Friday July 5 - Sunday July 14 in association with Wedgwood

Friday July 5 - Sunday July 14 - Stone Music and Arts Festivalsmafs.weebly.com/uploads/5/7/8/3/5783319/smaf_programme_2013_no_ads.pdfPerforming Arts’ presentation which starts the

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Page 1: Friday July 5 - Sunday July 14 - Stone Music and Arts Festivalsmafs.weebly.com/uploads/5/7/8/3/5783319/smaf_programme_2013_no_ads.pdfPerforming Arts’ presentation which starts the

F r i d a y J u l y 5 - S u n d a y J u l y 1 4

i n a s s o c i a t i o n w i t h W e d g w o o d

Page 2: Friday July 5 - Sunday July 14 - Stone Music and Arts Festivalsmafs.weebly.com/uploads/5/7/8/3/5783319/smaf_programme_2013_no_ads.pdfPerforming Arts’ presentation which starts the

S t o n e M u s i c & A r t s F e s t i v a l 2 0 1 3

Welcome to the 2013 Stone Music and Arts Festival

A very warm welcome to the programme for the fifth Stone Music and Arts Festival, in conjunction with our main sponsors Wedgwood, which starts on Friday July 5 and culminates on Sunday July 14 with our very special headlining guests, The Christians.

Events from the 5th to 12th of July take place in a variety of venues and details of these can be found in the ‘What’s on around town’ section of the programme. On Saturday 13th July we begin the street festival with our ever-popular Busking Competition (sponsored by Granvilles Brasserie) followed by a ‘Youth Music and Performing Arts’ presentation which starts the festival proper on the stage in the Market Square. We are very proud to be able to continue to support the creative development of young people and are assured of some very fine local talent in this showcase.

The headline band on Saturday are Soul Survivors who will take you back to the golden era of classic soul music and ensure that the ever-growing army of passionate soul fans in and around Stone can continue to ‘keep the faith’.

Sunday sees the stage (sponsored by Renishaw) moved to the top of the High Street with a full day’s entertainment from 10.00 am through to 9.00pm.

The day will feature: Murphy’s Marbles – with special guest Sean Cannon from The Dubliners, Ben Owen, The Blueshounds (sponsored by James Du Pavey), The KMK - Kaiser Monkey Killers, The Vanz, Honey Ryder and our headline band for 2013, The Christians. Full details of all the performers and the stage times can be found in later pages of this programme.

For the first time, the main stage programme on Saturday and Sunday will be streamed live from the stage on the internet courtesy of Stafford Radio who along with Wedgwood, Renishaw, James Du Pavey and Granvilles Brasserie are among our many associates and sponsors this year. Others include: A Little Bit of Stone, Costa Coffee, Croner Reward, Crown Hotel, Dave Fox Cars, m-viron, Outdoor Pursuits Co-operative, Stone Library,Tylman of Stone, Park Hill Farm, The Stone Local and Stone Town Council.

Enjoy the festival and if you would like to be involved in any way in 2014, then please contact us through any of the following.

www.stonemusicandartsfestival.org www.facebook.com/SMAFS Tel: 07971 045480

Many thanks for your support.

Details given are correct at the time of going to press but the organisers reserve the right to make any changes as circumstances dictate. Every effort will be made to keep to the times stated, but we cannot guarantee this and some changes may have to be made that we cannot anticipate.

Page 3: Friday July 5 - Sunday July 14 - Stone Music and Arts Festivalsmafs.weebly.com/uploads/5/7/8/3/5783319/smaf_programme_2013_no_ads.pdfPerforming Arts’ presentation which starts the

to the 2011 Stone Music and Arts Festival...Stone Music and Arts Festival Society

Stone Music and Arts Festival Society is a non-profi t making organisation consisting of an independent group of local volunteers working throughout the year towards the common goal of promoting and developing music and the arts within Stone and the wider community.

Our four key objectives are to: Assist in the development of talent within Stone and the wider community Encourage performers and artists to visit Stone to perform and exhibit their work Arrange a free annual music and arts festival within the town Raise funds to support the objects of the society

We rely entirely on sponsorship and fund raising to secure the continuation of our objectives and seek to support the development of local talent throughout the year, using future festivals as a means of celebrating our year’s work.

We have been fortunate in having the ongoing support of Wedgwood as our main sponsors for the past three years. In 2013 we are being supported in a variety of ways by a range of organisations which at the time of going to press includes: A Little Bit of Stone, m-viron, Costa Coffee, Croner Reward, Crown Hotel, Dave Fox Cars, Granvilles Brasserie, James Du Pavey, Outdoor Pursuits Co-operative, Tylman of Stone, Park Hill Farm, Renishaw, Stone Library, The Stone Local, Stone Town Council and Stafford Radio. It would not be possible to put on the festival without our army of volunteers or, of course, your attendance and valued contributions to the street collections.

Thank you – enjoy the festival.

Art Exhibition

This year we are delighted to announce that Tylman of Stone are hosting the art exhibition from Saturday 6th July to Saturday 20th July in their upstairs gallery space. Tylman are based at 2a Granville Square in Stone. Year 8 pupils from Christ Church Academy will be presenting work on their curriculum theme Fairy Tales and Fiction. The work around this theme will feature an embellishment technique, incorporating the children’s favourite fi ction books. If previous years are anything to go by – you can expect to see work of a very high standard.

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Page 4: Friday July 5 - Sunday July 14 - Stone Music and Arts Festivalsmafs.weebly.com/uploads/5/7/8/3/5783319/smaf_programme_2013_no_ads.pdfPerforming Arts’ presentation which starts the

A great opportunity to support local development of music and the arts

Stone Music and Arts Festival Society are currently working on a youth music project and would like to broaden our remit further to encompass a range of performing and expressive arts. In order to ensure this type of ongoing improvement and development, we need to secure support and sponsorship from a wider range of local organisations and businesses.

For our part, Stone Music and Arts Festival Society are in the process of becoming a registered charity, which we believe demonstrates our commitment to community and social responsibility and puts us on a sounder footing to secure further sponsorship and funding. It would be impossible to give a detailed range of support packages here, and in any case we prefer to meet with potential sponsors and tailor something to suit their requirements. However, as a rough guide, here is a sample of opportunities.

In-kind sponsorship makes an invaluable contribution to the overall functionality of the society. One example is the Crown Hotel’s provision of facilities for meetings, exhibitions and musical events. Another is our association with The Stone Local for the production of the programme you are now reading.

Support to develop opportunities for young people and community groups will allow us to continue to create further possibilities throughout the year for performance and display.To achieve this will require funding and, at the time of going to press, we are currently awaiting the outcome of a bid for a grant from Stone Town Council and on decisions in relation to a project in conjunction with the Costa Foundation. This aspect of our work also requires volunteers to join our group who give up their time and expertise to support these projects.

Other sponsorship packages include tailored deals to cover the costs of putting on the annual weekend street festival in July, which last year attracted over 3,000 people. These costs include: stage, sound and lighting; headline bands; support bands; media and marketing. Benefi ts from sponsorship will depend on the amount agreed and could include; a professionally produced jingle streamed live over the PA and the internet between stage acts; banner production/display; reserved sponsor’s enclosure at the front of the stage; meet and greet photo opportunities with bands; stage branding; buffet hospitality package.

If you are interested in supporting Stone Music and Arts Festival Society and would like someone from the team to talk to you about the possibilities or receive a personal visit or presentation, please call 07971 045480 or contact us through our web site or Facebook page.

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Page 5: Friday July 5 - Sunday July 14 - Stone Music and Arts Festivalsmafs.weebly.com/uploads/5/7/8/3/5783319/smaf_programme_2013_no_ads.pdfPerforming Arts’ presentation which starts the

There are live music and dance performances on the Market Square stage on Saturday, and on the High Street stage on Sunday.

The main events...

Saturday July 13 - The Market Square Stage

10.00 - 11.30 Busking Competition (Sponsored by Granvilles Brasserie) (11.00 - competition winners plus winning performance)

11.30 - 6.30 Youth Music and Performing Arts Festival A ‘festival within a festival’, including young performers from: Ben Owen’s Young Musicians Showcase, Christ Church Academy, Rooftop Studios, Stagecoach, Stone Youth Club ...and much more.

6.30 - 7.45 Soul Disco with Stafford Radio - broadcasting live!

7.45 Soul Survivors

Sunday July 14 - The High Street Stage (Sponsored by Renishaw)

10.00 - 11.00 Ben Owen (Sponsored by Park Hill Farm)

11.15 - 12.45 Murphy’s Marbles (featuring Sean Cannon from The Dubliners)

1.00 - 2.00 The Blueshounds (Sponsored by James Du Pavey)

2.30 - 3.30 KMK - The Kaiser Monkey Killers

4.00 - 5.00 The Vanz

5.30 - 6.30 Honey Ryder

6.30 - 7.30 Stafford Radio Broadcasting live from the stage

7.45 The Christians

The music between live acts is provided by Stafford Radio.

K e e p i n g m u s i c l i v e !

Page 6: Friday July 5 - Sunday July 14 - Stone Music and Arts Festivalsmafs.weebly.com/uploads/5/7/8/3/5783319/smaf_programme_2013_no_ads.pdfPerforming Arts’ presentation which starts the

Here’s a more in-depth guide to events on the Market Square stage on Saturday...

Saturday July 13 - The Market Square Stage

10.00 - 11.30 Busking Competition (Sponsored by Granvilles Brasserie) Walk around Stone town centre and hear a range of talented buskers bidding to become this year’s festival competition winners. (1st Prize - £70.00, 2nd Prize - £30 .00, 3rd Prize - £20.00 )

11.00 Announcement of competition winners plus winning performance

11.30 - 6.30 Youth Music and Performing Arts Festival

A ‘festival within a festival’, featuring a cornucopia of talented young performers.

11.30 - 11.50 Rooftop Studios

Stone’s all-singing, all-dancing academy are regular performers at the festival. Rooftop’s three performing arts schools offer tuition in the disciplines of musical theatre, drama and classical dance for ages two years to adult. You are guaranteed a vibrant performance in this showcase of young talent.

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12.00 - 2.00 Ben Owen’s Young Musicians Showcase

Three showcase events have been held in the Crown Hotel ballroom prior to the festival. This section of the festival features some of these young musicians.

2.00 - 2.20 Rooftop Studios

A second helping from the local performing arts school.

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Page 7: Friday July 5 - Sunday July 14 - Stone Music and Arts Festivalsmafs.weebly.com/uploads/5/7/8/3/5783319/smaf_programme_2013_no_ads.pdfPerforming Arts’ presentation which starts the

A closer look at Saturday’s events...

Saturday July 13 - The Market Square Stage

2.30 - 3.00 Interjam Music Project

The Interjam Music Project is a weekly music workshop at Stone Youth Centre on Monday evenings for young people aged 11-13. It is run by Staffordshire County Council’s Youth and Community Service, with sessions led by local musician Ben Owen. The Interjam group who are performing have been working with Ben to prepare a range of music to enable them to develop confidence, technique and performance-related skills. Young people who wish to take part in the project please contact Paul Freestone at [email protected]

3.15 - 4.15 Christ Church Academy

Their third year at the festival, Christ Church Academy will be performing a selection of vocal, instrumental and big band pieces. Key stage 2 and 3 pupils will be showcasing their talents in these musical areas alongside those in both dance and drama.

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4.30 - 5.00 Emma Corbett – Usher

Emma lives in Audley and has been singing since the age of five. She won the Audley ‘Stars in Your Eyes’ competition and the first heat of ‘Stoke’s Got Talent’ when she was only 10.She has a YouTube account where her videos have collected over one million hits. Emma writes her own songs and is currently putting together some compositions and covers for her first EP.

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5.00 - 5.30 Maddy Storm

Maddy is a seventeen-year-old singer-songwriter from Alsager. She plays both guitar and ukulele, and has already played shows at venues such as The Sugarmill and The Underground. Maddy releases her first EP later this year.

5.45 - 6.45 Stagecoach

Stagecoach Stafford and Stone has been running for fifteen years and is part of the original and largest network of part-time theatre arts schools for four to eighteen-year-olds in the world. They approach their training in dance, drama and singing with a down to earth, fun and inclusive style where there is no audition required, simply a willingness for the student to throw themselves into all three disciplines.

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S u p p o r t i n g l i v e m u s i c i n S t o n e

Page 8: Friday July 5 - Sunday July 14 - Stone Music and Arts Festivalsmafs.weebly.com/uploads/5/7/8/3/5783319/smaf_programme_2013_no_ads.pdfPerforming Arts’ presentation which starts the

There is live music on at various pubs and bars throughout Stone in the week leading up to the main weekend Festival events. Here’s a quick guide...

For other start times, please contact venues

Friday July 5 The Crown Hotel Live Rhythm & blues - Open mic jam sessions - All are welcome!Granvilles Supersets Saturday July 6 The Royal Exchange Soul night - Classic 60s & 70s, Northern soul and Motown with Al Lee (8.00pm)Granvilles Alive and Kicking

Sunday July 7 The Royal Exchange The Mill (from 5.00pm)

Monday July 8 The Royal Exchange Stone Jazz Club - Tim Amman QuartetGranvilles Paul Walker’s open mic night

Wednesday July 10 The Star Ben Owen’s open mic night

Thursday July 11 Granvilles North By Northwest (5 piece band - Superb, smooth soul-jazz)

Friday July 12 The Crown Hotel ballroom Classic 60s & 70s, Northern soul and Motown disco (from 8.00pm) Admission only £3.00Granvilles The Vanz (Great local covers band)Langtry’s Music quiz (from 6.30pm)

Saturday July 13 The Royal Exchange Steve Ajao Blues GiantsGranvilles Red Light (Top party covers band)

Sunday July 14 Granvilles Original states (Fantastic covers band - 9.00pm)The Swan ‘Buzz Factor’ Karaoke Competition Winners (9.30pm)Langtry’s Soul and Motown live vocalist (from 4.00pm)

Details given are correct at the time of going to press but the organisers reserve the right to make any changes as circumstances dictate. Every effort will be made to keep to the times stated, but we cannot guarantee this and some changes may be made that we cannot anticipate.

i n a s s o c i a t i o n w i t h W e d g w o o d T h e S t o n e m u s i c & a r t s f e s t i v a l 2 0 1 3

Page 9: Friday July 5 - Sunday July 14 - Stone Music and Arts Festivalsmafs.weebly.com/uploads/5/7/8/3/5783319/smaf_programme_2013_no_ads.pdfPerforming Arts’ presentation which starts the

Key to mapKey to map

1 The Crown Hotel2 The Swan3 Granvilles4 Crown & Anchor5 The Star

A Market Square Stage (Saturday)

B Main stage (Sunday)

E Art Exhibition (at Tylman of Stone)

6 The Royal Exchange 7 Langtry’s 8 The Lounge 9 The Red Lion 10 The Talbot P Car park First aid T Public toilets+

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The fi nal events on Saturday...

Saturday July 13 - The Market Square Stage

6.45 - 7.45 Soul Disco with Stafford Radio - broadcasting live!

Stafford Radio is an innovative station offering a unique style of listening. Broadcasting from the iconic Broadeye Windmill in Stafford, their dedicated team of professional broadcasters are re-writing the radio rule book by breaking free from interruptive advertising and raising money to further restore the Windmill.

Enjoy Staffordshire’s feel-good station as they stream music from this year’s festival live on the internet.

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7.45 Soul survivors

Still ‘keeping the faith’, Soul Survivors are one of the country’s top exponents of classic soul music. Taking their inspiration and material from legendary artists such as Otis Redding, Sam & Dave, The O’Jays, The Detroit Spinners, The Isley Brothers and Marvin Gaye, they are guaranteed to deliver an awesome, foot stomping, hand-clapping, hip-swivelling set.

Combining years of experience the band has performed in all types of venues, from small clubs to the Royal Albert Hall. They have appeared with: The Temptations, Martha Reeves and the Vandellas, The Three Degrees, The Drifters, Johnny Bristol, Alexander O’Neal, Freda Payne, Geno Washington, Edwin Starr, Eddie Holman, Jimmy James, The Real Thing, George McCrae and Sister Sledge - to name but a few!

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6.45 - 7.45 Soul Disco with Stafford Radio - broadcasting live!

Page 11: Friday July 5 - Sunday July 14 - Stone Music and Arts Festivalsmafs.weebly.com/uploads/5/7/8/3/5783319/smaf_programme_2013_no_ads.pdfPerforming Arts’ presentation which starts the

Here’s a more in-depth look at events on the High Street stage on Sunday...

Sunday July 14 - The High Street Stage The High Street stage is sponsored by Renishaw

10.00 - 11.00 Ben Owen (Sponsored by Park Hill Farm)

Ben Owen is a talented singer-songwriter from Stone and has played at the Cavern Club in Liverpool, headlined at the Sugarmill in Hanley and is looking forward to playing for a second year at the festival. Ben is actively involved in the local community, hosting both the open mic night at The Star in Stone and the festival’s Young Musician Showcases at The Crown Hotel as well as running a Youth Music Project at Stone Youth Centre.

With a new EP due for release later this year, Ben is a young performer defi nitely on the up. His future is very bright.

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11.15 - 12.45 Murphy’s Marbles featuring Sean Cannon from The Dubliners

Murphy’s Marbles are four musicians who play Celtic-based music on a range of instruments including: guitar, fi ddle, whistle, fl ute, bass, mandolin, bodhran and harmonica. Their music is a mixture of traditional and contemporary with a cutting edge, with an impressive range of their own material. The band have an interesting and stimulating approach to their already dynamic and charismatic live performances which will be enhanced today with their special guest – Sean Cannon from The Dubliners. Sean Cannon has a vocal clarity that enables him to deliver songs that move you from pathos to laughter. Over the years, he has developed a chemistry with Murphy’s Marbles which has seen them play to full houses whenever they perform together.

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S u p p o r t i n g l i v e m u s i c i n S t o n e

Page 12: Friday July 5 - Sunday July 14 - Stone Music and Arts Festivalsmafs.weebly.com/uploads/5/7/8/3/5783319/smaf_programme_2013_no_ads.pdfPerforming Arts’ presentation which starts the

More events on the High Street stage on Sunday...

Sunday July 14 - The High Street Stage (Sponsored by Renishaw)

1.00 - 2.00 The Blueshounds (Sponsored by James Du Pavey)

The Blueshounds are an established Stone-based four piece band who play their own exciting brand of electric rhythm and blues music. You can expect a combination of traditional blues standards alongside a more contemporary treatment of some old classics with a few of their own compositions thrown in for good measure.

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2.30 - 3.30 KMK - The Kaiser Monkey Killers

The Kaiser Monkey Killers are the ultimate indie covers band playing all your favourite indie anthems with all the gusto and charisma they deserve. Performing music by the likes of the: Kaiser Chiefs, Arctic Monkeys, Killers, Kasabian, Kings of Leon, Razorlight and many more. The powerful vocals of Dan Eyden, the guitar skills of Mark Eyden and the powerhouse drumming of Ant Wheeler make up KMK.

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4.00 - 5.00 The Vanz

The Vanz are undoubtedly one of the most accomplished and professional bands on the circuit. Featuring the sublime guitar skills of local legend Dave Cotterill, they play something for everyone from their vast repertoire that spans from the 1950s right through to the latest chart hits. Hailing from Stone, they are one of the hardest working bands in the area and have a deserved loyal following. From Chuck Berry to Lady Gaga – The Vanz have it covered!

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K e e p i n g m u s i c l i v e !

Page 13: Friday July 5 - Sunday July 14 - Stone Music and Arts Festivalsmafs.weebly.com/uploads/5/7/8/3/5783319/smaf_programme_2013_no_ads.pdfPerforming Arts’ presentation which starts the

The headlining events on the High Street stage on Sunday...

Sunday July 14 - The High Street Stage (Sponsored by Renishaw)

5.30 - 6.30 Honey Ryder

Honey Ryder’s acclaimed second album Marley’s Chains has featured regularly on Radio 2 and been promoted by the band on national TV. Marley’s Chains is a pop album with its heart and soul in folk and country. It sounds both classic and contemporary and fi ts the current trend for a return to ‘real music’. The band have been likened to Fleetwood Mac.

Tracks for a new album were recorded in Nashville in March and the band will be featuring some of these new songs in today’s performance.

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6.30 - 7.30 Stafford Radio - broadcasting live from the main stage

7.45 The Christians

The Christians are an outstanding soul-infl uenced group who had big UK chart hits in the 80’s and 90’s with songs including: Forgotten Town, Born Again, Ideal World, Hooverville and Harvest for the World.

The band followed up their 1987 self-titled million selling debut album with the number one hit album Colour in 1990, which heralded the magnifi cent tracks Words and Father, while The Daily Mirror described the voice of Garry Christian as “the best voice of the decade”.

Still led by founder member Garry Christian, the band have played the Isle of Wight and the British Acoustic festivals in recent years, as well as touring and promoting their new album ‘Speed of Life’ which was released in 2012 to celebrate their 25th anniversary.

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About Our Sponsors for 2013

Wedgwood celebrated its 250th anniversary in 2008 with a remarkable story spanning two and a half centuries of discovery, vision, experimentation, industry and exquisite design. From its humble British beginnings to iconic global status as part of Waterford Wedgwood PLC, the world’s largest table top, gift, crystal, silver and ceramics company.

The company’s links with Stone began in 1776 when Josiah Wedgwood saw the importance of the canal network and instigated the first meeting about the Trent and Mersey Canal (then the Grand Trunk Canal) with James Brindley at the Crown Hotel. The canal led to the economic growth of Stone as a ‘little seaport’ in the latter part of the eighteenth century.

It is fitting then, that in the twenty first century they are still keen to support local events. This is the third year that Wedgwood have been the main sponsors for the Stone Music and Arts Festival and we look forward to a continuing association with them.

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Renishaw is a world leader in engineering and employs over two thousand people at fifteen sites in the UK. We supply products used for applications as diverse as jet engine manufacture, through to dentistry and brain surgery. Our Stone office designs industrial 3D printing machines that ‘print’ parts from metal powder, and with increasing job opportunities, we are keen to raise our local profile and are very pleased to be sponsoring the High Street stage at the 2013 Festival.

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Granvilles is one of Staffordshire’s best known restaurant and music venues and has become synonymous with great food, great entertainment and a great atmosphere. Granvilles is closely involved with many aspects of Stone life, including the annual Food and Drink Festival and the development of the Farmers Market held on the first Saturday of the month. In line with our other passion – music, we are pleased to be sponsoring the Busking Competition at the 2013 Festival.

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T h a n k s t o o u r a s s o c i a t e s a n d s p o n s o r s

Page 15: Friday July 5 - Sunday July 14 - Stone Music and Arts Festivalsmafs.weebly.com/uploads/5/7/8/3/5783319/smaf_programme_2013_no_ads.pdfPerforming Arts’ presentation which starts the

About Our Sponsors for 2013

James Du Pavey are an independent, local estate agency with offices in both Stone and Eccleshall. We offer a flexible, personal service and our professional and experienced sales team are dedicated to ensuring you achieve the best possible price for your property as swiftly and easily as possible. As a local company we are very pleased to be sponsoring The Blueshounds, a local band, at the 2013 Stone Music and Arts Festival.

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A former fifteenth century coaching inn, The Crown Hotel is steeped in history and character. We have everything you need for a comfortable stay – well-appointed rooms, free Wi-Fi and free parking. Our lovely oak-panelled restaurant still has its original stained glass dome, making it a place to dine in elegance and our delicious food is homemade, using local ingredients wherever possible. We also offer complete wedding packages in the beautiful surroundings of our Grand Ballroom and Holland’s Restaurant. Call in and see us over the festival weekend.

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At Tylman of Stone, we offer a wide range of 100% oak furniture, all hand-made using traditional methods. In our showroom we also have over thirty different clocks from Thomas Kent plus a range of home ware items. There is a bespoke kitchen with Belfast sink and a high gloss kitchen on display. Hand-made kitchens can be produced to any size and style. Call in to see us at 2a Granville Square where we are hosting this year’s Festival Art Exhibition for Year 8 pupils from Christ Church Academy.

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Park Hill Farm’s award winning, mouth-watering, succulent beef, sizzling rare breed bacon and sausage are all direct from the farm. Winners of the Countryside Alliance, UK and Ireland award for enterprise, we attend Stone and Stafford Farmers’ Markets on the first and second Saturdays of the month. Farming for over 55 years at Hales near Market Drayton Shropshire with “tomorrow’s environment in mind”, we also host educational visits. The Farm’s award winning educational facility enjoys an indoor education room and welcomes children and adults, special needs groups, and schools. If you want to try our products, we have a stand on Stone High Street for both days of the festival. For more information contact John and Pat Pimlott.

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T h a n k s t o o u r a s s o c i a t e s a n d s p o n s o r s

Page 16: Friday July 5 - Sunday July 14 - Stone Music and Arts Festivalsmafs.weebly.com/uploads/5/7/8/3/5783319/smaf_programme_2013_no_ads.pdfPerforming Arts’ presentation which starts the

Programme design, layout, digital illustration and retouching

by Al Lee at...

e-mail: [email protected]

Helping You Enjoy the Festival Weekend

First aidFirst aid facilities are kindly being provided by St. John Ambulance who can be found in the double marquee with the festival organisers on the high street.

Health and safetyAlong with the emergency services, the society has carried out a full safety check prior to the festival and a copy of the resulting safety plan and risk assessment is available on the web site. Regular checks against this plan are carried out at designated times throughout the weekend. Please respect the areas reserved for the disabled and the use of our sponsors, and support our team of stewards in ensuring the smooth running of the festival. For your own safety, access to the stage and backstage areas are prohibited.

Disabled facilitiesAn area to the side of the stage is designated for disabled access only. If you wish to use this area, please contact one of the stewards.

Sponsors enclosureThe area immediately in front of the stage is ticketed and is for exclusive use of our sponsors.

Festival offi ce and marqueeDuring the festival weekend the festival society will have an offi ce base in the Oak Room in the Crown Hotel and a double marquee, shared with St. John Ambulance on the high street.

Photography, fi lming and live streamingFor your information, we will be fi lming and taking photographs for promotional and marketing purposes. There are no restrictions on the public fi lming and taking photographs themselves, but only our offi cial photographers have access to restricted areas. This year Stafford Radio will be live-streaming the weekend stage events on the internet, so if you can’t make it you can listen in – from anywhere in the world.

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