GLOBAL WARMING...Global Warming? It is very important to know how to avoid Global Warming and there are so many things that we could do to help the planet FOR EXAMPLE... CHANGE THE

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Page 1: GLOBAL WARMING...Global Warming? It is very important to know how to avoid Global Warming and there are so many things that we could do to help the planet FOR EXAMPLE... CHANGE THE



Page 2: GLOBAL WARMING...Global Warming? It is very important to know how to avoid Global Warming and there are so many things that we could do to help the planet FOR EXAMPLE... CHANGE THE

WHAT IS IT?The GLOBAL WARMING is the increase of temperature because of the ARTIFICIAL GREENHOUSE EFFECT

Page 3: GLOBAL WARMING...Global Warming? It is very important to know how to avoid Global Warming and there are so many things that we could do to help the planet FOR EXAMPLE... CHANGE THE


Page 4: GLOBAL WARMING...Global Warming? It is very important to know how to avoid Global Warming and there are so many things that we could do to help the planet FOR EXAMPLE... CHANGE THE


The GREENHOUSE EFFECT occurs because of a type of pollution of the air that slowly raises the temperature of the earth

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The sun heats the earth and its polluted atmosphere doesn’t let the gases go back into the space

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Page 7: GLOBAL WARMING...Global Warming? It is very important to know how to avoid Global Warming and there are so many things that we could do to help the planet FOR EXAMPLE... CHANGE THE

H2OThey are from WATER STEAM

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Page 9: GLOBAL WARMING...Global Warming? It is very important to know how to avoid Global Warming and there are so many things that we could do to help the planet FOR EXAMPLE... CHANGE THE

N2OThey are from NITROXIDE

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CH4They are from METHANE

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O3They are from OZONE

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If all of these gases get together, they create a layer in the atmosphere that keep the heat of the sun on the earth

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GREENHOUSE EFFECTThe greenhouse effect is a natural effect that prevents us from freezing

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But if we abuse too much and we produce a lot of gases, it could have consequences

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Page 16: GLOBAL WARMING...Global Warming? It is very important to know how to avoid Global Warming and there are so many things that we could do to help the planet FOR EXAMPLE... CHANGE THE

The temperature of the earth is increasing every

year 0,2 degrees

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It melts the surface of the glaciares, therefore, the

level of the sea has increased 2,6mm every year

since 1993

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There could be many flooded zones near the sea,

and if the level of the sea continues increasing, in

some years many islands could be under the sea

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It affects the ecosystems of many plants and animals, and they have to adapt to the new weather also affecting humans

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We could have less fresh food for lack of water

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Types of pollution

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Pollution of the water

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This type of pollution happens when the humans throw garbage into the sea

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The consequences of these acts are that many sea

animals drown or get caught in the plastic bags

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Air pollution

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It is caused by cars and factories

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This type of pollution affects the weather and increases the temperature, it is also the one that causes the


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Phonic pollution

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It is caused by cars, machines and construction


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As a consequence the animals can´t hunt because their preys are scared

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It also causes many animals to leave their ecosystems and move to other places and if they do not find a place they can adapt to they could die

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Light pollution

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These happens, for example, when we build

roads near ecosystems and we put too many streetlights

that give a lot of light and the cars that cross the roads

at night have bright lights too.

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This means that many animals cannot sleep well

and they have to go to another place to live

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But the animals do not know if the place they are going to

have food or a climate adapted to them, therefore,

they could die

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Floor pollution

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This happens when we throw garbage to the ground

or when we use the inappropriate pesticides with

the plants

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This makes that after a few years, when the garbage

and the earth get together, the plants grow bad and


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What could we do to avoid Global Warming?

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It is very important to know how to avoid Global

Warming and there are so many things that we could

do to help the planet

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Changing the normal bulb for a low-energy one saves 45 kilograms of dioxide per year.

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Turning off the TV, the computer and the lights when you are not using them and unplugging the phone when it is charged helps to reduce pollution a 30%

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If you take the bus or public transport we reduce the pollution and for every 4.5 kilometers that you do not drive you will reduce 30 grams of carbon dioxide

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If you do not check the tires they could break and you would have to buy new ones, and apart from spending a lot of money, it contaminates a lot

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If you use cloth bags instead of the plastic bags you could reuse them and it is more difficult for the sea animals to eat them

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