Gok’s Teens: The Naked Truth Student’s Pack Created in collaboration with the PSHE Association www.pshe-association.org.uk

Gok's Teens: The Naked Truth - Students' Pack (Channel 4)

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To accompany Channel 4's series on modern teen issues, presented by stylist Gok Wan, I was commissioned to write a series of classroom resources exploring the themes from the show.This students' pack was contained resources for teens including worksheets and fact files on body image issues.

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Goks Teens: The Naked TruthStudents PackCreated in collaboration with the PSHE Associationwww.pshe-association.org.ukContents02Worksheet: Media Manipulation Factsheet: Snapshot of a Photo Shoot Factsheet: Body Image Useful Resources03 071417 Media Manipulation WorksheetPerfect PicsIn roups oI 8 or 4, BIck LLrouL some maazInes and pIck a pLoLo Irom a pLoLo sLooL, arLIcle or adverL wLIcL you LLInk represenLs LLe maInsLream idea of beauty.List some reasons below why you have chosen this image and what you think it represents:03Media Manipulation WorksheetCelebrity Shopping List Lets create a shopping list for the ingredients needed to create a typically beautiful celebrity. For now just concentrate on the physical things rather LLan elemenLs sucL as LalenL or personalILy. Try and come up with three ingredients for female celebs and three for the men.The Girls1.2.3.The Boys1.2.3.04Media Manipulation WorksheetSnapshot of a Photo ShootLots of people are involved in producing the glossy pictures that you see in maazInes. How many can you LLInk oI? List your ideas below:05Media Manipulation WorksheetNow that you know some of the tricks and tactics used to create the perfect photo, try answering the following questions:How Las LLIs exercIse made you look dIIIerenLly aL celebrILIes and beauLy Ideals In LLe medIa?How do you Ieel abouL your own body now LLaL you know LLaL mosL Imaes oI beauLy are Iaked or alLered? Do you Ieel less pressure Lo be beauLIIul In real lIIe?How do you Ieel abouL LLe LrIcks LLaL LLe medIa and beauLy IndusLrIes use Lo consLrucL and alLer pLoLos? Do you Ieel anry or cLeaLed? 06Snapshot of a Photo Shoot: Factsheet07AFTERBEFORESnapshot of a Photo Shoot: FactsheetPicture Perfect?When you look at a photo of your favourite celebrity or a gorgeous model In a maazIne or adverL, you'll probably Bnd yourselI wanLIn Lo look lIke LLem. IL's LempLIn Lo LLInk LLaL II you eaL less, exercIse Larder or even Lave cosmeLIc surery, you could acLIeve LLose picture-perfect looks too.The thing is, the picture isnt perfect to begin with. Its actually the producL oI a serIes oI LrIcks by LLe medIa and LLe IasLIon IndusLry, desIned Lo make you belIeve In a cerLaIn Idea oI beauLy so you'll buy into the products theyre selling. WLen you look aL a maazIne pLoLo, IL Is unlIkely LLaL you are looking at reality. What you are in fact seeing is the result of a whole rane oI IllusIons, LacLIcs and Bbs used aL several dIIIerenL sLaes oI producLIon. WLaL's more LLe Imae Is lIkely LLe producL oI a wLole army oI people and a budeL runnIn Lo LLousands oI pounds. Ey learnIn wLaL oes InLo producIn a LypIcal maazIne pLoLo, you'll see how each stage relies on various tricks and untruths, any one of wLIcL would make IL very Lard Ior normal people lIke us Lo acLIeve LLese Imaes oI perIecLIon. WLen we add LLem all up, IL becomes obvious that no-one can look like these photos in real life, even the supersLars and models LLaL appear In LLem! Ey realIsIn LLaL LLese Imaes are IllusIons LLaL are ImpossIble Lo lIve up to, hopefully we can all be a bit easier on ourselves and learn to love the fabulous bodies weve got.0ver LLe nexL Iew paes we'll beIn Lo pIck aparL a LypIcal maazIne pLoLo Lo see all oI LLe InredIenLs Involved and Bnd ouL jusL Low unIaIr LLose beauLy Ideals really are!08Snapshot of a Photo Shoot: FactsheetThe Celebrity or ModelEeIore LLe camera even beIns Lo roll, LLe rIcL, Iamous and beauLIIul already have an unfair advantage over the rest of us:Beautiful Freaks: Even with all the diet and exercise in the world it is thought that only a tiny proportion of us (probably less than 5%) are physically able to achieve the body shapes that these celebsare blessed wILL. IL Is almosL ImpossIble Ior mosL oI us Lo naLurally look lIke these beautiful freaks who have been lucky enough to be born with amazIn enes!Beauty is Hard Work: Many celebrities spend thousands oI pounds on LIrIn personal LraIners Lo keep LLem In LLe peak oI BLness and on dIeLIcIans wLo specIally desIn LLeIr meals. NoL only Is LLIs very expensIve, IL Lakes up Iar more LIme and eIIorL LLan mosL oI us Lave because were always at school, college or work. For these celebs being beauLIIul Is a Iull LIme job!Plastic Fantastic:Often even freaky genetics, killer exercise plans and sLrIcL dIeLs aren'L enouL wILL more and more celebrILIes are opLIn Lo use plasLIc surery Lo boosL LLeIr beauLy. Erom boob jobs and lIposucLIon Lo boLox and LaIr ImplanLs, LLose Iamous Lunks and Loneys are spendIn bI bucks and rIskIn danerous procedures Lo keep LLemselves looking beautiful.The Chosen Few: Thousands of people try and break into the modellIn and enLerLaInmenL IndusLrIes every year wILL mosL applyIn Lo specIalIsL aencIes wLo can Bnd LLem work.WILL so many applIcanLs, aenLs can aIIord Lo be Iussy and can cLoose only LLe mosL beauLIIul and mosL LalenLed Ior LLeIr books. 0ne leadIn model aenL Las even esLImaLed LLaL only one Irl In every 10,000 Las wLaL IL Lakes Lo be a model! Picked for a Reason: Getting an agent is only the BrsL sLep. WLen you see a pLoLo In a maazIne, LLaL model's preLLy Iace or Lunky body hasnt ended up on the page by accident; it has been carefully selected Lo promoLe a cerLaIn producL or Lo BL an edILorIal sLyle. TLe casLIn aenLs, producers and edILors wLo are lookIn Ior models Lave LLe luxury cLoosIn Irom Lundreds oI candIdaLes Lo Bnd jusL LLe rILL person Ior LLeIr campaIn. Even wILL a modellIn conLracL, compeLILIon Is Berce wILL many models IaIlIn Lo make LLe rade.09The Celebrity or ModelThe Photo ShootWLen LLe model or celebrILy Las been cLosen Ior LLe pLoLo sLooL and LLe lens cap Bnally comes oII LLe camera, LLe Lard work really sLarLs. Even LLouL LLey're already sLarLIn wILL an exLraordInary lookIn model, IL Lakes a small army oI people and a wLole Leap oI kIL Lo eL LLem lookIn LLeIr besL. LeL's Lave a look aL a few of the key factors:The Photographer: Fashion photographers are often stars in LLeIr own rILL and wIll be cLosen by brands, maazInes and adverLIsers because oI LLeIr proven LalenL and experIence. WLaL's more, mosL proIessIonal pLoLorapLers wIll use cameras, lenses and pLoLorapLy equIpmenL worLL thousands and thousands of pounds. Frankly with all that kit and expertise, LLey sLould be able Lo make your 0ran look lIke a cover Irl!The Lighting: Ey usIn lILLs and BlLers pLoLorapLers can employ a wLole rane oI LrIcks Lo BaLLer or LransIorm LLeIr model. Erom makIn LLem look dramaLIc or moody Lo usIn soIL lILL Ior added lamour, LLere's lILLle LLaL can'L be done wILL LLe aId oI a Iew expensIve BasL uns, spoLlILLs and reBecLors.The Fashion Stylist: TLe model In LLe pLoLo clearly Lasn'L got dressed in the dark. Their fabulous clothes will have been carefully pIcked by an experL sLylIsL Lo BL a specIBc mood, messae or IeelIn Ior LLe sLooL (or In LLe case oI a IasLIon adverL Lo promoLe a parLIcular producL or range). Not only are the clothes hand selected by a fashion expert, they may also be vInLae or desIner and may even Lave been specIally LaIlored or alLered Lo BL LLaL parLIcular model.The Hair Stylist: IL Lakes a loL more LLan Len mInuLes wILL a paIr oI cLeap sLraILLeners and a dollop oI sLylIn mouse Lo eL LLe model Lo look salon perIecL. FroIessIonal IasLIon LaIr sLylIsLs are experLs In LLeIr Beld wILL a whole range of fancy gadgets, hair products, hairpieces and dyes at their dIsposal. We're cerLaInly LalkIn abouL Iar more LLan a cLeap cuL-and-colour down your local LaIrdresser II you wanL a serIously LIL-IasLIon LaIr do!The Makeup Artist: Whether were talking about the sort of amazIn LLeaLrIcal Iace paInL LLaL would make Lady 0aa o weak aL LLe knees or 'IresL-Iaced' beauLy, LLere Is sure Lo be a wLole load oI cosmeLIcs Involved. Makeup arLIsLs are LILly paId proIessIonals wLo use Lop qualILy maLerIals In LLeIr creaLIons, oILen needIn Lours Lo buIld up a specIBc look.10The Photo ShootSnapshot of a Photo Shoot: FactsheetDigital Post ProductionWILL LLe pLoLo sLooL over, IL Is now LIme Ior LLe mosL conLroversIal parL oI the process: post production. Here the raw photo is digitally retouched or 'aIrbrusLed' on a powerIul compuLer usIn advanced pLoLo edILIn soILware such as Photoshop. TLese compuLer-eneraLed specIal eIIecLs allow a skIlled desIner Lo LoLally alLer LLe Imae, LransIormIn LLe orIInal pLoLo by addIn, removIn, resLapIn or re-colourIn elemenLs Lo BL LLeIr desIn brIeI. TLIs can Include anyLLIn Irom removIn LLe odd sLray LaIr or Lo lILerally sLreLcLIn or swappIn body parLs!Ey LLe LIme LLe desIner Is BnIsLed, LLe pLoLo can be LoLally dIIIerenL Irom realILy buL LLe power oI LLe reLoucLIn process means LLaL we are LrIcked InLo belIevIn wLaL we are seeIn. LeL's Lave a look aL some oI LLe sneaky LrIcks that can be used in post production:Colour Swapping: EveryLLIn Irom your eye colour, LaIr colour and the colour of your clothes can be altered in post production. They can even boosL your Lan!Spot Removal: EoreL medIcaLed Iace wasL, FLoLosLop can remove every pImple, mole, blackLead bIrLLmark or scar Lo leave LLe model perIecLly blemIsL Iree. IL can even cover up LaLLoos (or add LLem In II you're IeelIn rebellIous!).Wrinkle Reduction: Theres no need for botox when you have dIILal reLoucLIn soILware. MaazIne pLoLos are oILen edILed Lo remove lInes and creases around LLe mouLL and eyes Lo make celebs look youner. TLey can even remove eye bas Lo make IL seem lIke LLey Lad a ood nILL's sleep!Body Stretching: This bit is really sneaky. Photo editors can acLually cLane LLe sLape oI a model's body Lo make LLem look more aLLracLIve. Erom boosLIn LLeIr boobs or enlarIn LLeIr muscles Lo lenLLenIn LLeIr les and neck Lo make LLem appear slIm and raceIul, anyLLIn Is possIble. TLey can even make LLe eyes bIer Lo make a Iace seem more appealIn.11Digital Post ProductionSnapshot of a Photo Shoot: FactsheetDigital Post ProductionTooth Whitening: Even smIles can be Iaked. TooLL wLILenIn Is one oI LLe mosL common reLoucLIn eIIecLs used In maazInes and IL's really easy to straighten crooked teeth using Photoshop.Fat Removal: When dieting, exercise and surgery arent enough, dIILal reLoucLIn can o LLe exLra mIle Lo remove even LLe slILLesL Lrace oI IaL. BpecIal Lools In edILIn soILware allow desIners Lo LrIm away excess fat or to literally push unwanted bulges back into place. They can even use blendIn Lools Lo smooLL away sLubborn cellulILe.Not So Natural: Surely its only the glossy studio shots and adverLs LLaL eL dIILally manIpulaLed, rILL? Wron! Even naLural-lookIn shots taken in the real world can be altered too. Whether that star has been snapped aL LLe beacL or 'papped' on LLe red carpeL, LLaL Imae mILL sLIll Lave been dIILally aIrbrusLed. Many celebrILIes wIll even employ personal FLoLosLop experLs Lo reLoucL every sInle Imae oI LLem LLaL eLs released In addILIon Lo any reLoucLIn LLaL Lappens In maazInes or adverts.12Snapshot of a Photo Shoot: FactsheetDigital Post Production (Contd.)SummarySo to recap, to create the perfect magazine photo you need to:BLarL oII wILL a model or celebrILy wLo noL only Las a eneLIcadvanLae over mosL oI us In LLe beauLy sLakes buL wLo can also aIIord Lo employ beauLIcIans, sLylIsLs, LraIners, dIeLIcIans and even sureons wLose job IL Is Lo keep LLem lookIn preLLy.Have LLe luxury oI selecLIn LLaL perIecL model Irom LundredsoI oLLer exLraordInarIly beauLIIul people submILLed by aencIes, specIBcally Ior LLe Lype oI pLoLo you need. You can lILerally pIck LLe cream oI LLe crop!ConducL a pLoLo sLooL usIn a Leam oI exLremely LalenLed,LILly paId people all usIn LLe besL equIpmenL money can buy. TLaL perIecL pLoLo wIll be LLe producL oI serIous LIme, eIIorL and expense.TransIorm a pLoLo usIn a wLole rane oI dIILal reLoucLInLecLnIques.TLe end pLoLo Is lILerally LLe resulL oI compuLer-eneraLed specIal eIIecLs, LrIcks and bare-Iaced lIes!Is it any wonder that it seems impossible to live up to our celebrity idols? Now think about this:It is estimated that the average person is exposed to 3000 adverts a day!We're consLanLly bombarded wILL LLese unacLIevable Imaes wLIlsL we are told that this is what we should aspire to. Its no surprise that we eL selI conscIous abouL our bodIes!Just remember, no-one can look like these photos in real life, even the celebrities who feature in them!13Body Image Fact SheetWhen you look in the mirror, it is easy to be negative about how you look or to wish that you could change bits of your body to look like someone else. However there are some interesting facts to consider that can help us see ourselves in a more positive light.Its all about genetics: MosL oI wLaL deLermInes your body sLape Is down Lo your enes. 0eneLIcs can InBuence everyLLIn Irom LLe number oI IaL cells you Lave Lo your bone sLrucLure, your abIlILy Lo develop muscle, Low mucL you aIn or lose IaL and even wLere IaL aLLers on your body. Even wILL sLrIcLly conLrolled dIeLs or exercIse plans you may sLIll be lImILed In Low mucL you can sLape your body.Our bodies need fat: EaL Isn'L always a bad LLIn! IL Is essenLIal Ior many oI our core bodIly IuncLIons sucL as sLorIn enery, LelpIn Lo conLrol body LemperaLure and provIdIn cusLIonIn Lo our orans, muscles and bones. WILL Loo lILLle IaL Lo work wILL, our bodIes sImply cannoL IuncLIon properly.Beautiful doesnt always mean healthy: AccordIn Lo LLe ErILIsL MedIcal AssocIaLIon LLe body IaL oI models and acLresses porLrayed In LLe medIa Is aL leasL S0% less LLan LLaL oI LealLLy women.95% of diets fail: Eecause dIeLs are so sLrIcL and dIIBculL Lo keep up, many people only sLIck wILL LLem Ior a sLorL amounL oI LIme. In many cases wLen someone sLops IollowIn LLe dIeL LLey reaIn LLe weILL LLaL Is losL and oILen puL on even more weILL LLan LLey bean wILL! EaLIn a balanced dIeL wILL reular exercIse Is a Iar beLLer way oI maInLaInIn a LealLLy weILL than dipping in and out of diets.McdeIs dcnt reBect reaIIty: The average British dress sIze Is 16 wLereas Loday mosL models used by LLe IasLIon IndusLry are sIzes 0-4. TLe cloLLes LLaL look so ood on LLe caLwalk aren'L even desIned Lo BL mosL ErILIsL sLoppers so IL's no wonder LLey look worse on us LLan LLey do on models!14Body Image Fact SheetBody dysmorphic disorder (BDD): Eody dysmorpLIc dIsorder Is a psycLoloIcal condILIon wLere a person becomes obsessed abouL a parL oI LLeIr body LLaL LLey Ieel Is mIssLapen or uly. In realILy LLere may be lILLle or noLLIn wrong with their body but the sufferer cant see this as their braIn Is lILerally LrIckIn LLem InLo seeIn LLeIr body dIIIerenLly Lo everyone else.EDD Is oILen lInked Lo eaLIn dIsorders wLere people ImaIne LLemselves Lo be mucL IaLLer LLan LLey are In reality. Boys and BDD: Eody dysmorpLIc dIsorder can aIIecL boys as well as Irls. In IacL IL Is becomIn common amonsL body buIlders wLo wronly see LLeIr bodIes as beIn less muscular than they actually are, leading to over-training, dangerous eating LabILs and even sLeroId abuse. TLIs condILIon Las been Lermed 'muscle dysmorpLIa' or 'bIorexIa'. Eating disorders: Eating disorders are characterised by an abnormal aLLILude Lowards Iood LLaL causes someone Lo change their eating habits and behaviour.People with eating dIsorders may become obsessed wILL conLrollIn LLeIr weILL and body sLape, leadIn LLem Lo make unLealLLy cLoIces abouL LLeIr dIeL and exercIse wLIcL can cause serIous LealLL problems. EoLL men and women can eL eaLIn dIsorders. TLe LLree mosL common eating disorders include: Anorexia nervosa - TLIs Is wLen someone LrIes Lo keep LLeIr weILL as low as possIble, usually sLarvIn LLemselves or exercising excessively.Bulimia - TLIs Is wLen someone LrIes Lo conLrol LLeIr weILL by binge eating and then deliberately being sick or using laxaLIves (medIcaLIon Lo Lelp empLy LLeIr bowels).Binge eating - TLIs Is wLen someone Ieels LLe ure Lo over-eat, often leading to feelings of guilt, depression or disgust. 15Body Image Fact SheetBeing underweight can lead to serioushealth problems: People with a low bodyweight can experience a weakened Immune sysLem, IraIl bones and IerLIlILy problems. In exLreme cases, suIIerers oI eaLIn dIsorders may be In daner oI LearL condILIons, LaIr loss, anaemIa, Irreular perIods, kIdney damae, bowel problems, smelly breaLL, bad skIn and LooLL decay.Steroids: AnabolIc sLeroIds are synLLeLIc Lormones wLIcL are oILen used by aLLleLes and body buIlders Lo Lelp LLem aIn muscle. TLey are highly controversial and are considered a class C drug in the UK. WLIlsL LLey can produce Increases In muscle mass, sLrenLL, and LLe abIlILy Lo LraIn loner, LLey are also assocIaLed wILL some preLLy nasLy sIde eIIecLs. TLese can Include acne, lIver Lumours, LearL problems, LIL blood pressure, mood swIns ('roId rae'), LaIr loss, 'man boobs' and sLrInkIn oI LLe LesLIcles!Cosmetic surgery: CosmeLIc or 'plasLIc' surery can seem lIke LLe Ideal 'quIck Bx' soluLIon Lo our body conBdence woes buL In realILy it can be an expensive and dangerous option. Plastic surgery, like any surery, carrIes a rIsk oI medIcal complIcaLIons IncludIn InIecLIon, severe bleedIn, blood cloLs, nerve damae, bruIsIn, swellIn, scarrIn and even deaLL. IL Is also very expensIve and can be LILly addIcLIve wILL many people undergoing several risky operations in their pursuit of perfection.DIsBgurement: A dIsBuremenLs Is a mark, scar or unusual IeaLure wLIcL can be caused by a condILIon wLIcL someone Is born wILL or which develops in childhood or adulthood. They can also be caused by accIdenLs, burns, acLs oI vIolence or Illnesses sucL as cancer. TLIs means LLaL, even LLouL you may noL be born wILL a dIsBuremenL or Lave one rILL now, any one oI us could be aIIecLed aL any LIme In LLe IuLure LLrouL events beyond our control.If youre worried about eating disorders, BDD or unhealthy body image, check out the website for BEAT The Eating Disorder Association at www.b-eat.co.uk.Fcr dIsBgurement advIce check cut the 0hangIng Faces websIte.http://www.changingfaces.org.uk16Useful ResourcesHere are some useIul resources wLIcL can be used Lo Lelp you IurLLer explore LLe LLemes oI body conBdence, selI esLeem and beauLy.VideosGoks Teens: The Naked Truth www.channel.com/goksteens A selecLIon oI clIps Irom LLe serIes explorIn a varIeLy oI Leen Issues.Goks Teens: The Naked Truth YouTube Channel http://www.youtube.com/user/Channel4NakedTruth 0ok Las been askIn celebs Low LLey made IL LLrouL LLeIr Leenae years, and what tips and tricks they can share. See all the videos on the Naked TruLL You Tube cLannel. 0entraI YM0A Bcdywash http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OuN4KB1xzDU&feature=player_embeddedA reaL vIdeo IeaLurIn some eye openIn sLaLIsLIcs abouL body conBdence.BcdytaIk FabrIcatIng Beauty http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UToGBorgDqo&feature=Bfa&list=WL5744A4153366344F&index=12TLIs vIdeo explores LLe LrIcks and manIpulaLIons beLInd a LypIcal IasLIon photo shoot.Dcve BvcIutIcn 0cmmercIaIhttp://www.dove.co.uk/cfrb/videos/videoplayer.html#v=http://edge.dcve.ccmUS_en10BB9gIcbaIvIdecctrbevcIutIcn.BvTLIs vIdeo demonsLraLes LLe power oI dIILal reLoucLIn In producIn beauty photos.17Useful ResourcesThe Photoshop Effecthttp://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DS6vyTTTfgc&annotation_id=annotation_750771&feature=ivA BLness journalIsL eLs an eye-openIn FLoLosLop dIILal makeover.Games and Tools0hanneI 4 0cver 0IrI 0amehttp://www.playcovergirl.com/An onlIne ame wLIcL puLs you In LLe role oI a pLoLo edILor aL a dody celebrILy maazIne, Lasked wILL dIILally manIpulaLIn pLoLos oI LLe sLars. 0hanneI 4 JudgIng by Lccks 0amehttp://www.channel4.com/programmes/beauty-the-beast-ugly-face-of-prejudice/articles/judging-by-looksTesL your powers oI percepLIon In LLIs ame wLIcL cLallenes you Lo make snap judemenLs abouL LoLal sLraners based on LLeIr looks alone.Embarrassing Teenage Bodieshttp://www.channel4embarrassingillnesses.com/teenage-bodies/A specIal secLIon oI LLe EmbarrassIn EodIes websILe wLIcL explores a range of teen health and wellbeing issues.0IrI Pcwer RetcuchIng TccI(Swedish Ministry of Health and Social Affairs) http://demo.fb.se/e/girlpower/retouch/retouch/index.htmlAn InLeracLIve maazIne cover wLIcL leLs you Lurn on or oII LLe varIous dIILal reLoucLes perIormed on LLe cover Irl Lo sLow you Low LLe Imae Las been dIILally manIpulaLed.18Useful ResourcesInformation, Campaigns, Support Groups and CharitiesCentral YMCA Campaign forBcdy 0cnBdencehttp:www.ymca.cc.ukbcdyccnBdenceA brIllIanL body conBdence resource wILL loads oI useIul InIormaLIon abouL LealLLy eaLIn, exercIse and LLe medIa's porLrayal oI beauLy.Body Gossiphttp://www.bodygossip.org/An InnovaLIve campaIn wLIcL collecLs people's real experIences oI body conBdence and beauLy.Dove Campaign For Real Beautyhttp://www.dove.co.uk/campaign-for-real-beauty.htmlA reaL websILe Irom LLe Dove beauLy brand wLIcL promoLes 'real beauty and celebrates diverse body shapes. The site contains loads of resources for teens, teachers and parents.Battlefront - Natural Beauty:Keeping it Real (Channel 4) http://www.battlefront.co.uk/content/kaya-cheyanne-natural-beautyA campaIn Lo InLroduce warnIn labels Ior aIrbrusLed Imaes sLarLed by 18 year-old Kaya CLeyanne (wLo IeaLures as a menLor In our brand new series Goks Teens: The Naked Truth).19Useful ResourcesInformation, Campaigns, Support Groups and CharitiesBeat http://www.b-eat.co.ukThe leading UK charity for people with eating disorders and their IamIlIes, IeaLurIn loads oI useIul InIormaLIon, resources and a telephone helpline for teens who are worried about eating disorders.Changing Faces http://www.changingfaces.org.ukChanging Faces is the leading UK charity that supports and represenLs people wLo Lave dIsBuremenLs Irom any cause. Beat Bullying: Cybermentors http://www.cybermentors.org.ukA great site about cyberbulling which not only gives you loads of Lop InIormaLIon buL also allows you Lo Lalk dIrecLly onlIne wILL LLeIr 'CybermenLors'- a Leam oI specIally LraIned youn volunLeers wLo can share advice about being bullied.Kidscapehttp://www.kidscape.org.uk/KIdscape Is LLe BrsL cLarILy In LLe UK esLablIsLed specIBcally Lo prevent bullying and child abuse. The website contains lots of useful InIormaLIon IncludIn deLaIls oI worksLops desIned Lo Lelp bullIed teens.Childline http://www.childline.org.ukA counselling service for children and young people which offers supporL on a rane oI LopIcs Irom bullyIn and relaLIonsLIps Lo peer pressure, drugs and living with disabilities. Childline offers lots of online advice and resources as well as a telephone helpline, an SMS LexL servIce and InsLanL messaIn wILL LLeIr Leam oI counsellors.20