1 Watton Pentecostal Church Web site: www.wattonchurch.org Facebook: Watton Church May 2020 God’s Peace WEEK four

God’s Peace WEEK May four 2020 · Facebook: Watton Church May 2020 God’s Peace WEEK four. 12 Hi everyone, We hope you are all well. It's been lovely keeping in touch with you

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Hi everyone,We hope you are allwell. It's been lovelykeeping in touch withyou on the phone.Jon Rachael and I willcontinue doing this tokeep the contact.When we come out ofthis crisis and we getback to Friendship Clubwe will have an amazingcelebration lunch. Keep safe.God bless Terrie, Jonand Rachael


Messages from our

Noah’s Ark Baby & Toddler Group

We are really missing everyone and hope that youare staying safe and we look forward to seeing youall again soon. The Noah’s Ark Team

Hi Homegroupers

As you are aware there are no home groups at present. So we have fourprayer requests

1. Please pray for each member of your group by name.

2. Please pray for our prime minister, the government and our nation.

3. There are many people struggling with the isolation. If you arefinding it hard please contact your homegroup leader for a chat. Pleasepray for our church, and the town of watton.

4. Please pray for NHS staff and all key workers.

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PULSEYOUTH GROUPA message from Ali and

James - We are missing youall and hoping that you areall staying safe. We lookforward to seeing you allvery soon.


I hope you are well, our prayers arewith you all at this time.

I had an idea that if you are findingtime hanging heavy you might like achallenge. I am therefore throwingdown the gauntlet! This is atechnical challenge, let try taking anaction picture of a drop of water ormilk after dropping. You haveprobably seen examples of a drop ofmilk splashing into a bowl.

Regards Bob

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Do not be anxious aboutanything, but in every situation,

by prayer and petition, withthanksgiving, present your

requests to God. And the peaceof God, which transcends all

understanding, will guard yourhearts and your minds in Christ


Philippians 4:6-7 (NIV)

What a wonderful promise this isfor us believers, that the wonderfulpeace of God will fill our heartsand minds, and we may need tohold onto this promise now morethan ever.

This month we are going toexplore five different truths, thatwhen we grasp hold of them thenwe will experience God’s peace inour lives. And for something a littledifferent each week has beenwritten by someone different.


Week One : God’s Sovereignty byJon.Week Two : God’s Protection byRogerWeek Three : God’s Restorationby AngelaWeek Four : God’s Love by ElaineWeek Five : God’s Grace byRoger.

We hope that each week will bringyou a sense of the Peace of Godin these difficult and testing times.


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Written by Elaine HUbbard


The Bible is filled with descriptions and examples of God’s love foreach one of us, but God in His very nature is love, it is part of who Heis, for God IS love. 1 John 4:7-8 (TPT) says that ‘Those who areloved by God, let his love continually pour from you to oneanother, because God is love. Everyone who loves is fathered byGod and experiences an intimate knowledge of him. The one whodoesn’t love has yet to know God, for God is love’, highlighting thatGod IS love. This week let us explore God’s love and what that meansfor each one of us.

God loves you!

Since you are precious and honoured in my sight,and because I love you,

I will give people in exchange for you,nations in exchange for your life. Isaiah 43:4 (NIV)

Do you know that you are precious and loved by God? I know thatat times it can be difficult to grasp that the creator of the universe inall His might and majesty loves us, but He does. He loves eachone of us with an everlasting, never ending love. A love that is sostrong it will never let go or let you down and with that comes apeace that quells the soul and makes even the darkest times seembrighter.

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We sing in church the song, Good Good Father,let us stop for a moment and think about what wedeclare when we sing this together.I've heard a thousand stories of what they thinkyou're likeBut I've heard the tender whispers of love in thedead of nightAnd you tell me that you're pleasedAnd that I'm never alone

You're a good good FatherIt's who you are, it's who you are, it's who you areAnd I'm loved by youIt's who I am, it's who I am, it's who I am

We sing we are loved, its who we are! God ispleased with you, he whispers to you when itseems dark and there is no hope, you are neveralone. Let us take hold of the truth that God lovedus first, before we loved Him (1 John 4:10).

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An Act of LoveEverything that God does is an act of love for each one of us; you donot have to look very far to find examples of God’s unending, neverfailing love for us. Each time I open the Bible I am reminded of this lovefor me and for you.John 3:16 (TPT) For this is how much God loved the world—hegave his one and only, unique Son as a gift. So now everyone whobelieves in him will never perish but experience everlasting life.

We know this scripture sowell and sometimes we donot grasp the enormity ofwhat we are being told, solet us read it again. Forthis is how much Godloves you—he gave hisone and only, uniqueSon as a gift. So noweveryone, that meansyou, who believes in himwill never perish butexperience everlastinglife.

This supreme act of love God did for youand for me; let us take that in for amoment. God gave His only Son as afree gift, a gift of love, so that we mayknow God, to experience His love, Hisforgiveness, His peace, His joy, Hiscomfort, His passion, His healing and thelist goes on. Not only that but Jesus, whoHimself is God, came willingly with nohesitation, no expectation of beingaccepted or loved back, but as an act oflove, to enable us to be able to come intoGod’s loving presence. A true act of lovefor each one of us!

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Directing LoveWhen we have God’s love in our hearts it will affect the choices anddecisions that we make, for God’s love is like a directing light foreach one of us. It will direct us to make the right choices, the rightdecisions and will enable us to demonstrate His love to others.John 13:34-35 (TPT) “So I give you now a new commandment:Love each other just as much as I have loved you. For whenyou demonstrate the same love I have for you by loving oneanother, everyone will know that you’re my true followers.”Jesus commanded each one of us to love one another; even whenthat is difficult, we should allow God’s love to show us how we cando that.

A wise man in our church tells us that we should love people to abetter place, and that is true. We do not have to get people to abetter place, that’s not our job, our job is to love one another andallow God to direct our paths and the choices we make. Our job isto love as He loved us, unconditionally. When we have the love ofGod in our hearts it will pour out and we will be able to show thatlove to others, in what we do, what we say and how we are. This ishow we love people to a better place, it is not always aboutchanging the other person, but about changing us, allowing God’slove to transform us, so that we can let His love shine through us.

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This week know that God loves YOU and know thatGod IS love, because when we allow these truths tosink into our being we will know peace, a peace thattranscends all understanding.When I was younger and scared, there was nothingI needed more than a reassuring hug from my Dador Mum, because that hug demonstrated in morethan words could that I was loved, I was safe and itgave a feeling of love and security, and from thatcame a feeling of peace. How much more is thistrue when we race into the arms of our heavenlyFather!

1 John 4: 17-18 in TheMessage says this:God is love. When wetake up permanentresidence in a life oflove, we live in Godand God lives in us.This way, love has therun of the house,becomes at home andmature in us, so thatwe’re free of worry onJudgment Day—

our standing in the world is identical withChrist’s. There is no room in love for fear. Well-formed love banishes fear. Since fear iscrippling, a fearful life—fear of death, fear ofjudgment—is one not yet fully formed in love.

Love drives out fear, there’s no room for it, let lovehave the run of your home, your heart and driveout fear. God is love and His love will drive out allfear, with that comes a peace like no other!

My Notes

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We regret that Watton Pentecostal Church will beclosed for all services and groups from now untilfurther notice, but the church is not this building, it isand always will be its people and we are still here! Wewill continue to pray, worship and praise God nomatter where we are.

You can contact the church Leadership TeamBy phone on 07475956858 orEmail [email protected] do not forget you can find us atwww.wattonchurch.org or on Facebook - WattonChurch.We will return and open the doors to the church whenwe are able to, but the door to God is always open andwill never be shut for anyone who knocks and seeksHim.

Watton Pentecostal Church is part ofRiver Ministries (Norfolk)Registered Charity number 1160192.