frnt-Jan 15-28.doc

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  • 7/25/2019 frnt-Jan 15-28.doc


    ColumnF E B R U A R Y 1 1 , 2 0 11

    Growing concernsWill India kee on !ecoming more roserous or will i" go o#$"rack and end u ina wel"er o% scandals&


    (E s"ar" o% a new )ear isagood "ime "o s*ed oursu!$+ec"ie a""i"udes and

    !iasesand assess ourseles asaeole, i% onl) "o ge" amea$

    "*ere are enoug* eole w*o*aemone) "o ines" in land-

    '*ere are o"*er signs as well o%"*a"

    economic ac"ii"), including in .el*i"*e me"ro ne"work and "*e s"a"e$o%$

    sure o% w*a" we are, w*ere we areandw*ere we seem "o !e going-

    "*e$ar" airor" "erminal, w*ic*isamong "*e /e larges" in Asia-Indiansare rominen" among scien"is"sandresearc*ers in di#eren" /elds all oer"*e world an Indian sacecra%" or!i"$ed "*e moon and Indias sacero$gramme regularl) u"s sa"elli"esin"oor!i"- A gian" emlo)men" guaran"eero+ec" *as !roug*" some securi") "oman) w*ile crea"ing in%ras"ruc"uralasse"s-

    Bu" oer") con"inues "o !e a ma$+or ro!lem as are lack o% anadeua"esul) o% drinking wa"er, ane#ec"ie*eal"* care s)s"em andemlo)men"-Ineuali") is as muc* a ar" o% Indias

    Bese" as we are !) s*ockinge3am$

    les o% corru"ion, o% u!licmone)*aing !een was"ed, o% iolence, o%*a$"red %uelling murder lo"s and o%man)suc* !leak een"s, s"eing !ackin"ime ma) seem "o some like a s"ein"oa mine/eld, !u" i" needs "o !e done-

    As someone w*o *as lied in "*ecoun"r) %or oer seen decades and*as*ad "*e riilege o% sering i" %ormore"*an "*ree o% "*ose decades, I ma)!ewell laced "o do i" o#ering aclearersec"ie, muc* like ad+us"ing

    "*e%ocal leng"* o% "*e lens o% a camera%orma3imum clari") "o "ake a long s*o"-

    4oin" o% 5iew

    B(A67AR G(86E!reed wi"* local cows "o roducea!reed "*a" would surie in Indias ro/le now as i" was 90 )ears ago

    een'*e ersec"ie "akes in India *ars* wea"*er condi"ions and )e" in$"*oug* i"s na"ure *as c*anged- '*ese

    m "*e "ime i" !ecame an indeend$ crease "*e )ield o% milk- India mean" issues are !eing addressedoug*

    en" coun"r)- '*is was a "ime w*en "*e imoeris*men"- India mean"*ungerre%rain in mos" goernmen" dear"$ "*e *rase :Indias s"aringmillions;men"s was "*a" :owing "o s*or"age o% was rou"inel) used innewsaers,

    %unds; some"*ing or "*e o"*er could +ournals and !ooks- Indias %oreigne3$no" !e done- 6ome"imes w*a" was c*ange reseres were a" w*a"nowdone was i"i%ul< a small, s*a!!) s"ruc$ seem as comical leels-

    one ma) ues"ion "*e manner inw*ic*some asec"s o% "*is is *$*ones") is !eing e3osed in almos"e$

    er) %ace" o% economic ac"ii")-All "*is no"wi"*s"anding, Indias

    grow"* ra"e con"inues "o remain con$

    mean" "o !e a rimar) *eal"* cen$'oda), India e3or"s %oodgrains- sidera!l) *ig*er "*an "*e :(indu;

    wa"er seeing "*oug* i"s walls, '*e e3onen"ial grow"* ra"e o% i"s o$ grow"* ra"e o% some decades ago-serices working in"ermi""en"l) or no"a" all-

    I" was a "ime w*en .ouglas Ensm$inger o% "*e Ford Founda"ion wro"e a

    ula"ion *as slowed and !eenoer"aken!) "*e ra"e o% grow"* o%%oodgrainsroduc"ion- India also e3or"sege"a$

    dias roserous middle class is o%"*eorder o% some =00 million eole,re$resen"ing a *uge marke" %orconsumer

    !les, >owers, %ro?en sea%ood and muc* goods and %or *ousing, "ransor"andinal aer on Indias %ood crisis in more- Indias in%ras"ruc"ure *as

    grown wide, me"alled *ig*wa)s con$ inger reor" look ra"*er comical in re"$o% monumen"al roor"ions and nec" me"rooli"an areas and or"s, and rosec" and re>ec"s "*e %ac" "*a", all

    roads reac* "*e in"erior areas o% "*e corru"ion and ine%/cienc) no"wi"*$n"ries could s"ae i" o#- I" was a coun"r)-

    s"anding, "*e coun"r) did moe %or$

    o"*er serices- '*is makes "*e Ensm$w*ic* *e said India was %acing a %am$

    no" all "*e resources o% "*edeeloed"ime w*en a @inis"er o% "*e Union

    goernmen" wen" "o 4alam airor" "o

    and rices are rising eer)w*ere, ward owing "o "*e e#or"s o% a

    largea clear indica"ion "*a" economic ac"i$ num!er o% unknown eole in"*e

    receie a :*is"oric; gi%" %rom "*e Uni"ed i") associa"ed wi"* land *as ei"*er!een6"a"es 0 *ei%ers mean" "o cross$ lanned or *as s"ar"ed and also"*a"

    u!lic and ria"e domains-Do"*ing illus"ra"es "*is more "*an

    F R 8 D ' I D E

  • 7/25/2019 frnt-Jan 15-28.doc


    Column F E B R U A R Y 1 1 , 2 0 11

    8UDG GIR s*owing *er !alancing skills "o make a liing, on a seerel) cold da) in 4a"na- Ineuali") ismuc* a" o% Indias ro/le now as i" was 90 )ears ago-

    "*e ir"ual rocession o%residen"sand rime minis"ers w*o *aecomecalling oer "*e as" "wo mon"*s-'*e

    on !oard- W*ic* leads "o "*eues"ion w*ere does India go %rom *ere& Will

    i" *as !ecause o% "*e sense o% reson$si!ili") s*own !) "*e goernmen" and

    i" kee growing and !ecoming more !) ria"e en"rereneurs- Will"*a"me @inis"er o% "*e Uni"ed 7ing$ roserous or will i" go o#$"rack and con"inue or will "*e "em"a"ions roe

    dom was "*e /rs", %ollowed !) "*e 4res$ end u in a wel"er o% scandals, wi"*aiden" o% "*e U-6-, "*e 4residen" o% mismanaged econom) and/nancial

    "o !e "oo grea"&'o ci"e an e3amle, "*e 2G sec$

    "rum scam seems "o *ae !een"oomuc* o% a "em"a"ion %or some!e$cause "*e amoun"s wi"*in reac* were

    France, "*e 4rime @inis"er o%C*inaand "*e 4residen" o% Russia-'*e)came "o e3ress "*eir goodwill"owardsIndia, na"urall), !u" "*e economic di$mension o% "*ese isi"s was more"*anaaren"-

    crises leading "o moreunemlo)men",in>a"ion, oer") and unres"&@uc* will deend on no" +us" "*e

    goernmen" !u" on ria"e en"errise mind$!oggling- 6imilar"em"a"ionsin indus"r) and in "*e rural areas- I" isno" +us" a ues"ion o% energ) and mon$ "r) con"inues "o grow- I" ma) !e"oo

    ma) well o#er "*emseles as "*ecoun$

    All o% "*em em*asised "*e %ac" e) o% w*ic*, %or"una"el), "*ere is a muc* "o e3ec" "*a" eer)onenoled"*a" India was an :emerging

    economicsuerower;- '*e ke) word is,

    o%course, :emerging;- I" *as no")e"

    good deal rig*" now !u" o% a s*aredsense o% social resonsi!ili")-

    Can "*ere !e a general awareness

    in "*e rocess o% Indias grow"*will!ecome a sain" oernig*" and

    acuire as*ining *alo, !u" "ime *as s*own "*a"

    erged as one, and "*e rocess ma) o% "*e need "o ac" resonsi!l) and wi"* "*e odds are wi"* "*e nameless,$ !e a %airl) long one- Bu" "*e) mean

    "*esigns are "*ere, and "*e) wan"ed "oge"

    some sense o% e"*ics ra"*er "*ane"")sel%$in"eres"& India *as come as %aras

    less Indians w*o ac"uall) "ake"*ecoun"r) %orward-

    = F R 8 D ' I DE

  • 7/25/2019 frnt-Jan 15-28.doc


    Column F E B R U A R Y 1 1 , 2 0 11

    A nuclear Enron&'*e goernmen" is imosing uon ai"aur grossl) inaroria"e andsuer$e3ensie nuclear reac"ors "*a" are !ased on an un"es"ed design-

    '(E goernmen" *as em$!arked on an ugl),o"en"ial$

    iolen", con%ron"a"ion

    *as, including e3osure o% *undredso% eole "o radia"ion doses !e)ond"*eo%/ciall) s"iula"ed limi"s-

    l)wi"* "*e eole o% Ra"nagiridis"ric" on@a*aras*"ras

    ocal doc"ors can "ell one a "*ingor

    "wo a!ou" "*e recen" "ri"ium leak

    a"7aiga, "*e *eal"* e#ec"s o%uraniummining a" aduguda, "*e dangerso%e3cessie e3osure "o diagnos"icH$ra)s, .el*is co!al"$90 eisode,and"*e oor s"a"e o% nuclear sa%e") regu$la"ion in India- Eer)!od) knowsw*a"

    *aened a" C*erno!)l-'*e local eole also know o% "*esad e3erience wi"*re*a!ili"a"ion%aced !) "*e reea"edl) uroo"edo$ula"ion o% 'araur, "*e si"e o% Indias/rs" nuclear reac"ors, %or w*ic*landwas acuired in "*e earl)mid$1J90s-'araur is no" %ar %rom ai"aur, and"*ere *as !een e3c*ange o% in%orma$"ion !e"ween "*e eole- 'arauronce*ad >ouris*ing /s*eries- Dow,"*eseare crisis$ridden !ecause o% a dro in"*e ca"c* around "*e lan"s *o"$wa"er

    7onkan coas" !) "r)ing "o

    railroad"*roug* "*e worlds larges"nuclearower ro+ec"- '*e u!lic ooses"*ero+ec", w*ic* is un+us"i/a!le on eco$nomic, energ)$lanning and ecologi$cal grounds-

    '*e roosed nuclear :ark;a"

    ai"aur, wi"* si3 reac"ors, eac*o%

    1,90 megawa""s, made !) "*eFrenc*coman) Area, will dislace"*ou$sands o% eole, a#ec" "*riingagricul$"ure, %rui" cul"ia"ion and/s*ingac"ii"ies, and ermanen"l) *arm "*eregions ulnera!le ecos)s"em-Ra"na$giri is *ome "o "*e worlds !es"$knownmango, "*e delica"e and rare Al*on$so, and "o cas*ew, +ack%rui", coconu",arecanu" and kokum- I" lies in "*e 6a$*)adri moun"ains, one o% Indias!iodi$

    Be)ond "*e8!ious4RAFU BI.WAI

    legi"imac) %or ai"aur, and ro+ec"amore reasona!le %ace o%o%/cialdom

    i") *o" so"s, wi"* s"unning lus* "*an "*e reressie one "*a" "*e eole ou">ow c*annel in"o "*e sea-ee na"ural !eau") and s"uendous lan" *ae seen so %ar, is cer"ain "o %ail-

    I% "*e goernmen" does no" *eed'*e 6a*)adris are one o% Indias eoles sa%e") andenironmen"al

    /s*ing *ar!ours *ae anis*edal"o$ge"*er as *ae *undreds o%lieli*oods-

    8nce roserous %armers and /s*$

    and animal gene"icresources-

    a" wa"er "owers, "*e source o% "*e concerns and "ries "o ram "*roug* "*e er%olk around 'araur *aeome*na and "*e Godaari and o% ro+ec" wi"* iolence, "*a" will !e a casual menial la!ourers o%"ened

    s"reams i"al "o li%e in "*esurroundingalle)s- '*e la"eaus around ai"aur

    mocker) o% "*e norms o% consul"a"ion,oular ar"icia"ion and accoun"$

    are e3"remel) !iodiersi")$ric*- Ac$ a!ili") "*a" are cen"ral "o democrac)-

    wi"* *a?ardous +o!s, suc* asremoingleaked radioac"ie wa"er %rom reac"or!uildings- '*e lan" au"*ori"ies claimcording "o "*e Bo"anical 6ure) o% In$As I %ound during m) isi", "*e o$ "o moni"or "*e local eoles *eal"* !u"

    "*e) are, %or "*eir si?e, Indias ular concerns in "*is *ig*l) li"era"e re$ re%use "o gie "*em "*eirdicales" reosi"or) o% endemic lan" gion are !ased on %amiliari") wi"* "*e

    records-secies- I" would !e criminal "odes"ro)"*ese in "*e name o% :deelomen";-

    As I wri"e "*is a%"er a /eld isi" "o"*e area, "*e @a*aras*"ragoernmen"is a!ou" "o *old a u!lic *earing on


    nuclear %ac"s o% li%e- '*e eole o% il$lages suc* as @i"*gaane, @ad!an,Dieli and Da"e know "*a" ionising ower- '*ose w*ose lands wereac$radia"ion is *arm%ul in all doses "*a" i" uired %or "*e J$*ec"are si"e knowis lia!le "o cause cancer and gene"ic "*eir lieli*oods s"andimerilled

    Do!od) I me" suor"s "*e ai"a$ur :ark; or is sanguine a!ou"nuclear

    ec", no" in ai"aurRa"nagiri !u" disorders "*a" nuclear lan"s rou"ine$ no"*ing can *eal "*e damage i%

    @um!ai- '*e local eoles orga$ l) emi" radionuclides een w*ile no"

    local ecos)s"em is des"ro)ed, w*ic*

    "*enisa"ions will !o)co"" i"- C*ie%@inis"er4ri"*ira+ C*aans a""em" "o use"*e

    undergoing a ca"as"ro*ic acciden" ro+ec" will assuredl) do- '*eoer$and "*a" man) Indian nuclear

    ins"alla$w*elming ma+ori") o% "*e nearl)2,=00ic *earing "o win a sem!lance o% "ions *ae *ad sa%e") %ailures and mis$ %amilies w*o los" "*eir land *ae

    J 0 F R 8 D ' I D E

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    F E B R U A R Y 1 1 , 2 0 11

    %used "o "ake comensa"ion :ackag$es;- ess "*an /e er cen" *aeacce"$ed comensa"ion mos"l)

    a!sen"eelandowners, sa) "*e local eole-

    '*e "erm :ackage; eokesdisdain

    and anger %rom %armers and *or"icul$"uralis"s, w*o u" aneconomicall)unmmeasura!le alue on "*eirland-Fis*ermen o% "*e illage o% Da"e,agood roor"ion o% "*em @ara"*i$seaking @uslims, w*enromised

    :gain%ul emlo)men"; in re"urn%ordislacemen", re"or"< :Will "*egoern$men" gie us ano"*er Ara!ian6ea&;'*is comes %rom a long "radi"iono%sea%aring and a cer"ain con/dence in"*e illages /s*ing econom),w*ic*sus"ains 00 !oa"s, a *andsome

    ca"c*,and a dail) wage o% Rs-00$=00,surel)remarka!le in India-

    Een "*e regions middle$class

    eli"e, including law)ers, "eac*ers ando"*er ro%essionals, are deadoosed"o "*e nuclear lan"- 6ome are !i""era!ou" "*eir recen" e3erience wi"*ri$

    a"e mining, indus"r) and ower ro$+ec"s- Dearl) all o% "*em regre"*aing

    A FER8CI8U6 6'A'E resonse "o a ro"es" agains" "*e ai"aurnuclearlan" in @a*aras*"ras Ra"nagiri dis"ric", on .ecem!er =,

    2010-commi""ee-d%K< :'*e curren" energ) dra%"ed, and almos" %our )ears!e%orereuiremen"s o% "*ese dis"ric"s are 10

    "*e enironmen"al imac"assessmen"

    LEIAK reor" was wri""en-

    sold "*eir land onl) "o see i" !eing de$ @W, w*ile "*e curren" roduc"ion is

    as"a"ed !) mining oer!urden andas$sor"ed "o3ins-

    =,= @WM- 6o "*ese dis"ric"s aremore "*an mee"ing "*eir own reuire$men"s and con"ri!u"ing "o "*e na"ionalool-

    :I% @um!ai *as *uge reuire$men"s, one ma) reasona!l) roose"*a" a gian" coal$!ased ower lan" !eloca"ed on @ala!ar (ill, w*ic* o#ers a

    "rans%er ola"ile *os*orus, a de%ec$ "oogra*ical si"ua"ion iden"ical"o

    "*e curren" si"e-M 6uc* loca"ion willwi"*ou" adeua"e caaci"), and "*e *ae "*e %ur"*er *uge adan"age"*a"

    "*e ower will no" *ae "o !e "ransmi"$"ed oer *uge dis"ances, grea"l) reduc$ing "ransmission losses, and "*e *ugelosses o% *or"icul"ural roduc"ion un$

    '*e u!lic *earing in @a)2010was *eld in "*e resence o% a*ugeolice %orce- '*e EIA was "o *aecomeu %or discussion a%"er coies o%"*ereor" in @ara"*i *ad !een circula"eda" leas" a mon"* in adance in all "*esi3 a#ec"ed illages, as is "*e norm-Bu"onl) one illage go" a co) %ourda)searlier- @eanw*ile, all "*e local gramsa!*as and anc*a)a"s assedunani$mous resolu"ions oosing "*ero+ec"-'*ese were ignored- 6o muc* %or "*emuc*$"ou"ed o%/cial commi"men""oanc*a)a"i ra+ and local democrac)-

    ai"aur receied a :condi"ional;

    8ne o% Indias larges"concen"ra$

    "ions o% es"icides %ac"ories is close!),a" o"e 4ars*uram- W*en I isi"edo"e 1 )ears ago, I was *orri/ed a""*ela!our and c*emical$disosal rac"ic$es, including "*e use o% !are *ands "o"ie common e%>uen" "rea"men" lan"

    duming o% "o3ic was"es in"onear!)s"reams and onds-

    ai"aur will come on "o o% more"*an 1 ower, c*emical and miningec"s in Ra"nagiri and ad+oining der ower lines in Ra"nagiri$6ind*u$ enironmen"al clearance onl) on Do$6ind*udurg, w*ic* *ae in>ic"ed irre$ersi!le damage uon "*eeniron$men"- '*is *as !eendocumen"ed,among o"*ers, !) "*e eminen"ecol$ogis" @ad*a Gadgil, c*airman o% "*e

    durg dis"ric"s; Lalso see moe%- nic -in

    em!er 29, 2010, less "*an 10da)s!e%ore Frenc* 4residen" Dicolas 6ar$ko?)s isi" "o India- W*a" acoinci$denceN

    downloads u!lic$in%orma"ion@om$O$Wes"ernPg*a"s-d%K-

    '*is argumen" alies a %or"iori "o"*e ai"aur nuclear ro+ec"- '*e ro$ Bu" as Union @inis"er %or Eni$

    "ern G*a"s Ecolog) E3er" 4anel %ound irra"ionali") o% loca"ing "*e ar$ ronmen" and Fores"s airam Rames*oin"ed !) "*e Union @inis"r) o% gua!l) more *a?ardous nuclear arkronmen" and Fores"s L@oEFK- "*ere is %ur"*er underscored !) "*e i"i, "*ere were :weig*") s"ra"egic

    con%essed "o "*e 7onkan Bac*ao6am$

    Wri"es Gadgil in a recen" reor" Lam$


    @a*aras*"ra goernmen"s ?eal in

    ac$uiring land in 2009$0O )ears!e%ore

    economic reasons; %or clearing i" in

    undue *as"e- Bu" ci"ing :s"ra"egic; anda roer agreemen" wi"* France was :economic; considera"ions oereco$signed and a de"ailed ro+ec" reor" logical ones is incoma"i!le wi"* "*e

    F R 8 D ' I D E J1

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  • 7/25/2019 frnt-Jan 15-28.doc


    Column FEBRUARY 11, 2011

    Fs manda"e- '*e EIA reared and uncer"i/ed !) an) nuclear regu$ s"rumen"a"ion and con"rolems-"*e Da"ional Enironmen" Engi$ la"or) agenc)- I" uses er cen" en$

    '*e 8lkiluo"o /asco *as "angledAreaneering Researc* Ins"i"u"e LDEERIK is

    deel) >awed- I" ignores "*e local

    eco$s)s"ems uniue seci/ci"ies andcarr)$

    ric*ed uranium as %uel ins"ead o% "*e and "*e Finnis* oera"or in !i""er li"i$normal $- er cen" Lor o"ionall),

    mi3ed o3ides o% uranium and lu"oni$

    ga"ion and led "o a walkou" o% "*e

    Ger$man engineering coman)6iemens

    ing caaci"), "*e i"al issue o%um, neer "ried in a large$si?ed com$ %rom "*e cons"ruc"ionconsor"ium-!iodiersi"), and "*e cumula"ie eni$

    ronmen"al imac"- DEERI sel%$con$%essedl) lacks "*e come"ence "oassessradiological *a?ards and "*eir imac"-

    I" does no" een men"ion "*e cru$cial issue o% s"orage and disosalo%radioac"ie was"e, w*ic* remains *a?$

    mercial reac"orK-'*is will almos" dou!le "*e E4Rs

    !urn$u ra"e, according "o%ormer

    '*e Uni"ed Ara! Emira"es *as +us"droed Areas E4Rs %or 6ou"* 7o$rean reac"ors- Area now needs a ca$

    AERB C*airman A- Goalakris*nan, i"al in%usion o% "wo !illion euros "o s"a)in !usiness-leading "o :muc* *ig*er "o3ici") o% "*e

    radioac"ie was"e, wi"* "*e roduc"iono% a larger Qimmedia"e release %rac"ion

    ardous %or cen"uries- Dor does i" ad$ o% radioiso"oes-M E4R was"ewill

    *ae a!ou" %our "imes as muc* radio$

    I% 8lkiluo"o is a!andoned, as ma)well *aen, "*a" could mean "*e endo% nuclear ower e3ansion in Euroe,w*ere a!ou" one$*al% o% "*e e3is"ing

    ac"ie !romine, iodine, caesium, e"c-, reac"ors are due "o re"ire in 10 "o 1


    dress "*e ro+ec"s nuclear$seci/c

    sa%e") issues- L'*is Column *asreea"$edl) *ig*lig*"ed "*em, including nu$clear reac"ors uniue o"en"ial%orca"as"ro*ic core mel"downs-K

    comared "o ordinar) 4WRsM-;:Conseuen"l),; sa)s Goalakris*$nan, :radia"ion doses "o "*e workersand general u!lic could also !e corre$sondingl) *ig*, in case o% radiological

    w*ic* is Celsius *ig*er "*an "*e sea releases- '*ese ro!lems willersis"

    during sen"$%uel "rans%er, s"orage, re$

    I" is "*is design "*a" India *ascon$"rac"ed "o !u) %or ai"aur- I"s uo"ed

    cai"al cos"s are muc* *ig*erLRs-21crore@W in Finland, Rs-2O crore in"*e U-6-6ou"* A%rica, and Rs-J crorein CanadaK "*an "*ose o% Indian CAD$

    '*e EIA also cer"i/es "*a" "*e"em$

    era"ure o% "*e lan"sdisc*arge,"emera"ure, is sa%e- '*e claim*asn conincingl) demolis*ed !) "*e rocessing and was"e disosal- Fur$ .U reac"ors LRs-J croreK- '*iswell$resec"ed Bom!a) Da"ural (is$"or) 6ocie") LBD(6K, w*ic* argues"*a" een a 0-C rise wouldseriousl)*arm marine li%e, including /s*, man$groes and micro$organisms- '*is /"s"*e a""ern o% mos" EIAs conduc"edin"*e Wes"ern G*a"s, w*ic*, Gadgilsa)s,are >awed :almos" wi"*ou"e3ce"ion;-

    "*ermore, i" is reor"ed "*a" "*e*ig*er!urn$u in E4R will resul" in "*inningo% "*e %uel cladding, making i" rone"oearl) %ailure and /ssionroduc"release-;

    4ar" o% "*e E4Rs ro!lemarises

    %rom i"s :comle3i");, no"a!l) i"sow$er leel, con"ainmen", "*e core, core$

    mean uni" genera"ion cos"s o% "*e or$der o% Rs- "o Rs--0 a surerecie%or disas"er in Indias elec"rici")sec"or,ro!a!l) worse "*an Enron, w*ic*wasalso loca"ed in Ra"nagiri- ai"aurcould !ecome "*e nuclear Enron-

    Ye", "*e goernmen" is!lindl)

    us*ing ai"aur "*roug* !) crus*ingairam Rames*s :condi"ional;ca"c*er and s)s"em redundanc), ac$ oular oosi"ion- I" arres"ed1,00clearance "oo was >awed- Sui"e sim$ cording "o Francois Roussel), %ormer

    l), i" coner"ed o!+ec"ions raised !) C*airman o% Elec"rici"T deFrance,

    eole on .ecem!er =, in addi"ion "oseeral *undreds oer %our )ears- I"*as/led %alse c*arges, including a""em"

    enironmen"alis"s and a#ec"edeo$

    w*o was asked !) "*e Frenc* goern$w*ic* cons"i"u"e weig*") grounds men" "o ealua"e i"s s"a"us- Roussel) "o murder issued e3"ernmen"ces %or re+ec"ing "*e ro+ec", in"o :condi$

    "ions;- @os" o% "*ese are ague anddono" address "*e >aws and

    de/cienciesin "*e Area reac"or design-

    argues "*e design mus" !e :%ur"*ero$"imised;- '*is will %ur"*er raise cos"s-

    '*e E4R *as run in"o serious di%/$

    agains" eace%ul ro"es"ers andre$en"ed eminen" ci"i?ens,including

    A-B- Bard*an, "*e %ormer 6ureme

    cul"ies in "*e worlds /rs" :marke"$ Cour" +udge 4-B- 6awan", and "*e

    %or$Do o%/cial agenc) in India, includ$!ased; nuclear ro+ec", a" 8lkiluo"o ining "*e A"omic Energ) Regula"or) Finland, "*e /rs" nuclear reac"or "o!eBoard LAERBK, *as "*e come"ence "o erec"ed in Wes"ern Euroe a%"er"*e

    C*erno!)l disas"er L1J9K- '*e reor"$ed >aws include oor %a!rica"ion o% "*e

    mer Da) c*ie% - Ramdas, %rom is$i"ing "*e area-

    I" een de"ained "*e %ormer Bom$!a) (ig* Cour" +udge B-G- 7olse 4a"il%or /e da)s and %ailed "o roduce*im

    eole and s"iula"e genericsa%e")s"andards %or nuclear reac"ors-India

    or"ed designs %rom "*e Uni"ed ressuriser and reac"or essel, cracks !e%ore a magis"ra"e wi"*in "*en$ 6"a"es and Canada and relica"ed in !ase concre"e, and de%ec"ie

    weldsda"ed 2= *ours- Gadgil documen"s"*e"*em wi"* minor modi/ca"ions-

    Dor*as "*e @oEF a remo"el) relia!le wa)o% moni"oring comliance wi"* clear$ance condi"ions-

    in con"ainmen" s*ells- imosi"ion o% ro*i!i"or) orders under8lkiluo"o was "o !e comle"ed !) "*e Bom!a) 4olice Ac" %or 1J1da)s200J !u" *as !een dela)ed !) a" leas"=2 mon"*s and is J0 er cen" oer!udge"- Finnis*, Frenc*, Bri"is* and

    as design o% "*e Euroean 4ressur$ U-6- nuclear regula"or)au"*ori"iesised Reac"or LE4RK "*a" is "o !e *ae raised 2,00 sa%e") issuesa!ou"

    !e"ween ul) 200O and 8c"o!er200J-

    ai"aur *as wi"nessed a mocker)o% democrac) and ra"ionali")- '*is

    canonl) !e s"oed i% senior oli"icallead$ers and concerned ci"i?ens in"erene"o

    As i% "*is was no" !ad enoug*,


    ins"alled a" ai"aur remains un"es"ed"*e E4R, including man) a!ou" i"s in$*al" "*e nuclear+uggernau"-

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    ColumnF E B R U A R Y 1 1 , 2 0 11

    4ro"ec"ing women'*e criminal +us"ice s)s"em needs immedia"e reair in order "o cur! crimesagains" women-


    RUIDG ar") legisla"orin U""ar 4rades* raes a1O$)ear$old .ali" girland

    "*erea%"er slas a c*argeo%"*e%" on *er- '*eic"im

    "*em- W*ile "*e o#ence o%demandingdowr) and "*e iolence "*a"accoma$nies i" are rere*ensi!le, I would a"$

    "ac* grea"er imor"ance "o crimeo%rae- I" is "*e mos" *einous o% crimes-

    '*e e3erience "*e world oeris

    "*a" "*e o#ender is inaria!l) known"o "*e ic"im- '*is *enomenon *ig*$lig*"s "*e need %or women "o e3ercisecau"ion een w*ile dealing wi"* "*oserela"ed "o "*em- us" a %ew da)s ago,Icame across a reor" %rom .el*i s"a"$

    ing "*a" a re"ired aramili"ar) o%/cer*ad !een arres"ed %or raing *is ownniece, "*e mo"*er o% a grown$u girl-Raes o% daug*"ers !) "*eir own%a$"*ers are also no" unknown-

    sends a w*ole mon"* in +ailon"rumed$u c*arges- A B48L!usinessrocess ou"sourcingK emlo)ee in.el$*i is a!duc"ed !) a /e$mem!ergang,raed and a!andoned on "*eou"skir"so% .el*i- An A*meda!ad "eenageris

    a!duc"ed !) "*e *us!and o% *er"ui"ion"eac*er w*o lies ne3" door and is re$leased onl) a%"er a ransom is aid- LI"isan en"irel) ano"*er ma""er "*a" "*eo$lice in "*is case "ook "*e o#ender and*is all) %or a ride !) generousl)mi3ing"*e ransom !undle wi"* %ake curren$c)-K A "o$ranking Indian diloma", amem!er o% "*e eli"is" Indian Adminis$

    aw and 8rder

    R-7- RAG(A5AD I" is "*e %undamen"al du") o%eer)woman "o ro"ec" *ersel% !) "aking"*ema3imum recau"ions een i%"*esesome"imes assume "*e roor"ionso%

    "ra"ie 6erice, !ea"s u *is wi%e w*ile mo"*ers, sis"ers, wies anddaug*"erson a os"ing in ondon and wakes ucan go a!ou" "*eir !usiness un*inder$ aranoia- (ere I mus" commend "*e"*e en"ire neig*!our*ood,!rings *im "o "*e no"ice o% "*e @e"ro$oli"an 4olice-

    w*ic* ed and un*armed- I" is as simle as"*a"-

    '*ere are seeral wa)s "o aroac* cor"ing "*eir women emlo)ees"o

    rac"ice o% man) ria"e corora"ionswi"* a *uge %emale work%orce o%es$

    ns"ances suc* as "*ese, reor"ed "*e ro!lem- W*eneer a ma+or crime "*eir *omes w*en "*e) *ae "owork a

    redic"a!le regulari"), s*ould agains" a woman or a girl c*ild is re$ la"e s*i%"- '*is arrangemen" iske us si" u and ask ourseles or"ed, "*e media la i" u and sensa$"*er we, as ci"i?ens o% a coun"r) "ionalise i"- '*e casual") is o!+ec"ie is"ra"ion !ecause an) mis*ad!oas"s a *oar) "radi"ion o% sa%e$ reor"ing, and "*ere is a resul"an" il$

    i/ca"ion o% "*ose w*o are onl) remo"e$ nisa"ion- '*e drill *as a male associa"e

    %orced s"ric"l) !) "*e coman)admin$a#ec" "*e reu"a"ion o% "*e w*oleorga$guarding women, are doing enoug*

    "oro"ec" women- 8r *ae we, as in "*e l) connec"ed wi"* "*e o#ence or"*e

    remaining in a coman) e*icle un"il"*e women colleagues "raellingalong

    case o% corru"ion, gien u "*e /g*"&I am no" %or a momen" sugges"ing

    o#ender- 6eldom *ae I seen areor""*a" "eac*es women and c*ildren *ow wi"* *im are droed o# a"

    "*eir"*e incidence o% crime agains" "o ro"ec" "*emseles- '*e media *omes- Bu" I know o% somemenmen and domes"ic iolence is an) could do a lo" !) wa) o% in"rosec"ing emlo)ees w*o !reac* suc*uri")er in India "*an in o"*er coun"ries- and /ne$"uning "*eir coerage o% a"$ measures !) insis"ing on leaing

    .e%ensie olicemen will sa) "*a" In$dia is no" all "*a" !adl) o# comared

    "acks on women-'*ere is a lo" o% *)e rela"ing "o "*e

    wi"* o"*er na"ions- '*a" is a %allacious inadeuacies o% "*e law- Do law iser$

    %ec" *oweer care%ull) i" ma) *ae !een

    drawn u- I" )ields i"sel% "o oor en$

    o%/ce !) "*emseles een a" a la"e*our-'*is is dangerous conduc" amoun"ing"o cula!le negligence, w*ic* man) a"ime leads "o a crime on "*e

    indiidual-Do" man) legisla"ors are willing "o

    concede "*a" i" is "*e cer"ain") o%uni$

    wa) o% "ackling w*a" is er) muc*our

    own ro!lem- We s*ould !econcerneda!ou" w*a" is *aening on our door$ %orcemen" !) criminal +us"iceagenciess"e- We need "o aim a" ?ero"olerance

    and "o misuse, some"imes, !) alleged s*men" "*a" is more imor"an" inre$ward o# reda"ors so "*a" our ic"ims and "*ose associa"ed wi"* en"ing crime "*an "*e seeri") o%

    F R 8 D ' I D E J O

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