EST 1913 Geocache Adventures

Geocache information booklet mem wkend

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Welcome to Alderbrook Resort & Spa! Geocaching is one of many year-round adventures that our guests are welcome to experience at our property. Our private set of caches provide an opportunity for guests of all levels of geocaching proficiency to explore the corners of our property and create memories with their friends, family and colleagues. Memorial Day Weekend we are introducing our Geocaching program. Throughout our property, containers are hidden. Some contain only clues but others contain much sweeter prizes. Keep an eye out for the info booth in our Lobby with Geoteaming’s CEO, John Chen We will provide a quick geocaching intro and tutorial on GPS unit use and then let you and your fellow treasure seekers run free. This activity is great for families and you don’t need any experience at all to try it. Upon completion of the course, Geocache Adventurers can redeem their prize of an Alderbrook carabineer compass for future geocache adventures and northwest traditions. Find as ma

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Will insert map here of ALL caches

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GEOCACHING ADVENTURE Experience the high-tech treasure hunt known as Geocaching as you

explore Alderbrook Resort & Spa and search for hidden containers leading to prizes!

How to play:

Visit the booth in the lobby for a GPS unit.

Using a GPS unit & your smartphone solve clues to find hidden caches on our courses.

Collect all of the answers hidden in the caches & solve a puzzle to find the final cache.

Complete all 3 courses, find all of the clues & solve a bonus puzzle to locate the BONUS cache

Find as many caches as possible by Sunday at 5pm to win prizes. Winners will be announced on our Facebook page.

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Cache: hidden container

Geocache course: a set of caches hidden throughout our property

Geo-goodies: prizes

GPS: Global Positioning System

Muggle: non-geocacher

Take one, leave one: the golden rule of geocaching! If you find a cache with goodies, take

one, but leave one too

Waypoint : a set of a coordinates. The GPS unit will show a flag icon


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Prizes will be awarded for:

The most caches found

Top photo #alderbrook


Winners will be picked on Saturday & Sunday evenings at 5pm &

announced on our Facebook page. See Activities desk to claim your prize.

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FAQs I have never been geocaching before, can I do it?

Absolutely! You don’t need any experience at all to go geocaching. How hard is it?

The clues are challenging but not difficult. The caches are hidden well and the terrain gets more difficult on the difficult course. We recommend adults or older teens accompany smaller children wanting to participate.

What do I need? A GPS unit, your smart phone and a pencil. It’s also a good idea to take the course booklet with you if you’re new to geocaching. We supply the geo-goodies when you check out the GPS unit. See Alexa at the Activities desk in the lobby 9am-5pm Saturday and Sunday for more details.

Do I need the GPS unit or can I just use my phone? Sorry, at this time, you need the GPS unit too.

What does a cache look like? Absolutely anything! A cache could be hidden in a tree, rock or underwater! So be sure to pay extra attention to the clues. Check out the cabinet in the lobby to get an idea of what a cache looks like.

How do I find out more about geocaching? Geocaching.com is the ultimate source for geocaching information. See our activities desk or email Alexa at [email protected] for more information.

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An Alderbrook Resort & Spa Adventure


To Begin:

Check out a Garmin Handheld GPS receiver from the activities desk and sign the waiver.

Download the “Goosechase” app for the clues. If needed, hard copies of the course are available.

Sign your team up using your email (use one phone to create your team. Other phones can login later)

Username :your team name with no spaces. Create a password, enter your email and tap register. Teammates can log in using the team name and password.

Search “alderbrook”

Tap Alderbrook Geocaching

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Pick a course:

There are 3 courses to choose from. The courses are defined by the difficulty of the terrain and the sneakier the cache. Check out the cabinet in the lobby to see some examples of caches. You may do one, two, or all three in any order you wish.

Easy Course (1.5 miles/1-1.5 hours to complete) includes: 12 waypoints to find

Intermediate Course (2 miles/90 minutes to complete) includes: 14 waypoints to find

Expert Course (3 miles/2-3 hours to complete) includes 16 waypoints to find

Use the GPS to navigate to the waypoints in the order you see them on the app.

The GPS unit will get you within about 10ft of the cache. Then look at the picture and read the clue to find the actual cache. Note that the GPS units don’t work as well on the trails. The signal bounces around the hills and can be up to 40 feet off.

Virtual Cache: Find the correct answer to the questions, take a creative group photo, write the correct answer in the description

Physical Cache: Find the hidden container with the code word, take a group photo, write the code word in the description. Replace the Geocache exactly as you found it for the next Geocacher.

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Press and hold POWER for 2 seconds to turn on Press PAGE to cycle through menus or go to next waypoint Press PAGE until the word MENU is at the top GPS will not work indoors If GPS asks “Are you indoors now?” answer “Yes” & continue training As you walk outside, your GPS will connect to satellites Press DOWN until WAYPOINTS is highlighted. Press ENTER Press DOWN to get to the E-H tab. Press ENTER Press DOWN to waypoint ALB000. Press ENTER GOTO will be highlighted. Press ENTER Walk outside for GPS to connect to satellites Press PAGE until the word MENU is at the top Walk outside and follow your GPS until it is less than 30ft. Then read your written and

photo clue. When you find the answer, tap SNAP EVIDENCE and take a photo

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Read the missions carefully for challenges &


To get points, snap evidence by taking a photo and completing missions

Share photos on Facebook and Twitter for BONUS points!

Tap Ranking to see how your team has scored com-pared to other teams

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Final caches are not programmed in your GPS. You will need to gather information along the way to calculate coordinates then program your GPS to navigate to the final waypoint.

Note: Be sure to read the puzzle description for the Final Geocache first so you know when to look for those clues. Once you find the Final Geocache, sign the logbook and record the 2 Letter Code to use if you wish to complete the Bonus Geocache.

The BONUS Geocache can only be found if you complete and find the Final Geocaches for EACH of the 3 courses. Be sure to record the 2 Letter clues you will find in each of the 3 final cache containers.

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Code Word

ALB000 What year was Alderbrook Resort & Spa Established? (virtual)

ESY024 A geocacher's house within a tree may be hard to see. Search high and low among the pines and just see what you can find. (physical) Hint: parking lot


Look up high to identify this Northwest icon that is the king of the sky. (virtual) Hint: Pool


This is a great GRATE cache! (physical) Hint: cottage waterfront

*Note Number for Final Cache.

C= _____


Don't poke or pry or use a tool or you will look just like a fool. Keep your wits and search with care and look for something that doesn't belong (physical)


A pin ball wizard isn't required, but some skill will be necessary before this cache is acquired. *Note Number for Final Cache


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Clue Code Word Geocache

When do red huckleberries ripen? (virtual) Hint: Huckleberry Hillclimb ESY025

What kind of a tree is growing out of this nurse stump? (virtual) Hint:Viewpoint Loop


According to this sign what is the estimated average age of these Douglas Fir trees? (virtual) Hint: Big Tree Loop


Now you may have to venture a bit off trail. Near some stones...off you be...find two trunks that form a V. The cache is hidden in a place within that woody base. (physical) Hint: Viewpoint Loop


According to this sign how high is Mount Washington? (virtual) ESY007

Move slowly now to find this unlikely creature, not exactly a Northwest feature. He'll be slowly creeping along the rail across the bridge of this Viewpoint trail. *Note Number for Final Cache Hint: Viewpoint Loop

A=_____ ESY008

To Complete this EASY Course, you will have to find the FINAL EASY CACHE! It is located at N47 20.ABC W123 04.DEF where ABC are the numbers you recorded at the following caches: ESY008, ESY023, ESY029 (Numbers can also be revealed by entering codeword in smartphone). Cal-culate DEF by taking the answer from ESY005 then SUBTRACTING 124. Program your GPS and navigate to the solved waypoint coordinates above. When you've found it, sign the logbook, and record the 2 Letter Code for the Bonus Cache.


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Geocache Clue Code Word

ALB001 No need to set your hair on fire, the pictorial clue is all you require. Find the one not like the rest. Isn't Geocaching just the BEST?

INT011 This plant is described as an epiphyte. Meaning it uses the Big Leaf Maple for support but does not draw nutrients from it. What is the name of the plant you will see here? Hint: Licorice Fern Loop

INT012 What US State name will you find here?

INT013 Take a seat and look around. The cache blends in with what surrounds

INT014 Upon a wood block down low, you will find this creature just below. Above your feet, but below your seat. What is it that you seek?

INT015 Keeping your feet on the boardwalk just look around. Don't be stumped as what seems lost will soon be found. *Note Number for Final Cache

Code #___

INT017 Neither rod nor reel will you need, however, you will have to find a fishing line to succeed. What did you catch?

INT018 What is the area code of the up­nout company phone number listed here? *Note Number for Final Cache

Code #___

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Geocache Clue Code Word

INT019 What symbol will you find here above the IE­23? A firefighter's Axe? Hose? Hat? or Boot?

INT020 Try not to make splash as you make the dash to find this cache. Find a tube to get a start, then use your finger and do your part. It may be hard to be secretive on your quest, but just try to do your best.

INT021 Here you will find a Gazebo where you will have to look around quite near the ground way down low where the amperes might flow.

INT022 Look nearby to find a spot a sticker has been placed where it should not.

INT023 A pin ball wizard isn't required, but some skill will be necessary before this cache is acquired. *Note Number for Final Cache


FINAL To complete this INTERMEDIATE Course, you will have to find the FINAL IN-TERMEDIATE CACHE! It is located at N47 20.GHI W123 04.LMN where G = 1st # of Area Code in answer for INT018. H = the Code# found inside cache INT021. I = the difference between G and H. LMN = 3 digit sum of number at recorded for INT020 + 105. Program your GPS and navigate to the waypoint you solved above. When you've found it, sign the logbook, and record the 2 Letter Code for the Bonus Cache. See the Activities desk for your prize!

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Geocache Clue Code Word

ALB001 No need to set your hair on fire, the pictorial clue is all you require. Find the one not like the rest. Isn't Geocaching just the BEST?

EXP003 A gentle touch will reveal it's place, then wiggle it free to reveal a space. It will contain the cache you seek here on the bridge above the creek. HINT: Look carefully for that which has no symmetry. *Note Number for Final Cache

Code #____

EXP009 What is the yardage off the WHITE tee on this PAR 5 Hole #1?

EXP010 To miss this cache would be an epic FAIL. But to find the cache you risk going to jail.

EXP026 Close to the path you will spy a hollow tree with your eye. For it contains just what you need. Take a look and you'll succeed.

EXP027 What color are the berries on an Evergreen Huckleberry bush?

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Geocache Clue Code Word

EXP001 No need to set your hair on fire, the pictorial clue is all you require. Find the one not like the rest. Isn't Geocaching just the BEST?

EXP028 This cache is hidden from your view. To solve the puzzle will take some skills anew. Reach between the deck and tree and feel for what you cannot see.

EXP030 Sit right down and take a break. While resting on this log, find the depiction of this creature who makes his home in the woods.

EXP031 Look for a hole in this 1.

FINAL To complete this EXPERT Course, you will have to find the FINAL EXPERT CACHE! It is located at N47 20.QRS N123 04.TUV where QRS = (ALB021 X 60) ­ 16, and TUV is solved as follows: T = last digit of the ALB020 answer. U = 2 X the number found in ALB023. V = 3rd letter found at ALB028 (If A is 1, B is 2, C is 3 etc) Program your GPS and navigate to the waypoint you solved for above. See the Activities Desk for your prize!

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FIND THE BONUS CACHE AND UNLOCK THE TREASURE CHEST To find the combination to open the Treasure Chest you will have to FIRST find these:


EXPERT FINAL CACHE THEN, record the 2 Letter Code found inside each of the Final Caches:

EASY FINAL ________ ________ INTERMEDIATE FINAL _________ ___________

EXPERT FINAL ___________ ___________

THEN, using the 6 letters above unscramble them to reveal the location where you will start your Bonus Geocache Hunt (Enter this word on the Expert Course page Final Ge-ocache on your smartphone to verify the start point)

_____ ____ _______ ______ _____ _______

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FINALLY, wait for DARKNESS and bring a powerful flashlight, then stand near the cache location and sweep your light to the SOUTH-WEST to begin to follow reflective light ticks along the path which will lead you to the BONUS GEOCACHE hiding location (marked with 2 light ticks). The actual Geocache is well camouflaged but easily found at night with light. The container will hold the 4 digit combination needed to open the Geocaching Treasure Chest! Treasure Chest Combo: _____ ______ _____ ______

(see lobby staff to get to the treasure chest)

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Geocaching, the high-tech treasure hunt.

Using a GPS unit and your smart phone, find hidden containers and solve puzzles to find the prize!