Feasibility Study Setup Manual New York City Relief March 2014 The FOCUS Group, Inc. 521 A1A Beach Blvd St. Augustine, FL 32080 800.324.9117 office 800.324.8816 fax www.tfgrp.com © The FOCUS Group, Inc. 2014

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Feasibility Study

Setup Manual

New York City Relief

March 2014

The FOCUS Group, Inc.521 A1A Beach Blvd

St. Augustine, FL 32080

800.324.9117 office800.324.8816 faxwww.tfgrp.com

© The FOCUS Group, Inc. 2014

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March 11, 2014

 Juan GallowayPresidentNew York City Relief295 Walnut StreetElizabeth, NJ 07201

Dear Juan,

Thank you for partnering with The FOCUS Group to conduct the feasibility study for New York

City Relief’s capital campaign.

This Feasibility Study Setup Manual will serve as a guide for the feasibility study associateand the staff to prepare for the study.

The feasibility study report will include specific recommendations for moving forward to planand conduct your capital campaign. Our pledge to you is that our research andrecommendations will be at the highest professional level available in fund raising today.While the strictest level of confidence will be maintained with the interviewees, you will receivespecific documentation that serves as the basis for our analysis and recommendations.

I want to assure you and the leadership at New York City Relief, that as we meet with majordonors and others in your constituency, we are keenly aware that we represent you. We will doeverything we can to encourage the respondents’ interest in and support for your mission. 

From time to time we will give you periodic reports on how the study is proceeding. However,if you have questions or need any additional information at any time, please do not hesitate tocontact me.

Sincerely yours,

Brad LaylandManaging Partner and Senior Consultant

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Glossary of Terms

Critical Highlights Overview

Guidelines for Scheduling Interviews




Guidelines for Selecting Respondents for Interviews 7-10

Guidelines for Leadership Team Making Initial Contact 11-12

Feasibility Study Timetable 13-16

Sample Documents

  Interview Schedule  Interview Fact Sheet  Sample Letters

Institutional Data Instructions





Feasibility Study Associate (FSA) Job description 26-27

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NYCR New York City Relief


Leadership Team Juan GallowayClaudia Wittel

FSA Feasibility Study Associate

CA Consultant AssociateTravis [email protected](m) 904.540.8881

TFG Consultants Brad [email protected](m) 904.687.7876

Ame [email protected](m) 407.492.0215

Steve [email protected](m) 804.502.5025

Priority designations:

Priority 1 Most highly preferredPriority 2 Next level of preferencePriority 3 Candidates for a focus groupPriority 4 Leadership Team

Specific documents are identified in italics throughout these materials

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Complete Case Statement and Research. UsingResearch results, complete the list of fiftyprioritized respondents.

Leadership Team calls priority 1prospective respondents to personallyinvite their participation. Then,

invitation letters are sent.

FSA calls respondentsafter invitation calls aremade to schedule aninterview.

FSA sends interview confirmation letter andcase statement draft at least one week inadvance of interview.

FSA sends completed Interview FactSheet for each respondent to the CA oneweek in advance of interview.

FSA updates anychanges to the InterviewSchedule in Google docs& notifies CA via emailby the end of the day ofthe change.

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1.  Develop an interview strategy based on geographic location and priority. Tomaximize the interviewer’s time and save travel costs, it is imperative to determineand adhere to an overall geographic strategy.

2.  Prioritize respondents with the Leadership Team to determine who to call first.3.  Obtain consultants’ available days to conduct interviews from the CA. 

4.  Offer consultants’ available dates to the respondent based on geographic strategy. Ifyou have a specific time in mind based on other interviews already scheduled, askthe respondent if they could do an interview during specific times. The scheduleshould be built around priority 1 respondents.

5.  Interview dates should be confirmed at least two weeks in advance in order to helpkeep travel costs as low as possible.

6.  The appointment is not finalized until TFG consultants and CA verify the schedule,

taking flights and travel times into consideration.

7.  Send the respondent the Case Statement and Confirmation Letter  for the interviewapproximately one week in advance after the appointment is confirmed. TFG hasfound it valuable to send both an electronic and hard copy. Call to confirm receiptof materials and to confirm interview 3 days prior to visit.

8.  Attempt to schedule five or more interviews per day for each consultant. Days withfewer than five interviews must be cleared by the CA.

9.  The FOCUS Group offers extra interview days at the following rate: 

Minimum Charge is ½ Day (4 hours)  2 Interviews is ¾ Day (6 hours)  3 Interviews or more is 1 day (8 hours)  If an entire day has been reserved, but no interviews scheduled by the

preceding week, the day may be billed as a full day

10. The Fact Sheet should be filled out as completely as possible and emailed to the CAwith the directions one week in advance in order to maximize the effectiveness ofthe interview. Include as many phone numbers as possible for each respondent,including the phone number of the interview site and/or the respondent’s cellphone number. The CA will forward the Fact Sheet and directions to the appropriate


11. Phone interviews are possible, but should be scheduled sparingly. Face-to-faceinterviews are much more effective. Phone interviews are scheduled when arespondent lives in an area where there are no other interviews planned, or forrespondents who are not considered major donors. A respondent’s lack ofavailability on the scheduled days (i.e., out of town or illness) may necessitate aphone interview.

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12. Update the Interview Schedule in Google docs and email the CA each time somethingchanges. This information includes: total interviews scheduled, interviewscompleted, and interviews yet to schedule. These updates are important to ensure

that the contracted number of interviews is completed and to maintain clearcommunication between NYCR and TFG.


In general, each interview should last approximately one hour. When schedulinginterviews, there are a few considerations to keep in mind that will help ensureconsultants enough space to travel between interviews in a timely manner and to honorthe respondents that agree to participate in the feasibility study.

1.  Consider travel time, parking and additional situations, and commuter traffic inscheduling appointments. Allow at least fifteen minutes as a buffer, in addition totravel time, for traffic, parking, etc.

2.  When scheduling an interview over a meal, please allow for one and a half hours forthe interview.

3.  When scheduling an interview with a couple in their home, please allow for one hourand fifteen minutes for the interview.

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The FOCUS Group will be examining four fundamental factors in the feasibility study:

1. The case statement

2. The support for the proposed initiatives

3. The leadership potential for the campaign

4. The giving potential for the campaign 

As you consider these four factors, focus on the people and constituencies from whomNYCR can recruit leaders and raise major gifts. Once you have determined the verybest people to interview regarding these four factors, make sure the selection isbalanced in terms of covering the various influence groups across the NYCRconstituencies.

The process.TFG will be conducting approximately twenty-five to thirty individual interviews orfocus group interviews. In light of this, approximately fifty respondents should beidentified to offset lack of availability of some respondents due to travel or personalreasons. Most of the individual/couple interviews will be approximately an hour.Interviews will take place at NYCR or in offices, restaurants or in homes of theinterviewees. Interviews may be scheduled over a meal when appropriate.

The interview fact sheet.Each interview must be approached with goals in mind related to the factors noted

above. Each respondent will be asked to comment on all four, but the consultants needto know beforehand in which areas the respondent can best contribute. Thisinformation should be noted on the Interview Fact Sheet.

 Major donors and potential leaders.A minimum of eighty percent of the interviews should be with priority one people whoare targeted as major donors ($100,000 or higher pledged over three years) and majordonors who have the stature and experience to be leaders in the campaign. Hopefullythere will be major donors among the other twenty percent. This latter group isimportant, nevertheless, since by virtue of their association with NYCR, they will be

able to give good insight on the case for the campaign and recommendations forleadership. The best examples of this latter group are executive leadership and currentor former board members.

 Focus groups.Where appropriate there could be several focus groups. A focus group is equal to oneindividual interview and is appropriate for respondents who are not major donorprospects.

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Selecting Respondents.When selecting respondents, plan as many interviews as possible keeping the followingthree critical factors in mind:

  Connection/interest: Select people who have a history of relationship to

NYCR and/or a board member and/or someone on staff.

  Ability: Have clear evidence that they are individuals with substantial networth. "Substantial" should be defined as individuals worth multiplemillions, not simply millionaires.

  Inclination: Have evidence that these individuals have a reputation forgiving in the six and seven figure range.

Keep in mind that people should be selected who are not only major donor prospects,but also people to whom you can look for active leadership in the campaign. Identifypeople who have networks with peers with similar financial capabilities. Sometimesthese networks will be geared to a particular business or a type of business. In othercases the network will relate to family and social ties.

In terms of networks, we are not talking simply about relationships, but about peoplewho have used their networks to help benefit a nonprofit organization in a substantialway. We are looking for major donors who have a generous heart and have experiencein giving and inviting others to do what they have done at the level at which they have


Categorizing respondents.With these thoughts in mind, the categories of respondents are as follows: (80% ofpotential interviewees should fall in categories 1 and 2.)

1.  Major donors (current or lapsed) and prospective campaign leaders

These should be individuals who are known to have assets in the multiplemillions and have used their resources to give gifts to nonprofits totaling in thehigh five or mid-to upper six figures. Hopefully, a few have given seven-figuregifts.

This category should include individuals who not only are substantial givers buthave the reputation for going to their peers and inviting them to do what theyhave already done themselves.

Of the top donor categories, this one should have the majority of respondents.

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2. Major donors (current or lapsed)

These are donors who give very substantial gifts, but are not known to takeleadership or participate in asking their peers to give.

3. Influential friends and prospective friends

This category includes individuals who are not major donor prospects, but whoare influential as community, church or civic leaders and/or who serve onfoundation or corporate boards.

4. Foundation administrators/trustees and key "competitors"

Here TFG is looking for some insight on what is happening in the relatedphilanthropic marketplace over the next few years. We will also get theirreactions on the compelling nature of the NYCR case.

5.  Focus Groups

These should be affinity groups that have a stake in the success of the campaign(alumni, staff, and other “must” interviewees with limited financial capacity).

6.  Leadership Team

It will be important to interview Juan Galloway and Claudia Wittel as part of theFeasibility Study.

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TFG recommends that top prospects be called in advance by the Leadership Team toinvite them to participate in the feasibility study. Typically these calls will be from thePresident or the highest level staff person with the closest relationship and influence.

When calling emphasize:

1.  The importance of the proposed campaign for NYCR as a step that will greatlyenhance your movement’s effectiveness;

2.  The importance of the capital campaign to achieve the strategic goals;

3.  How essential it is to the study to get candid opinions, advice andrecommendations without having to measure one's words or to be concerned

about someone's feelings (there is no attribution in the feasibility study);

4.  The value of having experienced, objective fundraising counsel collect the dataand formulate recommendations and campaign plans that will best fit and serveNYCR’s mission. 

5.  Advise that they will be contacted soon by a NYCR staff member (the FSA) toconfirm a date and time for their interview.

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New York City ReliefFeasibility Study Timetable 

TASK March April May June Comments/Assignments

I. Begin Research and Prepare Case Statement  

NYCR provides list of top 1,000 prospectsfrom donor database.


TFG performs the first round of wealth

screening from prospect list. TFG

NYCR reviews wealth screening andtogether with TFG consultants, a list of topfifty potential interviewees is compiled.


1st Draft Case Statement – NYCR toassemble draft for TFG review

NYCR staff prepare case draftwith TFG counsel

TFG reviews, makes recommendations TFG

2nd Draft Case Statement for InterviewsNYCR makes revisions inpreparation for interviews

TFG reviews Final Draft and signs off TFG

NYCR sends list of top thirty names to be

interviewed and for additional research.NYCR

II. Respondents Selection & Invitation (Using compiled interviewee list, schedule 5 interviews per day) 

Gather internal data and input allinformation on the Interview Fact Sheets. 

Ongoing Ongoing FSA

Leadership to call priority respondents toexplain purpose of feasibility study andprepare candidate for phone call from FSA.

NYCR Leadership Team

FSA send invitation letters to top preferredrespondents. Goal is to secure 25-30interviews. (A focus group =1 interview)

Build mailing list, FSA send outinvitation letters.

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TASK March April May June Comments/Assignments

IV. Institutional Data Gathering

Complete Institutional Data Reports usingelectronic forms for: Giving by boardmembers, Organization three yeargiving history, Foundation Giving 


Submit Institutional Data Reports electronically to TFG FSA

V. Follow Up to Interviews 

TFG Consultants report wheninterviews are completed. CA notifiesFSA to send thank you letter.

Ongoing OngoingTFG ConsultantsCA

Send thank you letter, with promise ofExecutive Summary Report after board’sreview and action.

Ongoing Ongoing FSA to send out letters followinginterviews.

VI. Report Review Conference CallPresident and other NYCRLeadership with TFG Consultants

VII. Submission of Feasibility Study Report

Present FS report to NYCR Board. TFG Representatives

Following presentation of the report toboard

TFG advises on preparation ofExecutive Summary Report

Send each respondent an ExecutiveSummary Report with cover letter.


FSA to send out ExecutiveSummary Report with cover letterannouncing board action torespondents

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Interview Schedule

Date Time Consultant Name Location Contact info NotesPrio



Ame Bill and Barbara JonesStarbuck’s Coffee – 123 Sesame Street,Anytown, IN 32788

Cell: 677-345-0000Email: [email protected]


3/31 9:30AM

Ame Joe Smith His office: Sears Building – 658 12th Ave, Suite A, Anytown, IN 32788

Office: 677-345-9293Asst’s name is Joan 

Office ison 3rd floor



Steve George and Jillian ClarkTheir home: 5 Sparrow Lane, Chicago,IL 55590

Home: 589-990-7676 Jillian’s cell: 589-993-0988

Park onthe street



Steve Bob HamptonDinner @ The Chart House: 314 TownsDrive, Chicago, IL 55590

Restaurant: 589-098-0045Cell: 589-444-9821



Steve Valarie JohnsonPanera Coffee shop: 678 1st Ave,Chicago, IL 47859

Cell: 674-987-0321Panera: 589-234-0986



Invitation Confirm Thank You Summary

personal call by President

 Jones 3/15 Sent 3/22 Sent 3/30 Delivered 4/15

personal call by Mike Smith,Dir of Develop 3/14

Sent 3/22 Sent 3/30 Delivered43/15

personal call by President Jones 3/20

Sent 4/4 Sent 4/12 Delivered 5/15

personal call by President Jones 3/20

Sent 4/4 Sent 4/12 Delivered 5/17

personal call by Mike Smith,Dir of Develop 3/25

Sent 4/4 Sent 4/14 Delivered 5/17

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Date: The FOCUS Group Consultant: ...........

Respondent’s Name: Phone at

Interview:Interview Time: Interview Date:

Cell phone:

Interview Address (If a business or restaurant, include name and/or name of building. If ahome, please note):

Interview Category:(Please Bold)

Major Donor Board Pastor/Church Parent

Exec. Staff Alumni Foundation Faculty Other___________

Key information/comments aboutrespondent: priority,closest contact,history withorganization, etc.

History of giving: Amount Designation(s)




Giving capability to proposed campaign: (Please project gift range below & any specific details) 

High Projectionover 3 years

Low projectionover 3 years


$ ___________ $ ___________

Has this interviewee documented a planned gift to your institution: If so,When or currently in process:

Describe type of planned gift:

Estimated Value:

Known major gifts to other nonprofits, current or past, especially to similarorganizations/projects:

Projected campaign leadership role:

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 Interview Invitation Letter(Lower tiered prospects)

S A M P L E 


Dear Mr. Smith:

[Introductory paragraph with ministry highlights]. The Board has approved a feasibility

study for a capital campaign to… 

I want to personally invite you, along with a few others, within the next four weeks toreview a confidential draft of our case statement outlining the proposed campaign forNew York City Relief. After you receive and review these materials, I am asking you totake an hour to participate in a formal interview setting and confidentially discuss NewYork City Relief’s proposed campaign.

I believe it is important to emphasize two things. First, this is not a meeting at whichyou will be asked to make a gift; however, the interviewer will confidentially discuss

your potential level of support for this new effort. Second, your comments and views onNew York City Relief and its proposed campaign will be kept confidential, and theresults of the meetings with you and others will be reported anonymously.

Our [leadership -- use appropriate term, i.e. Board and Administration] have asked TheFOCUS Group, Inc. to conduct these interviews and then to prepare a report withrecommendations. [Someone representing NYCR] will be calling you to invite yourparticipation in this very important interview process and to schedule your individualinterview.

Your taking the time to advise New York City Relief through this feasibility study willbe extraordinarily helpful. Your insight and advice will be invaluable to us as we planwhat is best for New York City Relief.

Cordially yours [or preferred sign-off],

[Appropriate NYCR Staff Member]“Title”

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 Interview Confirmation Letter (email) 

S A M P L E 


Dear Mr. Smith:

Thank you for agreeing to participate in the feasibility study for New York City Relief’s 

proposed capital campaign. Enclosed is a draft of the Case Statement. Please review thismaterial in detail in preparation for your interview. Your interview is scheduled to takeplace [date] [time] at [place] with [consultant name].

I would like to re-emphasize two things. First, this is not a meeting at which you willbe asked to make a gift; however, the interviewer will confidentially discuss yourpotential level of support for this new effort. Second, your comments and views onNew York City Relief and its proposed campaign will be kept confidential. The resultsof the meetings with you and others will be reported anonymously.

Our Board has asked The FOCUS Group, Inc. to conduct these interviews and prepare areport with recommendations.

I am very grateful to you for taking your valuable time to advise New York City Reliefthrough this interview process.

Cordially yours [or preferred sign-off],

[Appropriate NYCR Staff Member]“Title” 

P.S. If there is a last minute change to your schedule, please contact The FOCUS Groupconsultant [place consultant’s name and cell phone number here] 

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 Interview Thank You Letter



Dear Mr. Smith:

Thank you for participating in the feasibility study for New York City Relief’s proposedcapital campaign. Your input into this study is invaluable, and I personally would liketo thank you for investing your time to participate.

Once the feasibility study report has been completed and submitted to the New YorkCity Relief Board, you will be receiving an Executive Summary of the report outliningthe findings and recommendations of the study. At any point during this process, Iwould like to encourage you to call me with questions or additional input that you mayhave. It is very important that we keep an open dialogue with you as we contemplatethe capital campaign.

Thank you again for taking your time to advise the board and administration of NewYork City Relief through this feasibility interview process.

Cordially yours [preferred signoff],

[Appropriate NYCR Staff Member]“Title” 

Note: It is a good idea to have thepresident personally sign this letterand include a brief personal

handwritten note at the bottom of theletter, ex: “We really appreciate your participation and time. I look forward toseeing you and your family soon.”

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 Follow-up Letter with Executive Summary



Dear Mr. Smith:

This [winter] you shared your time generously with New York City Relief byparticipating in our feasibility study for our proposed campaign. Your gift of time andinterest is greatly appreciated, and I would like to take this opportunity once again tothank you for your insights and ideas regarding our proposed campaign.

As promised, I am pleased to share with you the Executive Summary of the feasibilitystudy report, prepared for us by The FOCUS Group. Since you care deeply about NewYork City Relief, I am sure you will find this Executive Summary to be encouraging.

If, while reading this report, you find that you have questions or additional commentsthat you would like to share, please call me at xxx-xxx-xxxx (direct line if appropriate). Iwould appreciate hearing from you.

You will also be pleased to know, [or,] as you already know the board has voted to … 

Thank you again for your time and your support. It is an exciting time for all of us atNew York City Relief.



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Feasibility Study - Institutional Data

The Feasibility Study Report will include a number of specific recommendations related

to the case, campaign goal, donor prospects, organizational structure, campaignmanagement, etc. By providing the material requested below the analysis andrecommendations in the report will be more tightly focused on the specific next stepsand strategies needed for a successful campaign.

Direct any questions about these forms and provide electronic copies of the reports andother documents to Travis Stevens [email protected].

Development Personnel 

1.  Please list all development department personnel and attach job descriptions foreach.

2.  Please include a copy of the development department’s organizational chart.

Donor Research

1.  Briefly describe the current donor research program, including both formal and

informal methods, sources and systems.

2.  Please provide a typical/sample report that is produced from the donor researchprogram.

Planned Giving

1.  Please briefly describe the strategy that is in place to secure planned gifts.

2.  Briefly describe the procedures used to document donor intent.

3.  Please also provide copies of gift acceptance policies and institutional policies orprotocols for receiving planned gifts. Also indicate when these policies wereapproved by the governing board.

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Endowment Gifts

Please include a copy of the policies that are in place regarding the receiving, managing andreporting for endowment gifts.

The President and Development 

1.  Briefly describe the work in development of the president. Please indicate thestrategy employed for his engagement with major donors and the number of donorsfor whom he has primary responsibility.

2.  Please also provide an institutional organizational chart.

The Board and Development

1.  Please provide the following:

a.  The number of board members.

b.  A list of all board standing committees with committee jobdescriptions/purpose statements.

2.  Report each of the last three years of board giving indicating the totals given toannual fund, special projects, endowment, etc. Please indicate the percentage ofparticipation by fund/project and the total dollar amounts by project or fund.

*An electronic form titled Giving by Board Members will be provided.

Donor History

1.  Please provide a list of the top 100 donors (do not include deceased donors). Pleaselist in descending order from highest to lowest based on total lifetime giving.

*An electronic form titled Top Donor List will be provided.

2.  Report separately for each of the previous three years the giving to the annual fund,special projects, and planned gifts indicating the goal, amount received andsubtotals for amounts received in each year by donor constituency.

*An electronic form titled Three-year Giving History will be provided.

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3.  Provide the giving history for any previous capital campaigns in the past ten years.

*An electronic form titled Previous Campaign History will be provided.

Foundation Donor Summary

Please complete the Foundation Donor Summary. An electronic form will be provided.See the listing below for the description of each column. 

Explanation of Columns on Foundation Donor Summary

Foundations Gifts/Requests:  List all foundations that have been approached by yourorganization and the outcome (denied, granted, pending). Please include the full nameand address.

Amount Granted or Requested: The dollar amount that was requested from thefoundation or the dollar amount that was granted.

Year Gifted/Requested:  The calendar year that your organization requested funding orwas gifted.

Purpose: Explain the purpose of the request for funding (specific program, generaloperating, capital campaign, etc).

Foundation Contact: The person at the foundation with whom someone at yourorganization has a relationship.

Staff Contact:  The person at your organization (staff, board member, and donor) whohas established a relationship with the foundation. Please indicate name and position.

Method to Locate:  How did your organization determine that this foundation was agood prospect? 

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The New York City Relief Feasibility Study Associate (FSA) manages the administrativeportion of the interview process and acts as the liaison between NYCR and TFG. Thisperson must be detail oriented and successful at multitasking. Experience in managingcomplex scheduling processes is valuable.

The FSA plays a critical role primarily during the set up phase of the feasibility study,and the intensity of the work continues for approximately four weeks. The FSA willmaintain close contact with a Consultant Associate (CA*) at TFG over the course of thisperiod. During this crucial set up phase, contact will most likely be on a daily basis.The FSA must have a professional rapport, especially on the phone (99% of contact withrespondents during the set up phase is over the phone.) This phone contact is importantas it can leave a lasting impression and set the tone for the respondents’ experiences

throughout the feasibility study.

Responsibilities include:

1.  Review list of prioritized potential respondents prepared by Leadership Team.

2.  Fill out Research Request Forms and submit to TFG.

3.  Enter all names, cities, states, giving history and occupation into the FeasibilityInterview Schedule. These interviewees include major donors (current and lapsed),present and former board members, alumni, parents, foundations andcorporations, and leadership team. Establish this list in consultation with theLeadership Team and submit to CA for TFG Consultants.

4.  Update Interview Schedule continually and email to CA whenever there is achange.

5.  Prepare and mail Invitation Letters to preselected respondents.

6.  FSA calls respondents after they have been called by a member of the LeadershipTeam or five days after they receive the Invitation Letter . Once these calls havebeen made, notify the CA that the scheduling process has begun.

7.  Schedule tentative interview dates and times with respondents according toTFG’s pre-determined dates. CA will confirm following daily emails from the

FSA of the Interview Schedule.

8.  Schedule focus groups. It is preferred to have 6 to 8 persons in each focus group.Each focus group counts as one interview.

9.  Complete the Interview Fact Sheets, soliciting data from key staff or departmentsas appropriate, and email to the CA with specific directions to location ofinterview, at least one week in advance; ensuring that all pertinent data is noted.

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10. Prepare and mail Interview Confirmation Letters to respondents when interviewshave been confirmed, including a copy of the draft of the Case Statement for theirreview.

(Note: It is a good idea to check with the respondents regarding how they would prefer to receivethis material. Faxing or emailing has worked in the past as an alternative to sending a hard copy

in the mail, if this is what the respondents prefer. Occasionally, the respondents will accidentallytoss materials that are sent via regular mail, especially if they are not specifically looking forthem.) 

11. Arrange for Institutional Data Forms to be completed and sent to TFG staff.

12. Make follow up calls to respondents a few days before each interview is to takeplace. Confirm receipt of Confirmation Letter  and draft of the Case Statement, andconfirm the details of the interview appointment. If respondents make ANYchange in interview details, contact CA immediately. Encourage respondent tocontact the consultant directly if time is of the essence and give them theconsultant’s cell number. 

13. Prepare and mail the Thank you Letters to respondents on a weekly basis as soonas interviews are completed.

14. Prepare and send the Follow up Letters which will include the board’s actions torespondents and enclose copies of the Executive Summary from the feasibilitystudy report.

*CA for The FOCUS Group

Travis [email protected]