Date: 20/8/2014 Period: 1 ORIENTATION: GOALS AND PURPOSES Objectives: By the end of the lesson: - Students know how to learn English 11, how the book is organized. - Students know how to do English tests. Teaching aids: Student’s book, student’s workbook, dictionary, Guideline for teaching English.. Method: Communicative approach. Procedure: Teacher’s activities Students’ activities I. Stabilization: - Greeting the class - Checking the students’ attendance II. Check up: - Ask Ss to answer some questions about their summer holidays. III. Warm up : - Introduce to students about the teacher. - Ask students about their names and English knowledge etc. IV. Guiding : 1. Guiding student’s book and workbook: * Introduce to students how to use their book and workbook. 2. Guiding English tests in grade 11: * Introduce to students about tests. - Check frequency knowledge for the previous lesson. (Oral tests) - Fifteen minutes test (3 times). - One period test (2 times). - Semester test (Once for each semester). * The tests in grade 11 include: Reading: 25%, Listening: 25% Writing: 25%, Language focus: 25% How to do tests: Learn new words frequently, do exercises in workbook 3. Guiding other books and tape, disc, etc. V. Consolidation and Homework: - Retell what you’ve learnt and what you will prepare for this semester. - Ask students to prepare textbook, notebooks and the things for learning. - Prepare the next lesson. - Greeting the T - Answer - Answer - Listen to the teacher - Answer the teacher’s questions - Put the student’s book and workbook on the table. - Listen to the teacher and look through the books. - Listen to the teacher - Listen to the teacher and write down the things which will be prepared at home. ---- ---- 1

Giao an 11 cb

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Page 1: Giao an 11 cb

Date: 20/8/2014Period: 1

ORIENTATION: GOALS AND PURPOSES Objectives: By the end of the lesson:

- Students know how to learn English 11, how the book is organized.- Students know how to do English tests.

Teaching aids: Student’s book, student’s workbook, dictionary, Guideline for teaching English..

Method: Communicative approach. Procedure:

Teacher’s activities Students’ activitiesI. Stabilization:- Greeting the class- Checking the students’ attendance

II. Check up:- Ask Ss to answer some questions about their summer holidays.

III. Warm up: - Introduce to students about the teacher.- Ask students about their names and English knowledge etc.

IV. Guiding: 1. Guiding student’s book and workbook:* Introduce to students how to use their book and workbook.2. Guiding English tests in grade 11:* Introduce to students about tests.- Check frequency knowledge for the previous lesson. (Oral tests)- Fifteen minutes test (3 times).- One period test (2 times).- Semester test (Once for each semester).* The tests in grade 11 include: Reading: 25%, Listening: 25%Writing: 25%, Language focus: 25%How to do tests: Learn new words frequently, do exercises in workbook3. Guiding other books and tape, disc, etc.

V. Consolidation and Homework: - Retell what you’ve learnt and what you will prepare for this semester.- Ask students to prepare textbook, notebooks and the things for learning.- Prepare the next lesson.

- Greeting the T- Answer

- Answer

- Listen to the teacher- Answer the teacher’s questions

- Put the student’s book and workbook on the table.- Listen to the teacher and look through the books.

- Listen to the teacher

- Listen to the teacher and write down the things which will be prepared at home.

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Page 2: Giao an 11 cb

Date: Period:

ORIENTATION: LANGUAGE LEARNING Objectives: By the end of the lesson:- Students know how to learn English skills: Reading, Speaking, Listening, Writing …- Students know how to practice those skills. Teaching aids: Student’s book, student’s workbook.

Method: Communicative approach. Procedure:

Teacher’s activities Students’ activitiesI. Stabilization:- Greeting the class- Checking the students’ attendance II. Check up:- No checkingIII. Warm up: - Introduce to students each skill.IV. Guiding: * Introduce to students how to practice reading, speaking, listening, writing, language focus and how to master learning English.1/ How to learn READING and vocabulary• Read something every dayChildren's books, simplified readers (Penguin), newspapers, magazines, Internet sites, novels …• Read what interests youRemember that you learn better when you are having fun.• Read at the appropriate levelYou want to learn new vocabulary, but you also want to understand what you are reading. If you are looking up every word, the reading is too difficult.• Review Who, What, Where, When, Why for each story you readYou can do this for almost any type of reading. Who is it about? What happened? Why did it happen? Where did it take place? When did it take place? This is very useful when you have no comprehension questions to answer. You can write or speak your answers.• Record vocabulary in a personal dictionary oKeep this notebook separate from other work.oRecord vocabulary in alphabetical order. (an English address book works well because it has letters of the alphabet)oRecord the part of speech. (sometimes there is more than one)oWrite a sample sentence for yourself. (don't use the one from the dictionary)2/ How to learn SPEAKING and pronunciation• Talk to yourself

- Greeting the T- Answer

- Listen to the teacher

- Put the student’s book and workbook on the table.- Listen to the teacher and look through the books.- Take note

Practice reading all the passages in the textbook


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Talk about anything and everything. Do it in the privacy of your own home. If you can't do this at first, try reading out loud until you feel comfortable hearing your own voice in English.• Record your own voiceThis might feel very uncomfortable, but it will help you find your weak pronunciation points. Listen to yourself a few days later. Which sounds do you have difficulty hearing?• Participate in class• Learn common idioms• Understand the sounds that your language doesn't haveFor example, many languages don't have the "r" sound. These sounds require extra practice.• Recognize that teachers are trained to understand youWhen you get out into the real world, average people will have a more difficult time understanding you unless you practise speaking slowly and with proper pronunciation.• Practise minimal pairs• Study word and sentence stress• Practice tongue twisters3/ How to learn LISTENING• Listen to the radioDon't always have a pen in hand. Sometimes it helps to just listen.• Watch English TVChildren's programming is very useful for ESL learners.Choose programs that you would enjoy in your own language.Remember that much of what you hear on TV is slang.• Watch movies• Use Internet listening resources4/ How to learn WRITING and spelling• Keep a diary/journalDon't always pay attention to grammar. Free-writing can be very useful. It can show you that writing is fun. Have fun with the language.• Write emails in EnglishStay in contact with teachers or other students.• Rewrite your local news in EnglishThis is another exercise that can be done on a daily basis. Remember that regular activities are the best ones.• Learn important spelling rulesRemember, you won't always have a dictionary or a spell-checker handy, especially when you are writing a test. Even native English speakers need to review the spelling rules from time to time.5/ Improve Your GrammarGood grammar prevents ambiguity. By contrast,

- Listen to the teacher

Practice listening to an English song

- Listen to the teacher

- Listen to the teacher

- Listen to the teacher


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bad grammar confuses your reader, slows their reading, and shows your ignorance, which can lose you respect, influence, and credibility.• Make sure you at least know the parts of speech, such as nouns, verbs, and adjectives. Find fun ways to learn the parts of speech.• Know the difference between the active voice and passive voice. Using the active voice is one of the best ways to give power to your writing.• Also, learn the basics of punctuation, especially when to use a comma.V. Consolidation and Homework: - Retell what you’ve learnt.- Prepare lesson Reading - Unit 1

Present some grammar points they’ve learnt from English 10

- Take note

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Date: 23/8/2014Period: 2


Objectives: By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to:- Develop such reading skill as scanning for details, specific ideas, skimming for general information, and guessing meaning in context.- Use the information they have learnt to discuss the topic. Teaching aids: Textbook, handouts, pictures concerning to the topic …

Method: Communicative approach. Procedure:

Teacher’s activities Students’ activitiesI. Stabilization:- Greeting the class- Checking the students’ attendanceII. Check up:- No checkingIII. Warm up: Network - T repairs a handout with network of the word “a good friend”, sts list some qualities of a good friend

- T divides the class into 8 groups and gives each group a handout. T asks Ss to complete the net work. The winner will be the group completing the network in the shortest period of time.IV. Before you read: Discussing the picture and poem.- T asks the whole class to look at the picture on page 12 and asks them some questions:1. What are girls and boys doing in the picture?

2. How do they feel?

3. What does the picture tell you?

- T ask Ss to work in pairs to read the short poem on the page13 and answer the question:{ What do you think of the friend in the poem?- T calls on some Ss to answer the questions. - T may give some comments and the suggestions.

- Greeting the T- Answer

- Group work- Discuss about the qualities which friendship must have to complete the network.Suggested answers:Honest, unselfish, constant, loyal, mutual trust, sympathetic, patient …

- Pair workSuggested answers:1. One boy is playing guitar, and the other girls and boys are singing.2. They seem very happy because we can see their smile.3. The picture tells us that friends can happily do many things together or friendship is a beautiful thing that brings happiness to us.

- Suggestion: The friend in the poem is very dedicated and thoughtful. He/ She is willing to help his/her friend in any circumstances.

Dedicated /ˈdedɪkeɪtɪd/ (a): tận tâm, tận lực

Thoughtful /ˈθɔːtfl/ (a): chu đáo, quan tâm

Circumstance /ˈsɜːkəmstəns/ (n): hoàn cảnh, tình


A good friend

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Pre- teaching vocabulary• lasting (a) = lifelong

• be concerned with sb/ st

• constancy /ˈkɒnstənsi/ (n):→ constant (a)

• rumour /ˈruːmə(r)/ (n):

• gossip /ˈɡɒsɪp/ (n): information talk or stories about other people’s private lives that may be unkind or not true

• incapable of /ɪnˈkeɪpəbl/ (a):

• suspicion /səˈspɪ ʃn/ (n):→ suspicious (a)

• pursuit /pəˈsjuːt/ (n)

• sympathy /ˈsɪmpəθi/ (n):

→ sympathetic /ˌsɪmpəˈθetɪk/ (a):

• sorrow /ˈsɒrəʊ/ (n) = sadness- T asks Ss to make some sentences with above words to check their understanding.- Some Ss practice reading the vocabulary.V. While you read:Setting the scene:- You are going to read a passage about the qualities of a long lasting friendship. While you reading, do the task in the textbook. Task 1 - T asks the Ss to read the words in the box then fill each blank with one of them individually.- Ask Ss to read the passage quickly and stop the lines that contain these words to guess their meaning. - T goes around to help them when necessary.- T asks Ss for their answers and tells them to explain their choices.

Task 2- T asks Ss to read the passage again and decide which of the choices A, B, C or D most adequately sum up the ideas of the whole passage.- T might also want to give Ss some strategies to find the main idea of the passage.- T calls on some Ss to give the answer and asks other Ss to say whether they agree or disagree.Task 3- Ask Ss to answers the questions in task 3.- T asks Ss to do the task individually, then


• existing or continuing a long while (bền vững, lâu dài) • quan tâm tới ai, cái gì• tính kiên định

• tin đồn

• chuyện ngồi lê đôi mach, chuyện tầm phào

• không đủ khả năng

• sự nghi ngờ

• sự nghiệp, sự theo đuổi, đam mê• sự thông cảm→ thông cảm, đồng cảm• nỗi buồn

- Do T’s requests

- Whole class

- Individual work & pair work

- Ss guess the meaning of the word base on the context in the sentences.Suggested answers:1. mutual2. incapable of3. unselfish4. acquaintance/friend5. give - and - take6. loyal to7. suspicious

- Whole class read the text carefully- Individual work

Answer: B

- Individual work and pair workCorrect answers:1. The first quality for true friendship is unselfishness. It tells us that a person who is


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discuss their answers with their partner.- T calls some Ss to write their answers on the board and ask them to explain their choices.

VI. After you read:- Ask Ss to work in pairs to discuss the question in the text book.- T goes around to help the Ss when necessary.- When all pairs have finished, T asks every two pairs to share ideas.- T calls on some Ss to report their ideas to the class.

Extra exercise: Choose the best answer1. Most of the undeveloped countries need a lot of ____________ aid.A. together B. unselfish C. mutual D. friend2. He is too ____________ to lend me his bicycle.A. selfish B. enthusiastic C. helpful D. pleasant3. Suddenly she recognized the ____________ of the situation that made her laugh.A. pessimist B. pleasureC. understanding D. humour4. He is a ____________ person because he is always friendly with everyone.A. helpful B. good-natured C. honest D. quick-witted5. If you want to get a good result in every work, you should have a ____________. A. loyalty B. sympathyC. constancy D. unselfishness6. A ____________ friendship is a precious relationship.A. mutual B. sincere C. generous D. successful

concerned only with his/her own interest and feelings can’t be a true friend.2. Because they take up and interest with enthusiasm, but they are soon tired of it and they feel the attraction of some new object.3. The third quality for true friendship is loyalty. It tells us that the two friends must be loyal to each other, and they must know each other so well that there can be no suspicions between them.4. Because if not people can’t feel safe when telling the other their secret.5. Because they cannot keep a secret, either of their own or of others’. 6. The last quality is sympathy. It tells us that to be a true friend one must sympathize with his/her friend. Where there is no mutual sympathy between friends, there is no true friendship.

- Pair work Suggested answers:

The friendship is very important to our life. A true friend can helps us when we are sorrow and when we have difficulty. We can share ideas, feeling, likes, joys, pleasures, aims … to each other. Sometimes only true friends can understand, sympathize us so we feel safe to tell him/her our secrets. Friendship brings us happiness. We happily do many things together. So we can’t live without friendship.

- Take note- Do exercise


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7. A good marriage is based on ____________.A. trust B. loyalty C. secret D. A & B8. The children seem to be totally ____________ of working quietly by themselves.A. unable B. impossible C. incapable D. not ableVII. Consolidation and Homework: - Summarize the main points of the text.- Learn by heart all of new words and structures and give examples.

- Whole class

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Date: 23/8/2014Period: 3


Objectives: By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to:- Describe the physical characteristics and personalities of their friends, using appropriate adjectives.- make a dialogue talking about a famous person Teaching aids: Textbook, pictures showing friends, etc. Method: Communicative approach. Procedure:

I. Stabilization:- Greeting the class- Checking the students’ attendanceII. Check up:- Call some Sts go to the board and write down some vocabularies which they learnt in the last lesson.

III. Warm up: Game “Take them home”

- T divides the class into 4 groups.

- T gives each group a poster and 20 cards then gives the rule of the game.



- T asks:

- Ss work in groups, take turns to choose the cards then stick them in the right categories.

- Ss can organize the words into four different categories as follows:

FACE: square, oval, round

HAIR: curly, wavy, dyed, sleek, shoulder-length, long, short, fair, straight, grey

NOSE: straight, flat, turn up, pointed

HEIGHT: tall, short, medium

Sleek: bong mượt

- Ss’ answers+ Forehead: broad, high, ...+ Appearance: handsome, beautiful, good-looking, well-built, ....


tall square shoulder-lengthoval wavy mediumcurly round straightdyed grey pointedflat sleek broad

short large turn-uplong fair high



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+ Which other words are used for describing physical characteristics?

IV. Before you speakActivity 1: Describing people

(Task 1, textbook, p.15)- Introduce “Useful language” to the students:+ Height: tall, medium, short …+ Build: slim, thin, well-built …+ Face: square, large, oval, round, long …+ Forehead: broad, high …+ Eye: small, big, black, blue, brown …+ Nose: straight, crooked, big, small, flat …+ Chin: pointed chin (cằm nhọn), double chin (cằm chẻ) …+ Lips: thin, full, heart-shaped …+ Skin: white, pale, suntanned, dark, brown, greasy skin …+ Hair: Black, grey, red, brown … (shoulder-length straight/curly black)+ Appearance: handsome, beautiful, good-looking …

- T asks students to work in pairs, do Task 1- textbook on page 15.- T asks Ss to listen to their friends’ descriptions and decide who he/ she is.

Activity 2: Vocabulary- T sets situations and asks Ss to fill in the blanks.

* He’s always willing to give money to his friends or help them. He’s a very .............. man.

* She never tells lies. She’s a very ...............person.

* He’s very good at Maths, but he never talks about that. He’s a .............. person.

* Minh is always cheerful and often tells jokes, which makes us like to be with him all the time. He is a very .............. boy.

* .......V. While you speakActivity 3: Describing personalities

(Task 2, textbook, p.16)- T asks Ss to work in groups, do Task 1- textbook, page 15.

+ Lips: full, thin, ...

- Ss sit in pairs, look at the people and describe their physical characteristics.

* He/ She is ............. He’s/ She’s got .............. His/ Her hair ..........

* He’s/ She’s ............. with .............. and ........

- Ss do the teacher’s request.





Whole class use handouts to describe.1. The boy is about 16. He is short-sighted because he’s wearing a pair of glasses. He has short black hair, a round face with a broad forehead, a small nose, thin lips and a small chin. He’s quite good-looking.2. The girl is about 14. She’s also wearing a pair of glasses. She has shoulder-length black hair, and she’s wearing a ribbon (cài tóc). She has an oval face with a straight nose, full lips and a pointed chin. She’s quite pretty.3. The man is in his forties. He’s tall and well-


Page 11: Giao an 11 cb

VI.After you speakActivity 4: Role - play:

Talk about a famous friend. (Task 3, page 16)

- T helps Ss review some questions about physical characteristics, personalities, hobbies, ....

Journalist Interviewee1/ What’s his/ her name?2/ How old is he/ she?3/ What does he/ she look like?4/ What is he/ she like?5/ What does he/ she usually do in her / his free time?6/ What are her hobbies?7/ What subjects does he/ she like best?8/ How much time does he/ she spend on __ everyday?

His/ her name is __

He/ she is __ She is __

He/ she is __

He/ she usually __ in her free time

They are __

She likes __ best

She spends about __ on __everyday

- T selects some pairs at random and has them play roles in front of the class.

VII: Consolidation and Homework: - Ask students to write a passage description about physical characteristics of their best friend.

- Ask students to prepare Part C - Listening and practice speaking at homework.

built. He has short brown hair and a square face with a broad head, small eyes, a crooked nose and thin lips. He’s quite good-looking.4. The woman is her twenties. She’s quite tall and slim. She has long curly brown hair and an oval face with a broad forehead, big eyes, a straight nose, heart-shaped lips and a small chin. She’s very beautiful.

- Ss work in groups, discuss and number the personalities in order of importance in friendship. - Each group’s representative will report their

results to the class and explain orally why. (Ss’ answers may be different.)

Ex: My group thinks that being caring is the most important in friendship because when friends care about each other, they will know when to share happiness or difficulty with their friends

- Ss make questions, using the suggestions (textbook, page 17).

Model:A: What is your best friend’s name?B: Her name’s Lan.A: How old is she?B: She is 16 years old.A: What does she look like?B: She is beautiful. She is tall. She has big eyes and long black hair.A: What is she like?B: She is helpful and studious.A: What does she usually do in her free time?B: She usually reads books in her free time.A: What are her hobbies?B: They are reading and swimming.A: What subject does she like best?B: She likes Maths best.A: How much time does she spend on Maths everyday?B: About an hour a day.- Ss work in pairs: Journalist & Interviewee.


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Date: 27/8/2014Period: 4


Objectives: By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to:- Develop such listening micro-skills as intensive listening for specific information and taking notes while listening. Teaching aids: Textbook, handouts, cassette tapes …

Method: Communicative approach. Procedure:


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Teacher’s activities Students’ activitiesI. Stabilization:- Greeting the class- Checking the students’ attendanceII. Check up:- Call on some Sts to make pairs: one is a journalist, the other is an interviewee to talk about a famous friend.III. Warm up: Matching (Song)- T divides the class into small groups of 3-4 Sts. Then T distributes the following handouts for students to match the English words in A with the V equivalents in B. Which group finishes first and has all the correct answers will be the winner.

A B1. good-natured a. nhanh trí2. friendly b. hào phóng3. quick-witted c. hiếu khách4. hospitable d. hay giúp đỡ5. patient e. khiêm tốn6. honest f. ham học7. generous g. kiên nhẫn8. helpful h. thật thà9. modest i. thân thiện10. studious j. tốt bụng

IV. Before you listen:Talking about your best friend- T asks Ss to discuss the questions on page 17 in pairs.- T calls on some Ss to give their answer and comments on the answer. - T gets Ss what they are going to listen about.Vocabulary pre –teaching- T helps Ss to pronounce the words given in the book. T may read aloud first or play the tape and ask Ss to repeat in chorus and individually.- Eliciting some of these word and those taken from the listening passage: STRESSapartment building:sense of humour:give sb a ring = phone sbgo through a rough time:- T may get Ss to make sentences with the words and give corrective feedback.V. While you listen: MORE EXERCISETask 1Instruction: You are going to listen to Lan and Long talk about their best friends. Listen and decide whether the statements are True or False. Put a tick () in the appropriate box.Before Ss listen and do the task, T instructs them to use some strategies:+ First, read through the statements to understand them and underline key words. For example, the key words in the first statement are: shared, Nguyen Cong Tru, Residential Area, Hanoi …+ Listen to the tape and pay attention to the key words.+ Decide whether statements are true or false

- Greeting the T- Answer

- Do T’s requests

- Group workSuggested answers:1. j2. i3. a4. c5. g6. h7. b8. d9. e10. f

- Pair work

- Whole class

- tòa nhà chung cư- khiếu hài hước- gọi điện cho ai- vượt qua thời kì khó khăn

- Pay attention


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Tapescript :Talk A. LanMy best friend is Ha . We’ve been friends for a long time . We used to live in Nguyen Cong Tru Residential Area in Ha Noi . Her family moved to Hai Phong in 1985 . It is said that Hai Phong people are cold but Ha is really friendly . I first started to get to know her when I was going on a two-day trip to Do Son last year and I didn’t know anybody there . I gave Ha a ring and she was so friendly, she said, “Oh, I’ll come to visit you .” So she rode on her motorbike to Do Son and twenty minutes later she was there . She stayed with me for two days . She happened to know a lot of people there, so she introduced me around and we’ve been best friends ever since .Talk B. LongMy best friend is Minh . We met in college . And I was there singing and Minh was a guitarist . So she worked together a lot, but we also became friends . Minh has a great sense of humor, he’s very funny, and that’s one of my favourite things about him . And over the years, we have been through good times and bad times with each other, and that’s one of the things I like best about him . And we have a lot of the same interests . We like to go plays and movies together . But when we’re going through a rough time, he’s really a good friend, and he’s a very good listener, and he always helped me through .

Date: 30/8/2014Period: 5


Objectives: By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to:- Write about a friend, real or imaginary, using the words and expressions that they have learnt in previous lesson. Teaching aids: Textbook, handouts …

Method: Communicative approach. Procedure:

Teacher’s activities Students’ activitiesI. Stabilization:- Greeting the class- Checking the students’ attendanceII. Check up:- No checkingIII. Warm up: Name PoemT asks each student to use his/her name to write an acrostic poem. He/she has to use the adjectives beginning with the letters of the name to describe his/her friend’s personality or appearanceT calls on some ss to write their poems on the boardCheck with the lassIV. Before you write:Task 1 :Categorizing - Hang on a chart with descriptive adjectives on the board :

Tall short dark long round blue fair smooth thin high large slim oval sincere helpful fat thick sociablecaring straight medium broad honest pleasant open-hearted flat handsome beautiful

- Greeting the T- Answer

- Do T’s requests

In pairs and whole class

Giang is my friend.Generous in giving helpIntelligent Active in classNeat and tidyGood-looking

Phuong is my friendPerfect Humorous/HelpfulUnselfishOpen-heartedNeatGenerous…

- Whole class

Key: Hair: Eyes Build


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- Ask Ss to work in groups of 4 to put the adjectives under the following heading:

Hair: Eyes Build

Face Nose Complexion

Personality Forehead Appearance

- T sets the scene: You are going to write about a friend, real or imaginary, using the provided guidelines.Task 2: Useful expressions and outline-Writing about a friend , real or imaginary, using the period guidelines .-Instruct three parts to write and give some suggestions :* General information about friends: name, age, sex and home address, when and where you met him/her*Their physical characteristics and personalities .* What pupils like about their friend .Some useful structure S+ has …. face/ hair…S to be….

V. While you write:- T gets Ss to write about their friend in 15 minutes.- T goes around to observe and to offer help with a simple outline:+ His/her name+ His/ her age+ When and where you met him or her+ His/ her physical characteristics+His/ her personalities+ Why you like him/ her

VI. After you write:- T asks Ss to exchange their writing with other Ss for correction.- T goes around and collects mistakes and errors.- T collects some writings for quick feedback.- T writes Ss’ typical errors on the board and elicits self and peer correction. T provides correction only when Ss are not able to correct the

Short, long, thick

Round, blue, dark, large,

Slim, fat

FaceRound, thin, oval

NoseHigh, flat,

ComplexionFair, smooth

PersonalityOpen-hearted, sincere, caring, pleasant, helpful,sociable

ForeheadBroad, high

AppearanceHandsome, beautiful

- Pay attention

Example: My best friend’s name is Hoa. She has a round face with a rather flat nose. She has short hair and a fair complexion. Her eyes are large and she has a pleasant smile. She is a very attractive person.

- Individual workSample writing:

My best friend’s name is “Sao Mai”, which means “Morning Star” in English. She is the same age with me, and we have known each other since we were in grade 4.

If I was to describe how she looks, I would say she is very pretty. She is not very tall and quite slim. She has a round face with long black hair, big eyes and regular white teeth. That’s why many people say that her smile can brighten up even the cloudiest day.

She has a very nice personality and a wonderful sense of humour. She is also very intelligent and studious.

The first thing I like about Mai is that she shares the same interests with me. We both enjoy listening to music and collecting stamps. In addition, she is very good at Maths and she helps me a lot with difficult exercises. However, perhaps the best thing like about her is her kindness. Whenever I have a problem, she always


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errors. Finally, T provides general comments on the writings.

VII. Consolidation and Homework: - Ask Ss to improve their writing, taking into consideration their best friends’ and T’s suggestions and corrections. - Ask them to prepare the next period - Language focus.

encourages me or gives me helpful advice. I hope that our friendship will last forever.

- Pair work and whole class

- Whole class

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Date: 30/8/2014Period: 6


Objectives: By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to:

- Distinguish the sound /dʒ/ and /t∫/.- Pronounce the words and sentences containing these sounds correctly.- Use some structures containing infinitives with and without to appropriately. Teaching aids: Textbook, handouts …

Method: Communicative approach. Procedure:

Teacher’s activities Students’ activitiesI. Stabilization:- Greeting the class- Checking the students’ attendanceII. Check up:- Check some Sts’ writing.III. Warm-up: Chair / traffic jam- Ask students to keep book close.- Ask students to complete the sentence: a.______ is the first month of the year.b. _______ like eating sweets.- Ask students to speak the sentence loudly.With a high level class- book- closedT divides the class into 2 groups A and B, writes the phonemic sound/dʒ / - /t∫/ on the board and asks ss to write as many words containing these sounds as possible, sets the time limited for 1 minute. The group with more correct words wins the game- Let students to get their attention on

- Greeting the T- Answer

- Do T’s requests

- Keep book close- Listen to the T and complete the sentence: - January is the first month of the year.- Children like eating sweets.

- Listen attentively


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pronunciation: /dʒ / - /t∫/.- Introduce new lesson.IV. Pronunciation:- Pronouncing the two sounds separately.- T models the two sound /dʒ / and /t∫/ for few times and explains the differences in producing them./dʒ /: is a voiced palatalVoiced = vocal cords vibrate while making this sound.Palatal = put your tongue behind your top teeth, push air as you drop your tongue away from the roof of your mouth./t∫/ is an unvoiced fricative palatalUnvoiced - vocal cords do not vibrate while making this sound.Fricative palatal = touch your tongue to the back of your upper teeth and pull your tongue away as your push air out of your mouth.- T plays the tape once for Ss to hear the words containing these two sounds. Then T plays the tape again and this time asks Ss to repeat after the tape.Pronouncing words containing the sounds- T reads the words in each column all at once/dʒ /: jam, joke, January, dangerous, passenger, village./t∫/: children, changeable, cheese, mutual, church, which.- T reads the words once again, each time with a word in each column to help Ss distinguish the differences between the sounds in the words.- T reads the words and asks Ss to repeat them.- T asks Ss to practice pronouncing the words in pairs.- T goes around providing help.- T asks some Ss to pronounce the words and give correction if necessary.Practicing sentences containing the target sounds- T reads the sentences and asks Ss underline the words with the sound and write /dʒ / and /t∫/ under them.- T asks Ss to provide the sentences in pairs.- T goes around providing help.- T asks some Ss to read the sentences and gives feedback.- Signal: /dʒ /: ge, j- /t∫/: ch, tuExtra exercise: Pick out the word whose underlined part is pronounced differently from that of the other words.1. A. change B. children C. machine D. church2. A. guitarist B. passenger C. generous D. village3. A. mutual B. chip C. question D. quality4. A. architect B. arch C. church D. cheese

Âm vòm miệng hữu thanhDây âm thanh rung lên khi phát âm

- Listen and take note

Âm vòm miệng phụ âm xátÂm vô thanh: dây thanh âm không rung lên khi phát âm

- Repeat after the tape

- /dʒæm/, /dʒəʊk/, /ˈdʒænjuəri/, /ˈdeɪndʒərəs/, /

ˈpæsɪndʒə(r)/, /ˈvɪlɪdʒ/

- /'t∫ildrən/, /'t∫eindʒəbl/,

/t∫i:z/, /'mju:t∫uəl/, /tʃɜːtʃ/, /wɪtʃ/

- Practice reading the sentences which contain 2 sounds.

Signal: The letters such as “Ch, Tu, Tch” contain the sound / / ( question, righteous)ʧ The letters such as “J, G, Dg” contain the sound / / ( soldier, educate)ʤ

- Do extra exerciseSuggested answers:1. C2. A3. D


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V. Grammar and Vocabulary:1. To infinitive- T writes some sentences on the board and underline the to + infinitive+ I have letters to write to my friends.+ I have some homework to do.+ Does he get anything to eat?+ Have you got anything to say?- T asks Ss to comment on the use of to + infinitives in these examples. T reviews the form and use of to – infinities in the example.- The infinitive can be placed after nouns/pronouns to show how they can be used or what is to be done with them.+ I have letters to write = I have letters that I must write …+ I have some homework to do = I have some homework that I must do.+ Does he get anything to eat? = Does he get anything that he can eat? *To-infinitive: (Agree, allow,arrange, ask, attempt, care, choose, claim, come, continue, decide, determine,demand, expect, fail, fear,have, help, hope, intend, learn, long, manage, mean, plan, pretend, prepare, promise, propose, seem, tend, want,wish, would like, ….what, how, where … , refuse, be going, be willing, be able, permit…..) - to indicate the purpose or intention of an action.Ex : He was doing this to make me more relaxed. - as the subject of a verb, it is more usual to begin the sentence with "It". Ex : To know how to drive is useful. ( It is useful to know how to drive) - as an object of a verb.Ex : She likes to dance They decided to build a new school. - after nouns / pronouns as a modifier to replace a relative clause.Ex : I have a lot of work to do ( which I have to do) - in idiomatic expressions :Ex : The tea is too hot for me to drink Jack is clever enough to solve this problem. - as an adverd to modify an adjective.Ex : I am sorry to hear the news.NOTE :- verb + to- infinitive- verb + question word + to- infinitive- verb + object + to- infinitive -too+adjective/ adverb ( for somebody) + to- infinitive- adjective / adverb + enough ( for somebody) + to- infinitive

4. A

- In the examples above the infinitives are used to replace relative clauses

- Take notes

I pleased to see you.Ex: The water is too hot to drink. He’s old enough to go to school.

- Individual workSuggested answers:1. Who wants something to eat.2. I have some letters to write.3. I am delighted to hear the news.4. My mother has some shopping to do.5. You always have too much to talk about.6. It’s lovely to see you again.7. It’s too cold to go out.8. I’m happy to know that you have passed the exams.

Ex: Nothing can make him cry I see her cook dinner (completed action)Notice : I see her cooking dinner (I see she’s cooking dinner)

- Pair work and then individual work


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- enough + noun + to- infinitive PracticeExercise 1- Ask Ss to do exercise 1 individually and then compare their answers with another student.- T calls on some Ss to read aloud their answers.- T gives the correct answers.

2. Infinitive without to- Modal verb: can, will, may, shall, must….- After “make, let”+ object + bare infinitive. - After verbs of perception such as: feel, hear, watch, see, notice, observe, smell + object + bare infinitive

- Ask Ss to give some examples.- Listen and ask the other to comment.Practice Exercise 2- T asks Ss to do exercise 2 in pairs. Ss have to rewrite the sentences by using the words given.- T asks them to compare answers with another pairs.- T calls on some Ss to go to the board to write their answers.- T asks other Ss to feedback and gives correct answers.

VI. Free - Practice: Join these pairs of sentences.1. She crossed the road. I saw her.2. They sang a song. I heard them.3. He locked the door. I observed him.4. She drove off. I saw her.5. He was foolish. He left the firm.6. A pavement artist drew a portrait in crayons. I watch him.7. We can’t refuse their invitation. It would look rude.8. I met you again. I was happy.9. The film was boring. I didn’t watch it.10. The woman is old. She can’t drive a car.

VII. Consolidation and Homework: - Learn by heart all the knowledge they’ve learnt and practice them again at home.- Prepare the next lesson: Unit 2 - Reading

Suggested answers:1. The police watched them get out of the car.2. They let him write a letter to his wife.3. I heard them talk in the next room.4. The customs officer made him open the briefcase.5. The boy saw the cat jump though the window.6. Do you think the company will make him pay some extra money?7. I felt the animal move towards me.8. Do you think her parents will let her go on a picnic?- Whole classSuggested answers:1. I saw her cross the road.2. I heard them sing a song.3. I observed him lock the door.4. I saw her drive off.5. He was foolish to leave the firm.6. I watched a pavement artist draw a portrait in crayons.7. It would look rude to refuse their invitation.8. I was happy to meet you again.9. The film was not interesting enough for me to watch.10. The woman is too old to drive a car.

- Listen to the teacher

Expected answer:1. I saw her cross the road.2. I heard them sing a song.3. I observed him lock the door.4. I saw her drive off….

---- ----


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Date: 3/9/2014Period: 7


Objectives: By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to:- Develop such reading skills as scanning for details, specific ideas, skimming for general information, and guessing meaning in context, identifying the sequence of events. - Use the information they have learnt to discuss the story. Teaching aids: Textbook, handouts, CD …

Method: Communicative approach. Procedure:

Teacher’s activities Students’ activitiesI. Stabilization:- Greeting the class- Checking the students’ attendanceII. Check up:- T calls on some Sts to give the cases which we use “Infinitive with to” and to give an example.III. Warm-up: chatting T asks Ss some questions and asks Ss to answer:- When was your last birthday?- What did you do on that day?- How did you feel on that day?- What did your parents offer you?Alternative warm up: Middle RiddlePEN- TAXIS- APPLE- KEY- ARM- KNIFE- BED- ONE- ICE- TENLead-in: What is “ experience”?Have you ever been in an embarrassing situation?What did you do then?In today lesson, our reading lesson is about the

- Greeting the T- Answer

- Do T’s requests

- Answer the questions

Work in groups of 5The key word: EXPERIENCE- Whole classIt is an event or activity that affects you in some way.


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embarrassing experience of a girl on the bus.IV. Before you read:- T introduce the pictures:The six pictures describe the events in a story. They’re not in chronological order. Can you describe what’s happening in each of the picture?- T suggests for the Ss by asking some questions:+ What do you see in the 1st picture?+ What do you think might be relationship between the girl and the man?+ What do you see on the table?……………………………………….Pre-teaching vocabulary

• embarrassing /ɪmˈbærəsɪŋ/ (adj)

→ embarrass /ɪmˈbærəs/ (v)

• floppy /ˈflɒpi/ (adj)

• glance at /ɡlɑːns/ (v)

• sneaky /ˈsniːki/ (adj)

• wad /wɒd/ (n)

→ wad of notes

• to make a fuss /fʌs/V. While you read: Set the scene: You are going to read a story in which a girl’s telling about her most embarrassing situation.Task 1- T writes the given words and phrases on the board:to make a fusssneaky (adj)glanced (at)embarrassing (adj)idol (n)- T asks Ss to go back to the passage to locate and read around these words.- T checks that Ss understand all these words correctly by calling on some Ss to tell the meaning of the word in Vietnamese.- Then T asks Ss to go back to the task and study the given sentences.- T asks them to fill the blank with the words/ phrases in the box. - T checks the answer with whole class.Task 2 (Omit)Task 3- T checks if Ss can answer the comprehensions in task 3 without having to read the passage again. If Ss can’t, T gets them to read the questions carefully and gives them some tips to do the task.- T gets Ss to check their answer with their partners.

Suggested answers:- A man and a young girl- May be they are family members

- It’s money

• lúng túng, xấu hổ• làm lúng túng, làm ngượng ngùng

• mềm• to look quickly at St/Sb (liếc)• lén lút, xảo quyệt• xấp, cuộn

• xấp tiền giấy• gây ồn ào, ầm ĩ

- Pay attention

- Read passage again

- Review the meanings of this wordSuggested answers:1. glanced2. making a fuss3. embarrassing4. idols5. sneaky

- Individual work then pair workSuggested answers:1. She wished to have a red floppy cotton hat. 2. Because he knew that she wanted to buy that hat.3. She saw a wad of dollar notes exactly like the ones her father had given her.4. Because she didn’t like to make a fuss.5. She bought the hat of her dream with the money.


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- T calls on some Ss to write their answers on the board and asks them to explain their choices.

VI. After you read:- Ask Ss to look at the last picture (c) and give suggestions:+ How did the girl in the picture feel?+ Why did she feel that way?+ What did she do after that?- T calls on the group to tell and explain their choice.- Then T asks Ss to summarize the main points of the lesson.

VII. Consolidation and Homework: - T summarizes the main points of the lesson again.- Ask Sts to learn by heart the new words and make sentences with them at home.- Prepare the next lesson: Unit 2 - Speaking

- Group workSuggested answers:1. She felt surprised / embarrassed.2. Because the money she took from the boy’s bag was not hers.3. Perhaps the girl might want to tell her father the truth and ask him for help. Perhaps the girl could come to the police station, tell the police the truth and ask them for help.May be the girl could get on the same bus the next day and look for the boy to return him the money.

- Whole class

---- ----

Date: 6/9/2014Period: 8


Objectives: By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to:- Identify structures that are used to talk about past experiences and their influences on one’s life.- Practice the present perfect and past simple, structures with “make”.- Use these structures to talk about a past experience and how it affects their life. Teaching aids: Textbook, chalk, board …

Method: Communicative approach. Procedure:

Teacher’s activities Students’ activitiesI. Stabilization:- Greeting the class- Checking the students’ attendanceII. Check up:- T calls on some Sts to read the text again and to answer some questions.III. Warm-up: “Have you ever…. GameT divides the class into groups of 3-4. Then T models “Have you ever” + PP” for Ss as well as ways to respond to “Have you ever” questions.- Have you ever seen ghosts?- Have you ever been to Da Lat?- Have you ever sung in public? - Have you ever failed the exam?- Have you ever got a bad mark?

- Greeting the T- Answer

- Do T’s requests

- Answer the questions+ Yes, I have+ On Teacher’s Day+ I was all in a tremble (run)+ Since then I haven’t been afraid of singing in the public.……………………….


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- Have you ever spoken English to your friends (teachers, foreigners…)?- How did you feel when you ….. IV. Before you speak:Task 1- T introduces the task and gets Ss to do it individually then compare the answer with a partner.- Call on some Ss to read out his/her answers.- T checks with the class and gives feedback.

- T introduces the structures:make Sb do Stmake Sb + Adj

• appreciate /əˈpriːʃieɪt/ (v): • to change your attitude to Sb/St

V. While you speak:Task 2- T introduces the task and asks Ss to work individually then compare the answer with a partner.- Notice some Ss about how to use past simple and present perfect simple.+ Present perfect: used with “ever” to ask about past experience: Have you ever been to England?+ Past simple: used when one keeps asking about that experience: When did you go there? Who did you go with? …- After finishing T gets Ss to read the sample conversation in pairs.- Open dialogue:A – Have you ever ………….?B – Yes, …………. English girl ………….A – How …………. meet ………….?B – …………. walking along …………. asked the way …………. started talking ………….A – What …………. talk ………….?B – Everything …………. name, …………. turtles ………….A – How …………. affect ………….?B – Well, …………. more interested ………….- T calls on some pairs to practice the dialogue then give marks.VI. After you speak:Task 3- Gives students useful structures: + Have you ever ………….?+ How did it happen?+ When/Where did it happen?+ How did the experience affect you? + How did you feel?- Asks students to do task 3 in pairs.

- Individual work and pair workSuggested answers:1. d 2. c 3. a 4. b 5. e

Ex: The flu made me stay at home. The flu makes me tired.

• coi trọng, đánh giá cao• thay đổi thái độ của bạn đối với ai hoặc

điều gì đó

- Whole class

- Take notesSuggested answers:1. b 2. d 3. h 4. a 5. e 6. g 7. c

- Pair work

- Close the book and practice the open dialogue

- Pair workSuggested answers:1. A. Have you ever felt an exam?- Yes, I have.B. How did it happen?- I didn’t study well enough for exam.C. When did it happen?- Last year.D. How did you feel/ How did it affect you?- I felt disappointed/ sad/ depressed.


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- Asks some pairs to perform their dialogues in front of the class.- Corrects common mistakes and give remarks.

VII. Consolidation and Homework: - Learn by heart dialogues and practice them again at home.- Prepare the next lesson: Unit 2 - Listening

2. A. Have you ever traveled to other parts of the country?- Yes, I have.B. When did you travel?- In 2002.C. How did it affect you?- It makes me love our country more/ I learned more about different places in our country.3. A. Have you ever talked to a famous pop star?- Yes, I have.B. Where did you meet him/her?- At a party.C. How did it affect you?- It was interesting to talk to famous pop stars.- It changed my attitude to/ towards famous pop stars.

- Listen to T

Date: 6/9/2014Period: 9


Objectives: By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to:- Develop such listening skills as listening for specific information and taking notes while listening. Teaching aids: Textbook, handouts, cassette tapes …

Method: Communicative approach. Procedure:

Teacher’s activities Students’ activitiesI. Stabilization:- Greeting the class- Checking the students’ attendanceII. Check up:- T calls on some Sts to talk about their past experiences.III. Warm-up: Handouts: Matching

Column A Column B1. Fire fighter

2. Fire alarm

3. Fire door

4. Fire escape

5. Fire hydrant

a. A metal stair way outside to help people get out of a building on fire.b. A pipe that draws water for putting out a fire.c. A person who fights fires.d. What comes out of a fire.e. A fire-resistant door that can be closed to stop the spread of a fire.f. A large truck that carries firefighters

- Greeting the T- Answer

- Do T’s requests

- Group workSuggested answers:1. c2. h3. e4. a5. b6. g


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6.Fire extinguisher

7. Smoke

8. Fire struck

and equipment to the side of a fire.g. A tube that contains special chemicals for putting out fire.h. A bell that tells you a fire has started.

IV. Before you listen:- Ask Ss to describe what is happening in the picture on page 27.+ What can you see in the picture?+ What is happening?

+ Who are these people?+ What is this woman doing?……..Vocabulary:

• memorable /ˈmemərəbl/ (adj):

• terrified /ˈterɪfaɪd/ (adj):

• scream /skriːm/ (v):

• replace /rɪˈpleɪs/ (v):

• gas stove /ɡæs stəʊv/ (n):

• unforgettable /ˌʌnfəˈɡetəbl/ (adj):

• escape /ɪˈskeɪp/ (v):

• protect /prəˈtekt/ (v): - T asks Ss to practice the vocabulary in chorus. T helps Ss to pronounce them correctly.V. While you listen:Task 1- Ask Ss to read the statements to understand them.-T plays the tapes once for Ss to listen and do the task.- Check the answer with the whole class.- T can play the tape again and pauses at the answers for them to catch.Task 2- Ask Ss to study the text carefully for the missing information they need to fill and guess the answers.- After playing the tape, T gets Ss to work in pairs and check their answers.- Call on some Ss to give the answers.

VI. After you listen:- Before getting Ss to discuss, T teaches them some useful expression of asking for and giving opinions:- Asking for opinions:+ What do you think about…?+ What’s your opinion about…?+ What’s your feeling about…?+ What’s your point of view about…?+ How do you feel about…?

7. d8. f

- Whole classSuggested answers:- A fire.- A house is burning and fire-fighters are trying to put out fire.- They are fire-fighters.- She is caring her daughter out of the fire.

• đáng nhớ• sợ hãi• thét, gào

• thay thế• bếp ga• không thể quên

• trốn thoát• bảo vệ

- Practice pronouncing these words

- Individual workSuggested answers:1. T 2. F (13 years ago) 3. F (in the kitchen) 4. F(she was sleeping) 5. T

- Individual work and pair workSuggested answers:1. small 2. everything 3. family 4. replaced 5. took6. appreciate

- Group work

- Take notes


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+ Do you have any opinion about…?Expressing opinions

Expressing agreement

Expressing disagreement

I think…Personally,…I believe…I feel…In my opinion…From my point of view…

I agreeI think so, tooThat’s true and…That’s right, and…

Well, maybe, but…That might be true, but…Well, my feeling is that…Well, I don’t think so. I think…

- Give some suggestions by asking some questions:+ Why does Christina think family is more important than things?+ Where do you get love/care from, your family or things?+ Can we buy new clothes?+ Can you get new parents or brothers or sisters? - Prepare for writing lessonVII. Consolidation and Homework: - T summarizes main points of the lesson.- Asks students to write a short paragraph about the importance of family.- Prepare the next lesson: Unit 2 - Writing

- Giving opinion Suggested answers:+ Because she has realized that she needs her family. Things can be replaced, but family can’t.+ From family.

+ Yes, we can.+ No, we can’t.

- Write down

---- ----

Date: 10/9/2014Period: 10


Objectives: By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to:- Write a personal letter telling about a past experience, using the structures and vocabulary that they have learnt in previous lessons. Teaching aids: Textbook, chalk, board …

Method: Communicative approach. Procedure:

Teacher’s activities Students’ activitiesI. Stabilization:- Greeting the class- Checking the students’ attendanceII. Check up:- T calls on some Sts to check their vocabularies.III. Warm-up: Brain-storming- T asks Ss to tell about their unforgettable past experiences and the others make questions to ask. - Which team makes more questions is the winner.

IV. Before you write:- T gets Ss to read the task.

- Greeting the T- Answer

- Do T’s requests

- Group workPast experiences:- Failing an exam- Getting a reward……………………….

- Whole class


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- Call on a St to answer and to elicit more ideas about “most unforgettable experience”.OUTLINE1. Heading: Address + Date of letter2. Greeting: - Dear Lan, - Hello / Hi Lan,3. Body:+ What happened?+ When did it happen?+ Where did it happen?+ How did it happen?

+ Who was involved?

+ How did it affect you?4. Closing: - Sincerely, Yours, Love, Best wishes, See you soon …5. Signature* Notes: Simple past, Past continuous, Past perfect can be used for describing a past event.- T gets Ss to plan their stories according to the questions.V. While you write:- T gets Ss to write their own letters in 10 minutes.Some paragraphs of the letters can be jumped so that students can rearrange them to make a complete letter.- Then T asks Ss to work in pairs, exchange their letters and correct each other.- T goes around the class to offer help.VI. After you write:- T chooses one letter and reads it to the class.- T elicits corrective feedback from the class and gives final comments afterwards.

VII. Consolidation and Homework: - T summarizes main points of the lesson.- Asks students to practice writing at home.- Prepare the next lesson: Unit 2 – Language focus.

Suggested answers:- I nearly drowned.- A year ago, my last summer vacation.- A river near my grandparent’s house.- When I was swimming, I suddenly caught a cold, I felt dizzy and I was too weak to swim.- Some of my friends were also swimming at that time, one tried to save me.- I learned that life is so important./ It changed my outlook on life./ It taught me a lesson …

- Individual work and pair workSample writing:

Hanoi 15 May 2007Dear Peter, How have you been doing? Have you got any plan for the

coming school break? Perhaps I will go to see my grandparents in the countryside. I haven’t seen them since my last school holiday.

Let me tell you about my last summer vacation at my grandparents’. It was almost a year ago and was one of my most unforgettable experiences.

My grandparents live in a small village, which is about 70 kilometers southeast of Hanoi. There is a large river at the back of their house where I often do swimming every afternoon when I spend my vacation with them.

One day when I was swimming with some of my friends, I suddenly caught a cold. I felt so dizzy and was too weak to continue swimming, so I started to sink. I thought I was going to drown but I couldn’t call out for help because I was too tired and terrified. Luckily, one of my friends saw that and shouted for help. Immediately, another friend who swims the best among us swam towards me and tried to pull me up. Then other friends swam towards us to help him push me in. My life was finally saved.

Now recalling the moment I thought I was going to die, I understand how precious life is. This event definitely taught me to appreciate my life.

What about you? Have you got any unforgettable holiday that you would like to share with me?

See you soon.Nam

- Listen and write down


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---- ----

Date: 13/9/2014Period: 11


Objectives: By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to:- Distinguish the sounds /m/, /n/ and /ŋ/.- Pronounce the words and sentences containing these sounds correctly.- Distinguish the uses of different verb tenses: present simple for indicating the past, past simple, past progressive and past perfect.- Use these verb tenses to solve communicate task. Teaching aids: Textbook, handouts, cassette tapes …

Method: Communicative approach. Procedure:

Teacher’s activities Students’ activitiesI. Stabilization:- Greeting the class- Checking the students’ attendanceII. Check up:- T checks some Sts’ writing. III. Warm-up: Money, nose, songUnderline the most suitable verb form in each sentences:a. While Tom watched/was watching TV, there was a

- Greeting the T- Answer

- Do T’s requests

Suggested answers:a. was watching


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power cut.b. Who drove/was driving the car at the time of the accident?c. By the time she got back, he had gone/went home.d. David had eaten/ate Chinese food before, so he knew what to order.e. I did/was doing some shopping yesterday when I saw your friend.f. Laura missed the party because no one was telling/had told her about it.

IV. Pronunciation:- /m/: close the lips when pronouncing.- /n/: Ss’ tongues touch the roof of their mouth.- /ŋ/: their tongues touch their soft palates.For all three sounds, the air goes through the nose.- T asks Ss to read the words in each column out loud in chorus for a few more times. Then call on some Ss to read the words out loud.- In order to help Ss identify these sounds T writes some sentences to check their understanding.1. I’ll call them/then.2. He ran/rang twice.3. That bun/bum is delicious. /di'li∫əs/4. We got some/sun at the beach.- Practicing sentences containing the target sounds:- Ask Ss to work in pairs and take turn to read aloud the given sentences.- T calls some Ss to read the sentences and provides corrective feedback.Extra exercise: Pick out the word whose underlined part is pronounced differently from that of the other words.1. A. change B. hungry C. stronger D. single2. A. name B. news C. drink D. nose3. A. happen B. finger C. thankful D. tongue 4. A. name B. need C. nine D. sing5. A. complainB. experience C. interested D. autumnV. Grammar: 1. Review the present simple and present progressive.a. Presentation- Present simple+ The usage:

We use the simple present tense to express the idea that an action is repeated or usual. The action can be a habit, a hobby, a daily event, a scheduled event or something that often happens. It can also be something a person often forgets or usually does not do.+ Form: (+) I, You, We, They + bare infinitive He, She, It + V(s/es) (-) S + don’t/doesn’t + V-infinitive

b. was drivingc. had goned. had eatene. was doingf. had told

- Pay attention

- Practicing pronunciation

- Do extra exerciseKey:1A2C3A4D5D

Example: The sun rises in the EastNow the sun is shining.

- Take notes and give examples


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(?) Do/does + S + V-infi?* We can use the present simple tense in telling stories (which are often concerned with past events) to make the stories more interesting.Adverbs: …- Present progressive+ The usage:

We use the Present Continuous with Normal Verbs to express the idea that something is happening now, at this very moment. It can also be used to show that something is not happening now.+ Form: (+) S + be + V-ing (-) S + be + not + V-ing (?) Be + S + V-ing?b. Practice Exercise 1- T gets Ss to do exercise 1 individually and then find a partner to check the answer with.- T checks with the whole class and provides corrective feedback.

2. Review the past simple and past progressive.a. Presentation- Past simple+ The usage:

We use Simple Past to talk about actions and situations in the past.+ Form: (+) S + V-ed or irregular verbs (-) S + didn’t + V-infi (?) Did + S + V- infi?Adverbs: yesterday, ago, last …- Past progressive+ The usage:

We use Past Continuous to talk about something which was in progress at a past time.

The action or situation had started but it had not finished-at that time.+ Form: (+) S + was/were + V- ing (-) S + was/were + not + V- ing (?) Was/were + S + V- ing?Adverbs: at six, nine o'clock, during, while, whenb. PracticeExercise 2- T gets Ss to do exercise 2 individually and then find a partner to check the answer with.- T checks with the whole class and provides corrective feedback.

3. Review the Past perfect.a. Presentation+ The usage:- The past perfect expresses the idea that something occurred before another action expressed in the past

- Give examples & take notes

- Individual work & pair workSuggested answers:1. invites 2. sets 3. gets 4. waves5. promises 6. carries 7. contains8. has baked 9. is 10. is shining11. are singing 12. is

- Take notes and give examples

Example: She went to HCMC last Sunday.

- Take notes and give examples

- Individual & pair work

Suggested answers:1. broke/was playing2. wrote/was3. was working/broke4. started/were walking5. told/were having6. didn’t listen/was thinking


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simple. It can also show that something happened before a specific time in the past.- Past perfect also to show that something started in the past and continued up until another action in the past.+ Form: (+) S + had + Past participle (-) S + hadn’t + Past participle (?) Had + S + Past participle?Adverbs: After/ because PP, SPBefore, as, when, by the time SP, PPb. PracticeExercise 3- T gets Ss to do exercise 3 individually then find a partner to check their answer with.- T checks the answers with whole class and provides corrective feedback.Note: Hai hành động xảy ra trong quá khứ:Trước: QKHT Sau: QKĐĐang: QKTD, Xen vào: QKĐWhile, When (time): QKTD, QKDVI. Free – Practice:Choose the best answer.1. After we _____ our work, we _____ for lunch.A. having finish/ went B. have finished/ went C. had finished/ went D. having finish/ going2. Before cars _____, people _____ horses and bicycles.A. were discovered/ had used B. discovering/ useC. is discovered/ usingD. have been discovered / have been using3. When we _____ there, people _____ calmly.A. got/ are waiting B. got/ were waitingC. got/ waited D. get/ wait 4. While I _____ in the street, I saw my old friend.A. was walking B. am walkingC. walk D. walkedVII. Consolidation and Homework: - T summarizes main points of the lesson.- Asks students to review the forms and the usages of these tenses.- Ask Sts do more exercise at home.- Prepare the next lesson: Unit 3 - Reading

7. phoned/didn’t answer/were doing8. didn’t wear/didn’t notice/was driving

- Give examples and take notesEx: - I had never seen such a beautiful beach before. - I had used that car for ten years before it broke out.Or After I had used that car for ten years, It broke down.

- Individual & pair workSuggested answers:1. had eaten/arrived 2. found/had taken3. got/had closed 4. got/had left5. got/had arrived 6. paid/had phoned7. went/said/hadn’t arrived8. had looked/asked/cost

- Whole classSuggested answers:Letters in bold

- Whole class

---- ----


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Date: 13/9/2014Period: 12


Objectives: By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to:- Distinguish the sounds /m/, /n/ and /ŋ/.- Pronounce the words and sentences containing these sounds correctly.- Distinguish the uses of different verb tenses: present simple for indicating the past, past simple, past progressive and past perfect.- Use these verb tenses to solve communicate task. Teaching aids: Textbook, handouts, cassette tapes …

Method: Communicative approach. Procedure:

Teacher’s activities Students’ activitiesb. Practice Exercise 1- T gets Ss to do exercise 1 individually and then find a partner to check the answer with.- T checks with the whole class and provides corrective feedback.2. Review the past simple and past progressive.a. Presentation

- Individual work & pair workSuggested answers:1. invites 2. sets 3. gets 4. waves5. promises 6. carries 7. contains8. has baked 9. is 10. is shining11. are singing 12. is


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- Past simple+ The usage:

We use Simple Past to talk about actions and situations in the past.+ Form: (+) S + V-ed or irregular verbs (-) S + didn’t + V-infi (?) Did + S + V- infi?Adverbs: yesterday, ago, last …- Past progressive+ The usage:

We use Past Continuous to talk about something which was in progress at a past time.

The action or situation had started but it had not finished-at that time.+ Form: (+) S + was/were + V- ing (-) S + was/were + not + V- ing (?) Was/were + S + V- ing?Adverbs: at six, nine o'clock, during, while, whenb. PracticeExercise 2- T gets Ss to do exercise 2 individually and then find a partner to check the answer with.- T checks with the whole class and provides corrective feedback.3. Review the Past perfect.a. Presentation+ The usage:- The past perfect expresses the idea that something occurred before another action expressed in the past simple. It can also show that something happened before a specific time in the past.- Past perfect also to show that something started in the past and continued up until another action in the past.+ Form: (+) S + had + Past participle (-) S + hadn’t + Past participle (?) Had + S + Past participle?Adverbs: After/ because PP, SPBefore, as, when, by the time SP, PPb. PracticeExercise 3- T gets Ss to do exercise 3 individually then find a partner to check their answer with.- T checks the answers with whole class and provides corrective feedback.Note: Hai hành động xảy ra trong quá khứ:Trước: QKHT Sau: QKĐĐang: QKTD, Xen vào: QKĐWhile, When (time): QKTD, QKDVI. Free – Practice:Choose the best answer.5. After we _____ our work, we _____ for lunch.A. having finish/ went B. have finished/ went C. had finished/ went D. having finish/ going6. Before cars _____, people _____ horses and bicycles.A. were discovered/ had used

- Take notes and give examples

Example: She went to HCMC last Sunday.

- Take notes and give examples

- Individual & pair work

Suggested answers:1. broke/was playing2. wrote/was3. was working/broke4. started/were walking5. told/were having6. didn’t listen/was thinking7. phoned/didn’t answer/were doing8. didn’t wear/didn’t notice/was driving

- Give examples and take notesEx: - I had never seen such a beautiful beach before. - I had used that car for ten years before it broke out.Or After I had used that car for ten years, It broke down.

- Individual & pair workSuggested answers:


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B. discovering/ useC. is discovered/ usingD. have been discovered / have been using7. When we _____ there, people _____ calmly.A. got/ are waiting B. got/ were waitingC. got/ waited D. get/ wait 8. While I _____ in the street, I saw my old friend.A. was walking B. am walkingC. walk D. walkedVII. Consolidation and Homework: - T summarizes main points of the lesson.- Asks students to review the forms and the usages of these tenses.- Ask Sts do more exercise at home.- Prepare the next lesson: Unit 3 - Reading

1. had eaten/arrived 2. found/had taken3. got/had closed 4. got/had left5. got/had arrived 6. paid/had phoned7. went/said/hadn’t arrived8. had looked/asked/cost

- Whole classSuggested answers:Letters in bold

- Whole class

---- ----

Date: 17/9/2014Period: 13


Objectives: By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to:- Develop such reading skills as scanning for specific ideas, and identifying and correcting false statement.- Use the information they have read to discuss celebrations in their culture. Teaching aids: Textbook, handouts, pictures about special celebrations …

Method: Communicative approach. Procedure:

Teacher’s activities Students’ activitiesI. Stabilization:- Greeting the class- Checking the students’ attendanceII. Check up:- T calls on some Sts to talk about the forms and the usages of past simple and past perfect.III. Warm-up: Brain-storming (REAL OBJECTS)- T asks Sts to give the name of some celebrations

- Greeting the T- Answer

- Do T’s requests

- Whole classSuggested answers:


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in VN also in the world.

IV. Before you read:- Ask Ss to work in pairs and ask them to look at the pictures in text book and answer the questions:1. What is the relationship between the people in the pictures?

2. What are they celebrating?

Pre-teaching vocabulary STRESS- blow out (v):- mark (v): - milestone: an important event or state in one’s life. - lasting (a):- golden (a): made of gold

- golden anniversary/jubilee /ˈdʒuːbɪliː/ :

celebration of the 50th wedding anniversary /ˌænɪ

ˈvɜːsəri/ - Silver anniversary: celebration of the 25th

wedding anniversary. - Diamond anniversary: celebration of the 60th

wedding anniversary.- T helps Ss to pronounce them correctly.V. While you read:- You are going to read about how American people celebrate birthdays and wedding anniversaries. Then do the tasks below:Task 1- T gets Ss to read the passage silently and do the task 1.- Call on some Ss to write the answer on the board and ask them to explain their choices.1. People sing a song.2. People eat cakes.3. People receive cards and gifts from friends and relatives.4. People joke about their ages.5. People remember their wedding days.6. People go out to dinner.7. People blow out candles, one for each year.Task 2- T gets Ss to read through all the 7 sentences in task 2. Then ask them to read the text again and locate these words.- Ask Ss to check their answer with a friend.

Christmas Easter GraduationHalloween Thanksgiving Mother’s DayWedding Valentine’s Day Birthday

- Pair workSuggested answers: 1. The people in the 1st picture might belong to a family. The young man might be the parents and three kids might be their children.- In the 2nd picture: The people might belong to a family, too. The old lady & man might be parents. The woman and the man who are sitting in front might be their son and daughter in law. The boy and the girl might be their grandchildren.2. The people in the 1st picture are celebrating a birthday. In the 2nd picture people are celebrating a wedding anniversary.- Write down Vocabulary{ thổi nến{ đánh dấu{ sự kiện quan trọng, mốc lịch sử

{ bền vững, lâu dài

{ Lễ kỉ niệm đám cưới vàng

{ Lễ kỉ niệm đám cưới bạc

- Practice reading the new words

- Pay attention- Individual work

Suggested answers:

Birthday Wedding

1 2 3 4 5 6 7

- Pair workSuggested answers:1. eight → sevenths 5. months → years


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- Call on some Ss to present and explain their answers.- Give feedback and correct answers.VI. After you read:- Ask Ss work in small group of 3 or 4 and discuss the questions.- T goes around to check and to offer help.- Call on the groups to tell and explain their choice.- Give the correct feedback.VII. Consolidation and Homework: - T summarizes main points of the lesson.- Asks students to learn by heart new words.- Write a paragraph about how Vietnamese people celebrate their birthday or wedding anniversaries, base on the text they read in class.- Prepare the next lesson: Unit 3 - Speaking

2. makes → eats 6. 5th →50th 3. foods → presents 7. silver → golden4. anniversaries → ages

- Group work

- Take note

---- ----

Date: 20/9/2014Period: 14


Objectives: By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to:- Use appropriate language to talk about parties and negotiate how to plan them.- Use appropriate language to invite people to come to parties. Teaching aids: Textbook, handouts …

Method: Communicative approach. Procedure:

Teacher’s activities Students’ activitiesI. Stabilization:- Greeting the class- Checking the students’ attendanceII. Check up:- Check vocabulary.III. Warm-up: Brain-stormingTalking about the partyYesterday I went to a party. Please ask some

- Greeting the T- Answer

- Do T’s requests

- Whole classSuggested answers:


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questions to gets as much information about the party as you can.

- T teaches necessary language for talking about parties:A birthday/ housewarming partyA family/ social gathering To have/ throw/ organize/ hold/ celebrate/ give a partyTo celebrate one’s birthday/ wedding anniversary/ graduationTo join oneselfTo have fun/ a good timeGifts: flowers, souvenirs, a bottle of wine, chocolate …Decorations: balloons, flowers, lamps, pictures …Food and drinks: starters, main courses, deserts, cakes, ice-cream, sweets, soft drink …Music: pop music, jazz, classical music …IV. Before you speak:Task 1- Get Ss to do the task individually.- T encourages Ss to take notes while doing so.- Go around the class to check and offer help.V. While you speaking:Task 2 - Put Ss in pairs and tell them to tell each other about the party they have been to, base on the outlines they have made in task 1.- Call on some pair to perform their conversations in front of the class.

Task 3- T gives suggestions by writing on the board: Planning a party - Where (home or restaurant)- When (date & time)- Who to invite (family, relatives, classmates, teacher, friends)- Dressing code (former, informer, costumes)- Entertainment (dance, music, games)- Decorations (colored light, bulbs, flowers)- Food and drink (cook our own or order)- Budget (How much to spend? How much to contribute?)- T asks Ss to give some expression for asking for and giving opinions, expressing agreements and disagreement, suggesting and starting preferences.- T gives some examples and gets Ss to do some

Who gave the party?What was it about?Where/ When did it take place?How was it organized? How did it go? What activities did you do there?Did you have good time?How were the people like? What about music? What about food and drinks?- Take notes

- Individual work- Ss choose the details they want to talk about and plan their stories.

- Pair workA: I am wondering where I should hold my birthday party?B: Why don’t you have your birthday party at home? It’s cozy and not very expensive.A: I don’t know if it’s suitable to begin at 5 pm?B: …- Discuss in group

Asking for opinionsWhat do you think about …?What’s your opinion about …?How do you feel about …?Do you have any opinion about …?


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practice with these expressions.- Divide the class into small group of 3 or 4 and get them to do task 3.- T goes around to check and to offer help.

VI. After you read:Task 4- T teaches expressions for inviting and persuading:Would you like to come …?We would love to have you …Please do come …It’s our pleasure to invite you …You don’t know what you’ll miss out on if you don’t come.- T gets Ss do some practice with these structuresAsk some group to report about the parties that they’ve planned. VII. Consolidation and Homework: - T summarizes main points of the lesson.- T asks Ss to write a paragraph about a party they have been to.- Prepare the next lesson: Unit 3 - Listening

Giving opinionsI think we should …/ I feel …In my opinion, …I’m thinking about … (ordering some pizza)Expressing agreement

Expressing disagreement

I agreeI think so, tooThat’s true, and …That’s right, and …

Well, maybe, but …That might be true, but …Well, my feeling is that ...Well, I don’t think so ...

Suggesting:May be we could… What about …?Perhaps we can … Should we …?Let’s …Why don’t we…? It would be a good idea if…How about …?

- Group work

- Whole class

---- ----

Date: 20/9/2014Period: 15


Objectives: By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to:- Develop such listening micro-skills as intensive listening for specific information. Teaching aids: Textbook, handouts, cassette tapes …

Method: Communicative approach. Procedure:

Teacher’s activities Students’ activitiesI. Stabilization:- Greeting the class- Checking the students’ attendanceII. Check up:- T calls on some Sts to talk about parties and negotiate how to plan them.III. Warm-up: Look and remember…Have Ss rearrange the activities taking place in a birthday party in a suitable order in their own ideas.

- Greeting the T- Answer

- Do T’s requests

- Whole class Group work


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+ play games+ have foods and drinks+ give gifts+ eat slices of birthday cake+ blow out the candles+ sing the birthday song+ cut the cake+ decorate the party room_ Collect Ss’ ideas and lead in the new lesson.IV. Before you listen:- T gets Ss in pairs to answer the questions and explain their reasons.Listen and repeatto gather restaurant prizebirthday cake to decorate icingslice to clap hands - T helps Ss to pronounce the words on page 36 correctly. - T presents the meanings of these word from the class V. While you listen: EXERCISETask 1- Get Ss to read through the statements to understand them and underline key words.- Play the tape once for Ss to listen and do the task.- Check the answer with the whole class. - Play the tapes one or two more times and pauses at the answer for them to catch if Ss can’t answer the questions.Task 2- Ask Ss to read all questions in task 2.- T plays the tape again for Ss to listen and answer the questions. - T gets Ss to check their answer with a partner. Then T checks with whole class.- Play the tape again and pause at difficult points if many Ss can’t complete the task.

Task 2 can be changed into Multiple choice Exercise1. How old was Mai? A.6 B.16 C.60 D.26 2. Why didn’t she like having her party at a restaurant? A. noisy and expensive B. quiet and cheap C. noisy and cheap D. quiet and comfortable 3. What did Mai’s mother serve the gueSs at the beginning of the party? A. ice-cream and biscuits B. soft drinks and biscuits C. coffee and cake D. fruits and milk. 4. What time was the birthday cake brought out? A. 6.30 a.m B. 5.00 p.m C. 4.30 a.m D. 4.30 p.m 5. It was beautifully decorated with

Suggested words:

- Pair work

phần thưởng kem phủ trên bánh gatôlát, miếng- Write down

- Individual workSuggested answers:1. F (the party began at about 3 in the afternoon)2. F (over 20)3. F (at 4:30 they cut the cake)4. T (the party ended at about 6)5. F (other kids left, only one stayed to help)

- Individual work and pair work- Listen and note down the answersSuggested answers:1. 16 2. Because it’s noisy and expensive.3. soft drink and biscuits4. At about 4:305. It was beautiful and decorated with white and pink icing and 16 colorful candles in the middle.6. They clapped their hands eagerly and sang “Happy birthday”7. at about 6


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A. pink and white icing B. brown and yellow icing C. green and white icing D. black and yellow icing 6. What did all the gueSs do while Mai was cutting the cake? A. they danced and sang B. they played the Bingo game C. they took photos D. they clapped their hands and sang 7. What time did the birthday party finish? A. 6.30 a.m 6.00 p.m C. 6.30 p.m D. 6.00 a.m

VI. After you listen:- Put Ss in pairs and do the task.- T distributes the following handout for Ss to do the role play. - After they’ve finished, T calls on some pairs to perform the role play in front of the class.

VII. Consolidation and Homework: - T summarizes main points of the lesson.- Asks students to learn by heart new words.- Write a paragraph about your own birthday parties.- Prepare the next lesson: Unit 3 - Writing

- Pair workCard AAsk your friend about Mai’s birthday- Place where the party was held- When it began and ended- Who came- What you did thereCard BTell your friend about Mai’s birthday party.- It was held at Mai’s place- It lasted about 3 hours (3-6pm)- About 20 guests came- Mai opened gifts, you played chess, then Mai cut cake

- Whole class---- ----

Date: 24/9/2014Period: 16


Objectives: By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to:- Define the format and structure of an informal letter of invitation.- Write an informal letter of invitation. Teaching aids: Textbook, handouts …

Method: Communicative approach. Procedure:

Teacher’s activities Students’ activitiesI. Stabilization:- Greeting the class- Checking the students’ attendanceII. Check up:- No checking.III. Warm-up: Jumbled letter1. This is my address: 150A Au Co Road.

- Greeting the T- Answer

- Group work


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2. It’s a beautiful house and it looks over the West Lake and the Water Park.3. Dear Linda,4. Guess what! I’ve just moved to a new house in Tay Ho District.5. Would you like to come?6. Please let me know your answer as soon as possible.7. See you.8. My parents are giving a house-warming party this evening around 6:30 P.M.9. Hoa10. I think Chris and Kim are coming, too.11. We’ll have “Pho” and some other special dishes.IV. Before you write:Task 1- Ask Ss to work in pairs to answer the questions in task 1.- Call on some Ss to answer the questions and elicits more ideas from the class. T writes them on the board.

Task 2- T gets Ss to do the task individually and then compare their answers with a partner.- T calls on some Ss to give the answers and write them on the board.

V. While you write:- Get Ss to read task 3 and work out the questions.- T gives some suggestions for Ss to write:+ Party: birthday party, farewell party, house- warming party …+ Where: at home, in a restaurant, outdoor …+ When: during the day, in the evening …+ Guests: friends, classmates, relatives …+ Activities: singing, playing games …+ Foods and Drinks: cakes, wine, beer, soft drinks, fruits, fruits juice …- Get Ss to write their letters in 10 minutes, based on the outlines they have produced.- Ask Ss to get in pairs, exchange their letters and correct each other.- T goes around and offer help.

Suggested answer:3-4-2-8-11-5-10-1-6-7-9OUTLINE

- Pair workSuggested answer:1. Occasions for giving parties: birthday, graduation, wedding anniversary, moving to a new house, family gathering, Christmas, New Year …2. Dressing codes:Formal: dresses, high-heel shoes for women, suits and ties for men …Informal: jeans, T-shirt, skirts …3. Presents to give: books, CDs, flowers, ties, pens, bags, hats …

- Individual workSuggested answer:1. at my house 2. to come3. refreshments 4. to cook5. winners 6. by Monday

- Whole class take notesSample writing:Gia Lai! May 26th, 2013Dear Lan,

As the school year is coming to an end, I’m giving a farewell party for people to meet up before going away for holiday. Would you like to come? It will be at my place at 7p.m next Sunday. I intend to invite about 10 people, so it will be a small gathering and hopefully, people can socialize more easily. I will be order some pizzas and buy snacks and fruit. However, you might want to bring some drinks to be shared. There will be dancing and karaoke competition. So, there will be a lot of fun.

Please let me know if you are keen by Saturday. Just leave me a message on the phone if you can’t catch me at home.

See you


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VI. After you write:Feedback on Ss’ writing- T chooses one letter and reads it to the class.- Then T elicits correctives feedback from the class and gives final comments afterwards.VII. Consolidation and Homework: - T summarizes main points of the lesson.- Ask Ss to write a letter to invite your friends to your birthday party at home.- Prepare the next lesson: Unit 3 – Language focus.


- Listen and take notes

- Whole class

---- ----


Objectives: By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to:- Distinguish the sounds /l/, /r/ and /h/.- Pronounce the words and sentences containing these sounds correctly.- Distinguish the uses of infinitive and gerund in active and passive voices.- Use these structures to solve communicative task. Teaching aids: Textbook, handouts …

Method: Communicative approach. Procedure:

Teacher’s activities Students’ activitiesI. Stabilization:- Greeting the class- Checking the students’ attendanceII. Check up:- Checking some Sts’ writing.III. Pronunciation:Warm-up:

- Greeting the T- Answer

- Do T’s requests


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- Gives students 6 words and ask them to put the words to the right columns /l/, /r/ and /h/: holiday, library, run, help, Lisa, realize.→Today we are going to learn the pronunciation of the sounds /l/, /r/ and /h/. Distinguishing sounds:- /r/: Ss curl the tongues more backward than when they pronounce /l/.- /h/: Ss move their vocal folds from wide apart to close together.Practice sentences containing the target sounds:- Ask Ss to work in pairs and take turn to read aloud the given sentences.- Call on some Ss to read the sentences again and provides corrective feedback.IV. Grammar:Warm-up:- Asks students to put the words in correct order to make the two sentences:Ex 1: the book/ time/ return/ she/ on/ to/ failed/ library/ the.Ex 2: work/ mind/ the/ helping/ would/ me/ with/ you?- In the lesson today you'll learn how to use the gerund and the infinitive.1. Infinitive and Gerund:a. PresentationGerund:+ Follow some certain verbs.+ Follow prepositions, idiomsInfinitive: + Đại từ bất định, từ để hỏi.+ want to, hope to, wish to, desire to …+ Adj: • be delighted to/be willing to/ be eager to/ be glad to … • It’s adj + to … : Thật là khi làm gì đó• S + be + adj + to V: Ai đó cảm thấy như thế nào khi làm gì.(Danh, động, tính)+ Adj + too/enough + to – infinitive+ have Sb/St to do: Ai đó có cái gì đó phải làm Relative clause- Review the verbs that are followed by an infinitive, a gerund, and both.+ Infinitive only

+ Gerund only

+ Both

agree arrangeask choosedecide demanddeserve expect

admit avoiddeny enjoykeep suggestpractice miss

begin stop start continue love likehate remember

- Whole class/ l / / r / / h /

library run helpLisa realize holiday

- Pair work and individual work

- Whole class Suggested answer:Ex 1: She failed to return the book to the library on time.Ex 2: Would you mind helping me with the work?

- Take notes- Give some examples


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fail hoperefuse hesitateintend learnmanage offerwait seemwant plan

consider finishprevent minddetest riskpostpone delaymentionV + prep

forget regret try prefer

b. Practice- T gets Ss to do Exercise 1 individually then find a partner to check their answers with.

2. Passive Infinitive and Gerund: a. Presentation- Review the forms of passive infinitive and gerund.Form: Passive infinitive: to be + Past ParticiplePassive gerund: being + Past ParticipleUse: to emphasize the action/event rather than the agent.b. Practice- Get Ss to do Exercise 2, 3 individually and then find a partner to check their answer.- Check with the whole class and provides corrective feedback.

V. Free – Practice:Choose the underlined part among A, B, C or D that needs correcting.1. The thief asked her handing over her money. A B C D2. He was terribly excited to ask to play for Manchester. A B C D3. I dislike being talk about everywhere. A B C DVI. Consolidation and Homework: - T summarizes main points of the lesson.- For homework, ask Ss to review the uses of Infinitive and Gerund; Passive Infinitive and Gerund that have been covered in the lesson.- Prepare the next lesson: Test yourself A

- Individual workSuggested answer:1. having 2. getting 3. to tell4. practicing 5. to see

- Whole class take notesEx: 1. He want people to call him “Sir” He want to be called “Sir”2. Lan is afraid of snakes Lan is afraid of being bitten by snakes

- Individual workSuggested answer:Ex 2:1. B 2. A 3. B 4. B 5. AEx 3:1. D 2. C 3. B 4. B 5. C

- Whole class- Take note and do exerciseSuggested answer:Letters in bold

- Whole class

---- ----Preparation date: 23/09/2013Teaching date: …../09/2013Period: 18th


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TEST YOURSELF A Objectives: By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to:- revise all the language skills and grammatical points which they have studied and used in the three units: 1, 2 and 3.- improve their techniques of doing the simple tests. Teaching aids: Textbook, handouts, cassette tapes …

Method: Communicative approach. Procedure:

Teacher’s activities Students’ activitiesI. Stabilization:- Greeting the class- Checking the students’ attendanceII. Check up:- T calls on some Sts to recall the usages of Infinitive and Gerund; Passive Infinitive and Gerund.III. Warm-up: - Ask students something about the test yourself A.{Have you prepared it at home?{Have you got any difficulties?IV. New lesson:A. Listening- Ask Ss to read the sentences before listening.- Ask Ss to complete the sentences after the 1st

listening & then check the answer again after the 2nd & the 3rd listening.- Correct.B. Reading- Ask Ss to read the passage and then answer the questions in Reading.- Call some Ss to stand up and answer the questions.- Listen and give the feedback.

C. Pronunciation and GrammarPronunciation- Ask Ss to listen and put a tick in the right box.- T reads the words for Ss to put a tick.

Grammar- Revise Ss the grammar about active infinitive and gerund and passive infinitive and gerund.- Ask Ss do exercise then call some Ss to go to the board.- Correct their mistakes.D. Writing- Ask Ss to write about their birthday party (or

- Greeting the T- Answer

- Do T’s requests

- Listen

Suggested answer:1. A 2. D 3. B 4.D 5. C

Suggested answer:1. Because these people had been childless for 10 years after they were married and were so thrilled to finally have a child.2. To take some photographs of the family.3. The boy was dressed in a smart, brand-new outfit and looked like a little prince.4. Because he was interested in the toys.5. He felt that it was delightful and looked forward to the next day to have the film develop.

- Pay attention to the pronunciation of the underlined part of the word.Suggested answer:1. nine 2. hour 3. matching 4. jam

- Individual workSuggested answer:1. to see 2. to be 3. to phone4. pay 5. to be met 6. to be appointed

- Individual wok


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one of their friends’)+ Whose birthday party was it?+ Where and when was it held?+ What did you do there?+ How did you enjoy it?- After they have finished T picks up some Ss’ writing and find common mistakes then asks Ss to correct.

V. Consolidation and Homework: - T summarizes main points of the lesson.- Ask Ss to revise and prepare a 45-minute written test.

Sample writing:Last Saturday was my 17th birthday. My parents

me to hold a birthday party at home. I invited a lot of friends and we had a great time.

The party began at 7p.m. We had pizzas and some special dishes that my mom cooked. Then mom brought out a beautiful cake, decorated with fruit and 17 colorful candles in the middle. As I blew out the candles, my friends and family sang the “Happy birthday” song. They clapped their hands happily as I could blow out all the candles at a go. Then mom cut the cake and we had it, together with cheesecake, fruit juice, and fruit salad. Dad played guitar and sang me a beautiful song. My friend also sang along and danced.

The party ended at 8:30 because some of my friends live in the suburb and they needed to catch the 8:45 bus. Some others who live nearby stayed to help me clean up the room. I felt very happy because the party went very well and we had a wonderful time together.

- Whole class

---- ----Tổ trưởng kí duyệt tuần 06


Hứa Thị Hoài Thanh

WEEK 7 th Preparation date: /09/2013Teaching date: /10/2013Period: 19th



Page 47: Giao an 11 cb

Objectives: By the end of the lesson, T will be able to:- help students to revise knowledge from unit 1 to 3.- improve their techniques of doing the simple tests. Teaching aids: Textbook, handouts, chalks, board … Method: Communicative approach. Procedure:

Teacher’s activities Students’ activitiesI. Stabilization:- Greeting the class- Checking the students’ attendance II. Check up:- Asking 2 students to recall some grammar points that they have learnt before.III. Warm up: Answering Questions{Have you prepared it at home?{Have you got any difficulties?IV. New lesson:Revise the main language knowledge:1. Vocabulary in 3 Reading lessons.

2. Pronunciation of /dʒ/ and /t∫/; /m/, /n/ and /ŋ/; /l/, /r/ and /h/.3. Grammar:- Infinitive with to and Infinitive without to.- Present simple indicating past time.- Tense revision: past simple, past progressive and past perfect.- Infinitive and gerund. - Passive infinitive and gerund. - T presents some kinds of exercises:A. Choose the word whose underlined part is pronounced differently from that of the other words.1) A. money B. month C. monitor D. monkey 2) A. mutual B. picture C. question D. quality3) A. teacher B. chemical C. church D. cheeseB. Choose the word that has stress pattern different from that of the other words.4) A. embrace B. floppy C. experience D. embarrass 5) A. rumour B. affair C. suspicious D. attraction C. Circle the best answer for each sentence.6) This ______ girl was disliked by the rest of the class. A. unselfish B. helpful C. generous D. sneaky 7) In “Everyone has a number of acquaintances, but no one has many friends” acquaintances mean ______.A. People whom you know well and whom you like a lot. B. People that you have met but do not know well. C. People who work in the same company. D. People with whom you share a room for a period of time. 8) He was sure that the boy was a ______ because he had stolen her money. A. student B. thief C. doctor D. journalist 9) A good marriage is based on ______.A. secret B. loyalty C. trust D. A & B10) I've never fallen in such a (n) ______ situation before. A. confused B. confusing C. excited D. embarrassing 11) The first quality for true friendship is ______.A. unselfish B. unselfishness

- Greeting the T- Answer

- Do T’s requests

- Listen

- Represent what they’ve learnt

- Write down and do exercisesExpected answers:Letters in bold


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C. selfishness D. selfish 12) A person or thing that is loved and admired very much is the ______.A. fan B. idea C. idol D. ideal 13) Friendship lives by ______, and no friendship can last long which is all give on one side and all take on the other. A. benefit B. enthusiasm C. give and take D. change 14) I'm sorry for making such a ______ about the noise. A. emphasis B. fuss C. trace D. mark 15) A way of asking people to your party is to send ______.A. invitations B. gifts C. money D. warnings16) When we ______ afternoon tea he ______ us about his marriage. A. were having / told B. were having / telling C. was having / told D. were having / had told 17) My close friend ______ this city 9 years ago. A. had left B. leaving C. left D. leave 18) The children were eager ______ their parents. A. saw B. to see C. see D. seeing 19) By the time I ______ into town, the shops ______.A. did / was closing B. got / had closedC. did / had closed D. was closing / closed20) He said he ______ visit me, but he ______ me yet. A. will / is not visiting B. would / had not visit C. will / does not visit D. will / has not visited 21) My mother has some shopping ______.A. did B. do C. doing D. to do 22) They let their children ______ up late at weekends. A. to stay B. staying C. stay D. stayed 23) He refused ______ her ______ for herself. A. allow / to think B. to allow / to think C. allowing / thinking D. to allow / think 24) We are planning ______ several historical sites in Moscow.A. to visit B. visit C. visiting D. visited25) “Where are the other students?” – “I saw them ______ in the yard.”A. to play B. to playing C. play D. to played26) Children often receive presents from their parents at Christmas.A. candles B. candies C. cards D. gifts27) We always celebrate our wedding ______ with dinner in an expensive restaurant every year.A. party B. ring C. cake D. anniversary28) Your ______ is the anniversary of the date on which you were born.A. wedding B. birthday C. party D. congratulation29) The snow kept falling and the workmen grew tired of trying ______ the roads clear.A. keeping B. to keep C. to be kept D. being kept30) He offered ______ me the money. I didn't like taking it but I had no alternative.A. to lend B. to be lent C. lending D. being lent31) Try to avoid being late. He hates ______ waiting.A. being kept B. to be kept C. keeping D. A and B32) I don't appreciate ______ when I am speaking.A. to be interrupted B. interrupting C. being interrupted D. to interrupt


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33) Do you remember ______ seats for the theatre tomorrow?A. to be booked B. booking C. to book D. B and C34) When I told Tim the news, he seemed ______.A. to be surprised B. surprised C. being surprised D. to surprise35) Jack got into trouble when he refused ______ his briefcase for the customs officer.A. opening B. being opened C. to open D. to be openedD. Choose the underlined part among A, B, C or D that needs correcting.36) His mother saw him to get out of the house silently. A B C D37) I was listening to the radio last night when the door bell rings. A B C D38) The manager went fishing after he has finished his work. A B C D39) He is a square face and a crooked nose. A B C D 40) I heard him left the house early this morning. A B C DV. Consolidation and Homework: - What you have learnt in Unit 1, 2 and 3. - Review all grammatical points and vocabulary. - Prepare ONE PERIOD TEST 1.

- Whole class

---- ----

Date: Week 08Period 20th

THE FIRST 45-MIN TEST Objectives: To evaluate Sts’ understanding that they’ve learnt in Unit 1, 2, 3. Method: Well-observed without cheating. Teaching aids: T copies tests for all Sts Procedures: Present the test here.

---- ----

Preparation date: /10/2012Teaching date: /10/2012Period: 21st

TEST CORRECTION 1 Objectives: The Sts can evaluate their knowledge that they’ve learnt in Unit 1, 2, 3. Method: Integrated, mainly communicative. Teaching aids: Textbook, exercise book.


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Procedures: Teacher’s activities Students’ activities

- Teacher gives some comments before correcting in front of class.

∗ Consolidation and Homework: - Summarize the main points.- Revise the forms and uses by heart.- Prepare next lesson.

- The whole class listens to T’s comments and remembers.

---- ----Tổ trưởng kí duyệt


Hứa Thị Hoài Thanh

WEEK 8 th Preparation date: /10/2012Teaching date: /10/2012Period: 22nd


Objectives: By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to:- Develop such reading micro-skills as scanning for specific ideas and skimming for general information.- Use the information they have read to discuss the topic. Teaching aids: Textbook, chalks, board … Method: Communicative approach. Procedure:

Teacher’s activities Students’ activitiesI. Stabilization:- Greeting the class- Checking the students’ attendanceII. Check up:- T calls on some Sts to recall the usages of Infinitive and Gerund; Passive Infinitive and Gerund.III. Warm up: (SONG: TÌNH NGUYỆN)-T prepares handouts with network of the word “Volunteer”.

- Greeting the T- Answer

- Do T’s requests

- Group workSuggest answer:{ Help children{ Help the old{ Help the poor{ Teach poor children

Volunteer work


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IV. Before you read:- Ask Ss to look the picture on page 46 and ask them some Qs:+ What is the old woman doing in the picture?+ What does this mean by “Little Moments Big Magic”?

+What does the picture tell you?

- Ask Ss to work in pairs to read the short poem.- Ask some Ss to give their opinions.

Pre-teaching vocabulary OXFORDvolunteer (n), (v) /,vɒlən’tɪə(r)/: (người) tình nguyện → voluntarily (adv) /‘vɒləntrəli/: tự nguyện, tình nguyện→ voluntary (a) /’vɒləntri/: tự nguyện, tình nguyệntake care of (exp): trông nom, chăm sóc

orphanage (n) /’ɔ:fənɪdʒ/: trại mồ côihomes for the aged (n): viện dưỡng lãohomes of sick or old people: nhà những người lớn tuổi hoặc ốm đau clean up (v): dọn dẹpmow (v): cắt (cỏ)lawn (n): bãi cỏvoluntary organization: tổ chức tình nguyện“Big Brothers”: anh cảdisadvantaged (a) : bị thiệt thòi, thua thiệthandicapped (a) : tàn tật, tật nguyềnovercome (v): vượt qua, khắc phụcremote or mountainous areas: vùng xa hoặc vùng núiprovide education : dạy họcplace of interest: địa điểm tham quan - Ask Ss to make sentences with above words to check their understanding.- Ask Ss to practice reading vocabulary.- Listen and check their pronunciation.V. While you read:

- Whole classSuggest answer:- She is teaching the boy to read.- It means that your little contribution and help may lead to significant results/ may greatly change a person’s life.- It tells me that everybody, no matter what they are young or old, can do volunteer work.- The saying means that if you help somebody by giving some money, it’s just a temporary solution. It’s better to instruct them how to make money legally by teaching them necessary working skills.

- Whole class- Give examplesHe volunteers to teach the poor children.I want to participate in play the game.He overcame the bad habit of smoking during the meals.

- Speak out

- Individual workSuggest answer:

Volunteer work


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Task 1- T asks Ss to work individually to do the task and exchange their answers with other Ss. - T asks Ss for their answers and gives the correct.

Task 2- Ask Ss to read the statements to understand them.- Ask Ss to work individually to do the task, then discuss their answers with their partners.- Call on some Ss to give their answers and asks other Ss to say whether they agree or disagree.

Task 3- Ask Ss to read the questions before reading the text carefully again to find the answers.- Call on some Ss to write their answers on the board and ask them to explain their choices.

VI. After you read:- Ask Ss to work in pairs to discuss the questions in the book.- Go around to help Ss when necessary.- When all pairs have finished. T asks every two pairs to share ideas.- Call on some Ss to report their ideas to the class.VII. Consolidation and Homework: - T summarizes main points of the lesson.- Ask Ss to learn by heart all new words. - Prepare next part – Unit 4: Speaking.

1. voluntary 2. voluntarily3. volunteers 4. volunteered

- Individual workSuggest answer:1. A (line 1-2, para 2)2. D (line3-4, para 2)3. B (line3-4, para4)4. D (last paragraph)5. B (A: too general, C&D do not cover the whole text)

- Individual work and pair workSuggest answer:1. They read books to the people there, play games with them or listen to their problems.2. They give care and comfort to them and help them to overcome their difficulties.3. They volunteer to work in remote or mountainous areas.

- Pair work

- Whole class

---- ----Preparation date: /10/2012Teaching date: /10/2012Period: 23rd


Objectives: By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to:- Talk about different kinds of activities related to volunteer work. Teaching aids: Textbook, chalks, board … Method: Communicative approach. Procedure:

Teacher’s activities Students’ activitiesI. Stabilization:- Greeting the class- Checking the students’ attendanceII. Check up:- Checking Sts’ vocabularies.III. Warm up: Slap the board- Write words on the board:Volunteer, voluntary, voluntarily, trại trẻ mồ côi,

- Greeting the T- Answer

- Do T’s requests

- Group work


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the aged, vượt qua, chịu đựng, remote, tham gia, handicapped, disadvantaged.- Call on some 2 group Ss. T reads aloud the word on the board. Which team slaps the right word fast will be the winner.IV. Before you speak:Task 1- Ask Ss to work in pairs to decide which of the activities in the book are volunteer work. - Call some Ss to give their answers and asks for comments from other students.

V. While you speak:Task 2- Before Ss do the task, T asks them to read the model conversation on page 50. Then Ss read the list of volunteer activities and the exact things related to them.- T can elicit or explain some words quickly.- T requires Ss to match each activity on the left with corresponding activities on the right.Suggested answers:Helping people in mountainous areas

- Teaching the children to read and write- Giving them money

Helping old or sick people

- Cleaning up their houses- Do their shopping- Cooking meals

Helping disadvantaged or handicapped children

- Teaching the children to read and write- Listening to their problems- Playing games with them- Taking them to places of interest

Taking care of invalids and the families of martyrs

- Listening to their problems- Clean up their houses- Doing their shopping- Cooking meals

Taking part in directing the traffic

- Directing vehicles at the intersection- Helping old people and young children to cross the road

- Ask Ss to use the suggestions to make similar dialogues.- After they have finished T calls on some pairs to act out their conversation.- T elicits feedback from the class and gives final

Suggested answers:1. The activities are not volunteer work:Taking part in an excursion and participating in an English speaking club.2. Some volunteer activities: taking part in environmental conservation activities, donating blood, directing traffic, guiding foreign sports teams around when they go to Viet Nam to compete.

- Whole class and pair work+ war invalid ['invəli:d]: thương binh+ martyr (n) ['mɑ:tə]: liệt sĩ+ intersection: đường giao nhau, ngã 3, ngã tư+ direct the traffic: hướng dẫn giao thông

- Pair work



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VI. After you speak:Task 3- Ask Ss to work in group to talk about a kind of volunteer work their friends and they usually do to help people.- Ask Ss to read through the example in the book before practicing talking about one activity their partner takes part in.- Call on some Ss to talk about the activities they take part in.- T elicits feedback from the class and gives final comments.VII. Consolidation and Homework: - T summarizes main points of the lesson.- Learn by heart the new words.- Prepare the next period “Listening”.

A: What kind of volunteer work are you participating in?B: We are taking part in directing the traffic.A: What exactly are you doing?B: We are directing vehicles at the intersections.A: Do you enjoy the work?B: Yes, I like helping people.

- Group workEx: Mai usually takes part in directing the traffic. She directs vehicles at the intersections. Besides, she helps old people and young children to cross the road. She enjoys the work very much because she likes helping people.

- Whole class

---- ----Preparation date: /10/2012Teaching date: /10/2012Period: 24th


Objectives: By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to:- Develop such listening micro-skills as intensive listening for specific information and taking notes while listening. Teaching aids: Textbook, chalks, board, cassette tapes … Method: Communicative approach. Procedure:

Teacher’s activities Students’ activitiesI. Stabilization:- Greeting the class- Checking the students’ attendanceII. Check up:- Ask Sts to go the board and talk about a kind of volunteer work their friends and they usually do to help people.III. Warm up:Competition game - Slap the boardWar, invalid, martyr, intersection, the aged, orphanage, remote, suffer.IV. Before you listen:- Ask Ss to read through the questions and choices on page 51 and makes sure Ss understand all them.- Ask Ss to discuss the questions in pairs.- Call on some Ss to report on their partner’s answers.

- Greeting the T- Answer

- Do T’s requests

- Whole class- Group work

- Individual work


Page 55: Giao an 11 cb

Vocabulary Pre - teaching1. support (v) : ủng hộ2. charity (n) : hội từ thiện3. from time to time: thỉnh thoảng4. raise money: quyên tiền5. donation (n): đồ quyên góp cho tổ chức từ

thiện 6. tax : thuế7. fund-raising activity: hoạt động gây quỹ8. elderly (a): có tuổi, cao tuổi9. organisation for educational development:

V. While you listen: EXERCISETask 1Set the scene: Now you are going to listen to a passage about Spring School, a special school in HCM City.- Ask Ss to read the sentences in task 1 then listen and fill the missing information.- Play the tape once for Ss to do the task.- Ask for Ss’ answers and write them on the board.- Play the tape the second time for Ss to check their answers.Task 2- Ask Ss to read the questions in task 2 before listening to the tape again.- Play the tape again for Ss to do the task. - Get Ss to work in pairs and check their answers.- Call on some Ss to give the answers and elicit feedback from other Ss. If many Ss can’t complete the task, T might want to let Ss listen one more time and pause at the answers for them to catch.

VI. After you listen:- T gets Ss to work in groups to summarize the story about Spring School, using the suggestions. Each group member has to take notes of the discussion.- T goes around to offer help and to collect Ss’ mistakes.- Call on some Ss to present their summary.- T elicits feedback from the class and gives final comments.VII. Consolidation and Homework: - T summarizes main points of the lesson.- Ask Ss to learn by heart all new words.- Prepare next lesson “Writing”.

- Whole class

- Individual workSuggested answers:1. informal2. 30 street children3. 250 children4. 19985. volunteers ……… June

- Pair workSuggested answers:1. It provides classes to disadvantaged children in HCM City.2. Dance, theatre, singing and circus classes were set up in 1999.3. Because they need money to continue their English and Performance Art classes.4. They dance, sing and play music at one of the largest hotels in HCM City.5. Because they need help to contact sponsors and expand the school activities.

- Group work

- Whole class

---- ----Tổ trưởng kí duyệt



Page 56: Giao an 11 cb

Hứa Thị Hoài Thanh

WEEK 9 th Preparation date: /10/2012Teaching date: /10/2012Period: 25th


Objectives: By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to:- Write a thank - you letter to a donor to acknowledge the donor’s contribution. Teaching aids: Textbook, chalks, board … Method: Communicative approach. Procedure:

Teacher’s activities Students’ activitiesI. Stabilization:- Greeting the class- Checking the students’ attendanceII. Check up:- Ask Sts to go the board and talk about a kind of volunteer work their friends and they usually do to help people.III. Warm up:Quiz - a formal letter1. You write your address in …….. of the letter.2. The address of the receiver should be written on …….. starting below our address.3. We can write …….. on the right or the left on the line after the address you are writing to.4. When the letter starts Dear Sir/Madam, you end it with ……..5. When the letter starts Dear Dr Smith, you end it with ……..

- Greeting the T- Answer

- Do T’s requests

OUTLINE ÚT NHI- Group workSuggested answers:1. the top left - hand corner2. the left3. the date4. Yours sincerely,5. Yours sincerely,6. contractions


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6. It is not a good idea to use …….. such as I’m or can’t.IV. Before you write:Task 1- Ask Ss to read the sample letter on page 52 and discuss the purpose(s) of the letter in pairs.- Call on some Ss to give the answers.- Ask Ss to read the letter again and do task 1 individually.- T checks Ss’ answer by asking some Ss to read their answer out loud.- Elicit corrective feedback from other Ss and give the correct answers when necessary.

V. While you write: Task 2- Before Ss write the letter, T asks them to read the instruction carefully.- T gets Ss to write the letter in 15 minutes.- Go around to observe and to offer help.

VI. After you write:Feedback on Ss’ writings- Ask Ss to exchange their writing with another student for peer correction.- Go around and collect mistakes and errors.- Collect some writings for quick feedback.- Write Ss’ typical errors on the board and elicits self and peer correction.- Finally, T provides general comments on the letter.VII. Consolidation and Homework: - T summarizes main points of the lesson.- Ask Ss to improve their writing, taking into consideration their friends.- Prepare next lesson “Language focus”.

- Pair workSuggested answers:- The sample letter is written to thank a donor for donating money.donor /'dounə/: người cho, người tặng- Individual work- The opening of the letter: sentence 1- The donated amount: sentence 1- The way the money is used: sentence 2- The way the receipt is issued: sentence 3- The gratitude on the donor: sentence 4- The closing of the letter: yours faithfully

- Individual work 9 Chuong Duong StreetHoan Kiem DistrictHanoi 30 May, 2007Dear Sir,On behalf of New Future School, I would like to

thank you for your generous donation of VND 1 million. Your contribution will make it possible for us to build our school library. A good library can help the students very much in their studying. We will issue a receipt as soon as possible.

Once again thank you very much for your kindness. We hope to receive more assistance and cooperation from your company in the future.

I look forward to hearing from you soon.Yours faithfully,Le Thi HoaPrincipal of New Future School.

- Whole class

- Whole class

---- ----Preparation date: /10/2012Teaching date: /10/2012


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Period: 26th


Objectives: By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to:- Distinguish the sound /w/ and /j/.- Pronounce the words and sentences containing these sounds correctly.- Use gerunds, present participle, perfect gerunds and perfect participles appropriately. Teaching aids: Textbook, chalks, board … Method: Communicative approach. Procedure:

Teacher’s activities Students’ activitiesI. Stabilization:- Greeting the class- Checking the students’ attendanceII. Check up:- Checking some Sts’ writingIII. Warm up:- Bring along a yardstick and whistle to show Sts and ask them what the things are.IV. Pronunciation:Pronouncing the two sounds separately/w/: is a voiced labial-velar approximant. It is articulated with the back part of the tongue raised toward the soft palate and the lips rounded./j/: is a voiced palatal approximant. It is articulated with the middle or back part of the tongue raised against the hard palate. - T plays the tape (or reads) once for Ss to hear the words containing these two sounds. Then T plays the tape (or reads) again and this time asks Ss to repeat after the tape (or T).Pronouncing words containing the sounds- T asks Ss to practice pronouncing the words in pairs.- T asks some Ss to pronounce the words and gives correction if necessary.Practicing sentences containing the target sounds- T reads the sentences and asks Ss underline the words with the sounds and write /w/ and /j/ under them.- Ask Ss to practice the sentences in pairs.V. Grammar: 1. Gerund (4)PresentationReview the form and uses of gerund. The gerund can be used:a. as a subject of the sentencesb. as the complement of the verb “to be”c. after prepositionsd. after a number of “phrase verb” which are composed of a verb + preposition/adverbto look forward to, to give up, to be for/against, to take to, to put off, to keep on …e. in compound nouns:

- Greeting the T- Answer

- Do T’s requests

- Guess the objects

- Whole class

- Individual work

- Pair work

- Whole class take notesGive examples:- Reading helps you learn English.- Her favorite hobby is reading.- She is good at learning English.- I look forward to hearing from you soon.- He kept on asking for a discount. (giảm giá)- I can’t stand being stuck in traffic jams.- It’s no use/good trying to persuade him.


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a driving lesson, a swimming pool, bird- watchingf. after the expressions:can’t stand/ help, it’s no good/ use, it’s worth …PracticeExercise 1- T asks Ss to do exercise 1 individually and then compare their answers with another student.- T calls on some Ss to read out their answers.- T elicits peer correction and gives correct answer if necessary.2. Present participle (7)PresentationThe present participle is used in the following ways:a. as part of the continuous form of a verbb. after verbs of movement/position in the pattern:verb + present participlec. verb + object + present participled. as an adjectivee. verb + time/ money expression + present participlef. catch/find + object + present participleg. to replace a sentence or part of a sentence or part of a sentenceXEM SÁCH CHỊ THẮM

PracticeExercise 2- Ask Ss to do exercise 2 in pairs.- Ask them to compare answers with another pair.- Call on some Ss to go to the board to write their answers.- Ask the other Ss to feedback and give correct answers.3. Perfect gerund and perfect participle Presentation (2 dòng)a. Perfect gerundForm: having + PPUse:- It can be used instead of the present form of the gerund when we are referring to a past action.Ex : He was accused of deserting his ship = he was accused of having deserted his ship.- It also is used to emphasize completion in both the past and the future.Ex: The retired teacher recalled having taught.b. Perfect participle Form: having + PPUse: + The perfect participle can be used instead of the present participle when one action is immediately followed by another with the same subject.(Phân từ hoàn thành có thể được dùng thay cho hiện tại phân từ trong câu có hai hành động xảy

- Whole classSuggested answers:1. listening 2. bending 3. behaving4. meeting 5. spending 6. waiting7. starting

- Whole class take noteGive examples:- I am working/ She was dancing.- I go shopping everyday.- He came running towards me.- I heard someone playing the guitar I can smell something burning.- It was an interesting film. It’s a bit worrying when the police stop you.- I spend 2 hours doing this exercise. Don’t waste time playing computer games.- If I catch you stealing my apples again, I’ll tell your parents.- We found our dog lying in the bathroom.- Singing to himself, he walked down the road.

- Pair workSuggested answers:1. burning/rising 2. reading 3. lying4. shopping 5. preparing 6. trying7. modernizing

- Nó được dùng để thay thế hình thức hiện tại của danh động từ khi chúng ta đề cập đến một hành động trong quá khứ.

- Nó còn dùng để nhấn mạnh sự hoàn thành của hành động ở cả quá khứ và tương lai.

Ex: Switching off the light, we went to bed= Having switched off the light, we went to bed.


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ra liên tiếp nhau cùng một chủ ngữ)+ The perfect participle emphasizes the first action is complete before the second one starts.(Phân từ hoàn thành còn nhấn mạnh hành động thứ nhất hoàn thành trước khi hành động thứ hai bắt đầu)+ The perfect participle is necessary when there is an interval (khoảng thời gian) of time between the two actions.(Nhất thiết phải dùng phân từ hoàn thành khi có một khoảng thời gian giữa hai hành động)+ It is also used when the first action covered a period of time.(Nó được dùng khi hành động đầu tiên kéo dài trong một khoảng thời gian)Ex: Having been ill for a long time, he appreciated his health more.PracticeExercise 3- T asks Ss t to do exercise 3 individually and then compare their answers with another student.- T calls on some Ss to read out their answers.- T elicits peer correction and gives correct answer if necessary.VI. Free-Practice: Choose the best answer.1) The girl ______ behind you is naughty. A. is standing B. standing C. stood D. stands 2) ______ for twelve hours, I felt marvelous.A. Having slept B. Have sleptC. Having been slept D. Have been slept3) By the time their baby arrives, the Johnson hope ______ decorating the new nursery.A. having finishedB. to have finishedC. having been finished D. to have been finishedVII. Consolidation and Homework: - T summarizes main points of the lesson.- Ask Ss to learn by heart all points that have been covered in the lesson and give more examples.- Prepare next lesson “Reading – Unit 6”.

Ex: She bought a bike and cycled home.Having bought a bike, she cycled home.

Ex: Having failed twice, he didn’t want to try again.

Ex: He had been living there for such a long time that he didn’t want to move to another town.Having lived there for such a long time that he didn’t want to move to another town.

- Individual workSuggested answers:1. having made 2. having been 3. having been4. having tied 5. having read 6. having taken

- Whole classSuggested answers:Letters in bold

- Whole class

---- ----


Môn: English. Lớp: 11 …… (Chương trình Chuẩn)Thời gian làm bài: 15 phút (Không tính thời gian phát đề)

(Mã đề: 1)Name: ..........................................................................

A. PHONETICI. Choose the word whose underlined part is pronounced differently from that of the other words. (1m)1) A. water B. window C. whole D. whale2) A. uniform B. useful C. under D. universityII. Choose the word that has stress pattern different from that of the other words. (1m)3) A. volunteer B. nation C. college D. hospital4) A. support B. suffer C. suggest D. succeed


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B. VOCABULARY AND GRAMMARChoose the best answer to complete each sentence. (6ms)5) Each nation has many people who voluntarily take care ______ others. A. in B. on C. to D. of6) Some high school students take part in helping the handicapped.A. participate B. complete C. experience D. support7) He was accused of ______ his ship two months agoA. deserting B. having deserting C. having deserted D. deserted8) Touch your toes without ______ your kneesA. bending B. bend C. bends D. To bend9) The new law allows school districts to spend more money on less ______ children.A. advantageous B. disadvantageous C. advantaged D. disadvantaged10) He dreamed of ______ his 20th birthday party held on a luxury boat.A. have B. having C. had D. to have11) Would you like ______ me some tea?A. make B. to make C. making D. made12) She smelt something ______.A. burned B. burning C. to burn D. burns13) They spend much time ______ their homeworkA. doing B. do C. making D. make14) I would like to express my thanks ______ the donation from your companyA. to B. on C. for D. of15) The school requires ______ to help organize their fund-raising dinnerA. volunteers B. voluntary C. voluntarily D. volunteered16) The children admitted ______ the glassA. break B. breaking C. having broken D. have brokenC. WRITING (2ms)Rewrite the sentences beginning with an appropriate participle (present or past perfect)1. He had spent his childhood in Oslo, so he knew the city well. Having spent his childhood in Oslo, he knew the city well.2. Because I was walking quickly, I soon caught up with her. Walking quickly, I soon caught up with her.3. The house was built of wood, so it was clearly a fire risk. Built/ Being built of wood, the house was clearly a fire risk.4. Keith spent a lot of time filling in job application forms because he was unemployed. Being unemployed, Keith spent a lot of time filling in job application forms. Answer keys: Letters in bold

---- ----Preparation date: /10/2012Teaching date: /10/2012Period: 27th


Objectives: By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to:- Develop such reading micro-skills as scanning for specific ideas and identifying meaning in text.- Use the information they have read to discuss the related topic. Teaching aids: Textbook, handouts, pictures about competitions … Method: Communicative approach. Procedure:

Teacher’s activities Students’ activitiesI. Stabilization:- Greeting the class- Checking the students’ attendanceII. Check up:

- Greeting the T- Answer


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- Ask Sts to go the board and talk about the usage of gerund and present participle.III. Warm up:- Get Ss to work in pairs, matching the 4 given competition with the correct pictures on page 66.- Check the answer with the whole class.- Get Ss to tell which of these competition they like most and why. T gets Ss to name some other competitions that they know or have ever participated in and elicits their comments on the events.IV. Before you read:- Introduce the topic of the lesson and get Ss to work in pairs and answer the questions on page 67.- Call on some Ss to answer the questions. Ask Ss to give reasons for their answers. T helps Ss to express their ideas.

Vocabulary pre- teach OXFORDrepresentative (n) [,repri'zentətiv]:competition (n) [,kɔmpə'ti∫n]:to compete against / with somebody in / for somethingcompetitive (a) [kəm'petətiv]:competitor (n) [kəm'petitə]:to take part in st/doing st = to participate in st/doing ststimulate (v) ['stimjuleit]→stimulation (n)annual (a) ['ænjuəl] = yearlysponsor (v,n) ['spɔnsə]:judge (n) ['dʒʌdʒ]:announce (v) [ə'nauns]:- Ask Ss to practice the new words and make sentences from the new words.- Then ask Ss to guess what they are going to read about.V. While you read:Set the scene: You are going to about a school’s competition.Task 1- Get Ss to read the passage silently and then do Task 1.- Check the answers with the whole class.- Check Ss’ understanding all these words correctly by calling on some Ss to tell the meaning of the words in Vietnamese.Task 2- Ask Ss skim the 6 questions to understand them.- Ask them to read carefully the passage again. - Then T gets Ss to check their answer with a partner.- Call on some Ss to read aloud their answers and

- Do T’s requests

- Pair worka. Quiz: Road to Mount Olympiab. London Marathonc. Sao Mai Television Singing contestd. Olympic Games

- Pair workSuggested answers:1. Yes, Because I want to overcome myself.2. Yes, I do. I like to win in Quiz: “Road to Mount Olympia”.3. No, it isn’t. Because I think the most important thing is having a chance to participate in a competition, learning from other competitors and enjoy ourselves.

ngươi đai diêncuôc thi đâutranh đua với ai

có tính cạnh tranhngười thi đấutham gia

khuyên khichhàng nămđơ đâu, bao trơgiám khảothông bao

- Individual workSuggested answers:1. d 2. f 3. e 4. c 5. b 6. a

- Individual work and pair workSuggested answers:1. The representatives of 3 classes of the (speaker’s) school.2. The aim was to stimulate the spirit of learning


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ask them to explain their choices.- Give the correct answers.

Task 3 - Ask Ss to read Para 5 again and complete the sentences.- Call on some Ss to write their answers on the board and ask them to explain their choices.

VI. After you read:- T reads the poem aloud once or twice and get Ss to repeat each line after her/him.- Let Ss practice reciting the poem in their own groups.- Call on different groups to read the poem and ask the class to decide who the best performers are.- Ask them to translate the poem into Vietnamese.VII. Consolidation and Homework: - T summarizes main points of the lesson.- Ask Ss to learn by heart the new words and make sentences from them.- Prepare next lesson “Speaking”.

English among students. 3. The Ss’ Parents Society.4. They had to complete 5 activities in all. On competition of each activity, they had to answer the questions in the worksheets within 2 minutes.5. They had to observe and score the Ss’ performance. A maximum score for each activity was 15. At the end of the competition they would announce the total score of each group. The group that got the highest scores will be the winner.6. A set of CDs for studying English and an Oxford Advanced Learner’s Dictionary.

- Group workpatter ['pætə]: tiêng ti tach, tiêng lôp đôp (mưa rơi)Window – pane /'windou'pein/ ô kinh cưa sôSuggested answers:1. …. to recite/complete the poem because he could not remember the last sentence.2. …. became the winner of the competition.3. …. 60 points.4. …. “For me the important thing was our participation in the competition and the enjoyment we had from it”.

- Whole class

- Whole class

---- ---- Tổ trưởng kí duyệt


Hứa Thị Hoài Thanh


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WEEK 10 th Preparation date: /10/2012Teaching date: /10/2012Period: 28th


Objectives: By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to:- Ask for and give information about types of competitions.- Talk about a competition or contest. Teaching aids: Textbook, handouts, pictures about competitions … Method: Communicative approach. Procedure:

Teacher’s activities Students’ activitiesI. Stabilization:- Greeting the class- Checking the students’ attendanceII. Check up:- Asking a student to read the passage, answer T’s questions.III. Warm up:Handouts: General knowledge quiz- T delivers the handouts in which have the questions for Ss to choose the correct answers.1. Which language has the most native speaker?a. Bengali b. English c. Mandarin Chinese d. Spanish2. What is the largest country (by area) in the world that has a land border with only one other country?a. Australia b. Canada c. India d. United States3. In which country will the 2008 Olympic Games held?a. China b. Germany c. Greece d. United States4. In which country is Mount Everest?a. Tibet b. Nepal c. Finland d. Switzerland5. Which continent has the biggest population?a. Africa b. Europe c. America d. AsiaIV. Before you speak:Task 1- Introduce the task and gets Ss to do it individually.- Explain the meaning of the new words. - Call on different pairs to report their answers. T should encourage them to explain why they like or dislike a game/contest and help them to express their ideas when necessary.V. While you speak:Task 2- Introduce the task and call on one or two pairs

- Greeting the T- Answer

- Do T’s requests

- Group workSuggested answers:6. Which famous pop musician sang at Princess Diana’s funeral? a. Mariah Carey b. Elton John c. Ricky Martin d. Celine Dion7. Which is the nearest star?a. The Moon b. Jupiter c. The Sun d. Mars8. Who discovered America?a. Christopher Columbus b. James Cookc. Great Khan d. King Henry VIII9. Who wrote the song entitled “Yesterday”.a. John Lennon b. Paul McCartneyc. Yoko Ono d. George Harrison10. How many legs does a butterfly have? a. 3 b. 4 c. 5 d. 6 Answer : 1. c 2. b 3. a 4. b 5. d6. b 7. c 8. a 9. b 10. d

- Individual work and pair workEx:My partner likes…..but I dislike itBoth of us like/dislike…..Neither my partner nor I like…..Neither of us like…..

- Pair work


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of Ss to read aloud the sample dialogue.- Ask Ss to read the useful expression on page 69 and explain the new words.- Giving more structures:Asking for opinions:What do you think about…..?What your opinion about…..?How do you feel about…..?Do you like…..?Giving opinionsI think…..is/ are good/ fun/ great/ wonderful/ perfect/ interestingI think in my opinion…..From my point of view…..As I see it…..- Put Ss into pairs and get them to make similar dialogue, using the structures they have learnt.- Go around to check and to offer help.- After that T calls on some pairs to perform their dialogue.VI. After you speak:Task 3- Put Ss in groups of 3 or 4. T tells each group to choose a famous TV game or competition and work out details about it.- Go around to check and to offer help.- After Ss have finished, T call on each group to come the front. The whole class will ask questions about the game/contest and guess what game, contest it is.VII. Consolidation and Homework: - T summarizes main points of the lesson.- Ask Ss to write a paragraph about a game show they like.- Prepare next lesson “Listening”.

- Group work

- Whole class

- Whole class

---- ----Preparation date: /10/2012Teaching date: /10/2012Period: 29th


Objectives: By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to:- Develop extensive listening skills.- Use the information they have listened to for other communicative tasks. Teaching aids: Textbook, handouts, cassette tapes … Method: Communicative approach. Procedure:

Teacher’s activities Students’ activitiesI. Stabilization:- Greeting the class- Checking the students’ attendanceII. Check up:- Ask Sts to go the board and talk about a competition or contest you have recently joined or

- Greeting the T- Answer

- Do T’s requests


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seen.III. Warm up: Jumbled words- T divides the class into groups of 3 or 4.- Give each group one card containing 10 words whose letters are jumbled and ask Ss to rearrange the letter to make good words. The group which finishes the task first with the most correct words will be the winner.The card1. tohamarn 2. sifihn 3. renurn 4. chiatelt 5. crae 6. conpahim 7. nurning 8. centadis 9. storp 10. cirangIV. Before you listen: - T uses the picture in the textbook to introduce the topic:+ What can you see in the picture?+ What event is it?+ Where do you think the Boston Marathon might take place?+ What is the Boston Marathon?

+ Who do you think can take part in the Boston race?V. While you listen: EXERCISETask 1Instruction: You are going to listen about the Boston Marathon. Listen and answer T/F questions. Put a tick in the appropriate box.- Before listening, ask Ss to read through the statements to understand them and underline keys words.- Play the tape once for Ss to listen and do the task.- Check the answer with the whole class. If many Ss cannot answer the questions, T plays the tape one or two more times and pauses at the answer for them to catch.Task 2- T asks Ss to read through the questions in task 2.- Play the tape again for Ss to answer the questions.- Get Ss to check their answer with a partner. Then T checks with whole class. T should play the tape again and pause at difficult points if many Ss cannot complete the task.VI. After you listen:- Ask Ss to talk about a famous Vietnamese runner or sportsman/ sportswoman that they like.- Put Ss in small group of 3 or 4.- Ask each group will prepare a short biography of a famous Vietnamese runner (or sportsman)

- Group workSuggested answers:1. marathon 2. finish3. runner 4. athletic5. race 6. champion7. running 8. distance9. sport 10. racing

- Whole class Suggested answers:+ We can see two athletes+ Boston Marathon+ USA

+ It is held in the USA.+ It began at the end of the 19th century.+ The Boston race is about 42 km.+ Runners have to go through 13 towns during the race.+ Athletes

- Individual workSuggested answers:1. T 2. T 3. F (2 hours 50 minutes and 10 seconds)4. F (1967) 5. T6. F (pass through 13 towns and ends in centre of Boston)

- Individual work/ pair work and whole classSuggested answers:1. New York2. In 19723. 84. 6164

- Work in group


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and do not let other group know who is this person is.- Go around the class to check and offer help.- After finishing, T calls on the representative of each group to talk about their favourite sportsman/ woman.- Listen and take notes of Ss’ errors. T provides corrective feedback after that.VII. Consolidation and Homework: - T summarizes main points of the lesson.- Do exercises in workbook.- Prepare next lesson “Writing”.

- Whole class

---- ----Preparation date: /10/2012Teaching date: /10/2012Period: 30th


Objectives: By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to:- Write a letter to reply to the request of information. Teaching aids: Textbook, handouts … Method: Communicative approach. Procedure:

Teacher’s activities Students’ activitiesI. Stabilization:- Greeting the class- Checking the students’ attendanceII. Check up:- No checking.III. Warm up: Hang-man game- T revises the vocabulary Ss learned in last lessons.Ex: competition, representative …IV. Before you write:Task 1- T asks Ss if they want to participate in a competition, what information about the competition they would like to know and would look for. T writes the answers on the board.- T gets Ss to read the letter in task 1 individually.- Ask Ss to indentify who wrote the letter, for what purpose, what information she requested and compare their answers with the ideas on the board.

Some structuresV. While you write:- T gets Ss to read the requirement of task 2 and work out with a peer what they need to include in the reply letter and what kind of language(formal or informal) they need to use.- Get Ss to write their own letters in 10 minutes.- T then asks Ss to get in pairs, exchange their letters and correct each other.

- Greeting the T- Answer

- Group work

- Individual workSuggested answers:When? (the date and time)Where? (the venue)Who? (who can participate, who are the hosts/ judges, who to contact … ect)How? (how to apply to participate, how the contest proceeds, how the candidates’ performance is assesses … etc)What? (what is expected of the candidates, what the award is)

- Individual work and pair workSuggested writing 2:English for the World106 Tran Hung Dao St, Hoan Kiem DistrictHanoi October 18,2007 Dear Thu Trang,


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- T goes around to offer help.Suggested writing 1: 28th October, 2007 Dear Thu Trang,

Thank for your letter and welcome to our English Speaking Competition. Here are some details about the competition:

The number of participants is limited - just 25. The competition is held on 25th November 2007, at 106 Tran Hung Dao Street, Hoan Kiem District, Hanoi. It starts at 8:00p.m. Contestants should be present one hour before the competition for registration.

For more information please contact me on the phone number(04) 9838188, and email: [email protected]

Best wishes,Kate JohnsonSecretary

VI. After you write: - T chooses one or two letters and reads it/them to the class.- Then T elicits corrective feedback from the class and gives final comments afterwards. T should draw Ss’ attention to the format of the letter, the organization of ideas and language use. VII. Consolidation and Homework: - T summarizes main points of the lesson.- T asks Ss to revise their letters according to their peer’s suggestions and submit for making in the next lesson: “Language focus”.

Thank you for your interest in our English Speaking Competition. Here is the information that you request.

Date and time: 8:30p.m, October 25, 2006Venue: 106 Tran Hung DaoNumber of participant: 25Entry procedure: Candidates fill an application

form to participate.We encourage you to apply to participate by

4p.m, October 20. Because this year we limit the number of participants to only 25, application submitted late will not be considered.

For further information, please contact me on 9838188 or email me at [email protected]

We wish you good luck at the contest and look forward to seeing you there.

Best regards Kate Johnson Secretary

- Whole class

- Whole class

---- ----Tổ trưởng kí duyệt


Hứa Thị Hoài Thanh


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WEEK 11 th Preparation date: /10/2012Teaching date: /10/2012Period: 31st


Objectives: By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to:- Distinguish the clusters /tr/, /dr/, /tw/ and pronounce the words and sentences containing them correctly.- Understand reported speech with gerund and use these structures to solve communicative tasks. Teaching aids: Textbook, handouts … Method: Communicative approach. Procedure:

Teacher’s activities Students’ activitiesI. Stabilization:- Greeting the class- Checking the students’ attendanceII. Check up:- Checking some Sts’ writing.III. Warm up: Jumbled wordscitraff → trafficvelrta → travelvedri → drivetytenw → twentykindr → drinkIV. Pronunciation: Distinguish sounds:- T models the three clusters /tr/, /dr/, /tw/ for few times and explains how to pronounce them.- T gets Ss to read the words in each column out loud in chorus for a few more times. T listens and corrects if Ss pronounce the words incorrectly.Practicing sentences containing the target sounds:- Ask Ss to work in pairs and take turn to read aloud the given sentences.- Go around to listen and to take notes of the typical errors.- Call on some Ss to read the sentences again and provides corrective feedback.V. Grammar:PresentationReported speech with gerundForm: V + (O) + Preposition + (not) + V-ingThe usage: We usually use a gerund structure to report thanking, apologies, accusations, and so on.Verbs: accuse (sb) of, apologize (sb) for, insist on, congratulate (sb) on, dream of, warn (sb) against, prevent (sb) from, thank (sb) for,

- Greeting the T- Answer

- Do T’s request

- Whole class

- Individual work and whole class

- Pair work

- Whole class take note and give examplesEx: “Sorry, I’m late”.→ She apologized for being late.Ex: “I didn’t do that”.→ She denied doing that.Ex: “It was nice of you to help me. Thank you very much”.


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suspect (sb) of …Note: We don’t use “say” in this structure.- Some verbs do not need a preposition:+ stop, admit, suggest, deny, mention, propose (đê nghi) …Chia làm 3 loạiPracticeExercise 1:- T gets Ss to do the exercise 1 individually and then find a partner to check their answers.- T checks with whole class and provides corrective feedback.

Exercise 2:- T gets Ss to do the exercise 1 individually and then find a partner to check their answers.- T checks with whole class and provides corrective feedback.

VI. Free – Practice:- T gives some verbs/phrase verbs: thank … for, admit, warn … about/against, dream of, think of, apologize for … and asks Sts to make a sentence with these verbs/these phrase verbs.- T checks St understanding of the instructions. - T goes around to give help Sts.VII. Consolidation and Homework: - T summarizes the main points of the lesson.- Ask Ss to revise reported speech with gerund and do exercises in the workbook.- Prepare next lesson “Test yourself B”.

→ Tom thanked me for helping him.Ex: “Shall we pick you up at school?”→ They suggested picking me up at school.

- Individual work, pair work and whole class.Suggested answers:1. John congratulated us on passing our exam.2. Mary apologized for not phoning me earlier.3. Peter insisted on driving Linda to the station.4. The teacher accused the boy of not paying attention to what he had said.5. Bob has always dreamed of being rich.6. I warned Ann against staying at the hotel near the airport.7. Her mother prevented Jane from going out that night.8. Miss White thanked Jack for visiting her.

- Individual work, pair work and whole class.Suggested answers:1. Tom insisted on paying for the meal.2. Mr. and Mrs. Smith looked forward to meeting their children soon.3. The boy denied breaking the window of the woman’s house.4. The policeman stopped the customer from leaving the shop.5. The thief admitted stealing Mrs. Brown’s car.6. Ann suggested having a party the next Saturday.7. John and his wife were thinking of buying the house.

- Whole classEx: Lan thanked her mother for giving her a bike on her birthday.

- Whole class

---- ----Preparation date: /10/2012Teaching date: /10/2012Period: 32nd

TEST YOURSELF B Objectives: By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to:


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- revise all the language skills and grammatical points which they have studied and used in the three units: 4, and 6.- improve their techniques of doing the simple tests. Teaching aids: Textbook, handouts, cassette tape and player … Method: Communicative approach. Procedure:

Teacher’s activities Students’ activitiesI. Stabilization:- Greeting the class- Checking the students’ attendanceII. Check up:- Call on some Sts to check: the usages of gerund and present participle, the structures of reported speech with gerund.III. Warm up: - Ask students something about the test yourself B.* Have you prepared it at home?* Have you got any difficulties?IV. TEST YOURSELF:I. Listening:- Ask students to read all the sentences first.- Ask students to listen to the tape once.- Ask students to listen again and speak out the statements are true or false.- Ask students to listen in the third time, the work in groups to compare and discuss the answers with each others to find the correct answers. II. Reading:- T asks pupils to work in groups to compare the answers they have already done to find the correct ones.- Give the correct answers to the class:III. Grammar:a/ Ask students to listen and put a tick in the right box.- Keys: a/ 1. play; 2. drive; 3. twice; 4. proud.- Let students finish each of the following sentences in such a way that it has the same meaning as the original sentence.- Keys: b/ 1. talking; 2. to go; 3. smoking; 4. saying; 5. do; 6. going.IV. Writing:- Call the students to read the suggested sentences in front of the class.- Check their writings and help them correct the mistakes if they’ve made.

- Greeting the T- Answer

- Do T’s request

- Read the questions - Listen to the tape- Listen again and say the statements are true or false- Listen and discuss in groups to find the correct answers:1. A, 2. B, 3. D, 4. C, 5. B.

- Work in groups to discuss about the passage.- Write the answers on the board.- Listen to the teacher and correct the answers.Keys: 1. D, 2. B, 3. B, 4. C, 5. C.

- Listen to the teacher- Work in groups - Compare the results with the other groups.- Show the answers in front of the class. - Observe the keys and correct their answers.

Sample writing:“Road to Mount Olympia” is a very popular

competition for high Ss in Vietnam. It is a general knowledge quiz, which debuted on VTV3 in 1999 and since then has been aired at 10:30a.m every Sunday on the same channel. The show is sponsored by LG Corp and hosted by several popular speakers such as Ta Bich Loan, Luu Minh Vu, and Tung Chi.

The competition lasts one year and consists of


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V. Consolidation and Homework: - Ask students:+ to study all the lessons again.+ to get ready for the 45 minute-test in the next period.

52 qualifying sessions and a final. There are 4 competitors in each session. These are the representatives of different schools around the country. They are asked Qs about sciences and arts. The winner of each weekly session can go to the monthly session and compete with other Ss to win a place at the quarterly session. The winners of the quarterly session can go to the final. The winner of the final will receive a large cash prize.

I like the show very much because I can learn a lot from the Qs asked in it.

- Study all the lessons again.- Get the knowledge ready for the coming test.

---- ----Preparation date: /10/2012Teaching date: /10/2012Period: 33rd

REVISION FOR THE SECOND 45-MIN TEST Objectives: By the end of the lesson, T will be able to:- help students to revise knowledge from unit 4 and unit 6.- improve their techniques of doing the simple tests. Teaching aids: Textbook, handouts, chalks, board … Method: Communicative approach. Procedure:

Teacher’s activities Students’ activitiesI. Stabilization:- Greeting the class- Checking the students’ attendance II. Check up:- Asking 2 students to recall some grammar points that they have learnt before.III. Warm up: Answering Questions Have you prepared it at home? Have you got any difficulties?IV. New lesson:Revise the main language knowledge:1. Vocabulary in 2 Reading lessons.2. Pronunciation of /w/, /j/ and /dr/, /tr/ and /tw/.3. Grammar:- Gerund and present participle. - Perfect gerund and perfect participle. - Reported speech with gerund.- T presents some kinds of exercises:I/ Choose the best answer to complete these sentences below.1. She was able to ______ all the tasks assigned to her.A. keep on B. set up C. put off D. carry out2. We managed to ______ over $4,000 through donations and other events.A. deposit B. donate C. raise D. exchange3. Laura reminded her roommate ______ her alarm clock for 6:00.A. to set B. setting C. to be set D. of setting

- Greeting the T- Answer

- Do T’s requests

- Listen

- Represent what they’ve learnt

- Write down and do exercisesExpected answers:Letters in bold


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4. The boy had found a wallet in the street, and then he ______ to return it to the loser.A. tried B. had tried C. was trying D. had been trying5. The two children blamed each other ______ the window.A. to break B. breaking C. for breaking D. having broken6. The government has spent £1 million on an advertising ______ to encourage energy conservation.A. campaign B. promotion C. operation D. competition7. No one could ever accuse this government ______ about the poor.A. not caring B. of not caring C. for not caring D. not to care8. I heard the tyre ______ and then the lorry skidded across the road.A. burst B. bursting C. be burst D. being burst9. I was ______ to find that the film was quite ______.A. surprised - frightening B. surprised - frightenedC. surprising - frightening D. surprising - frightened10. Our education will help with the ______ of knowledge for the young.A. rich B. riches C. richness D. enrichment11. I don't remember ______ of the decision to change the company policy on vacations. When was it decided?A. telling B. being told C. to tell D. to be told12. ______ six months for the washing machine to be delivered, I decided to cancel the order.A. Waiting B. Having waited C. Being waited D. Waited13. Many firms are now struggling to survive in a highly ______ marketplace.A. competing B. competition C. competitive D. uncompetitive14. The ______ will observe and score your performance in the contest. A. judges B. contestants C. sponsors D. winners15. ______, she went home early. A. Feel not well B. Having felt not wellC. Feeling not well D. Not feeling well16. He congratulated the team ______ all their games.A. to win B. winning C. for their winning D. on having won17. I often ______ of being famous when I was younger.A. accused B. dreamed C. pretended D. assuredII. Rewrite the following sentences so that the meaning of them don’t change.1. She crossed the road. I saw her.

→ I saw her………………………………………………….

2. I knew that he was poor. I offered to pay his fare.

→ Knowing that ……………………………………………

3. He was foolish. He left the firm.

→ He was ……………………………………………………

4. The film was boring. I didn’t watch it.

→ The film ………………………………………………….

5. He found no one at home .He left the house in a bad temper.

→ Finding …………………………………………………..

- Individual workExpected answers:1. crossing the road.2. he was poor, I offered …3. foolish, leaving the firm.4. was boring to watch.5. no one at home, he …5. a lot of books to read.


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6. My son has a lot of books that he can read.

→ My son has………………………………………………

III. Read the passage and then answer the questions that follow.Last Monday morning, Mrs. Brown was in her bedroom getting

ready to go to work when suddenly she saw a mouse, so she screamed and jumped up on a chair because she was frightened. Then she had a good idea. She jumped up and ran downstairs to get her cat, Tiger.

At first she couldn’t find him anywhere, but finally she found him under the kitchen table. Quickly, she grabbed him under her arm and run back upstairs, Mrs. Brown hurried into the bedroom and put Tiger on the floor. Then she got up on the chair again. Unfortunately, Tiger was scared too, so he leapt onto her shoulder. That is a coward!1. What happened to Mrs. Brown last Monday?…………………………………………………………….2. What did she name her cat?…………………………………………………………….3. What did her cat do when she got up on the chair again?…………………………………………………………….4. What do you think of her Tiger?…………………………………………………………….V. Free – Practice:Make complete sentences using the cues below.1. It/ kind/ you/ help me…………………………………………………………..2. The friendship/ one/ most/ important things…………………………………………………………..3. My /personal experience/ robbing/ beautiful pen/ my friend…………………………………………………………..

VI. Consolidation and Homework: - What you have learnt in Unit 4 and 6. - Review all grammatical points and vocabulary. - Prepare ONE PERIOD TEST 2.

- Pair work Expected answers:1. Last Monday, Mrs. Brown was in her bedroom getting ready to go to work when suddenly she saw a mouse.2. Tiger.3. Tiger was scared too, so he leapt onto her shoulder.4. He is so cowardly.

- Whole classExpected answers:1. It’s very kind of you to help me.2. The friendship is one of the most important things.3. My personal experience is robbing the beautiful pen of my friend.

- Whole class

---- ----Tổ trưởng kí duyệt


Hứa Thị Hoài Thanh


Page 75: Giao an 11 cb

WEEK 12 th Preparation date: /11/2012

Week 12Period 34th

THE SECOND 45-MIN TEST Objectives: To evaluate Sts’ understanding that they’ve learnt in Unit 4 and 6. Method: Well-observed without cheating. Teaching aids: T copies tests for all Sts. Procedures: Present the test here.

---- ----Preparation date: /11/2012Teaching date: /11/2012Period: 35th

TEST CORRECTION 2 Objectives: The Sts can evaluate their knowledge that they’ve learnt in Unit 4 and 6. Method: Integrated, mainly communicative. Teaching aids: Textbook, exercise book. Procedures:

Teacher’s activities Students’ activities- Teacher gives some comments before correcting in front of class.

∗ Consolidation and Homework: - Summarize the main points.- Revise the forms and uses by heart.- Prepare next lesson.

- The whole class listens to T’s comments and remembers.

---- ----

Preparation date: /11/2012Teaching date: /11/2012Period: 36th



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Objectives: By the end of the lesson, Sts will be able to:- Develop such reading micro-skills as scanning for specific ideas and guessing meaning in context.- Use the information they have read to discuss the topic. Teaching aids: Textbook, handouts, chalks, board … Method: Communicative approach. Procedure:

Teacher’s activities Students’ activitiesI. Stabilization:- Greeting the class- Checking the students’ attendance II. Check up:- Asking 2 students to recall some grammar points that they have learnt before.III. Warm up: Lucky number1. Can you sing a song?2. Lucky number3. The noun of populate4. Which continent has the biggest population?5. The synonym of “country” - nationIV. Before you read:- Discussing the picturesAsk Ss to look the pictures on page 80 then answer the questions: Who can you see in the first picture? How many children does the man have? How is the house which his family live in? What does the man do to earn his living?

What do two pictures tell you?

Pre – teaching vocabulary OXFORDto double: tăng gấp đôiaverage (a): bình thường, trung bìnhbirth-control methods: các biện pháp hạn chế sinh sảnfamily planning: kế hoạch hóa gia đìnhIt is time sb did st: đã đến lúc ai đó phải làm gìEx: It is time he came back hometo continue to do stEx: It continued to rain heavilyV. While you read: Setting the sceneYou are going to read a passage about the world population. While you read, doing the tasks in text book.Task 1- Ask Ss to read the words in the box then complete each sentence with a suitable word.- Ask Ss to work individually to do the task.- Ask Ss to exchange their answers with other Ss. - Call some of them to answer and give the feedback.Task 2

- Greeting the T- Answer

- Do T’s requests

- Group work

- Pair work

Suggested answers: A family with too many children. 6 children. They live in an old mud and draw cottage. He is unemployed so he has to do manual work. The first picture tells us that if we have a big family, we may not support our children properly and give them a good life and education. The second picture indicates that population explosion can lead to poverty and unemployment.

- Take notes and practice reading vocabulary

- Pay attention

- Individual work and pair workSuggested answers:1. although 5. figures2. method 6. limit 3. increases 7. international4. resources 8. control


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- Ask Ss how to do this task and ask them to read the questions and underline key words before answering them.- Ask Ss to work individually to do the task, then discuss their answers with their peers.- Call on some Ss to give their answer and ask them to explain their choices. T elicits feedback from other Ss and gives the correct answers.

VI. After you read:- T writes the name of ten countries on the board and asks Ss to work in pairs to order these countries according to their population.Number 1 is the most populated country. And which is the richest, which is the poorest of them, which is in Asia (South America, North America Europe, Africa)Indonesia RussiaChina JapanPakistan NigeriaBrazil BangladeshUnited States IndiaVII. Consolidation and Homework: - T summarizes the main points.- T asks Ss to learn by heart all new words and prepare next part.

- Individual work and pair workSuggested answers:1. The population of the world in 10.000 B.C was 10 million, in 1750 it was 650 million, in 1850 it was 1300 million, in 1950 it was 2510 million, in 1985 it was 4760 million, in 2000 it was 6.6 billion.2. By the year 2015, the population of the world is expected to be over 7 billion.3. Some scientist say it can, but others say it can’t.4. No, they don’t.5. Because they know of no safe way to have fewer children.

- Pair work1. China 2. India 3. United States 4. Indonesia5. Brazil 6. Pakistan 7. Bangladesh 8. Russia 9. Nigeria 10. Japan- The richest country is the United States, the poorest country is Nigeria.- Japan, China, Pakistan, Bangladesh, India, Indonesia are in Asia.- The United States is in North America.- Brazil is in South America.- Russia is in Europe.- Nigeria is in Africa.

- Whole class

---- ----Tổ trưởng kí duyệt


Hứa Thị Hoài Thanh


Page 78: Giao an 11 cb

WEEK 13 th

Preparation date: /11/2012Teaching date: /11/2012Period: 37th


Objectives: By the end of the lesson, Sts will be able to:- Talk about the causes of population explosion, problems of population booms and solutions to these problems. Teaching aids: Textbook, handouts … Method: Communicative approach. Procedure:

Teacher’s activities Students’ activitiesI. Stabilization:- Greeting the class- Checking the students’ attendance II. Check up:- Check vocabulary and Sts’ understanding about the reading text.III. Warm up: Picture description- T shows Ss the following picture and ask them two questions:+ What can you see in the picture?+ What does the picture tell you?

- Greeting the T- Answer

- Do T’s requests

- Whole classSuggested answers:- A man is caring many children by motorbike.- The picture tells us about overpopulation.


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IV. Before you speak:Task 1You are going to put the following causes to overpopulation in order of importance and explain your decision.- Ask Ss to read through the causes provided on page 83.- Get Ss to work in pairs to order the causes and remind them to explain their order.- Call on some pairs to present their order and ask other pairs if they agree or disagree with their friends’ answers.

V. While you speak:Task 2Instruction: You are going to work in pairs to list the problems facing poor and overpopulated countries.- T asks Ss to read the useful language on page 83. T reminds Ss that they should match the words/ phrases on the left with the words/ phrases on the right.- T may ask Ss to think of other problems not mentioned in the book.- T calls on some Ss to report their answers and asks other Ss to feedback. T comments and gives corrective feedback.

Task 3Instruction: Now you in groups to find out the solutions to the problems of overpopulation.- T gets Ss to read useful language. T may elicit/pre-teach some words/phrases:reward and punishment policy: chính sách thưởng phạtto exercise/ implement /'implimənt/: thực thi, áp dụngto carry out: tiến hànhto raise: nêu lên, đưa ra, đê xuât- T asks Ss to work in groups to do the task. Ss may work out other solutions.- T goes around offers help.- T calls on some Ss to present their group’s ideas.- T elicits feedback from the class and gives final comments.VI. After you speak:Task 4Instruction: Now you are going to work in groups

- Whole class and pair workSuggested answers:1. Many people believe that having many children means happiness.2. People are not aware of the problem of overpopulation.3. Many people believe that having a large family is a form of insurance.4. People are not properly educated.5. Religion doesn’t encourage people to have fewer children.6. Fewer children die at birth.

- Pair workSuggested answers:- poor - living condition- low - living standard- not enough/ expensive - food- lack/ shortage of - schools/ hospitals/ teachers/ doctors and nurses- unemployment- social evils- illiteracy

- Group workSuggested answers:- raise an awareness of the problems of overpopulation- raise the people’s living standard- exercise/ implement reward and punishment policies- carry out population education program/ family planning program- use birth control methods

- Whole class and group work


Page 80: Giao an 11 cb

to talk about the problems of overpopulation and offer solutions, using the results of Task 2 and Task 3.- Ask Ss to give a short presentation on the problems of population explosion and the solutions to them.- Encourage Ss to use transition signals to make their presentation. T can elicit the list of signals from Ss:+ first/firstly, second, next …+ also, besides, moreover, in addition, furthermore …+ the first problems is that …/ the next solution is that …+ on the one hand, on the other hand, however, but …- Call on some group representatives to present and asks others to comment. Finally, T gives feedback on Ss’ presentations and corrects the mistakes and errors. VII. Consolidation and Homework: - T summarizes the main points.- T asks Ss to practice speaking at home.- Prepare next part – Listening.

- Whole class

- Whole class

---- ----Preparation date: /11/2012Teaching date: /11/2012Period: 38th


Objectives: By the end of the lesson, Sts will be able to:- Develop such listening micro-skills as listening for specific information and listening for general information. Teaching aids: Textbook, handouts, cassette tapes … Method: Communicative approach. Procedure:

Teacher’s activities Students’ activitiesI. Stabilization:- Greeting the class- Checking the students’ attendance II. Check up:- Asking 2 students to play role and talk about the problems facing poor and overpopulated countries and work out the solutions to these problems.III. Warm up: Competition game - Crossword puzzle.1. an area of public land in a town or a city where people go to walk, play and relax2. the noun of “poor”3. attractive without being very beautiful4. without a job although able to work5. a group of students who are taught together6. (of men) attractive

- Greeting the T- Answer

- Do T’s requests

- Group workSuggested answers:1. park2. poverty3. pretty4. unemployed5. class6. handsome7. tired


Page 81: Giao an 11 cb

7. feeling that you would like to sleep or rest8. not knowing how to read or write9. not young10. the synonym of “country”IV. Before you listen:Discussing the questions- Ask Ss to discuss the questions on page 84 in pairs.- Call on some Ss to give their answers and comments on the answers.- Get Ss to guess what they are going to listen about.

Vocabulary Pre-teach- Before writing the new words on the board, T helps Ss to pronounce the words given in the book. T may read aloud first or play the tape and ask Ss to repeat in chorus and individually.- T teaches some of these words and those taken from the listening passage:Latin America rate of population growthdeveloping countriesrank (v, n):fall (n):generation (n):shortage (n): - T gets Ss to make sentences with the words and gives corrective feedback.V. While you listen: EXERCISETask 1 Instruction: You are going to listen to Dr Brown talk about the world population. While listening, choose the best answer A, B, C or D to complete the statements or answer the questions.- Get Ss to read the statements and questions carefully and work out what information they need to concentrate on while listening. Then check with whole class.- Get Ss to read the options in each question and underline the words that make them different.- Get Ss to guess the answer to each question. - Play the tape once or twice for Ss to listen and do the task.- Check the answer with whole class.Task 2- Ask Ss to read the questions in task 2 to understand them.- Play the tape again for Ss to listen and answer the questions.- T gets Ss to check their answers with a partner. Then T checks with whole class. T should play the tape again and pause at difficult point if many Ss cannot complete the task.

8. illiterate9. old10. nation

- Pair workSuggested answers:1. Yes, our world is overpopulated because it has more than 6 billion people.2. Asia has the largest population with China the most populated country in the world and India the second.

- Whole class

Châu Mĩ La Tinhtỉ lệ tăng dân sốcác nước phát triểnxếp hạng, thứ hạngsự giảmthế hệsự thiếu

- Individual workSuggested answers:1. A2. D3. C4. D5. A6. C

- Pair workSuggested answers:1. It will be over 7 billion.2. The population growth rates in some part of the world are not the same.3. The reason is the improvement of public health services and medical care.4. They are shortage of foods, lack of hospitals and schools, illiteracy, and poor living conditions.


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VI. After you listen:- T gets Ss to work in groups to orally summarize the main ideas of the listening passage. T might give Ss some cues base their summary on:+ world population today+ world population by 2010+ main cause of population explosion+ problems caused by population explosion+ solutions to the problems- Encourage Ss to use transition signals to make their summary more coherent.- Go around to offer help and to collect Ss’ mistakes.- Call on some groups to present their summary.- T elicits feedback from the class and gives final comments.VII. Consolidation and Homework: - T summarizes the main point of the lesson.- Ask Sts to practice listening at home.- Prepare next part – Writing

5. The experts offered four solutions:- to educate people and make them aware of the danger of having more children.- to provide safe, inexpensive birth - control methods.- to strictly implement a family planning policy.- to exercise strict and fair reward and punishment policies.

- Whole class and group work

- Whole class

---- ----Preparation date: /11/2012Teaching date: /11/2012Period: 39th


Objectives: By the end of the lesson, Sts will be able to:- Write a description of pie charts, using appropriate language. Teaching aids: Textbook, handouts … Method: Communicative approach. Procedure:

Teacher’s activities Students’ activitiesI. Stabilization:- Greeting the class- Checking the students’ attendance II. Check up:- No checking.III. Warm up: - Show a pie chart, and ask Ss some questions about this chart.IV. Before you write: XEM KĨ TL- T prepares a handout with a description of a pie chart and asks Ss to do exercise.The chart below shows the distribution of world population by region in 2001

- Greeting the T- Answer

- Group work

- Pair workNew words:+ to comprise: bao gồm+ majority (n): phần lớn


Page 83: Giao an 11 cb

Fill each blank with a word/phrase from the box to complete the description of this chart.almost comprise conclusion majority making up Oceania’s overall parts quarter respectively second total vary with

The pie chart gives population data for different (1) _ of the world. (2) _, the (3) _ of the world’s people live in Asia and Africa.

Asia has (4) _ 60% of the world’s people, (5) _ 3712 million. The (6) _ biggest area is Africa. It (7) _ 813 million, less than one- (8) _ the size of Asia’s population. Together, Europe, North and South America, and Oceania (9) _ just over quarter of the world’s population. Europe has 726 million, while North and South America account for 527 and 317 (10) _. Finally, (11) _ tiny population makes up less than one percent of the world total. In (12) _ populations (13) _ greatly by region, with Asia and Africa (14) _ the biggest proportion (sư cân xưng, sư cân đôi).V. While you write:Before Ss describe the pie chart on page 86 T asks them to work in pairs to analyze the chart, focusing on the following questions:+ What does the pie chart show?+ What is the general trend of the chart?+ Which region has the largest population? Which comes second? …+ Which region has the smallest population?+ Where does most of the world population live?- T checks the answers with whole class.- Then Ss work individually to write the description of the pie chart, using the sentence given in the book to begin their description.- T goes around to observe and to offer help.VI. After you write:- T asks Ss to exchange their writing with another student for peer correction.- T goes around and collects mistakes and errors.- T writes Ss’ typical errors on the board.- T provides correction only when Ss are not able to correct the errors.VII. Consolidation and Homework: - T summarizes the main points.- For homework, T asks Ss to improve their writing, taking in consideration their friends’ and T’s suggestions and correction and do the extra exercise.

+ to make up: chiếm (bao nhiêu %....)+ to total: tổng số+ respectively (adv): tương ứngSuggested answers:1. parts 6. second 2. overall 7. totals 11. Oceania’s3. majority 8. quarter 12. conclusion4. almost 9. comprise 13. vary5. with 10. respectively 14. making up

- Whole class, pair work & individual workSample writing:

The pie chart shows the distribution of the world population by region. Overall, more than half of the world’s population. The second largest area is East Asia with 6% less than South Asia. Europe ranks third with 15%. Coming next is Africa have 14% of the world population. Finally, Oceania is the least populated region with the smallest percentage of 2%.

As can be seen, the greatest concentration of the world’s population is in Asia, with Europe far behind.

- Pair work and whole class

- Whole class

---- ----Tổ trưởng kí duyệt



Page 84: Giao an 11 cb

Hứa Thị Hoài Thanh

WEEK 14 th

Preparation date: /11/2012Teaching date: /11/2012Period: 40th


Objectives: By the end of the lesson, Sts will be able to:- Distinguish the clusters /kl/, /gl/, /kr/, /gr/, and /kw/.- Pronounce the words and dialogue containing these clusters correctly.- Use condition sentences (types 1, 2 and 3) and conditional sentences in reported speech appropriately. Teaching aids: Textbook, handouts … Method: Communicative approach. Procedure:

Teacher’s activities Students’ activitiesI. Stabilization:- Greeting the class- Checking the students’ attendance II. Check up:- Asking 2 students to talk about the problems facing poor and overpopulated countries that they have learnt before.III. Warm up: - T gives some words and ask Sts to divide it into the same group:clean, glean, crowd, grow, quarrel, class, glass,

- Greeting the T- Answer

- Do T’s request

- Group workSuggested answers:clean/ class; glean/ glass; crowd/ cranky; grow/


Page 85: Giao an 11 cb

cranky, green, quarter …- T asks Sts to explain their answer.IV. Presentation:PRONUNCIATIONDistinguish the sounds- T models the clusters /kl/, /gl/, /kr/, /gr/, and /kw/ for few times and explains how to produce them. - T plays the tape (or reads) once for Ss to hear the words containing these clusters.- Ask Ss to read the words in each column out loud in chorus for a few more times. Then T calls on some Ss to read the words out loud. T listens and corrects it.Practicing the dialogue containing the target sounds- T asks Ss to work in pairs and take turn to read aloud the given dialogue on page 87.- T goes around listening and taking notes of the typical errors.- T calls on some Ss to read the dialogue again and provides corrective feedback.GRAMMAR1. Revision of conditional sentences (type 1, 2 and 3)a. Presentation:Type If -clause Main clause1 If + S + V

(simple present)

S + will + V-infinitive

2 If + V (simple past) Be (were)

S + would/could + V- infi

3 If + had + P.P S + would have + PPb. Practice:Exercise 1- Ask Ss to do exercise 1 individually and then compare their answer with another student.- Call on some Ss to read out their answer.

Exercise 2- T asks Ss to do exercise 2 in pairs and then compare answers with another pair.- T calls on some Ss to go to the board and to write their answer.

2. Conditional sentences in reported speecha. Presentation:- T writes some conditional sentences in reported speech on the board and asks Ss to comment on the changes of the verbs, pronouns and adverbs of time and places.+ “If I had a permit, I could get a job” he said→ He said that if he had a permit, he could get a

green; quarrel/ quarter …

- Whole class, individual work and pair work

- Pay attention - Give form and examples- If I run, I’ll get there in time- If I were you, I wouldn’t go there- If I had studied harder, I would have passed the exam.

- Individual workSuggested answers:1. would drive 4. will take2. could 5. closed3. is 6. will come

- Pair workSuggested answers:1. had been told 4. wouldn’t have bought2. had realized 5. had studied3. wouldn’t have been

- Whole class, individual work and pair work- Take note and give examples


Page 86: Giao an 11 cb

job.+ “If you had followed my advice, you would have been the winner” said her mother→ Her mother said if she had followed her advice, she would have been the winner.- T elicits the comments from Ss and make clear that:+ Conditional type 1: we apply all the necessary changes as usual (changes of verb tenses, pronouns, adverbs of time and place)+ Conditional type 2 and 3: we do not change the verb tenses, but we follow the rules to change pronouns, adverbs of time and place …)b. PracticeExercise 3- Ask Ss to do exercise 3 individually, Ss have to change the conditional sentences into reported speech.- Ask Ss to compare answers with another student.- Call on some Ss to go to the board to write their sentences.- Ask other Ss to feedback and give correct answers.

V. Free – Practice:- T ask Sts do 2 sentence below:Finish the second sentence so that it has the same meaning to the first one.1. My parents don't send me to an English-speaking school, so I can't speak English very well. → If………………………………………………2. The students failed in the examination, because they didn't take their teachers' advice.→ If………………………………………………VI. Consolidation and Homework: - T summarizes the main points.- For homework, Ss review the point that have been covered in the lesson and do exercises in workbook.- Prepare next part – Unit 8 – Reading.

- Give comments and examples then take notesSuggested answers:1. The man said to her (that) he would come to see her if he had time.2. He asked her what she would say if someone stepped on her feet.3. They said to me that if it didn’t rain they would go out with me.4. The man asked the woman what she would do if she were a billionaire.5. The man said to me that if I had asked him he would have lent me his motorbike.6. The man said to his daughter that they would be very disappointed if she didn’t come.7. The boy said to the girl he was sure they would understand if she explained the situation to them.

- Whole classSuggested answers:1. If my parents sent me to an English – speaking school, I could speak English very well.2. If the students had taken their teachers’ advice, they wouldn’t have failed in the examination.

- Whole class

---- ----Preparation date: /11/2012Teaching date: /11/2012Period: 41st



Page 87: Giao an 11 cb

A. READING Objectives: By the end of the lesson, Sts will be able to:- Develop such reading micro-skills as scanning for specific ideas and guessing meaning in context.- Use the information they have read to discuss the topic. Teaching aids: Textbook, handouts, real objects and pictures concern to Tet holiday … Method: Communicative approach. Procedure:

Teacher’s activities Students’ activitiesI. Stabilization:- Greeting the class- Checking the students’ attendance II. Check up:- Asking 2 students to talk about the usage of conditional sentences, writing forms and giving example.III. Warm up: Brainstorm- T shows some real objects and pictures such as the pictures of Banh Chung, peach blossom, kumquat tree …, real objects as a red envelop, a box of candied fruits ...- T points the pictures and real objects and ask questions:+ What do you think of when you see this?+ Why so?+ What do you often do before Tet?IV. Before you read:Discussing Tet holiday- Ask Ss to look at the picture on page 90 and discuss the 3 questions in pairs.- T goes around offering help.- T calls on some Ss to present their answer and elicits comments from other Ss. T gives feedback if necessary:1. What time of the year is it?2. What are the people in the picture doing?3. What else do you see in the picture?

Pre -teaching vocabularyLunar New Year: to fall between … and …to spread (v): to be full of:candied fruit:peach blossom /pi:t∫'blɔsəm/:apricot blossom /'eiprikɔt 'blɔsəm/:positive comments:- Ask Ss to make sentences with the above words to check their understanding.- T reads and Sts repeat.V. While you read:Setting the sceneYou are going to read a passage about Tet holiday in Vietnam. While you are reading, do the tasks in

- Greeting the T- Answer

- Do T’s request

- Pair workSuggested answers:+ I think of Tet holiday.+ Because they are the symbols of Tet.+ Clean and decorate the house, go shopping to buy new clothes, candied fruits, make Banh Chung …

- Pair work Suggested answers:1. It is Spring and it should be Tet holiday because we can see peach blossom and kumquat tree full of ripe fruits.2. The grandmother is giving her niece and nephew some lucky money. The girl and the boy wish their parents good health and happiness.3. In the picture we can see a five-fruit tray on the ancestral altar and a dish of fruits, a tray of candied fruits and a Banh Chung on the table.

Tết âm lịchrơi vào khoảng time từ … đến …kéo dàiđầy nhiềumứthoa đàohoa mainhững lời nói tốt đẹp- Make sentences- Repeat

- Whole class pay attention


Page 88: Giao an 11 cb

textbook.Task 1- Find the meanings of the words. You can also use your dictionary:+ T writes these words on the board.+ Ask Ss to read the passage quickly and stop at the lines that contain these words to guess their meaning:1. grand: impressive and large2. banner: along piece of cloth with a message on it that is carried between two poles or hung in a public place to show support for ST3. sugared apples4. agrarian: connected with farming and the use of land for farming5. pray: to speak to God especially to give thanks or ask for help6. excitement: the state of feeling excitedTask 2 - Ask Ss to work individually to do the task and discuss their answers with their partners.- Call on some Ss to give their answers and ask them to explain their choices.Task 3- Ask Ss to work individually to do the task, then discuss their answer with their peers.- Call on some Ss to write their answers on the board and ask them to explain their choices.

VI. After you read:- Ask Ss to work in groups to tell each other about their last Tet holiday.- When all groups have finished, T calls on some Ss to report their ideas to the class.VII. Consolidation and Homework: - T summarizes the main points.- Ask Ss to learn by heart all of the new words and give examples.- Summarize the main ideas of the passage.- Prepare next part - Speaking

- Individual work

Suggested answers:trọng đại, hoành trángbiễu ngữ, băng rôn

táo tẩm đườngthuộc về nông nghiệp

cầu nguyện

sự háo hức, nhộn nhịp

- Individual work and pair workSuggested answers:1, 2, 4, 6 – F3, 5, – T

- Individual work and pair workSuggested answers:1. It falls sometime between 19th January and 20th

February.2. Tet’s preparations and celebrations used to be spread over months.3, They are decorated with colored lights and red banners.4. They buy gifts, clean and decorate their houses and cook traditional foods.5. It is made from sticky rice, green beans and fatty pork.6. Mut is candied fruit7. Visiting friends and other family members, exchanging wishes, going to the pagoda, playing games.

- Group work

- Whole class

---- ----Preparation date: /11/2012Teaching date: /11/2012Period: 42nd


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Objectives: By the end of the lesson, Sts will be able to:- Talk about the celebrations of Tet and other festivals’ activities. Teaching aids: Textbook, handouts … Method: Communicative approach. Procedure:

Teacher’s activities Students’ activitiesI. Stabilization:- Greeting the class- Checking the students’ attendance II. Check up:- Checking vocabularies and Sts’ understanding about the lesson.III. Warm up: Noughts and crosses- Ask Ss to make sentences from the words in the table:Peach blossom

Kumquat tree Candied fruits

Lucky money

Exchange wishes

Banh Chung

Relatives and friends

Special Tet foods


IV. Before you speak:Task 1- Ask the whole class to read the dialogue silentlyAnd ask them what points are mentioned in the dialogue.- Then ask Ss to practice the dialogue in pairs.- Call some pairs to act out the dialogue and give comments.V. While you speak:Task 2- Ask Ss to look at the 3 pictures on page 93 and work out the name of each holiday. - T checks with whole class and gives out the correct answer.- Ask Ss to list the activities people usually do in these holidays and write them quickly on the board so that Ss can compare these with the information they will deal with.- Call on some Ss to give the answer and ask other Ss to feedback. Task 3- Get Ss to work in pairs to ask and answer about the holiday in task 2. T asks Ss to add any information about holiday they know to make the D more interesting.

- Greeting the T- Answer

- Do T’s request

- Group workWork in group of 4 students

- Pair work

- Whole classSuggested answers:Pic1: Mid - Autumn festivalPic 2: ThanksgivingPic 3: Valentine’s Day1. c C2. a A3. b B

- Pair workSample:A: Do you know Thanksgiving is next month?B: What is Thanksgiving?A: It is the time when American and Canadian people celebrate all the things that they are grateful for.B: When is it exactly?A: It’s on the 4th Thursday in Nov in U.S and the 2nd Monday in Oct in Canada


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VI. After you speak:- Ask 1 St to talk about what people often do in Mid - Autumn festival/ Thanksgiving/ Valentine’s Day.VII. Consolidation and Homework: - T summarizes the main points.- For homework, T asks Ss to improve their speaking, do exercises in workbook.- Prepare next part - Listening

- Whole class

- Whole class

---- ----Tổ trưởng kí duyệt


Hứa Thị Hoài Thanh

WEEK 15 th Preparation date: /11/2012Teaching date: /11/2012Period: 43rd


Objectives: By the end of the lesson, Sts will be able to:- Develop the listening micro-skill of intensive listening for specific information. Teaching aids: Textbook, handouts, cassette tapes … Method: Communicative approach. Procedure:

Teacher’s activities Students’ activitiesI. Stabilization:- Greet the class.- Check attendance.II. Check-up:- Ask Ss to tell some popular celebrations in Vietnam.III. Warm up: Competition game - Guessing game.- T divides Ss into 2 groups: A and B- T tells Ss the rule of the game: One member from each group will go and stand in the front of the class with their back facing the board. T will write the word/phrase which was learnt from the previous lesson on the board. Other Ss from each group have to explain the word without mentioning it or translating it into Vietnamese so

- Greet the T- Answer

- Do the task

- Group workSuggested answers:The word/phrase T may write on the board are:Thanksgiving, Mid-Autumn festival, grand, pray, agrarian, lucky money, peach blossomapricot blossom, …


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that their representative can guess the word. The student with the quickest and correct answer will get 1 point for their group. Ss take turn to be the representative. After some turns, the group with more points will be the winner.IV. Before you listen: Guessing- T introduces the listening passage.- T asks Ss to work in pairs to guess which of the activities on page 94 the Japanese often do on their New Year’s Day.- T calls on some Ss to give their answers and write them on the boards. T also asks Ss to add any other activities that they think the Japanese do at the New Year.Pre-teaching vocabularyshrine (n) /∫rain/:

longevity (n) [lɔn'dʒeviti]:pine trees:constancy (n):to represent: to be symbol of ST- T may get Ss to make sentences with the words and gives corrective feedback.V. While you listen:Task 1 - Ask Ss to read through the statements.- T plays the tape once for Ss to do the task.- T asks Sts to answer and write them on the board.- T plays the tapes the second time for Ss to check their answers.- T asks Ss to work in groups of 4 to compare their answers.- Call some Ss to stand up and answer.Task 2- T asks Ss to read and answer the questions with the things they remember from the previous time of listening.- T plays the tape again for Ss to do the task.- After playing the tape, T gets Ss to work in pairs and check their answers.- T calls on some Ss to give the answers and elicits feedback from other Ss. VI. After you listen:- T gets Ss to work in pairs to compare the aspects of the Vietnamese New Year with those of the Japanese one.Before Ss take part in the activity, T elicits of the transition signal/phrases to talk about the similarities and differences between two things.- Go around to offer help and to collect Ss’ mistakes.- Call some pairs to present their answers. T elicits feedback from the class and gives final comments.VII. Consolidation and homework:

- Whole class pay attention- Pair work

- điên thơ, miêu thơ- tuôi tho- cây thông- sự bền lòng- biểu tượng cho, tượng trưng cho

Suggested answers: They put on special clothes Housewives prepare special foods They go to a shrine They drink rice wine They watch television They eat a special meal

- Individual work and pair work.Suggested answers:1. Because they want to get rid of the dirt of the old year and welcome the new year.2. From the television and radio.3. Kimonos or special dress.4. No, New Year is mostly celebrated among family only.

- Pair work

- Whole class


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- T summarizes the main points of the lesson.- Ask Ss to learn by heart all new words and do the exercises in workbook as home work.- Prepare next part: Writing.

- Listen

---- ----Preparation date: /11/2012Teaching date: /11/2012Period: 44th


Objectives: By the end of the lesson, Sts will be able to:- Write a description of a popular celebration. Teaching aids: Textbook, handouts … Method: Communicative approach. Procedure:

Teacher’s activities Students’ activitiesI. Stabilization:- Greet the class.- Check attendance.II. Check-up:- No checking.III. Warm up: Competition game - Christmas Cloze- T divides the class into small groups of 3-4 Sts. Then give handout for Ss to do in their own groups. Ss have to fill each blank in the passage with one suitable word from the box. Which group finishes first and has all the correct answers will be the winner.

Christmas is an annual holiday that (1)……. the birthday of Jesus of Nazareth. Christmas Day falls on December 25. It is preceded by Christmas Eve on December 24, and in some countries it is (2)…… by Boxing Day on December 26, when many people go shopping for sales. It is a (3)…… when people get together with (4)…… People give (5)…… to each other or send (6)…… wishing each other a (7)…… ChristmasAt Christmas, people (8)…… carols to get into the Christmas (9)…… As well, people (10) …… Christmas trees and put up (11)…… around the house. A common Christmas dinner is (12)…… There are also lots of (13)…… goodies for the kids. People love Christmas because it is the time when they can share (14)…… moments with their family.IV. Before you write:To prepare Ss for the writing task, T uses the

- Greet the T- Answer

- Group work

Suggested answers:1. marks 6. cards 11. lights2. followed 7. merry 12. turkey3. holiday 8. sing 13. baked4. family 9. spirit 14. peaceful5. presents 10. decorate

- Listen


Followed marks cards lights turkey merry holiday sing baked spiritFamily peaceful presents decorate

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passage in the Warm-up as a model.- T gets Ss to read the passage again and discuss the main points included in the passage in pair. - Now get Ss to work individually to write an outline for their description, using the main points set in previous activities.V. While you write:- T gets Ss to describe the festival they have chosen in 15 minutes.- T goes around to observe and to offer help with vocabularies or structures.

VI. After you write:- T asks Ss to exchange their writing with another student for peer correction.- T goes around and collects mistakes and errors.- Choose one or two description and read it/them to the class.- Then T elicits corrective feedback from the class and gives final comments afterwards. T should draw Ss’ attention to the organization of ideas and language use.

VII. Consolidation and homework:- T summarizes the main points of the lesson.- For homework, T asks Ss to improve their writing taking into consideration their friends’ and T’s suggestions and correction.- Prepare next part: Language focus.

Suggested answers:The description includes 6 main points:+ Name of the festival (sentence 1)+ Purpose of the festival (sentence 1)+ Time of the festival (sentence 2-3)+ Main activities of the festival/what people do in the festival (sentence 4-7)+ Foods eaten (sentence 8-9)+ People’s feeling about the festival (like/dislike? Reason(s)?) (sentence 10)

- Individual workSample:

Mid-Autumn Festival is of my most favourite festival. It is held on the 15th day of the 8th lunar month every year. It’s the time when Vietnamese people celebrate the largest full moon in the year. The children have parties with special cakes and grapefruits. They also parade in the street with their beautiful lanterns, which come in all shapes and sizes. Adults buy moon cakes for their relatives and friends. It is a great time for not only children but also adults.

- Listen

---- ----Preparation date: /11/2012Teaching date: /12/2012Period: 45th


Objectives: By the end of the lesson, Sts will be able to:- Distinguish the clusters /fl/, /fr/, and /θr/- Pronoun the words and sentences containing these clusters correctly.- Use one(s), someone, no one, anyone, and everyone appropriately.- Use vocabulary about holidays and celebrations appropriately. Teaching aids: Textbook, handouts … Method: Communicative approach. Procedure:

Teacher’s activities Students’ activitiesI. Stabilization:- Greet the class. - Greet The T


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- Check attendance.II. Check-up:- Check Sts’ writing.III. Presentation:PRONUNCIATIONWarm up:-Ask students to read the dialogue in the textbook (p.97)

Distinguish sounds- T models the clusters /fl/, /fr/, and /θr/ for a few times.- T reads once for Ss to hear the words containing these clusters. T reads again and asks Ss to repeat after.- Ask Ss to read the words in each column out loud in chorus for a few more times. Then T calls on some Ss to read the words out loud.Practicing the dialogue containing the target sounds:- Ask Ss to work in pairs and take turn to read aloud the given dialogue on page 97.- Go around listens and takes notes of the typical errors.- Call on some Ss to read the D again and provide corrective feedback.GRAMMARWarm up:- T writes some sentences on the board and asks Ss to comment on the uses of one(s), someone, no one ,anyone, and everyone1. Presentation:- T writes some sentences on the board and asks Ss to comment on the word: one(s), someone, no one, anyone, and everyone.

- Answer

-Work in pairs → read aloud the dialogue in the textbook.- Go to the board to group the words from the dialogue.

- Listen

- Whole class

- Whole class

- Pay attention and give comments on these examples:+ I don’t like the red shirt, I prefer the blue one.+ Don’t buy the sour oranges. Buy the sweet ones.+ There’s someone waiting for the director in the office.+ Did someone call me last night?+ Have you met anyone like him?+ Don’t tell anyone my secret.+ No one likes her story.+ Everyone laughs at him.+ Has everyone done your home work?


One and one(s) are used to replace a previously mentioned noun when we do not want to repeat that noun. One replaces a singular N and ones replaces a plural N.Someone=somebody. It used with a singular verb in an affirmative statement or a question when speaker expects the ‘yes’ answer.Anyone= anybody. It used with a singular verb in a negative statement or a question.No one usually takes a singular affirmative verb.Everyone = everybody. It usually goes with a singular verb in an affirmative statement or a question. It is used to refer to every person or all people.

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2. Practice:Exercise 1:- Ask Ss to do exercise 1 individually and then compare their answers with another student. Then T calls on some Ss to read out their answers.

Exercise 2:- T asks Ss to do exercise 2 in pairs. Ss have to rewrite the sentences, using the pronoun one/ones.- Ask them to compare answer with another pair.- Call on some Ss to go to the board to write their answers.- Ask other Ss to feedback and gives correct answers.

Exercise 3:- Use the words from the box to complete the following sentences.- Ask Ss to work individually to do exercise.- Then T calls on some Ss to speak out loud.- T listens and corrects it if necessary.IV. Free – Practice:- T asks Sts answer the usage one(s), someone, no one, anyone, and everyone again.V. Consolidation and homework:- T summarizes the main point of the lesson.- Ask Ss to learn by heart grammar they have learnt- Prepare the next part.

- Individual workSuggested answers:1. anyone 2. someone 3. anyone4. someone 5. no one 6. everyone 7. no one

- Pair workSuggested answers:1. Of the 3 bags, I like the blue one.2. Mai is making a fruit cake. Huong is making one, too.3. I like reading books, especially the ones about the natural world.4. I don’t have a computer, and my father doesn’t want me to have one.5. They let me choose a pencil, and I took the red one.6. There are several national celebrations in Vietnam but perhaps the most meaningful one is Tet holiday.7. We told each other both happy stories and sad ones about our lives.

- Whole classSuggested answers:1. traditional 4. celebrating 2. grand 5. polite3. gifts 6. good luck 7. excitement

- Whole class

- Whole class

---- ----Tổ trưởng kí duyệt



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Hứa Thị Hoài Thanh

WEEK 16 th


Môn: English. Lớp: 11B …… (Chương trình Chuẩn)Thời gian làm bài: 15 phút (Không tính thời gian phát đề)

Name: ..........................................................................

Choose the best answer to complete each sentence. (6ms)Câu 1: Many people go to the pagoda to ______ for a happy year for themselves and their family.A. pray B. long C. desire D. askCâu 2: If she asks for money, I ______ her.A. gave B. would have given C. will give D. would giveCâu 3: There’s ______ waiting outside to see you. She didn’t tell me her name.A. no one B. anyone C. someone D. everyoneCâu 4: The doctor said ______ the patient did not stop smoking, he would be seriously ill.A. if that B. as if C. whether D. that ifCâu 5: If you ______ to my advice in the first place, you wouldn’t be in this mess right now.A. will listen B. listen C. listened D. had listenedCâu 6: To give something to someone and at the same time to receive the same type of thing from them.A. change B. hand in C. exchange D. return Câu 7: Jack will win the election if he ______ harder.


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A. campaigned B. campaigns C. would campaign D. will campaignCâu 8: In Vietnam, Tet marks the beginning of spring and, for agrarian people, the start of the New Year.A. driver B. farmer C. worker D. teacherCâu 9: A number of safe and inexpensive birth-control ______ are provided to reduce the overpopulation in many countries.A. ways B. types C. methods D. sortsCâu 10: In Vietnam, children receive their ______ inside red envelopes at Tet.A. “lucky stamp” B. “lucky coin” C. “lucky money” D. “lucky book”Câu 11: What’s the ______ of your country?A. popular B. populous C. population D. populateCâu 12: If the ball ______ the line, that would have been the end of the game.A. had crossed B. will cross C. would cross D. crossedChoose the word that has stress pattern different from that of the other words. (1m)Câu 13: A. represent B. exchange C. receiving D. prepareCâu 14: A. population B. available C. university D. educationChoose the word whose underlined part is pronounced differently from that of the other words. (1m)Câu 15: A. fireworks B. shrine C. pine D. limitCâu 16: A. society B. comment C. longevity D. constancyChang the following conditional sentences into reported speech. (1m)1. “If I catch the plane I’ll be home by five,” he said.→ He said that if he caught the plane he would be home by five.2. “If I were you, I wouldn’t buy this coat,” she said.→ She said that if she were me she wouldn’t buy that coat. Rewrite these sentences, using conditional sentences. (1m)3. Because Simon doesn’t live near his mother, he can’t visit her often.→ If Simon lived near his mother, he would visit her often. 4. We got lost because we didn’t have a map.→ If we had had a map, we would not have got lost.

----------- THE END ----------Preparation date: /11/2012Teaching date: /12/2012Period: 46th

REVISION FOR 1ST TERM TEST (U1 + U2) Objectives: By the end of the lesson, T will be able to:- help students to revise knowledge in U1 and U2.- improve their techniques of doing the simple tests. Teaching aids: Textbook, handouts, chalks, board … Method: Communicative approach. Procedure:

Teacher’s activities Students’ activitiesI. Stabilization:- Greeting the class- Checking the students’ attendance II. Check up:- Asking 2 students to recall some grammar points that they have learnt before.III. Warm up: Answering Questions Have you prepared it at home? Have you got any difficulties?IV. New lesson:Revise the main language knowledge:

- Greeting the T- Answer

- Do T’s requests

- Listen


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1. Vocabulary in 2 Reading lessons.

2. Pronunciation of /dʒ/ and /t∫/; /m/, /n/ and /η/.3. Grammar:To infinitive+ want to, hope to, wish to, desire to …+ It’s adj + to …+ be delighted to/ be willing to/ be eager to/ be glad to …+ too/enough … to …Infinitive without to+ Modal verb- After “make, let”+ object + bare infinitive - After verbs of perception such as: feel, hear, watch, see, notice, observe, smell … + object + bare infinitive- Ask Ss to give some examples.TENSEReview the past simple and past progressive.- Past simple+ The usage:We use Simple Past to talk about actions and situations in the past.+ Form: (+) S + V-ed or irregular verbs (-) S + didn’t + V-infi (?) Did + S + V- infi?Adverbs: yesterday, ago, last …- Past progressive+ The usage:We use Past Continuous to talk about something which was in progress at a past time.The action or situation had started but it had not finished-at that time.+ Form: (+) S + was/were + V- ing (-) S + was/were + not + V- ing (?) Was/were + S + V- ing?Adverbs: at six, nine o'clock, during, while, when …- Past perfect+ The usage:- The past perfect expresses the idea that something occurred before another action expressed in the past simple. It can also show that something happened before a specific time in the past.- Past perfect also to show that something started in the past and continued up until another action in the past.+ Form: (+) S + had + Past participle (-) S + hadn’t + Past participle (?) Had + S + Past participle?Adverbs: after/ because PP, SP Before, when/ by the time SP, PPNote: Hai hành động xảy ra trong quá khứ:Trước: QKHT Sau QKĐĐang: QKTD Xen vào QKĐWhile, when (time): QKTD, QKDV. EXERCISE:Choose the best answer in A, B, C or D:1. They let their children ______ up late at weekends.A. staying B. stay C. to stay D. stayed2. The children were eager ______ their parents.A. to see B. see C. seeing D. saw

- Represent what they’ve learnt- Give examples

- Write down and do exercisesExpected answers:Letters in bold


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3. I’d rather ______ at home.A. to stay B. staying C. stayed D. stay4. Peter is very funny. He makes me ______ a lot. A. laugh B. to laugh C. laughing D. laughed5. They noticed him ______ the agreement.A. sign B. to sign C. signing D. signed6. It is important for her ______ the office.A. ringing B. ring C. rang D. to ring7. The boss made ______ for a meeting after work.A. us to stay B. us stay C. us staying D. us to staying8. Andrew ______ the test before so he ______ it very easy.A. did/ had found B. had done/ foundC. was doing/ found D. did/ was founding9. You ______ your new hat when I ______ you yesterday.A. were wearing/ had met C. wore/ was meeting B. wore/ had met D. were wearing/ met10. As I ______ the glass, it suddenly ______ into two pieces.A. cut/ broke B. was cutting/ brokeC. cut/ was breaking D. was cutting/ had broken11. A burglar ______ into the house while we ______ television.A. broke/ were watching C. had broken/ watched B. broke/ watched D. broke/ had watched12. When I ______ home, I ______ a phone call.A. got/ received C. got/ had received B. was getting/ was receiving D. had got/ had received13. They ______ small cups of coffee after they ______ dinner.A. had drunk/ finished B. drank/ finished C. were drinking/ finished D. drank/ had finished14. It was midnight. Outside it ______ very hard.A. rains B. rainedC. had rained D. was raining 15. When he ______ at the station, his train already ______.A. arrived/ left B. arrived/ had left C. had arrived/ left D. had arrived/ had left16. When we ______ afternoon tea he ______ us about his marriage. A. were having / told B. were having / telling C. was having / told D. were having / had told 17. By the time I ______ into town, the shops ______.A. did / was closing B. got / had closedC. did / had closed D. was closing / closed18. He said he ______ visit me, but he ______ me yet. A. will / is not visiting B. would / had not visit C. will / does not visit D. will / has not visited 19. My mother has some shopping ______A. did B. do C. doing D. to do 20. You ______ your new hat when I ______ you yesterday.A. wore/ was meeting B. wore/ had metC. were wearing/ met D. were wearing/ had met21. They let their children ______ up late at weekends. A. to stay B. staying C. stay D. stayed 22. “Where are the other students?” – “I saw them ______ in the yard.”A. to play B. to playing C. play D. to playedVI. Free – Practice:


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Arrange these words or groups of words in the correct order.1. letter / the / , / opening / the / was / bell / I / rang / While While I was opening the letter, the bell rang. 2. noticed / run / him / from / away / she / home She noticed him run away from home.3. me / to / with / in / They / Florida / invited / stay / them They invited me to stay with them in Florida.4. man / through / window / 5 / I / minutes / jump / the / saw a / ago I saw the man jump through the window 5 minutes ago.5. to / 8.00 / for / It’s/ be / before / impossible / me / there It’s impossible for me to be there before 8.00.VII. Consolidation and Homework: - What you have learnt in Unit 1 and 2. - Review all grammatical points and vocabulary. - Prepare next part – Revision U3.

- Whole class

- Whole class

---- ----Preparation date: /11/2012Teaching date: /12/2012Period: 47th

REVISION FOR 1ST TERM TEST (UNIT 3) Objectives: By the end of the lesson, T will be able to:- help students to revise knowledge Unit 3.- improve their techniques of doing the simple tests. Teaching aids: Textbook, handouts, chalks, board … Method: Communicative approach. Procedure:

Teacher’s activities Students’ activitiesI. Stabilization:- Greeting the class- Checking the students’ attendance II. Check up:- Asking 2 students to recall some grammar points that they have learnt before.III. Warm up: Answering Questions Have you prepared it at home? Have you got any difficulties?IV. New lesson:Revise the main language knowledge:1. Vocabulary in Reading lessons2. Pronunciation of /l/, /r/ /h/.3. Grammar:Gerund A gerunds is a noun made from a verb by adding ‘-ing’. The gerund always has the same function as a noun (although it looks like a verb), so it can be used:+ as the subject of the sentence:E.g: Reading helps you learn English. + as the complement of the verb “to be”:E.g: Her favorite hobby is reading.+ after prepositions: The gerunds must be used when a verb comes after a preposition:E.g: She is good at learning English. E.g: They’re keen on windsurfing.This is also true of certain expressions ending in a preposition , e.g.

- Greeting the T- Answer

- Do T’s requests

- Listen

- Represent what they’ve learnt- Give examples


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in spite of , there’s no point in …E.g: There’s no point in typing the assignment. E.g: In spite of missing the train, we arrived on time. + after a number of “phrasal verbs” which are composed of a verb + preposition/ adverbto look forward to, to give up, to be for/ against, to take to, to put off, to keep on …Infinitive: (In Revision U1)- Review the verbs that are followed by an infinitive, a gerund, and both.

Infinitive only Gerund only Bothagree



demanddeserve expect









mentionV + prep





Passive Infinitive and Gerund: - Review the forms of passive infinitive and gerund.Form: Passive infinitive: to be + Past ParticiplePassive gerund: being + Past ParticipleUse: to emphasize the action/event rather than the agent.V. EXERCISE:Choose the best answer in A, B, C or D:1. John had agreed ______ me in his office.A. to meet B. meeting C. to be met D. being met2. It is no good ______ sorry for yourself.A. to feel B. feeling C. feel D. felt3. The man wanted to avoid ______ on security cameras.A. to see B. seeing C. to be seen D. being seen4. Peter ______ to go in for the exam.A. avoided B. let C. advised D. decided5. I tried ______ the bus, but I missed it.A. to catch B. being caught C. to be caught D. catching6. The plants want ______ daily.A. to water B. watering C. to be wateredD. being water7. Will you remind me ______ this letter at the post office?A. to post B. postingC. to be posted D. being posted8. The goods ought ______ two weeks ago.

- Write down and do exercisesExpected answers:Letters in bold


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A. to deliver B. delivering C. to be delivered D. being delivered9. I have expected ______ the secret of happiness.A. to tell B. telling C. to be told D. being told10. When the painter felt the ladder begin to slip, he grabbed the glitter to save himself from ______.A. having fallen B. being fallen C. to fall D. falling11. The snow kept falling and the workmen grew tired of trying ______ the roads clear.A. keeping B. to keep C. to be kept D. being kept12. He offered ______ me the money. I didn't like taking it but I had no alternative.A. to lend B. to be lent C. lending D. being lent13. Try to avoid being late. He hates ______ waiting.A. being kept B. to be kept C. keeping D. both A&B14. I don't appreciate ______ when I am speaking.A. to be interrupted B. interrupting C. being interrupted D. to interrupt15. You remember ______ seats for the theatre tomorrow.A. to be booked B. booking C. to book D. B and C16. The mountain climbers are in danger of ______ by an avalanche.A. being killed B. killing C. having been killed D. Both A and BVI. Free – Practice:Complete the second sentence so that it has similar meaning to the first.1. He couldn't play well in the last match because of his injured knee.His injured knee made______________________________________2. You can try to get Jim to lend you his car, but you won't succeed.There's no point___________________________________________ 3. He wished he had invited her to his birthday party.He regretted______________________________________________ 4. I prefer having dinner at home to going out for dinner.I'd rather ________________________________________________VII. Consolidation and Homework: - What you have learnt in Unit 3. - Review all grammatical points and vocabulary. - Prepare next part – Revision Unit 4.

- Whole classExpected answers:1. ... him not play well in the last match.2. … in getting Jim to lend you his car.3. ... not inviting her to his birthday party.4. … have dinner at home than go out for dinner.

- Whole class

---- ----Preparation date: /11/2012Teaching date: /12/2012Period: 48th

REVISION FOR 1ST TERM TEST (UNIT 4) Objectives: By the end of the lesson, T will be able to:- help students to revise knowledge from unit 4.- improve their techniques of doing the simple tests. Teaching aids: Textbook, handouts, chalks, board … Method: Communicative approach. Procedure:


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Teacher’s activities Students’ activitiesI. Stabilization:- Greeting the class- Checking the students’ attendance II. Check up:- Asking 2 students to recall some grammar points that they have learnt before.III. Warm up: Answering Questions Have you prepared it at home? Have you got any difficulties?IV. New lesson:Revise the main language knowledge:1. Vocabulary in Reading lessons.2. Pronunciation of /w/, /j/. 3. Grammar:Present participle The present participle of most verbs has the form V + ing and is used in the following ways :+ as part of the continuous form of a verbEx: I am working.+ after verbs of movement/ position in the pattern: verb + present participle Ex: My mother used to go shopping everyday.This construction is particularly useful with the verb “to go”, such as go diving, go fishing ,go swimming …+ after verbs of perception in the pattern:verb + object + present participleEx: I heard someone playing the guitar. + as an adjective Ex: It was an interesting film. + with the verbs spend and waste, in the pattern: verb + time/ money expression + present participleEx: I spend two hours a day traveling to work. Don’t waste time playing computer games!+ with the verbs catch and find, in the pattern:verb +object + present participleEx: We found our dog lying in the bathroom.+ to replace a sentence or part of a sentenceEx: He sang to himself. He walked down the road. (= Singing to himself, he walked down the road.)Perfect gerund and perfect participlePresentationa. Perfect gerundForm: having + PPUse:- It can be used instead of the present form of the gerund when we are referring to a past action.Ex : He was accused of deserting his ship = he was accused of having deserted his ship.b. Perfect participle Form: having + PPUse: + The perfect participle can be used instead of the present participle when one action is immediately followed by another with the same subject.V. EXERCISE:

- Greeting the T- Answer

- Do T’s requests

- Listen

- Represent what they’ve learnt


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Choose the best answer in A, B, C or D.1) ______ it several times, he didn’t want to read it once again.A. Having read B. To read C. To have read D. Having read2) ______ that he was poor, I offered to pay his fare.A. Knowing B. Known C. Knew D. Having known3) ______ photographs of the place, I had no desire to go there.A. Having seen B. Seen C. Saw D. Having seen4) I hate ______ a child ______.A. see/ crying B. see/ cry C. seeing/ to cry D. seeing/ cry 5) I notice the lorry ______ down the hill.A. to come B. came C. coming D. having come6) I observed a blue car ______ very fast towards the motorway.A. having driven B. driven C. driving D. to drive7) They left the restaurant, ______ two hours over lunch. A. spending B. spent C. after spend D. having spent8) The police accused him of ______ fire to the building but he denied ______ in the area on the night of the fire.A. setting/ being B. setting/ having been C. set/ be D. having set/ having been9) The girl ______ behind you is naughty. A. is standing B. standing C. stood D. stands 10) ______ for twelve hours, I felt marvelous.A. Having slept B. have sleptC. Having been slept D. have been slept11) By the time their baby arrives, the Johnson hope ______ decorating the new nursery.A. having finished B. to have finishedC. having been finished D. to have been finished12) She's angry about ______ to the farewell party last night.A. not having invited B. not to have invited C. not having been invited D. not to have been invited13) We decided not to travel, ______ the terrible weather forecast.A. having heard B. to have heard C. having been heard D. to have been heard14) I'd love ______ to the party, but it was impossible.A. having gone B. to have goneC. having been gone D. to have been gone15) I don't recall ______ him at the conference.A. having seen B. to have seenC. having been seen D. to have been seen16) ______ in dark colors, the room needed some bright lights.A. Having painted B. To have paintedC. Having been painted D. To have been painted17) The stockbroker denied ______ of the secret business deal.A. having informed B. to have informedC. having been informed D. to have been informed18) They now regret ______- their son by providing too many material possessions.A. having spoiled B. to have spoiledC. having been spoiled D. to have been spoiled19) ______ to the party, we could hardly refuse to go.A. Having invited B. To have invitedC. Having been invited D. To have been invited20) Tom made a bad mistake at work but his boss didn't fire him. He's lucky ______ a second chance.

- Write down and do exercisesExpected answers:Letters in bold


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A. having given B. to have givenC. having been given D. to have been givenVI. Free – Practice:Rewrite the sentences beginning with an appropriate participle (present past or perfect)1. We had spent nearly all our money so we couldn't afford to stay at a hotel..................................................................................................2. I felt very tired when I got home, so I went straight to bed..................................................................................................3. She had never used it before, so she didn’t know what to do..................................................................................................4. When we had paid the bill, we left the restaurant..................................................................................................VII. Consolidation and Homework: - What you have learnt in Unit 4. - Review all grammatical points and vocabulary. - Prepare next part.

- Whole classExpected answers:1. Having spent nearly all our money, we ...2. Feeling very tired when I got home, I …3. Not having used it before, she didn’t know what to do.4. Having paid the bill, we left the restaurant.

- Whole class

---- ----Tổ trưởng kí duyệt


Hứa Thị Hoài Thanh


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WEEK 17 th Preparation date: /12/2012Teaching date: /12/2012Period: 49th

REVISION FOR 1ST TERM TEST (UNIT 6) Objectives: By the end of the lesson, T will be able to:- help students to revise knowledge from unit 6.- improve their techniques of doing the simple tests. Teaching aids: Textbook, handouts, chalks, board … Method: Communicative approach. Procedure:

Teacher’s activities Students’ activitiesI. Stabilization:- Greeting the class- Checking the students’ attendance II. Check up:- Asking 2 students to recall some grammar points that they have learnt before.III. Warm up: Answering Questions Have you prepared it at home? Have you got any difficulties?IV. New lesson:Revise the main language knowledge:1. Vocabulary in Reading lessons.2. Pronunciation of /tr/, /dr/, /tw/. 3. Grammar:Reported Speech with gerunda/ Having object:

S + V + Object + preposition + V-ing* Verbs: accused … of, suspect … of, congratulate … on, prevent … from, thank … for, warm … against.* Example: - “You are not telling the truth, you are a liar!” They accused me of telling lies.b/ Having no object:

S + V + preposition + V-ing* Verbs: dream of, approve/ disapprove of, insist on, apologize for, think of … c/ S + V + V_ing: look forward to, deny, admit, + V-INGV. EXERCISE:Choose the best answer in A, B, C or D.1. “______,” the boy admitted. a. I would like to spoil the food b. I will spoil the food c. I’m sorry. I spoilt the food d. I must spoil the food 2. “May I go out, Mum?” – “ No, I won’t let you go out”a. The mother prevented her child from going out. b. The mother suggested going out.c. The mother thanked her child for going out d. The mother insisted her child on going out.3. The police warned me against coming near the barrier.a. “Please come near the barrier,” The police said.b. “Don’t come near the barrier,” The police said.c. “I would like to come near the barrier,” The police said.d. “Let’s come near the barrier,” The police said.

- Greeting the T- Answer

- Do T’s requests

- Listen

- Represent what they’ve learnt

- Write down and do exercisesExpected answers:Letters in bold


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4. “Don’t touch that flower!” the old lady said to the boy.a. The old lady wanted the boy not touching that flower.b. The old lady insisted the boy on touching that flower.c. The old lady warned the boy against touching that flower.d. The old lady congratulated the boy on not touching that flower.5. “Please give me some more money, Mum,” Daisy said.a. Daisy protected her mother from giving her some more money.b. Daisy insisted her mother on giving her some money.c. Daisy dreamed of her mother giving her some more money.d. Daisy looked forward to giving her mother some more money.6. “You have just got a promotion, haven’t you? Congratulation!” Peter said to his friend.a. Peter dreamed of getting promotion.b. Peter told his friend if his friend getting a promotion.c. Peter asked his friend on getting a promotion.d. Peter congratulated his friend on getting on promotion.7. “You must not get into the area,” the policemen said.a. The policemen stopped them from getting into the area.b. The policemen denied from getting into the area.c. The policemen wanted them to get into the area.d. The policemen suggested getting into the area.8. Mary accused Peter of stealing her money.a. Mary said, “It is you that stole my money.”b. Mary said, “Congratulation! Well done with your stealing my money.”c. Mary said, “Could you please steal my money.”d. Mary said, “Don’t steal my money.”9. “______,” the secretary proposed.a. Excuse me! We will buy some more equipment.b. I think we should buy some more equipment.c. Thank you very much for some more equipment.d. You should not have bought some more equipment.10. “______,” Henry complimented.a. How about the new dress? b. What about the new dress? c. Buy the new dress, will you?d. How pretty you are in the new dress!VI. Free – Practice:Write the following sentences using the words given. 1. “Yes. I’ve spent too much money doing the shopping,’’.→ She admitted …………………………………………………..2. “Congratulations! You’ve succeeded in the interview, Kate,’’ → Jane congratulated …………………………………………….3. John spent his own money. I can’t prevent him from that.→ I can’t prevent …………………………………………………4. “I didn’t reveal the company’s confidential information”.→ Mary denied …………………………………………………..

VII. Consolidation and Homework: - What you have learnt in Unit 6. - Review all grammatical points and vocabulary. - Prepare next part.

- Whole classExpected answers:1. She admitted speding too much money doing the shopping.2. Jane congratulated Kate on succeeding in the interview.3. I can’t prevent him from spending his own money.4. Mary denied revealing the company’s confidential information.

- Whole class

---- ----Preparation date: /12/2012


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Teaching date: /12/2012Period: 50th

REVISION FOR 1ST TERM TEST (UNIT 7) Objectives: By the end of the lesson, T will be able to:- help students to revise knowledge from unit 7.- improve their techniques of doing the simple tests. Teaching aids: Textbook, handouts, chalks, board … Method: Communicative approach. Procedure:

Teacher’s activities Students’ activitiesI. Stabilization:- Greeting the class- Checking the students’ attendance II. Check up:- Asking 2 students to recall some grammar points that they have learnt before.III. Warm up: Answering Questions Have you prepared it at home? Have you got any difficulties?IV. New lesson:Revise the main language knowledge:1. Vocabulary in Reading lessons.2. Pronunciation of /kl/, /gl/, /kr/, /gr/, /kw/. 3. Grammar:CONDITIONAL SENTENCESStructures:

CONDITIONAL IN REPORTED SPEECHEx: 1. “If I have a lot of money, I’ll build houses for the poor”, John said.→ John said if he had a lot of money he would build houses for the poor.2. “If today were Sunday, we wouldn’t go to school,” they said to me.→ They told me if that day were Sunday they wouldn’t go to school.Note: Conditional sentences type 2 and 3 can be the same in tenses in reported speech.V. EXERCISE:1. Choose the best answer.1) If the ball ______ the line, that would have been the end of the game.A. would cross B. will cross C. had crossed D. crossed2) If someone knocked a candle over, it ______ a fire.A. will start B. started C. would start D. would have started3) If you ______ told us about the bad service, we would have eaten there.A. hadn’t B. don’t C. didn’t D. wouldn’t have

- Greeting the T- Answer

- Do T’s requests

- Listen

- Represent what they’ve learnt

- Write down and do exercisesExpected answers:Letters in bold


If clause Main clauseType 1: Present simple Will/ Shall + Bare.infType 2: Past simple (To be: WERE)

Would + Bare inf.

Type 3: Past perfect Would + Have + P.P

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4) What would Tom do if he ______ the truth?A. would know B. knows C. had known D. knew5) If I ______ you were sick, I would have called sooner.A. knew B. had knownC. know D. would have known6) If there ______ a row, I’m going to keep out of it.A. will be B. is C. were D. had been7) If I ______ you, I’d call and apologize.A. am B. were C. would be D. was8) Jack will win the election if he ______ harder.A. will campaign B. would campaign C. campaigned D. campaigns9) She told me that she would not have enjoyed the party if I ______ there.A. am not B. was not C. were not D. had not been10) If you ______ to my advice in the first place, you wouldn’t be in this mess right now.A. listen B. will listen C. had listenedD. listened11) If she asks for money, I ______ her.A. will give B. gave C. would give D. would have given12) The doctor said ______ the patient did not stop smoking, he would be seriously ill.A. that if B. whether C. if that D. as if2. Rewrite these sentences by using “If”.1. She will fail in the examination because she is very lazy.→ If ………………………………………………………………2. We don’t have holiday because we haven’t got any money.→ If ………………………………………………………………3. He didn’t listen to his parents. He failed the exam. → If ………………………………………………………………

3. Change the following conditional sentences into reported speech.1. “If I had any money, I’d buy you a drink”, she said to me. → ……………………………………………2. “If I catch the plane, I’ll be home by five” he said.→ ……………………………………………3. “You should stay in bed if you feel unwell,” my mother said.→ ……………………………………………4. “If I’d had my mobile yesterday, I could have contacted you,” Tom said→ ……………………………………………

VI. Free – Practice: Put the verbs into the correct form.1. If he (eat) ______ all, he will be ill.2. If I (know) ______ his address, I’d give it to you.3. I shouldn’t drink that wine if I (be) ______ you.4. If the rain (stop) ______, I would have gone for a walk.

VII. Consolidation and Homework: - What you have learnt in Unit 7. - Review all grammatical points and vocabulary, prepare next part.

- Whole classExpected answers:1. If she weren’t very lazy, she wouldn’t fail in the exam.2. If we got any money, we would have holiday.3. If he had listened to his parents, he wouldn’t have failed the exam.- Whole classExpected answers:1. She said to me that if she had any money she would buy me a drink.2. He said that is he caught the plane he would be home by five.3. My mother said that if I feel unwell I should stay in bed.4. Tom said that if he had had his mobile the day before, he could have contacted me. - Whole classExpected answers:1. eats2. knew3. were4. had stopped

- Whole class

---- ----Preparation date: /12/2012


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Teaching date: /12/2012Period: 51st

REVISION FOR 1ST TERM TEST (UNIT 8) Objectives: By the end of the lesson, T will be able to:- help students to revise knowledge from unit 8.- improve their techniques of doing the simple tests. Teaching aids: Textbook, handouts, chalks, board … Method: Communicative approach. Procedure:

Teacher’s activities Students’ activitiesI. Stabilization:- Greeting the class- Checking the students’ attendance II. Check up:- Asking 2 students to recall some grammar points that they have learnt before.III. Warm up: Answering Questions Have you prepared it at home? Have you got any difficulties?IV. New lesson:Revise the main language knowledge:1. Vocabulary in Reading lessons.

2. Pronunciation of /fl/, /fr/, /θr/. 3. Grammar:Pronouns: one(s), someone, no one, anyone, everyonea. Someone: - used in positive sentences, has the idea of a definite idea. b. Anyone: - used in negatives and questions, has the meaning of no limit. c. Everyone: - mean “all the people in a group” d. Everybody: - used in positive sentences, questionse. No one: - mean “No people”; - used in positive sentences f. One: - used to avoid repeating a singular noung. Ones: - used to avoid repeating a plural noun

Followed by a singular verb indefinite pronouns Refer back to them in a sentence with they/them/theirV. EXERCISE:Choose the best answer in A, B, C or D.1. Were there any calls for me? – Yes, ______ rang while you were out.A. someone B. anyone C. no one D. A & B2. I threw my old trainers and bought some new ______.A. ones B. one C. some D. any3. There’s ______ waiting outside to see you. She didn’t tell me her name.

- Greeting the T- Answer

- Do T’s requests

- Listen

- Represent what they’ve learnt

- Write down and do exercisesExpected answers:Letters in bold


SomeoneAnyoneEveryoneNo one

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A. no one B. anyone C. someone D. everyone4. There are two films on TV this evening. Which ______ would you prefer to see?A. one B. ones C. someone D. anyone5. Do you need thick paper or thin ______?A. anyone B. everyone C. one D. ones6. We all know the man is a thief, don’t we? – Yes, ______ knows, but ______ dares to say so publicly.A. someone/ no one B. everyone/ no oneC. anyone/ no one D. anyone/ someone7. Can you please check that ______ has got a ticket?A. someone B. anyone C. no one D. everyone 8. I would like to offer a small reward to ______ who finds my missing dog.A. someone B. anyone C. no one D. one9. If anybody ______ question, please ask me after class.A. have B. have a C. has D. has a10. ______ in the class did their homework so the teacher was angry.A. No one B. Anyone C. Everyone D. All11. ______ is knocking at the door. Can you answer it?A. One B. Someone C. No one D. Anyone12. ______ in the office is given special training for the job so all of them do the job well.A. No one B. Anyone C. Someone D. Everyone13. I went to the library to seek information I needed for my study but I found ______ there.A. someone B. no one C. anyone D. everyone14. Does ______ mind if I turn on the TV?A. anyone B. someone C. no one D. everyone15. He didn’t attend the important meeting yesterday but no one ______ why.A. knew B. know C. knowing D. knowsVI. Free – Practice: Fill in the blanks with the pronouns: one(s), someone, anyone, no one, or everyone.1) Nearly ______ on the Internet uses e-mail to communicate with each other.2) ______ has left their bag behind.3) I’ve got some stamps here. Which is the ______ you like? 4) Was there ______ you knew at the meeting?5) Goodbye, ______. I’ll see you next week.6) Does ______ else want to come?7) Would you make a copy for ______ in the office and a few extra ______ for the visitors?8) There’s ______ at the door.VII. Consolidation and Homework: - What you have learnt in Unit 8. - Review all grammatical points and vocabulary, prepare next part.

- Whole classExpected answers:1. everyone2. Someone3. one4. anyone5. everyone6. anyone7. everyone – ones8. someone

- Whole class

---- ----Tổ trưởng kí duyệt



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Hứa Thị Hoài Thanh

WEEK 18 th Preparation date: /12/2012Teaching date: /12/2012Period: 52nd

SAMPLE TEST 1 (1st term - English 11) Objectives: By the end of the lesson, T will be able to:- review Ss’ learning through: writing, reading, pronunciation, vocabulary and grammar.- help Sts do the sample test. Teaching aids: Textbook, handouts, chalks, board … Method: Communicative approach. Procedure: Distribute handouts. SỞ GIÁO DỤC ĐÀO TẠO GIA LAI KIỂM TRA HỌC KÌ I - MÔN ANH VĂNTRƯỜNG THPT LÊ HỒNG PHONG NĂM HỌC: 2012- 2013/ MÃ ĐỀ 001 Name: ..................................................... Class: 11B ...

Choose the word whose underlined part is pronounced differently from that of the other words.1. A. church B. which C. children D. machine2. A. honey B. home C. hour D. hospital3. A. twin B. two C. twelve D. twinkle4. A. war B. work C. world D. whom5. A. university B. student C. volunteer D. museumChoose the best answer to complete each sentence.6. My parents make me ______ hard to get good marks.A. worked B. to work C. working D. work7. She often ______ shopping at weekends.A. go B. goes C. is going D. went8. I am looking forward to ______ from you.A. hear B. heard C. hearing D. hears9. Yesterday when I ______ to his house, he ______ the exercises A. come/ is writing B. come/ was writing C. was coming/ wrote D. came/ was writing10. Yesterday, the bus ______ when we arrived.A. had left B. has left C. was leaving D. leaves11. Tom was accused ______ some top secret document.A. to steal B. of having stolen C. for stealing D. to have stolen12. “I’m sorry. I didn’t answer your phone.” Mary said. → Mary apologized ______.A. of not answering her phone B. for not answering my phoneC. from not to answer my phone D. no answering me phone13. If I feel too excited to sleep, I ______ reading one of our reports.A. try B. would try C. would have tried D. will try14. The new students hope ______ in many of the school's social activities.A. to include B. to be included C. including D. being included15. There is now an intense ______ between schools to attract students.A. compete B. competition C. competitive D. competitor16. Daisy is so ______ She only cares about herself, not about other people.A. helpful B. unselfish C. selfish D. loyal17. For boys who no longer have fathers, there's a ______ organization called Big Brothers.A. mountainous B. voluntary C. younger D. disadvantaged18. Each nation has many people who voluntarily take care of others.A. bring along B. get on with C. keep up with D. look after 19. The ______ will observe and score your performance in the contest.


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A. judges B. winners C. sponsors D. contestants20. There’s ______ at the door. Can you go and see who it is?A. anyone B. someone C. no one D. everyoneChoose the item among A, B, C or D that best answers the question about the passage.There are many proverbs about friends and friendship, such as “True friendship is like sound health”; “the value of its seldom know until it is lost”, and “A real friend is someone who walks in when the rest of the world walks out”. When you read these quotes, stop and think about your friendship. Do you and your friends act in a caring way towards one another, do you respect them and do they respect you, but most of all do you value the relationship and love spending time together? Friendship is more than just hanging out together and gossiping about other people. True friendship is when two people have mutual respect for one another, and really care about the each other’s feelings and dreams. You need to be able to be honest with your friends. If there is ever a time when you feel that you cannot tell them the truth, for fear that they will be mad or will not understand, then they are not true friends. Friends share with each other important things that they would not share with others. Friends also care about each other, stick up for one another and enjoy spending time together.21. The passage is about ______.A. a friend B. friendshipC. proverbs about friends and friendship D. caring for friends22. The author advised us ______.A. not to tell a secret to a friend B. to respect our friendsC. not to tell a friend about important things D. to make friends to gossip23. Friends ______.A. should not spend time together B. should be honestC. should gossip about others D. should not care much24. Which sentence is NOT true?A. Friends should respect each other. B. We should be honest with our friends.C. We can share important things with a friend. D. Dishonesty is needed for true friendship.25. Which of these can be used to describe true friendship?A. be honest and be mad B. hang out and gossip C. have lunch and gossip D. trust, respect and shareRead the following passage and choose the most suitable word.Linda is seven years old today, and her parents hold a birthday party for her. On the table there is a birthday (26) ______ which there are seven colourful (27) ______ sitting in the middle of the cake. People sing “Happy birthday” to Linda. When they finish singing, she blows (28) ______ the candles on the cake then she cuts the cake to serve the guests. After that, she happily opens her birthday cards and (29) …………. that her relatives and friends give (30) ______.26. A. bread B. candy C. sandwich D. cake27. A. gifts B. rings C. candles D. flowers28. A. off B. over C. out D. down29. A. presents B. complaints C. parents D. helicopters30. A. him B. her C. you D. themChoose the underlined part among A, B, C or D that needs correcting.31. Instead of be excited about the good news, Tom seemed to be indifferent. A B C D32. John thanked us inviting them to dinner and said that they wanted to have us over for dinner next week. A B C D33. He blew off all 60 candles on his birthday cake. A B C D34. They let me choose a pencil, and I took the red ones.

A B C D35. If he works more slowly, he wouldn't make so many mistakes. A B C DChoose the best answer 36. “Why don’t you invite her to the party?” John asked.


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A. John suggested inviting her to the party. B. John suggested to invite her to the party.C. John suggested being invited her to the party. D. John suggested me invite her to the party.37. “Thank you very much for your help, Peter,” said Mary.A. Mary thanked Peter for helping her. B. Mary told Peter to help her.C. Mary wanted Peter to help her and said thanks. D. Mary would like Peter to help her.38. “If it rains, I will stay at home to read books,” said the boy.A. The boy said that if it rains he will stay at home to read books.B. The boy said that if it rained he would stay at home to read books.C. The boy said that if it had rained he would have stayed at home to read books.D. The boy said that if it rains I will stay at home to read books.39. “If I were a millionaire, I could help a lot of poor children,” said the manA. The man said that if he were a millionaire he could help a lot of poor children. B. The man said that if I were a millionaire I could help a lot of poor children. C. The man said that if he had been a millionaire he could have helped a lot of poor children. D. The man said that if he is a millionaire he can help a lot of poor children. 40. He didn't hurry, so he missed the train.A. If he hurried, he wouldn't miss the train. B. If he had hurried, he could have caught the train.C. If he had hurried, he might catch the train D. He didn't miss the train if he hurried.

---- ----Preparation date: /12/2012Teaching date: /12/2012Period: 53rd

SAMPLE TEST 2 (1st term - English 11) Objectives: By the end of the lesson, T will be able to:- review Ss’ learning through: writing, reading, pronunciation, vocabulary and grammar.- help Sts do the test. Teaching aids: Textbook, handouts, chalks, board … Method: Communicative approach. Procedure: Distribute handouts. SỞ GIÁO DỤC ĐÀO TẠO GIA LAI KIỂM TRA HỌC KÌ I - MÔN ANH VĂNTRƯỜNG THPT LÊ HỒNG PHONG NĂM HỌC: 2012- 2013Name: ..................................................... Class: 11B ... I. Fill in the gap with the correct form of the words in bracket.1. Each nation has many people who ______ take care of others. (volunteer)2. We often take part in helping ______ or handicapped children. (advantage)3. Most married couples in the United States ______ wedding anniversary each year. (celebration)4. Many social activities are ______ by the Communist Youth Union. (organization)5. We’re in harsh ______ with several other companies for the contract. (compete)6. People call the 50th wedding anniversary “the G ______ Anniversary” (gold)7. Rapid population ______ has caused poverty in this area. (grow)8. Would you mind ______ for me for a moment? (wait)9. All the ______ in the debate had an opportunity to speak. (participate) 10. Air pollution is an ______ serious problem in many developing countries. (increase)II. Reading comprehensionA. Choose the best answer to complete the following passage.

Friendship is the cooperative and (1) ______ relationship between two or more people. In this sense, the term (2) ______ a relationship which involves mutual knowledge, esteem, affection, and respect along with a degree of rendering services to friends in times of (3) ______ and crisis. Friend will welcome each other’s company and exhibit loyalty (4) ______ each other, often to the point of altruism. Their tastes will usually be similar, and they will share enjoyable activities. They will also engage in (5) ______ helping behavior, such as the exchange of advice and the sharing of hardship. A friend is someone who may often demonstrate reciprocating and reflective behavior. (6) ______ for


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some, the practical execution of friendship is little more than the friendship that someone will not harm them.1. A. supportive B. supporting C. supported D. supportable2. A. connects B. connotes C. shows D. means3. A. difficulty B. problem C. need D. complication4. A. towards B. with C. to D. for5. A. naturally B. actually C. formally D. mutually6. A. Despite B. So C. Yet D. AndB. Read the following letter and choose the best answer for each blank.

My most embarrassing experience happened when I had just left university. I have just started teaching in a secondary school in my hometown. One morning, my alarm clock didn’t go off because I forgot to wind it up and the previous evening I went to my friend’s party and I came back home very late. I woke up at seven fifteen and my lesson began at half past seven. It was over seven kilometers from my house to my school. I hurried, shaved, got dressed, jumped on my motorbike and drove to my school. Luckily, there wasn't any traffic jam, so I arrived my school a little bit late. Therefore, I didn’t go to the staff-room, but went straight into my class. When I got there, the students had already been in the classroom waiting for me seriously. I greeted them and started my lesson immediately. After two or three minutes, the students began murmuring to each other and some of them laughed, then all of them laughed loudly. I couldn’t know why so I intended to punish them. Suddenly, I looked down and understood. I had put on one black shoe and one brown shoe! Can you imagine how I felt at that moment and what would you do if you were in my situation?1. Why did the writer come to school late?A. He missed the bus. B. He overslept.C. He didn’t have an alarm clock. D. He was trapped in traffic jam.2. What did the students do after two or three minutes?A. They started learning seriously. B. They kept silent.C. They told him his problem. D. They started laughing.3. He didn’t understand his problem until ______.A. his students murmured to each other and laughed B. he went outC. he looked down D. his students told him his problem.4. What does the word murmur mean?A. say something in a high voice B. say something in a low voiceC. laugh lightly D. laugh loudly5. Which of the following statements is NOT TRUE according to the passage?A. He didn’t wash his face before leaving home.B. He started teaching in a secondary school right after he graduated from university.C. It is the first time he has been in such a situation.D. Coming to class with one black shoe and one brown shoe is his embarrassing experience.III. Phonetics & GrammarChoose the word which has the underlined part pronounced differently from the rest. 1. A. game B. bridge C. against D. garage 2. A. excited B. kind C. nice D. quick 3. A. decorate B. special C. constancy D. cloth Choose the word which is stressed differently from the rest. 4. A. unselfish B. sympathy C. quality D. principle 5. A. competition B. difficulty C. representative D. entertainment Choose the correct answer. 6. These workers stopped ______ some coffee because they felt sleepy.

A. to have B. have C. having D. had 7. How many ______ minorities are there in Vietnam?

A. national B. primary C. ethnic D. main 8. If I ______ to her party yesterday, I ______ you there.

A. had gone/would meet B. went/would meet C. went/will meet D. had gone/would have met9. Our house needs ______. A. to paint B. to be painting C. painted D. painting


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10. Last night, I suddenly woke up and heard the next-door couple ______ loudly.A. argue B. argued C. to argue D. arguing

11. My friend often shows her ______ whenever I have troubles. A. sympathy B. sympathize C. sympathetic D. sympathetically 12. My close friend is often concerned ______ all problems that I mention. A. over B. with C. above D. into 13. When someone ______ a poem or other piece of writing, they say it aloud after they have learned it. A. recites B. takes part in C. speaks D. completes 14. They all denied ______ her. A. to see B. of seeing C. having ever seen D. ever having seen 15. The exam is coming so the teachers make their students ______ a lot. A. study B. to study C. studying D. studied 16. It is impossible ______ such a difficult thing without any help. A. to do B. do C. doing D. done 17. They are whispering to avoid ______ by their friends. A. being heard B. hearing C. to be heard D. being hearing 18. My father usually ______ beer after meals but now he ______ tea. A. drank/was drinking B. drinks / is drinking C. has drunk / drinks D. drinks / drinks 19. There’s someone ______ at the door. Can you go and see who it is? A. knocking B. knock C. to knock D. knocks Find the mistake A, B, C or D. 20. Everyone are wearing black this year because it’s fashionable. A B C D 21. We spent a week to prepare for our concert last month. A B C D 22. Many people go to the pagoda to pray of a happy year for themselves and their family. A B C D Choose the best answer to complete each of the following sentences. 23. I expected ______, but I wasn’t. A. to invite to the party B. to be invited to the partyC. inviting to the party D. being invited to the party24. ______, we would have written to him. A. If we know his address B. If we knew his address C. If we had known his address D. If we have known his address IV. Rewrite the sentences without changing meaning from the root. 1. The weather was so cold that we couldn’t go out.→ The weather prevented………………………………………….2. “It’s very kind of you to help me last week,” Lan said to Nam → Lan thanked …………………………………………………….3. Because I didn’t listen to my father’s advice, I got myself into trouble. → If ……………………………………………………………….V. LISTENINGListen to a talk and do the following tasks.Task 1: Listen and choose the best answers (1pt)1. They’ve known each other for ______.A. 25 years B. 35 years C. 45 years D. 55 years2. They became friends because they ______.A. Went to a different school B. Lived in the same cityC. Went to the same school D. Lived next door to each other3. They lost contact with each other in ______.A. The 1970s B. the 1917s C. The 1870s D. the 1817s4. They didn’t see each other ______.A. In the park B. At lunch time C. At James’s wedding D. In the pub

1. 1. A 2. 2. D 3. 3. A 4. 4. C


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Task 2: Listen again and fill in the blanks (1pt)1. We haven’t kept (1) ______ all the time.2. I didn’t go to James’ wedding but he came to (2) ______.3. Well, I’ve been living her in Brighton since 99, and these days I see James about (3) ______.4. We haven’t been doing that for very long but it’s good to get all of us (4) ______.

1. in touch 2. mine 3. once a week 4. togetherKEYS:I. Phonetics


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1. voluntarily 2. disadvantaged 3. celebrate 4. organized 5. competition

6. golden 7. growth 8. waiting 9. participants 10. increasingly

II. ReadingA. 1.A 2.B 3.C 4.A 5.D 6.CB. 1.B 2.D 3.C 4.B 5.AIII. Phonetics & Grammar1.B 2.D 3.B 4.A 5.B 6.A 7.C 8.D 9.D 10.D 11.A 12.B 13.A 14.C 15.A 16.A 17.A 18.B 19.A 20.A 21.C 22.C 23.B 24.CIV. Writing1. The weather prevented us from going out. 2. Lan thanked Nam for helping her the week before/ the previous week. 3. If I had listened to my father’s advice, I wouldn’t have got into trouble.

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