate Mayes Y12

Elly McKenzie Y12

Joshua Partridge Y10

Erica Thompson Y12

Madeline Valentine Y10

Silver Conor Gallant Y11

Benjamin Paynter Y11

Isobella Powers Y8

Bronze Victoria Clark Y11

Imogen Gray Y7

Blake Hoskin Y7

Connor McRae Y7

Tyler Wisdom Y7

Eagle Boys Pizza/McDonalds/Pizza Place

Sponsors of Silver Awards

Woolgoolga High School Silver & Bronze Awards

are generously supported by:


PIZZA PLACE Beach Street

Woolgoolga Phone 66542744

EAGLE BOYS PIZZA Fawcett Street, Woolgoolga Š Phone 131433 or 66549433


McDONALDS Pacific Highway, Coffs Harbour Š Phone 6652 7600



id A





On Thursday 31st May Mrs Hart hosted the first of

many, annual senior study text book sale. This was

coordinated through a local bookseller and held in the

school library. The event was extremely popular with

students receiving a minimum of 10% off all purchases.

Next year this book sale with be in term 1, with several

study guides being published and re-edited over the

next six months - in addition to the 2013 Dot Point and

Success One guides with the 2012 exams included.

Congratulations to those students who took

advantage of this wonderful opportunity. If you need

more information or assistance with texts that support

your high school education or recreational reading

please contact Mrs Hart in the library.

Page 12 Issue No.9

ABC Classic FM is running its "Grab the Goanna"

competition for one lucky school to win a Grand

Piano. The Boston GP-163 EP Grand Piano, valued at

$38,900, will be delivered to the winning school with

the best entry. The competition accepts entries with

a 250 word statement about why your school would

benefit from having the piano, but they will accept

videos and recordings for those that want to get a bit

more creative.

Entries close Friday 29 June

See www.abc.net.au/classic/goanna for more details

Successful Book Sale

CONGRATULATIONS to Jessie Gentle of

Year 10 for being selected in both the

CHS Soccer second team and the North

Coast Touch Football team. Although they

are due to play at the same time next

week, she will divide her time between

her two representative commitments. Good

luck Jessie, we look forward to hearing

of your continued success.

We would like to thank the following sponsors for supporting Wool-

goolga High Schools Biggest Morning Tea where a total of $340 was

raised for the Cancer Council.

Woolgoolga IGA


Rustic Table

Beach House

Seaview Tavern

Woolgoolga High School Social Club

also donated some prizes for the raffle

Issue No.9 Page 13


Issue No.9 Page 14


Please update your change of address and contact

numbers either by email, by telephoning the front

office, by getting your child to inform the front

office, or drop off a note with updated details.

Parents and students from Years 9 to 12 are invited to attend a

Discover Engineering Seminar on

Tuesday 19 June from 5.30pm to 7.30pm

At the Norm Jordan Pavilion (Coffs Harbour Showground)

Professional Engineers influence all aspects of our lives

The Career Seminar will provide students interested in engineering as a future career with

practical first-hand knowledge from engineers across the various engineering disciplines

who will talk to you about what it is like to be an engineer and how to get started.

Disciplines covered include:

Civil Engineering

Chemical Engineering

Mechanical Engineering

Electrical Engineering

Structural Engineering

Representatives from the University of New England will be available to provide course

information. Light refreshments will be served during the event.

RSVP : To Register, visit www.engineersaustralia.org.au/newcastle-division/events

Phone Contact for further details 02 4926 4400

Engineers Australia—Newcastle Division

Page 15 Issue No.9

Helping our Year 10 Students

Make an Informed Choice in the Senior School

Senior Subject Selection Night

Wednesday 20 June 2012

Year 10 students have been asked to look back over the last two years and reflect on what strengths and weaknesses they have in their six core areas – English, Maths, Science, History, Geography and PDHPE – as well as their current Year 10 electives.

Please keep in mind the three golden rules of subject selection.

Choose what you are good at.

Choose what interests you.

Choose the subjects you really NEED to provide for further study at the

tertiary level (TAFE/university) or full time employment.

Teachers of Year 10 will be taking some time to discuss and complete the relevant sections for their specific subject areas in the workbook over the next four weeks. This process will greatly assist in assuring that the senior subjects our Year 10 students take are the ones that give them the best chance of success in the HSC.

The subject selection timeline is outlined below:

The process of choosing senior subjects can often be a confronting one with many students and parents not knowing where to start. We hope that this advice based on the student‟s track record of success over the last two years in each subject area will be an excellent starting point to help the students make an informed choice.

Mr Jeffrey Allen Careers Adviser

What When

Senior Subject Selection Night Wednesday 20 June 2012

On line Senior Subject Selection Survey OPENS - Wednesday 20 June 2012

Senior Line Pattern Issued to students on Wednesday 18 July

Interview Day/Line Pattern Return Wednesday 1 August 2012

The 2012 ICAS (International Competitions and Assessments for Schools) entries are now open

for various fun competitions to challenge your mind. It is the 30th anniversary for ICAS this year

and students from Woolgoolga High School have performed well in the past against the best and

brightest from around Australia. Students can enter online at www.eaa.unsw.edu.au/entries using

the school code and password. For more information see Mr Hancock for Writing, Spelling or

English competitions, Mr Talve for Science, Mrs Young for Mathematics and Ms Nurm for Compu-

ting Skills. Good luck to all!!

Bonus Points towards entry into University

Students wishing to apply for university in 2013 are eligible to receive bonus points on

their Australian Tertiary Admission Rank (ATAR) for entry to their preferred UNSW undergraduate

program. Students in their final two years of secondary school who are awarded a UNSW medal

are eligible to apply for one bonus point for each medal achieved. For more information

about ATAR credit points and the UNSW Elite Athletes and Performers Program visit


Issue No.9 Page 16

The 2012 ICAS sitting dates are:

Writing Monday 18th June

Spelling Tuesday 19th June

English Tuesday 31st July

Mathematics Tuesday 14th August

Free Maths tutoring for Year 10

students available with Mrs

Young on Monday after school till


Issue No.9 Page 17

Issue No.9 Page 17


18 June




20 June


21 June


22 June

Judy Simpson Sharon Wilcox Need Volunteer Need Volunteer Pam Wright

Need Volunteer Need Volunteer Need Volunteer Need Volunteer Need Volunteer

Need Volunteer Need Volunteer Need Volunteer Need Volunteer Need Volunteer

Need Volunteer Need Volunteer Need Volunteer Need Volunteer Need Volunteer

25 June 26 June 27 June 28 June 29 June

Vikki Fogarty Need Volunteer Need Volunteer Need Volunteer Amanda Williams

Need Volunteer Need Volunteer Need Volunteer Need Volunteer Need Volunteer

Need Volunteer Need Volunteer Need Volunteer Need Volunteer Need Volunteer

Need Volunteer Need Volunteer Need Volunteer Need Volunteer Need Volunteer

Contact Kerri Green 6649 2303 or 6654 1500

If possible, please arrange a swap if you are unavailable on your rostered day

CANTEEN HOURS MON/TUE/THUR/FRI 11am to 2.15pm WEDNESDAY 11am to 1.15pm

Reminder to senior students:

* When driving to and from school you will need to complete the

'Conditions for Application for Student Drivers' form. This

can be obtained from your year Deputy Principal.

* All senior students are to remain on school premises for the

entire day. Those wishing to leave at recess or lunch time will

need prior permission or flexible leave passes.

* Flexible leave passes are for students who have

no timetabled classes for the beginning or end of the school day.

Applications are available from your Deputy Principal.

* All senior students with unscheduled classes are

expected to study in the 'Senior Area' in the Library.


id A





Issue No.9 Page 18

Community Notices




This program is designed for 14-16 year old students (in Year 9 or

10 in 2013) to experience a true 'exchange' with a family in New

Zealand. Local Students are matched with a New Zealand

student who will travel to Australia and attend school here during

Term 2, 2013. Both students then return to New Zealand and

attend school there for Term 3, 2013.

The students' family hosts the NZ student and includes them in

their normal family life.

This is an exciting way to experience another culture with the

support of Rotary.

More information and expression of interest forms can be

found at www.ranzse.org

Expressions of interest close 30 June 2012


There are many occasions where we would like to publish photo-

graphs of students involved in various school activities, including

reports for the local papers, school newsletters, and the annual

report and on our school website.

If you do not wish your child’s photograph to be used for these pur-

poses, please notify the school in writing.

Page 19 Issue No.9

We’re on the Web:


Woolgoolga High School

Centenary Drive

Woolgoolga NSW 2456

E-mail: woolgoolga-

[email protected]

Enclosed shoes in school colours—black, white, navy, grey, blue—

preferably leather—NOT canvas as they do not adequately ensure safety.

Years 8-10 students are allowed to wear their sports uniform to school

on Wednesday: Years 8-10 Sport will be held on Wednesday afternoon


Leave Pass for Sport

Students and Parents are reminded that School Sport is a compulsory requirement for the School Certificate.

Students who cannot avoid an appointment on a Wednesday afternoon during sport time must follow the correct procedure to leave school grounds.

Students must bring a note from home and submit to Head Teacher Admin (Ms Nurm) who will be outside the deputy‟s office before school on Wednesday morning.

After approval for leave is granted by the Head Teacher Admin students take their note to the front office where a „leave pass‟ will be given to the student stating the time they will be departing school grounds.

Students may leave school grounds at the time the „leave pass‟ states.

Failing to follow the above procedure may result in your child having fractional truancy on the record and a demotion in the school welfare merit system.

The WHS P & C meets on the second Tuesday of every month at 7.00pm



This program donates a percentage of the money spent by customers to their nominated

club, school or charity. Many schools and charities are receiving over $1000 every

month. By shopping at Ritchies’ Coffs Harbour IGA,

you can help our school and benefit students. Ritchies’ Community Benefit Card saves you

money and helps your favourite

organisation at the same time