THE DAILY SUN GAINESVILLE FLOEI1 AUGUST 10 1909 V it 4 k cw 9 = = < BaMr alt PofctO n at GtlBtfcvUIe lla- H M XcCEJTARY JlUed F Publishe- rF HUCW1TT Sag Coa Mlng OCJce to liaymas j W Mate Street a t Duly Sot pubtUaoi f very aionUaj ex at Moaaay feHrtr ay tattler la Ike dty frefr Malxmeatfef fits for Irt we krtiiftty Hag tt e vl seecats a Tke Bra b eight face fatty Simmm paper paMUard every Merely Vaawky a4 aaatebu tlt vcwt af tottt Btetc a4 ccMtal Md will aHMymmc fm tea y r Caaada fr fiae year t adraaee- dtfi Mite dtoe after ant- UfatoUAfanMitraiiit fettle aatkaewa tea WW ttaaln tefayte adtwtida d- TH3 DAILY iUN Max Wilxm ta erffir ef The Calhoun Democrat after a tech Heeded rest of several aoataa The editors of Tie Attaata Coast tttttea and are e dcavorls to a e whack cps hurl tho JW Vile epl theta at ether Dtiriag a weeks ia Jacluoa yule Pare Food IB spec tor Jordan MW two draakea rep Probably the sap hips Int Editor I W Zlmm of The St AvgVBttae Meteor wants a partner to eagige ia business with him ana sake the paper a dally A eatlaeat physician prescribes tbo frequent pro of sugar for allaying ones appetite for whiskey Try It when you are tfalraty Good crops require good roads to haul them over Alacbua people are happy over the former this season but how about the latter The Sun has a number of extra copies of the laws passed by the last Legislature which can be had free of charge by those desiring them The Board of Health says Dont kill the dog If bo has rabies ke will seoa die then send the head to the laboratory packed In ice The first bale of Sea Island cotton eftihhi year growth was received In flaVaRBah a August 7th It was grows In Suwanneo county Florida sad U of very high grade The Ocala Banner wants Senator Tallaferros successor to come from the Interior of the State Well your candidate Frank Harris would get this editors vote How about those Sunday afternoon concerts promised us by the Gainus Tlllo Band Has the City Council prohibited them or have the boys to use a baseball expression gone up in the alrr The evidence and argument have all been submitted to the court in Harry Thaws application for release from the asylum for the Insane In New York and Justice Mills Is ex- pectcd to render a decision on August 12th t he I Rooa- I tile Va1te4 N ee18 lee- J J ft dMdeuJ TIrtee 17 eUlenrJle fa- A Fza cat sick stay others Stato L f p s ft4gttn Block 3tltaz i elte s part of smji seta tl WM K p erta I- ir AIr Mu erte far stet tassttlea- INtea itS1splrdmtlsl taadekrowr Ua 4 Week ar as z 4 Zt putt the C tea edrett fag I arpluaea M wlleas efI 44i eM AaataXtcca t P oat 4 4 n t- out c w 4 rot > ¬ > > + + + ° Tho increased duty on pineapples secured by Senator Taliaferro was stricken from the tariff bill by the conference committee and the Hast Coast pineapple growers will have to continue to grow the fruit in competi- tion with Cuba War olouds are lain hovering over lands Japan thnmtttn to wallop Clilmt again and Turkey has dot an ultimatum to tir wo The situation in both iMtancm U reganl- ed n aoutu ami U Nobler HI W- dKolar i at say tlw- I8 inlij f- lte I a MK- jMnw nr at UM PMMI- y rf tart Tw tmn- y wa lit Im m 33 It It MUt- fva for 18n ti tit 1 I 1K Mar it t7nis xo et4y vletl INW4- F 1 saes Iptt et rt IA I h IIMM f s I 4 v1Md la- IiMIMI 11e pal t kN Ia a- NA MP at Min r IHi e lull ¬ > = + MIGHT LEARN WITH ADVANTAGE Nations are constantly learning from each other The old Idea which some patinas had that they possessed the acme of knowledge no longer ex Uts It Is now a question of give and take and all the nations are better for It Great Britain has learned touch from this country In the past halt cen- tury and It has been to her advant- age On the other band there are some things we might well learn from her Take for example the working of law The tedious vexatious and un- called for delays In criminal matters- In this country are a reproach and afford Innumerable loopholes through which many criminals espe- cially if they have wealth or wealthy friends escape the penalty of the law Certainly IB this matter as Justice Brewer and many other jurists and lawyers admit England docs far bet- ter An Instance was that of Ute re cot trial aad conviction of the Hin doe student who shot and killed Col Wyllle in London a few weeks ago His trial lasted Just one hour and sentesce was at puce pronounced If the case had been In this coun- try H would probably have taken weeks to secure a jury and many more weeks for the trial And after trial and provided the jury did disagree there would have been- a notion tor a sew trial has been the experience In most murder aad other settees criminal cases and the retail a bad These unwarrant- able stays and nonenforcement have really put a premium on crime Reform IB trials and law en forcemeat would speedily bring a dim potion Is murders and crimes of vio- lence Jttlfce William Mann defeated St George Tucker for the Democratic BomlBatloa for Governor in the glala prlaary by between three thou- sand and five thousand votes Mann had the support of League and stated on the stump that although he favored local option he would sign a Statewide prohibition- law if passed by tho Legislature There was Intense interest In the campaign but strange to say a light vote was polled on election day The successful candidate had a perfect or- ganization back of him while Tucker depended largely upon personal popularity with the people Organize lion is what nccompllshcn results In pqlltlcp L T Shaw of Brookcr says The Starke Telegraph brought The Tele- graph a can each of tomatoes and poaches put up with a small canning outfit bought by him tor canning fruit and vegetables tat horse use The andpeaches left at this office were equal to any put up by the large caunerleu Mr Shaws outfit has a ca- pacity of 200 cans d day and he fluds it profitable to do canning for his neighbors Others In the same com munlty have these small canning and Mr Shaw says jt will not be long until Ills neighbors will be pro- vided every season with an ample sup- ply of canned fruit and vegetables This begins to sound like living at home It is said that Col Toomer of Jack- sonville contemplates measuring swords with Frank Clark for Congrcs- slonal honor Col Toonu Is a good peel able man reputed to n comfortable rr uu a portion of which be IH willing to with for tho honor of going to Congress r n I list sentence his to- n atoea OU- tfits posses part sot That f- law VI the Antl Salo o o ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ > + Deafness Cannot Be Cured by local applications aa they cannot roach the dletKited xmlou of the oar There Is only one way to euro deafness and that IH by conntitutlonal remedies Uoafiivtts U by an Inflamed condition of tho mucous lining of the Hu taohldn Tube When this tube U Inflamed you have a rumbling sound or Imperfect hearing and when It U tmtlroly cloned af HIM U the rMult and unless In- tlnnuiwtloii Nil b out and thU tuft rtOr l IMtTHMll VOIldltlOI- INMtriui will by tU tru l f Kv r HllHI M HM l Nt any CftNM l- Mt rrh whisk hi MHIMIIK kin MM I rfcaaalil aiij ImM ia t lad lUMiBaaaaiM fW WW fMfWm will sty Qa UwMsr Della Bir NUT WM 9t i MlN M fNM 1- amiirfli UMM- l r caused titer taken to It 118811t M titre Ii- If J I t Cn- f n D l et test t n l t lllw- latla CwitltrM lirtttII Mr r Pw CKIOtillif tl old by tittl e M Matt a PndIy IhUS tW- patla to- ur hI > > > < > + Editors McKenzie and Russell of The Palatka Times and Views respect- ively were evidently Imposed upon In the Information liven them regarding the game of baseball played In this city last Thursday between the Gem City and Gainesville teams No one so far as we could learn disputed that tile Gainesville team won the game fairly Harvey Hutchlnsons decisions were as fair as they possibly could have been and the home boys were often morp dissatisfied with his rul Ings than were the Palatka players The disturbance occurred after the winning run had been made by Gaines rills and was the result of an union tunate misunderstanding resulting from excitable persons on both sides who got together before cooler heads could prevent the scrap A few Florida editors are unlnten tionally doing uainesvlile an injustice In publishing an Item that we are preparing to install a sewerage A good sewerage system was completed In this city some three years ago and If our editorial friends had read the advertisement from which they gained their information they would have found that the same asked for bids for a still further ex tension of the sewer mains It Is anything but Jut to select as a street to be paved with vitrified brick one on which at least two poor widows reside who we doubt have yet finished paying for the putting down of sidewalks It would be equlv alent to confiscation of their property at this time Let the work of paving commence around the public square where the property owners are best able to stand the expense and where the work Is most needed The TimesUnion says Sunday In Jacksonvilles parks is a delight Gainesville bas no park In which the people can spend Sunday or any other day Our predecessors lacked In falling to provide such places of retreat and the Indications are those who now manage the city goy eminent will be equally as deficient In this respect West Florida tobacco growers have as yet tailed to find buyers for the excellent crop of tobacco they produc ed last year This hoe placed many of the business men as well as the growers In nn embarrassing position ond the outlook for relief in the way of a demand for the weed is not at nil encouraging The Apalachicola Times remarks that the cattle ranges in that city are abundantly supplied with grass hence the bovines find easy pickings We fall to understand why the good ladies of Apahchicola permit such a set of old fogies to hold office aa member of the town council Some minerals which are soft when dug become an hard as rock when exposed to the air CASTOR 0r Infanta and CMIirt Ill KM Yen Rare Always BtM Bears tho Signature of CHICHESTER S PILLS t Dl Uf t n iut- IttUUiA f b4trli- a i t VJT n a ui lea ll C rlUtil tlW IN AIL e- i wis- dom d r twltit ltr a lira sa w N It ttoota lIt 4 IIIU1 ten k DmA ac1W1oI SIlIIY IItGISTS EEmWlEtE- tOCURID ANO D I u 4t4k N 1 I tktp h t e sys- tem r tLI c tbIrleY t t IJIt pul- er tU rqA a Tl w 1lrsat ttte attic t r MEN AND WOMEz at L I wal c Aurnuavw p r- 6aNM Irle of apCOq MktlAah rnYtM1f1M at MII MtYZtt NeWUnI re of ate t rm att ell w tw Rrtneto- I yJ a I t I r- tNllOhf fti ti r tit MiM L ti ttaWI tltg 11Nt Le wssN NaerN e- i a I ¬ < < + + + ++ + < BailarcT Snow Liniment Poitiv ly Cure Rheumatism Neuralgia Lam Old Sprain Bruises etc it a Trial and b Convinced ALURD SNOW LINIMENT CO P Pr rl t r Sold And TYPEWRITERS In Eaw Mtaftmirts The Fayttttoe VMktt Ml KWK If SUPPLIES for Rent Write for Prices Terma Etc RC DAVIS co 201 West Dar St JACKSONVILLE FIJI W L Agent EFFECTIVE DEO 18 1908 Gainesville for Fairfield and lo- cal points South 10 10 a arrive Gainesville 4 25 p n Leave Gainesville for Sampson City Palatka Lake City and points North 600 p arrive Gainesville 9 30 p a A L Glass Gen Siipt L E Barker Traffic Mgr NEW YORK CITY and RETURN Tickets on sale from Jacksonville every Mon day and Thursday beginning with up to Aug return limit Sept 80th Stopovers allowed on these tickets ut Rich Washington Baltimore and Philadelphia Reduced rates to other summer resorts For information rates reservations etc call on or write to A W FR1TOT Division Passen- ger Agent 138 West Bay St Jacksonville Fla SEABOARDA- ir Line Railway AVANNAH COLCXLIA SOUTHERN PINKS RALEIGH RICHMOND WASHINGTON BALTIMORE PHILADELPHIA NEW YORK Two KkgHnt Train Daily KXPRESS- MAliOAHD MAIL M 6HN PULLMAN EQUIPMENT LINK rturvatlent I OuncL l Three Price 25 sac and 100 JAMS l ST Recommended lit K JOHNSON e ines a Tampa Jacksonville Hairy 1 DOaO aooao geoo ATLANTIC Ur l ith vooa HOOOofaoooLi IA I SEA I fi 11 I I Y I I I Tlrt ugh I uriuliJ earl If Jr j AQesh t wo E aKy ra F r F 1 Give rzsr Si Mr NlgIRfOUM 4 ww i DEN HAN a VIA COAST RAILROAD Y DEN IMily Sit thtlrs- I i N1N fw flal 1NtMMAINN fwd sleapHnQ fir es say Avtat Babeacd wrap 44III t o JfthHVllIs Flsrida ¬ ¬ ° +

ft4gttn E BailarcT - University of Floridaufdcimages.uflib.ufl.edu/UF/00/02/82/98/01481/00292.pdffrefr Malxmeatfef fits for Irt we krtiiftty Hag tt e vl seecats a Tke Bra b eight face

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    k cw9 = = <

    BaMr alt PofctO n at GtlBtfcvUIe lla-



    rF HUCW1TT Sag Coa Mlng

    OCJce to liaymasj W Mate Street at Duly Sot pubtUaoi fvery aionUaj exat Moaaay feHrtr ay tattler la Ike dty

    frefr Malxmeatfef fitsfor Irt we krtiiftty

    Hag tt e vl seecats a

    Tke Bra b eight face fattySimmm paper paMUard every MerelyVaawky a4 aaatebu tlt vcwt af

    tottt Btetc a4 ccMtal Md willaHMymmc fm tea yr Caaada f r fiae year t adraaee-

    dtfi Mite dtoe after ant-

    UfatoUAfanMitraiiit fettle aatkaewa teaW W ttaaln tefayte adtwtida d-


    Max Wilxm ta erffir ef TheCalhoun Democrat after a techHeeded rest of several aoataa

    The editors of Tie Attaata Coasttttttea and are e dcavorls toa e whack cps hurl tho JW Vile epltheta at ether

    Dtiriag a weeks ia Jacluoayule Pare Food IB spec tor JordanMW two draakea rep Probably the

    sap hips IntEditor I W Zlmm of The St

    AvgVBttae Meteor wants a partner toeagige ia business with him anasake the paper a dally

    A eatlaeat physician prescribes tbofrequent pro of sugar for allayingones appetite for whiskey Try Itwhen you are tfalraty

    Good crops require good roads tohaul them over Alacbua people arehappy over the former this seasonbut how about the latter

    The Sun has a number of extracopies of the laws passed by the lastLegislature which can be had free ofcharge by those desiring them

    The Board of Health saysDont kill the dog If bo has rabies

    ke will seoa die then send the headto the laboratory packed In ice

    The first bale of Sea Island cottoneftihhi year growth was received InflaVaRBah a August 7th It wasgrows In Suwanneo county Floridasad U of very high grade

    The Ocala Banner wants SenatorTallaferros successor to come fromthe Interior of the State Well

    your candidate Frank Harriswould get this editors vote

    How about those Sunday afternoonconcerts promised us by the GainusTlllo Band Has the City Councilprohibited them or have the boysto use a baseball expression goneup in the alrr

    The evidence and argument haveall been submitted to the court inHarry Thaws application for releasefrom the asylum for the Insane InNew York and Justice Mills Is ex-pectcd to render a decision on August12th




    tile Va1te4


    ee18 lee-J J ft dMdeuJ













    p sft4gttn


    3tltaz i elte s

    part of smjiseta

    tl WM K p erta I-irAIr Mu erte far stettassttlea-

    INtea itS1splrdmtlsl taadekrowrUa 4

    Week arasz

    4Zt putt the C

    teaedrett fag Iarpluaea M wlleas

    efI 44i eMAaataXtcca

















    + +


    Tho increased duty on pineapplessecured by Senator Taliaferro wasstricken from the tariff bill by theconference committee and the HastCoast pineapple growers will have tocontinue to grow the fruit in competi-tion with Cuba

    War olouds are lain hovering overlands Japan thnmtttn to

    wallop Clilmt again and Turkey hasdot an ultimatum to tir wo Thesituation in both iMtancm U reganl-ed n aoutu ami U Nobler HI W-dKolar i at say tlw-

    I8 inlij f-lte I a MK-


    nr at UM PMMI-y rf tart Tw tmn-

    y wa lit Im m33 It It MUt-


    for 18n






    t7nis xo et4y vletl INW4-F 1 saes

    Ipttet rt

    IA I h IIMM f s I 4 v1Md la-IiMIMI 11e pal t kN Ia a-NA MP at Min

    r IHi e lull






    Nations are constantly learningfrom each other The old Idea whichsome patinas had that they possessedthe acme of knowledge no longer exUts It Is now a question of give andtake and all the nations are betterfor It

    Great Britain has learned touchfrom this country In the past halt cen-tury and It has been to her advant-age On the other band there aresome things we might well learn fromher Take for example the workingof law The tedious vexatious and un-called for delays In criminal matters-In this country are a reproach and

    afford Innumerable loopholesthrough which many criminals espe-cially if they have wealth or wealthyfriends escape the penalty of the law

    Certainly IB this matter as JusticeBrewer and many other jurists andlawyers admit England docs far bet-ter An Instance was that of Ute recot trial aad conviction of the Hindoe student who shot and killed ColWyllle in London a few weeks agoHis trial lasted Just one hour andsentesce was at puce pronounced

    If the case had been In this coun-try H would probably have takenweeks to secure a jury and many moreweeks for the trial And after trialand provided the jury did

    disagree there would have been-a notion tor a sew trial hasbeen the experience In most murderaad other settees criminal cases andthe retail a bad These unwarrant-able stays and nonenforcement

    have really put a premium oncrime Reform IB trials and law enforcemeat would speedily bring a dimpotion Is murders and crimes of vio-lence

    Jttlfce William Mann defeated StGeorge Tucker for the DemocraticBomlBatloa for Governor in theglala prlaary by between three thou-sand and five thousand votes Mannhad the support ofLeague and stated on the stump thatalthough he favored local option hewould sign a Statewide prohibition-law if passed by tho LegislatureThere was Intense interest In thecampaign but strange to say a lightvote was polled on election day Thesuccessful candidate had a perfect or-ganization back of him while Tuckerdepended largely upon personalpopularity with the people Organizelion is what nccompllshcn results Inpqlltlcp

    L T Shaw of Brookcr says TheStarke Telegraph brought The Tele-graph a can each of tomatoes andpoaches put up with a small canningoutfit bought by him tor canning fruitand vegetables tat horse use The

    andpeaches left at this officewere equal to any put up by the largecaunerleu Mr Shaws outfit has a ca-pacity of 200 cans d day and he fludsit profitable to do canning for hisneighbors Others In the same communlty have these small canning

    and Mr Shaw says jt will not belong until Ills neighbors will be pro-vided every season with an ample sup-ply of canned fruit and vegetablesThis begins to sound like living athome

    It is said that Col Toomer of Jack-sonville contemplates measuringswords with Frank Clark for Congrcs-slonal honor Col Toonu Is a goodpeel able man reputed to ncomfortable rr uu a portion ofwhich be IH willing to with fortho honor of going to Congress







    to-n atoea








    the Antl Salo


















    Deafness Cannot Be Curedby local applications aa they cannotroach the dletKited xmlou of theoar There Is only one way to eurodeafness and that IH by conntitutlonalremedies Uoafiivtts U by anInflamed condition of tho mucouslining of the Hu taohldn Tube Whenthis tube U Inflamed you have arumbling sound or Imperfect hearingand when It U tmtlroly cloned afHIM U the rMult and unless In-tlnnuiwtloii Nil b out and thUtuft rtOr l IMtTHMll VOIldltlOI-INMtriui will by tU tru l f Kv rHllHI M HM l Nt any CftNM l-

    Mt rrh whisk hi MHIMIIK kin MMI rfcaaalil aiij ImM ia t lad lUMiBaaaaiMfW WW

    fMfWmwill sty Qa UwMsr Della

    Bir NUT WM 9t i MlN M fNM 1-

    amiirfli UMM-

    l r



    takento It

    118811t Mtitre Ii-

    If J It


    f n



    et test t



    t lllw-latla CwitltrM lirtttII Mr r

    Pw CKIOtilliftl

    old by tittl eM Matt a PndIy IhUS tW-







    > < >


    Editors McKenzie and Russell ofThe Palatka Times and Views respect-ively were evidently Imposed upon Inthe Information liven them regardingthe game of baseball played In thiscity last Thursday between the GemCity and Gainesville teams No oneso far as we could learn disputed thattile Gainesville team won the gamefairly Harvey Hutchlnsons decisionswere as fair as they possibly couldhave been and the home boys wereoften morp dissatisfied with his rulIngs than were the Palatka playersThe disturbance occurred after thewinning run had been made by Gainesrills and was the result of an uniontunate misunderstanding resultingfrom excitable persons on both sideswho got together before coolerheads could prevent the scrap

    A few Florida editors are unlntentionally doing uainesvlile an injusticeIn publishing an Item that we arepreparing to install a sewerage

    A good sewerage system wascompleted In this city some threeyears ago and If our editorial friendshad read the advertisement fromwhich they gained their informationthey would have found that the sameasked for bids for a still further extension of the sewer mains

    It Is anything but Jut to select asa street to be paved with vitrifiedbrick one on which at least two poorwidows reside who we doubt haveyet finished paying for the puttingdown of sidewalks It would be equlvalent to confiscation of their propertyat this time Let the work of pavingcommence around the public squarewhere the property owners are bestable to stand the expense and wherethe work Is most needed

    The TimesUnion says Sunday InJacksonvilles parks is a delightGainesville bas no park In which thepeople can spend Sunday or any otherday Our predecessors lacked

    In falling to provide such placesof retreat and the Indications arethose who now manage the city goyeminent will be equally as deficientIn this respect

    West Florida tobacco growers haveas yet tailed to find buyers for theexcellent crop of tobacco they produced last year This hoe placed manyof the business men as well as thegrowers In nn embarrassing positionond the outlook for relief in the wayof a demand for the weed is not atnil encouraging

    The Apalachicola Times remarksthat the cattle ranges in that city areabundantly supplied with grass hencethe bovines find easy pickings Wefall to understand why the good ladiesof Apahchicola permit such a set ofold fogies to hold office aa memberof the town council

    Some minerals which are soft whendug become an hard as rock whenexposed to the air

    CASTOR0r Infanta and CMIirt

    Ill KM Yen Rare Always BtMBears tho

    Signature of


    t Dl U f t n iut-IttUUiA f b4trli-

    a i t VJT n auilea

    ll C rlUtil tlW

    IN AIL e-i


    d rtwltit ltr

    a lirasaw N It ttootalIt4IIIU1ten k DmA ac1W1oISIlIIY IItGISTS EEmWlEtE-


    4t4kN1 I

    tktp h t




    r tLI ctbIrleYt t IJIt pul-er tU rqAa Tl w1lrsat ttteattic t r


    L I wal c Aurnuavw p r-6aNMIrle of apCOq MktlAahrnYtM1f1M at MIIMtYZtt

    NeWUnIre of ate t rm attell w tw

    Rrtneto-I yJ

    a I t Ir-

    tNllOhf fti ti rtit MiM L ti ttaWI tltg 11Nt LewssN NaerN e-

    i a







    + + +


    BailarcTSnow Liniment

    Poitiv ly CureRheumatism Neuralgia Lam

    OldSprain Bruises etcit a Trial and b Convinced


    Sold And

    TYPEWRITERSIn Eaw Mtaftmirts

    The Fayttttoe VMktt


    for Rent

    Write for Prices Terma Etc

    R C DAVIS co201 West Dar St


    EFFECTIVE DEO 18 1908

    Gainesville for Fairfield and lo-cal points South 10 10 a

    arrive Gainesville 4 25 p nLeave Gainesville for Sampson City Palatka

    Lake City and points North 600 parrive Gainesville 9 30 p a

    A L Glass Gen Siipt L E Barker Traffic Mgr


    Tickets on sale from Jacksonville every Monday and Thursday beginning with up toAug return limit Sept 80th

    Stopovers allowed on these tickets ut RichWashington Baltimore and Philadelphia

    Reduced rates to other summer resortsFor information rates reservations etc call

    on or write to A W FR1TOT Division Passen-ger Agent 138 West Bay St Jacksonville Fla

    SEABOARDA-ir Line Railway



    Two KkgHnt Train Daily







    Three Price 25 sac and 100JAMS lSTRecommended lit




    Tampa Jacksonville Hairy


    DOaO aooaogeoo


    l ith







    I I Y II I Tlrt ugh

    I uriuliJ

    earlIf Jr

    j AQesh

    t wo

    EaKy ra




    Giverzsr Si











    IMily Sit thtlrs-I i N1N

    fw flal 1NtMMAINN fwd sleapHnQ fir essay Avtat Babeacd wrap44III t o JfthHVllIs Flsrida



