Garmin SVT for Diamond DA40 April 2008 1560 Crumlin Sideroad • London ON N5V 1S2 • www.diamondaircraft.com KNOW NO BOUNDS Synthetic Vision – Real Safety Introducing Garmin Synthetic Vision Technology on Diamond Aircraft Pilot Briefing

Garmin SVT for Diamond DA40 April 2008 1560 Crumlin Sideroad London ON N5V 1S2 KNOW NO BOUNDS Synthetic Vision – Real Safety Introducing

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Page 1: Garmin SVT for Diamond DA40 April 2008 1560 Crumlin Sideroad London ON N5V 1S2  KNOW NO BOUNDS Synthetic Vision – Real Safety Introducing

Garmin SVT for Diamond DA40 April 20081560 Crumlin Sideroad • London ON N5V 1S2 • www.diamondaircraft.com


Synthetic Vision – Real Safety

Introducing Garmin Synthetic Vision Technology on Diamond Aircraft

Pilot Briefing

Page 2: Garmin SVT for Diamond DA40 April 2008 1560 Crumlin Sideroad London ON N5V 1S2  KNOW NO BOUNDS Synthetic Vision – Real Safety Introducing

Garmin SVT for Diamond DA40 April 20081560 Crumlin Sideroad • London ON N5V 1S2 • www.diamondaircraft.com


Synthetic Vision - available now on DA40 XLS Diamond Stars

Page 3: Garmin SVT for Diamond DA40 April 2008 1560 Crumlin Sideroad London ON N5V 1S2  KNOW NO BOUNDS Synthetic Vision – Real Safety Introducing

Garmin SVT for Diamond DA40 April 20081560 Crumlin Sideroad • London ON N5V 1S2 • www.diamondaircraft.com


SVT OverviewGarmin SVT displays terrain as though looking out of the window, which is a major improvement by itself, but SVT does much more, too:

• The Flight Path Marker shows the projected position of the aircraft based on the GPS position and velocity vector.

• TAWS alert coloring highlights potential terrain hazards in yellow or red

• Obstacles contained in TAWS database intuitively enlarge as aircraft approaches

• A ‘zero pitch’ line helps pilots determine their altitude relative to terrain. All SVT terrain above the zero pitch line is above the current aircraft altitude and could pose a threat to the flight path.

• Traffic is represented in 3D, with symbols that change size relative to range to better assist pilots in ‘see-and-avoid’ efforts

• Airport signs, runway designations and bodies of water from the TAWS database are clearly displayed with enhanced SVT graphics

Result: another great safety-enhancing technology

Page 4: Garmin SVT for Diamond DA40 April 2008 1560 Crumlin Sideroad London ON N5V 1S2  KNOW NO BOUNDS Synthetic Vision – Real Safety Introducing

Garmin SVT for Diamond DA40 April 20081560 Crumlin Sideroad • London ON N5V 1S2 • www.diamondaircraft.com


SVT interface – page 1Zero Pitch Line

•The line not always aligned with the terrain horizon

•Terrain above the aircraft altitude will appear above the zero-pitch line and terrain below the aircraft altitude will appear below the zero-pitch line

Terrain Coloration

•Same as plan-view moving map

•Conflict symbology is indicated by changing the color of the ground to correspond to the color of the terrain alert for an area around the alert

Flight Path Marker (FPM)

•Position is projected from GPS-derived position

•Altitude is projected forward along GPS-derived velocity vector

•FPM is invalidated when Ground Speed < 30kts or SVS invalid

Page 5: Garmin SVT for Diamond DA40 April 2008 1560 Crumlin Sideroad London ON N5V 1S2  KNOW NO BOUNDS Synthetic Vision – Real Safety Introducing

Garmin SVT for Diamond DA40 April 20081560 Crumlin Sideroad • London ON N5V 1S2 • www.diamondaircraft.com


SVT interface – page 2Runways

•Runway data superimposed on terrain data

•Includes runways designations and thresholds

• Surfaces and labels visible if either runway end within 2nm of airplane

•Runway borders have white outline for improved visibility

•If runway is in flight plan, it has additional highlight


•Large bodies of water (oceans, major rivers/lakes)

•Terrain conflict symbology indicated by changing color of water to correspond to the color of the terrain alert


•3-D representations of corresponding symbols on plan-view map page

•Traffic not depicted if within 1000-ft laterally of plane’s current location

•Coloring: same as symbol shown on plan-view moving map

Page 6: Garmin SVT for Diamond DA40 April 2008 1560 Crumlin Sideroad London ON N5V 1S2  KNOW NO BOUNDS Synthetic Vision – Real Safety Introducing

Garmin SVT for Diamond DA40 April 20081560 Crumlin Sideroad • London ON N5V 1S2 • www.diamondaircraft.com


SVT Interface – page 3


•Consists of 3-D representations of corresponding symbol used on plan-view moving map

•Depicted if highest point is within 1000ft vertically of aircraft


•Grey, if not alerted by FLTA

•Yellow (Caution) or Red (Warning), if alerted by FLTA

Page 7: Garmin SVT for Diamond DA40 April 2008 1560 Crumlin Sideroad London ON N5V 1S2  KNOW NO BOUNDS Synthetic Vision – Real Safety Introducing

Garmin SVT for Diamond DA40 April 20081560 Crumlin Sideroad • London ON N5V 1S2 • www.diamondaircraft.com


SVT Interface – page 4

Horizon Heading Marks

•Depicted immediately above zero-pitch line

•30-degrees increments

Airport Signs

•Depicted as translucent rectangular box and sign post

•Depicts identifier if airport is within 8.5nm range of airplane

•Not shown if behind primary flight instrument tapes or HSI

Page 8: Garmin SVT for Diamond DA40 April 2008 1560 Crumlin Sideroad London ON N5V 1S2  KNOW NO BOUNDS Synthetic Vision – Real Safety Introducing

Garmin SVT for Diamond DA40 April 20081560 Crumlin Sideroad • London ON N5V 1S2 • www.diamondaircraft.com


SVT – Pathways – page 1• Overview

– Intended to provide greater awareness of the aircraft’s position relative to the desired path

– Three dimensional depiction in primary field of view

– Secondary source of navigation information:

• Pathways will be removed when primary navigation information (CDI, VDI) is not available

Page 9: Garmin SVT for Diamond DA40 April 2008 1560 Crumlin Sideroad London ON N5V 1S2  KNOW NO BOUNDS Synthetic Vision – Real Safety Introducing

Garmin SVT for Diamond DA40 April 20081560 Crumlin Sideroad • London ON N5V 1S2 • www.diamondaircraft.com


Pathways - details• Pathway displays – en route, VNAV legs, WAAS approach, ILS approach, arrival &

departure procedures• Pathway elements:

– Rectangles are spaced no more than 1000m apart; scale in height and width with approach deflection,

– Aligned with vertical axis and horizon– Number of elements:

• On course no more than five • Off course number proportional to the course error

– Color: consistent with the currently active navigation aid as indicated on the HSI GPS



Page 10: Garmin SVT for Diamond DA40 April 2008 1560 Crumlin Sideroad London ON N5V 1S2  KNOW NO BOUNDS Synthetic Vision – Real Safety Introducing

Garmin SVT for Diamond DA40 April 20081560 Crumlin Sideroad • London ON N5V 1S2 • www.diamondaircraft.com


SVT available immediately on new DA40 XLS & CS

• New DA40 XLS & CS delivered from the factory after April 11 are eligible to receive SVT as an option

• Option price: $9,995

• Retrofit – compatibility, availability and pricing – will be announced over the next several months.

• SVT will be available as an option on the D-JET (different pricing), and on other Diamond aircraft down the road.

Page 11: Garmin SVT for Diamond DA40 April 2008 1560 Crumlin Sideroad London ON N5V 1S2  KNOW NO BOUNDS Synthetic Vision – Real Safety Introducing

Garmin SVT for Diamond DA40 April 20081560 Crumlin Sideroad • London ON N5V 1S2 • www.diamondaircraft.com


Contact your local Diamond Representative

• John ArmstrongRegional Manager

• Phone: 877-258-8011

[email protected]

• www.flydominion.com

Page 12: Garmin SVT for Diamond DA40 April 2008 1560 Crumlin Sideroad London ON N5V 1S2  KNOW NO BOUNDS Synthetic Vision – Real Safety Introducing

Garmin SVT for Diamond DA40 April 20081560 Crumlin Sideroad • London ON N5V 1S2 • www.diamondaircraft.com


Synthetic Vision – Real Life