cutting-edge research concrete strategies sustainable success Good Morning and Welcome! The Highly Engaged Classroom Dr. Tina Boogren Marzano Research Laboratory Associates

Good Morning and Welcome! · How!Do!IFeel?! • Effecve! pacing! • Physical!movement • Demonstrang! intensity!and!enthusiasm! • Using humor!!⏎! • BuildingposiCve!relaonships!

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Page 1: Good Morning and Welcome! · How!Do!IFeel?! • Effecve! pacing! • Physical!movement • Demonstrang! intensity!and!enthusiasm! • Using humor!!⏎! • BuildingposiCve!relaonships!

cutting-edge research concrete strategies sustainable success

Good Morning and Welcome!  

The  Highly Engaged Classroom

Dr. Tina Boogren Marzano Research Laboratory Associates

Page 2: Good Morning and Welcome! · How!Do!IFeel?! • Effecve! pacing! • Physical!movement • Demonstrang! intensity!and!enthusiasm! • Using humor!!⏎! • BuildingposiCve!relaonships!

cutting-edge research concrete strategies sustainable success


Reading Audio-visual


Discussion Groups

Practice by doing Teach others/immediate use of learning

Average Retention Rate

after 24 hours Pg. 3

5% 10%




75% 90%

Adapted from David Sousa’s figure 3.8 in his text, How the Brain Learns

Boosting Retention

Page 3: Good Morning and Welcome! · How!Do!IFeel?! • Effecve! pacing! • Physical!movement • Demonstrang! intensity!and!enthusiasm! • Using humor!!⏎! • BuildingposiCve!relaonships!

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(Pg.  2)  Our  road  map…  

•  Review  research  on  engagement  strategies;  •  Delve  deeper  into  teacher  roles  with  the  engagement  process;  

•  Learn  how  to  create  a  classroom  environment  where  engagement  is  the  norm;  

•  Experience  strategies  for  engagement;  and  •  Learn  how  four  quesCons  determine  how  involved  students  are  in  classroom  acCviCes.  

Page 4: Good Morning and Welcome! · How!Do!IFeel?! • Effecve! pacing! • Physical!movement • Demonstrang! intensity!and!enthusiasm! • Using humor!!⏎! • BuildingposiCve!relaonships!

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Approximate  aEenCon  spans…  •  For  pre-­‐adolescents:  

 •  Change  up  instrucCon  approximately  every  5-­‐10  minutes.  

•  For  adolescents  into  adults…  

 •  Change  up  instrucCon  approximately  every  10-­‐20  minutes.  

Page 5: Good Morning and Welcome! · How!Do!IFeel?! • Effecve! pacing! • Physical!movement • Demonstrang! intensity!and!enthusiasm! • Using humor!!⏎! • BuildingposiCve!relaonships!

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Cross-­‐Town  Buddy  •  We  someCmes  confuse  the  behaviors  of  engaged  with  compliant.    Agree  or  Disagree?    

•  Students  really  just  want  “edutainment.”    Agree  or  Disagree?  

•  Can  you  have  engagement  with  high-­‐stakes  tesCng  and  accountability?    

Page 6: Good Morning and Welcome! · How!Do!IFeel?! • Effecve! pacing! • Physical!movement • Demonstrang! intensity!and!enthusiasm! • Using humor!!⏎! • BuildingposiCve!relaonships!

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An  Old  Proverb  states:  •  You  can  lead  a  horse  to  water,  but  you  can’t  make  them  drink.  

•  We  learned  that  maybe  with  “reward  and  punishment”  the  horse  will  do  whatever  we  ask.  

•  However,  consider  a  different  goal:  “How  can  I  make  the  horse  thirsty?”  

Page 7: Good Morning and Welcome! · How!Do!IFeel?! • Effecve! pacing! • Physical!movement • Demonstrang! intensity!and!enthusiasm! • Using humor!!⏎! • BuildingposiCve!relaonships!

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 Why  aren’t  students  more  engaged?                                        



How  can  we  make  our  classrooms  more  engaging?  

Page 8: Good Morning and Welcome! · How!Do!IFeel?! • Effecve! pacing! • Physical!movement • Demonstrang! intensity!and!enthusiasm! • Using humor!!⏎! • BuildingposiCve!relaonships!

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Student  Engagement  

 Student  engagement  happens  as  a  result  of  a  teacher’s  careful  planning  and  execu6on  of  specific  strategies.  

Page 9: Good Morning and Welcome! · How!Do!IFeel?! • Effecve! pacing! • Physical!movement • Demonstrang! intensity!and!enthusiasm! • Using humor!!⏎! • BuildingposiCve!relaonships!

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Dr.  Marzano’s  Four  QuesCons  (pg.  5-­‐14)  

How  Do  I  Feel?  

Am  I  Interested?  

Is  This  Important?    

Can  I  Do  This?    

Page 10: Good Morning and Welcome! · How!Do!IFeel?! • Effecve! pacing! • Physical!movement • Demonstrang! intensity!and!enthusiasm! • Using humor!!⏎! • BuildingposiCve!relaonships!

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• How  Do  I  Feel?  • Am  I  Interested?  


• Is  This  Important?  • Can  I  Do  This?  Engagement  

Page 11: Good Morning and Welcome! · How!Do!IFeel?! • Effecve! pacing! • Physical!movement • Demonstrang! intensity!and!enthusiasm! • Using humor!!⏎! • BuildingposiCve!relaonships!

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Graphic  RepresentaCons:  

 We  process  informaCon  more  deeply  when  we  engage  in  both  linguisCc  and  

nonlinguisCc  ways.  

Page 12: Good Morning and Welcome! · How!Do!IFeel?! • Effecve! pacing! • Physical!movement • Demonstrang! intensity!and!enthusiasm! • Using humor!!⏎! • BuildingposiCve!relaonships!

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Create  a  Non-­‐LinguisCc  RepresentaCon  for  the  Four  


•  How  do  I  feel?  •  Am  I  interested?  •  Is  this  important?  •  Can  I  do  this?  

Page 13: Good Morning and Welcome! · How!Do!IFeel?! • Effecve! pacing! • Physical!movement • Demonstrang! intensity!and!enthusiasm! • Using humor!!⏎! • BuildingposiCve!relaonships!

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Ques:on  One:  

How do I feel? Page 5-7

Page 14: Good Morning and Welcome! · How!Do!IFeel?! • Effecve! pacing! • Physical!movement • Demonstrang! intensity!and!enthusiasm! • Using humor!!⏎! • BuildingposiCve!relaonships!

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How  Do  I  Feel?  •  EffecCve  pacing  •  Physical  movement  •  DemonstraCng  intensity  and  enthusiasm  •  Using  humor  •  Building  posiCve  relaConships  

Page 15: Good Morning and Welcome! · How!Do!IFeel?! • Effecve! pacing! • Physical!movement • Demonstrang! intensity!and!enthusiasm! • Using humor!!⏎! • BuildingposiCve!relaonships!

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How  Do  I  Feel?  

•  EffecCve  pacing  •  Physical  movement    ⏎  •  DemonstraCng  intensity  and  enthusiasm  •  Using  humor  •  Building  posiCve  relaConships  

Page 16: Good Morning and Welcome! · How!Do!IFeel?! • Effecve! pacing! • Physical!movement • Demonstrang! intensity!and!enthusiasm! • Using humor!!⏎! • BuildingposiCve!relaonships!

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“Amazingly,  the  part  of  the  brain  that  processes  movement  is  the  same  part  of  the  brain  that  

processes  learning.”    Eric  Jensen,  Teaching  With  the  Brain  in  Mind,  2005  


Page 17: Good Morning and Welcome! · How!Do!IFeel?! • Effecve! pacing! • Physical!movement • Demonstrang! intensity!and!enthusiasm! • Using humor!!⏎! • BuildingposiCve!relaonships!

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John  Ratey,  Spark  

 “The  real  reason  we  feel  so  good  when  we  get  our  blood  pumping  is  that  it  makes  the  brain  funcCon  at  its  best…  This  benefit  of  physical  

acCvity  is  far  more  important  than  what  it  does  for  the  body.”  

Page 18: Good Morning and Welcome! · How!Do!IFeel?! • Effecve! pacing! • Physical!movement • Demonstrang! intensity!and!enthusiasm! • Using humor!!⏎! • BuildingposiCve!relaonships!

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John  Medina:  


“Physical  ac6vity  is    cogni6ve  candy.”  

Page 19: Good Morning and Welcome! · How!Do!IFeel?! • Effecve! pacing! • Physical!movement • Demonstrang! intensity!and!enthusiasm! • Using humor!!⏎! • BuildingposiCve!relaonships!

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Physical  Movement  •  Stretch  breaks  •  Movement  related  to  rehearsal  •  Movement  necessary  to  further  understand  the  content  •  Drama  •  Physical  representaCons  •  Movement  that  facilitates  sharing  (Mix-­‐Pair-­‐Discuss)  •  VoCng  with  your  feet  •  Corners  acCviCes  •  Whole-­‐class  or  whole-­‐school  exercise  

Page 20: Good Morning and Welcome! · How!Do!IFeel?! • Effecve! pacing! • Physical!movement • Demonstrang! intensity!and!enthusiasm! • Using humor!!⏎! • BuildingposiCve!relaonships!

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Slap  Count  

Page 21: Good Morning and Welcome! · How!Do!IFeel?! • Effecve! pacing! • Physical!movement • Demonstrang! intensity!and!enthusiasm! • Using humor!!⏎! • BuildingposiCve!relaonships!

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Slap  Count  

•  Slap  Count:  – Partners  or  triads  – Can  ‘slap’  1,  2,  or  3  Cmes  – Goal:    to  be  the  last  one  to  ‘slap’  on  the  final  number  

– Can  mix  it  up  with  even  numbers,  factors,  etc.    

Page 22: Good Morning and Welcome! · How!Do!IFeel?! • Effecve! pacing! • Physical!movement • Demonstrang! intensity!and!enthusiasm! • Using humor!!⏎! • BuildingposiCve!relaonships!

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Brain  Gym  

Page 23: Good Morning and Welcome! · How!Do!IFeel?! • Effecve! pacing! • Physical!movement • Demonstrang! intensity!and!enthusiasm! • Using humor!!⏎! • BuildingposiCve!relaonships!

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Brain  Gym  

•  Touch  lek  hand  to  right  ear  and  right  hand  to  nose  (at  the  same  Cme).  

•  Bring  both  hands  back  to  your  sides.  •  Now  swap:    touch  right  hand  to  lek  ear  and  lek  hand  to  nose  (at  the  same  Cme).  

•  Bring  both  hands  back  to  your  sides…  •  How  fast  can  you  go???  

Page 24: Good Morning and Welcome! · How!Do!IFeel?! • Effecve! pacing! • Physical!movement • Demonstrang! intensity!and!enthusiasm! • Using humor!!⏎! • BuildingposiCve!relaonships!

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How  Do  I  Feel?  

•  EffecCve  pacing  •  Physical  movement  •  DemonstraCng  intensity  and  enthusiasm  

•  Using  humor    ⏎  •  Building  posiCve  relaConships  

Page 25: Good Morning and Welcome! · How!Do!IFeel?! • Effecve! pacing! • Physical!movement • Demonstrang! intensity!and!enthusiasm! • Using humor!!⏎! • BuildingposiCve!relaonships!

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Page 26: Good Morning and Welcome! · How!Do!IFeel?! • Effecve! pacing! • Physical!movement • Demonstrang! intensity!and!enthusiasm! • Using humor!!⏎! • BuildingposiCve!relaonships!

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Humor  When  teachers  use  humor,  students  feel  beEer  about  the  content,  the  teacher,  and  perhaps  even  themselves.  •  More  oxygen  •  Endorphin  surge  •  Posi6ve  climate  •  Gets  aHen6on  •  Increased  reten6on  

Page 27: Good Morning and Welcome! · How!Do!IFeel?! • Effecve! pacing! • Physical!movement • Demonstrang! intensity!and!enthusiasm! • Using humor!!⏎! • BuildingposiCve!relaonships!

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Humor  in  the  Classroom  

•  Bantering  with  students  should  be  approached  with  great  cauCon.  (Avoid  teasing  and  sarcasm.)  

 •  A  teacher  using  himself  or  herself  as  the  subject  of  humor  is  appropriate  and  useful.  

Page 28: Good Morning and Welcome! · How!Do!IFeel?! • Effecve! pacing! • Physical!movement • Demonstrang! intensity!and!enthusiasm! • Using humor!!⏎! • BuildingposiCve!relaonships!

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Page 29: Good Morning and Welcome! · How!Do!IFeel?! • Effecve! pacing! • Physical!movement • Demonstrang! intensity!and!enthusiasm! • Using humor!!⏎! • BuildingposiCve!relaonships!

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Page 30: Good Morning and Welcome! · How!Do!IFeel?! • Effecve! pacing! • Physical!movement • Demonstrang! intensity!and!enthusiasm! • Using humor!!⏎! • BuildingposiCve!relaonships!

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Page 31: Good Morning and Welcome! · How!Do!IFeel?! • Effecve! pacing! • Physical!movement • Demonstrang! intensity!and!enthusiasm! • Using humor!!⏎! • BuildingposiCve!relaonships!

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Page 32: Good Morning and Welcome! · How!Do!IFeel?! • Effecve! pacing! • Physical!movement • Demonstrang! intensity!and!enthusiasm! • Using humor!!⏎! • BuildingposiCve!relaonships!

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Page 33: Good Morning and Welcome! · How!Do!IFeel?! • Effecve! pacing! • Physical!movement • Demonstrang! intensity!and!enthusiasm! • Using humor!!⏎! • BuildingposiCve!relaonships!

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Page 34: Good Morning and Welcome! · How!Do!IFeel?! • Effecve! pacing! • Physical!movement • Demonstrang! intensity!and!enthusiasm! • Using humor!!⏎! • BuildingposiCve!relaonships!

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Page 35: Good Morning and Welcome! · How!Do!IFeel?! • Effecve! pacing! • Physical!movement • Demonstrang! intensity!and!enthusiasm! • Using humor!!⏎! • BuildingposiCve!relaonships!

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Movie  Clips  and  Media    

 Use  short  clips  for  different  

subject  areas  and  grade  levels.    

Page 36: Good Morning and Welcome! · How!Do!IFeel?! • Effecve! pacing! • Physical!movement • Demonstrang! intensity!and!enthusiasm! • Using humor!!⏎! • BuildingposiCve!relaonships!

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Page 37: Good Morning and Welcome! · How!Do!IFeel?! • Effecve! pacing! • Physical!movement • Demonstrang! intensity!and!enthusiasm! • Using humor!!⏎! • BuildingposiCve!relaonships!

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Ques:on  Two:  

Am I interested? Page 8-0

Page 38: Good Morning and Welcome! · How!Do!IFeel?! • Effecve! pacing! • Physical!movement • Demonstrang! intensity!and!enthusiasm! • Using humor!!⏎! • BuildingposiCve!relaonships!

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QuesCon  Two:  “Am  I  Interested?”    

There  is  more  to  teaching    than  talking  at  kids.  

Students  have  to  be  mentally  involved  for  learning  to  occur.  

Page 39: Good Morning and Welcome! · How!Do!IFeel?! • Effecve! pacing! • Physical!movement • Demonstrang! intensity!and!enthusiasm! • Using humor!!⏎! • BuildingposiCve!relaonships!

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Page 40: Good Morning and Welcome! · How!Do!IFeel?! • Effecve! pacing! • Physical!movement • Demonstrang! intensity!and!enthusiasm! • Using humor!!⏎! • BuildingposiCve!relaonships!

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Am  I  interested?    

1.  Using  GAMES  and  inconsequenCal  compeCCon  

2.  IniCaCng  friendly  CONTROVERSY  3.  Introducing  UNUSUAL  INFORMATION  4.  QUESTIONING  to  increase  response  rates  

Page 41: Good Morning and Welcome! · How!Do!IFeel?! • Effecve! pacing! • Physical!movement • Demonstrang! intensity!and!enthusiasm! • Using humor!!⏎! • BuildingposiCve!relaonships!

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Am  I  interested?  


1.  Using  GAMES  and  inconsequenCal  compeCCon  ⏎  

2.  IniCaCng  friendly  CONTROVERSY  3.  Introducing  UNUSUAL  INFORMATION  4.  QUESTIONING  to  increase  response  rates  

Page 42: Good Morning and Welcome! · How!Do!IFeel?! • Effecve! pacing! • Physical!movement • Demonstrang! intensity!and!enthusiasm! • Using humor!!⏎! • BuildingposiCve!relaonships!

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Research  on  The  Use  of  Games  to  Improve  Student  Learning  

Marzano  Research  Lab  reports  the  results  of  three  meta-­‐analyses.    

Student  growth  in  classrooms  that  used  games  ranged  from  a  13  percenCle  gain  to  an  18  percenCle  gain.  

This  is  significant.  

Page 43: Good Morning and Welcome! · How!Do!IFeel?! • Effecve! pacing! • Physical!movement • Demonstrang! intensity!and!enthusiasm! • Using humor!!⏎! • BuildingposiCve!relaonships!

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Games  and  InconsequenCal  (Just  for  Fun)  CompeCCon  

•  Games  should  always  have  an  academic  focus.    •  Regroup  students  so  that  all  students  experience  winning  and  losing.  

 •  Points  are  tallied  but  not  used  to  increase  or  decrease  scores  or  grades.  

Page 44: Good Morning and Welcome! · How!Do!IFeel?! • Effecve! pacing! • Physical!movement • Demonstrang! intensity!and!enthusiasm! • Using humor!!⏎! • BuildingposiCve!relaonships!

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Let’s look at some games…

Page 45: Good Morning and Welcome! · How!Do!IFeel?! • Effecve! pacing! • Physical!movement • Demonstrang! intensity!and!enthusiasm! • Using humor!!⏎! • BuildingposiCve!relaonships!

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Page 46: Good Morning and Welcome! · How!Do!IFeel?! • Effecve! pacing! • Physical!movement • Demonstrang! intensity!and!enthusiasm! • Using humor!!⏎! • BuildingposiCve!relaonships!

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Colors Trees

50 points 50 points 50 points

100 points 100 points

200 points

State Capitals

Pyramid Game

Page 47: Good Morning and Welcome! · How!Do!IFeel?! • Effecve! pacing! • Physical!movement • Demonstrang! intensity!and!enthusiasm! • Using humor!!⏎! • BuildingposiCve!relaonships!

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Talk  a  Mile  a  Minute  

•  Everyone  sees  the  category  •  One  person  faces  the  screen,  one  turns  away  •  Talk  provides  clues  for  each  term/phrase  •  ConCnue  unCl  partner  guesses  all  •  Stand  up  and  declare,  ‘We  won!’    

Page 48: Good Morning and Welcome! · How!Do!IFeel?! • Effecve! pacing! • Physical!movement • Demonstrang! intensity!and!enthusiasm! • Using humor!!⏎! • BuildingposiCve!relaonships!

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Ques:on  Three:  

Is this important? Page 10-11

Page 49: Good Morning and Welcome! · How!Do!IFeel?! • Effecve! pacing! • Physical!movement • Demonstrang! intensity!and!enthusiasm! • Using humor!!⏎! • BuildingposiCve!relaonships!

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Is  This  Important?  

•  Four  ways  to  tap  into  a  student’s  personal  goals:  – Comparisons  to  student  interests  – Providing  choice  – Real-­‐world  applicaCon  – Personal  projects  

Page 50: Good Morning and Welcome! · How!Do!IFeel?! • Effecve! pacing! • Physical!movement • Demonstrang! intensity!and!enthusiasm! • Using humor!!⏎! • BuildingposiCve!relaonships!

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Reading Audio-visual


Discussion Groups

Practice by doing Teach others/immediate use of learning

Average Retention Rate after 24 hours

5% 10%




75% 90%

Adapted from David Sousa’s figure 3.8 in his text, How the Brain Learns

Boosting Retention

Page 51: Good Morning and Welcome! · How!Do!IFeel?! • Effecve! pacing! • Physical!movement • Demonstrang! intensity!and!enthusiasm! • Using humor!!⏎! • BuildingposiCve!relaonships!

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Choice  of  ReporCng  Format  •  OpCons  for  reporCng:  

– A  wriEen  report  – An  oral  report  – A  dramaCc  presentaCon  – A  debate  – A  videotaped  report  – A  demonstraCon  or  simulaCon  – Using  a  web  applicaCon  

Page 52: Good Morning and Welcome! · How!Do!IFeel?! • Effecve! pacing! • Physical!movement • Demonstrang! intensity!and!enthusiasm! • Using humor!!⏎! • BuildingposiCve!relaonships!

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Choice/Menu  Boards  

Page 53: Good Morning and Welcome! · How!Do!IFeel?! • Effecve! pacing! • Physical!movement • Demonstrang! intensity!and!enthusiasm! • Using humor!!⏎! • BuildingposiCve!relaonships!

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Ques:on  Four:  

Can I do this? Page 12-14

Page 54: Good Morning and Welcome! · How!Do!IFeel?! • Effecve! pacing! • Physical!movement • Demonstrang! intensity!and!enthusiasm! • Using humor!!⏎! • BuildingposiCve!relaonships!

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QuesCon  Four:  “Can  I  Do  This”….  The  Research  

 •  If  the  answer  is  “NO,”  students  might  lessen  or  abort  their  involvement  –even  if  they  have  posi:ve  feelings  about  the  task,  are  interested  in  the  topic,  and  perceive  it  as  related  to  their  personal  goals.              

 Marzano,  2010  

Page 55: Good Morning and Welcome! · How!Do!IFeel?! • Effecve! pacing! • Physical!movement • Demonstrang! intensity!and!enthusiasm! • Using humor!!⏎! • BuildingposiCve!relaonships!

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Can  I  Do  This?  

•  Using  effecCve  praise  and  verbal  FEEDBACK  •  Tracking  and  studying  PROGRESS  •  Providing  EXAMPLES  of  efficacy  •  Teaching  about  EFFICACY  

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Can  I  Do  This?  

•  Using  effecCve  praise  and  verbal  FEEDBACK  ⏎  •  Tracking  and  studying  PROGRESS  •  Providing  EXAMPLES  of  efficacy  •  Teaching  about  EFFICACY  

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Self-Theory Survey

1. You have a certain amount of intelligence, and you really can’t do much to change it.

– Strongly Agree – Agree – Mostly Agree – Mostly Disagree – Strongly Disagree

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2.    Your  intelligence  is  something  about  you  that  you  can’t  change  very  much.  

– Strongly  Agree  – Agree  – Mostly  Agree  – Mostly  Disagree  – Strongly  Disagree  

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3.    You  can  learn  new  things,  but  you  can’t  really  change  your  basic  intelligence.  

– Strongly  Agree  – Agree  – Mostly  Agree  – Mostly  Disagree  – Strongly  Disagree  

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Scores of ‘mostly agree’ to ‘strongly agree’

= fixed theory

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Dweck, Mindset: The New Psychology of Success, 2007

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•  Mindsets are the assumptions, expectations, and beliefs that guide our behavior and our interactions with others.

•  If our attitudes, beliefs, or mindsets about teaching, learning, and our students go unexamined, the consequences can be harmful…

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Fixed mindset:

talents are carved in stone

Growth mindset: qualities are things to be cultivated

through effort and can change through application and experience

Dweck, Mindset: The New Psychology of Success,2007�

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Growth/Fixed Teachers •  Growth mindset teachers love to learn.

They want to learn about their students, about themselves, about life.

•  Fixed mindset teachers think of themselves as finished products. Their role is to impart knowledge.

Dweck, Mindset: The New Psychology of Success,2007�

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Fixed Mindset

intelligence is a fixed trait

Growth Mindset

intelligence is a malleable quality, a potential that can be


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What Mindsets Do Goals  

Fixed Mindset Students Say

Learning is Most Important

“It’s much more important for me to learn things in my

classes than it is to get the best grades.”

Growth Mindset Students Say

Looking Smart is Most


“The main thing I want when I do my school work is to show

how good I am at it.”

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What Mindsets Do Effort  Beliefs  

Fixed Mindset Students Say

Effort is positive

“The harder you work at something, the better you’ll be

at it.”

Growth Mindset Students Say

Effort is negative

“To tell the truth, when I work hard at my school work it

makes me feel like I’m not very smart.”

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What Mindsets Do Strategies  ALer  Failure  

Fixed Mindset Students Say


“I would work harder in this class from now on.”

“I would spend more time studying for the tests.”

Growth Mindset Students Say


“I would spend less time on this subject from now on.”

“I would try not to take this subject ever again.”

“I would try to cheat on the next test.”

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How shall we respond? •  Not... “Wow, you got eight of ten correct. You must be

really smart.”

•  Instead— “You got eight right. That’s a really good score, and you must have worked really hard.”

Dweck, Mindset: The New Psychology of Success,2007�

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Changing Your Mindset

•  Learn  to  hear  your  fixed  mindset  “voice.”  •  Recognize  that  you  have  a  choice.  •  Talk  back  to  it  with  a  growth  mindset  voice.  •  Take  the  growth  mindset  acCon.  

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BoEom  Line:  



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The  view  you  adopt  for  yourself  profoundly  affects  the  way  you  

lead  your  life.          

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So how shall we respond? •  Not... “Wow, you got eight of ten correct. You must be

really smart.”

•  Instead— “You got eight right. That’s a really good score, and you must have worked really hard. Tell me three things you did to accomplish your goal.”

Dweck, Mindset: The New Psychology of Success,2007�

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“Ability  might  get  you  to  the  top,  but  it  takes  character  to  keep  you  

there.”      John  Wooden,  legendary  UCLA  

basketball  coach  

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We  will  delve  deeper  into  the  other  strategies  associated  with  each  of  the  four  


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Thank You! Evaluations Dr. Tina H. Boogren [email protected] THBoogren (Twitter)—Blog