. - -----Original Message----- From : Joe Teodoro [ mailto:jteodoro@sym patico.ca] Sent: Sunday, March 21, 2004 3:45 PM To: Rowe, Linda Cc: Sandy White; White, Sandy Subject: Black Walnut Tree, 1153 Pond View Road March 21,2004 Chair & Members of Environment & Transportation Committee City of London P.O. Box 5035 London, Ontario, Canada N6A 4L9 Re: Black Walnut Tree, 1153 Pond View Road Dear Linda Rowe and Chair & Members of the Environment & Transportation Committee, We are sending this letter to formally request “delegation status” at an upcoming E.T.C. meeting. This request is in regards to a very frustrating situation that dates back to 1997. Since that time we have made several attempts to do the “right thing”. We have made numerous attempts to work with City Hall to resolve an intolerable situation, hoping for a quick, simple and logical solution. To date we have not been given any explanation to how this situation was allowed to occur, we have been ridiculed by a long- standing and reelected Ward 5 councillor, and ignored by a controller. Please read the attachments and e-mails in chronological order, as this will provide you with all of the background information and history. We look forward to presenting our case at the next E.T.C. meeting. occurred over the last two years as instructed by Sandy White. Sincerely, Linda, I am also forwarding several relevant e-mail correspondence that has Joe V. Teodoro & Family 1153 Pond View Road London, Ontario, Canada N5Z 4K3 Home phone: 680-0764 Work: 452-4430 ext.4179

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Page 1: From - London, Ontariocouncil.london.ca/meetings/Archives/Agendas/Environment and... · background in construction and employment as an Architectural Technologist was also something

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-----Original Message----- From : Joe Teodoro [ mailto: jteodoro@sym patico.ca] Sent: Sunday, March 21, 2004 3:45 PM To: Rowe, Linda Cc: Sandy White; White, Sandy Subject: Black Walnut Tree, 1153 Pond View Road

March 21,2004

Chair & Members of Environment & Transportation Committee City of London P.O. Box 5035 London, Ontario, Canada N6A 4L9

Re: Black Walnut Tree, 1153 Pond View Road

Dear Linda Rowe and Chair & Members of the Environment & Transportation Committee,

We are sending this letter to formally request “delegation status” at an upcoming E.T.C. meeting. This request is in regards to a very frustrating situation that dates back to 1997. Since that time we have made several attempts to do the “right thing”. We have made numerous attempts to work with City Hall to resolve an intolerable situation, hoping for a quick, simple and logical solution. To date we have not been given any explanation to how this situation was allowed to occur, we have been ridiculed by a long- standing and reelected Ward 5 councillor, and ignored by a controller. Please read the attachments and e-mails in chronological order, as this will provide you with all of the background information and history. We look forward to presenting our case at the next E.T.C. meeting.

occurred over the last two years as instructed by Sandy White. Sincerely,

Linda, I am also forwarding several relevant e-mail correspondence that has

Joe V. Teodoro & Family

1153 Pond View Road London, Ontario, Canada N5Z 4K3

Home phone: 680-0764 Work: 452-4430 ext.4179

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-----0rig i nal Message----- From: Joe Teodoro [mailto:[email protected]] Sent: Sunday, March 21, 2004 3:49 PM To: Rowe, Linda Subject: Fw: Tuesday October 21, 2003 All Candidates Meeting

----- Original Message ----- From: Joe Teodoro To: acm iller@aol. corn Cc: [email protected] ; [email protected] ; [email protected] ; [email protected] ; [email protected] ; toot1 @execulink.com Sent: Wednesday, October 22, 2003 1:04 PM Subject: Tuesday October 21, 2003 All Candidates Meeting

Dear Cheryl Miller,

I have lived in London for all of my life and now as a homeowner, parent and productive member of this community I feel it is very important for all voters to become informed so that they can vote with a good understanding of what the candidates have to offer. In the past both you and Gary Williams have served Ward 5 well, but now as we know Mr. Williams is stepping aside therefore creating a space for a new representative for Ward 5. And you are of course on the ballet for reelection.

So, on Tuesday October 21, 2003 I attended my first ever all candidates meeting.

I listened intently as I wanted to hear from all 7 candidates as they answered each important question with careful thought and in some cases much passion. My hope was to come away from the meeting with a clear vision of who I thought would be a good replacement for Gary Williams and also represent our Ward well. Unfortunately, the person for whom I had already decided to vote for, spoke the loudest and cut the deepest. I am in fact referring to You!

Remember the snide comment you made when you responded to the question about trees in the “forest city”. Well surprise.. ., I think I’m the one you were referring to when you made the comment about the guy who wants a tree cut down and you said, “some guy is always calling me about nuts falling on him”. I was deeply offended by your careless remarks. You got a few laughs for your IO-second stand-up routine from the uniformed audience at the cost of about 52 votes. I hope it was worth it to you.

If you had bothered to listen to and investigate the facts about the whole situation regarding our case you probably wouldn’t be pulling you foot out of your mouth as you read this letter.


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I would also advise you to keep your mouth shut unless you plan on being upfront, honest and explain the whole issue to your constituents. Don’t ridicule the people who support you and put you in office! I could have easily jumped all over you for this remark but this was to be an information meeting and not a debate. I also did not want to stoop to your level of self-inflected ignorance in regards to this issue.

Word travels fast in our neighborhood.

In conclusion, I would invite any or all other Ward 5 candidates for city council who would appreciate my families 4 votes and another potential 52 votes of the affected neighbors to contact me. Please feel free to give me a call, or visit our neighborhood, as I would be more than happy to provide you with “the facts” and all of the documented background/history of why we have asked to have a black walnut tree cut down. It is not quite as funny and as cut and dry as one candidate vying to be re-elected would make you believe.

Sincerely ,

Joe Teodoro

11 53 Pondview Road

London, Ontario

N5Z 4K3

Home Phone: 6 80-0 76 4

Work Phone: 452-4430 ext. 4179

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-----0rig i na I Message----- From: Joe Teodoro [mailto:[email protected]] Sent: Sunday, March 21, 2004 352 PM To: Rowe, Linda Subject: Fw: Ward 5 Request for Assistance

----- Original Message ----- From: Joe Teodoro To: [email protected] Sent: Wednesday, October 29, 2003 I I :04 AM Subject: Ward 5 Request for Assistance

Dear Mr. Polhill,

It has been brought to my attention that you may be able to help us out with an extremely frustrating matter that we have been dealing with now for over 5 years. Last week after attending a Ward 5 all candidates meeting, during which an incident occurred, I emailed Jim Chapman with all the particulars about our situation. The reason for emailing Jim Chapman was as a result of a smart-ass comment that was made by the candidate vying for re-election.

Jim was kind enough to email me back and suggested that I contact you because he feels you may be able to make some sense out of the frustrations we have encountered and possible help us resole it.

I phoned you today but I was told you were in a Board of Control meeting. I left my home phone number with your assistant. I can also appreciate the fact that you are extremely busy these days with your campaign and this is probably not a good time to be bothering you with our problem but, we have no choice and we do not know where else to turn. I will be sending you a few emails that will bring you up to speed with some of the bureaucratic bumbling we have been forced to endure. Please read the emails in chronological order, as this will provide you with all of the background information and history.

Thanks for your time and we wish you good luck with your campaign.


Joe Teodoro & Family I 1 53 Pond View Road London

Home phone #: Work phone #:

680-0764 452-4430 ext. 4179

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-----Original Message----- From: Joe Teodoro [mailto:[email protected]] Sent: Sunday, March 21,2004 3:46 PM To: Rowe, Linda Subject: Fw: Black Walnut Tree

----- Original Message ----- From: Joe Teodoro To: [email protected] Sent: Thursday, July 04, 2002 12:49 PM Subject: Black Walnut Tree

Mayor Anne Marie DeCicco,

We are very frustrated members of this community.

Please read the following attached letter.

I will also hand delivering this letter to you today along with accompanying e-mails in hope that you can help us to resolve an unsafe situation that exists in our neighborhood. Please feel free to discuss this situation with all parties concerned. We have tried to reason with the proper authorities and officials for almost 5 years now. We have been given a variety of confusing responses, poor resolutions and neglect to the problem that still exists today. We were hoping that this problem could have been resolved quite easily and sensibly but obviously we are now spinning our wheels and our lives have been put on hold while the City continues to ignore and profit from the mess they have left us with. We were hoping this situation would not get to this point but it now appears that we have no other choice then to ask for your help. You are our last hope!

I understand that you are quite busy these days with more important City issues and that you may find our problem quite trivial, as other City officials have, but trust me when I say this issue is extremely urgent to my family and I and there is nothing more important to me than the safety and sanctity of my home.

Please contact me at your earliest convenience.

Since rely,

Joe V. Teodoro and Family I 153 Pondview Road London, Ontario N5Z 4K3

Home Phone: 680-0764 Work Phone: 452-4430 ext. 4179

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Agenda Im #

June 29,2002

Mayor Anne Marie DeCicco London City Hall 300 Dufferin Avenue London, Ontario N6A 4L9

Dear Mayor DeCicco:

In 1996 my wife and I embarked on a project that we had dreamed of for several

In the September of 1997 we applied for a building permit and today after 4 years years. This project entailed planning and building our dream home.

in our new home, unbelievably, our dream has now turned into a nightmare, as we have not been permitted to complete our dream. Our driveway, connecting sidewalks and landscaping remain unfinished because of the current dispute with London City Hall over a large old black walnut tree that borders our property and city property. The tree is interfering with the placement of a hard surfaced driveway for our home. We have been forced to battle London City Hall and the Environmental Services department over their unreasonable demands.

Please bear with me as I attempt to vent our frustrations through the body of this letter and as I put the history of our dilemma in chronological order.

Six years ago we were living in a small post war house in the old west end of London near Oxford St. and Wharncliffe Rd. Although in an excellent neighborhood, this house had become too small for both my wife and I and our young children. We considered an addition but the lot was too small and the end result would have over valued our house for the neighborhood we lived in. We also considered just buying and moving into a larger home in London but our true dream was to one day design and build our own home. My post secondary school education in architectural technology, background in construction and employment as an Architectural Technologist was also something that drove my desire for wanting to design and build a new home. So after living in this house for ten years we decided to sell.

London or find a larger lot on the perimeter of the city that would allow for more freedom and flexibility with our design. After much debate and searching outside and inside of London we where fortunate to find a lot in a mature part of the city of London that gave us the frontage we were looking for, the privacy and especially a safe neighborhood to raise our children. This lot was an infill lot located in the old part of Pond Mills bordering the east side of the ponds on Pondview Road. Pondview Road has

At first was the decision of figuring out where to build. Should we build in



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a mix of old and newer homes. The newer homes are a result of farmland being severed over many years and infill lots being created.

In the early 198O’s, when the original owners (Frank Moore) property was severed, part of the deal with the city allowing a severance to take place was that the owner allow for a 10’- 0” expropriation of fi-ontage along 1 153 Pondview Road. In 1986 Frank Moore, the owner of 1 16 1 Pondview Place and the owner of the adjoining property at 1 153 Pondview Road, paid a total of $1289.00 to have watermain and sewer extended to 11 53 Pondview Road. We are actually the second owners of 11 53 Pondview Road after Frank Moore severed and sold it. We purchased the property from Mr. & Mrs. Francis Peter Bailey in the spring of 1997 and we began construction in September of 1997. As a result of the 10’- 0” expropriation taking place the old black walnut tree now stands on City property.

We applied for a building permit and received our permit on September 2, 1997. When I went to pick-up and pay for the permit I was informed by S. (?> Blair that a lot levy charge of almost $7500.00 would also have to be paid. This came, as a total surprise to us as initially the Building Division told us our lot was an infill lot in an old part of the City that already had all of the necessary services. We were told that infill lots in older parts of the City are not charged lot levies because this tends to discourage development in areas that can sustain a greater amount of density. Therefore, this was a major factor that encouraged us to buy an infill lot in the City if we could find one. I tried to argue this surprise money grab but was told I would not receive a building permit without first paying the lot levy charge. We had no other choice but to pay as we had contractors waiting and we were already behind schedule and time did not permit for a battle on this issue. I also mentioned this to Councilor Cheryl Miller late last summer, in 2001, and she was also surprised that a lot levy had been applied to our lot. She questioned our recollection on this issue. I assured her that we still had the documentation and scares to prove it! To date we still feel we were charged unfairly and with this letter we would also like to challenge the lot levy charge applied to the house we built.

Prior to the start of construction we had to have some large dead trees on our property cut down. I called a professional tree cutter and had them cut down the required trees on our property. That same day the tree cutter asked me if I wanted to have the old large black walnut tree cut down as well. He told me that black walnut trees are a terrible tree to have in a residential neighborhood and that if it were not removed it would cause us nothing but grief as a result of the mess it would make throughout the spring, summer and fall. He also told me that the tree would eventually choke out and kill the maple tree that sits on our property on the south side of our driveway.

He was dead on the money with both of his prognostications. The tree has caused us nothing but grief and our maple tree is dying!

I already knew the tree was on city property so at the time being the “good citizen” I did what I thou& was the right thing to do. I called the urban forester for the City of London, Bruce McGauley.


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Many professionals, neighbors, friends and even city officials have since told me that this was my biggest mistake and one that my family and I have had to live with for almost five years.

I have since been told that I should have had the tree cut down with the others and if the city forestry people had ever found out I could have asked for forgiveness. As the saying goes, “it is easier to forgive than it is to ask for permission”. As I continue you will hear how I have learned a very valuable lesson about dealing with city officials, bureaucrats and politicians. Unfortunately, the lesson I have learned from these people and will pass on to my children is defiantly not one of honesty.

Bruce McGauley came out to our property on July 29, 1997. He sympathized with my dilemma and said that the old black walnut tree was a healthy tree and he would not permit it to be cut down. First of all I made it quite clear to him that if the tree where a maple tree or any other “clean” species of tree I would not be asking for the tree to be cut down. I told him that the tree would interfere with the proposed house and especially the driveway. He said that the best he could offer was to remove a few of the large lower limbs that extended towards the proposed house. He did not have any concerns about London Hydro having their way with the tree over the past many years in keeping limbs away fi-om adjacent overhead utility wires. He also told me that if the construction of our house resulted in the death of the tree we would be fined. I told him that I had learned fkom my professional tree cutter and by my surrounding neighbors that black walnut trees are a nuisance and I pleaded with him for understanding, as I was not alone with this request stating that could give me was, “the tree was here first”. When I challenged him on his statement asking him, “when roads are widened why hundreds of trees are sacrificed?” He told me, “That was the price of progress”. Is building a new house not progress? If not why then were we charged a lot levy of almost $7500.00? I also offered to pay to replace the old black walnut tree, if removed, with a few new cleaner trees on the boulevard. He declined my offer and said there was nothing he could do.

of my neighbors wanted the tree removed. The best argument he

Please note that at the time of our first request in June 1997 under the City of London Boulevard Trees By-law there was no provisions for charges related to the removal of the large limbs or for the whole tree had Bruce agreed to take it down.

We moved into our new house March 1 1998.

In the spring of 1998 I called Bruce McGauley for the second time to no avail. He gave the same reasons as to why the tree could not be cut down and again he threatened to have me fined if the tree were damaged or killed as a result of putting in a driveway with a hard surface. During that year I received two calls fkom the City of London By-law Enforcement office threatening us with a fine if we did not have the portion of our driveway between the property line and the road finished with a hard surface. This new threat floored me! I explained the reason for not having a driveway paved and they question if we had applied for a permit and if the site plan had been approved. When I indicated to the by-law enforcement officer that we paid a lot levy,


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had a building permit and that the site plan had been approved he then questioned why it was that the City forestry people were being so stubborn about removing an old tree that was not conducive to a residential neighborhood and also told me that as a result of the lot levy the site should have been cleared of any obstructing trees on City property by the City forestry people.

what the left had is doing, that the different departments under the umbrella of the City Hall do not communicate and as a result we would be left to fight this battle on our own.

This statement lead me to believe that obviously the right hand does not know

Over the remainder of that year we were hit full force with the realization of how messy, destructive, dangerous and ludicrous, a black walnut tree can be in a residential neighborhood. We also found out that there are many, many black walnut trees in our neighborhood and that the majority of them were planted decades ago by one of the original settlers to the Pond Mills area when the land was just bush and farmland. Some of the black walnut trees were planted along Pondview Road.

In May of 1998, after leaving the front windows open on a nice warm breezy day, we returned home to find a lime green dust all over the furnishings in our house. This green dust also covers any vehicle parked in our driveway during the month of May. A short while later I learned that the green dust was the pollen released fiom the tiny flowers that are a precursor to the walnuts. We are now forced to keep the front windows of our home closed in the spring. In June, July and August as the walnuts are maturing they secrete an oil that falls to the ground and stains anything that it falls on including people, clothes and cars. In September and October the snooker ball sized walnuts begin to fall to the ground and become natures green grenades that cause damage to any vehicle parked below on the driveway and become a hazard to people driving, riding, standing, playing or walking below. The walnuts often break open upon impact and cause hrther stains and damage. The canopy of this tree covers virtually the entire area of our driveway and part of the adjacent road. Next comes the cleanup. On average every fall we have collected at least 10 to 15 garbage bags full of black walnuts. The tree is on city property yet absolutely no attempt has ever been made by the city to clean up their mess.

During the spring of 1999 I contacted Bruce McGauley for the third time in hopes that he would consider our case and rule in favour of our request to have the black walnut tree removed. He said he would take a look at the tree in the following weeks. He met with my father one day when I was not home. My father argued our case valiantly but Bruce once again stated, “The tree was here first”. Upon hearing this, my father responded, “So were the North American Indians”. My father told me that Bruce, not knowing what to say, got back in his car and drove away. Bruce contacted me at a later date and declared, that he could not help us and once again threatened to have us fined if we damaged the tree.

In the spring of 2000 I decided to give Bruce McGauley another call. I met with him for the fourth time at our house on a cold wet morning. As we stood in my garage I once again pleaded our case and declared that we had now endured 2 years of putting up with the black walnut tree and that we were desperate to get rid of the mess, damage and


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danger caused by the tree. We also were desperate to complete our driveway and landscaping in the fi-ont of our house and also quite concerned that our young children were being forced to play certain sports on the road because of the lack of a hard surface driveway to make use of. I also questioned Bruce as to whether the City would permit new black walnut trees to be planted in the City parks or along boulevards in new or older residential neighborhoods. Bruce replied by emphatically making an admission that black walnut trees are a nuisance and also problematic and that they would never be permitted by the City to be planted in parks or along boulevards. His admission caused me to become very agitated as I asked him why then could they not cut down this particular tree? He once again stated, “The tree was here first”. He then went on to informed me that the boulevard trees by-law had recently changed and that he would now approve of the tree to be cut down. At first I was quite excited. He continued on telling me that under the provisions of the revised by-law we would have to pay $1500.00 for the removal of the tree. My excitement immediately turned to anger. He went on to tell me that if we chose not to pay for the removal of the tree there was nothing else he could do and that we would be fined if we damaged the tree when putting in a driveway. I immediately voiced my objection and told him that I needed the $1500.00 to help finance the completion of our driveway and sidewalks.

In 1997 the tree could not be cut down. Suddenly as a result of a By-law change in 2000 the tree can be cut down.. .but for a price.

The following month I gave Councillor Cheryl Miller a call and she said she would drop buy our house early one morning on her way to work so that I could speak to her. Apparently she drove buy unannounced one morning and reviewed the situation without giving me the chance to explain our concerns. She later called me, told me she looked into the matter, but there was nothing she could do. I was not happy with here efforts so I then contacted Councillor Gary Williams. I presented our case and explained the current situation and the extreme level of frustration we were feeling. He suggested a compromise. He suggested that I try to meet the City half way by finding a professional tree cutter myself. I quickly pursued his idea. I found a company the city contracts work out to and got a price of $600.00 for the removal of the tree. In July 2000 I e-mailed Bruce McGauley informed him of my meeting with Gary Williams and about my findings. (Please see copy of email enclosed dated July 26,2000.) He responded by stating that we had no options and that it was up to the City to choose whom ever they wanted to cut down the tree and that the charge would be $1500.00 regardless.

I see this as nothing more than another money grab as the City tries to abdicate their responsibility to correct an unreasonable situation. The City expropriated the land collected lot levy and permit fees and now it tries to deflect liability, responsibility and more costs onto the backs of the already overburdened taxpayer.

This was the exact moment when I realized the humiliating mistake I had made. Had I cut down the tree in the summer of 1997 no one would have known or cared! My days of being a good citizen of London have ended. This experience has taught me well how much more important it is to look out for my family and myself than it is to try


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to reason with our City Hall. We have also become extremely angry and cynical about many of City Councils controversial, questionable and costly decisions or apparent lack of decisions made over the last 2 years.

Why was a maple tree cut down on the boulevard of our first house on Rathnally Street? At the time we were promised a new replacement tree and to date (almost 10 years later) the tree has never been replaced.

Why are we being screwed over for $1500.00 when a $225,000.00 dollars was spent on a pile of rocks apparently meant to beautify the east end entrance to the City?

Why is okay to cut down approximately 400 mature trees between Wellington and Wharncliffe Roads for the Commissioners Road widening project at a cost of 9.6 million dollars especially after Todd Litman’s comments to City councilors in April 200 1 regarding planners and engineers faulty solutions for traffic congestion - more and wider roads? All we are asking for is ONE nuisance tree to be cut down.

Why is it okay to spend 1.7 million dollars to replace a foot bridge over the Thames River that only an estimated 430 users a day will use in the best summertime weather? Are there trees being cut down so that this work can take place?

Why was $713,000.00 paid in overtime to city staff during the outside workers strike in the summer of 2001?

Why were city bureaucrats give hundreds of thousands of dollars in pay out or buy out packages?

Where is the justice when a city taxpayer is gouged for $1500.00 to cut down a mutually agreed upon “problem tree” yet the City can cut trees down at will?

I could go on.. .and I think you must feel our fiustration as events have unfolded over several years and as we draw parallels to the abdication of responsibilities at several levels at London City Hall!

The fall of 2003 can’t come soon enough!!

A whole year passed before I attempted to reason with City officials again. In August of 2001 I tried to call Gary Williams again but I was unsuccessful after several attempts. I then made several calls to Cheryl Miller. After playing phone tag for about a week we finally connected on a Sunday morning when Cheryl called me at home. After a brief argument we set up a meeting at my address. Cheryl mistakenly and ferociously insisted that she had met with me in person a year before about the same issue. I told her she was wrong and that we had never met in the past. We had spoken on the phone a



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year ago and that was the extent of our last ‘contact. At first she said there was nothing she could do and she refixed to meet with us. When I told here that I had already set up a meeting at my house with Bruce McGauley she immediately changed her tone and said she would be there. My wife and I were totally shocked at how condescending, patronizing, and uncooperative Cheryl was. For a councillor who is supposed to represent her constituents Cheryl left a very poor impression. She left a very bitter taste in our mouths and one my wife and our neighbors and I will certainly remember come the fall of 2003.

Many of our friends, family, coworkers, and neighbors are well aware of our plight. They have all asked to be kept informed because they all feel that we have been treated very unfairly especially in light of the way City council and City bureaucrats have irresponsibly wasted taxpayers money over the last year and a half. They can’t believe how greedy, irresponsible, unsympathetic, unrealistic and how irrational City officials have been towards our problem.

On the morning of August 27,2001 Cheryl Miller, Bruce McGauley’s representative Tim Whitworth and my wife and I met at our house to discuss the black walnut tree. Cheryl Miller was of no help at all and at first Tim Whitworth sounded like a Bruce McGauley clone. We argued and debated for almost an hour. Even a few of our neighbors came outside to support our cause and to voice their disgust to Cheryl Miller about the lack of action, greed and abdication of responsibility shown on the part of the City. We stressed the unsafe conditions the tree creates and the fact that because of the conditions that exist our children were being forced to play some activities on the road. We again made the point of the damage to our vehicles being caused by the walnuts and we were flabbergasted by the useless resolution offered to us to “park on the road” and “have your children play somewhere else”.

At one point I asked Tim if his department would allow new black walnut trees to be planted along any new or existing residential boulevards or in any city parks. His response was simply, “No”! When I asked, “why not”, he said the trees are problematic and are not conducive to a residential neighborhood or park and do not fall within the plan for existing or new residential areas and would defiantly not be permitted.

for a building permit and also whether or not zoning had approved of the site plan? I told her we paid the building permit and also were forced to pay a lot levy of almost $7500.00 for an infill lot before any permits were handed over to us and on top of all that we pay close to $5,000.00 a year in property taxes. She questioned the accuracy of our payment of a lot levy for an infill lot. I told Cheryl we were not given a choice on the matter and that at the time the Building Division had us over a barrel. After I told here all the paperwork and permits were in order she questioned why the Building Division permitted the driveway to be located so close to the tree and she felt they should have foreseen a potential problem had they reviewed the building site properly. She also questioned why we would be charged $1500.00 to cut down the tree when originally in 1997 when we first made the request there was no charge for such services.

for delegation status to an E.T.C. meeting. After Cheryl Miller left Tim Whitworth

Cheryl Miller then asked us a strange question. She asked us if we had applied

Finally Cheryl Miller offered up a proposal indicating that maybe we could ask


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- -

became much more sympathetic to our plight and said we could ask for the documented history of the tree from the Environmental Services Office and hinted at a reasonable chance of the tree being cut down without the $1500.00 money grab being charged if we were to play our cards right. He felt we have valid case and that we should continue our fight.

Between August 27,2001 and September 7,2001 my wife made several attempts regarding the procurement for a copy of the documented history of the tree. (See e-mail dated September 10,2001). After several attempts, ignored messages, and a waste of a survey being conducted by a City of London survey crew to duplicate known information about the location of the tree, we finally received the requested information on the documented history of the tree. Unfortunately this document is incomplete.

We were also given a copy of the Boulevard Trees By-Law. This by-law was passed in Open Council on March 4, 1996 and amended and once again passed in Open Council on May 1,2000. Part 2.4 of the by-law includes a schedule pertaining to trees of a prohibited species that may be removed by the Commissioner.

We would like to put forth a motion to Council stating that Schedule “A” of Part 2.4 of the Boulevard Trees By-Law be amended to include “Black Walnut Trees” or “All Species of Walnut Trees”. This would assist or prevent any other City taxpayers fiom enduring the same fiustrations we have been forced to deal with for almost 5 years.

On October 1 1,2001 I e-mailed Cheryl Miller in regards to her providing us with all pertinent information necessary to apply for delegation status to an E.T.C. meeting. (See e-mail dated October 11,2001) She replied to my request for infomation on the following day. As you can read on her e-mail we will only be allowed 10 minutes to state our case. We have endured almost five years of anger, fi-ustration and humiliation fiom the City. It appears that all of our attempts at reasonable resolution have fallen on deaf ears and all the City can afford is to give us only10 minutes of time.

Is this fair?

It is almost a year later and still this outrageous problem exists. I have contacted several contractors about constructing our sidewalks and driveway. They all have similar concerns. Their concern is the roots of the tree will eventually damage the driveway. They will not guarantee their work under the existing conditions. Almost half of our driveway is on City property. If we go ahead and gamble spending thousands of dollars putting in a hard surface driveway as the London By-law Enforcement office demands and as we would like, we risk damaging or killing the old black walnut tree and/or risk having the driveway heave and become damaged. This would be a tremendous waste of money and create an even more dangerous situation if the hard driveway surface were to heave! Will the City take responsibility and repair our finished driveway when this occurs or will they once again try to dump their responsibilities onto our backs?


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We are not tree huggers nor are we opposed to trees, hence the reason for us originally deciding to raise our children in the Pond Mills area teaching them to respect nature during our walks along the trails that surround the ponds. But along with respect we teach our children to think and act responsibly. They understand that we would be killing a large old tree but also the possibility exists for us to give back to nature by nurturing some new friendlier trees. Although only 11 and 9 years old, our children are well aware of this situation and are extremely upset that they are not allowed to have a driveway to play on because of the lack of understanding and irresponsibility shown by the City. Why are we being subjected to the comedy of errors and negligence on the part of the City? Please help us to correct this!

To borrow a phrase fiom you Anne Marie, our leader and our Mayor, we too would like to “move forward and put this all behind us”! My family and I trust that you can please help resolve this situation and bring some sensibility and order to the unsafe condition that continues to fester. Please help us to renew our faith in the officials, bureaucrats and politicians that will help shape and guide this fine city into the future.

We look forward to hearing from you or meeting with you at your earliest convenience, as we are now approaching the 5 anniversary of putting the completion of our dream on hold!


Joe V. Teodoro

Durvalina Teodoro

Manuel Teodoro

Teodoro Family 1 153 Pondview Road London, Ontario N5Z 4K3

Dina Teodoro Daniel Teodoro

Deonildes Teodoro

Home phone: 680-0764 Work phone: 452-4410 ext. 4179


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' I

-----0rig i nal Message----- From: Joe Teodoro [mailto:[email protected]] Sent: Sunday, March 21, 2004 356 PM To: Rowe, Linda Subject: Fw: 1153 Pondview Road, Black Wallnut Tree

----- Original Message ----- From: Joe Teodoro To: b po I h i I I @lo n d o n . ca Sent: Friday, November 21, 2003 1 :30 AM Subject: Fw: I1 53 Pondview Road, Black Wallnut Tree

Dear Mr. Polhill,

Congratulations on your re-election to board of control!

We trust that you received my original letter and I look forward to hearing from you soon, now that things have settled down a little. The attached letter is just to keep you up to speed with the most recent response and .

my reply to Anne Marie DeCicco.

We hope to speak to you soon.


Joe Teodoro & Family

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-----Original Message----- From : Joe Teodo ro [ ma i I to : j teodo ro@ sy m pa tic0 . ca] Sent: Sunday, March 21, 2004 3:54 PM To: Rowe, Linda Subject: Fw: 1153 Pondview Road, Black Wallnut Tree

----- Original Message ----- From: Joe Teodoro To: DeCicco, Anne Marie Cc: Durvalina M. Teodoro ; [email protected] Sent: Wednesday, November 05,2003 153 PM Subject: I 153 Pondview Road, Black Wallnut Tree

Mayor Anne Marie DeCicco,

Thank you for responding to my wife Durvalina’s letter. We wish we could accept your apology, but unfortunately we can’t! It comes as just another attempt at brushing us off.

If you truly and honestly care about what‘s going on in our neighborhood and in your Ward, than prove it! Do something to resolve this ridiculous situation. Seek, review and investigate the facts. Are the concerns of approximately 50 + people not important to you at this time? Can you afford to ignore or alienate us?

There are many people in our neighborhood that are affected by the inaction and irresponsibility shown by City Hall. I believe you should not only apologize to my family but the rest of the 50 + constituents (Voters) in our neighborhood. Is it because we are not developers or a large corporation that we have been ignored?

Who’s in charge here?

We have gone through 5 1/2 years of total bureaucratic B.S. and now, to top it off, we are ridiculed by an arrogant, ignorant and complacent councilor who makes fun of our situation.

Enough is enough!

This has been one of the main concerns of your tenure as mayor and the downfall of your “team” over the last 3 years. There does not appears to be a captain of the ship at 300 Dufferin Ave. As mayor it is your responsibly to control the bureaucrats and councilors and to reprimand those who step out of line. Or do you find these actions acceptable? Lose lips sink ships and your ship is quickly sinking. London is about more than developers and big business. Take care of, and respect the concerns of the hard working common folk and we will reciprocate. You are in charge! Please have someone investigate and resolve this issue.

We have offered up solutions to resolve this situation only to fall upon uncaring ears. And, when asked “why not”, the best answer given, to date, by the bureaucrats is “the tree was here first”. Well, where would any of us be if that were the letter of the law when dealing with progress and development in this city?

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The thing we can’t understand, and its’ so frustrating, is why such a simple and reasonable request that any one with the smallest amount of reasoning ability could figure out, has been turned into a living nightmare for us. I have explained or shown our dilemma to colleagues at work, friends, family, all of our neighbors, contractors, city employees that work in building, zoning and even the forestry department. Without a word of a lie, every single person has stated that this is simply a “no brainer” and they can’t believe the irresponsibility and inconsideration shown by the bureaucrats at City Hall. In similar words they all said the tree should be cut down and replaced with a species of tree that is acceptable in a residential neighborhood. We agree with this statement whole heartedly!

Real tough decision!

Once again, if you would like to meet with me, and gather up all the facts, then please call. I can appreciate that you are extremely busy at this time but you must agree that the frustrations we have been subjected to should have never been allowed to reach this point. As I stated earlier, ENOUGH IS ENOUGH!


Joe Teodoro & Family

1 153 Pondview Road London, Ontario N5Z 4K3

Home Phone: 680-0764 Work Phone: 452-4430 ext. 4179

----- Original Message ----- From: DeCicco, Anne Marie To: Joe Teodoro Sent: Wednesday, October 29, 2003 1 I : I 5 AM Subject: RE: All Candidates meeting - Tuesday October 21 st.

Dear Durvalina:

Thank you for your email. I have always personally tried to help constituents when and where I could. I regret what occurred to you family by others.


Anne Marie DeCicco Mayor

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-----0rig i nal Message----- From: Joe Teodoro [mailto:[email protected]] Sent: Sunday, March 21, 2004 356 PM To: Rowe, Linda Subject: Fw: Walnut Tree @ I 1 53 Pondview Road


Sent: Thursday, March 18, 2004 8:46 PM Subject: Walnut Tree @ 1 153 Pondview Road

Hi Sandy,

I trust you are doing well and you have settled in to your position as Ward 5 Councillor. It's been a long hard winter and hopefully spring will bring some much-deserved good weather.

The reason for my e-mail is to, once again, try to resolve the nonsense regarding the infamous black walnut tree. We are hoping to resolve this once and for all before the warmer weather gets here and begins to put us through the "stressful" annual cycle of mess, stains, danger and damage to our property. This week we spoke to someone who is employed by the City of London in the forestry department and he stated that they couldn't do anything because "the tree is under observation'' and that a councellor is involved. I'm not quite sure what this is supposed to mean or imply?

Therefore, I would like to take you up on your offer to help us present our case to a delegation. I have been on the City of London Web page and checked the agenda deadlines. There is an agenda deadline on Monday, Mar. 22 for the committees meeting scheduled for the following Monday. Can you please tell me what committee I should be requesting to address? At one time Cheryl Miller told me that I would have to present to the E.T.C., but in your last e-mail dated December 5, 2003 you indicated the C.P.S.C. Can you please clarify which committee I should be requesting? I would like to forward this request on to Linda Rowe before the deadline. Can you also please tell me what and how much information I should be submitting to Linda Rowe? Is there a particular form that has to be filled out or a particular manner in which we have to make a request to be heard?


Joe Teodoro 1153 Pondview Road 680-0764

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- - - - -Original Message----- From: Joe Teodoro [mail to: j teodoro@syat ico.ca] Sent: Sunday, March 21, 2004 3:57 PM To: Rowe, Linda Subject: Fw: Black Walnut Tree

- - - - - Original Message - - - - - From: "DeCicco, Anne Marie" [email protected]> To: <[email protected]> Cc: <[email protected]>; <[email protected]>; <[email protected]> Sent: Monday, July 29, 2002 2:31 PM Subject: RE: Black Walnut Tree

Dear Joe :

As a follow-up to our discussion several weeks ago, I have now met with Bruce McGauley and Councillor Williams and also had a lengthy discussion with Councillor Miller.

We have reviewed the City policy and similar requests and the actions taken in those circumstances. There have not been any cases where we removed a healthy tree at the request of an owner without the owner paying for it. In fact, several recent examples were presented to me.

In light of these circumstances, there is no individual authority that I can take to have an exception to the policy enacted. The previous advice given that you may want to present your case to the Environment and Transportation Committee is the only option left to pursue. You can arrange to do that directly with the City Clerk's office or through your ward Councillors who can assist you on how the request to appear before the committee should take place.

If you need to speak to me further, please don't hesitate to contact my office at 661-4920.


Anne Marie DeCicco Mayor

- _ - _ -Original Message----- From: Joe Teodoroll cj teodoro@sympatico. ca> Sent: Thursday, July 04, 2002 1:49 PM To: DeCicco, Anne Marie Subject: Black Walnut Tree

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Mayor Anne Marie DeCicco,

We are very frustrated members of this community.

Please read the following attached letter.

I will also hand delivering this letter to you today along with accompanying e-mails in hope that you can help us to resolve an unsafe situation that exists in our neighborhood. Please feel free to discuss this situation with all parties concerned. We have tried to reason with the proper authorities and officials for almost 5 years now. We have been given a variety of confusing responses, poor resolutions and neglect to the problem that still exists today. We were hoping that this problem could have been resolved quite easily and sensibly but obviously we are now spinning our wheels and our lives have been put on hold while the City continues to ignore and profit from the mess they have left us with. We were hoping this situation would not get to this point but it now appears that we have no other choice then to ask for your help. You are our last hope!

I understand that you are quite busy these days with more important City issues and that you may find our problem quite trivial, as other City officials have, but trust me when I say this issue is extremely urgent to my family and I and there is nothing more important to me than the safety and sanctity of my home.

Please contact me at your earliest convenience.


Joe V. Teodoro and Family 1153 Pondview Road London, Ontario N5Z 4K3

Home Phone: 680-0764 Work Phone: 452-4430 ext. 4179

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Page 21: From - London, Ontariocouncil.london.ca/meetings/Archives/Agendas/Environment and... · background in construction and employment as an Architectural Technologist was also something

Dear Mr. Teodoro: I have forwarded your correspondence to the Secretary to the Environment and Transportation Committee, Tina Squire. She will be in contact with you to make the appropriate arrangements. Thank you,

Linda Rowe

Manager of Legislative Services The Corporation of the City of London Phone: (51 9)661-5396 Fax: (51 9)661-4892 E-m a i I : I rowe @I o nd o n . ca

-----Original Message----- From: Joe Teodoro [mailto:[email protected]] Sent: Sunday, March 21, 2004 357 PM To: Rowe, Linda Subject: Fw: Black Walnut Tree

----- Original Message ----- From: "DeCicco, Anne Marie" <[email protected]> To: <[email protected]> Cc: <BM cGaule@city. london. on. ca>; <CM iller@city. london .on. ca>; <[email protected]> Sent: Monday, July 29, 2002 2:31 PM Subject: RE: Black Walnut Tree

Dear Joe:

A s a follow-up to our discussion several weeks ago, I have now met with Bruce McGauley and Councillor Williams and also had a lengthy discussion with Councillor Miller.

We have reviewed the City policy and similar requests and the actions taken in those circumstances. There have not been any cases where we removed a healthy tree at the request of an owner without the owner paying for it. In fact, several recent examples were presented to me.

In light of these circumstances, there is no individual authority that I can take to have an exception to the policy enacted. The previous advice given that you may want to present your case to the Environment and Transportation Committee is the only option left to pursue. You can arrange to do that directly with the City Clerk's office or through your ward Councillors who can assist you on how the request to appear before the committee should take place.

If you need to speak to me further, please don't hesitate to contact my office at 661-4920.

Sincerely ,

Anne Marie DeCicco Mayor

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- - - - -Original Message----- From: Joe Teodoro [mailto:[email protected]] Sent: Sunday, March 21, 2004 3:59 PM To: Rowe, Linda Subject: Fw: Black Walnut Tree

- - - - - Original Message - - - - - From: llTeodoro, Jose1! <[email protected]> To: <[email protected]> Sent: Friday, August 23, 2002 4:34 PM Subject: FW: Black Walnut Tree

-----Original Message----- From: DeCicco, Anne Marie [mailto:[email protected]] Sent: Monday, August 19, 2002 9:38 AM To: Teodoro, Jose Subject: RE: Black Walnut Tree

Dear Joe :

I am in receipt of your e-mail. Despite the accusations you have made against me, I can assure you that every effort was made on my part to find the solution you wanted. I don't have authority to direct staff to ignore the policy and I advised you on the best course of action. I take my job seriously and being accused of giving you the runaround it not helpful. I fully appreciate your frustration.

I am still willing to make a stop at your home, but I don't have the authority as an individual to change city policy. Only Council can. Let me know if you want me to drop by.

Please be aware that I am on vacation for a week. My staff can arrange an appropriate day/time in my absence.


Anne Marie DeCicco Mayor

- - - - -Original Message----- From: llTeodoro, Jose'l [email protected]> Sent: Wednesday, August 14, 2002 1:06 PM To: DeCicco, Anne Marie Subject: Black Walnut Tree

Mayor Anne Marie DeCicco,

Page 23: From - London, Ontariocouncil.london.ca/meetings/Archives/Agendas/Environment and... · background in construction and employment as an Architectural Technologist was also something

We returned back from a refreshing holiday with our children this past Weekend feeling rejuvenated and looking forward for some good news from your office.

Unfortunately it appears we are back to square one and once again angry and extremely frustrated.

We are very upset by your effort in lieu' of the facts presented. It appears that the bureaucracy and hoops we have been forced to jump through were not enough and the various issues brought to your attention were totally ignored.

If it is your advice that we drag this issue and the names of those (Officials) involved through the mud then so be it. prepared to do this.

We are well

We are astonished by the simple fact that the right hand does not know what the left hand is doing in the various departments at City Hall. I tried to address this issue to you in my previous letter by illustrating the runaround, comments and ultimate threats directed our way by city officials over the last five years. We thought this would be a good chance for you to intervene and to save face for all the city officials involved.

We doubt there have been '!similar requests1! or l!casesll that have been handled so poorly by people with authority over a period of five years. We were hoping for a simple and logical solution so as to keep the names of those involved in this mess out of the limelight and to correct the anger and frustration that has resulted because authority figures at the municipal level failed to communicate with each other in order to do their job responsibly and correctly.

This is exactly why we should have asked for forgiveness instead of now Asking for permission.

If this is the best advise to be offered at this time than we will not be held responsible for the soiled diapers to the face those involved will adorn. Can city Council and city bureaucrats afford to sustain more bad publicity?

Do we now need to enlighten the new City Manager, George Duncan, about this fiasco?

It has become quite evident that big business and/or developers with big money have more rights and freedoms in this city than do the average ratepayer. Isn't it enough that we most recently gave our pound of flesh so that 400 plus "healthy trees" could be removed for the questionable widening of Commissioners Road or the widening of Adelaide Street Thompson Road? Were they not healthy trees as well? We have offered to plant new trees in place of this one.

We are talking about the only tree that actually sits on Along this section of Pondview Road.


north of

pay for and

road allowance

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‘ I

Is anyone really listening? People, give your head a shake!

Nobody wants to explain or address the $7500.00 lot levy we were stiffed for before we were given our building permit to build on an infill lot and we pay close to $5000.00 a year in property taxes.

How far forward must we bend over before the screwing stops!

This is not an issue of removing a healthy tree. There is no argument to whether or not the tree is healthy. The issue at hand here is the removal of a mutually agreed upon messy, destructive and dangerous tree that according to London forestry officials, ‘lwould never be permitted to be planted in parks or along city boulevardsf1.

I challenge you to try to find a black walnut tree at any tree nursery or attempt to get proper permission to plant one on your front boulevard. It won’t happen!

Fact: There was a sister tree, same size and species, to the one in Question cut down approximately 10 years ago. It was a healthy black walnut tree removed at the request of a home owner directly to the south of our property at no cost to the owner. This was a similar situation.

Precedence has been set!

We would like to give you a final opportunity to investigate, rethink and discuss this issue in the hope that a logical solution can still be resolved that will prevent us from having to take further action that could make for more unwanted embarrassing or bad publicity.

Once again, please contact me at your earliest convenience or better yet we would like to invite you to drop buy our house so that you can fully appreciate the true value of what we are up against.


Joe V. Teodoro and Family 1153 Pondview Road London, Ontario N5Z 4K3

Home Phone: 680-0764 Work Phone: 452-4430 ext. 4179

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Woolsey, Heather

Page 1 of 1

From: Rowe, Linda


To : Squire, Tina

Cc: Woolsey, Heather

Subject: FW: Black Walnut Tree, 11 53 Pond View Road

Monday, March 22, 2004 9:29 AM

Manager of Legislative Services The Corporation of the City of London Phone: (51 9)661-5396 Fax: (5 1 9)661-4892 E-mail: [email protected]

-----Original Message----- From: Joe Teodoro [mailto:[email protected]] Sent: Sunday, March 21, 2004 5:18 PM To: Rowe, Linda Cc: Sandy White; White, Sandy Subject: Black Walnut Tree, 1153 Pond View Road

Dear Linda Rowe,

Please print the attached "pdf' files and the previously sent e-mail messages and pass them on to the Chair & Members of the E.T.C.


Joe V. Teodoro & Family

1153 Pond View Road London, Ontario, Canada N5Z 4K3

Home phone: 680-0764 Work: 452-4430 ext.4179


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Teodoro. Jose

From: Sent: To: Subject:

Cheryl Mi t ler [cmi Iler@city .Iondon. on. ca] Friday, October 12, 2001 10:42 AM Teodoro, Jose Re: 1153 Pond View Road s

Send a l e t t e r o u t l i n i n g your case, and ask f o r de lega t ion s t a t u s t o t h e ETC. The l e t te r can be dropped o f f a t c i t y h a l l and addressed t o Nancie I r v i n g S e c r e t a r y t o t h e ETC committee. and d i r e c t .

You w i l l probably be allowed 1 0 minutes so you need t o make your p o i n t concise


>>> "Teodoro, Jose" <[email protected]> l O / l l / O l 02:22PM >>> Dear Cheryl:

I n l i g h t of r e c e n t events t h a t have occurred and a r e occurr ing around t h e world and e s p e c i a l l y a t home i n our own c i t y and neighborhoods it i s very important t h a t I do whatever I can t o p r o t e c t my proper ty and e s p e c i a l l y my wife and ch i ldren .

Our c h i l d r e n should n o t have t o p l a y on the road o r o t h e r driveways of neighboring p r o p e r t i e s where we cannot keep a watchful eye and were they may n o t be welcome.

W e w i l l make every endeavor t o make our proper ty s a f e for those who v i s i t us and f o r my c h i l d r e n and t h e i r f r i ends t o play.

Therefore, w e a r e pursuing our opt ion t o make a formal p r e s e n t a t i o n t o t h e Environmental & Transpor ta t ion Committee regarding t h e black walnut tree t h a t borders our proper ty .

Can you p l e a s e provide t h e fol lowing information.

1. A r e w e r e q u i r e d t o make a formal reques t and how do we go about

2. How do we go about being put on t h e agenda? 3 . How much t i m e will w e be permi t ted t o s t a t e our case and what i s t h e process? 4 . Can you please forward any information t h a t may be helpful so t h a t w e m a y prepare our case and also t h e schedule for upcoming meetings.

doing t h i s ? I I

Thank you,

Joe V. Teodoro 1153 Pond V i e w Road London, Ontar io N 5 Z 4K3



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Teodoro. Jose

From: Sent: To: Subject:

Bruce Mcgauley [[email protected]] Wednesday, July 26,2000 2:35 PM JTeodoro@fans hawec.on. ca Re: 11 53 Pond View Road

Sorry Joe. I t h i n k you missed my p o i n t t h a t we do not g ive permission t o p r i v a t e firms t o remove i n d i v i d u a l trees unless they are under cont rac t with t h e City. Remember I said that t h e tree i s on C i t y proper ty so only t h e c i t y can cu t it down. Homeowners are charged under t h e by-law i f they hire p r i v a t e contractors to remove Ci ty trees. The only way I can agree t o the removal is f o r you to pay t h e user fee of $1500 after which the City will decide e i t h e r t o use our own workforce o r h i r e our cont rac tors with appropriate insurance.

B.H.McGauley,Urban Fores te r A.J.Tyler Operations Cent re 663 Bathurst Street London Ontario N5Z IF8 519-661-4977 fax 519-661-2352

>>> "Teodoro, Jose" <[email protected]> 07/26/00 12:28PM >>> Dear Bruce:

Now t h a t you have given us permission to have t h e large black walnut tree, loca ted on city proper ty nor theas t of the corner of our property, cu t down. Can you please prepare a letter s t a t i n g t h a t t h i s approval has been given and what t h e requirements are i f we chose t o have a professional txee c u t t e r , i n p r i v a t e business, cu t it down f o r us. P may have professional tree c u t t e r i n t e r e s t e d i n c u t t i n g t h i s tree down f o r us but of course they require a document from the Environmental Services Department r e l e a s i n g the tree.


Joe V.Tcodoro 1153 Pond View Road London, Ontario N 5 Z 4K3


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' I

N5Z 4K3

----- Original Message----- From: Bruce Mcgauley [mailto:[email protected]] Sent: Monday, September 10 , 2001 8:54 AM To: Teodoro, Jose Cc: Andy Beaton; Cheryl Miller Subject: 1153 Pond View Road


I have heard from my s t a f f that you a r e again pursuing t he opportunity t o have t h e walnut tree on c i t y property i n f ron t of your house removed.

I had t h e c i t y survey c r e w mark out the c i t y property l i n e last Friday and they have advised t h a t t h e tree i s on our property. Stakes mark the location.

As f a r as removal is concerned, nothing has changed. I F we agree t o t h e removal, it w i l l cos t you $1500.00 and must be e n t i r e l y handled and arranged by the c i t y - s ince it is on our property. This i s the same status as we discussed in July 2000 and as outlined in the c i t y bylaw.

Please contact me i f / when you are ready to proceed.

B.H.McGauley,Urban Forester A.J.Tyler Operations Centre 663 Bathurst Street London Ontario N5Z 1P8 519-661-4977 fax 519-661-2352

2 I

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' I

Teodoro, Jose

To: cc: Subject:

6wce Mcgauley Andy Beaton; Cheryl Miller RE: 11 53 Pond View Road 7. 10

Bruce :

Yes, we are still very much interested in having the tree removed.

In your e-mail dated July 26,2000 you agreed to Kernoval of the tree as long as we paid a u s e r fee of $1500.

A t that t i m e it was also confirmed by you and I that the tree was, without question, (and still is) on c i t y property.

The ownership of t h i s tree has never been i n question or an issue and I fail to understand why t i m e and taxpayers money was spent to sendaut a survey crew t o duplicate information that we are a11 quite aware of and is so blatantly obvious!? t h i s f o r the last 4 yearsl

Furthermore, on August 27 , 2001 my w i f e placed a call to your office and left a Simple *

message requesting the documented history of t h i s tree.

We have a l l been aware of

J '

N o one returned the call.

On August 29, 2001 my wife again placed a call to your office and this time made the same request f o r information on the history of the tree, direct ly to Sharon. Sharon told my w i f e t h a t , "Andy Beaton and Bruce Mcgauley would be out Friday 31, 2001 to look a t the tree and that a decision would be made after that visit". N o one showed up.

On Tuesday September 2, 2001 my w i f e place a third call and told Sharon, "no one showed up to look at the tree", and for t h e t h i r d t i m e requested the documented history of t h i s tree. Sharon took her name and phone number and said, "Andy or Bruce will cal l you back". No one called back.

On September 7 , 2001 my w i f e placed a fourth call and far the fourth time requested the documented history of this tree. Sharon said t he surveyors w e r e coming out and that we would not hear from anyone unti l the survey was completed.

Know I receive your e-mail stating facts that we already know about but still no s ign of the information that my wife and I original ly requested.,.FOUR TIMES.

I appears that we are spinning our wheels!

For the f i f t h time we are requesting the documented history of t h i s tree.

We w i l l be pursing this issue with the Environmental & Transportation Co-ttee and we understand it is well within our legal rights as tax payers af the City o€ London to ask f o r and receive the documented history of this tree. ili

Please contact me or my w i f e if you have any questions. W e t r u s t the requested information w i l l be made available to us as soon as possible.

Joe Teodoro 452-4430 ext . 4179 Durvalina Teodoro 679-1775 ext . 263 Home: 680-0764

1153 Pond View Road London



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