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  • 8/6/2019 Galen_4074343


  • 8/6/2019 Galen_4074343


    Short Paper One: What is Virtual Corporate Structure?

    Virtual means immaterial, supported by information and communication technology(ICT). Virtual Reality (VR) is a good example for this sub-concept of virtual. Itsimply means, that a Virtual Organisation (VO) has the appearance of a real

    (traditional) company for externals, but in reality this company does not exist, it isonly a conglomerate of independent network partners.

    The fundamental idea of the virtual corporation is that it is that is created when it isneeded. The virtual corporation is a temporary netwoek , which is neither set up for anagreed period of time, nor is it an open-ended co-operation, such as joint venture or astrategic alliance. This model provides independent companies with the option tocintinue day-to-day business in addition to the involvement in parterships. The

    partnering companies may also be involved is serveral virtual corporations at any onetime.

    Lethbridge's (2001) I-based taxonomy of virtual organisations defines six basic,elemental structures for a virtual corporation:

    Virtual Face S tar Alliance M arket Alliance Co-Alliance Value Alliance P arallel Alliance

    Virtual face is the cyberspace incarnations of an existing non-virtual organisation andcreate additional value such as enabling users to carry out the same transactions over the Internet as they could otherwise do by using phone or fax. For example, onlinenewspaper (eg.; the online product was not a newspaper at all

    but at the same time it constrained the same articles as the paper. The differences werethat a newspaper carried information in one direction but an online service operated intwo with its users expecting involvement and response from the producers.

    S tar Alliance model is co-ordinated networks of interconnected members reflecting acore surrounded by satellie organisations. The core comprises leaders who are thedominant players in the market and supply competency or expertise to members.These alliances commonly based around similar industries or company types. TheS tar Alliances airline group is an example, that included Ansett, S ingapore Airline,United Airline, S outh Africa Airline and Air New Zealand. These companies co-

    operate flights to share passenges and other delivery services. In addition, it allowed passanges to collect frequence fly points from each others. For example, when Ivisited S ingapore in 2000 from Canberra. I took Ansett from Canberra to S ydney,then S ingapore Airline from S ydney to S ingapore. While I am holding AnsettFequency Fly Club card, but I can collect points from both domestic and internationalflights points.

  • 8/6/2019 Galen_4074343


    M arket Alliance are organisations that exist primarily in cyberspace, depend on their member organisations for the provision of actual products and services and operate inan electronic market. It normally they bring together a range of products, services andfacilities in one package, each of them may be offered separately by individualorganisations. Dell computer is offering a Chrismas Free Bouns deal whencustomer order selected products. This deal is allowed customer to choice either

    Lexmark Z35 printer or Logitech Click S mart 310 Digital camera with free delivery.There are three individual organisations: Dell well knowning to sale computers online,Lexmark is one of leading printer manufacturer, Logitech is famous input devicemanufacturer.

    Co-Alliance is shared partnership with each partner bringing approximately equalamounts of commitment to the virtual organisation thus forming a association.Recently, M icrosoft and Yahoo form an alliance to enter small business onlineservices market. Yahoo is providing cyberspace for data transfer, email accounts andrelated serivces to allow small business to host online with little amount (the pricefrom U S$ 11.95 per month). M icrosoft is providing related software applications suchas Office for S mall Business package and other applications.

    Value Alliance bring together a range of products, services and facilities in one package and are based on the value or supply chain model. P articipants may cometogether on a project by project basis but generally coordination is provided by thegeneral contractor. A computer is assembled by a number of organisations and sold asa complete product, even the famous brand do the same way. Dells desktop computer is using Quantas motherboard, Interls C P U, Creatives S ound Blaster card, AopensCD-RO M drive and so on.

    P arallel Alliance where one member organisation adds value to the work that is beingdone con-currently by another virtual organisation member. A DVD player and laser head read may be produced by different organisations.


    1. Dickson, G.W. and De S anctis, G. 2000, Information Technology and the future enterprise: New models for managers , P rehtice-Hall Inc, New Jersey, p125-143.

    2. M aguire, D.W. 2002, V irtual Organization to V irtual Product: Structural Challenges to Online Newspapers , Edith Cowan University, P erth.