Going From Good to Elite! Healthcare Recruitment Best Practices

Going From Good to Elite! Healthcare Recruitment …...Uses social networking tools to source qualified, passive candidates. 2.77 Invests time learning and investigating ways to become

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Going From Good to Elite! Healthcare Recruitment Best


About Deb Vargovick

➜ A Lean, Sig Sigma certified Green Belt, Recruitment professional.

➜ Began working with Lean methodology in 1994, streamlining

processes for The Disney Store division and Walt Disney World

Resorts merchandise division.

➜ Most of her career, led large, operational teams for Fortune 500

organizations such as The Walt Disney Company, The Gap, Borders

Group Inc. and Best Buy .

➜ Most recently, led the Henry Ford Health System’s Talent Acquisition

team through a centralization restructure and the introduction of a new

sourcing model.

➜ Helped define the new organizational structure, trained 30 recruiters

on new processes, and implemented a Lean program to continuously

assess and eliminate waste in the recruitment process.

© 1997-2016, Lean Human Capital, LLC.

Lean Human Capital

What We Do

Provide intelligence, industry benchmarks, advisory and

education services to Recruitment Leaders in Healthcare

seeking to built an elite Talent Acquisition organization.

How We Do It


The Recruiter Academy

Analytics | Benchmarks |




© 1997-2016, Lean Human Capital, LLC.

Today’s Labor Market

© 1997-2016, Lean Human Capital, LLC.

Aging Population

65+ year old population will

increase 50% by 20202

Sick Population

66.5% of adults in the U.S. are overweight

and obese2

New Population

32 million previously uninsured patients

added by 20191

By 2020, 1 in 9 jobs in the U.S.

will be in Healthcare5

Employment in Healthcare is projected to

grow 23% thru 20184

By 2025, the physician

shortage could be as much as


U.S. Population demand for Nurses will

exceed supply by 1 million in


The U.S. will require 10-12 million new & replacement direct care

workers in 10 years1

Decreased Supply of

Healthcare Professionals

Increased Demand for

Healthcare Professionals

Market Conditions

➜ When Demand for Labor Drastically Exceeds Supply, you are at Financial Risk!

• Medicare Reimbursement—Not hiring Top Talent/quality people.

• Cost of Vacancy—Related to Turnover and use of agency/OT to cover shifts and fill positions.

32 % “Listeners”/

Passively looking



14% Seriously/Actively looking

20% Casually Looking

Today’s Labor Market

➜ 14% are seriously/actively seeking a new position.

➜ 20% are casually looking (a few hours now and then).

➜ 32% are passively looking (if something comes along,

I’ll take a look at it). We call them listeners!

➜ 34% are not looking.

➜ Source—Staffing.org, Bureau of Labor

➜ Virtually zero unemployment rate.

➜ If they are unemployed, they will

quickly find employment.

➜ Everyone wants them.

➜ They need to be ‘recruited’

(even the top college grads).

© 1997-2016, Lean Human Capital, LLC.

➜The Skills and Competencies of Elite


➜5 Best Practices of Elite Recruiters


Today’s Agenda

© 1997-2016, Lean Human Capital, LLC.

elite - n., pl.,

• The best or most skilled

members of a group:

good (g d)

• Being positive or desirable in nature;

not bad or poor: n.,


• Typical; Common; Ordinary

Journey from Good to ‘Elite’

Characteristics of Elite

Recruitment Organizations

Four Key Foundational Characteristics for Success:

1. Technology, Tools & Scalable, Lean Process(s).

2. Adequate # of Resources (and optimized

organizational structure) to meet Hiring Demand.

3. Competency/Skills of the Recruitment Staff and


4. Commitment to Management by

Fact/Continuous Improvement Culture.

While most organizations invest 75% of their time, money

and resources on technology, tools and scalable processes,

our research indicates the primary drivers of success are

related to elements #2, #3, and #4 noted above.

Journey from Good to ‘Elite’

Are Disciplined People

Have Disciplined Thoughts

Take Disciplined ACTION!

- Jim Collins – Good to Great

Elite Recruiters. . .

What are the Competencies and Skills

of ‘Elite’ Recruiters?

Recruiter Competency Model Questions Rating Questions Rating

Customer/Client Focus: Maintains unwavering focus on

delighting the customer/client. 3.69

Self-Direction: Establishes goals, deliverables, timelines, and

budgets with little or no motivation from superiors. Assembles and

leads teams to achieve established goals within deadlines set. 3.42

Drives for Results: Exhibits strong drive for results and

success. 3.76

Flexibility: Willingness to change to meet organizational needs.

Adapts to stressful situations. 3.78

Judgment: Makes sound decisions tempered by practicality

and common sense. 3.69

Urgency: Consistently responds promptly and efficiently to

problems and tasks. Rarely late for meeting project deadlines and

is punctual. 3.75

Communication: Expresses oneself effectively both orally and

in written form. Actively listens to others. 3.71

Influence: Convinces other to embrace a position or take a specific

course of action. 3.40

Creative Problem Solving: Identifies and collects information

relevant to the problem. Uses brainstorming techniques to

create a variety of choices. Selects the best course of action. 3.51

Leveraging Networks: Draws upon a wide range of professional

and business relationships for help and support in achieving

individual and organizational goals. 3.24

Interpersonal Skills: Treats others with respect and dignity.

Promotes a productive culture by valuing individuals and their

contributions. 4.07

Negotiation: Skillfully uses argument and persuasion to reach a

favorable position without causing hostility or hard feelings. 3.38

Organization and Time Management: Is organized and plans

ahead in completing work tasks. Productive, efficient and

able to simultaneously juggle multiple demands and get

things accomplished. 3.53

Financial: Does not waste resources. Looks for methods to improve

processes that have a positive impact on the bottom line. 3.44

Business Acumen: Understands how the lines of business

supported develop strategies, services customers, and

generates profits. 3.29

Attitude: Positive about work; is cooperative and follows through on

commitments. Manages stress well. 3.92

Evaluating Candidates: Evaluates, selects and hires top

talent by objectively comparing a candidate's qualifications to

identified business needs, job specifications, and

competencies. 3.67

Professionalism: Sets examples. Stays current in terms of

professional development. 3.61

Staffing Lifecycle Management: Plans and successfully

executes a recruiting, selection and hiring process that results

in top talent for the organization. 3.27

Idea Generation and Innovation: Embodies creativity and

innovation in identifying talent through multiple sources;

networking, on-line, in person, job fairs, advertisements, etc. 3.25

Builds Appropriate Relationships: Develops strong

interpersonal alliances at appropriate levels, both within and

outside the organization; builds solid relationships

characterized by mutual respect 3.74

Sales Orientation: Ability to be the face of the organization for

recruitment - Providing candidates with information highlighting the

organization as an employer service. 3.58

Teamwork: Uses appropriate interpersonal style to steer

members towards the goal. Organizes resources to

accomplish tasks with maximum efficiency. 3.65Overall Rating - Staffing Competency 3.58© 1997-2016, Lean Human Capital, LLC.

Recruiter Skills Self-Assessment


Questions Rating Questions Rating

Has strong knowledge of the lines of business

supported. 3.50

Builds relationships and creates candidate pipelines for future

needs within lines of business supported. 3.18

Works well with hiring managers to understand

workforce needs, helps with succession planning, etc. 3.66

Uses behavioral based interview techniques to efficiently

assess candidate competency and eliminate unqualified

candidates as early as possible within the hiring process. 3.60

Thoroughly defines each requisition with the hiring

manager to understand real job needs and to set

realistic expectations. 3.60

Acts as a trusted advisor to a candidate and articulates the

career opportunity with the organization when negotiating

salary offers. 3.72

Sets Service Level Agreements with hiring managers

that define roles and responsibilities for controlling the

hiring process. 3.27

Builds relationships with peers, hiring managers and

executives. 3.92

Possesses the ability to create a compelling value

proposition statement for engaging and recruiting

passive, top talent for critical-to-fill positions. 3.08

Organizes and manages time well. Can multi-task efficiently.

Prioritizes critical and important tasks and gets them done by

the stated Service Level Agreement. 3.55

Selling the company. Possesses a strong knowledge of

company history, financials, position in the market, etc. 3.43 Uses technology to manage data, candidate relationships, etc. 3.35

Leverages the knowledge of your hiring manager when

creating an effective sourcing strategy to identify and

recruit top talent. 3.32 Manages and controls the staffing lifecycle efficiently. 3.22

Uses social networking tools to source qualified, passive

candidates. 2.77

Invests time learning and investigating ways to become better

at recruiting. 3.18

Engages and recruits passively-looking candidates

(recruiting top talent in the industry). 2.84 Respected as a staffing expert within the organization. 3.49Overall Rating - Recruiter Skills 3.20

External Customer Service Skills

Questions Rating Questions Rating

Communicates the hiring process to candidates. Sets

Service Level Agreements for status updates/next steps

and proactively meets these objectives. 3.61

Provides timely constructive feedback to candidates not

selected for hire after interview. 3.16

Provides a detailed overview of the opportunity, the

center/region, the department, etc. 3.51

Remains upbeat, positive and energetic about opportunities

with the organization. 3.93Overall Rating - Customer Service Skills 3.55

© 1997-2016, Lean Human Capital, LLC.

5 Best Practices of Elite Recruiters!

Best Practices of Elite Recruiters!

I. Understand what your customer wants/needs and… Manage (and

Market) by Data/Fact.

MBF – Starts with Voice of the Customer

What do Hiring Manager

and key stakeholders

expect from you?

© 1997-2016, Lean Human Capital, LLC.

Identifying the Right Metrics to Track –

Starts With Voice of the Customer!


What is important to your key customers?

What are your health systems strategic


Who are your key customers?

VOC—“I want a cost effective recruitment solution

that provides high quality candidates as quickly and

efficiently as possible.”



and Speed

Quality of Hire

Efficiency and


Quality of Service

What do your Hiring Managers Want!

© 1997-2016, Lean Human Capital, LLC.

Management By Data/Fact (MBF)

Performance Management

“Metrics are


What You Do

with Them is


Why Track and Benchmark Recruitment Metrics?

Management by Fact/Data Culture

1. Celebrate Success!

2. Drive Performance


3. Quantify Return on Investment

to Key Stakeholders based on

their strategic initiatives.

Metrics and a Balanced Performance Scorecard

will allow you to...

Quantifying ROI Compelling Thoughts

Don’t be measured

by the ‘water

cooler talk’!

If you don’t share your

story, they will tell it for you!

Voice of the Customer


New Hire Candidate Experience

Non-Hired Candidate Experience

Dr. Jeffery Sanchez-Burks, Associate Professor from

the University of Michigan Ross School of Business,

and Partner at LHC, developed this statistically

validated assessment survey methodology.

© 1997-2016, Lean Human Capital, LLC.

1 2 3 4 5 6 7







Neither Agree

nor Disagree


AgreeStrongly Agree





dimensions of







Quality of Hire

HMARTSM Dimensions and Scale

© 1997-2016, Lean Human Capital, LLC.

Align Recruitment Scorecard with Organizations Strategic Objectives

HCAHPS Voice of Customer (Hiring Manager, New Hire, Non-hired)

Clinical Outcomes Performance Outcomes (Speed/Efficiency/Quality/Productivity/Cost)

Alignment and Presentation is Priceless !

RecruitmentHealth System

© 1997-2016, Lean Human Capital, LLC.

2013 Recruitment Scorecard—XYZ Health System

2015 Q1—2016 Q2—2016 Q3—2016 Q4—2016 Benchmark Benchmark Benchmark

Quality—Voice of Customer—Experience

Hiring Manager Assessment of Recruitment Team (HMART) Goal Actual Actual Actual Actual Actual Low 25% Median Top 25%

Overall Score 6.00 5.7 NA NA NA

Understanding 6.00 6.1 NA NA NA

Communication 6.00 5.5 NA NA NA

Care 6.00 6.2 NA NA NA

Satisfaction 6.00 6.0 NA NA NA

Quality of Hire 6.00 5.9 NA NA NA


New Hire Experience 6.0 6.2 NA NA NA

Non-Hired Candidate Experience 4.5 4.7

Performance Outcomes

Quality—Hire Goal Actual Actual Actual Actual Actual Low 25% Median Top 25%

Annual Turnover Rate—Overall 12.0% NA NA NA

Annual Turnover Rate—RN's 8.0% NA NA NA

Average 90 Day Separation/Turnover Rate—Overall 3.3% 4.9% 4.9% 4.2%

Average First Year of Service Turnover Rate—Overall 9.3% 14.8% 14.8% 11.2%

Average 90 Day Separation/Turnover Rate—RN's 1.1% 4.9% 4.9% 4.2%

Average First Year of Service Turnover Rate—RN,s 4.7% 14.8% 14.8% 11.2%

Productivity Goal Actual Actual Actual Actual Actual Low 25% Median Top 25%

Overall Vacancy Rate 3.5% 5.9% 4.0% 3.4%

Direct Care RN Vacancy Rate 2.7% 7.6% 4.4% 3.1%

Staff Productivity (XX FTE) 185 160 191 239

Employee Referral % 13.2% 9% 14% 27%

Average Req's Per Recruitment Resource 61 55 40 25

Delivery—Efficiency Goal Actual Actual Actual Actual Actual Low 25% Median Top 25%

Applicants to Positions Filled Ratio 36 50 33 18

Applicants Routed to Positions Filled Ratio 7.4 7.5 6.6 4.7

Percentage of Positions Filled from Extended Offers 88.5% 88.5% 92.0% 93.5%

RN Applicants to Positions Filled Ratio 23 26 21 14

RN Applicants Routed to Positions Filled Ratio 6.0 5.4 4.0 2.4

Percentage of RN Positions Filled from Extended Offers 96.6% 79.6% 91.8% 93.9%

Delivery—Responsiveness Goal Actual Actual Actual Actual Actual Low 25% Median Top 25%

Average Time-to-Fill—Overall 49 60 53 47

Average Time-to-Start—Overall 65 77 67 62

% of Positions Filled in LESS Than 60 Days 73% 67% 71% 73%

Average TTF for Positions Filled in LESS Than 60 Days 17 28 25 23

% of Positions Filled in 60 Days or MORE 27% 33% 29% 27%

Average TTF for Positions Filled in 60 Days or MORE 130 129 122 106

% of Current Positions Currently Open over 60 Days 34% 42% 34% 31%

Average Time-to-Fill—RN's 43 56 51 44

Average Time-to-Fill—RN's 62 72 67 60

RN—% of Positions Filled in LESS Than 60 Days 78% 65% 72% 77%

RN—Average TTF for Positions Filled in LESS Than 60 Days 16 29 25 22

RN—% of Positions Filled in 60 Days or MORE 22% 35% 28% 23%

RN—Average TTF for Positions Filled in 60 Days or MORE 136 135 111 98

% of Current RN Positions Currently Open over 60 Days 41% 47% 37% 24%

Cost Goal Actual Actual Actual Actual Actual Low 25% Median Top 25%

Cost Per Hire $577 $715 $ 665 $ 576

© 1997-2016, Lean Human Capital, LLC.

I. Manage (and Market) by Data/Fact.

II. Define the ‘need’, set SLA’s & develop a communication/

planning rhythm to drive a Lean, Efficient Process.

Best Practices of Elite Recruiters!

Managing the Staffing Process – Best Practices

Effective ‘Intake’ session:

1. “Sell” candidates on the opportunity.

2. “Screen” the candidate.

3. “Source” high quality candidates.

4. Set realistic SLA’s with an SLA agreement.

Establish Service Level Agreements, including the Most Important


Weekly Communication/Planning Rhythm:

o Best Practice – Using aging and ‘stuck’ reports!

o Best Practice – Friday Afternoons.

“The Value is in the Conversation.”

Is this a replacement or new addition? How long has this position been open? Why? Do you have any (internal/external)

candidates in the loop? If so, what stage of the interview process are they at?

Tell me about your department structure and how this position fits in.

Who does this position report too? Direct: _____________________ Dotted Line: _______________________

Who will this person work with? What Departments? Titles – Internal/External customers?

How large is department? Titles of others in Dept? How many direct reports roll up to hiring manager? Will this person have

any direct reports (If so, how many, titles, etc.)?

Describe the Role. What is the scope/role/responsibilities?

What are the top 3-5 objectives you want this person to accomplish in their first 6 months of employment? First year?

What particular challenges are inherent in this role? What will this person need to accomplish to succeed?

How is performance measured? What sort of training would the person receive in this role during the first year (formal or


What is the career path for this position? What are the growth opportunities over the next 5 years?

Can you describe an ideal candidate? Current incumbent? Do you have a resume and/or profile of this person?

What is the work environment like (cube/office? Nice? Etc.)?

How would you describe your management style? What is the culture like in your department?

Recruiter Expertise Performing a Thorough Intake Session

Higher Availability Non-Core Job Families




Low High






Hiring Volume/Priority of Role

Higher AvailabilityCore Job Families

Critical, Difficult, VisibleNon-Core Job Families

Critical, Difficult, VisibleCore Job Families

• Requisition-based hiring• Predict hiring needs based on TO. • Optimize inbound sourcing

(SEO/SEM/Referrals)• “Blitz” interview & hiring events when

possible • Utilize validate assessment process

• Recruit to Demand Forecast• Pre-schedule “Blitz” hiring events for

entire year. • Optimize inbound sourcing

(SEO/SEM/Referrals) • Utilize validated assessment process.

• Recruit to Demand Forecast• Pre-schedule hiring events for entire year. • Recruitment consultant manages

relationship(s)• Dedicated outbound sourcers to build

talent pipelines.• Utilize validated assessment process

• Requisition-based hiring• SWAT sourcers to assist in outbound

sourcing• Leverage specialized recruiting

partnerships when necessary• Utilize validated assessment process

Lean, Scalable Hiring Process

Understanding Demand

Forecast/Needs Analysis – Case Study

Proactive Pipelining and Just-In-Time hiring starts with Demand Forecasting!


Headcount TO RateTO Hires-

yearTO Hires-


New business growth –


Certified Nurse Assist. (CNAs) 650 25% 162 13 7-10 20-23

Patient Care Techs (PCTs) 1250 19% 238 20 5-10 25-30

Based on volume, you can then decide develop/determine an activity schedule for pre-assessment, onsite interviewing and onboarding.

Variable hiring needs (monthly) might create some inventory that hopefully can be used the next month!

How do we eliminate demand by reducing Turnover?

March 15th

20 PCTs 20 PCTs20 PCTs

Once you have determined your demand schedule, you can identify how much activity (and LEAD TIME) is required to meet hiring demand (Materials Release Planning – MRP).

When you migrate to Demand-based, you make TTF an obsolete metric. You start to measure the % of positions filled per start date based on demand Example:

o Demand: 20 PCT hires on 3/15. o Actual: Filled 18 of them. o 90% fill rate

May 15thApril 15th



Staffing Process Recommendations Demand Based Hiring for Higher Availability – Core Positions

I. Manage (and Market) by Data/Fact.

II. Define the ‘need’, set SLA’s & develop a communication rhythm

to drive a Lean, Efficient Process.

III. Leverage Centers of Influence (COIs) to drive quality hires.

Best Practices of Elite Recruiters!

Nurse Evangelist

Dedicated Sourcer responsible for investing time in networking with hiring managers,

employees, new hires to proactively referral source.

This could work for any job family, but we recommend test piloting it with your largest job family

– Nursing!

Invest time in one-on-one conversation to network and understand:

o Who they used to work with

o Who they are connected with on social sites

o Who you can contact using their name as a reference

Key Success factors:

o Build rapport and relationships easily

o Expert at the Art of Conversational Investigative Questioning

o Investing time in meeting one-on-one ‘coffee chats’

Nurse Evangelist

Sourcing Project Plan

This person will work collaboratively with nursing leaders and our nursing recruitment team to: Owner Next Action

Baseline talent community (by scraping ATS of all qualified candidates including new grad candidates).

a. Organize by discipline (ER, OR, ICU, Med/Surg.) when possible (including whether they work nights, etc.)

in CRM.

Build (add talent) talent community by leveraging COIs.

a. Identify all associations. Identify key team members (nurse leaders, key top employees) that belong to


i. Conferences, local chapter meetings, options to promote positions on web site,

newsletters, social media, etc. Investigate if they have a career board portal to review resumes and/or post jobs

ii. Capture Membership directory/list and Conference attendee lists

iii. Investigate speaking at local/regional/national events

b. Harvest talent from Reference Assessment’s passive talent database (if applicable).

c. Proactively meet with new hires to harvest referrals/leads:

i. At orientation present employee referral program to promote the concept of ‘six degrees of separation from

Kevin Bacon’.

ii. Make sure all new hires know that you potentially will be contacting them directly for 15 minutes of their

time (buy them a cup of coffee) to network with them.

d. LinkedIn with:

i. All nursing leadership

ii. All current nurse employees

iii. All new hires

e. Join all related industry LI/Facebook groups, etc. and be active in chats, etc.

f. Investigate starting a Regional LI nursing group & Investigate purchasing of licensed list from state for

nursing, rehab, etc.

g. Maintain ‘Boomerang’ Rehire program

Candidate Relationship Management. Via email, reach out to everyone in talent community every 4-6 weeks

with compelling message regarding our organizations.

Meet monthly with Nurse Recruitment team to discuss demand, collaborate on proactive strategies, interview

blitz events, career fairs, etc.

IQ’ing Your Hiring Manager!

Remember - They have a vested interest in helping you.

Ask good thought provoking IQ’s during your Intake Session:

o Where did your top performers come from? What company? What

school? Can I talk to them to help with my search?

o Do you know of any companies that have top talent but are


o What associations do you belong to? Can we get the membership


o Who worked for you at your previous employer?

o If you had to create a dream team of former peers (former

employees), who would be your “starting 5”?

o If you were me, and you had to find ______, what would you do?

o Who should I connect to within your network (LinkedIn,

Facebook, etc.) that can help me with my search?

IQ’ing Top Performing Employees

Ask your managers…who are your “Rock Stars!”?

Engage and develop relationships with these individuals (face-to-face if


Ask good thought-provoking IQ’s:

o Where did you work previously (go back 1,2,3 jobs)?

o How many peers did you have that did what you did?

o Who did you report to? Who reported to you?

o If you had to create a dream team of former peers, who would be your

“starting 5”?

o Do you (did you) belong to any industry associations we should be active


o If you were me, and had to find a person like you, what would you do?

o Who should I connect to within your network (LinkedIn, Facebook,

etc.) that can help me with my search?

I. Manage (and Market) by Data/Fact.

II. Define the ‘need’, set SLA’s & develop a communication rhythm

to drive a Lean, Efficient Process.

III. Leverage Centers of Influence (COIs) to source top talent.

IV.Build Rapport and create/deliver a Compelling Value


Best Practices of Elite Recruiters!


Message/Value Proposition


Your Cadence

The Art & Science of Recruiting Top Talent

Your Timing

What time of day/week can you reach them?

When might they be “looking to leave” or seeking a new opportunity?

What is your compelling Value Proposition?

Strategic Value Proposition:

What makes your organization so special?

Tactical Value Proposition:

Why would I want this job?

© 1997-2016, Lean Human Capital, LLC.

Crafting Your Message/VP

The Science!

Candidate’s Motives to Move

(or to call you back)

What Can You Offer?What Can Your

Competitors Offer?

Identify Pain or Pleasure “Gaps”

Less jargon is better. Take out unnecessary words (must be

15-20 seconds). Message should be no more than 50-100


Make sure it is visually appealing Make effective use of

bullets, bold, italic, etc. - but don’t get crazy!

Make sure email comes from a real live email address – don’t

be perceived as SPAM!

Personalize email. Research candidate before you reach out

to them.

Craft and deliver a message that you would respond to (view it

via your mobile device).

Stay away from clichés, cheesy, corny lines, etc.

Crafting Your Message/VP

Creating Your Email

Mobile Best Practices:

o Arial Font.

o Rich Text Format (RTF).

With the majority of people viewing your emails via a mobile device,

studies indicate the SUBJECT LINE and first line of body content are

most important.

Subject Line Best Practices:

o David – Per My Voice Mail: Innovation Engineer

o Per My Voice Mail: I am impressed with your resume.

Next statement in body of text should be no more than another 40-80

characters in length.

Crafting Your Attention Grabber

Creating Your Email

Subject Line: Per my VM: I am impressed with your profile in LinkedIn


I notice you have been involved in some cutting edge initiatives at XXXXX.

I would love to connect with you about a Cardiac CRNA opportunity working with some of the best

Doctors in town!

Position Highlights:

We are a Magnet facility Located in Ann Arbor, MI.

Level 1 Rotational Trauma Center, acute care hospital with 562 licensed beds.

Teaching hospital.

Opportunity to utilize state-of-art procedures done for the first time in SE Michigan!

Please feel free to call me @ 313-600-9815 or shoot me an email letting me know a good time to

have a confidential discussion regarding this opportunity.

David Szary

Contact info XXX

Your Message / Value Proposition

Creating Your Email

Use a compelling Job Title that is conventional, specific and

industry “familiar”.

o Use Relevant key words that will appear in job seekers’ job search.

o District Sales Manager, London” should become “Sales Jobs: District Sales

Manager, London”

Make sure you answer the “two questions” within the first 100

words (Compelling opening statement + position highlights).

Make sure it is visually appealing. Make effective use of Bullets.

Define “What you’ll do!” & “What you’ll need!”.

Make effective use of links to compelling information, videos

(hiring manager video?), etc.

Crafting Your Job Posting -Best


I. Manage (and Market) by Data/Fact.

II. Define the ‘need’, set SLA’s & develop a communication rhythm

to drive a Lean, Efficient Process.

III. Leverage Centers of Influence (COIs) to source top talent.

IV.Build Rapport and create/deliver a Compelling Value Proposition

V. Build the Perfect Week and a Perfect Day

Best Practices of Elite Recruiters!

1. Utilize the Golden Hour! Read something educational or motivational

each morning!

2. Plan your day – Hour by Hour! Visualize a Perfect Day! Recognize you

only can accomplish so much each day!

3. Prioritize tasks! - Eat Frogs in the Morning. Focus on MTN activities.

4. Sprint through the day crossing off things you

accomplish, highlighting things you didn’t get done.

Truly try to make it a Perfect Day!

5. Reflect on the day. Celebrate Success!

Best Practices of Highly Productive


Eat the Frog (ETF)

Move the Needle (MTN) - Activities

Critical activities that must get accomplished to keep the “recruitment

process” moving forward.

Recruitment Examples:

o Sourcing for key positions.

o Candidates routed to the hiring managers.

o Getting interviews set with hiring managers.

o Offers out and closed.

MTN’s = “Why you are on Payroll” Activities!

Time-Based Planning

Task-Based Planning



9-10 Interview

10-11 – Intake Session about Nurse Mgr. Position

11:30-12:30 – employee lunch meeting

1-2 Interview


3-4 Interview



Follow up on Skip, Sue, John – LI groups

Search hiring managers LI groups

Pick up laundry

Email John Intake Session Form – Set meeting

Call Sue to set up views with Bob, Kim, Ed

Disposition all candidates that applied to Req’s

Call Anne – she is not getting position.

Time-Based Planning

7-8 Call Anne, not getting position

CIE’s + disposition all candidates that applied in last 24 days

8-9 Sourcing – Nursing Director

Follow up on Skip, Sue, John – LI groups

Call Eric, John, Chris, Cindy – search LinkedIn network for referrals

Search CB/Monster/ATS Databases

9-9:30 – CIE’s

9:30-10 -Candidate Pre-Screen

10-11 Meeting about Surgical Tech needs

11-11:30 CIE’s

Email John Intake Session form

11:30-12:30 Lunch/ME TIME!

1-1:30 Candidate Interview

1:30-2 – CIEs


Call Sue to set up views for Bob, Kim, Ed

Schedule meeting with John about projected nursing positions

3-4 Candidate Interview

4-5 CIEs + Plan tomorrow’s Perfect Day

"Finish each day and be done with it. You have done what

you could; some blunders and absurdities have crept in;

forget them as soon as you can. Tomorrow is a new day;

you shall begin it serenely and with too high a spirit to be

encumbered with your old nonsense."

~Ralph Waldo Emerson

Commitment to Continuous Improvement!

“Just because you've been doing something for years doesn’t mean you can't

or don't need to improve.”

“Often, people get satisfied at being good at what they do. They stop doing all

the little things that made them great.”

“Good is the enemy of Great.”

- Jim Collins

“A continuous improvement process never stops. It

wasn’t implemented just once. It’s constant improvement,

constant innovation and constant elimination of extra

steps. The most important principle is that this is not a

four-month project. You will see benefits, but you must do

it continually.”Source: http://knowledge.wharton.upenn.edu

Commitment to Continuous Improvement!

Understand your organization’s strategic priorities.

Create Performance Scorecard and Baseline &

Benchmark – current state performance:

oVoice of the Customer - HMARTSM

oPerformance Outcomes: Quality, Cost, Efficiency,


Based on your performance, develop a Deployment

Action Plan to improve in three areas over the next 90

days (review this presentation for improvement


Implement Best Practices to improve!

Measure & Celebrate Success!

Where Do You Start?

The Leader in Healthcare Talent Management


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