Georde Shore

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t the centre of much of the mischief are Sophie Kasaei, 20, Holly Hagan, 20, and Charlotte-Letitia Crosby, 22. They re not just a trio of Geordie lasses from the telly, they re a force of nature and heat is experiencing this first hand today. Beyond the big hair ( We get loads of free extensions, Sophie tells us), incessant sexing and binge drinking, it s soon evident that there s more to these girls than j ust their vices. We are expecting them to be as feisty as they are on screen, bu t we shouldn t have worried. They re actually really sweet and down to earth, and es sentially no different to most girls in their twenties, simply having a good tim e and loving life the only exception being that their every move is shown to mil lions of viewers. They re also surprisingly astute, with a discussion of China s one-child policy (rea lly!) unexpectedly cropping up mid-interview, plus a natter about the works of M ozart. But, for now, what we want is a good gossip, starting with the time they met New castle s other favourite daughter and Geordie Shore fan Cheryl Cole at her solo gi g in the city last year Cheryl Cole personally invited you to her gig. How amazing was that? Sophie: She was fab, but she keeps herself to herself. She s subdued and you can t g et much out of her. You can expect that, from what she s been through, but she was lovely. We were expecting Cheryl to be this loud Geordie, but she wasn t. Charlotte: She s much quieter than you d think. Is she flawless in person? C: She d just done an hour-and-a-half show, so she wasn t exactly just stepped off a photoshoot , but she still looked amazing. Cheryl goes out on the town with her mum Joan Callaghan do you party with your m ums? S: Do you know what, I was on the train with Cheryl s mam the other day. She s reall y small and skinny. She was getting on and she had this big case, and I was like , God, should I help her or not? I was like, Ah, I ll give you a hand. You alright? Th en I was in the same carriage as her, and she had Cheryl s dog that little Jack Ru ssell. It s not the pretty one, it s the one that moults. Her mam had hair all over her back off the dog and I felt like wiping it. Joan was going [to the dog], Eee, you miss your mam, don t you? and I went, Aww, does her mam live far? [All the girls laugh maniacally.] She said, I ve just been to visit her. I wanted to say, I know wh o you re talking about just say it! I ve stroked Cheryl s dog. You got to present an award at the MTV EMAs in Frankfurt last year. Who was the most famous person you met at the event? S: We saw Kim Kardashian, but we didn t meet her. C: She had somebody round her saying, Don t. Step. Near. Her. Dress! , f*** off. Who else did you meet? We were like, Oh