Sacred Heart College Middle School 28 Percy Ave, Mitchell Park SA 5043 P (08) 8276 7877 Sacred Heart College Marymount Campus 8 Colton Ave, Hove SA 5048 P (08) 8179 4400 Sacred Heart College Senior School 195-235 Brighton Rd, Somerton Park SA 5044 P (08) 8350 2500 E [email protected] | www.shc.sa.edu.au | CRICOS Provider No.00626K From the Principal Dear members of the Sacred Heart College community State Elecon This will be the final newsleer in the lead up to the South Australian elecon on 17 March 2018. As such, I would like to take this opportunity to encourage all families to engage in something we Australians too readily take for granted and perhaps, can be complacent about - the democrac freedom of polical debate and process of our fine State and Naon! We are a comparavely young naon and even younger state in regard to what we might term ‘democrac Australia’. Whilst the Ancient Greeks forged the foundaons of what we’ve come to know as ‘democracy’, most polical freedoms across the globe have come at a great cost to many communies. Freedom of speech and associaon have typically been hard won and cannot be assumed in many parts of the world. An educated naon able to engage in the democrac process requires considered, balanced and oſten contenous issues to be transparently put before the proletariat such that an agreed and fair vong process can be conducted to determine our representave form of government. Polical debate can be awkward but it can also be emancipang as our society connues to redefine itself - as people have done for millennia. It’s not my place to influence people’s polical views, but it is my responsibility to represent our College’s needs and views on maers pertaining to the educaon of all children in South Australia. As such, like many Catholic Principals and leaders, I have met with and wrien to a number of the local candidates presenng a range of issues highlighted in previous newsleers. The exchanges have been meaningful and poignant. Issue 3, 2018 Thursday 8 March 2018 (Week 6, Term 1) SACRED HEART COLLEGE SACRED HEART COLLEGE From the Principal 1 Amalgamaon Forum 2 Lent 3 Careers Newsleer 3 School Bus Access for Students in Rural Schools 4 College Uniform Shop 4 What’s On? 5 MARYMOUNT CAMPUS From the Head of Champagnat Campus 6 From the Assistant to the Head of Campus 7 Schools, Students and Traffic 8 Parent/Teacher/Student Learning Meengs 9 Marymount Swimming Carnival 9 Year 7 Focus 10 Holy Thursday Early Dismissal 11 Marymount Canteen Roster 11 MIDDLE SCHOOL From the Assistant to the Principal - Champagnat Project 12 School Crossing Monitors 13 Middle School Canteen Roster 14 SENIOR SCHOOL From the Head of the Senior School 15 Year 12 Parent/Teacher Interviews 16 COMMUNITY NOTICEBOARD With Sympathy 17 The Southern Cross 17

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Sacred Heart College Middle School 28 Percy Ave, Mitchell Park SA 5043 P (08) 8276 7877 Sacred Heart College Marymount Campus 8 Colton Ave, Hove SA 5048 P (08) 8179 4400

Sacred Heart College Senior School 195-235 Brighton Rd, Somerton Park SA 5044 P (08) 8350 2500 E [email protected] | www.shc.sa.edu.au | CRICOS Provider No.00626K

From the PrincipalDear members of the Sacred Heart College community

State ElectionThis will be the final newsletter in the lead up to the South Australian election on 17 March 2018. As such, I would like to take this opportunity to encourage all families to engage in something we Australians too readily take for granted and perhaps, can be complacent about - the democratic freedom of political debate and process of our fine State and Nation!

We are a comparatively young nation and even younger state in regard to what we might term ‘democratic Australia’. Whilst the Ancient Greeks forged the foundations of what we’ve come to know as ‘democracy’, most political freedoms across the globe have come at a great cost to many communities. Freedom of speech and association have typically been hard won and cannot be assumed in many parts of the world. An educated nation able to engage in the democratic process requires considered, balanced and often contentious issues to be transparently put before the proletariat such that an agreed and fair voting process can be conducted to determine our representative form of government.

Political debate can be awkward but it can also be emancipating as our society continues to redefine itself - as people have done for millennia. It’s not my place to influence people’s political views, but it is my responsibility to represent our College’s needs and views on matters pertaining to the education of all children in South Australia. As such, like many Catholic Principals and leaders, I have met with and written to a number of the local candidates presenting a range of issues highlighted in previous newsletters. The exchanges have been meaningful and poignant.

Issue 3, 2018 Thursday 8 March 2018 (Week 6, Term 1)



From the Principal 1Amalgamation Forum 2Lent 3Careers Newsletter 3School Bus Access for Students in Rural Schools 4College Uniform Shop 4What’s On? 5


From the Head of Champagnat Campus 6From the Assistant to the Head of Campus 7Schools, Students and Traffic 8Parent/Teacher/Student Learning Meetings 9Marymount Swimming Carnival 9Year 7 Focus 10Holy Thursday Early Dismissal 11Marymount Canteen Roster 11


From the Assistant to the Principal - Champagnat Project 12School Crossing Monitors 13Middle School Canteen Roster 14


From the Head of the Senior School 15Year 12 Parent/Teacher Interviews 16


With Sympathy 17The Southern Cross 17

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As the election draws near, I encourage all families to discuss the matters they hold as important and to encourage their children to take an interest in the process. We are blessed to enjoy such political freedoms, it’s important we make the most of what is available to us and to encourage our young people to develop their responsibility in upholding such freedoms!

Prime Minister’s ‘Bullying’ LetterWhilst in the political arena - the recent letter from Mr Turnbull in regard to bullying is yet another initiative to assist in dealing with the scourge of bullying and harassment. At most enrolment interviews bullying and harassment is typically discussed. The current generation of students are the most well educated young Australians ever on this topic. That does not mean it has been resolved!

However, the assumption that the school is now responsible for the ‘24 hours/7 days per week’ conduct of its students, especially online, is clearly flawed. The school alone should not and cannot be responsible for the ‘24/7’ conduct of its students. However, if parents, carers, peers and school staff work in collaboration for early intervention, then good outcomes can be achieved.

Something to consider? If one person says to another, ‘please stop’ and they don’t and they choose to continue then we have a problem. If one person says to another, ‘please stop’ and they do - problem solved. Put simply ‘no’ means ‘no’ and ‘stop’ means ‘stop’! Encouraging, supporting and educating our young people to adopt these protective and respectful behaviours has been, is and will continue to be a huge challenge. Only by working together and this includes at family to family level, can we even dream of diminishing such behaviours.

Let’s at least keep working at it!


Steve ByrnePrincipal

Amalgamation Forum

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LentAs we journey through Lent: Jesus, give me the courage to look you in the eye and the grace to accept the love and forgiveness I find in your welcoming gaze.


Thank you to all our families who have so far made donations to Project Compassion. We are praying for $1 a week for each of the six weeks of Lent. As a whole school, we have great capacity to help those who struggle in our world and our little bit can give hope and a future for many.

God Bless.

Tamara SmithCoordinator of Marist Mission

Careers NewsletterPlease view our latest edition of the SHC Careers Newsletter https://www.shc.sa.edu.au/careers-newsletters.html

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School Bus Access for Students in Rural SchoolsImagine not being able to access a guaranteed place on your school bus to ensure your child gets to school safely? Sound’s crazy – but it is happening in some parts of rural South Australia.

Every other state and territory has school buses managed by the Transport Department. We want the same to happen in South Australia – so that bus services are based on need not school sector.

We are calling on all political parties to offer a better solution for students in Catholic schools in rural South Australia.

Please voice your concern to your local MP and candidates in your electorate. You can read more at www.cesa.catholic.edu.au/news/fair-funding-campaign

College Uniform Shop43 Oaklands Road, Somerton Park Telephone: 8350 2586 MasterCard, Visa Card and EFTPOS available

Term Trading TimesTuesdays 1.00pm - 6.00pm Wednesdays 8.00am - 4.30pm Thursdays 1.00pm - 6.00pm

Second-hand UniformsNeat, current uniforms are accepted for re-sale during shop hours. All submissions MUST BE RECENTLY laundered. For further information and price lists, please visit the College website.

Lisa HarveyCollege Uniform Shop

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Fri 9 - Sun 11 MarchBOARDERS’ EXEAT

Thu 15 MarchFinance Meeting (Senior School) 6.00pm - 7.00pm

Fri 16 - Sat 17 MarchSouth East Field Day (Lucindale)

Tue 20 MarchCollege Council Meeting 7.15pm - 9.00pm

Wed 21 MarchHarmony Day

Thu 29 MarchHoly Thursday Early Dismissal (see each Campus for times)

Fri 30 March - Mon 2 AprilBOARDERS’ EXEAT

Thu 15 MarchAmalgamation Parent Forum (McAteer Centre, SHCS) 7.00pm - 8.00pm

Fri 16 MarchCaritas Walk-a-thon

Mon 19 MarchY8 Immunisation 9.00am

Parent Teacher Interviews 3.30pm - 8.00pm

Wed 21 MarchParent Teacher Interviews 3.30pm - 6.00pm

Mon 26 MarchMarymount Swimming Carnival (SA Aquatic Centre) 8.35am - 3.15pm

Thu 29 MarchY6/9 Big Sister Little Sister (Windsor Theatre)

Holy Thursday Early Dismissal 1.10pm

Thu 15 MarchAmalgamation Parent Forum (McAteer Centre, SHCS) 7.00pm - 8.00pm

Fri 16 MarchCaritas Walk-a-thon

Tue 20 MarchCaritas Just Leadership Day 9.00am - 3.00pm

Thu 22 MarchCollege Tour (Middle School) 4.00pm - 5.00pm

Fri 23 MarchY9 Rite Journey Activities Day 8.40am - 3.15pm

Wed 28 MarchY9 Halogen Leaders Day (Convention Centre) 8.20am - 3.00pm

Thu 29 MarchHoly Thursday Presentation 12.15pm - 1.00pm

Holy Thursday Early Dismissal 1.00pm

Wed 7 - Fri 9 MarchY12 Retreats

Sun 11 - Sun 18 MarchJapanese Students visit - Sozan High School

Sat 17 MarchSocial Justice Planning Day (Debourg) 9.00am - 5.00pm

Sat 17 - Sun 18 MarchPerforming Arts Weekend (Debourg) 9.00am - 4.00pm

Tue 20 MarchCatholic Girls Athletics Carnival

Marist Connect Night with Cardijn (Function Centre) 4.30pm - 7.30pm

Wed 21 MarchSummer Sports Photo’s (Function Centre) 8.45am - 12.05pm

Mon 26 MarchCo-Ed Athletics 9.00am - 3.30pm

Wed 28 MarchY11 Halogen Leaders Day (Convention Centre)

Thu 29 MarchHoly Thursday Early Dismissal 1.24pm

What’s On?

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From the Head of Champagnat CampusThe broad array of opportunities provided over the last fortnight for our students, highlight the richness of our Marymount community. It also reinforces and brings to light the talents of our girls and their ongoing commitment to College life.

Sportsmanship at its finest Sport is in full force as the girls proudly don the double blue. Touch, volleyball, basketball, tennis, badminton and canoeing/kayaking are underway with winter sports still to come! We have experienced significant wins and challenging loses. What has been most impressive is the sportsmanship of our girls. They play hard but clean and team spirit is strong. Players look for the assist, they pounce on loose balls, execute shots with precision and box out for rebounds. Their passion for sport is clear and our girls play each game with true Marymount spirit. I extend my deepest thanks the many parents and old scholars who have taken on a coaching role this year. Your generosity and support of our CEA program is greatly appreciated.

Year 8 CampVictor Harbor turned on delightful weather for our Year 8 Camp this week. 119 Year 8’s and their teachers ventured their way around the coastal area over three days and two nights. Students had a wonderful time and made many connections along the way. The students’ days were filled with aquatic and adventure activities such as boogie boarding, raft making, beach games and mountain bike riding as well as a day of reflection surrounding the key theme Who am I? The nights consisted of shared meals, theatre sports, prayer and an impressive talent show. New friendships were created and lasting memories were made. I congratulate Connie Trimboli and her team of capable teachers for organising and facilitating a very successful camp experience for our Year 8 girls.

Courageous WomenInternational Women’s Day was celebrated today and our Marymount Campus Captains Rose and Aylish gathered the staff at both the Marymount and Middle School campuses. They led our communities in prayer and spoke about our call-to-action to press forward and progress gender parity. They distributed a stamped biscuit with the hashtag #PressforProgress to raise awareness and motivate our communities to think, act and be gender inclusive. In addition to this initiative, two time Olympian, business owner and Physiotherapist Jess Trengove, was invited in to share her journey with the Year 9 cohort. As part of the Rite Journey Program the girls have been exploring their own story to date and will soon delve into the topic ‘brave and courageous women’. Jess’s story is just one of a series that will be explored with our RJ girls this year.

Combined Parent Representative GroupParents gathered from both campuses last week for our first combined Parent Representative Group meeting. We spoke about parent engagement this year and as we move forward into Champagnat campus. Planning for our first social gathering is well underway. An invitation will be created in the coming weeks and distributed to families via Facebook and email. Our next combined Parent Representative Group meeting will take place in Term 2. You are all most welcome to attend.

Amalgamation Parent Forum I take this opportunity to remind families of our upcoming Amalgamation Parent Forum which will be held next Thursday 15 March in the McAteer Centre at Sacred Heart Senior. Come, join the conversation about Positive Education and hear updates about the Champagnat Project and our building program.

Kate KilpatrickHead of Champagnat Campus


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From the Assistant to the Head of CampusParent/Teacher/Student Learning MeetingsIn Week 8 we invite all parents/caregivers to take the opportunity to meet with your daughters teachers. This week an email was sent out with a web link and code for you to log on electronically and book a time with the teachers. We do encourage the students to attend these meetings as it is an opportunity to support their learning at Marymount.

Before and After School SupervisionPlease be aware our Resource Centre is open in the morning from 8.00am until 8.20am and in the afternoon until 4.00pm. Please do not drop off your daughter prior to this time in the morning as we cannot guarantee that she will be supervised. If students can be promptly picked up at 4.00pm it would also be greatly appreciated.

Safety and WellbeingWe have policies, processes and procedures in place to provide your daughters with a sense of belonging and to ensure their safety and wellbeing is nurtured. As part of building our partnership with families I would like to draw your attention to the following documents:

• Policy for the Care, Wellbeing and protection of Children and Young People• Cyber safety: Keeping children Safe in a Connected World

There are other procedures we have in place in order to keep our learners safe including:

• Recruitment processes of new staff and relief teachers• Guidelines for staff in their interactions with students• Police check procedures and electronic screening for people on site and working with students• Safety procedures and risk assessments or excursions and incursions• Reporting of abuse and neglect.

The Keeping Safe: Child Protection Curriculum is also taught across the 4 year levels and embedded in many learning areas. It teaches the learners about recognising abuse, telling a trusted adult and understanding ways to keep themselves safe.

As a further commitment to your daughter’s safety, we previously offered face-to face RAN-EC training (Responding to Abuse and Neglect - Education and Care). However, we are now able to offer the training online for all volunteers at Marymount Campus (see below for instructions).

Responding to Abuse and Neglect Online Training for VolunteersRAN training for volunteers is now an online session which must be completed before you can do volunteer work at a school. Once completed, please print your certificate and bring a copy to the front office, alternately email a copy of your certificate to [email protected].

Step 1 - Go to https://www.plink.sa.edu.au/pages/signup.jsf (if you already have an account, login)Step 2 - Select account type ‘Volunteer’ then fill in the required boxes to CREATE ACCOUNTStep 3 - Follow the promptsStep 4 - Print a copy of your ‘Certificate of Participation’ > hand it in to Marymount Reception or email [email protected].

Kate BawdenAssistant to the Head of Campus

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Schools, Students and Traffic

BICYCLE LANES Drivers are committing an offence if their vehicle becomes stationary even though the motor is running and the driver remains seated in the vehicle or waiting in a queue to use a legal parking zone.

QUEUING TO PARK Drivers are committing an offence if their vehicle becomes stationary even though the motor is running and the driver remains seated in the vehicle or waiting in a queue to use a legal parking zone. WHITE CENTRE LINE A vehicle must not stop or park at anytime alongside a white centre line.

WARNING: it is not a defence if you

stop in these zones to answer a mobile pholen, queuing to park of dropping off

or picking up passengers.



The Australian Road Rules provide a variety of parking restrictions at and

near schools to achieve a safer environment for all children. These

restrictions are designed to optimise traffic safety and movement.


This zone is usually located adjacent to school entrances. This is to ensure that a clear view of the road and footpath is maintained for pedestrians and drivers.

CONTINUOUS YELLOW EDGE LINE A continuous yellow edge line has the same requirements as a no stopping sign.


Drivers are allowed to stop in this zone for a maximum of two (2) minutes from the time of stopping to pick up or drop off passengers. If the passenger is not at the kerb the driver MUST vacate the zone immediately.

DOUBLE PARKING A driver commits an offence by stopping a vehicle on a road when another vehicle is parked between the driver’s vehicle and the kerb.



TOO! NOT PARALLEL PARKED A driver commits an offence by stopping a vehicle on a road when the left hand wheels of the vehicle are not as near as practical to the kerb (no more than 300mm from the kerb)

10 METRE RULE A driver must not stop within 10 metres from the nearest point of an intersecting road at an intersection/T-intersection without traffic lights.

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Parent/Teacher/Student Learning MeetingsMonday 19 March 3.30pm to 8:00pm Wednesday 21 March from 3.30pm to 6.00pmMarymount Campus use a web-based booking system, where you can book meetings with your daughters teachers. The procedure for booking meetings has proven to be more efficient for families in providing preferred choices for appointments. Please follow these directions:

1. An email will be sent to you with a booking code and instructions.2. Once you have your booking code, please log onto https://spring.edval.com.au/login and enter your booking code.3. A link has also been placed on the website.

Summary of DatesTuesday 6 March from 9.00am Access to Edval Parent/Teacher Meeting Scheduler to book and print your meetings.

Friday 16 March at 9.00am Edval Scheduler will be closed.

There will be NO access to change your booking after Friday 16 March at 9.00am.

Mary FieldhouseDaily Organiser

Marymount Swimming CarnivalOn Monday 26 March we will be holding our Marymount Swimming Carnival at the SA Aquatic & Leisure Centre (443 Morphett Road Oaklands Park). This is a COMPULSORY whole school event for all girls. Parents/caregivers and friends are also warmly invited to join us on this day. The Marymount Reception will be open for a limited time on the Monday (8.15am to 11.00am) to enable our community to be a part of our campus Swimming Carnival and it will open as normal from Tuesday 27 March.

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Year 7 FocusYear 7 students at Marymount Campus have had a busy start to the year. On Monday mornings we always kick off the week with a high energy Health Hustle which is led by our class leaders. Our Maths focus has been on adding and subtracting integers and playing different games such as Integer Wars and Popcorn Maths. In Positive Education we have unpacked the Character Strengths using Instagram hashtags and in Science we have been investigating how to separate substances. We used Circle Time to discuss our learning and goal setting.

Anna BaronianYear 7 Leader of Learning & Wellbeing

Please view our Year 7 Focus gallery >

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Marymount Canteen Roster WEEK 7

Monday 12 MarchADELAIDE CUP DAYPublic Holiday

Tuesday 13 MarchJanine Power

Wednesday 14 MarchAndrew Curran

Thursday 15 MarchLynda Carter

Friday 16 MarchCorinne Gabb


Monday 19 MarchKelly Skinner

Tuesday 20 MarchYvonne Caire

Wednesday 21 MarchPenelope Harrison

Thursday 22 MarchClaudia de Corcoran

Friday 23 MarchKerryl Marshall

Hours: 10.00am – 1.30pmMany thanks for your generous offers of help. While it is very important you attend on your rostered days, if because of sickness or some other cause you cannot attend, we would appreciate you trying to arrange a substitute yourself. However, if this is not possible, please ring Maria Bruno-Bossio, Canteen Manager at Marymount Campus direct on 8179 4415.

Canteen volunteers wanted!If you have a few hours to spare a week and like to help, why not volunteer in the Canteen? If you are interested, please contact Maria Bruno-Bossio on 8179 4415 or email [email protected]

Maria Bruno-BossioCanteen Manager

Holy Thursday Early DismissalWe advise parents that Marymount, as a campus of Sacred Heart College will align with the Middle and Senior campus for an early finish on Holy Thursday 29 March. The girls will be dismissed at 1.10pm and we ask families for their support in making arrangements to collect their daughter. The whole campus (including Reception and the Resource Centre) will be closed from 1.45pm.

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From the Assistant to the Principal - Champagnat ProjectVisible Learning UpdateLast Thursday, 25 leaders of learning from across the College came together for our first Visible Learning - Leaders into Evidence Day. It was a significant moment for our combined campuses as we took the next steps in leading learning and using the Visible Learning Framework. Throughout the workshop we were given a range of data collection strategies to support the gathering of baseline data to show where each campus is currently situated against the 4 elements of Visible Learning:

• Visible Learners• Know thy Impact• Passionate and Inspired Teachers• Effective Feedback

In a nutshell, Visible Learning is about using evidence to create improvements in the learning environment. Based on work done by Professor John Hattie, Visible Learning strategies are built around evidence-based research on what works best in schools to improve learning.

Parent Representative GroupKate Kilpatrick, Head of Champagnat Campus and I met with a small group of enthusiastic parents last week to begin considering ways in which parents of our combined campuses might come together throughout 2018 and beyond. We discussed the desire to have social opportunities for parents to gather, family events, parent information sessions and also the importance of parental involvement in the life of the College through participation in a variety of College events. We were delighted with the energy and excitement of the group and look forward to announcing a joint campus social gathering before the end of the term – more details to come soon! If you would like any more information about the Parent Reps or you would like to join this group, please feel free to contact either myself or Kate Kilpatrick.

Shana BennettAssistant to the Principal - Champagnat Project


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School Crossing MonitorsRecently our school took part in School Crossing Monitor Training conducted by the South Australian Police. This involves students in Years 6 and 7 being trained by Road Safety Educators from the SA Police Road Safety Section. After the training is complete the student will receive a Certificate of Authority issued on behalf of the Commissioner of Police which, under the Road Traffic Act 1961 authorises the student to work as school crossing monitor. The certificate authorises the student to stop traffic using a Stop Sign or using Pedestrian Actuated Traffic Lights, as well as give reasonable directions to pedestrians for the safe and efficient movement of traffic at or on the crossing as in their opinion is necessary.

The training involves learning how to safely stop vehicles at a school crossing and performing safety assessments on when it is safe for children to cross the road (this includes asking the monitors to check that all vehicles have stopped prior to pedestrians walking onto the crossing). The session also includes safe sign handling techniques and positioning within the crossing.

It is extremely important that all people (including parents/caregivers) use the crossings and become good road safety role models, by following the School Crossing Monitor’s directions, not only for their safety but the safety of all students and road users.

If parents have any questions about the training, the Road Safety Section is happy to receive these inquiries on the telephone number 8207 6586.

Road safety is everyone’s responsibility.

Jody KellerYear 7 Leader of Student Wellbeing

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Middle School Canteen RosterWEEK 7

Monday 12 MarchADELAIDE CUP DAYPublic Holiday

Tuesday 13 MarchKylie Bullock Carolyn Coleman

Wednesday 14 MarchVanessa Hassan Sally Booth

Thursday 15 MarchJenny Atkins Louise Watson

Friday 16 MarchSascha Boothey Fiona Davies Megan Carter


Monday 19 MarchRobyn Larner

Tuesday 20 MarchKathryn Wigzell

Wednesday 21 MarchVirginia Taylor Anna Caruso

Thursday 22 MarchAlison Hunter Erica Stewart

Friday 23 MarchAndrew Gluyas Gavin Walsh Karen Baldwin

Hours: 10.30am – 1.30pmMany thanks for your generous offers of help. While it is very important you attend on your rostered days, if because of sickness or some other cause you cannot attend, we would appreciate you trying to arrange a substitute yourself. However, if this is not possible, please Robyn Flowers, Canteen Manager at the Middle School on 8275 5929.

Canteen volunteers wanted!If you have a few hours to spare a week and like to help, why not volunteer in the Canteen? If you are interested, please contact Robyn Flowers on 8275 5929 or email [email protected]

Robyn FlowersCanteen Manager

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From the Head of the Senior SchoolTerm 1 has been hectic and full - and we are only half-way through! Saturday morning sport, Triathlon Competitions, Surfing Competitions, Swimming Carnivals, Remar, class excursions, Exeats, a Year 10 SACE Parent Information Evening, a Parents & Friends Welcome Night, Sports Day and the daily activities associated with learning - all fill our days (and nights).

I mention below, a few of the many activities that have already occurred, or are soon to occur:

Sports DaySports Day was held last Friday 2 March. It was definitely a fun-filled and safe day with wonderful participation from all our students. Our student leaders were outstanding and showed skilled leadership of their Houses. Congratulations to Montagne House who were the overall winners on the day and to Chanel House for winning the House Spirit Award.

Parents & Friends Welcome NightThe P&F hosted a wonderful evening on Friday 23 February. The event was well-attended with many new parents enjoying a relaxing and balmy evening. Many thanks to Ingrid McKay and her team of P&F members who hosted the event.

Year 12 RetreatsYear 12 students are currently at their Retreat venues and are no doubt enjoying a well-earned change from their studies. The Retreats are pivotal in the faith and personal development of our emerging adults and I wish them well in the final two days of Retreat.

Sozan High School11 students and their accompanying teachers will be joining us next week as guests from Sozan High School, Japan. Many thanks to Keiko Nielsen (our teacher of Japanese) for organising all hosting aspects of this exchange.

I wish you and your family well.

Gail MorganHead of Senior School

Please view SHC Sports Day gallery >

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Year 12 Parent/Teacher InterviewsInterviews are scheduled to be held on Thursday 5 April 2018 from 4.15pm - 7.15pm in the Function Centre within the Br Joseph McAteer Centre on Scarborough Street.

All interviews will be booked electronically using an external website, thus eliminating the need for students to chase teachers for suitable interview times.

• An email with a booking code and instructions will be sent to parents/caregivers of students studying Year 12 subjects on Thursday 22 March (Week 8 of Term 1).

• You will select your priorities for which teachers you wish to see. Please note your priority preferences are important.

• Interview booking preferences must be entered by 9.00am on Tuesday 3 April.

• You will also use this website and your booking code to retrieve your interview times, once they are allocated, which will be from 4.00pm Tuesday 3 April.

Please note that Progress Reports will be issued on Thursday 29 March. This may assist you when choosing your priority preferences for teacher interviews on the booking website.

Should you require assistance with booking interviews electronically, please contact the College on 8350 2500.

Parent/Teacher Interviews for Year 10 & 11 students are scheduled to be held on Monday 9 April. There will be more details in the next newsletter regarding this event.

Parents/Caregivers of Boarding students, please be aware that you may wish to attend the Parent/Teacher Interview afternoon on Friday 18 May instead. You will be sent a separate booking code for this event early next term.

Deborah HearlAssistant to Head of Senior School

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The Southern Cross

With Sympathy


The services and events contained in these advertisements are included in this newsletter for your information only. Parents/caregivers need to make their own enquiries and assessments about the suitability of these events and services for their needs and those of their children.

The Sacred Heart College community extends its deepest condolences and asks your prayers for Annie Dryden (Marymount Campus) who has had a family member pass away recently.

Please view the latest edition of The Southern Cross featuring a lovely story on Old Scholar, Leon Macdonald at https://thesoutherncross.org.au/