Global Crisis Air Pollution

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  • 8/17/2019 Global Crisis Air Pollution


    Partida 1

    Tania Partida

    Professor Santosh

    English 113B

    May 11, 2016

    The Dangers of Air Pollution

      The single largest environental health ris! is !no"n to #e as air $ollution% Every"here

    air $ollution has !illed illions of $eo$le% &or e'a$le, (An estiated ) illion $eo$le died due

    to air $ollution glo#ally in 2012* +hullar-% Air $ollution is dangerous to #e e'$osed to sin.e it

    .ontains hundreds of harful Many $eo$le are e'$osed to air $ollution alost every

    day of their lives% Another thing a#out air $ollution is that not only does it affe.t $eo$le #ut it

    affe.ts $lants, anials, and environents% Peo$le should have greater environental a"areness

    a#out issues su.h as this one%

      Air $ollution is the $resen.e in or introdu.tion into the air of a su#stan.e "hi.h has

    harful or $oisonous effe.ts% /t o..urs "hen the air .ontains gases, dust, fues, or odor in

    harful aounts% that .ause air $ollution are .alled $ollutants% (Air $ollutants are

    gases and $arti.les in the atos$here that har organiss and affe.t .liate +&riedl-*% There are

     $riary and se.ondary $ollutants% (Priary $ollutants are those that .ause dire.t har or that

    .an rea.t to for harful in the atos$here% Se.ondary $ollutants are those harful that are .reated fro the rea.tions #et"een $riary $ollutants and the .o$onents of 

    the atos$here% +&riedl-* They .an also #e ground level oone and $ero'ya.etyl nitrate% There

  • 8/17/2019 Global Crisis Air Pollution


    Partida 2

    .an #e alost anything in the air "e #reathe% /ts insane to !no" that es$e.ially #e.ause "e ta!e

    the air into our #odies inside our lungs% Air $ollutants .an .ause a lot of health $ro#les and

    daage to alost anything and anyone%


    This .hart a#ove e'$lains the effe.ts of air $ollution and ho" any $eo$le have #een affe.ted #y

    it% Thousands and illions have #een vi.tis of air $ollution% Soe to the e'tree that it has

    .aused the their lives%

      Peo$le, environents, $lants, and anials are all affe.ted #y air $ollution% /t .o$li.ates

    alost everything #e.ause of the $oisonous gases it .ontains% &or $eo$le it #rings all sorts of 

    health issues% (The aority of deaths asso.iated "ith air $ollution "ere heart disease, stro!e,

    .hroni. o#stru.tive $ulonary disease and lung* +hullar-% The $eo$le that are ost at

    ris! of air $ollutants are .hildren, older adults, $eo$le "ho are a.tive outdoors, and $eo$le "ith

    heart disease or lung diseases% These $eo$le are ore sensitive to air $ollutants and need to #e

    a"are of ste$s they .an ta!e to $rote.t their health% The effe.ts it has on the environents is that

  • 8/17/2019 Global Crisis Air Pollution


    Partida 3

    it .auses rain, eutro$hi.ation, oone de$letion and hae% Anials .an o#tain health $ro#les

    fro air $ollution as "ell ust li!e $eo$le .an% (Studies sho" that air to'i.s are .ontri#uting to

     #irth defe.ts, re$rodu.tive failure, and disease in anials* +Sullivan-% Even $lants are affe.ted #y

    it and if they are then it .o$li.ates their gro"th and the rain .an destroy the%

    Traffi., $o"er $lants, and industrial fa.tories are soe .auses of air $ollution% n the road

    today there are at least a #illion .ars% Most of the run on gasoline and diesel engines that #urn

     $etroleu to release energy% (%%&uels aren4t $ure and engines don4t #urn the

    .leanly% As a result, e'hausts fro engines .ontain all !inds of $ollution, nota#ly $arti.ulates

    +soot of various sies-, .ar#on ono'ide +5, a $oisonous gas-, nitrogen o'ides + '-, volatile

    organi. .o$ounds +75s-, and lead8and indire.tly $rodu.e oone*+9oodford-% The $rodu.t

    of this is sog and sog .an sti.! around in a .ity for days% Sog .ontains oone "hi.h is really

    to'i., it .an .ause diffi.ulties #reathing and soeties even death%


    A#ove here is an e'a$le of "hat sog loo!s li!e% /ts a #ro"nish .olor and it .louds over a

    .ity ust li!e this% Maority of ele.tri.ity today is $rodu.ed #y #urning fossil fuels #ut ostly in

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    Partida 4

     $o"er $lants% (&uels are dirty and they don4t #urn .leanly, so $o"er $lants $rodu.e a range of air 

     $ollutants, nota#ly sulfur dio'ide, nitrogen o'ides, and $arti.ulates*+9oodford-% Soe industrial

    fa.tories $rodu.e very inial air $ollution over tie #ut the effe.ts .an #e e'treely

    dangerous% The fa.tories that are ost harful are the ones that $rodu.e aluinu, etals,

     $lasti., and steel% There have #een a..idents "here soe fa.tories have released a lot of 

     $ollutants over a short $eriod of tie% &or e'a$le,* ne nota#le .ase ha$$ened in Bho$al, /ndia

    in De.e#er 1:;

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    Partida 5

    illion in 1:>1 a huge ur#an etro$olis "ith a $o$ulation of 13%); illion as $er the

    2001 5ensus% +5ase Study of Delhi-%* This in.reased their $o$ulation ra$idly% Their e'$ansion

    through trade, .oer.e, and industry "as an issue sin.e $ollution "as in.reasing at the sae

    tie "ith the% Trans$ortation affe.ted Delhi negatively for .ontri#uting to the aount of air 

     $ollution% (The $oor road .ondition had also to .o$e "ith overloaded $u#li. trans$ort vehi.les

    sin.e ore and ore $eo$le needed to .oute for longer* +5ase Study of Delhi-% The

    aount of vehi.les on the road ?ui.!ly in.reased a!ing traffi. ore .ongested% Belo" sho"s

    an iage giving an e'a$le of ho" u.h traffi. there is on high"ays in /ndia% As you .an see it

    is a serious issue and threat to"ards the aount of the .itys air $ollution%

    /ndustrial $ollution hel$ed aintain Delhi very $olluted% (The other aor sour.e of air $ollution

    load in Delhi "as the fuel .o#ustion #y #oth larges.ale and [email protected] industries* +5ase Study

    of Delhi-% Theral $o"er $ants "ere the industries Delhi "as ost .on.erned a#out% (Three .oal

     #ased theral $o"er $lants "ere the .ause of 10 of the air $ollution in 2001* +5ase Study of 

    Delhi-% 9hat ay have #een even "orse "as that these industries are lo.ated in the heart of the

    .ity "hi.h eans that the $eo$le that live .lose to the are the ost affe.ted%

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  • 8/17/2019 Global Crisis Air Pollution


    Partida 7

    The iage on the left sho"s ho" e#ei surrounds alost all of Beiing and on the right sho"s

    soe of e#eis industrial fa.tories $olluting the air%

    Another .ity "ho is e'$osed to high aounts of air $ollution is ara.hi, Pa!istan% /n alost

    all of Pa!istani .ities the ain of $ollutants are .o#ustion of fossil fuels fro vehi.les,

    fa.tories, and $o"er $lants% The e.onoy in Pa!istan and deand for goods gre" high around


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  • 8/17/2019 Global Crisis Air Pollution


  • 8/17/2019 Global Crisis Air Pollution


    Partida 10


