1 Fundamental Neutron Physics II Neutron Sources, Neutron Beams, and Ultracold Neutrons Geoffrey Greene University of Tennessee / Oak Ridge National Laboratory

Fundamental Neutron Physics II

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Page 1: Fundamental Neutron Physics II


Fundamental Neutron Physics II

Neutron Sources, Neutron Beams, and Ultracold Neutrons

Geoffrey GreeneUniversity of Tennessee / Oak Ridge National Laboratory

Page 2: Fundamental Neutron Physics II

Greene NNPSS July 20072

Introduction to Neutron SourcesEarly neutron sources were based on simple nuclear processes:

Such sources are still used (“Pu-Be”) but are limited in intensity.

Modern neutron research is based at sources of two types:

1. High Flux Fission Reactor

2. Accelerator “Spallation” Sources

nCBe +®+ 129a

Page 3: Fundamental Neutron Physics II

Greene NNPSS July 20073

The Fission Reactor

Page 4: Fundamental Neutron Physics II

Greene NNPSS July 20074

Enrico Fermi Leo Szilard

Page 5: Fundamental Neutron Physics II


Page 6: Fundamental Neutron Physics II


45,000 Ultra Pure Graphite Blocks4.9 tons of Uranium Metal45 tons of Uranium Oxide

Page 7: Fundamental Neutron Physics II

72 December 1942

Reactors have emergency control rods and systems to prevent “runaway” chain reactions

Reactors have control rods to maintain stable operation

Page 8: Fundamental Neutron Physics II

82 December 1942

Reactors have emergency control rods and systems to prevent “runaway” chain reactions

Reactors have control rods to maintain stable operation

CP1 reached a maximum power of only 200W

and ran for a few weeks.

Page 9: Fundamental Neutron Physics II



Page 10: Fundamental Neutron Physics II



The Graphite reactor was designed and built in 11 months at a

“green-field” site in Oak Ridge, TN.

The Graphite reactor operated at ~1MW!

Page 11: Fundamental Neutron Physics II



Page 12: Fundamental Neutron Physics II


1. Cheap Electricity from the TVA Hydroelectric Dams,2. Distance from the East Coast,3. Distance from major population centers.

In 1942, President Franklin D. Roosevelt asked Sen. Kenneth McKellar, the Tennessee Senator who chaired the Appropriations Committee, to hide $2 billion in the appropriations bill for a secret project to win World War II.

Sen. McKellar replied,

“Mr. President, I have just one question: Where in Tennessee do you want me to hide it?”

Why Was the Manhattan Project Located in Tennessee?

Page 13: Fundamental Neutron Physics II


While the purpose of the graphite reactor was to produce small quantities of Plutonium, a few holes were placed in the shielding to allow beams of low energy neutrons to be extracted

First Intense Neutron Beams at the Graphite Reactor

1st Neutron Scattering ExperimentShull & Wollen (Nobel prize 1994)

1st Observation of Neutron Decay Snell & Pleasonton

1st Neutron Electric Dipole SearchRamsey, Purcell, & Smith (Nobel Prizes 1952 & 1989)

Page 14: Fundamental Neutron Physics II

Greene NNPSS July 200714

Each Fission Event Produces ~200Mev and ~1.5 “Useful” Neutrons

Page 15: Fundamental Neutron Physics II

Greene NNPSS July 200715

Some Essential Features of a High Flux ReactorFigure of Merit is the Peak Neutron Flux at the Core n/cm2/s

Key Design Features:

1. High Power Density

2. Compact Core

3. Highly Enriched Fuel

4. D20 Moderation and Cooling

5. Cryogenic Cold Source(s)

Page 16: Fundamental Neutron Physics II

Greene NNPSS July 200716

Some Essential Features of a High Flux ReactorFigure of Merit is the Peak Neutron Flux at the Core n/cm2/s

Key Design Features:

1. High Power Density

2. Compact Core

3. Highly Enriched Fuel

4. D20 Moderation and Cooling

5. Cryogenic Cold Source(s)

Ultimate engineering limitation is ability to remove heat from the compact core at ~100MW

Page 17: Fundamental Neutron Physics II

Greene NNPSS July 200717

57 MW High Flux Reactor

The Institute Laue Langevin, Grenoble

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Greene NNPSS July 200718

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Greene NNPSS July 200719

Most Neutron Sources Have Multiple Moderators

The High Flux neutron Source at the ILL

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Greene NNPSS July 200720

A Neutron Source Can Serve Many Neutron Instruments

Instrument Layout at the Institut Laue Langevin

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Greene NNPSS July 200721

The Guide Hall at the ILL Houses ~30 Neutron Spectrometers

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Greene NNPSS July 200722

The NIST High Flux Reactor

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Greene NNPSS July 200723

The NIST Cold Neutron research Center

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Greene NNPSS July 200724

The NIST Cold Neutron research Center

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Greene NNPSS July 200725

Spallation Sources

Page 26: Fundamental Neutron Physics II

At ~1.4 GeV, Each Incident Proton Produce ~40 “Useful” Neutrons

Page 27: Fundamental Neutron Physics II

Greene NNPSS July 200727

Neutron Production is Roughly Proportional to Power







0 500 1000 1500 2000 2500

totalspallation/high-energy fission(n,xn)




Y (<













(Courtesy,Gary Russell)

NOTE: Spallation gives ~x10 more neutrons per MW

Page 28: Fundamental Neutron Physics II

The Spallation Neutron Spectrum is Broad

(Courtesy,Gary Russell)

Page 29: Fundamental Neutron Physics II

Greene NNPSS July 200729

Neutron Source Intensities Have Increased by Nearly 18 Orders of Magnitude* Since Chadwick


Page 30: Fundamental Neutron Physics II

The Spallation Neutron Source

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Page 32: Fundamental Neutron Physics II
Page 33: Fundamental Neutron Physics II

Target, Reflectors, and Moderators

Be reflector

Steel reflector

CryogenicH2 moderators

AmbientH2 0 moderator


Proton Beam

Page 34: Fundamental Neutron Physics II

Target-Moderator System

Page 35: Fundamental Neutron Physics II
Page 36: Fundamental Neutron Physics II

1B - Disordered Mat’lsCommission 2010

2 - Backscattering Spectrometer Commission 2006

3 - High Pressure Diffractometer Commission 2008

4A - Magnetism Reflectometer Commission 2006

4B - Liquids ReflectometerCommission 2006

5 - Cold Neutron Chopper Spectrometer Commission 2007

18 - Wide Angle Chopper Spectrometer Commission 2007

17 - High Resolution Chopper SpectrometerCommission 2008

13 - Fundamental Physics Beamline Commission 2007

11A - Powder Diffractometer Commission 2007

12 - Single Crystal Diffractometer Commission 2009

7 - Engineering Diffractometer IDT CFI Funded Commission 2008

6 - SANS Commission 2007

14B - Hybrid Spectrometer Commission 2011

15 – Spin Echo


Beamline 13 Has Been Allocated for Nuclear Physics

Page 37: Fundamental Neutron Physics II

1B - Disordered Mat’lsCommission 2010

2 - Backscattering Spectrometer Commission 2006

3 - High Pressure Diffractometer Commission 2008

4A - Magnetism Reflectometer Commission 2006

4B - Liquids ReflectometerCommission 2006

5 - Cold Neutron Chopper Spectrometer Commission 2007

18 - Wide Angle Chopper Spectrometer Commission 2007

17 - High Resolution Chopper SpectrometerCommission 2008

13 - Fundamental Physics Beamline Commission 2007

11A - Powder Diffractometer Commission 2007

12 - Single Crystal Diffractometer Commission 2009

7 - Engineering Diffractometer IDT CFI Funded Commission 2008

6 - SANS Commission 2007

14B - Hybrid Spectrometer Commission 2011

15 – Spin Echo


Beamline 13 Has Been Allocated for Nuclear Physics

Neutrino Detector Here

Page 38: Fundamental Neutron Physics II
Page 39: Fundamental Neutron Physics II

Sources for Fundamental Neutron Physics Research

Page 40: Fundamental Neutron Physics II

Greene NNPSS July 200740

Neutron Guides &

Ultracold Neutrons

Page 41: Fundamental Neutron Physics II

Greene NNPSS July 200741

Coherent (“Optical”) Interaction BetweenNeutrons and Matter

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Greene NNPSS July 200742

Coherent (“Optical”) Interaction BetweenNeutrons and Matter

Phase shift leads to Index of Refraction

Page 43: Fundamental Neutron Physics II

Greene NNPSS July 200743

At low energies S-wave scattering dominates, phase shift is given by ( )cohkb1cot -



For most nuclear well depths and well sizes, it is unlikely to obtain a positive coherent scattering length:

bcoh critical range for bcoh<0

pl cohbNn



Index of refraction is therefore <1 for most nuclei *

*In the vicinity of A~50 (V,Ti,Mn) nuclear sizes are such that bcoh<1 and thus n>1

Page 44: Fundamental Neutron Physics II

Greene NNPSS July 200744

Neutron Reflection from Matter


2Nb1n coh

22 -= ncrit =qcos

Neutrons will undergo complete “external” reflection from a polished surface for most materials

Ni or 58Ni are particularly useful as a neutron mirror material

For most neutron beams this means



AngstromxNicrit lq


Page 45: Fundamental Neutron Physics II

Guide Section from SNS

Page 46: Fundamental Neutron Physics II

Greene NNPSS July 200746

Neutron Guides can be used to Focus Neutron Beams

Photo: Swiss Neutronics

Page 47: Fundamental Neutron Physics II

Large Cross Section Guides are Commercially Available

Prototype Guide for SNS Ultracold Beam

Page 48: Fundamental Neutron Physics II

Greene NNPSS July 200748

A Single Moderator can Feed Multiple Neutron Guides

Photo: Institut Laue Langevin

Page 49: Fundamental Neutron Physics II

Greene NNPSS July 200749

Ultra Cold Neutrons

*see Golub, Richardson, Lamoreaux, Ultracold Neutrons

Page 50: Fundamental Neutron Physics II

Greene NNPSS July 200750

Neutron Index of Refraction


2Nb1n coh

22 -= ncos crit =j

For sufficiently large neutron wavelength, λ, n=0 and cosφcrit =90°

This implies that neutrons will be reflected at all anglesand can be confined in a “bottle”

These are known as “Ultracold Neutrons.”

Page 51: Fundamental Neutron Physics II


Limits to Thermal UCN ProductionIn thermal equilibrium:










Increase the Flux Φ0: Reactors are at the practical limit of heat transfer.Only practical hope would be a 10-20 MW Spallation Source.

Lower the temperature Tn (also reduces α):

Practical limit for true moderator is about 20k which gives a density increase of ~x20

Practical Thermal Source Limit for UCN production: 33102 -×» cmUCNr

Page 52: Fundamental Neutron Physics II

Greene NNPSS July 200752

Ultracold Neutron Energies are Very Low

The Fermi “Pseudo-Potential” the most advantageous materials is ~ 100 neV

This corresponds to a:

Neutron Velocity ≈ 500 m/s

Neutron Wavelength ≈ 500 Å

Magnetic Moment Interaction µn· B ≈ 100 neV for B~1Tesla

Gravitational Interaction mngh ≈ 100 neV for h~1 m

Ultracold Neutron can be trapped in material, magnetic, or gravitational bottles

Page 53: Fundamental Neutron Physics II

Greene NNPSS July 200753

Super Thermal Source of UCN

• Neutrons of energy E ≈ 0.95 meV(11 k or 0.89 nm) can scatter in liquidhelium to near rest by emission of asingle phonon.

• Upscattering by absorption of an 11 kphonon is a UCN loss mechanism. Butpopulation of 11 K phonons is suppressed by a large Boltzman Factor: ~ e–11/T

where T~200 mk Golub and Pendlebury (1977)

Page 54: Fundamental Neutron Physics II


Solid D2 Superthermal UCN Source

Figure courtesy FRM-11 webpage

Neutron SourceSolid Deuterium


Pre-Moderator T~40K

UCN Guide Shutter Experiment


Page 55: Fundamental Neutron Physics II

Greene NNPSS July 200755

Operational at the LANSCE linac.

Proposed at the FRM-II reactor, Munich

Operational at the PSI, Switzerland.

Solid D2 UCN Sources

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Greene NNPSS July 2019 56

End of Lecture 2

Page 57: Fundamental Neutron Physics II


Fundamental Neutron Physics II

Neutron Sources, Neutron Beams, and Ultracold Neutrons

Geoffrey GreeneUniversity of Tennessee / Oak Ridge National Laboratory

Page 58: Fundamental Neutron Physics II

Greene NNPSS July 20072

Introduction to Neutron SourcesEarly neutron sources were based on simple nuclear processes:

Such sources are still used (“Pu-Be”) but are limited in intensity.

Modern neutron research is based at sources of two types:

1. High Flux Fission Reactor

2. Accelerator “Spallation” Sources

nCBe +®+ 129a

Page 59: Fundamental Neutron Physics II

Greene NNPSS July 20073

The Fission Reactor

Page 60: Fundamental Neutron Physics II

Greene NNPSS July 20074

Enrico Fermi Leo Szilard

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Page 62: Fundamental Neutron Physics II


45,000 Ultra Pure Graphite Blocks4.9 tons of Uranium Metal45 tons of Uranium Oxide

Page 63: Fundamental Neutron Physics II

72 December 1942

Reactors have emergency control rods and systems to prevent “runaway” chain reactions

Reactors have control rods to maintain stable operation

Page 64: Fundamental Neutron Physics II

82 December 1942

Reactors have emergency control rods and systems to prevent “runaway” chain reactions

Reactors have control rods to maintain stable operation

CP1 reached a maximum power of only 200W

and ran for a few weeks.

Page 65: Fundamental Neutron Physics II



Page 66: Fundamental Neutron Physics II



The Graphite reactor was designed and built in 11 months at a

“green-field” site in Oak Ridge, TN.

The Graphite reactor operated at ~1MW!

Page 67: Fundamental Neutron Physics II



Page 68: Fundamental Neutron Physics II


1. Cheap Electricity from the TVA Hydroelectric Dams,2. Distance from the East Coast,3. Distance from major population centers.

In 1942, President Franklin D. Roosevelt asked Sen. Kenneth McKellar, the Tennessee Senator who chaired the Appropriations Committee, to hide $2 billion in the appropriations bill for a secret project to win World War II.

Sen. McKellar replied,

“Mr. President, I have just one question: Where in Tennessee do you want me to hide it?”

Why Was the Manhattan Project Located in Tennessee?

Page 69: Fundamental Neutron Physics II


While the purpose of the graphite reactor was to produce small quantities of Plutonium, a few holes were placed in the shielding to allow beams of low energy neutrons to be extracted

First Intense Neutron Beams at the Graphite Reactor

1st Neutron Scattering ExperimentShull & Wollen (Nobel prize 1994)

1st Observation of Neutron Decay Snell & Pleasonton

1st Neutron Electric Dipole SearchRamsey, Purcell, & Smith (Nobel Prizes 1952 & 1989)

Page 70: Fundamental Neutron Physics II

Greene NNPSS July 200714

Each Fission Event Produces ~200Mev and ~1.5 “Useful” Neutrons

Page 71: Fundamental Neutron Physics II

Greene NNPSS July 200715

Some Essential Features of a High Flux ReactorFigure of Merit is the Peak Neutron Flux at the Core n/cm2/s

Key Design Features:

1. High Power Density

2. Compact Core

3. Highly Enriched Fuel

4. D20 Moderation and Cooling

5. Cryogenic Cold Source(s)

Page 72: Fundamental Neutron Physics II

Greene NNPSS July 200716

Some Essential Features of a High Flux ReactorFigure of Merit is the Peak Neutron Flux at the Core n/cm2/s

Key Design Features:

1. High Power Density

2. Compact Core

3. Highly Enriched Fuel

4. D20 Moderation and Cooling

5. Cryogenic Cold Source(s)

Ultimate engineering limitation is ability to remove heat from the compact core at ~100MW

Page 73: Fundamental Neutron Physics II

Greene NNPSS July 200717

57 MW High Flux Reactor

The Institute Laue Langevin, Grenoble

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Greene NNPSS July 200718

Page 75: Fundamental Neutron Physics II

Greene NNPSS July 200719

Most Neutron Sources Have Multiple Moderators

The High Flux neutron Source at the ILL

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Greene NNPSS July 200720

A Neutron Source Can Serve Many Neutron Instruments

Instrument Layout at the Institut Laue Langevin

Page 77: Fundamental Neutron Physics II

Greene NNPSS July 200721

The Guide Hall at the ILL Houses ~30 Neutron Spectrometers

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Greene NNPSS July 200722

The NIST High Flux Reactor

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Greene NNPSS July 200723

The NIST Cold Neutron research Center

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Greene NNPSS July 200724

The NIST Cold Neutron research Center

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Greene NNPSS July 200725

Spallation Sources

Page 82: Fundamental Neutron Physics II

At ~1.4 GeV, Each Incident Proton Produce ~40 “Useful” Neutrons

Page 83: Fundamental Neutron Physics II

Greene NNPSS July 200727

Neutron Production is Roughly Proportional to Power







0 500 1000 1500 2000 2500

totalspallation/high-energy fission(n,xn)




Y (<













(Courtesy,Gary Russell)

NOTE: Spallation gives ~x10 more neutrons per MW

Page 84: Fundamental Neutron Physics II

The Spallation Neutron Spectrum is Broad

(Courtesy,Gary Russell)

Page 85: Fundamental Neutron Physics II

Greene NNPSS July 200729

Neutron Source Intensities Have Increased by Nearly 18 Orders of Magnitude* Since Chadwick


Page 86: Fundamental Neutron Physics II

The Spallation Neutron Source

Page 87: Fundamental Neutron Physics II
Page 88: Fundamental Neutron Physics II
Page 89: Fundamental Neutron Physics II

Target, Reflectors, and Moderators

Be reflector

Steel reflector

CryogenicH2 moderators

AmbientH2 0 moderator


Proton Beam

Page 90: Fundamental Neutron Physics II

Target-Moderator System

Page 91: Fundamental Neutron Physics II
Page 92: Fundamental Neutron Physics II

1B - Disordered Mat’lsCommission 2010

2 - Backscattering Spectrometer Commission 2006

3 - High Pressure Diffractometer Commission 2008

4A - Magnetism Reflectometer Commission 2006

4B - Liquids ReflectometerCommission 2006

5 - Cold Neutron Chopper Spectrometer Commission 2007

18 - Wide Angle Chopper Spectrometer Commission 2007

17 - High Resolution Chopper SpectrometerCommission 2008

13 - Fundamental Physics Beamline Commission 2007

11A - Powder Diffractometer Commission 2007

12 - Single Crystal Diffractometer Commission 2009

7 - Engineering Diffractometer IDT CFI Funded Commission 2008

6 - SANS Commission 2007

14B - Hybrid Spectrometer Commission 2011

15 – Spin Echo


Beamline 13 Has Been Allocated for Nuclear Physics

Page 93: Fundamental Neutron Physics II

1B - Disordered Mat’lsCommission 2010

2 - Backscattering Spectrometer Commission 2006

3 - High Pressure Diffractometer Commission 2008

4A - Magnetism Reflectometer Commission 2006

4B - Liquids ReflectometerCommission 2006

5 - Cold Neutron Chopper Spectrometer Commission 2007

18 - Wide Angle Chopper Spectrometer Commission 2007

17 - High Resolution Chopper SpectrometerCommission 2008

13 - Fundamental Physics Beamline Commission 2007

11A - Powder Diffractometer Commission 2007

12 - Single Crystal Diffractometer Commission 2009

7 - Engineering Diffractometer IDT CFI Funded Commission 2008

6 - SANS Commission 2007

14B - Hybrid Spectrometer Commission 2011

15 – Spin Echo


Beamline 13 Has Been Allocated for Nuclear Physics

Neutrino Detector Here

Page 94: Fundamental Neutron Physics II
Page 95: Fundamental Neutron Physics II

Sources for Fundamental Neutron Physics Research

Page 96: Fundamental Neutron Physics II

Greene NNPSS July 200740

Neutron Guides &

Ultracold Neutrons

Page 97: Fundamental Neutron Physics II

Greene NNPSS July 200741

Coherent (“Optical”) Interaction BetweenNeutrons and Matter

Page 98: Fundamental Neutron Physics II

Greene NNPSS July 200742

Coherent (“Optical”) Interaction BetweenNeutrons and Matter

Phase shift leads to Index of Refraction

Page 99: Fundamental Neutron Physics II

Greene NNPSS July 200743

At low energies S-wave scattering dominates, phase shift is given by ( )cohkb1cot -



For most nuclear well depths and well sizes, it is unlikely to obtain a positive coherent scattering length:

bcoh critical range for bcoh<0

pl cohbNn



Index of refraction is therefore <1 for most nuclei *

*In the vicinity of A~50 (V,Ti,Mn) nuclear sizes are such that bcoh<1 and thus n>1

Page 100: Fundamental Neutron Physics II

Greene NNPSS July 200744

Neutron Reflection from Matter


2Nb1n coh

22 -= ncrit =qcos

Neutrons will undergo complete “external” reflection from a polished surface for most materials

Ni or 58Ni are particularly useful as a neutron mirror material

For most neutron beams this means



AngstromxNicrit lq


Page 101: Fundamental Neutron Physics II

Guide Section from SNS

Page 102: Fundamental Neutron Physics II

Greene NNPSS July 200746

Neutron Guides can be used to Focus Neutron Beams

Photo: Swiss Neutronics

Page 103: Fundamental Neutron Physics II

Large Cross Section Guides are Commercially Available

Prototype Guide for SNS Ultracold Beam

Page 104: Fundamental Neutron Physics II

Greene NNPSS July 200748

A Single Moderator can Feed Multiple Neutron Guides

Photo: Institut Laue Langevin

Page 105: Fundamental Neutron Physics II

Greene NNPSS July 200749

Ultra Cold Neutrons

*see Golub, Richardson, Lamoreaux, Ultracold Neutrons

Page 106: Fundamental Neutron Physics II

Greene NNPSS July 200750

Neutron Index of Refraction


2Nb1n coh

22 -= ncos crit =j

For sufficiently large neutron wavelength, λ, n=0 and cosφcrit =90°

This implies that neutrons will be reflected at all anglesand can be confined in a “bottle”

These are known as “Ultracold Neutrons.”

Page 107: Fundamental Neutron Physics II


Limits to Thermal UCN ProductionIn thermal equilibrium:










Increase the Flux Φ0: Reactors are at the practical limit of heat transfer.Only practical hope would be a 10-20 MW Spallation Source.

Lower the temperature Tn (also reduces α):

Practical limit for true moderator is about 20k which gives a density increase of ~x20

Practical Thermal Source Limit for UCN production: 33102 -×» cmUCNr

Page 108: Fundamental Neutron Physics II

Greene NNPSS July 200752

Ultracold Neutron Energies are Very Low

The Fermi “Pseudo-Potential” the most advantageous materials is ~ 100 neV

This corresponds to a:

Neutron Velocity ≈ 500 m/s

Neutron Wavelength ≈ 500 Å

Magnetic Moment Interaction µn· B ≈ 100 neV for B~1Tesla

Gravitational Interaction mngh ≈ 100 neV for h~1 m

Ultracold Neutron can be trapped in material, magnetic, or gravitational bottles

Page 109: Fundamental Neutron Physics II

Greene NNPSS July 200753

Super Thermal Source of UCN

• Neutrons of energy E ≈ 0.95 meV(11 k or 0.89 nm) can scatter in liquidhelium to near rest by emission of asingle phonon.

• Upscattering by absorption of an 11 kphonon is a UCN loss mechanism. Butpopulation of 11 K phonons is suppressed by a large Boltzman Factor: ~ e–11/T

where T~200 mk Golub and Pendlebury (1977)

Page 110: Fundamental Neutron Physics II


Solid D2 Superthermal UCN Source

Figure courtesy FRM-11 webpage

Neutron SourceSolid Deuterium


Pre-Moderator T~40K

UCN Guide Shutter Experiment


Page 111: Fundamental Neutron Physics II

Greene NNPSS July 200755

Operational at the LANSCE linac.

Proposed at the FRM-II reactor, Munich

Operational at the PSI, Switzerland.

Solid D2 UCN Sources

Page 112: Fundamental Neutron Physics II

Greene NNPSS July 2019 56

End of Lecture 2