Gloria Christi News IN THESE LAST DAYS… 4 And Jesus answered and said to them: “Take heed that no one deceives you. 5 For many will come in My name, saying, ‘I am the Christ,’ and will deceive many. 6 And you will hear of wars and rumors of wars. See that you are not troubled; for all these things must come to pass, but the end is not yet. 7 For naon will rise against naon, and kingdom against kingdom. And there will be famines, peslences, and earth- quakes in various places. 8 All these are the beginning of sor- rows. 9 “Then they will deliver you up to tribulaon and kill you, and you will be hated by all naons for My name’s sake. 10 And then many will be offended, will betray one another, and will hate one another. 11 Then many false prophets will rise up and deceive many. 12 And because lawlessness will abound, the love of many will grow cold. 13 But he who en- dures to the end shall be saved. 14 And this gospel of the kingdom will be preached in all the world as a witness to all the naons, and then the end will come. Mahew 24:4-14 Dear fellow bapzed pilgrims through the world in these end mes, In November we hear much of the end mes or the last things, what the theologians call “eschatology.” What we need to remember is that this world will not go on forever. While it has been about 2,000 years since our Lord’s death and resurrecon, He has said that He is coming quickly. Out of mercy our Lord holds off the last day, that more may repent and believe. Yet out of mercy He will not let it go on too long either. The church has her mission in this world “while it is day.” But the me of mission and repentance will come to an end. Our Lord Jesus is clear that world history will not be a display of moral progress but rather, “as it was in the days of Noah, so it will be when the Son of Man comes again.” How was it in the days of Noah? Moses says, “Then the Lord saw that the wickedness of man was great in the earth, and that every intent of the thoughts of his heart was only evil connually.” That’s prey bad. Technology and such may “progress” but mankind will not. This is why God dispersed the people at the Tower of Babel. But sll there may be those “elites” who want a technocracy of rule by experts and surveillance or a “new world order” that they consider “global governance” by internaonal banks and such. But the LORD God is the Lord of history. Jesus is the Alpha and the Omega. Satan may be called a “prince” of this world but he is already defeated and his me is short. He will rage, deceive, enslave, and murder, but the kingdom ours remaineth. Jesus has promised that the gates of hell will not prevail against His church. Christ’s church is to be found in this world wherever the gospel is purely preached and the holy sacraments are administered according to Christ’s instuon. Yet this church is found under cross and suffering, not under worldly glory and popularity. Our call is to be faithful unto death, not to be “successful.” For we walk by faith, not by sight. In this we need to be like the wise virgins who keep their lamps full of oil and then some. This happens as we first of all are in the Divine Service regularly, paying close aenon to our Lord’s words and receive our Lord’s body and blood. This also happens as we come and learn and grow in Bible study together so that we stay grounded in the unchanging faith that was once for all delivered to the saints. We are bold to confess the faith before the whole world and we seek to prepare for the storms and decepons of the end mes. We are always to “test the spirits” as we listen to the religious, spiritual, philosophical, and polical speakers of our me, more so all the more “nice” they seem to us. But our confidence and peace is in the One who was crucified and raised from the dead, Jesus Christ. He has won for us forgiveness of all our sins, and He will reveal what shall forever be on the Last Day in the resurrecon of all flesh and the revealing of the new creaon. Let us connue to gather together for the Divine Service and encourage one another in that all the more as we see the day approaching! In Christ Jesus, Pastor Frahm Volume 12, Issue 11

Gloria Christi News Christi News IN ... to next year’s synod convention are Pastor Seth Clemmer ... Elders: Rev. Allen Yount will join the Board of

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Page 1: Gloria Christi News Christi News IN ... to next year’s synod convention are Pastor Seth Clemmer ... Elders: Rev. Allen Yount will join the Board of

Gloria Christi News




4 And Jesus answered and said to them: “Take heed that no one deceives you. 5 For many will come in My name, saying, ‘I am the Christ,’ and will deceive many. 6 And you will hear of wars and rumors of wars. See that you are not troubled; for all these things must come to pass, but the end is not yet. 7 For nation will rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom. And there will be famines, pestilences, and earth-quakes in various places. 8 All these are the beginning of sor-rows.9 “Then they will deliver you up to tribulation and kill you, and you will be hated by all nations for My name’s sake. 10 And then many will be offended, will betray one another, and will hate one another. 11 Then many false prophets will rise up and deceive many. 12 And because lawlessness will abound, the love of many will grow cold. 13 But he who en-dures to the end shall be saved. 14 And this gospel of the kingdom will be preached in all the world as a witness to all the nations, and then the end will come. Matthew 24:4-14

Dear fellow baptized pilgrims through the world in these end times,

In November we hear much of the end times or the last things, what the theologians call “eschatology.” What we need to remember is that this world will not go on forever. While it has been about 2,000 years since our Lord’s death and resurrection, He has said that He is coming quickly. Out of mercy our Lord holds off the last day, that more may repent and believe. Yet out of mercy He will not let it go on too long either. The church has her mission in this world “while it is day.” But the time of mission and repentance will come to an end.

Our Lord Jesus is clear that world history will not be a display of moral progress but rather, “as it was in the days of Noah, so it will be when the Son of Man comes again.” How was it in the days of Noah? Moses says, “Then the Lord saw that the wickedness of man was great in the earth, and that every intent of the thoughts of his heart was only evil continually.” That’s pretty bad.

Technology and such may “progress” but mankind will not. This is why God dispersed the people at the Tower of Babel. But still there may be those “elites” who want a technocracy of rule by experts and surveillance or a “new world order” that they consider “global governance” by international banks and such. But the LORD God is the Lord of history. Jesus is the Alpha and the Omega. Satan may be called a “prince” of this world but he is already defeated and his time is short. He will rage, deceive, enslave, and murder, but the kingdom ours remaineth.

Jesus has promised that the gates of hell will not prevail against His church. Christ’s church is to be found in this world wherever the gospel is purely preached and the holy sacraments are administered according to Christ’s institution. Yet this church is found under cross and suffering, not under worldly glory and popularity. Our call is to be faithful unto death, not to be “successful.” For we walk by faith, not by sight. In this we need to be like the wise virgins who keep their lamps full of oil and then some. This happens as we first of all are in the Divine Service regularly, paying close attention to our Lord’s words and receive our Lord’s body and blood. This also happens as we come and learn and grow in Bible study together so that we stay grounded in the unchanging faith that was once for all delivered to the saints. We are bold to confess the faith before the whole world and we seek to prepare for the storms and deceptions of the end times. We are always to “test the spirits” as we listen to the religious, spiritual, philosophical, and political speakers of our time, more so all the more “nice” they seem to us.

But our confidence and peace is in the One who was crucified and raised from the dead, Jesus Christ. He has won for us forgiveness of all our sins, and He will reveal what shall forever be on the Last Day in the resurrection of all flesh and the revealing of the new creation. Let us continue to gather together for the Divine Service and encourage one another in that all the more as we see the day approaching!

In Christ Jesus,

Pastor Frahm

Volume 12, Issue 11

Page 2: Gloria Christi News Christi News IN ... to next year’s synod convention are Pastor Seth Clemmer ... Elders: Rev. Allen Yount will join the Board of

October 16, 2012

Pastor’s Report: Youth Catechism classes are held every Sunday afternoon 1:30 - 3:00 PM. The Sunday morning Bible Study topic “The Divine Service: Its History and Theology” is now well under-way with good discussion. Pastor expressed his interested in attending the 2013 Symposia in Fort Wayne in January. He would also like to try and get our LWML society active again; watch for meeting time. Our elected delegates from Longs Peak Circuit to next year’s synod convention are Pastor Seth Clemmer (Estes Park) and Mr. Robert Kingsley. Pastor requested to increase his eligible housing allowance to a maximum of $35,000 per year. M/S/C

Preschool Director: Current enrollment is 22 total. Proceeds from the Spaghetti Dinner totaled $430. We have begun the Subway Coupon fundraiser. Pennie asked if we should add the same for Qdoba; decision was made to just do one at this time.

Financial Secretary: No Report

Treasurer’s Report: There will be a $225 correction shown in October (from one account to another) (See current balances on page 8.)

Elders: Rev. Allen Yount will join the Board of Elders. Meeting times will change to Friday mornings.

Trustees: No Report

Christian Education (PS/DC): Betty reviewed sever-al actions which have been put in place by the board to try and reverse the current financial crisis for the PS/DC. The current financial state is due primarily to low enrollment. The board intends to bring these matters directly to the Voters’ Assembly at the November meeting so that the congregation will be directly involved in decisions made regarding the future of the PS/DC.

Parish Education: Joy reported that the Sunday School Christmas Program will be held on Sunday, Dec. 16th at the 10:30 morning Service. Immediately following the service will be the annual Chili Lunch and Christmas Caroling to our shut-ins.

Evangelism No Report

Stewardship: Ron reported that all is in place for the Orphan Grain Train this coming Sunday and hosting the Fish Feed. OGT people will be arriving at 10:00 AM to begin set-up.

Youth: Jennifer reported that Janett Copeland will be joining the Board of Youth. A small group recently went to Fritzler’s Corn Maze for a fun outing. The board hopes to hold one more youth activity yet this year. Additionally, they intend to get the can shed emptied and cans recycled.

Parish Fellowship: Linda reported that plans are in place for the Nov. 10th Ladies’ Fall Brunch. The board will also provide beverages for the OGT Fish Feed on Sunday. Following the Thanksgiving Eve service there will be a pie social & coffee. The board will hold its November meeting on Nov. 6th at 6:30 PM. Financial report shows $660.09 in their checking account.

Finance: Galen reported that he will schedule a meeting for budget review. All boards must have a representative attend.


50th Anniversary Committee: Joy reported that John 1:14, “The Glory of Christ shining forth” will be the theme for our 50th Anniversary next year. The com-mittee will present the congregation with a list of pos-sible improvement projects to adopt at the upcoming Voters’ Meeting. Next meeting will be on 10/24 and 11/7. Thrivent Bell Fund: No Report Personnel Committee - Tom reported that they have completed review of the Personnel Manual and will have copies available for the boards. The committee is also consolidating and relocating all personnel files.

2013 Council & Board Membership: The current slate still has some openings to fill.



Tuesday, November 13, 2012 at 7:00 PM

November Voters’ Assembly Meeting: Sunday, Nov. 18, 2012 at 1:00 PM

Please make these changes in your church directory. Jaron & Lena Sorensen 422 Laurel Eaton, CO 80615

Valerie Taylor 2200 37th Street #68 Evans, CO 80620-2310 Phone Change: Bob & Renata Meusch (970) 515-7363

Church Council Highlights

Gloria Christi News Page 2

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Page 3

News from our Preschool/Daycare

Gloria Christi News

Dates to Remember . . . November 14th - Preschool Thanksgiving Lunch

November 21st - District 6 Schools closed; no

formal preschool class, Daycare OPEN

November 22nd - HOLIDAY, Preschool/Daycare


November 23rd - District 6 schools closed, no

formal preschool, Daycare open IF need is


Chapel is on Thursday mornings at 9:15am.

Please join us.

November Chapel Themes: (Page numbers for stories refer to the beginning page

in the Story Bible.)

Nov. 1st:The Reformation & Martin Luther

(not in the story Bible.)

Nov. 8th: David Fights Goliath

1 Samuel 17 p. 182

Nov. 15th: Solomon Builds the Temple

1 Kings 5-6 p. 197

Nov. 21st: (Wednesday instead of Thursday)

About Thanksgiving (not in Bible)

Nov. 29th: Elijah and the Prophets of Baal

1 Kings 18 p. 221

Last Month We . . . . learned a lot about Moses. We were fascinated with

the baby in a basket! We were also very fortunate to

have a chance to see and learn about the pipe organ

many of us hadn’t ever heard played before; thank

you to Leah Hellerich for the impromptu demonstra-

tion! We learned and tasted a lot of apples to go with

the letter A, and we made a really cool rainbow in a

jar. We enjoyed lots of fall activities and a trip to

Tigges Pumpkin Patch.

This month we will . . . learn our letters B, O, and F. We will study taking

turns, types of transportation, and safety. We will

focus on being thankful.


SPAGHETTI SUPPER - Thank you so much to all

who donated food items and to all who joined us for a

wonderful evening. The will offering brought in

$430.00, which is greatly appreciated! We again

thank Emil and Pearl for the night of amazing music!

SUBWAY COUPON CARDS - We have been sell-

ing Subway coupon cards to assist in the shortfall of

income. The cards sell for $10.00 each, and our profit

is 90%. Each set of coupons has a possible value of up

to $54.00! If you would like to take orders for these

cards, just let Pennie know how many you sell. We will

keep you posted on the results.

Thank you . . . The preschool and daycare want to express our sin-

cere thanks to all of Gloria Christi for your support.

As we struggle with enrollment and finances these

last few months we really appreciate the active in-

volvement of Church President Tom, the Church Coun-

cil, and the Board of Education. We are actively

working together and implementing as many cost-

saving methods as possible. We ask for your contin-

ued support, assistance, and mostly prayer for

increased enrollment.

Betty has printed bundles of preschool/daycare bro-

chures for distribution. Please stop by, and take a

few to distribute. They can be taken to your work

place and given to employees and/or customers, may-

be leave a few with your doctor’s office or grocery

store. Any help getting the word out there is greatly


K.I.D.S (Kids into Discipleship & Stewardship) -

This is an oldie but goodie -- it’s LCEF’s (Lutheran

Church Extension Fund) investment program for chil-

dren. Kids or their parents may buy stamps to fill a

stamp book, and when full, each book is worth $25.00.

It is then sent in as an investment fund for the child.

Stamps and books will be available at the SCRIP table

on Sunday mornings or in Pennie’s office. We also

have more information on LCEF if you are interested.

Page 4: Gloria Christi News Christi News IN ... to next year’s synod convention are Pastor Seth Clemmer ... Elders: Rev. Allen Yount will join the Board of

Sunday, November 11, 2012

Just 8 more weeks until we celebrate Christ’s

Birthday. Come to the Christian Resource Center

Sunday, November 11th, and begin your Christmas

shopping and decorating. We will have many Christmas

gift items, jewelry, plaques, key chains, table

linens, etc, as well as a good

variety of boxed and individual

Christmas cards, gift bags, tree

decorations and home décor


There will also be seasonal Autumn

and Thanksgiving items for

sale. Advent wreaths and advent

candles will be available for your

family devotions. (The Advent

Season will begin on Sunday, December 2nd.)

Don’t forget to check out the different translations

of Bibles, Bible covers, devotional books, children’s

books and other Christian reading materials. The

Concordia Children’s Story Bible is especially a must-

see, and we have a special introductory price. Books

always make a wonderful gift!

As always we would be glad to talk to you about

any special orders you may need. Thank you for your

continued support of the Christian Resource Center

– Marlene Selden and Joy Johnston

The Seventh Annual Presentation of




Sunday, December 2, 2012

4:00 p.m.

Dinner following the Service Mark the date today, and start inviting your family & friends!




7:00 PM

A Pie Social will be held

in the Agape Center

immediately following the service.

“O give thanks unto the Lord for He is

good, and His mercies endure forever.”

Psalm 106:1

Plan now to


the Annual

Voters’ Assembly


Sunday, November 18, 2012

1:00 PM All communicant members of Gloria Christi, age 18

and over, are voting members and, as such, have

the responsibility to help make decisions for the

congregation. The agenda for this year’s meeting

is posted on the office window. If you have other

business that you would like to bring to the

assembly, please contact Tom Johnston, president,

at 506-1531.

Gloria Christi News Page 4

The Board of Fellowship at

Gloria Christi

cordially invites you to join us for a

Ladies Fall Brunch

November 10, 2012 ~ 10 AM

Gloria Christi Lutheran Church

1322 31st Avenue, Greeley

We will celebrate the life of Katie Luther

with a program

presented by Jennifer Frahm.

Please RSVP to 353-2554

by November 1st.

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Get a full sheet of coupons

worth $50 in savings

for just $10!

The best part is that each set of nine coupons costs the PS/DC only $1, so we make $9 for each sale. Coupons can be purchased at the SCRIP table on Sunday mornings or in the church office or PS/DC office during the week. If you would like to take a few sheets to sell for us, please see either Joleen Cary or Betty Monson, and we’ll check some out to you.



The LWML of Peace With Christ

Lutheran Church will host a Craft Fair

on Saturday, November 10th, from 9:00

AM - 2:00 PM. Come, and enjoy our

boutiques and coffee shop. Stay for lunch! Delicious

homemade Soup & Pie will be served from 11:00-

1:00. Shop for gifts, jewelry, ornaments, greeting

cards, krautburgers, delicious baked goods and custom

cookie trays. We would love to invite your entire

congregation to attend and bring a friend!

This annual Craft Fair is our largest event and all

proceeds will benefit Brandon Ross and Andrew

Walker. Both men have ties to Peace With Christ

and are students of Concordia Theological Seminary

studying to become pastors. We are grateful for your


Peace With Christ Lutheran Church is located at 1412

West Swallow Road, Fort Collins (just west of Rocky

Mountain High School).


for a New Beginning!

For many, many years Gloria Christi sponsored an LWML society. LWML - “Lutheran Women’s Missionary League” to many, now “Lutheran Women in Mission” - has been the primary women’s organization within the LCMS since 1942 and continues to work diligently in support of mission work, spreading the gospel of salvation through Jesus Christ!

Would you like to restart a society of the Lutheran Women’s Missionary League of the LCMS in our congregation? What would you like it to be? How would we keep an outward focus on supporting Lutheran missions beyond our congregation? How could we involve women young, old and in-between? Pastor Frahm would like to invite you to an informational meeting to discuss this possibility and see if there is interest in starting afresh with an LWML society for Gloria Christi. Who might be interested in being leaders for perhaps a monthly meeting. Our first meeting will be held on Tuesday, November 27th at 7:00 PM. Bring your optimistic attitude for this conversation!

Gloria Christi News Page 5

Issues, Etc. 24 LIVE

Friday, Nov. 2 - Saturday, Nov. 3

(All times are Central.)

3-5 pm The Trinity Dr. Carl Fickenscher

5-7 pm Christ Dr. Ken Schurb

7-9 pm Original Sin, Free Will & Conversion

Pr. Peter Bender

9-11 pm Justification Pr. George Borghardt

11 pm-1 am Law & Gospel Pr. Bill Cwirla

1-3 am New Obedience & Good Works

Pr. Tom Baker

3-5 am The Ministry & The Keys

Pr. Jonathan Mumme

5-7 am The Church Dr. John Kleinig

7-9 am Baptism Pr. Brent Kuhlman

9-11 am The Lord's Supper Pr. Jonathan Fisk

11 am-1 pm Confession & Absolution Dr. Larry Rast

1-3 pm Christ's Return Dr. Laurence White

Listen LIVE or on demand at www.issuesetc.org

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Page 6 Gloria Christi News

Our latest designated mission gift of $300 was sent to

Lutheran Blind Mission, another RSO (Recognized

Service Organization) of the LCMS. Now working

together with and part of Lutheran Braille Workers,

this organization has been providing materials and

leadership for the blind and visually impaired for

many years. Their primary goal is to provide and

distribute material so that all may read and share the

light of salvation seen through the cross of Jesus.

Part of the overall work of Lutheran Blind Mission

is The Lutheran Library for the Blind (LLB), the

world's largest religious lending library for those who

are blind. The library is now housed in Jacksonville,

Florida and is run by many faithful volunteers.

Our donations will assist this important mission to not

only continue with their Gospel outreach, but will also

assist in future growth. Praise be to God!


September 2012 Current Month

Year to Date

Weekly Offerings $ 17,020.76 $ 135,076.82

Mortgage Offerings 2,270.00 11,754.00

Special Services 0 3,440.96

Non-Budgeted Income .93 2,349.10

Church Income $ 19,291.69 $ 152,620.88

Church Expenses 18,770.63 153,846.55

Net Church Activity $ 521.06 $ (1,225.67)

PS/DC Income $ 7,729.21 $ 77,493.98

PSNon-budget Income $ 3,718.93 15,615.37

PS/DC Expenses 8,051.15 89,007.70

Net PS/DC Activity $ 2,396.99 $ (5,898.35)

Net Activities $ 2,918.05 $ (7,124.02)

District Missions $ 425.52 $ 3,376.91

Other Missions 425.52 3,376.91

Lutheran Blind MissionLutheran Blind Mission

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The Gospel outreach radio broadcast of Lutheran Hour Ministries can be heard each Sunday on the following radio stations: KOA (850 AM) 6:00 am KFKA (1310 AM) 9:30 am

XM Satellite - Family Talk (XM170)12:00pm

Broadcast sermons for November are:

November 4~"The ONE Vote That Changed the World" Lutheran Hour Speaker: Rev. Gregory Seltz As important as the U.S. election is, there once was a much bigger vote that made an eternal difference. God cast that vote on your behalf. (Revelation 7:9-17)

November 11 ~ "The One Important Day" Lutheran Hour Speaker: Rev. Gregory Seltz Victory at last! You can have faith that you will prevail in the end because Jesus paid the price of your eternal freedom. (Hebrews 9:24-28)

November 18 ~ "There is a Right Way to Live Life" Lutheran Hour Speaker: Rev. Gregory Seltz By faith, the life of thanksgiving knows who God is, knows what God has done for us, and can trust in Him even when things seem uncertain at the moment. (1 Thessalonians 5:17-19)

November 25 ~ "Delivered" Speaker Emeritus of The Lutheran Hour: Rev. Dr. Ken Klaus Our deliverance came at the expense of another. (2 Timothy 4:18)

The JCPlayZone website is offered by Lutheran Hour

Ministries as a safe online play space for children ages

2-6 and their parents. Lutheran Hour Ministries offers

a wide variety of media programs and ministries to

reach millions of people around the world with the

saving message of Jesus Christ and connect them to the


LHM maintains international ministry centers in over 30

countries, airs programming in more than 50 nations,

provides tools and workshops for congregational growth

and enrichment, and develops targeted programs to

help Lutheran congregation members around the world

to share their faith and reach the "lost."


November 4 ~ All Saints’ Day (Observed) Revelation 7:9-17 1 John 3: 1-3

Matthew 5:1-12

November 11 ~ Twenty-fourth Sunday after Pentecost 1 Kings 17:8-16 Hebrews 9:24-28

Mark 12:38-44

November 18 ~ Twenty-fifth Sunday after Pentecost Daniel 12:1-3 Hebrews 10:11-25

Mark 13:1-13

November 25 ~ Last Sunday of the Church Year Isaiah 51:4-6 Jude 20-25

Mark 13:24-37

Please study these Scriptures each week to prepare

yourself for Sunday services. You are also encour-

aged to read the “Christian Questions and Answers”

for communicants in the Small Catechism to prepare

to receive the Lord’s body and blood faithfully in

the Divine Service (p.329,330 LSB).

For those who would like a daily Bible reading

schedule you are encouraged to use the one listed on

page 299 in our hymnal, Lutheran Service Book.

The Bible, the Catechism, and our hymnal are the

three key books for Lutherans to use in devotions.

Besides this, it is good to be familiar with our

Lutheran Confessions, the Book of Concord, which

includes the Catechisms. See Joy or Marlene. to get

a Bible, Catechism, Lutheran Service Book or the

Book of Concord.

“Your Word is a lamp

to my feet and

a light to my path.”

Psalm 119:105

Page 7 Gloria Christi News

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“So then, as we have opportunity, let us do good to everyone, and especially

to those who are of the household of faith . . . Galatians 6:10

We welcome and

encourage submissions

for our newsletter and

Sunday bulletin. Please

make all submissions in

writing, on disk, or by

e-mail. All material is subject to editing for

content, clarity, and style, as needed. The

deadline for the newsletter is the 15th of

every month. The deadline for the Sunday

bulletin is Wednesday at Noon.

Gloria Christi Lutheran Church (LC-MS)

1322 31st Avenue

Greeley, CO 80634

Phone: 353-2554 Fax: 353-6555

[email protected]

Website: www.gloriachristi.org

Return Service


Deadlines for Newsletter and Sunday Bulletin

Rev. John A. Frahm III

[email protected]

(970) 590-4745

Pennie Hoke, PS/DC Director

[email protected]

(970) 356-1620

Tom Johnston, President (970) 506-1531

George & Berlyn Clear,

Sunday School Superintendents

(970) 352-4325

Rachel Buchleiter (campus ministry)

[email protected]

(970) 231-5162

Betty Monson, Secretary and

Choir Director

(970) 352-2648 (H)

(970) 518-7917 (C)


Before you go

to bed,

Saturday, Nov. 3rd

set your clocks

BACK 1 hour!