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From Parish Priest's Desk · selfishness, peace over violence, justice over inequity and truth over falsehood. In other words, this is my message for you dear parishioners: “ It

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    Bulletin of Sacred Heart Parish, Vashi, Navi Mumbai. Vol. XXXI - No.- 2, April - May 2012

    For Private Circulation Only

    (Continued on Inside Cover page)

    Dear Parishioners,

    Easter means Pasch- Pasch means passing – “ Passing” of the Jewish people from the slavery of the Egyptians to the freedom of the Promised Land. Pasch for us believers in Christ signifies Jesus' passing from death to

    life. It means the profound and firm conviction that Christ is truly the Son of God, the Incarnate Word- the Light of the World.

    Today we have obtained new life in Jesus Christ, for Easter is the Summit and centre of the liturgical year. Jesus has brought us new

    (Continued on Inside Cover page)

    From Parish Priest's Desk...........

  • VASHI VISION Parish Bulletin of Sacred Heart Church

    Vashi, Navi Mumbai Vol. XXXI No. 2 April - May 2012

    EDITORIAL TEAM Fr. Raphael Mordom, George Thomas,

    Maureen Lobo, Bertha Fernandes, Aruna Rathod, Silika Pinto

    DESIGN & LAYOUTFelix Rodrigues

    EMAIL ID FOR VASHI VISION [email protected]

    PUBLISHED BYFr. Joaquim D’Costa,Sacred Heart Church, Plot No. 67, Sector - 9A, Vashi,Navi Mumbai - 400 703. Tel.: 2765 0343 - 1392Church email: [email protected] Page:

    PRINTED ATMermier Printing Institute,Mermier Bal Ashram,18A, Bonkode Road, Sector - 11,Koparkhairane, Navi Mumbai - 400709.Tel.: 2754 3335

    life, new law, new Covenant. I would like to give an Easter message to all my parishioners and the message is this:

    It is a message of victory of good over evil, Love over hatred, unity over rivalry, generosity over selfishness, peace over violence, justice over inequity and truth over falsehood. In other words, this is my message for you dear parishioners: “ It is the message of victory, of forgiveness, of mercy and reconciliation.”

    Today Jesus invites: “Come to me all who are defiled by sin. Come and receive the forgiveness of sins, for I have reconciled you with God, my Father. I am the Lamb stained for you. I am your ransom, your life, your salvation.” Easter Sunday is the day made by the Lord. Yes, this is the day that the Lord has made, this time, rather the fullness of time which has come from God has manifested itself in the Resurrection of Christ.

    We can imagine Christ standing at the right hand of His Father and addressing us saying: “My resurrection is not the work of human hand because created things tend towards death and man is subject to the laws of nature... Our God can overturn these laws and cause life after death.”

    The message of the Resurrection for us believers is- “THE LORD LIVES”. He lives in His body, the Church- through the Holy Spirit. The Risen Body is now transformed. It is His real body. He eats, He invites Thomas to touch His wounds but totally unconfined by any of the limitations of space and time. So let us today wake up from our slumber and listen to the hymn:

    The strife is over, the battle doneThe victory of life is won,The song of triumph has begun.Lord, by the strifes which wounded TheeFrom death's sting Thy servant freeThat we may live and sing to TheeALLELUIA!!!

    Wishing you all my near and dear ones, the Peace and Joy of Risen Lord in your homes



    (Continued from Outside Cover page)

  • - Fr. JOAQUIM D'COSTA, Parish Priest

    Year 2008 was the year I stepped in the Sacred Heart Parish to spend the last 4 years before my retirement. Vashi was not a new name and place which I had not seen or heard of. My friend, the late Fr. Errol Rosario had shared with me his

    dream to build a church in Vashi in honour of Sacred Heart when he came to visit me in Andaman & Nicobar Island.

    I attended the inauguration of the Church in 1993 and I was fascinated with its beauty, the decorum and the liturgical set up of the Church building. I was in Mulund and I visited Errol and shared some lighter moments with him. On his funeral day as I looked at the church and the naked cross, I said to myself: Will I have the privilege to step into my friend's footsteps to serve this parish? I wondered. That was a mere wishful thinking, a dream and just a figment of imagination …. I said to myself – stop fantasizing and wake up to reality.

    In 2008, I attended the Mass of Chrism at the Sacred Heart School Quadrangle. After the Mass, the Cardinal Oswald Gracias whisperered into my ears: “Fr. Joaquim I am appointing you to be Parish Priest of Sacred Heart Church, Vashi.” just could not believe it…… again was I dreaming, or was it a wishful thinking? Then Cardinal asked me: Will you accept it? I said: Yes, your Eminence…. that was in April and on 31st May I was here with my bag and baggage.

    The first night was a very disturbing night… at midnight, I was feeling suffocated so I opened the window to have some fresh air. The moment I opened the window, a swarm of mosquitoes invaded my room and they must have had a sumptuous meal that night. In the morning when I opened the window to my utter dismay, I saw a huge drain diametrically opposite my room: an open gutter bringing polluted waste and the left over garbage to be deposited in the “holding pond”.

    At 6.30 a.m. I climbed up the altar to celebrate the Mass All the eyes of the Congregation were fixed on me. They did thorough scrutiny of what I said and every gesture of mine examined. My mind was busy in thinking how to make the mass even more meaningful, efficacious and fruitful and give lasting experience for their daily chores; but as the days went by, I noticed that their daily devout participation was a source of inspiration that deepened my faith.

    A parish priest ought to love his people, in order to love, he ought to know them; so I held a meeting with my team mates: Fr. Christopher and Fr. Adrian. I put before them my full plan to visit the parish in a very systematic and organized manner which was unanimously agreed upon and immediately put in execution. Till today with a new team we have moved forward. It was a unique experience to have a brief contact with peoples with deep faith, simple child like faith that could rekindle or fan into flame the spark of our own faith. After the first encounter we felt that we ought to be pleasant and kind, more understanding and sympathetic in other words more Christ-like.

    One of my dearest and more cherished goals in every parish I went into is to give them a God experience, namely through the Sacraments of Reconciliation and the Eucharist.

    Strike when the iron is hot…. so I once again I met my new team mates: Fr. Johnson and Fr. Raphael. I proposed my plan and my past experience with a dialogue confession. We agreed to try as an

    experiment. The Parish Council Members approved it, Animators and Co-ordinators set in motion and today a new way of the Sacrament of Reconciliation is experienced by the people who attend the area Mass.

    Procedure: The masses are announced well in advanced as per their convenience. The priest, the Team, goes to the area and prepares them for confession 10 – 15 minutes. Then the priests sit for a dialogue confession. The Penitent takes his own time – no

    hurry! After the confession is over they begin the celebration of the Eucharist. What an experience! What a privilege to make everyone feel blessed for having come into contact with us and how delightful to be assured that everyone who came with a heavy heart left with a lighter one! We returned with greater trust in the unconditional love of God in the administration of this Sacrament.

    EVENTS & PROBLEMSAs I say goodbye to you my friends, I recall certain

    events that have kept an indelible mark on my heart. There has never been a day or even incidents that made me regretful and resented for having accepted this parish. On the contrary it was all care and concern for my health… I must say that 4 years was but a smooth sailing which I kept the steering focused on the North Pole - “Christ” who led my ship to safe port – Well, smooth – sailing implies sometimes rough seas – which


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  • is part of the sailing. On my journey, there were some irritants which by the grace of God I managed to lead my ship to safe anchorage. I do firmly believe what St. Paul tells us, when he says: “Those who love God and those whom God loves, everything turns out to be for good.

    PROBLEMSOn my very first month in the parish: One afternoon

    I received a telephone from Municipal Office: You have to vacate your 3rd floor residence. Seal the rooms and be ready for further notification.

    I did not know what to do and where to go to until I knocked the door of my neighbour and friend Fr. Saturino Almeida and he took me to the right person who stopped the proceedings for time being till parking place was clear. There were hurdles on the way and my predecessor had informed me about it, but I never imagined that would come up so soon. When God is with us who can be against? The entire issue was sorted out amicably. People buried the past and stood by the Sacred Heart. Thanks to Richard Monteiro who relented and accepted to remove his most cherished garden and kept the place to be marked for the parking. Thank you Mr. Prabhudas Kamble for working in the heat of the sun and that too in the month of May stood by Jesus and worked selflessly. God bless you.

    Now, the garden removed the entire greenery vanished and the Church Compound was barren…. It is said: “God writes straight in the crooked lines” God sent me two angels in the human form: Two brothers – Mr. Rennil Jacob and Mr. Nixon Jacob who voluntarily offered their services to beautify the Our Lady's Grotto and place around: Without any hesitation compelled by the inner urge, I gave my consent without realization its implications of price to be paid. After the completion of work I casually asked them what would be my share of contribution, to which they replied. Father, it is our gift to you and to Our Lady. I was choked and hardly said anything – just said 'THANK YOU”

    THE PEWSOne wing of the Church Sanctuary did not have the

    pews. There were steel chairs, which made screeching noise as people stood up. I formed a Church Repair Committee and gave them the task to search for the best carpenters. We went to various churches and found out one carpenter who did the job with stipulated

    amount. Today, liturgical services can be conducted without any noise or disturbances.

    WATER PROOFINGThe Church developed leakage. With heavy

    monsoon, it was like a pitter-patter and the part of the Sanctuary was wet and there was danger of people skidding. This required immediate

    attention. Again the Committee did the home work and got the person who could remedy the situation – After going through various tenders and contractors, one was chosen and the work of water proofing was carried out. Now let us wait and watch.

    PLASTER OF THE CHURCH ROOFIt is said: Satan never sleeps. Hardly I completed

    the water proofing, the side effects of leakage were seen and detected and the plaster of the roof was falling. For our good luck it fell when people were not there. This was my last month to undertake any project which is prohibited by the higher authorities. Well, I could not be an idle spectator to watch the imminent tragedy, in case it occurred. Once again I rolled up my sleeves and back to work. Once again the Committee, the structural Engineers, the Architects opinions, advices, were sought and lowest tender was sent to the Archdiocesan Committee for the approval. The Archbishop gave his nod and the work is going in full swing. Hoping to complete it, before my departure.

    CHILDRENMy love for the children took deep roots right from

    my first year of my Sacerdotal Ordination. As a young priest I was given the ministry of the Sunday school and Altar Servers. The love for this ministry has never ceased to burn my heart. They came and they still keep coming into my heart with their laughter and song. My Bible Camps gave them love to the Bible – The Word of God. Through the Sunday Skits exposed them for self confidence and many of them remember me with nostalgia.

    SCHOOLBeing an educationist, I got fully involved in the

    school administration and saw to it that the School got the best of my experiences. Today our school can boast that we have provided the tools and techniques to foster holistic approach to impart education in the Teaching learning process. The Educom System, a good library equipped with good books, a Counselling Centre, Basket Ball Court, K. G. Garden Scientifically planned and so on.

    MY PHYSICAL HEALTHI came to Vashi with health hazards, but till today I

    have not experienced any ill health that came on my way of functioning. Thanks be to God!

    The secret of my health has been my daily YOGA exercises, wherein I've learned recollection, breath awareness and meditation – as a supremely effective means of stress


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    - MICHAEL DESOUZA, Sector – 8

    The first time I met Fr Joaquim, it left a deep imprint on me - man of prayer, who broke bread and the word of God, sang God's praises, the one sent by God to bring people back to God through the various ministries in

    the Church and that's exactly what he has done these years.

    Coming to the Eucharist, Fr Joaquim made the celebration meaningful by giving new insights each time so that the worship translated to service. Helping us to sing God's praises and to pray meaningfully. Sermons were apt at times and wayward also but the message went across. He introduced the Hindi Mass during the Diwali season, then the mass for the sick near Our Lady's Grotto. Special service and get-together for married couples by sending them special cards on their wedding anniversaries. Then the neighborhood reconciliation service which is held in various SCC communities in their sectors. Not forgetting the keen interest he has in the first Communion and Confirmation Catechism. Isn't it food for our spiritual growth?

    Children are the life of the parish and also of Fr Joaquim. Instead of enjoying his vacation, he had bible camps for children, meticulously planning, executing and delivering. He has been the wind beneath our wings which helped us soar higher in this school of wisdom which is colored with laughter, joy, enthusiasm and togetherness. Fr Joaquim has helped the children to rise up to their potential. As I believe that the flowers of tomorrow are in the seeds of today, and where there is life there is hope. The Lectors, Cantors and Eucharistic ministers owe him a lot for the special training sessions conducted by Fr J o a q u i m frequently.

    F i n a l l y coming to the personality of Fr

    Joaquim, strict disciplinarian but then you have to be strict to be kind. Many a times speaking out of the hat, and always insisting his way to be followed. Off late it was one man's show at almost all religious services. Let me be honest from my own experience and with no pretence, if I have followed his path dutifully then I have gained in the spiritual realm of things.

    After mass one Sunday morning a young boy came up to me and said “Michael I've decided to be a priest when I grow up.” I asked him what made you decide to be one. The boy replied “I will have to go to Church on Sundays anyways and it will be more fun to stand up, shout and yell and sing like Fr Joaquim does than to just sit still and listen.”

    Fr Joaquim also takes care of food for our bodies. I am sure and many of our parishioners will agree with me if I say that Fr Joaquim is second to none of the master chefs in town when it come to laying a delicious table.

    Fr Joaquim once told me when a rich man cries Oh God! Is it the 'God of Money' or the 'Living God' I know which one you follow keep it up Michael. The latest one, when I was sick I missed your brisk upright walk, helping ways, beautiful voice and readiness to help. But now it's the other way round. There'll be a vacuum, Michael will miss you but God will provide one. My prayers will always be there. You will be leaving us

    father but you have spent your life for us. For this I won't say thanks but I'd like to imbibe what you have said and done in my words and deeds. So I stand with tears, head bowed down in prayer: Dear God bless Fr

    Joaquim and dear father do bless us one last time and it does my heart a world of good to know – we have sung God's praises through and with Fr Joaquim. In the Chapel I had a

    vision 'This is my beloved son Fr Joaquim, Michael listen to him. Yes Lord I Will….

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    buster. After an hour, I feel lighter and I can enter into myself and at the breath I realized that I could come into deep and silent contact again with all, whom I have met, listened to, advised and exhorted and may be even being fully aware that God is in all and all is in God.

    As I retire, I look back with a grateful heart, I thank God for all the grace filled years, so full of heartfelt

    memories of joys multiplied, of sorrows halved, of tears wiped, of hearts soothed. Now, I am a deeply contented priest with no plans for tomorrow, for tomorrow will take care of itself. All I can say: Oh! Sacred Heart of Jesus! What years! What life! Life fully dedicated to the people entrusted to my care.

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    Our school annual day program was held at Vishnudas Bhave Auditorium on 16th February 2012. The Chief Guest for the occasion was Dr Rolin Fernandes, principal of Fr Agnel Polytechnic. The school believes in prayer enlightened by God's presence, which was symbolized by the “lighting of the Lamp” followed by the graceful Bharatnatyam. After the introduction of the chief guest by Fr Joaquim, the program began with a bang! The three sections of the school put up colorful and scintillating dances. The audience was enthralled and were on their toes to see the kids performing with perfection. There was every possible colorful dance displayed by them, the energetic 'Bhangra', the graceful Korean fan dance and the stylish Spanish dance put up by the Secondary section. It was amazing to see the kiddies from the Pre-primary jellying well to keep at par with the Primary. The Primary section too had their excellence in performing the dwarf dance, which had the audience

    in raptures. The schoolteachers choreographed the entire program.

    The culmination of the evening's program came with the Tiny Foot staged by the seniors. A short play – scripted and directed by Fr Joaquim. There was a timely message of the girl child, which brought tears in the eyes of the audience as it reached its climax to see that handicapped girl child was elevated to the dignity of a human being.

    Thereafter, the Manager Fr Joaquim was given a farewell by the staff, students and the parents. Mr Aldo was the spokesperson who delineated various facets of the personality of Fr Joaquim, the implementation of his innovative ideas in the teaching and learning process

    and many other developments in the field of academics, sports and cultural programs for the overall development of the child.

    The day's program ended with our children singing the School Anthem composed by Fr. Joaquim followed by the National Anthem.

    I am here to introduce a personality who is so dynamic that I had to engage my thoughts in a monologue.

    An individual who gets up in the wee hours of the morning everyday to pen his thoughts on how he will go about his day especially spreading the Word of God through his morning Homily. After that it's Yoga. I think the Book on his table says it best and I quote that book Khalil Gibran 'wake at dawn with a winged heart and give thanks to the Lord for another day of Love'.

    Then on the dot at 7 am he is in school setting an example to the others. His eternal optimism is brought forth in the assembly and I am reminded of what Helen Keller said, “No Pessimist even discovered the secret of the stars, or sailed to an uncharted land, or opened a new door way for the human spirit.”

    After assembly he is in his office. Done with office chores, it's time to conduct a training session with either students or teachers. Students are brought for counseling to him. The rebels without a cause and then the Magic of Love brought forth makes them change. Yes, Ladies and Gentlemen, Problem solving is a very practical and high level use of creativity.

    And that Word Creative. Oh Boy! Can he be creative! Whether it's the school Anthem to be

    composed or A Skit, A One Act Play for the Annual Day. He does it with aplomb.

    During his tenure here he changed the physical aspects of the school. A man who traveled across the globe decided that the teaching-learning process was outdated and so he brought technology to the classroom by tying up with Educomp. When he realized that the teachers were paid poorly the first thing he did was pay them the 6th Pay Commission.

    Next he decided to upgrade the sports facilities and made a beautiful sports quadrangle comprising of a Basket ball and Handball Court and a beautiful environment-friendly garden for the kindergarten.

    A candle light is a protest at midnight it is a non-conformist. It says to the darkness, “I beg to differ”.

    We, the staff and students of Sacred Heart High School, on this our 29th Annual Day would like to express our gratitude and appreciation to this wonderful human being whom God chose to continue his vocation as a priest.

    Ladies and Gentlemen, please put your hands together for Rev.Fr. Joquium D'costa.

    - ALDO MICHAEL,Supervisor (Secondary Section)

    (Introduction speech given at the felicitation of Fr Joaquim D'Costa, during Sacred Heart High School Annual Day Function)

  • - TONY MARTYRIS, Sector 16 A

    The modern approach to work is not what it once was. Today it tends to feed on corruption, cheating, deceit and greed. This is a cause of many a crises, for example the recent crisis in the banking industry

    affecting several economies in the world.The dignity of work espoused by St. Joseph is

    contradictory to present-day practices. The work ethic is to be based on the teachings of Jesus and the example set by Joseph. Work has to be for the Glory of God. All human work participates in the workshop of Nazareth. Pope Benedict - 'In Joseph, faith is not separated from action. His faith had a decisive effect on his actions'. It was by working conscientiously, by faithfully carrying out his responsibilities, by listening to what God was asking of him, that, in the history of the Incarnation, he stepped aside and left God free to act, placing no obstacles in His way.

    To-day, people are often reduced to i n s t r u m e n t s t h a t e m p h a s i s e "productivity" over the dignity of the worker. Human beings are reduced to human doings rather than human beings. Pope John Paul II called for a rescue from the logic of profit, from the lack of solidarity, from the fever of earning ever more, from the desire to accumulate and

    consume. When the focus of work becomes subjected to "inhuman wealth", it becomes a "seductive and merciless idol". The divine Worker of Nazareth reminds us that "life is more than food", that work is for Man, not Man for work. Man is worth infinitely more that the goods he produces or possesses. Pope Benedict - "Economics should be at the service of the person, the family and the common good.”

    God Incarnate became a worker. This elevates the basic goodness of all human work. Because the entire human experience was assumed by Jesus, work was transformed by Christ the Worker. As a child, Jesus learned from Joseph the Worker how to work with

    wood. He would later climb upon a wooden cross to re-create all humanity in the great work of redemption. Work for us Christians must become a participation in the continuing redemptive work of Jesus. Hence work m u s t b e c o m e s p i r i t u a l , TRANSFORMING. Transparency, quality, commitment, solidarity, honesty and integrity are the hallmarks of a socially responsible business and of a work ethic.

    Trained in the workshop of his foster-father, Jesus was always doing the "work" of the One who sent Him. We too are invited by grace to now do the same.

    1st of May we celebrate the Feast of St. Joseph the Worker (Workers Day)

    “Even in laughter the heart is sorrowful.” (Prov. 14:13)Nothing is perfect in this life. All laughter is

    mingled with sorrow. Every diamond has a flaw. Each person has some character defect. In all of life, there’s a worm in the apple.

    It is good to be idealistic; God has set within us a longing for perfection. But it is also good to be realistic; we never will find absolute perfection under the sun.

    It is easy for young people to think that their family is the only one that has quarrels. Or that their parents are the only ones who don’t have scintillating TV personalities.

    It is easy to be disappointed with our local church fellowship, all the time supposing that everything is rosy in the church across the street.

    Or it is easy to go through life forever looking for friends who are absolutely ideal. We expect

    perfection in others even though we can’t produce it ourselves.

    We should face the fact squarely that everyone has personality flaws, some more glaring than others. Often the more outstanding a person is, the more obvious his faults are. Instead of being disappointed with the flaws, we would do well to emphasize the good qualities in other believers. Everyone has some of these too. But only one Person has all of them combined, that is, the Lord Jesus.

    I often think that the Lord has purposely left us with an unsatisfied desire for Perfection down here so that we will look up to Him in whom there is neither spot nor blemish. He represents the sum of all moral beauties. There is no disappointment in Him.

    Contributed via email forwards - Gracy Babhale



    I was 19 or so, visiting Jerusalem from Galilee for Passover. Just a kid. It was the year they crucified Jesus, a fellow Galilean. I was stunned, heartbroken. After his death I just didn't go home. I hung around with some of his followers, in hiding actually. And then on Sunday, word came that he had risen from the dead. And so I stayed in the city.

    Those were heady days, with Jesus appearing to the apostles and others for weeks on end. Then he ascended, went up into heaven. We were to wait in the city, the apostles told us. Something about power and witnessing and the Holy Spirit. So we waited -- about 120 of us -- meeting morning and evening, talking, reading scripture, praying. Nearly ten days we waited like that.

    Then one morning when we had gathered together for early prayer -- about 8 o'clock or so -- the building where we were meeting was hit by a whirlwind -- or so it seemed. You could hear the howling of the wind but couldn't feel it in the room.

    "O dear Jesus," someone called out. And then came the flames -- dancing flames appeared in the room above us.

    "God Almighty," another person shouted. Peter was praying loudly, other apostles joining in. It was eerie, when I think about it. Wind that didn't blow, flames that didn't burn. All over the room flames were licking, flaring over people. And as they did it seemed like the brother or the sister would explode. Joy would flood their faces, tears course down their cheeks, praise fill their lips. Hands were up and down. People were laughing and weeping, kneeling and standing on tiptoes reaching up, as it were, to God.

    And then the flames touched me and I felt it too. I really can't describe it except that I felt flooded over by God. Happy, giddy even. Bursting with joy. Full!

    The sounds were amazing, too. Moments before, the air had been filled with the sound of a windstorm. Now the room was full of the murmurs of voices -- some loud, some soft, all intense.

    But it wasn't Greek or Aramaic. It seemed like different languages coming out of our lips -- powerfully, joyfully -- but different. We were pouring out into the square now, attracting attention.

    I didn't know what I was saying, but it felt good to lend my voice to God and just speak out to express the fullness and joy I felt within. As I was speaking in my

    own little world, people began to gather round to listen. A couple of families came by. Then some of them ran off to get others and soon there were hundreds of people gathered in groups around me and the others. Finally, I seemed to run out of words and just stood there with joy on my face.

    Someone called to me in a language I didn't know. "What?" I answered in Greek -- everybody knew

    some Greek."Don't stop!" he said."Don't stop what?""Don't stop saying the beautiful things you are

    saying about God's greatness. I've never heard anything like it in Cappadocian."

    "Cappadocian?""Yes, aren't you from Cappadocia like the rest of us

    here?" He pointed to those who had gathered around. I shook my head. "It's like you're saying the Psalms, but in our own language -- so beautiful in our mother tongue! How do you know our language?"

    I was about to answer, but someone across the square was shouting that we must be drunk. Peter was trying to deal with it. He climbed up on the steps of one of the houses and gestured for people to be quiet.

    Peter raised his hand. "We're not drunk, brothers and sisters. It's only nine o'clock in the morning. But what you're witnessing is a fulfillment of Joel's prophecy that your sons and your daughters will prophecy. God's Holy Spirit has come upon us just like Jesus told us he would.

    You could hear an audible gasp. Conviction was all over the square. Someone called out, "What should we do?"

    Without missing a beat, Peter answered, "Repent and be baptized every one of you for the forgiveness of your sins and you'll receive the Holy Spirit, for the promise is to you, and to your children, and to all who are afar off, everyone whom the Lord our God calls."

    Pentecost. Ah, Pentecost. That was the day that God began to pour out his Holy Spirit and he's never ever stopped since. Over the years I've seen the Spirit come in many ways -- sometimes like that day, sometimes quietly, sometimes in jubilation. But it's the presence of

    the Spirit, the Spirit of God, that matters, not our emotions or the circumstances.

    This is, of course, a fictional account of the Day of Pentecost based on Acts 1-2. What it was like exactly, we don't know, but to one man it could have seemed like this.

    (27th May will be celebrated as Pentecost Sunday)


  • - Thomas D'Souza, Sector 4

    To begin with, it is our privilege to be a parishioner of Sacred Heart Church, Vashi. We see our Priests, Sisters and Sunday School teachers take great efforts to groom our children with God's word and teachings.

    Providing good food, clothes and gadgets to our children is not everything, our religious teachings and culture is what we carry in our day to day life and this seed is sown in our children at the Sunday school.

    In retrospect, a big thanks to Fr Joaquim who wrote the skits Sunday after Sunday and trained the children to act. As proud parents we complimented our children after the mass. In fact, at first the children were trying to skip the skits and reading, due to lack of confidence and shyness, but slowly they got taste of it and of late they are all longing to practice and give their best.

    Sunday, 11th March, the Annual day of the Sunday School 2011-2012 was the day the children were waiting for since it would be filled with a lot of fun and frolic. But this year the children had to sweat to get a prize. Fr Joaquim, Priest in charge, of the Sunday school had a novel way of doing things. He said. “Annual day is meant to make aware to the Parents of the faith formation during the year”. So he wrote the skits on the themes of all the lessons and single handedly trained the children to act with confidence. Sometimes there were long paragraphs to memorize but

    he had his unique way to get the best from students. The children were now annoyed to see that before they had never bothered to learn and understand, but just spoke like parrots. Under the guidance of Fr Joaquim, they now understand the meaning of the passages they learnt as they acted upon them with confidence. It was a unique experience. The teachers too helped them to act upon the skits with enthusiasm. What they could not do in learning, they did it by acting and fully understood the meaning of the theme. The skits were interspersed with dances and songs. It was interesting and amazing to see the juniors perform their action songs, fully enjoying themselves with their performances. Credit also goes to Ms Sylvia Alvares and Mr Desmond Rowe and not forgetting all the Sunday school teachers who motivated the children to give their best.

    All in all, the children had an enjoyable day, which began with a hot dog and tea for breakfast and ended with a delicious plate of biryani.

    On behalf of all the parents, I thank God for the gift of our priests and the Sunday School Teachers and thank them for giving their valuable time and energy for our children and pray to almighty God to give them good health and happiness. Thank you, Fr Joaquim for always getting the best out of our children and helping them to believe in themselves.

    For more photos of the event visit album at:


    The Reconciliation service and Mass of St.George Community, Turbhe was held for the very first time on 12 March 2012 at the residence of Abitha Joseph.We got a very good response and we really felt the presence of a forgiving and compassionate Lord during the entire Service. Fr.Raphael was the Celebrant and the Word of God was translated in Malayalam. People were thankful and happy of this meaningful service. Truly a Lenten experience.


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    - LAVEETA D'SOUZA, Sector - 10

    The Sector 10 community members celebrated the St. Blaise Feast on Sunday 5th February, the actual feast was on 3rd Feburary. The evening began with the Eucharist celebrated by Fr. Raphael, our animator, followed by get-together for the community members in the conference room. We had a good mix of children, youth, adults and seniors. The evening began with prayer and little input on St. Blaise by Fr. Raphael.

    The prayers were followed by delicious snacks all made by our sector animators. We had tomato soup, sandwiches and cake. Games were conducted by Gizelle and included a new variation of bombing the city,

    balloon game etc. followed by children coming up and singing some songs. It was a joyful atmosphere to see children, youth, adults and seniors - all enthusiastically participating and enjoying the games. Of course, the all popular Housie got the involvement of all and demand to continue that four full house prizes had to be given away. We also sang for Mr. Robert Alvares who celebrated his Birthday. We wound up by singing some action song and clicking a group photograph. We thank all the community members, animators and coordinators and Fr. Raphael who worked hard

    - HARRY D'SILVA, Sector 29

    In the early fifties when I was based in Chennai (Madras) there was a Jesuit Fr. Albert Muthumalai; a former Lutheran pastor, he became a Catholic and then a Jesuit. The Lutheran Church has a huge

    complex in Chennai including a Gurukul (Seminary) and was celebrating some Jubilee, when they brought out a Souvenir. I happened to see a copy of the souvenir in which there was an article by Fr. Muthumalai. Being curious I read the article. Fr. Muthumalai wrote among other things, the following. 'I fully agree with Martin Luther where he exposed the evils that had crept into the Catholic Church, selling Indulgences, Popes wielding temporal powers making and unmaking kings etc. But where I disagree with him is when he left the Church and look what has happened! Christianity has got divided and subdivided. He should have fought the evils from within; no doubt it would not have been easy because he would have had to endure suffering and persecution but this is a price one has to pay for standing up for truth'. I may not have used his exact words, more than 50 years later but I have given the substance of his critical words. I admired the Lutheran Church publishing the article though it was not

    very complimentary to their founder.We have been hearing for quite some years now,

    people including some of our own parishioners leaving the Church and undoubtedly it is a matter of concern to us. If Fr. Muthumalai wrote, there were divisions and subdivisions in Christianity then, today it is drastically different and only a person with true conviction will become a Catholic or a Christian. Sometime ago I read in a Catholic journal that in USA there are approximately 2000 Christian denominations and sects! During my last residence in Chennai for 14 years, I had learnt Chennai had about 260 sects; Mumbai perhaps has more! What is or should be our reaction/action for it?

    Firstly let me give a personal view about those who leave the Church based on my observations. They are generally lax Catholics and then some event happens in their lives that makes them extra prayerful; they join

    this group or that and only pertaining to Religious matters; may be they also do a lot of reading and soon they believe they know more about their Faith than even the 2000 year old Church! Next they raise some questions or point out to some incidents in the Church, primarily as excuses to justify their intention to leave the Church.

    Secondly, let me point out that even

    (Continued on pg - 9)

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    - SILIKA PINTO, Sector - 1

    Have you been planning your vacations more than your career planning off lately?

    The academic year in school /college year is about to end and there's a final burst of tests and examinations before the

    summer vacation hits. After a long tiring academic year A vacation call is a MUST, not just an excuse for studying hard or stuck with a hectic life but a vacation calls for a change , a change for good , a revival , an opportunity to learn and grow , a chance to correct what has gone by , a path for exploring new ideas.

    You may be among the those who have already made their checklist this summer and are all set and ready to shoot out to their destination while some rest on their adrenaline rush to take them to their hot spot Spending quality time on the beach with friends and family, exploring local sites, ensure you have great dining experiences are ways to take a break from your hectic life but also note you must take a lot of rest keeping your routines aside letting your mind wander and enjoy every minute away.

    Each one has its own perspective of their vacation schedule; many kids will engage in sport activities, music and dance classes. Many clubs open up with variety of programs for kids; ensure you enroll for these programmes.

    While there are some families that plan a week or month long vacation to their home town, some choose to indulge in self-motivation activities such as yoga, aerobics and spiritual devotional classes.

    Until you a take a vacation only will you realize how vacations can restore the soul and renew energy levels. No matter where you go on vacation, the major benefit is that you have a changed perspective when you return home. If the vacation has been a wonderful experience you have

    beautiful memories that keep bringing smiles to your face. You will always remember the wonderful feeling of those soft night breezes on your face while you watched the moon lying on the rooftop.

    Experts from the University of Pittsburgh has listed top 5 reasons why you should plan a vacation every year. 1.Taking a break from work is when people come up

    with their best ideas2. You don't get many other chances to act just like a kid

    again3. Researchers have shown taking a vacation or a break

    improves your home life/married life4. Some time in the sun and watching breath-taking

    sceneries will make you more productive and happier at work

    5. Taking a vacation will give you more energy on a daily basisMy dear parishioners if you are among those

    percent of people who are still clueless what should your kid being doing this summer here's a look at what our Sacred heart youth has planned this summer club 2012.

    “Calling all young and excited kids and youth to enroll yourself for sacred heart summer camp starting

    th thfrom 9 April - 6 May 2012, Time: 4: 00pm, Registrations after Saturday and Sunday masses.

    We have Tele-games, Water games, Movies, workshops like Painting, Food carving, Dancing, Public speaking, Talent shows, Treasure hunt and so much more in stored for both youth and kids

    Also ATTENTION!! All foot ball lovers keep yourselves updated on our first annual inter-parish rink football that will be held on the 6th and 13th May by Sacred heart parish, Vashi

    For Further updates visit Sacred Heart Church-Uth group on Facebook.

    the staunchest Catholic among us will agree that the Catholic Church is still in need of a number of reforms even post-Vatican II. Despite the revolutionary changes brought in by Pope John XXIII who convened Vatican II in 1962, which concluded in 1965 under Pope Paul VI, a lot more needs to be done. But the reform process is slow as it should be. Those of us living in the sixties will recall how slowly but steadily the Church brought about changes. Yes individually it is not

    possible to bring about reforms but we can first reform ourselves, by being true witnesses of our faith; not just by fulfilling our Religious obligations but also participating in the so many avenues the Church offers; above all we, the bishops, clergy, Religious and the Laity need to change and be open to change, as someone said 'The only constant factor in the Church is change'.

    (Continued from pg - 8)

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    - AISHWARYA THAKUR, Confirmation Student

    Our Confirmation class began on the 11th of July, with Fr. Raphael breaking us into groups and introducing us to our animators – Joel uncle, Milton uncle, aunty

    Mariola, Riconi, Vivek, Rajani, Veverly and Teena. During the interaction Fr. Raphael told us why this year long course is important. As babies at Baptism our parents gave consent and now as adults we are confirming our faith and saying we want to continue to be Catholics. A special mass was celebrated for us along with the parents, and parents were informed about the years programme.

    Besides our regular classes on Sunday 10am to 11.30am and attending Saturday 7 pm Mass, there were other activities too during the year, three day camp to Mahad, a visit to Leprosy home and orphanage, Christmas party etc. The first outing we had during our course was our camp at Mahad on the 24th of October 2011 for 3 days. Although, in the beginning, we were not well acquainted with each other, Father Raphael and our Animators organized some activities and sessions for us in such a way that we got to know more about our fellow mates and their lifestyle that too in such a short duration. It was really nice knowing about so many different interests and talents that each of us possessed.

    The visit to the tribal villages was an eye opener, we were able to see the reality of how tribal's live in these area and opened our eyes to see how blessed we are in the city. We were also privileged to have a day's visit to the ashram at Taloja where we saw how the orphan children lived so happily without complaining for anything. We also realized how blessed we were but still ungrateful and so discontent. This visit to the orphanage was yet another learning experience which we then

    shared with our parents. Initially, we used to feel bored to attend the classes for we would have to get up early inspite of being a Sunday and miss all the fun of the weekend. But gradually, we started enjoying even the Saturday Mass for we had to organize the 7pm where all of us were trained for doing the readings, some would do the commentary & some of us would sing in the choir.

    Now we would wait anxiously for the weekends. Sunday class was full of fun as it had group discussions, presentations etc. The topic was given in advance so that we had enough time to prepare and answer for which we were given points for our groups as we answered. Each one wanted to earn more points for their group. In the bargain, we got to learn so much. Thanks to our Animators who made the sessions so interesting and interactive. We were also asked to maintain our books with notes taken from the classes & to decorate it with relevant pictures for which prizes would be given to the best presented book. Now everyone wanted to give in their best.

    As the year was drawing to an end, we were even more excited and were anxiously waiting for the big day to arrive The18th of February 2012 when we were anointed and confirmed by Bishop Percival Fernandez. We will always cherish the memories that this course gave us and will also miss the love and affection that our animators showered upon us. Father Raphael did keep his promise by generously giving away so many prizes which we felt so good to receive in front of our parents soon after the Confirmation service. It was thus an eventful year which came to an end within the wink of an eye. On behalf of all the confirmation students, I'd like to thank Father Raphael and our team of Animators for their motivation and encouragement throughout this journey. May God bless them all.

    Bishop Percival Fernandez photographed with Confirmation batch of 2011-12, along with their Catechists and Animators after Administering the Sacrament of Confirmation on 18th February 2012. (For more photos visit:

  • 11

    Our parish is privileged to have among us one of the pioneers who was on the FILMC Team [Formation and Involvement of the Laity in the Mission of Church] assisting Bishop Bosco in building Small Christian Communities across the Archdiocese. She is none other than Myrna Vaz of Sector 10A.

    Myrna had her early childhood in Bangalore and Chittagong, now in Bangla Desh where her father was a businessman. In the mid 50's on her father's death, her young widowed mother with three minor children moved to Bombay to live with her grandparents. She completed her schooling in the Convent of Jesus and Mary, Clare Road and is an Honors graduate from Sophia College. She had the honor to be the President of the College Union in her final year. Taking part in a variety of extracurricular activities she was also an active legionary for 4 years committing to the required 2 hours of service each week. She visited the European Pensioners and Widows home in her neighborhood of Mazagaon. This Home took care of elderly people left behind by the younger generation who migrated abroad after Independence. Myrna recounts how the inmates enjoyed the interaction with the young students sharing their interesting memories and experiences. “If one has had the privilege of higher education, one has also an obligation to give back to Society” were the words of Mother Ward, the College Principal to the women students of that time. This left an indelible impression on Myrna. A post graduation Course in Home Science from Nirmala Niketan taught her that being a homemaker is an art. This was also the start of a continuing interest in cookery.

    In 1964 she married Reginald Vaz, a handsome young marine engineer. Reggie as he is popularly known turned his back to the call of the ocean and took up employment with Larsen and Toubro and then moved to ONGC. They lived in Wadala and together raised their 5 children - Michael, David, Maryann and the twins, Carolyn and Christina bringing them up with balance and priorities. All are well settled in India and abroad. Myrna and Reggie now live by themselves but travel a lot and have extended visits with their children and grand children. They are the proud grandparents of 9 grandchildren with the 10th due anytime now.

    Myrna and Reggie have been involved in Church and Mission of Church related activities. They attended the first Marriage Encounter (ME) weekend in Bombay given by an American couple and Fr Peter de Souza CSSR in July 1973. Immediately after this, they with another couple became Team Couples. Together with Fr Peter and other Team priests for the next 3 years they conducted ME weekends in Bombay and other cities in India till the arrival of their twin daughters. They were sent to Barcelona, Spain to attend the World ME meeting. Myrna's greatest joy is to be in contact, communicate and interact with people. People compliment her by saying that she is a people's person – sensitive and nurturing.

    With growing children in the early 80,s Myrna and Reggie felt the need to learn how to deepen values in them and attended sessions for Parents at the Catechetical Centre in Bandra. They were then invited by Fr Jude Pereira to assist him with sessions in Family Catechesis.

    They count as another significant milestone in their own growth and development attending the Theology

    for the Laity Courses at the Goregaon Seminary held on Saturdays from September to March for 3 years, followed by the continuing sessions later on held at Dadar. These were started by the then Rector, Fr Bosco Penha, later to be Bishop. One of the Courses was called Theology of Community conducted by Fr Bishop Penha and Myrna was enthused by the idea of a New Way of being Church t h rough fo rming ne ighbo rhood

    Communities with the goals of formation and fellowship to flow out in service. These would bring vibrancy to the Parish. In 1985, the FILMC team was formed consisting of Bishop Bosco, 2 priests, 2 sisters and 3 lay persons, one of whom was Myrna. She remained a member of FILMC for over 20 years, even as the Team grew in numbers, Bishop Bosco was a wonderful mentor and never failed to acknowledge that it was through the complementarity of the Team Members skills and strengths that the pioneering work of building Communities was done. There was a close

    (Continued on pg - 12)

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    bonding in the Team and a mutual learning. The work went on slowly and steadily visiting ones assigned Parishes, attending Steering Committee Meetings, giving training sessions and leadership programs at the parish and diocesan level.

    In Vashi since 1990, Myrna worked unceasingly to build communities in our Parish and Mankhurd Parish as well. Mr Harry Dsilva, then her neighbor took her around to various sectors and introduced her to people who then came forward and helped from grass root level to form Communities. There were ups and downs and perseverance and patience were needed. She remembers that in the early years, the monthly animators meeting and the annual April Event organized by the various sectors built a sense of unity among all. Today, much beyond, the over 15 years of her service to our Parish, seeing the communities built up, the start up work sustained and a level of stability achieved gives her a sense of satisfaction. She adds that the wonderful work of so many motivated animators

    was ably supported by the FMM sisters and the Priests. As FILMC member she attended the monthly Sector meetings in all the Sectors. She says “I feel blessed that because of this, I have been to the homes of so many parishioners all over Vashi and therefore know them well. Even today being greeted by them gives me much happiness”.

    She has also served on the PPC over the years and the APC too. A special moment was being nominated by Cardinal Ivan Dias to be a delegate to the Archdiocesan Synod in 2000 and the follow up meeting in 2005.

    Myrna finally signs off by declaring that people should be encouraged to spend some time in the service of others using their individual talents. They must also be appreciated for this. Everyone has work and responsibilities it is true but what is important is time for God, time for family and time for others.

    We thank God for the gift of Myrna and her family to our parish and the Archdiocese, assuring them of our prayers and wish them good health and happiness.

    (Continued from pg - 11)

    Once upon a time, two brothers who lived on adjoining farms fell into conflict. It was the first serious rift in 40 years of farming side-by-side, sharing machinery and trading labor and goods as needed without a hitch.

    Then the long collaboration fell apart. It began with a small misunderstanding and it grew into a major difference and finally, it exploded into an exchange of bitter words followed by weeks of silence.

    One morning there was a knock on John's door. He opened it to find a man with a carpenter's toolbox. "I 'm looking for a few days' work," he said. "Perhaps you would have a few small jobs here and there I could help with? Could I help you?"

    “Yes," said the older brother. "I do have a job for you. Look across the creek at that farm. That's my neighbor. In fact, it's my younger brother! Last week there was a meadow between us. He recently took his bulldozer to the river levee and now there is a creek between us. Well, he may have done this to spite me, but I'll do him one better. See that pile of lumber by the barn? I want you to build me a fence an 8-foot fence -- so I won't need to see his place or his face anymore."

    The carpenter said, "I think I understand the situation. Show me the nails and the post-hole digger and

    I'll be able to do a job that pleases you."The older brother had to go to town, so he helped the

    carpenter get the materials ready and then he was off for the day. The carpenter worked hard all that day -- measuring, sawing and nailing. About sunset when the farmer returned, the carpenter had just finished his job.

    The farmer's eyes opened wide, his jaw dropped. There was no fence there at all.

    It was a bridge .. A bridge that stretched from one side of the creek to the other! A fine piece of work, handrails and all! And the neighbor, his younger brother, was coming toward them, his hand outstretched..

    "You are quite a fellow to build this bridge after all I've said and done."

    The two brothers stood at each end of the bridge, and then they met in middle, taking each other's hand. They turned to see the carpenter hoist his toolbox onto his shoulder.

    "No, wait! Stay a few days. I've a lot of other projects for you," said the older brother.

    “I'd love to stay on," the carpenter said, "but I have many more bridges to build.”

    Contributed via email forwards - Colleen Rodrigues

  • 13

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  • Baptism - Born in Christ

    Marriage - United in Christ

    Burial - Resting in Christ

    Parish Schedule

    28th January 2012 - Karan Sharma - Child of - Ketan & Kareena19th February 2012 - Kaelan Edward DeCunha - Child of - Edgar & Monisha19th February 2012 - Ashley Carvalho - Child of - Anthony & Jyoti19th February 2012 - Xavier Christhu Raj - Child of - Ponraj & Pushpa19th February 2012 - Maria Selva Christina - Child of - Ponraj & Pushpa19th February 2012 - Alvina Maria D’Coutho - Child of - Anthony & Juliet27th February 2012 - Ethan Samuel Kute - Child of - Mukesh & Lyplon

    No Marriage registered in the preceding month

    1) 19th March 2012 - Carmina John Pereira - age 73 years - Sector - 6, Vashi2) 26th March 2012 - Martha D’Silva - age 79 years - Sector - 10, Vashi

    Confessions: - Every Saturday at 6.15 pm or on requestBaptisms: - 1st and 3rd Sunday at the 9.00 am MassSunday Good News Club: - 8.00 am Mass in the Church followed by Cathechism for children.Mass Schedule: - Weekday: 6.30 am, 7.15 am and 7.00 pm

    - Sundays: 7.00 am, 8.00 am, 9.00 am and 5.30 pmLanguage Masses: - Konkani: 3rd Sunday - 7.00 am

    - Tamil: 1st & 3rd Sunday - 10.00 am - Malayalam: 2nd & 4th Sunday - 10.00 am

    Prayer Group: - Tuesdays & Thursdays after the Evening MassChurch Office: - 9.30 am to 12.30 pm and 5.00 pm to 8.00 pm

    Sunday Closed

    -------: CAVEAT :------- The Publisher does not vouch for any claims made by the Advertisers of products or services. The team and the Parish Fathers shall not be held liable for any consequences; in the event such claims are not honoured by the Advertisers.

    1 2

    We are publishing the photograph of our dear Parishioners who were united with Christ in the preceding/current month.For the future issues, the family may handover the photo of the departed family member along with the name, age & sector to the Vashi Vision Team or in the Parish Office, in case they Desire so. (deadline published in the Homely Notes)


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  • 1. Savio Cardoz, 2. Ryan Anthony Castelino, 3. Merryl Pinto, 4. Merrick D'souza, 5. Krizelle Rapose, 6. Dion Nigel Fernandes, 7. Brandon Christopher D'souza, 8. Alison Ann Quadros, 9. Sagaya Mary D'souza, 10. Vanessa Rose, 11. Aishwarya Sumitra Thakur, 12. Blanche Christine D'souza, 13. Rowland Dominic, 14. Ambrose Mario Lee, 15. Sourabh Kamble, 16. Merrill Keith Gonsalves, 17. Kokadan Alveena Joseph, 18. Rose Xavier Joseph, 19. Monica D'Souza, 20. Sheryl Chukka, 21. Jainish Edison Durai, 22. Lilly Chakalapadath, 23. Francis Xavier Nadar, 24. Johann Kurian, 25. Ashika D'Silva, 26. Kevin Winston Vaz, 27. Alvin Lee

    The followingTwenty Seven youth

    recieved Sacrament of Confirmation on 18th February 2012.

    We wish each one of you that your Communion with Jesus give you the Courage and

    Wisdom to follow his teachings with Humility, And may the future always bring the

    very best of everything! May God Bless You All

    of our parish

    Do share your news, Views, stories, achievements, Inspirations and activities in various Church Groups and Associations which can be shared with the larger family of this Sacred Heart Parish through this News Letter Vashi Vision (It will be great if you can provide the articles as soft copy if not hard copy is always welcome).

    - Articles & Pictures for printing in the future issues of Vashi Vision should reach the editorial team

    latest by 15th of every preceding month of the issue. (Maximum 400 words per article)- email your views & articles and photographs & advertisements to [email protected]

    - For Advertising in Vashi Vision kindly contact the Church office.

    Contribute your Articles and Suggestions

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