Gloria Christi News Now if Christ is proclaimed as raised from the dead, how can some of you say that there is no resurrecon of the dead? 13 But if there is no resurrecon of the dead, then not even Christ has been raised. 14 And if Christ has not been raised, then our preaching is in vain and your faith is in vain. 15 We are even found to be misrepresenng God, because we tesfied about God that he raised Christ, whom he did not raise if it is true that the dead are not raised. 16 For if the dead are not raised, not even Christ has been raised. 17 And if Christ has not been raised, your faith is fule and you are sll in your sins. 18 Then those also who have fallen asleep in Christ have perished. 19 If in Christ we have hope in this life only, we are of all people most to be pied. 20 But in fact Christ has been raised from the dead, the firsruits of those who have fallen asleep. 21 For as by a man came death, by a man has come also the resurrecon of the dead. 22 For as in Adam all die, so also in Christ shall all be made alive. 23 But each in his own order: Christ the firsruits, then at his coming those who belong to Christ. 1 Corinthians 15:12-23 Dear fellow bapzed believers in Christ Jesus, Already in St. Paul’s day he was dealing with those who were denying the bodily resurrecon of Christ. What the Apostle deals with in Corinth already foreshadows the Gnosc herecs who later denied the humanity of Christ, made the material world into a mistake by some lesser deity, and made “resurrecon” into simply death itself, as if the soul (or the “divine seed”) were simply trapped in this unfortunate physical stuff. However, St. Paul would have none of that as he writes by inspiraon of the Holy Spirit to the troubled congregaon in Corinth. It is basic and foundaonal to the Chrisan faith to confess the resurrecon of the body, both for Christ Himself on the third day, and for all of humanity on Judgment Day. For St Paul, who had been a Pharisee, this was an ongoing issue. This was a point of division between the Pharisees and Sadducees. The Pharisees taught the resurrecon of the body while the Sadducees denied it. But now for the Apostle Paul, no longer Saul the Pharisee from Tarsus, he saw the resurrecon in a much more grand picture in light of Jesus’ own resurrecon. He had been converted to faith not by his own doing, but by the risen and glorified Lord Jesus, on the road to Damascus. Without the resurrecon of Christ we are sll in our sins. But Christ has been raised for our jusficaon, our being made right with God so that we stand as righteous in His sight. And where there is forgiveness of sins there is also everlasng life and salvaon. Christ brings it about for all. For those who believe in Him they have eternal life in body and soul and benefit from what He has done in Holy Week and in His victorious resurrecon from the tomb. Through Jesus’ death and resurrecon we have reconciliaon and jusficaon with God. Because of this, death has had its sng taken away. The cemetery shall not keep us. Death does not get the last word, nor does the law for those who are in Christ. For Jesus’ death and resurrecon cannot be separated in our theology. This same Paul who strongly defended the resurrecon of the body, also said that he was determined to know nothing among that church except Jesus Christ and Him crucified. The risen Christ showed His wounds and therein gave divine peace and absoluon for sinners. Rejoice, Christ is risen from the dead and reigns for us! His powerful, creang Word is His hidden rule in the church on earth unl the Last Day. He will guard and sustain us while granng new birth by water and Spirit to grow the Church throughout the world. His victory stands! In Christ Jesus, Pastor Frahm Volume 14, Issue 5

Gloria Christi Newson April 11, 2014. We remember in our prayers her husband, Bob Suden, and all of her family members. May God give to them His comfort and certain hope of the resurrection

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Page 1: Gloria Christi Newson April 11, 2014. We remember in our prayers her husband, Bob Suden, and all of her family members. May God give to them His comfort and certain hope of the resurrection

Gloria Christi News

Now if Christ is proclaimed as raised from the dead, how

can some of you say that there is no resurrection of the

dead? 13 But if there is no resurrection of the dead, then

not even Christ has been raised. 14 And if Christ has not

been raised, then our preaching is in vain and your faith is

in vain. 15 We are even found to be misrepresenting God,

because we testified about God that he raised Christ,

whom he did not raise if it is true that the dead are not

raised. 16 For if the dead are not raised, not even Christ

has been raised. 17 And if Christ has not been raised, your

faith is futile and you are still in your sins. 18 Then those

also who have fallen asleep in Christ have perished. 19 If in

Christ we have hope in this life only, we are of all people

most to be pitied. 20 But in fact Christ has been raised from

the dead, the firstfruits of those who have fallen asleep. 21 For as by a man came death, by a man has come also

the resurrection of the dead. 22 For as in Adam all die, so

also in Christ shall all be made alive. 23 But each in his own

order: Christ the firstfruits, then at his coming those who

belong to Christ. 1 Corinthians 15:12-23

Dear fellow baptized believers in Christ Jesus,

Already in St. Paul’s day he was dealing with those who

were denying the bodily resurrection of Christ. What the

Apostle deals with in Corinth already foreshadows the

Gnostic heretics who later denied the humanity of Christ,

made the material world into a mistake by some lesser

deity, and made “resurrection” into simply death itself, as

if the soul (or the “divine seed”) were simply trapped in

this unfortunate physical stuff. However, St. Paul would

have none of that as he writes by inspiration of the Holy

Spirit to the troubled congregation in Corinth.

It is basic and foundational to the Christian faith to

confess the resurrection of the body, both for Christ

Himself on the third day, and for all of humanity

on Judgment Day. For St Paul, who had been a

Pharisee, this was an ongoing issue. This was a point

of division between the Pharisees and Sadducees. The

Pharisees taught the resurrection of the body while

the Sadducees denied it. But now for the Apostle Paul,

no longer Saul the Pharisee from Tarsus, he saw the

resurrection in a much more grand picture in light of

Jesus’ own resurrection. He had been converted to faith

not by his own doing, but by the risen and glorified Lord

Jesus, on the road to Damascus.

Without the resurrection of Christ we are still in our

sins. But Christ has been raised for our justification, our

being made right with God so that we stand as righteous

in His sight. And where there is forgiveness of sins there is

also everlasting life and salvation. Christ brings it about

for all. For those who believe in Him they have eternal

life in body and soul and benefit from what He has done

in Holy Week and in His victorious resurrection from the

tomb. Through Jesus’ death and resurrection we have

reconciliation and justification with God. Because of this,

death has had its sting taken away. The cemetery shall

not keep us. Death does not get the last word, nor does

the law for those who are in Christ. For Jesus’ death and

resurrection cannot be separated in our theology. This

same Paul who strongly defended the resurrection of the

body, also said that he was determined to know nothing

among that church except Jesus Christ and Him crucified.

The risen Christ showed His wounds and therein gave

divine peace and absolution for sinners.

Rejoice, Christ is risen from the dead and reigns for us!

His powerful, creating Word is His hidden rule in the

church on earth until the Last Day.

He will guard and sustain us while

granting new birth by water and Spirit

to grow the Church throughout the

world. His victory stands!

In Christ Jesus,

Pastor Frahm

Volume 14, Issue 5

Page 2: Gloria Christi Newson April 11, 2014. We remember in our prayers her husband, Bob Suden, and all of her family members. May God give to them His comfort and certain hope of the resurrection

April 15, 2014

Pastor’s Report: Pastor Frahm reported that Christy Copeland was confirmed on Palm Sunday; he hopes to complete Jake Hein’s classes and confirm him in the next few weeks. The Wednesday spoken Divine Service will resume on Wednesday, April 30th. We are in need of a volunteer to take the food donations in our grocery cart to the Weld Food Bank. Funeral service for Gladys Suden will be held on Wednesday, April 16th. A luncheon will immediately follow the service. We are in need of replenishing the “Household of Faith Fund”. Joy Johnston is looking for someone to take over her place with the Christian Resource Center.

Financial Secretary: First quarter statements were provided for 2 members at their request. Craig Vanecek has agreed to serve as a counter; this gives us several people to fill in as substitutes. A schedule for the remainder of this year has been set.

Treasurer: see Page 8.

Elders: Jim Breitweiser reported that a small plaque designating a memorial gift was requested by one of our members. He will follow up.

Trustees: Mike Dorsey expressed his thanks to everyone who participated in the work day earlier this month. .

Christian Education (PS/DC): Joleen reported that plans are set to hold a Liquidation Sale for the PS/DC the liquidation sale of PS/DC items was a great success. To date we have received $2,551.96 with additional funds yet to come. We still have a few items left, and these will be included in the fall rummage sale. She then requested that since the PS/DC has been closed and the property disposed of, that in accordance with the bylaws of Gloria Christi, the Board of Christian Education be dissolved. The council approved the request.

Parish Education: Tracy Bol reported that we will hold VBS in June, although we still need one or two more individuals to help. There will be a Sunday School Teacher appreciation during Coffee Fellowship sometime in May.

Evangelism: No Report

Stewardship: No report.

Youth: Tracy reposted that the youth will meet on Saturday morning to set up for the Easter Breakfast.

Monthly meetings for the youth will resume in May.

Parish Fellowship: No Report.

Finance: No Report

LWML: Sharon reported that the April general meet-ing went well with a speaker from Lutheran Family Services as the guest. We hope to help support this organization with some of their needs this coming year. The final Care Packages for our college people will be collected; since it is so close to graduation, we will plan them as “Welcome Home Boxes.”

Memorial Committee: Alex brought the first draft of the committee’s memorial policy to the group for their input. Several comments were offered, and Alex will take it back to the committee on June 2nd.

Audit Committee: The committee should be getting together soon, as Jan is now available.

Unfinished Business: Funding plans: Tom reminded members that we still have copies of “Stewardship Under the Cross” for anyone interested in reading it. Pastor Frahm, Tom, Galen, and Alex will get together to discuss a potential plan.

ACELC: Our study of the reason for and goals of the association has begun on Sunday mornings during Adult Bible Class. Attendance has been strong. Pastors Frahm and Bolland will plan for a time before summer to show the video in its entirety.

New Business:

PS/DC sale funds: Pastor Frahm recommended that the income from the sale be used to update the 13th Street sign; the plexiglass panels are in need of replacement, and the signage on the top should be updated to better match the new color of the LCMS cross. He also suggested that we add lighting to the side of the Agape Center to illuminate that sign. Mike will try to get costs for these projects. Betty suggest-ed that the replacement of the lights in the Agape Center be addressed first, since this is a time-sensitive project. Galen shared that in order to qualify for rebate money from Xcel Energy, we will need to contact one of the approved representatives. He will proceed with that.

May Voters’ Meeting: The prescribed meeting will be set for Sunday, June 1, 2014 with a potluck meal at 11:30 AM and the meeting to follow at 12:00 Noon.



Tuesday, May 20, 2014 at 7:00 PM


June 2, 2014. Potluck meal at 11:30 AM and meeting to begin at 12:00 Noon.

Gloria Christi News Page 2

Church Council Highlights

Page 3: Gloria Christi Newson April 11, 2014. We remember in our prayers her husband, Bob Suden, and all of her family members. May God give to them His comfort and certain hope of the resurrection

Page 3 Gloria Christi News


May 11th,


before & after Sunday Service

Celebrate Mother’s Day!

Bring your mother and treat her to a visit at the

Christian Resource Center on Sunday, May

11th for a selection of Spring and Summer

items. We will have many spring and garden

items, many new books, Bibles, Bible covers,

and stationery, including Thank-You cards.

If you’re looking for a special gift, for gradua-tion, Mother’s Day, or other occasion, come and see our entire selection . . . everything from jewelry for adults & children, music CDs, wall hangings and inspirational pictures, cups & mugs, and much more.

If you would like to order special items for your family and friends, please contact Marlene Selden or Joy Johnston. Thank you for your continued support!

Marlene Selden & Joy Johnston

Let’s do lunch!

Wednesday, May 28th

11:30 AM

ROMA Restaurant ~ 3625 23rd Ave., Evans

Each month we meet together for lunch & fellow-ship. This month we’re going to try out the newest ROMA restaurant on south 23rd Avenue. Want to join us? Just meet at the restaurant or, if you need a ride, call Betty in the church office, and she’ll make sure you aren’t left behind!

Adult Bible Class

Sunday mornings, 10:30 AM

The ACELC is a voluntary association of LCMS congregations and individual associate members who are concerned for the health of our church body. Every Sunday morning during Bible class we are taking a close look at what has happened and is currently happening in the Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod. To date we have looked into the history of how error has infiltrated our synod and congregations. Now we will begin looking at specific errors that need to be addressed and corrected. If you haven’t attended yet, please consider doing so. This is our opportunity to find out what is happening right here in our own church body. Discussion is highly encouraged!

Page 4: Gloria Christi Newson April 11, 2014. We remember in our prayers her husband, Bob Suden, and all of her family members. May God give to them His comfort and certain hope of the resurrection

Gladys Suden, our sister in Christ,

was called from this life

on April 11, 2014.

We remember in our prayers

her husband, Bob Suden,

and all of her family members.

May God give to them His comfort and certain hope

of the resurrection to everlasting life.

John & Cindi Kennedy

have moved!

Please copy this new address

into your church directory:

John & Cindi Kennedy

28339 CR 44

Kersey, CO 80644

Here is another change for your


Steve Neighbors: 970-576-2370

We currently need a volunteer to provide

altar flowers for May 18th.

We also need volunteers to provide refreshments

for Coffee Fellowship from May 18th

forward. There is a new sign-up sheet on

the office window. Thank you for your





We are in need of a computer/IT person for Gloria Christi, one or two individuals who are knowledgeable in computer issues to help out here with our office computers. These people would be our resource folks when we have computer issues, which is not very often. However, right now we need to set up our Shepherd’s Staff program as a network program, and the “office people who work here” aren’t sure how to proceed. If you are interested in helping out or know of someone who might be able to help, please Betty (353-2554 at church, or 518-7917) or Tom Johnston (506-1531). We are also in need of a wide-screen computer monitor for Pastor Frahm’s computer. His “old” monitor is “on the fritz,” and he is currently using a smaller one. (His computer, however, is programmed for a wide-screen.) If you would like to consider helping out, you can contact Pastor Frahm for the details. (If you would like to try and repair the old monitor, check with Betty.)

Although our Sunday School

is small,

our children are


Sunday School classes during the summer

may be 1 to 5 children,

but we would like to make sure

they have a teacher each and every week.

If you are able to help out with

Summer Sunday School this year, please add

your name to the list on the office window.

The lessons are all prepared and ready to go.

All we need is YOU!

Thank you!

Gloria Christi News Page 4

Page 5: Gloria Christi Newson April 11, 2014. We remember in our prayers her husband, Bob Suden, and all of her family members. May God give to them His comfort and certain hope of the resurrection

Posted on the bulletin board in the narthex, you

will find a Revised Elders’ Listing, indicating who

your assigned elder is. As John 15, verse 5 reads,

“Jesus said, ‘I am the vine; you are the branches.

Whoever abides in me and I in him, he it is that

bears much fruit, for apart from me you can do

nothing.’” As our commitment to His word, we

elders collectively encourage and invite your

constructive remarks and concerns for our

church body. May God’s Grace dwell among us

in His Son, and join us together in a fellowship

of self-giving love.

Jim Breitweiser, Chairman

Calling All Youth!

The next Youth Group meeting

is scheduled for

Sunday, May 18th

at 11:30 AM

(right after Sunday School).

Lunch will be provided, and we will make our

plans for the next few months.

Don’t miss out; we need your ideas!

WELCOME HOME! It’s the end of the school year

and our college students will

soon be heading home.

The LWML gals thought that since the school

years all end at different times, we would put

together some “Welcome Home” packages for

our students. The collection box is on the table in

the narthex, so bring your donations in by May

11th. Store gift cards, homemade goodies, just

about anything will be appreciated.

If you would like to order some cards through

SCRIP, just speak with Diane Gaudian or Betty

Monson on Sunday morning.

The Ascension of

Our Lord

Divine Service

Thursday, May 29, 2014

7:00 pm

Come, and join with fellow believers to celebrate the ascension of our Lord, Jesus Christ. This is a wonderful festival as we see the redemptive work of Jesus completed, and He ascends to be with His Father. It carries the same joy of Easter as we, like the apostles, continually bless God!

Immediately following the service, we will gather for a time of fellowship and what has become almost a tradition here at Gloria Christi . . . our Ascension Day Root Beer Floats!


for the season of Easter are now

available on the table by the front

entry doors. These booklets are

written and provided by the Higher

Things organization, a Recognized

Service Organization (RSO) of the

Lutheran Church Missouri Synod. Its

main purpose is to educate youth (primarily high

school age) in the one, true faith and to encourage

these young people to become informed and active

members of their congregations.

If you would like more information on Higher

Things or would like to access the devotions on

your computer, phone, or tablet, go to

http://higherthings.org/ .


We’re going to have a

Rummage Sale this year!

Saturday, Sept. 18th

Watch your newsletter for

more information, and save that STUFF!

Gloria Christi News Page 5

Page 6: Gloria Christi Newson April 11, 2014. We remember in our prayers her husband, Bob Suden, and all of her family members. May God give to them His comfort and certain hope of the resurrection

Household of Faith


Have you noticed the blue box mounted on

the brick wall in the Narthex? It’s labeled

“Household of Faith Fund.” So what exactly

is this fund? What is it for? Well, there is a

Scripture verse on the front of the box with the answer:

“So then, as we have opportunity,

let us do good to everyone, and especially

to those who are of the household of faith.”

Galatians 6:10

This box is for donations that are used for the members

of Gloria Christi, OUR Household of Faith. God instructs

us to care for one another, but “especially those who are

of the household of faith.” We take care of our church

family first and then reach out to the community at large.

The funds that are given to this fund, either by placing

them in the blue box or in the offering plate, are used

when someone within our congregation is in need. We

have had opportunities within the past several months to

assist our members, and the fund is getting low again. If

you are so inclined to share your love through this

means, we thank you in advance for your donations. If

you do write a check, please make sure that you write

“Household of Faith” in the memo line, or place it in an

envelope with that information.

Midweek Divine Services

are once again being held every

Wednesday evening at 7:00 PM.

The liturgy is an abbreviated spoken format. One hymn

is sung acapella (without musical accompaniment), and

the sermon is the same as what was preached the

previous Sunday.

The Lord’s Supper is celebrated every week. The only

difference is that the wine is shared by chalice only (no

individual cups).

If you know that you are unable to attend Divine Service

on Sunday, or perhaps you just want to hear that sermon

again, please join us on Wednesday evening.


Seminarian Brandon Ross has received

his call assignment to serve as pastor of

Faith Lutheran Church in Johnstown, Colorado!

We rejoice with Brandon & Mackenzie as they prepare

to move “back home” from Ft. Wayne.

Brandon & Mackenzie have one son, James, and

baby number 2 due in early June.

Watch your Sunday bulletin for updates!

From our Youth Group:

“Thank you to everyone who donated all of the

food needed for the Easter Breakfast and then came for

the breakfast and gave additional donations! You are all


From the Board of Christian Education:

“Thank you to Gloria Christi for supporting our Preschool

and Daycare programs for the past 40 years! Thank you also for

those who came and helped with the liquidation sale, either by

purchasing items or assisting with the moving of items , some of

them being very large! May God continue to bless Gloria Christi as

we move forward in faith.” Joleen Cary

From the Church Secretary:

“Thank you to Joy Johnston and Janet Sorensen who came in and covered the office during my recent time off. I am blessed to have these gals who make it possible for me to occasionally get away and know that everything is taken care of.” Betty Monson

Cameron Meusch ~ Cameron will graduate from CSU on May 17th with a Bachelor of Science degree in Environmental Horticulture with a concentration in Nursery and Landscape Management. He will continue to live in Fort Collins as he currently works at Fossil Creek Nursery. He would love to check out the Northwest, like Oregon or Washington, but his parents hope he stays closer to home. Cameron loves to fish and go boating with his brother Derek, and he has a dog named Baxter. Tyler Bol ~ Tyler will graduate from Valley High School on May 31st. He plans to head back up to South Dakota to work, as he has the past few summers. Tyler has been very successful competing on the high school wrestling team; it must be a family tradition!

Gloria Christi News Page 6

Page 7: Gloria Christi Newson April 11, 2014. We remember in our prayers her husband, Bob Suden, and all of her family members. May God give to them His comfort and certain hope of the resurrection

It’s time once again for the annual

Baby Bottle Campaign sponsored by our local

Resource Center for

Pregnancy & Personal Health.

To participate, pick up a baby bottle on May 11th, Mother’s Day, and take it home. Use it as a bank for pocket change or other donations. Then, on June 15th, Father’s Day, bring the filled baby bottle back to church where it will be collected with others and returned to the Resource Center.

The Resource Center for Pregnancy & Personal Health is a Christian medical clinic providing confidential support for individuals making critical decisions regarding pregnancy and sexual health. We have been serving the community of Greeley since 1982. This is the center’s primary fund- raiser each year, and with the funds they are able to continue providing free services that benefit mothers, fathers, and of course, the babies!

For more information, contact The Resource Center by phone at 970-353-2673, e-mail them at [email protected], or visit them online at http://www.pregnancyresourcesgreeley.com/.




1st Annual Golf Tournament to support the programs

of Lutheran Family Services

(Adoption Support, Foster Care, Older Adults Care

Services, Pregnancy counseling, and Teen Pregnancy



Mariana Butte Golf Course, Loveland


7:30-8:00am Registration;

8:00am Shotgun Start,

1:00pm Luncheon & Awards


Saturday, May 17th


$120 per player (includes 18 holes, golf cart, lunch

& prizes)

For more information, contact Lutheran Family Services: [email protected] or www.lfsrm.org/events

“Conversations in


How would you like to spend a week at a Lutheran

mission and learn Spanish at the same time? Joleen

Cary is planning to attend this year’s program and invites

others to join her. (NO previous Spanish experience is

necessary! )

Here are the details:

Dates: August 3-8, 2014

Location: Ysleta Lutheran Mission

El Paso, Texas

Cost: $685 (tuition, lodging in the YLM

dormitory–ask us about other options if you’d

prefer not to stay in the dorm, all meals with the

exception of 1, work book)

(Group discounts are available.)

Instruction is provided by a local language institute,

Language Plus, Inc.

Five hours of instruction will be provided daily, along

with a nightly presentation on a contemporary

Hispanic ministry topic. Optional field trips will

enhance your cultural understanding of the border


If you are interested in finding out more information, con-

tact Joleen (353-5132) or Conversations in Spanish


Gloria Christi News Page 7

Page 8: Gloria Christi Newson April 11, 2014. We remember in our prayers her husband, Bob Suden, and all of her family members. May God give to them His comfort and certain hope of the resurrection

Page 8 Gloria Christi News

Job Opening

Position: Mother, Mom, Mama, Mommy, Ma

Job Description: Long term, team players needed, for challenging permanent work in an often chaotic environment. Candidates must possess excellent communication and organizational skills and be willing to work variable hours, which will include evenings and weekends and frequent 24 hour shifts on call. Some overnight travel required, including trips to primitive camping sites on rainy weekends and endless sports tournaments in far away cities. Travel expenses not reimbursed. Extensive courier duties also required.

Responsibilities: The rest of your life. Must be will-ing to be hated, at least temporarily, until someone needs $5. Must be willing to bite tongue repeatedly. Also, must possess the physical stamina of a pack mule and able to go from zero to 60 mph in three seconds flat in case the screams from the backyard are not someone just “crying wolf.” Must possess medical skills of an emergency room physician. Must be willing to face stimulating technical

changes, such as small gadget repair, mysteriously sluggish toilets and stuck zippers. Must screen phone calls, maintain calendars and coordinate production of multiple homework projects. Must have ability to plan and organize social gatherings for clients of all ages and mental outlooks. Must be willing to be indispensable one minute, an embarrassment the next. Must handle assembly and product safety testing of a half million cheap, plastic toys, and battery operated devices. Must always hope for the best but be prepared for the worst. Must assume final, complete accountability for the quality of the end product. Responsibilities also include floor maintenance and janitorial work throughout the facility.

Possibility for Advancement & Promotions: Virtually none. Your job is to remain in the same position for years, without complaining, constantly retraining and updating your skills, so that those in your charge can ultimately surpass you.

Previous Experience: None required unfortunately. On-the-job training offered on a continually exhausting basis.

Wages and Compensation: Get this! You pay them! Offering frequent raises and bonuses. A balloon payment is due when they turn 18 because of the assumption that college will help them become financially independent. When you die, you give them whatever is left. The oddest thing about this reverse-salary scheme is that you actually enjoy it and wish you could only do more.

Benefits: While no health or dental insurance, no pension, no tuition reimbursement, no paid holidays and no stock options are offered, this job supplies limitless opportunities for personal growth and free hugs for life if you play your cards right.


March 31, 2014 Current Month

Year to Date

Weekly Offerings $ 18,491.68 $ 48,426.95

Mortgage Offerings 1,310.00 2,312.00

Special Services 3,478.00 3,478.00

Non-Budgeted Income 3,436.96 3,588.02

Church Income $ 26,716.64 $ 57,804.97

Church Expenses 16,204.44 50,823.31

Net Church Activity $ 10,512.20 $ 6,981.66

District Missions $ 562.30 $ 1,210.69

Bank Accounts $ 29,128.23

Memorials -3,836.12

Working Designated -12,068.22

Available Cash $ 13,223.89

Page 9: Gloria Christi Newson April 11, 2014. We remember in our prayers her husband, Bob Suden, and all of her family members. May God give to them His comfort and certain hope of the resurrection

The Gospel outreach radio broadcast of Lutheran Hour Ministries can be heard each Sunday on the following radio stations: KOA (850 AM) 6:00 am KFKA (1310 AM) 9:30 am

XM Satellite - Family Talk (XM170)12:00pm

Broadcast sermons for May 2014 are:

May 4 ~ "Live Life, Traveling Well" Lutheran Hour Speaker: Rev. Gregory Seltz When God makes a way possible where there is no way, you can trust Him that you will finish the journey well. (1 Peter 1:17-25)

May 11 ~ "Doing Good" Lutheran Hour Speaker: Rev. Gregory Seltz God calls us to be good-doers, rather than do-gooders. (1 Peter 2:19-25)

May 18 ~ "God's Presence + God's Promise = God's Peace" Lutheran Hour Speaker: Rev. Gregory Seltz God's presence in Christ plus God's promises through Christ equals God's peace with Christ, forever. (John 14:1-14)

May 25 ~ "Remembering"

Speaker Emeritus of The Lutheran Hour: Rev. Ken


As we remember those who died to preserve our

freedom, we remember the Savior who died and

rose to save us from eternal death.

Armed Forces Sunday ~ May 25, 2014

Your gifts for LCMS Ministry to the Armed Forces

provides materials for chaplains, service personnel

and veterans.

May 4 ~ Third Sunday of Easter (Misericordias Domini)

Ezekiel 34:11-16

1 Peter 2:21-25

John 10:11-16

May 11 ~ Fourth Sunday of Easter (Jubilate)

Isaiah 40:25-31

1 Peter 2:11-20

John 16:16-22

May 18 ~ Fifth Sunday of Easter (Cantate)

Isaiah 12:1-6

James 1:16-21

John 16:5-15

May 25 ~ Sixth Sunday of Easter (Rogate)

Numbers 21:4-9

1 Timothy 2:1-6

John 16:23-30

Please study these Scriptures each week to prepare

yourself for Sunday services. You are also encour-

aged to read the “Christian Questions and Answers”

for communicants in the Small Catechism to prepare

to receive the Lord’s body and blood faithfully in

the Divine Service (p.329,330 LSB).

For those who would like a daily Bible reading

schedule you are encouraged to use the one listed on

page 299 in our hymnal, Lutheran Service Book.

The Bible, the Catechism, and our hymnal are the

three key books for Lutherans to use in devotions.

Besides this, it is good to be familiar with our

Lutheran Confessions, the Book of Concord, which

includes the Catechisms. See Joy or Marlene to get

a Bible, Catechism, Lutheran Service Book or the

Book of Concord.

“Your Word is a lamp to my feet and

a light to my path.” Psalm 119:105

Page 9 Gloria Christi News

Page 10: Gloria Christi Newson April 11, 2014. We remember in our prayers her husband, Bob Suden, and all of her family members. May God give to them His comfort and certain hope of the resurrection

“So then, as we have opportunity, let us do good to everyone, and especially

to those who are of the household of faith . . . Galatians 6:10

We welcome and

encourage submissions

for our newsletter and

Sunday bulletin. Please

make all submissions in

writing, on disk, or by

e-mail. All material is subject to editing for

content, clarity, and style, as needed. The

deadline for the newsletter is the 15th of

every month. The deadline for the Sunday

bulletin is Wednesday at Noon.

Gloria Christi Lutheran Church (LC-MS)

1322 31st Avenue

Greeley, CO 80634

Phone: 353-2554 Fax: 353-6555

[email protected]

Website: www.gloriachristi.org

Return Service


Deadlines for Newsletter and Sunday Bulletin

May 2014

Pastor John A. Frahm III (970) 590-4745 (C)

Pastor Richard Bolland

Assistant Pastor - Emeritus

(970) 222-8249

Tom Johnston, President (970) 506-1531 (H)

Jim Breitweiser, Head Elder (970) 454-3769

George & Berlyn Clear,

Sunday School Superintendents

(970) 352-4325 (H)

Betty Monson, Secretary (970) 518-7917 (C)

Ascension Day

Divine Service

Thursday, May 29th 7:00 PM