Training Enterprises, Inc. 12472 Lake Underhill Road Suite 161 Orlando, Florida 32828 407-739-5322 Copyright 2009, Training Enterprises, Inc.

Goal Setting and Planning Handout

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Training Enterprises, Inc.12472 Lake Underhill Road

Suite 161Orlando, Florida 32828


Copyright 2009, Training Enterprises, Inc.

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"If you don’t know where you are going you might wind up someplace else."(Berra, 2009)

Yogi Berra

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Drucker was a writer, management consultant, and self-described “social ecologist.” Widely considered to be "the father of modern management,” his 39 books and countless scholarly and popular articles explored how humans are organized across all sectors of society.(Peter Ferdinand Drucker, 2009)

"Plans are only good intentions unless they immediately degenerate into hard work."(Peter Drucker Quotes, 2009)

Peter Drucker1909-2005

Damon Burton is a professor of sports psychology at the University of Idaho and has taught undergraduate and graduate applied sport psychology courses since 1983

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The Plan

A Good Plan Will: State the current situation Have a clear aim Use the resources available Detail the tasks to be carried out, whose responsibility they are, and their

priorities and deadlines Detail control mechanisms that will alert you to difficulties in achieving the


Notes: ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________Copyright 2009, Training Enterprises, Inc.

Research has shown that people who use goal-setting effectively:

Suffer less from stress and anxiety Concentrate better Show more self-confidence Perform better Are happier and more satisfied

(Burton, 1983)

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Identify risks, and plan for contingencies. Consider transitional arrangements – how will you keep things going while

you implement the plan?

Organizational and Team Mission StatementsIt is difficult to establish goals and to plan without keeping the mission in sight.

Defined: A mission statement is a powerful document that expresses the sense of purpose and direction of an organization. It acts as a governing constitution by which an organization evaluates decisions and choose the goals through which it will operate.

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Developing a Mission Statement(Mission Statement Builder, 2009)

Brainstorming: Schedule a brainstorming session with your team. Ask them to share their ideas of purpose and values. Encourage them to be creative and demonstrate that their input is valued. Be sure to allow enough time to explore options—and remember, there are

no bad ideas in brainstorming.

Use the questions below to spark ideas and discussions about what should be included in your team’s mission statement.

What does our team want to be known for? How do we want to treat each other? What kind of workplace do we want to have? What unique talents and skill does each person bring to the team? What do we want to achieve? What unique contributions can we make?

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Moving forward without a destination in mind makes

about as much sense as trying to herd cats!


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Prioritize: Define the most important attributes and results of the brainstorming session(s).

As a team, assign a value or rank to each ideas proposed. Choose the top five or seven ideas and spend some time discussing them in

greater detail. As a team, start by labeling each idea with an A, B, or C according to its

importance. Then, within each letter, rank each idea numerically so you have A1, A2, B1,

B2, etc. Once each idea has been assigned a value by your team, choose the top five

or seven and discuss them in greater detail.

Refine:After the meeting, take the top five or seven ideas chosen in the prioritizing step and create a draft of the mission statement based on those concepts. Give each team member a copy and request feedback. Keep refining it until it represents the team's vision.

Notes: ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________Copyright 2009, Training Enterprises, Inc.

A straight path never leads anywhere except to the

objective. (Andre Gide Quotes, 1936)

Andre Gide

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Don't Know Where To Begin?

Mission Statement Examples:

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Starbucks MissionTo inspire and nurture the human spirit— one person, one cup, and one neighborhood at a time.(Mission, 2009)

Google's Mission To organize the world's information and make it universally accessible and useful.(Corporate Information, 2009)

Training Enterprises, Inc. MissionTo assist companies and organizations in increasing their productivity and performance by training their people and developing instructional materials, promotional presentations and graphics.

One Laptop Per Child, Inc.To empower the children of developing countries to learn by providing one connected laptop to every school-age child.(One Laptop Per Child Vision, 2009)

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Implement:When you have completed your team/organization mission statement write it down below.

Our Mission:


Upon completion of the mission statement, no decisions should be made for the organization or the team which are not directly supportive to the mission statement. The mission statement is the constitution of the organization or team.

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What Are Goals?

Goals: are general guidelines that explain what you want to achieve in your life. They are usually long-term and represent global visions such financial well-being, good health, enjoyment, relationships, job security, retirement etc.

Setting Goals:To clearly identify your goals, you must ask yourself the following:

What do I care about? What does winning look like? What usually stops me? Who do I have to be to achieve the goal?

You always have to ask yourself ‘WHY’ you want to achieve a particular goal. Imagine what it would feel like to have a successful business Imagine how you would feel if you were in good physical health Imagine what it would be like to be financially secure Imagine taking that long vacation you always wanted

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Why Do We Need To Identify Goals And Objectives?

Plans and actions based on clear goals and objectives are more likely to succeed.

Goals will not be achieved if they exist in a vacuum. Objectives are developed to help achieve goals by dividing them into

manageable components.

Why Most People Will Never Reach Their Goals!

Failed to identify the ‘BENEFITS’ they will gain by reaching their goals. You need to know “what is in it for me?” When you are not sure of the benefits it’s ‘very’ difficult to maintain the

necessary persistence, dedication and enthusiasm!

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Plans are only good intentions unless they

immediately degenerate into hard work.

Peter Drucker1909-2005

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SMARTEST Goal Setting Techniques

Specific Measurable Achievable Realistic Timely Engaging (passionate attitude) Shifting Goals Team Effort (friends, family, co-worker)

10 Steps To Set And Achieve Your Goals(Humbert, 2007)

1. Specific2. Simple3. Significant4. Strategic5. Measurable6. Rational7. Tangible8. Written9. Shared10.Consistent with your VALUES

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What Are Objectives?

Objectives: define strategies or implementation steps to attain the identified goals. Unlike goals, objectives are specific, measurable, and have a defined completion date. They are more specific and outline the “who, what, when, where, and how” of reaching the goals.

Burger Barn Exercise

Burger Barn is looking at increasing sales of their already famous "Burger Barn Belly Buster Burger"! There are three different ways to increase sales:

Increase Advertising (Marketing) Decrease Price (Finance) Increase Burger Size (Product)

In this example, there is one goal (increase sales) and three (3) potential objectives; increase advertising, decrease price and increase burger size. Each objective is directly related to the success of the goal.Notes: ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________Copyright 2009, Training Enterprises, Inc.

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Breaking Down Objectives

At this point each of the three (3) objectives will be broken down objectives individualy. Please note: since this is not a Business 101 lesson, merely an example of potential objectives, please don't yell at the instructor. They can be very sensitive.

The first objective was: Increase Advertising (Marketing)

By increasing advertsing, Burger Barn has the ability to reach a greater audience and tell them about the wonderful burgers, prices and service offered. This can be done through various marketing channels, such as, TV commercials, radio spots or even print media of some sort. It is at this point the details need to be established. All those questions which will determine how viable this objective might be in achieving the goal of Burger Barn to increase sales of the Burger Barn Belly Buster Burger.

The next objective was: Decrease Price (Finance)

By decreasing price, Burger Barn has the ability to sell more burgers to existing customers whom have curtailed their appetites due to budgeted "Belly Buster Burger" bucks; and to potentially new customers whom might have found the "Burger Barn Belly Buster Burger" to be cost prohibitive compared to the competitor's offering of "Hungry Hanks Huge Homemade Hamburger". It is at this point the details need to be established. All those questions which will determine how viable this objective might be in achieving the goal of Burger Barn to increase sales of the Burger Barn Belly Buster Burger.

Notes: ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________Copyright 2009, Training Enterprises, Inc.

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Breaking Down Objectives(continued)

The final objective was: Increase Burger Size (Product)

Increasing product size is certainly another way to gain notoriety and potentially increase sales. The new "Burger Barn Bigger Belly Buster Burger" could be exactly what the large eater is looking for. Perhaps they'll save money by no longer having to purchase two (2) "Burber Barn Belly Buster Burger's" because one of the "Burger Barn Bigger Belly Buster Burger's" is satisfying. It is at this point the details need to be established. All those questions which will determine how viable this objective might be in achieving the goal of Burger Barn to increase sales of the Burger Barn Belly Buster Burger.

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Notes: ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________Copyright 2009, Training Enterprises, Inc.

Long-Term Goals (10 years):_________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Short-Term Goals (five years):_________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Immediate Goals (six months to one year):_________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

What’s Most Important?List your three most important goals:1. __________________________________________________2. __________________________________________________3. __________________________________________________

What Could Get in My Way?List some obstacles to accomplishing your goals: ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

What Actions Do I Take to Meet My Goals?What resources will you need? ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

How can you overcome obstacles?______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Who Can Help Me?List family members, friends and coworkers who can helpyou meet your goals:_________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

When Do I Start?Write down a kickoff date for taking action. Indicate whenyou hope to accomplish the goal:Start Date End Date______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Goal-Setting Worksheet

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Weighing The Pros And Cons Of An ObjectivePMI - "Plus/Minus/Implication"

Plus Minus Implication

Total Total Plus - Minus

This form very simply gives users the ability to tabulate the positive and negative aspects of their objective in order to gauge for viability.

Notes: ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________Copyright 2009, Training Enterprises, Inc.

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Works CitedAndre Gide Quotes. (1936). Retrieved May 7, 2009, from Quotationgarden.com: http://www.quotegarden.com/goals.htmlBerra, Y. (2009). Yogi Berra Quotes . Retrieved May 6, 2009, from Brainyquotes.com: http://www.brainyquote.com/quotes/authors/y/yogi_berra_2.htmlBurton, D. (1983). Sports Psychology for Coaches. In D. Burton, Sports Psychology for Coaches (p. 290). Human Kinetics.Corporate Information. (2009). Retrieved May 7, 2009, from Google.com: http://www.google.com/corporate/Hyrum Smith. (2009). Retrieved May 6, 2009, from Wikipedia.com: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hyrum_SmithMission. (2009). Retrieved May 7, 2009, from Starbucks.com: http://www.starbucks.com/mission/Mission Statement Builder. (2009). Retrieved May 7, 2009, from Franklincovey.com: http://www.franklincovey.com/msb/One Laptop Per Child Vision. (2009). Retrieved May 7, 2009, from Laptop.org: http://www.laptop.org/en/vision/index.shtmlPeter Drucker Quotes. (2009). Retrieved May 6, 2009, from Brainyquote.com: http://www.brainyquote.com/quotes/authors/p/peter_drucker_2.htmlPeter Ferdinand Drucker. (2009). Retrieved May 6, 2009, from Wikipedia.com: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Peter_Drucker

Notes: ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________Copyright 2009, Training Enterprises, Inc.