A Step-by-Step Instruction Guide Written by Lori Kennedy Director of The Wellness Business Academy GET YOUR FIRST 10 CLIENTS WITH EASE & CONFIDENCE www.lorikennedyrhn.com

Get Your First 10 Clients With ease & ConFidenCeYour+First... · 10 clients with ease and confidence, let’s dive into the step-by-step guide so you can STOP wasting time doing things

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Page 1: Get Your First 10 Clients With ease & ConFidenCeYour+First... · 10 clients with ease and confidence, let’s dive into the step-by-step guide so you can STOP wasting time doing things

A Step-by-Step Instruction Guide

Written by Lori Kennedy Director of The Wellness Business Academy

Get Your First 10 Clients With ease & ConFidenCe


Page 2: Get Your First 10 Clients With ease & ConFidenCeYour+First... · 10 clients with ease and confidence, let’s dive into the step-by-step guide so you can STOP wasting time doing things

Dear Leader In Transformation,

If you want to start up, grow and scale your holistic health business—whether that’s a nutrition or health-coaching practice, a naturopathic or functional medicine practice, a massage or osteopathic practice, a fitness business or a life-coaching practice—without wasting an entire year because you don’t really know how to start a business, this is the most important guide you will ever read and use.

Here’s why.

I recently ran a survey to my community that generated 219 responses. One of the questions I asked was what are 2–3 of the top challenges, bottlenecks or obstacles holding you back from creating your dream business and life?

The top two responses were: I need more clients The confidence to attract and sell and to feel like I know what I’m doing in my business

Over the past decade I have been training and coaching thousands of holistic health and wellness entrepreneurs to start and grow their businesses, and I see the same negative patterns repeating themselves with many of the practitioners I coach.

You leave your educational institution with your designation and likely a lot of debt. Being that you just spent the past year, if not more, with like-minded friends you feel on top of the world—ready to start transforming clients’ lives.

Except that until this point it never really occurred to you that you have to learn how to start up a business. That you are, in fact, a business owner and that your professional title is just that… a professional title. And since your educational institution never came right out and told you that you are an entrepreneur first and a health practitioner or coach second, you are now stuck with too long of a to-do list with no idea where to start, feel-ing completely deflated and overwhelmed.

Am I right?

So how do I know this, and how is my knowing this going to quickly help YOU get your first 10 clients with ease and confidence?

Because back in 2007 when I first started my holistic nutrition business, I had no idea that I was my business, nor did I have any business, marketing or sales training. The most embarrassing part of it all was that I didn’t really even realize I was running a business… I was just a nutri-tionist who wanted to help clients avoid the same health issues I had faced for over 10 years.

Get Your First 10 Clients With Ease & Confidence

LorI Kennedy Inc.LKT




Page 3: Get Your First 10 Clients With ease & ConFidenCeYour+First... · 10 clients with ease and confidence, let’s dive into the step-by-step guide so you can STOP wasting time doing things


Get Your First 10 Clients With Ease & Confidence

LorI Kennedy Inc.LKT


I was a business owner? What!? No way… I’m a nutritionist.

It took me two years of struggle, tears, debt and many fights with my husband to finally create the system that skyrocketed my nutrition business. Once I learned how to get clients and invite them into transformation with me, everything changed.

The money started to flow. The clients were getting results. And I was happy.

Here’s the ONE THING no one told you that could stop you from living your purpose and building your dream business and life…

You need to shift your self-identity and mindset away from just being a INSERT YOUR PROFESSIONAL TITLE HERE to claiming your rightful place as the CEO of your business. Let me ask you a question. When you introduce yourself, do you say something like this: “Hi. I’m Lori. I’m a nutri-tionist.”

Or is your introduction more like this:

“Hi. I’m Lori, nutritionist and founder of WOW! Weight Loss, a whole foods-based weight-loss program that helps menopausal women reclaim their waistlines and balances out their hormones.”

If your introduction is more like the first example, you are still stuck in what I like to call The Unconscious Entrepre-neur State. You are not yet aware that YOU need to embody the traits, behaviors and mindset of entrepreneurism.

It’s OK. It took me years to figure it out and now I’m on a life journey, a mission to make sure that you successfully start up and grow your holistic health business within 12 months without the debt, struggle, overwhelm and burnout I experienced.

So now that you know a little bit more about me and why I’m uniquely qualified to help you get your first 10 clients with ease and confidence, let’s dive into the step-by-step guide so you can STOP wasting time doing things that just don’t work and START attracting a consistent flow of qualified dream clients.

Having a consistent flow of new dream clients coming into your business on autopilot IS the lifeblood of your business.


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Step # 1: Define Your Dream Client PersonaStep # 2: The Transformation Conversion Conversation (T.C.C.) Invitation Step # 3: Ignite the KLT + E FormulaStep # 4: Get to YES! Step # 5: Rinse & Repeat

WARNING: Before I dive into the 5-Step Dream Client Attraction System I want to make one thing very clear. The goal of your website, your marketing, your lead magnets, your public speaking, your blogs, your social media and every other piece of content you put out there WILL NEVER work to attract clients if you don’t follow this system.

It’s a bold statement. And I’m 100 percent confident in saying it.

It’s your responsibility to demonstrate your unique ability to transform your clients’ lives BEFORE they commit to working with you.

90 percent of your marketing materials should communicate your message, purpose and ex-pertise in a way that positions you as the go-to expert… 10 percent can be directly selling your programs.

When you communicate your expertise and add value before you invite prospects into transfor-mation, you won’t need to sell them at all. They will already be sold.

How do you do that, Lori? Keep reading… then take action.

Get Your First 10 Clients With Ease & Confidence

LorI Kennedy Inc.LKT



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STEP #1: DEfINE YOUR DREAm CLIENT PERSONA In order to attract your first 10, 100 or 1,000 clients, you need to know who you are looking for.

It’s really hard to find qualified clients to help if you don’t have a clear idea of who it is you actually want to work with. Think of defining your dream client persona like wedding dress shopping… I’m pretty sure you had a solid idea of the kind of dress, the style, the colour of white, the neckline, the train, the length of the train and all that other stuff you wanted before you even walked into your first wedding dress shop. And if you didn’t, you quickly started to think about those specifics.

The same line of thinking needs to happen when you are attracting clients.

Ask yourself these questions:

What questions do you get asked over and over again? Who you want to be a hero to? What problems do you want to solve for your clients? If you got a glowing testimonial, what would the client say? What do you want to be known for?

The reason defining your dream client persona (aka your ideal client avatar) is step one is because your branding, marketing, communicating and client attraction outreach should be created to specifically resonate with your dream client.

You’ve got to be able to solve a very specific problem for a very specific person.

I hate to be the one to break it to you, but you can’t and shouldn’t help everyone who asks you for help. To really be successful you need to enter the story already playing inside your dream client’s head and change the ending for them. You aren’t meant to help everyone. You are meant to help someone(s).Don’t shoot the messenger, OK? So WHO is that specific someone? And you don’t get to pass Go or collect $100 until you define your dream client persona.

Where are all my dream clients hiding?

Once you define WHO your dream client is, it’s time to go out into the world, find them and invite them into a Trans-formational Conversion Conversation (T.C.C.).

Get Your First 10 Clients With Ease & Confidence

LorI Kennedy Inc.LKT



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Don’t expect to put up a website, create a Facebook page and then sit back and wait. If you are offering a service, it’s highly unlikely that a dream client will stumble upon your website, read your “Work With Me” page and then invest in your program without having a conversation with you first.

The goal of defining your dream client persona is so that you can put yourself in front of your ideal clients and invite them into a T.C.C.—not directly sell them your program.

Since you’ve done the work to define your dream client, you should have a solid idea of where they hang out, what groups they are a part of, what restaurants they frequent, what blogs they read, and what social media platforms they play on.

Remember, your job is to get in front of your dream clients in a way that feels good for you.

My favorite way to get in front of my dream clients is by public speaking, hosting webinars, conducting interviews and creating high-value lead magnets (like the one you are reading right now).

from the detailed list below, pick one or two ways you can get in front of your dream clients. You don’t need 10 ways… focus on one or two.

❏ Charity events ❏ Professional associations❏ Trade associations ❏ Meetup groups ❏ Local stores ❏ Foodie groups❏ Local farmers’ markets ❏ Community events❏ Non-profit groups ❏ Groups that meet for a cause❏ Religious centers ❏ Beauty services❏ Kids’ extracurricular activities (dance, soccer, hockey) ❏ Adult sports groups❏ Adult recreation groups (knitting, cards, bingo) ❏ Fitness, yoga and meditation centers❏ Women’s and men’s groups ❏ PTAs❏ Fitness groups (running, biking, walking) ❏ Networking groups ❏ Book clubs ❏ Fundraising events❏ Online: LinkedIn, Facebook, Instagram, Google +, guest blog posting, podcasting, webinars, teleseminars

So pick one to two ways to get in front of your dream clients.

Get Your First 10 Clients With Ease & Confidence

LorI Kennedy Inc.LKT



Page 7: Get Your First 10 Clients With ease & ConFidenCeYour+First... · 10 clients with ease and confidence, let’s dive into the step-by-step guide so you can STOP wasting time doing things

Get Your First 10 Clients With Ease & Confidence

LorI Kennedy Inc.LKT



One of the biggest mistakes that holistic health practitioners, healers, coaches and fitness pros make is MAKING A MARRIAGE PROPOSAL ON A FIRST DATE. When you don’t get clients signing up directly from your website, it’s upsetting. When you don’t get clients signing up directly from your free talk, it’s upsetting. When no one enrols for your 6- or 12-week program from Facebook, you feel like the program isn’t good enough. Right?

I’ve been there… too many times.

The goal of your marketing and promotions ISN’T to secure clients. Read that again, please. Instead, shift your focus away from selling and towards attracting dream clients and INVITING THEM into Transformational Conversion Conversations (aka sales consults/assessments).

It’s highly unlikely that a stranger will invest in your program straight from your website or a free seminar. Yet they will gladly schedule a complimentary consult with you to learn more about you and how YOU CAN HELP THEM.

Back when I was working at the women’s-only gym, I would host two or three free seminars per month. I would give all of the personal trainers invitations to give to their clients and ask the group fitness instructors if I could have two minutes at the end of their class to promote the upcoming talk.

Because a lot of these women were seeing me for the first time, they didn’t enrol into the group weight-loss program right from the seminar. I would usually get three or four people to enrol on the spot. The rest were scheduled into T.C.C.s.

The week before my program was about to start, I focused on getting as many dream clients into consults as pos-sible. That meant contacting old clients, reaching out to old consults that didn’t invest, and asking for referrals. I knew that if I could get them into a consult I could convert them. My goal was to fill those groups with 12 women every 8 weeks and I did it almost every time.

Not sure how to invite a prospect into a T.C.C.? Here’s some language you can use…

It’s been really great talking with you. I’d love to answer your questions but don’t want to misspeak. In order for me to give you the best guidance possible I’d like to learn more about you. Would that be OK? Great. I’d like to offer you a complimentary Digestive Support Assessment (PRO TIP: create a hot hook name for your consults that describes the outcome). Let me take your name and phone number and I’ll get in touch tomorrow with some dates.


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Get Your First 10 Clients With Ease & Confidence

LorI Kennedy Inc.LKT


STEP #3: IGNITE THE KLT + E fORmULA There is a common scenario I want to warn you about that most practitioners, healers and coaches experience: It’s when you give away the farm for free. An interested prospect calls you to request more information about your program. They have loads of questions and you answer each one in an effort to please the person and because you want them

to schedule a T.C.C. with you.

Then the supposed hot prospect says, “Thanks. I’ll call back. I just wanted some information.”

What happened there?

You gave away the farm for free. That kind of interview-style interaction usually doesn’t result in a new client.

Instead of answering the questions, let the prospect know that the best way for you to give her/him the answers they are looking for is to have them come in/schedule a discovery call or assessment (whatever you call your T.C.C.).

Just because questions are being asked DOESN’T MEAN YOU HAVE TO ANSWER THEM. This is where the KLT + E Formula comes into play.

In The Wellness Business Academy we teach our students to use the KTL + E Formula as a way to indoctrinate and build rapport with prospects prior to having the Transformational Conversion Conversation.

The reason we ignite the KLT + E formula BEFORE the T.C.C. (transformational conversion conversation, aka sales consult) is because of the following two rules:

People don’t buy from strangers. People don’t buy WHAT you do, they buy the WHY

You want to leave at least 24–48 hours between a request to see you and the actual appointment. This leaves you time to build a relationship using the KLT + E formula.




Page 9: Get Your First 10 Clients With ease & ConFidenCeYour+First... · 10 clients with ease and confidence, let’s dive into the step-by-step guide so you can STOP wasting time doing things

The KLT + E Formula should be triggered during the scheduling phase. Immediately after the consult is booked, you want to indoctrinate the prospect. In The Wellness Business Academy we teach this process step-by-step to our students—you need to understand the conversion process and become a master at it.

One of the best and easiest ways to get a stranger to become a friend is to offer them results in advance and to demonstrate that you’ve helped others just like them.

After the T.C.C. is scheduled, send the prospect an email with the following links:

About Me page (KNOW)Two client testimonials (TRUST)One blog post that provides quick solutions to a problem you know the prospect experiences, giving results in ad-vance (LOVE)Ask one opened-ended question in the email to elicit a response (ENGAGE)

Use the time between the initial request and when they are sitting across from you to engage and befriend the in-terested prospect. By sending them the KLT + E email before the T.C.C., the prospect will feel like they know you because you’ve spent time nurturing the relationship.

You are no longer a stranger.

Most health practitioners, healers and coaches send a cold, impersonal scheduling email that doesn’t do anything to build rapport or break down the barriers to trust.

Don’t do that.

Use the KLT + E Formula instead. What other ways can you get the prospect to know, trust and love you before the T.C.C.?


Ah, the dreaded sales part. Right? Let’s flip the script. Instead of putting pressure on yourself to get the sale, reframe the intention. You are inviting the prospect into transformation with you. It’s an invitation, which they certainly can and should decline if they don’t feel it’s right for them.

Detach from the outcome. Think back to why you became a practitioner, healer, coach or fit pro in the first place—because you wanted to help as many people as possible transform their own lives.

Get Your First 10 Clients With Ease & Confidence

LorI Kennedy Inc.LKT



Page 10: Get Your First 10 Clients With ease & ConFidenCeYour+First... · 10 clients with ease and confidence, let’s dive into the step-by-step guide so you can STOP wasting time doing things

Get Your First 10 Clients With Ease & Confidence

LorI Kennedy Inc.LKT


To do that effectively, you need to embody two mindsets…

1. Full detachment from the outcome, because you are genuinely concerned for their best interests.2. The belief that you are the best person to help your dream clients transform and in exchange you deserve to live a life of abundance.

That doesn’t mean you need to be an expert in all things. It doesn’t mean that you are required to know every answer to every question you are asked, nor does it mean that you should let prospects off the hook when they present an objection.

The merriam-Webster Dictionary defines EXPERT as: having or showing special skill or knowledge because of what you have been taught or what you have experienced.

Feel confident in your ability to transform lives. You know ENOUGH right now to be able to help hundreds, thou-sands or even millions of people. There is no need to shrink yourself in fear of your lack of knowledge.

Well then, Lori, if that’s true, then why don’t prospects easily enroll in my programs then? Good question. There are a couple reasons why you get objections…

REASON #1: They don’t know you enough, like you enough or trust you yet.

This happens when you don’t leave enough time in between the initial contact and the T.C.C. If you’ve followed Step 3, you’ve got this covered. Spend the first couple of minutes of the T.C.C. genuinely getting to know the prospect. Avoid jumping into the clini-cian role right away.

REASON #2: They don’t believe you can actually help them.

Realize this limiting belief isn’t about you at all. It’s possible they don’t understand HOW your program or service will transform their life, so it’s your responsibility to ask questions to ensure they understand. More likely they don’t believe you can actually help them because they don’t believe in themselves. Inspire them to feel like your program is something they can do by asking about times in their life when things were going well. Anchor their outcome with you to those positive memories.

REASON #3: They’ve tried everything—so how is your program different?

Don’t get caught in this trap. You don’t need to defend your program. Sure, you should be able to clearly communi-cate the unique value of what you are offering and how it will help them to reach their goals, but this objection isn’t really about how your program is different from the others.

This objection stems from a deep-rooted belief that the prospect will fail because they’ve failed in trying all other programs. The real question is… what is different for the prospect this time that will enable them to succeed?


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Get Your First 10 Clients With Ease & Confidence

LorI Kennedy Inc.LKT


REASON #4: One foot in and one foot out—lack of commitment to their goals

A prospect might think that your program sounds really good but then refuse to enroll. Or they start with the usual objections: “I need to talk to my spouse,” “I’d like to try it on my own for a few weeks first,” “It’s a big financial com-mitment right now.”

What they are really saying is, “I know I should do this, I know I need to, but I’m not ready. I don’t want to commit to this BIG SCARY CHANGE YET.”

So how do you GET TO YES! in the Transformational Conversion Conversations?

Establish the true motivation for the prospect. What’s the underlying reason they are sitting in front of you? What’s the trigger that motivated them to commit to the T.C.C. now?

Then uncover what’s going on for them now. What are their problems? Listen to them without jumping to the clini-cian role. Let them tell you in their own words—don’t try to classify symptoms.

Next, get them to share their DREAMS. What results do they want, and how will getting those results transform their life?

Where are they now? Why can’t they change on their own? Where do they want to go? When it comes time to talk about your program and invite them into transformation with you, focus on establishing the gap—where they are now and where they want to go.

Get to YES! formula = 90% Transformation + 10% Service Delivery.

Remember, people don’t buy WHAT you are offering—they buy into the WHY.

The WHAT is the service delivery: meal plans, weekly sessions, training programs, audios, etc. The WHY is the transformation: the inspiring, motivating and supportive portion your program or service offers. Lead with the transformation and you will get to YES! every time.


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Get Your First 10 Clients With Ease & Confidence

LorI Kennedy Inc.LKT



What gets tracked can get measured. You are a CEO running a business and your behaviors must reflect that. Track your efforts and results so that you can evaluate where to spend your time.

Where are most of your prospects coming from? What efforts are working the best? What price point sells the best? What bonuses being offered seal the deal? How many times does a client renew?

You don’t need to be doing 50 things to get clients. Instead, track and evaluate what IS working and just do more of that. No need to spread yourself thin across 10 social media platforms or weekly networking events. Identify what is going well and invest more resources into that.

Tracking and evaluating is a process. If you are just starting out, this process might take a year. That’s OK. If you are really committed to making your business work, then a year to track and evaluate what’s working isn’t a long time at all.


I appreciate you taking the time to read this step-by-step guide to getting your first 10 clients with ease and confidence.

If you’ve enjoyed this material and want to learn how to expertly start up, grow and consistently monetize your purpose-driven business, then I invite you to explore The Wellness Business Academy.

Here’s what some of our WBA students, Leaders in Transformation, are saying about their experience…


Page 13: Get Your First 10 Clients With ease & ConFidenCeYour+First... · 10 clients with ease and confidence, let’s dive into the step-by-step guide so you can STOP wasting time doing things

Get Your First 10 Clients With Ease & Confidence

LorI Kennedy Inc.LKT


ABOUT THE AUTHOR (Me - Lori Kennedy) Hey! It’s so nice to e-meet you. I’m Lori Kennedy - we added the Inc. to turn my name into a business. So far it’s working :) The Kennedy part comes from my husband, father of my kids and business partner Bryan.

You can ask me how it is to work side-by-side with my husband later…

When people ask me what I do for a living, I tell them: “We train and coach health practitioners, healers, coaches and fit pro’s to start-up and grow their holistic health businesses so they can live their purpose of transforming the health of their client’s around the globe.”

But what I really want to say is:“I create online training courses and run live events that teach leaders in the

alternative health and coaching niche how to actually run a business so they can get clients and make more money so they can actually live their purpose and passion.”

And what I really, really, really want to say is: “I am obsessed with learning how to get today’s leaders in health transformation to commit to finding the courage to walk through their own fear so they can live their big bold dreams all on their own terms. My blog, online courses, The Wellness Business Academy and The Wellness Business Summit are created around the intention to make building a business easier… the more success my students achieve the faster my community can achieve my 1 mil-lion mission. Then selfishly I will feel more at ease knowing that I am serving my own purpose on this earth.”

As a Registered Holistic Nutritionist with over a decade of experience in the alternative health world - I ran my private practice for years out of a chain of 4 fitness clubs before moving into Dr. Marla Shapiro’s medical practice.

Since 2011 I’ve also offered online courses, workshops and online Summits and have partnered some of the most successful fitness and health brands to launch health information products with them. With over a dozen online launches and our online school - The Wellness Business Academy our business is now 100% online.

I’ve had the honour to teach classes at and create workshops for The Canadian School of Natural Nutrition, The Institute of Holistic Nutrition, The Canadian College of Naturopathic Medicine and The Canadian College of Massage and Hydrotherapy.

Our client’s and students regularly fast track their business startup and growth by launching their own online brands, programs and products. I love when my clients get published in magazines, show up on TV, become Amazon best-sellers, get sponsorship deals and get publicly recognized for being the awesome Leader in Health Transformation that they are.


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Get Your First 10 Clients With Ease & Confidence

LorI Kennedy Inc.LKT


I don’t just talk about building a business all on your own terms, I regularly live it as my husband Bryan and I jointly lead Team LK, work daily to grow our company, invest resources to become better people and parents so we can raise our children to become amazing human beings. We walk our talk by setting the example of how to consciously create the business and life you want all on your own terms… no matter what.

And when I’m not hosting webinars, filming videos, writing helpful blogs, creating online programs, producing The Wellness Business Summit or coaching our WBA Mastermind client’s - you can find me making Sunday muffins for my kids school lunches, batch cooking for the week, not doing laundry (that’s Bryan’s job), hosting kitchen dance parties, binge-watching Netflix or going for long walks while listening to Tony Robbins or Abraham Hicks or dreaming up ways to relocate our family to Costa Rica.

Come hang out with me on fACEBOOK and INSTAGRAm, my 2 favourite social media channels.
