1 FRENZY The Rise to Fame By Elissa Nicholson

FRENZY The Rise to Fame · Mary: Frenzy to hold auditions for a new band at their studios, all genders welcome, aged between 16 & 22 - John: ehem! 15 & 20. ... they get separated

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Page 1: FRENZY The Rise to Fame · Mary: Frenzy to hold auditions for a new band at their studios, all genders welcome, aged between 16 & 22 - John: ehem! 15 & 20. ... they get separated



The Rise to Fame By

Elissa Nicholson

Page 2: FRENZY The Rise to Fame · Mary: Frenzy to hold auditions for a new band at their studios, all genders welcome, aged between 16 & 22 - John: ehem! 15 & 20. ... they get separated


Act 1 Scene 1 A loud alarm starts to beep as the curtains open to reveal a beautiful, modern apartment. Mr Benson is in bed and slowly reaches to put alarm off. Mary enters RSL Mary: Honey could you switch that off please? You know It gives me migraines The alarm stops. Mary and John Benson enter SR and go about their morning routine. Getting dressed, setting the table, organising their paperwork. They are a very business-y, perfect looking couple. John: Sweetie we need to discuss our next project. That Dustbin Beaver/Boozy Lohan kid we signed last year is starting to get some bad press. We need a new frontline act for the label. Mary: I know, I know. I've been thinking about it and I thought maybe we should try a band this time? I had my researchers investigate it and - John: The success rates for bands over the last three years has increased by 20% ? You're not going to believe this, but I was thinking the same thing! Mary: So we're agreed? I'll put out the call for auditions for Frenzy's new boy band this morning and get my team to start brainstorming ideas for a band name. I was thinking - John: Boy band? I'm sorry darling but I'm not putting Frenzy's future in the hands of a bunch of prepubescent teen boys. Mary: So what, you want to form a band of men your age? smirks Did I put the wrong pills in your coffee this morning? John: What are you talking about? Of course that's not what I meant. My name’s not Simon Trowel! We need a girl band; they're far easier to control. There's also a higher probability of getting into the charts with a girl band. There are far too many boy bands out there. Silence. Mary is thinking. She smiles to herself. Walks forward to breakfast bar with coffee. Maid arrives and starts making the bed. Plies up sheet and pillow. Mary: Would you be willing to bet your money on that? John: What are you suggesting? Mary: Just a friendly wager. It's not like forming two bands simultaneously is going to harm the label's profile, right?

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John: Well, no, but - Where are you going with this? Mary: We each work on our bands separately. Give them, say, a year. After that year we see whose band is the better of the two. John: Better how? Mary: Which one has had the most press, the biggest hits, the better fan base. John: So what's the catch? Mary: Whichever of two loses gets taken off the label and the manager of the winning band gets a higher share in the company. John: What's wrong with 50/50? We agreed when we started - Mary: Honey, you can't have two company directors owning the same share of the company. It's just ridiculous. Someone had to come out on top eventually and this will show us who. pause So, do we have a deal? John: We most certainly do Mrs. Benson. You know, I never imagined you'd be able to keep our marriage so exciting - even after all these years. As he says this the Benson's daughter, Veronica, enters the room SL. The maid offers her a coffee cup as she enters the kitchen. Veronica: Ew! Dad that's disgusting, get a room. She picks up an apple from the table and starts to bite into it So, what's this deal you're going on about? Mary and John share a knowing look as Veronica watches, confused. The maid begins to clear the table and prepare to leave the house. John: Oh, it's nothing sweetheart. Frenzy's just starting a new venture - a girl band! Mary: under breath BOY band Veronica: Oh! That sounds really cool, do you think maybe...if it's okay with you I mean...I could ... Mary: Honey do you want me to call your speech therapist? Veronica: NO! No, there's no need. I was just wondering if maybe I could audition for the girl band too? the family air kiss each other goodbye, Mary straightens John's tie. He hands her a briefcase.

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John: as he leaves SR Of course darling! You can be our leading lady. Veronica gets really excited and rushes off SR, talking on the phone You're welcome. I'll see you later. Mary laughs at the two, picks up her keys and turns the lights off, exiting SR Scene 2 John and Mary Benson’s PA’s enter FSL. we are now in the Benson’s office awaiting their arrival. They seem a bit uncomfortable and on edge. Mary’s PA: So...Do you know what this is about? John’s PA: No, he just told me to be here, waiting for him, this morning. God knows what’s going on. Mary’s PA: Yeah, Mary said they had exciting news. John’s PA: scoffs Exciting? Exciting for who exactly? I can’t stand it when they - John and Mary enter. Their PA’s rush over to take their jackets and paperwork off them John: Good morning ladies! This is a great day for Frenzy. My wife and I have decided - well, why don’t you tell them sweetheart? Mary: We’re each going to manage a band. Mary’s PA: Wha- John: We’ll need you to send out the notice ASAP. You might want to write this down the girls frantically pull out notebooks Mary: Frenzy to hold auditions for a new band at their studios, all genders welcome, aged between 16 & 22 - John: ehem! 15 & 20. Mary: Fine, 15 & 20. Preferably with some musical experience; dance, vocal, instrumental. John’s PA: So, wha- John: Ok, thank you girls! Off you go! John and Mary exit

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Mary’s PA: Okay...that was weird. John’s PA: Tell me about it. I’ve never seen them like that before. Mary’s PA: right, we better get this sent down to marketing and IT so that we can post it this afternoon. they rush off in opposite direction to the Bensons, we see a projection of their post on social media/their website. Suddenly we’re seeing the post be shared, liked, retweeted and vlogged about until the news has travelled worldwide. Whilst this projection takes place we see a few short snippets from the home lives of our band members. text cut from here Scene 3 We see a long line of hopeful, buzzing auditionees at the back of the stage. They're chatting and rehearsing, stretching, doing vocal warm ups. Around them a frantic group of assistants and crew members try to get everyone into order, reading out names from clipboards. Macey: James Rover, Michael Franz, Leonardo Firenze, Karl Gerber, Henry Bradford! FOLLOW ME! People...please pay attention, let’s get this show on the road! James, Rover, Michael Franz, Leonardo Firenze, Karl Gerber and Henry Bradford. Move on to your vocal auditions. Assistant 2: Group 2! Could group 2 please step forward! Follow the signs on your right to the video presentation stage. Cecilia: Pushing out of the line Perdone! I'm sorry, excuse me. Esta mi nombre escrito por alli? Cecilia Hernandez. Am I on your list? Assistant 2: flicking through the clipboard No sorry sweetie. You'll need to just wait in line. We'll call you soon. Cecilia: Man, this sucks. My mum's gonna kill me if I'm not home in time for dinner. phone rings Hola? Si mama ya lo se, No se, Pues lo que tarde, Si, Si, Están los abuelos; ya lo se, A ver mama lo siento pero - Hola? Seriously?! Joel: Hey, you okay? Cecilia: Yeah, my mum just hung up on me. You got any idea how long this is going to take? Ashley: Girl, it will take however long it takes, and if you want this, you just have to wait. Stop your moaning and get back in line. Assistant 1: Gerbert Naus, Kilian Bennet, Joel Huntington. Follow me!

Commented [dn4]: Slide 3 video of SM posts

Commented [dn5]: Slide 4 studio

Commented [dn6]: Table with wheels with sound desk on comes out to in front of flats.

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Joel: Oh, that's me. Cecilia: Ahem….(coughing awkwardly) sorry you’re Gerbert? Joel: No! No, the last one...I’m Joel. Nice to meet you. Cecila: Joel. I like it! I'm Cecilia. Joel: Cecilia, I'll see you later? Cecilia: Sounds like a date! Um. I mean. Yeah, I'll catch you later. Joel: Wish me luck! Cecilia: Good luck! I hope you get in! the different stages of the audition are taking place onstage all at once, choreographed chaos. Macey enters, authoritatively, SR and everyone jumps to attention. Macey: Venga, Venga, que no tengo todo el dia. Un, dos, Un, dos people shuffle around unsure of what to do Macey: Muy bien, cogeros un sitio todos, formacion cuatro, cuatro, cuatro they line up noisily in fours facing the audience, some of the younger girls panic when they get separated from their friends and frantically try to find a way to be near them Macey: to sound desk Por favor! Pussy Cat Dolls - When I grow up starts to play for about 20 - 30 seconds, Macey starts to do a complicated choreography with the auditionees behind her clearly struggling to copy her movement Macey: Parar! music stops Ya veo que- she notices two boys at the back murmuring to each other EHEM! Estais hablando? Me habéis escuchado? One of them goes to answer, she turns her back to him and signals the sound desk Macey: Por favor! the same extract plays again this time for 30 - 40 seconds, once again the auditionees struggle to follow although a few of them have managed to catch up Macey: Parar, Parar! she turns to face the auditionees Lo primero, la formacion - she grabs people and starts moving them around uno, dos, tres y cuatro. En los huecos.

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she takes a few steps back to make sure she can see everyone Anda, ya esta, ultima oportunidad. she signals to sound desk without looking, the track plays again for 40 - 50 seconds. A few of the girls at the front have got it but overall it’s chaotic. Macey signals for the music to stop, she starts to walk around between the auditionees Macey: sighs Algunos lo habéis pillado, otros menos, y otros se ve que no os lo habéis practicado en casa eh? Última vez, LAST CHANCE! Preguntas? Kimmie: Yeah, uhm, when you do the uhm - Macey: ignoring her A la proxima os vais a casa eh. Vamos - Kimmie: Ok nevermind. Macey: Cinco, Seis, Cinco, Seis, Siete, Ocho The music starts again, this time everyone dances and sings;

Now I've got a confession When I was young I wanted attention And I promised myself that I’d do anything Anything at all for them to notice me But I ain't complaining We all wanna be famous So, go ahead and say what you wanna say You know what it's like to be nameless Want them to know what your name is Cause see when I was younger I would say When I grow up, I wanna be famous I wanna be a star, I wanna be in

movies When I grow up, I wanna see the world Drive nice cars, I wanna have groupies When I grow up, be on TV People know me, be on magazines When I grow up, fresh and clean Number one chick when I step out on the scene But be careful what you wish for Cause you just might get it You just might get it You just might get it But be careful what you wish for Cause you just might get it You just might get it You just might get it Get it?

Scene 4 Table with wheels comes forward. We see back of a screen The stage is now empty other than Mary, John, their assistants, advisors and crew. They are watching the video auditions (30 secs pp) and discussing the shortlist, pointing out certain auditionees as they take notes. As our leads' videos are shown

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they each come out and do one impressive trick, moving from SL to SR without stopping. John: to advisors, discussing headshots on a notice board I liked that one. Yes. Oh, no no, she was far too confident - you wouldn't be able to control her. Mmhm, yes, very versatile you're right. Mary: to advisors He'd need a little styling but I like him. That one just doesn't do it for me, he's just not good enough. Well. No, I see your point but - Yeah. Well, it's worth the risk, it'll pay off. No question he's got to be in it. The assistants, crew and advisors begin to leave in different directions, still discussing the final decisions. Only Mary and John are left onstage Mary: So, how are you doing darling? Have you made your decision? John: Mmhm Mary: frustrated Oh, keeping it to ourselves are we? Well, fair enough. I suppose it will make my victory even sweeter if you can't see it coming. John: You have no idea what you're up against. they laugh Mary: Just don't forget about Veronica. You promised - John: I know, I know. Mary: She's not just one of our artists John, she's our daughter, just don't do something that might hurt her okay? I know you, you can be...harsh. John: offended She IS one of our artists now, and I will treat her as such. They leave in opposite directions, picking up their phones as they leave. Both: off Call them, let them know they made the final cut. chorus of excited screams Scene 5

Single spot on Apollo upstage right

Chilling in a park we see Velma, Charlie and Phoebe. Velma seems to be on edge,

tapping her foot and looking to SL every few seconds, Phoebe on the other hand is

quietly singing to herself and Charlie is meditating.

Velma: exasperated/desperate I can’t believe Apollo is late, again!

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Apollo: looking at phone Maybe they’ll call tomorrow...


Velma: It’s just ridiculous! How are we supposed to do ANYTHING productive if he

NEVER shows up on time?!

Charlie: still meditating Velma. I think you should come and meditate with me. You

seem a little...tense.

Velma: scoffs Meditate? I don’t have time to meditate. While you sit there making

your ridiculous noises I’m trying to come up with ways to stop the pollution that kills

700,000 birds a year...so...meditate on THAT Charlie.

Phoebe: Velma, that’s awful! The poor birds!

Charlie hums louder

Velma: relieved that someone was actually listening I know! It’s not just birds either

there are thousands of species on the verge of extinction because of mankind. If we

don’t do something soon ecosystems will be destroyed and -

Charlie tries even harder to drown out their talking and make a point that he’s trying

to meditate by humming even louder.

Apollo enters (ukulele over his shoulder), he seems upset, he has just been rejected

from the Frenzy Record auditions.

Apollo: Morning. sits down, sulking, ignoring Velma’s glare You won’t believe what

happened to me today, I just got rejected from the Frenzy audition, ME, rejected! And

after I prepared an out-of-this-world, super original, totally sick song. clears throat.

“Aliens are coming now!

What are we going to do?

I’m going to save myself somehow,

What about you?”

Velma: sarcastic Yeah. a MASTERPIECE…. but -

Apollo: ignoring her It was the bee’s knees, the cat’s pyjamas!

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Velma: EHEM! You’re late AGAIN. Would you like to maybe tell us why? Or, I don’t

know, apologise?

Apollo: Blimey, don’t get your knickers in a twist! Anyway, I was in the middle of

telling you, I was at Frenzy -

Phoebe: Hold on, did you say FRENZY?

Charlie: I’m sure I know that from somewhere… thinks about it Frenzy... Frenzy


Apollo: Records.

Charlie: Frenzy Records?!

Velma: realises, angry That place is literally EVERYTHING we stand against. What

on earth were you thinking?

Phoebe: I just don’t like the look of that power couple that own the place. The

Bensons. shudders They’re kind of scary.

Charlie: I mean, who the hell releases a song called “I am a fire starter”? What kind

of message does that send? Their negative aura is disrupting the purity of mother

earth's children and she will not stand for it!

Apollo: Yeah, well, they’re loaded mate, they can do whatever they want. Not much

we can do to stop them.

Velma: Of course there is! Listen, I’ve just come up with a brilliant idea, we should -

Phoebe: in her own world You know, I think they skipped in front of me in the queue

at a Taylor Swift concert once...so rude!

Charlie: Yeah, rolls his eyes That’s probably because they own her, stupid. (with


Apollo: AND, they overlooked aaaall this talent (gestures to himself)

Phoebe: Mmhm, whatever you say… Oh! I know! Let's create a club where we can

fight against them and their stupid manufactured artists.

Charlie: That’s actually a pretty good idea! An activist group, like Adbuster.

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Velma: that’s what I was TRYING to say! Us, protesting against those Bensons,

using civil disobedience to our advantage! We could be called The Activist Group

against the World!

Charlie: Nah...We need a name that’s more in tune with our essence, our true


Apollo: How about EEA... Earthlings Embrace Apollo (expectant)

Velma: What are you, stupid? We are NOT going to be called EEA shudders

Anyway, for some reason I get a bad feeling about that name, as though It’s got

some kind

of...hold on me...God, I sound like Charlie!

Apollo: Yeah.. but… EARTHLINGS EMBRACE APOLLO...it´s so -

Charlie: thinking Shh, Mother is sending me a message he throws his hands on the

ground and hums...wait...F....R….A.G, Frenzy Records Activist Group!

(all nod and exclaim in approval)

Start walking off, exit Apollo, Phoebe and Charlie

Velma: I know we can make a change guys... (trails off realizing they’re gone)

Velma: (turns to audience) we will make a change!

Exit Velma

Scene 6 We're in Frenzy studio's offices where the band members are meeting for the first time. Split stage, the young artists enter into either Mary or John Benson's offices. We see the boys arrive first. Mike (de): Yo! What's up? Are you here for the band thing? Enzo (fr): Yeah, are you? Mike: Yeah!

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Bez: very high pitched ME TOO! Clears throat me too.

Mike and Enzo: Hey

Enzo: Can you believe they flew me in from Bruges last night, it's so - Woah! Look at this place, it massive! Mike: Do you think we'll get our own studio and stuff? That would be so cool. Joel (en): to Mike Hey! you're the guy who played the drums at the auditions right? That was sick dude. Bez: That was you? Wow Mike: Thanks! Enrique (es): I didn't see you, what group were you in? Mike: I dunno man, I think I changed group about four times throughout the whole process. It's a blur really. Joel: I'm Joel by the way. Enrique: Enrique. But most people just call me Ricky Mike: Mike Enzo: Enzo Bez: Call me Bez they all shake hands with each other, Veronica strolls in, texting on her phone. Veronica: Hey, Mum, can I borrow- Oh, sorry I didn't realise you guys were in here. I'll come back... Mike: No worries. Enrique: Did you just say "Mum"? Veronica: Yeah...why? Joel: Mary Benson is your MUM?! Veronica: Yeah... Awkward silence as the boys process this Wait, I’m sorry, who are you?

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Enzo: Oh, how rude. We work for your mum. Veronica: So what, you’re interning or something? Mike: No, we’re the new boy band. What about you? Do you work here too? Veronica: Um, kind of. I’m in a girl band that my dad’s managing. Mike: Oh, right, yeah I wondered why there were so many girls at the audition. Joel: Kind of weird that they’re doing both at the same time don’t you think? Bez: So many pretty girls winks to Mike

Mike: So, were you at the auditions? I don’t remember seeing you and If I’d seen you, trust me, I’d remember. Veronica: Excuse me? Mike: Oh. No i just meant that - Mary enters, looking at some paperwork, she is shocked to see her daughter when she looks up Mary: Sweetie, what are you doing in here? Aren't you supposed to be in your dad's office? Veronica: Yeah I just thought I'd pass by and say hi. Mary: Come on, I'll walk you over to his office. Just hold on a minute boys okay? Enzo: Of course Mrs. Benson. No worries. Mary and Veronica leave SR Mike: The boss's daughter is pretty cute. I call dibs! Bez: Aw man! Joel: You kidding man? She's probably way too classy for the likes of us. Enzo: Yeah, She's way out of your league, uptown and all that. Mike: Ain't nothing wrong with an uptown girl if you ask me. Enrique: teasing You never know, maybe she's looking for someone just like you, hey Mike?

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“Uptown girl”

Uptown girl

She's been living in her uptown


I bet she never had a back street


I bet her mama never told her why

And now she's looking for a

downtown man

(That's what I am)x2

And when she sees me

Maybe i'll change her mind

And I’ll just wait here

Cause love is so blind

She'll see I'm not so tough

Just because

I'm in love with an uptown girl

You know I've seen her in her

uptown world

She's getting bored off all those good

posh boys

she want to have fun and make

some noise

(She's got a choice)x2

Uptown girl

You know I can't buy her those

diamond rings

But maybe someday when she hears

me sing

She'll understand what kind of guy

I've been

(And then I'll win)x2

And when she's smiling

She's shining like a star

No there’s no other

That can break my heart

Uptown girl

She's been living in her uptown


I bet she never had a back street


I bet her mama never told her why

And now she's looking for a

downtown man

(That's what I am)x2

Uptown girl

She's my uptown girl

You know I'm in love

With an (uptown girl)

Scene 7 The boys freeze & lights go down as the song fades out. The girls enter John's office, looking around in awe- touching the furnishings. Cecilia (es): Ay madre mía!! Esto es increible! SallyAnne (fr): Excuse me? Cecilia: Oh, sorry. I speak Spanish when I talk to myself….which is quite a lot! …. sorry I’m nervous! I was just saying it's so...amazing. Chloe (de): I know right! I mean, a week ago I was home in Düsseldorf and now...I'm Chloe by the way. SallyAnne: I'm SallyAnne, nice to meet you.

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Kimmie: Oh, yes, I’m Kimmie. Cecilia: Cecilia, hi, un placer. Chloe: You did it again. Cecilia: Sorry! they laugh Hey, wasn't it meant to be a group of five? SallyAnne: Yeah, I'm pretty sure it was Chloe: Hold on, I've still got the audition notice in my bag, I'll have a look she pulls a crumpled up piece of paper from her bag Yeah. It says five. Cecilia: Well maybe they just couldn't find - John enters the office SL, followed by an assistant who's carrying his coffee, paperwork and briefcase John: Hello! Hello! Welcome to Frenzy Studios, I hope you've all had time to introduce yourselves? Chloe: Yes Mr. Benson, we were just getting to know each other. SallyAnne: We just noticed there's only four of us here though, do you - John: Really? I'm sure - looks around Urgh, of course it was going to be Veronica who got here late. Typical. That girl always has her head in the clouds. Cecilia: Excuse - Mary and Veronica enter SL chatting to each other quietly Veronica: Hey Daddy! Sorry I didn't bring your stuff up for you, I got mixed up and went to mum's office rather than yours. awkward silence, Veronica realises she's the last one to arrive and all the other band members are staring at her Mary: Right. Well I'll leave you to it. Good luck! John: Don't need it! Veronica: Hi, It's nice to meet you all I'm - Chloe: Veronica Benson? Yeah. Hi. Wow. It's a pleasure to meet you. I'm Chloe, this is SallyAnne and -

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Cecilia: Cecilia, hola. Veronica: Hola! I'm sorry I'm late. Did you guys already start? SallyAnne: Oh, don't worry about it, considering your dad's the manager I'm sure he won't mind. Veronica: Ummm. Yeah. Right. Cecilia; What she's trying to say is that we haven't really started yet, we were just getting to know each other. Chloe: Yeah, we were just saying how awesome this place is, I mean it's so BIG! Oh, but, you probably know you're way around it really well... Veronica: Actually I don't really - John: Right, girls, let's get started. Let me introduce you to your team: Coco and Chanel, the quirky, extravagant makeup artists come in, followed by the costume and hair team. The choreographer and the songwriter - Hannah, a quiet, creative type. John: These are the people who will be working behind the scenes to ensure you're always at your best. These two ... interesting individuals... are your makeup artists Coco and Chanel Chloe: What like the designer label? Coco: Has oído Channel? Creen que sonamos como LA diseñadora!!! Aunque no las culpo, la verdad que somos casi igual de estilosas! they laugh Chanel: Creo que con estas chicas tan guapas nos lo vamos a pasar genial. Me estoy

imaginando un look natural pero sensual. Con los ojos efecto smokey y cada una con

un pinta labios....estás pensando lo mismo que yo?

Coco & Chanel: Matte de diferente color!!

John: Nobody understands what they're saying but they're the best in the business so we just put up with their jibberish. Cecilia: quietly to Veronica I understand them, they're speaking Spanish not this language your father speaks of - jibberish. Chanel: Sabes que Coco, creo que al Sr. Benson no le caes muy bien.

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Coco: Tsst, de que hablas mujer! Si yo soy...ejem, quiero decir...SOMOS sus empleados favoritos! Chanel: Bueno, a lo mejor tienes razon, es imposible que le caigamos mal ninguna de las dos, MIRANOS! Si basicamente le realizamos milagros diariamente. Coco: Exacto! Si no le gustasemos, no llevariamos..eh..em… Chanel: sighs Trece años. Coco: Exacto, pues, después de trece años, nos habría despedido no crees? Chanel: Trece años de mi vida, a tu lado… Coco: Y que quieres decir con eso? Chanel: Nada, nada, solo que - she sees Coco’s face han sido taaaaan perfectos. Hemos conocido a unas artistas… she pulls a face that suggest they were difficult to work with Coco: laughing Y con las historias que tenemos sobre ellos! Podríamos ser ricas! thinks about it Oye, tampoco es tan mala idea, podríamos - John: Yes, yes, thank you ladies. Then these are your costume designers and hair stylists. All: Hi! Nice to meet you. John: And this is Hannah, she's our resident songwriter, She's written some of our biggest hits here at Frenzy. She'll be working on some ideas with you before your recording session in a few weeks time...ehem...Hannah? Hannah: under her breath Hey. Nice to met you. John: She doesn't talk much, which is one of the reasons I hired her. What with the makeup artists giving me pains with their constant chatter it's nice to have someone who just gets on with the job. Veronica: Dad! You can't say that kind of stu- John: Right, thank you you lot, we'll be seeing you all again later. they all leave apart from Coco and Chanel Chanel: aside to Coco Que ha dicho? Su acento siempre me supera.

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Coco: Creo que nos ha dado las gracias por venir. Oye por cierto te has enterado de la tensión entre él y su mujer desde que empezaron con estos grupos? Allí pasa algo. Coco: Claro, y sabiendo lo cotilla que eres seguro que te vas a enterar de lo que es. John: What? Chanel: Yes. We go now. Thank you. Coco: Adios mis amores! they leave, blowing kisses to everyone energetically as they go. John: Right...Okay girls first things first; lights down Mary and John: Your band name! split projection of each of the bands names. Neon sign flickering then off Girls: Blue Flames Boys: Fusion Five Scene 8 Big press conference to introduce the bands to the public. Members are sitting on a long horizontal platform in the centre of the stage. Each band are wearing distinctive group outfits. The journalists and photographers have their backs to the audience and are frantically asking questions. We see a few of the FRAG members hidden in amongst the crowd in their distinctive costume. Downstage left and right we see Mary and John talking into headsets, the bandmates should make a big deal of having to listen to what is being said through their earpieces All press: Cecilia! Look this way! Joel! Who are you? Mike! How old are you? SallyAnne! Over here! Where are you from? Do you have a boyfriend? Over Here! Chloe! Enzo! Veronica! Ricky! John Benson stalks in authoritatively and takes control of the situation, signalling to each press member when it is their turn to speak Press 1: Over here! Over here! Girls, What made you decide to go to the auditions for the new Frenzy Studios band? John talks into the headset Chloe: We are passionate about music. We wanted to spread our message across the world and maybe help change it, in some small way. We felt the best way to do that was through our power as women... united... in song. she looks at John in disbelief

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More chaotic shouting from journalists Press 2: Enzo! Enzo! We have sources that tell us you have a boyfriend back home, is this true? Enzo: Yeah, I just got - Mary shouts into her headset frantically Enzo: looking over What?! composes himself Ehem, I mean. Yeah, I heard those rumours too but I just wanted to state that it is misguided information he looks upset and confused I just had a lot of... friends back home, we were very close. If anyone got the wrong idea... he looks embarrassed, Mike leans over and pats him on the back, whispering something in his ear. The journalists errupt into chaos again Press 3: Mike! What's going on with you and Veronica Benson? Mike and Veronica: What?! Nothing! Press 4: Girls! How does it feel to have someone in the band who didn't have to audition? Cecilia: Wait. What? Press 4: Veronica Benson, You were given priority over other auditionees, how does this make you feel? Veronica: I - Press 1: Do you feel like you're worth more than your band mates? Veronica: No! I - Press 2: Is it true you're being paid double? Press 3: Why do you feel superior to your band mates? Press 4: Are you proud that you may have destroyed someone else's chances at a career? Veronica: STOP!!! Please, stop. silence. PAUSE. she cries. SallyAnne hugs her. SallyAnne: God people, how can you be so insensitive? Can't you see you're upsetting her?

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Mary and John make crazy, angry hand gestures trying to get the artists to stop talking. Mike: Yeah, how would it make you feel to be attacked like that? You just invent your stories anyway, what does it matter what we say? - you didn't even give her a chance to answer. Veronica: Everyone please just stop...ALL FREEZE lights change to Red John and Mary change expressions and sing:

Greedy John Mary Both PIANO INTRO


They say greedy is my middle name, HA! My wife’ll gladly take all the blame. What, moi?

These teenagers think they can ruin my plan,

from stealing their money and cash. Their cute little faces won’t fool me, oh no!

These girls are giving me a rash!

Cause we’re Benson and Benson, we rule the music industry, -where’s my tea? PIANO

We’re wicked and greedy we take from the needy Please no touchy feely!

Cause with money comes power,

I’m top of the tower. I rule the whole world now, -you mean “we”?

Don’t come in my way,

i'll defeat you today. Become my PA,

look at her where she is now.

Cause we’re Benson and Benson, we rule the music industry,

PIANO We’re wicked and greedy we take from the needy

Please no touchy feely!

Cause we’re Benson and Benson, we rule the music industry.


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Veronica drops to knees in tears, girls and John rush over to comfort her

John: Sweetie it’s ok, Mommy and me just have your best interests at heart (smile to audience)

Mary: Right boys, listen, I don’t mean to go all Cruela de Ville on you, you know I only want what’s best for you (smile to audience)

Exit left and right to reveal Activists who have entered behind

Sceene 8A

Back in the park. The team has been brewing up ideas for posters for their first F.R.A.G committee and are now sitting in dirty paint covered overalls as they put their ideas on paper. Apollo gets up and walks over to where one of the posters has been discarded.

Apollo: Oi, Oi. What’s wrong with this one then? Phoebe: the A looks like an O. At least, that’s what I keep trying to tell Velma, but apparently she thinks that’s the best one I’ve done so far. Velma: Well, what am I supposed to do? You can’t even follow a simple instruction. Charlie: under his breath Here we go again! Phoebe: YOU SAID A CROSS!

Velma: Holds up another poster with a massive cross over the word F.R.A.G. THIS is A cross, I said, across. Across the page. I wanted you to draw a line ACROSS the page. Phoebe: I drew a cross! I don’t know what you’re problem is Velma. Velma: Urgh. Just forget it. she throws the poster back onto the floor. apollo bends down to pick it up Charlie: I wouldn’t touch that if I were you brother. Velma will yell at you if you do. Apollo: Bog off mate, she clearly doesn’t want it. Plus, Aren’t you all about that recycling malarkey? He picks it up and scrunches it into a ball, kicking it straight at Hannah who has just entered SR Velma: exasperated Apollo!

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Apollo: Oops. grimaces, then shrugs (Hannah looks down, picks up the piece of paper and opens it to find it’s a The “F.R.A.G” poster, Apollo edges up to Charlie and nudges him in the ribs. Hannah is unaware of the conversation going on behind her) Charlie: nudges Apollo Could you not breathe down my neck please? Apollo: Soz mate. shuffles back a bit, pause She’s fit, do you think she’s an alien-believer? Charlie: scoffs Seriously Apollo? No one beli- Velma: frustrated Shush! Charlie: I guess she IS kinda cute. But if anything, I reckon she’s a bit more like me, you know - a meditating Sister. Velma: urgent whisper Will you two, please SHUT UP? She’s going to hear you! Phoebe: Ignoring her Do you think she’s interested in joining up? Velma throws her hands up and sighs, exasperated Phoebe: I’m serious Charlie, don’t you think you should ask?

Charlie: ME - ask- HER?! he starts to straighten his shirt and comb through his hair I mean, I guess I would be- Velma: panics No way! Look at her, she’s probably some fame hungry, teeny pop girl who writes songs about her last hookup and how they’re never ever ever getting back together. Hannah: to herself Hmmm, reads “FROG - fighting against the POPular, defending the spectacular”, Interesting. Especially since the whole Veronica incident is probably about to blow up in the media... Apollo: Hear that Velma, she IS interested. Velma glares at him then walks up to Hannah Velma: Listen, snatches paper off her this is serious stuff. We want to fight Frenzy and their dehumanising ideals. Phoebe: Velma! Look! pulls her aside her guitar case has the frenzy logo on it. Maybe she works there? She’d be the perfect addition to FRAG if she does!

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Velma: back to Hannah BUT...If you have any information that could help us...like, I dunno the “Veronica incident” you just spoke about, then we might be able to help each other out. Hannah looks at the floor uncomfortably Hannah: confused Uhhhmm. I - Phoebe: Over-enthusiastic Great! I’m Phoebe, that’s Apollo, our scruffy songwriter. Although where he gets his ideas from I’m not too sure. The extremely bossy lady is Velma (looks at her disapprovingly) and that’s Charlie she points to the empty space where Charlie was standing confused, Umm...Charlie? she spots him a corner trying to hide behind one of the posters I think he’s a bit shy, he thinks you’re...what did he say again? Oh yeah, making fun of him cuuute. Anyway, Welcome to the team! Hannah: To be honest… I just- I saw this- with the Frenzy logo and, well, you see I work for Frenzy but I… you know… It’s not really…. (looks at all of them wide-eyed and a little afraid, clears her throat) You guys are F.R.O.G. right? Phoebe: It’s actually F.R.A.G, Frenzy Records Activist Group (turns to Velma) I told you it looked like an O. Velma: ignoring her Meet us at Crimson Park at 4:00. On the dot. Bring your information and tell no one. Hannah: But that’s….here… Apollo: Yeah, well, we couldn’t really afford anything else, we’re skint love. Charlie: What he means to say is that we prefer to be surrounded by nature and it’s beauty, it helps us get inspiration. Phoebe: You should probably go now. But remember, tell NO ONE, or else (she punches her hand, trying to seem scary and tough, but then winces in pain) Hannah exits confused, paper in hand, group watch her leave then exits opposite direction Charlie: (as they exit) Did anyone even bother asking her name

Scene 9 We are backstage in the dressing rooms. the mirrors form a reverse V shape partition between the two bands. We can clearly see that both Mary and John are in the

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process of scolding the bands for what we've just seen. In the girls dressing room we see two colourful individuals scuttling around doing their makeup whilst it all happens. John: Unbelievable! And from my own daughter! How many times did I tell you to just say what I told you. I said don't go around making up your own stories. Cecilia: But Mr. Benson, the press, they were being so mean and - John: That's what they do!!! Do you not have any respect, any gratitude for the opportunity my label and I are giving you? Can you not see the investment we're making? Only to get it all thrown back in our face! Veronica: Daddy I'm sorry.. I didn't know- I didn't think- Why couldn't I just have auditioned? I asked you so many times! I just wanted to be like everyone else! This never would have happened if you hadn't - John grabs her arm roughly and pulls her aside John: I've given you a once in a lifetime opportunity. Now you shut your mouth he grabs her arm tighter and she winces in pain and be grateful child or I will send you right back out the door! I swear, If I lose to your mother now because of you - he storms out, slamming the door behind him. Girls freeze Mary: Really Joel, we've discussed this! You swore blind that he was just a friend. Why would you decide to fabricate a whole new story in front of the press?! Do you not see what you could have done? Enrique: Mrs. Benson, he never actually said that they were just friends. You just straight up told him - Mary: I told him to keep it quiet! You can have whatever life you want off camera, but when I tell you to do something, you do it. Why can't you understand; on camera you are who I tell you to be. Mike: But - Mary: Not another word from you young man. You not only dishonoured your fellow band mates just now, you dishonoured me, my label and my family. Mary exits and the boys sit in silence for a few seconds, looking at their reflection uncomfortably, the girls unfreeze and do the same Mike & SallyAnne: suddenly angry/exasperated Why is it that NOTHING we do is good enough for them?!

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Scene 10 there's a knock on the door. Mary clears her throat, straightens her suit and opens the door, roughly. Mary: What?! two colourful, quirky looking people are standing at the door holding big makeup boxes and smiling intensely. Coco: Hello Madam, we are here for makeup. Mary: excuse me? Chanel: The makeup Senora. For the chicos. Mary: Right. Right, of course. Come on in. Boys you listen to me very carefully, you've got your interview with Ellen next and if I hear one single word pass your lips that isn't exactly what I tell you then I'm dropping you from the label. Understand? All: Yes Mrs. Benson. Mary: Good. Now get into makeup. Enrique: Makeup?! Esta mujer esta loca - yo no me pongo maquillaje! Chanel: Ay Coco has oído eso? Habla Español! Coco: Uno de los nuestros! Y como se nota, tan guapo y alto y morenito! they run over to Enrique and give him four very fast and noisy (mwah) air kisses each Enrique: struggling against them Si. Si. Hola. Coco: Ayyy. Chanel! Mira que chiquis, son monisimos! Bueno va! Que hay que WORK

WORK WORK WORK! shooing the boys into their makeup chairs

Enzo: What are these people saying? Enrique: They said they're here to do our makeup. Mike: What?! Bez: Oh I’m down silence what?

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Chanel: Sabes que cari? Cuando estuvimos con las chicas antes, y ya sabes que yo no soy gossip...nothing at all, para nada de nada pero creo que esa chica...como se llamaba. Coco: Cristina? No, no, no. ehhmmm. Clara. No, tampoco. Uf...espera, ya me vendra awkward silence Chloe! eso Chloe. very proud of herself Chanel: No, esa no, la otra. La española, guapisima, con el pelo largo y unos ojos grandísimos. Coco: Ahhh, vale, si si. Clara, no, espera, Carmen....Cecilia! Joel: Cecilia? Yeah I met her at the auditions! Did she get into Blue Flames? Coco: Eh? Chiqui no entiendo! Hable bien por dios!! Enrique: Dice que la conoce del casting, quería saber si la chica - Cecilia - está en el grupo Blue Flames. Chanel: Ahhh. Vale. Mírale la cara al chiquito, el pobre está enamorado! Bueno tu dile que sí, que la chica esta en ese grupito tan mono Pétalos Azules Enrique: Ehhmmm...Si, Claro. Apparently they think you like this girl. Joel: Well, she was pretty amazing, not gonna lie. Coco: Vale mis amores - Chanel: Terminados! Coco: A salir y brillar como las estrellas que sois. Chanel: Ciao! blows air kisses to them all as they exit, looking very lost and slightly frightened Joel remains . picks up Uke Cheeky Song Joel/Toni Hey, I’m a little bit shy with you. I’m not a big guy full of bad tattoos, yeah I’m little and ginger too. I, I’m not a smooth talker, I’m a wannabe rockstar. Someone told me i was out of your league. If you’re going out tonight baby,

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don’t listen to the other guys. Love, I’ve fallen in love with you. I know it sounds cheesy but, It’s the solemnly only truth. And love, I wrote you a love song. I was hoping you’d sing along with me, you could finish my melody. I keep on trying for you, the press makes me look like a fool. Love, I’ve fallen in love with you. I know it sounds cheesy but, It’s the solemnly only truth. And love, I wrote you a love song. I was hoping you’d sing along with me, we could finish our melody. Puts down Uke, chuckles to himself and leaves Scene 11 Once the boys have left the dressing room the two makeup artists sink into the makeup seats. Chanel pulls out sandwiches, wine, wine glasses, handkerchiefs, salt and pepper and olive oil from her handbag. Chanel: Anda, Siéntate, que te he traído la merienda - te he hecho una bocata de tortilla que esta buenisimo. Coco: Ayy mi amor que mona eres, como....una....una...una chincheta! Chanel: Una chincheta? Coco: Si, ya sabes los animalitos esos que son como una bola peludo, los que son tan monos! Chanel: No querrás decir chinchilla no? Coco: Bueno, yo que sé, es lo mismo. Pero bueno, ahora que estamos solos tenemos que hablar bien de lo que pasó allí dentro, que no me entere muy bien. Y...no te enfades, pero quien son estos chiquitos? Chanel: Es que nunca me escuchas! Cuántas veces te lo voy a tener que explicar eh? Es muy simple: La Sra. Benson y su Marido han creado dos grupos de pop, uno de chicas, y otro de chicos.

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Coco: Vale, vale, eso lo entiendo - pero, lo de la torta que le pego el Sr. Benson a su hija? de donde vino? Chanel: Los niños solo se querían expresar, pero ya sabes, los periodistas siempre son brutales - especialmente con los jóvenes, y cuando los chiquis decidieron defenderse, pues, ya sabes - no dijeron lo que querían los Bensons y bueno, ya esta. Coco: Pff, que estrés, que drama, por dios santisimo - es como un episodio de gran


Chanel: Bueno, bueno tampoco te pases - que aun no tenemos ninguna parejita eh! Coco: Pero de que hablas? Claro que si! Nuestra propia Hispánica y el chiquito este - Jose Chanel: JOEL! Coco: vale, vale. Y luego también tenemos a estos dos, cuchufletos - la Benson Jr. y el

rubito alemán, Mike. Que no te enteras contreras.

Chanel: De que hablas, si entre ellos no hay nada! Coco: SI, SI! Mi sexto sentido...INFALIBLE Chanel: Claro, claro - como cuando dijiste que la Taylor Swift esta se iba a quedar con su novio - no ves que no? Scene 12 We're on the set of a music video - the bands are being hurried around in preparation with hair, costume and makeup. We see people testing the cameras and lighting, putting up a green screen etc. The girls and boys are in the same space but can't see each other, it's like two separate scenes happening at once. Director 1: Okay so the concept behind this video is you're trying to serenade the girl you love. Enzo: nodding Oh, okay, cool. Enrique: teasing Yeah, Joel and Mike are a little rusty, they could do with the practise. Mary: warning Boys.

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Director 1: Maybe she's just broken your heart and you want to get her back or you've just met her and she's playing hard to get. We don't know. Mike: Okay so... what is it exactly you need us to do? Director 1: big sigh Just give me face, give me sexy, but sweet and passionate but also like held back. Got it? Joel: I - Director 1: Get it. Okay good, let's go. Joel: Okay then, never mind. “I Want It That Way” Woahhh You are the spark That lights up my heart Believe when I say I want it that way But we are two worlds apart Can't reach to your heart When you say That I want it that way Tell me why Ain't nothin' but a heartache Tell me why Ain't nothin' but a mistake Tell me why I never wanna hear you say I want it that way Am I the spark That lights up your heart Yes I know I messed up

But I want it that way Tell me why Ain't nothin' but a heartache Tell me why Ain't nothin' but a mistake Tell me why I never wanna hear you say I want it that way Now I can see this is burning up Looks like this is the end of our love No matter where you are I want need you to see That deep down inside of me... Don't want this to end Ain't nothin' but a heartache Ain't nothin' but a mistake (don't wanna hear you say) I never wanna hear you say (oh, yeah) I want it that way 'Cause I want it that way

Director 1: That's a wrap! Thank you boys. We'll need you to stay on location for the photo shoot but you can have a 20 minute break. The boys return to their dressing rooms and flop on the sofa. There is a moment of awkward silence as they try to figure out what to say Enzo: That just wasn't us

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Mike: Oh thank god! I thought it was just me! Enrique: No it was awful. I mean, there's so much more we could say with our songs. Bez: Yeah, I felt quite uncomfortable too Joel: And the whole set up was just so - Mike: Cheesy. Like we're some manufactured pop group who has no ideas or inspiration of their own. Enzo: I've got tons of ideas! Enrique: You and me both bro. Maybe we should try to talk to Mary and see if - Joel: Are you kidding? She'll just drop us from the label. We just have to go with it - do what they want. Once we've built a name for ourselves they'll give us some freedom. Bez: I guess you’re right

He stands up and walks to the door Mike: Where you going man? Joel: I need to get some fresh air - I can't sit in here for the next 20 minutes. I just, can't. He exits SR. the lights go down and the boys exit upSL as the girls enter down SL - this needs to be a very quick and smooth transition Director 2: So this is the space, Can someone hit the lights please? Lights up Chloe: Woah. It's really cool! Director 2: So we're just going to have you go into hair and makeup while we finish setting up, I assume you guys know what you're doing? Cecilia: Um, not really - we recorded the track last night but they didn't really say much about what we were doing today. Director 2: Okay so the basic concept is just you guys having fun. I just need you to think over the lyrics a bit - try to get a feel for what they mean. The most important

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thing is your energy on camera - you need to give me 110% every time or else we'll end up losing time and producing an unfinished product. SallyAnne: Okay, sounds good. Thank you! the girls enter the dressing room to find Coco and Chanel waiting for them Veronica: under breath Oh god... Chanel: Mis amores! blows air kisses at the girls Como estamos? Bueno vamos a empezar, correr, correr, correr clapping at them to get them to sit down - que os vamos a hacer brillar como el Times Square en Nueva York. Coco: New York baby! Por cierto cual era la chica...ya sabes.... winks awkwardly ESA chica... Chanel: De que hablas Coco? Por dios, Habla bien por favor. Coco: Ya sabes, la chica española de la que está enamorado el chico ese - Jorge Chanel: Ahhh, vale, si. Dices esta pats Cecilias head Pero a ver si por una vez te recuerdes, el tipo se llama Joel. Cecilia: Espera, Joel esta en el grupo de chicos? No me lo puedo creer! Chloe: What's going on Cecilia? Cecilia: It turns out a friend of mine...Well more of a guy that I met at the auditions is in Fusion Five. girls reacted excitedly to this SallyAnne: Ooo, so, what's he like? Veronica: Do you like him? Cecilia: I dunno, he was really sweet but he kind of left me hanging around for ages - he said we'd catch up after but he never showed. Veronica: What?! SallyAnne: Urgh, typical. Why am I not surprised that he’s that kind of guy? Trust me, Guys like that are nothing but trouble. Keep him as far away as possible Ceci, he’s not worth the heartbreak. Chloe: Well you can’t know that Sally, you’ve never met him, I think you should give him a chance Cee.

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Kimmie: Yeah, you never know, maybe he had a good reason for it? Cecilia: It doesn’t make any difference, I can't be doing with guy drama right now - we need to focus on getting Blue Flames on the map. Chloe: Mmhm, whatever you say honey. Chanel: to Cecilia Sabes, creo que los chicos también estaban grabando su video aquí. Les hicimos el maquillaje esta mañana. Cecilia gets all flustered and excited, SallyAnne grabs her and makes her stand still SallyAnne: Stop. Listen you don’t need a man, you’re a strong, independant - Kimmie: Girl power doesn’t mean she can’t like the guy! I know you’ve got that fiery, sexy hispanic girl hiding inside you somewhere Ceci. I just know it. So dig down real deep and USE IT! they all laugh Chloe: No but, seriously though, you gave him a chance and he missed out. That’s his loss and now, you’re here about to start an incredible career. So leave the boy behind. Veronica: And if you do see him again and, I dunno, you have a spark or chemistry or whatever...well, just let him know what he did hasn’t gone unnoticed, say something like - Can you keep up?

Baby boy, make me lose my breath

Bring the noise, make me lose my


Hit me Hard, make me lose my (Hah


Can you keep up?

Baby boy, make me lose my breath

Bring the noise, make me lose my


Hit me Hard, make me lose my breath

(Hah Hah)


I put it right there, made it easy for

you to get to

Now you wanna act like ya don't know

what to do

After I done everything that you asked


Grabbed you, grind you, liked you,

tried you

Moved so fast baby now I can't find



I'm startin' to believe that I'm way too

much for you

All that talk but it seems like it can't

come through

All them lies like you could satisfy me,

Now I see where believing you got me

Gave you the wheel, but you can't

drive me

[Chorus 2x]

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Crew: Girls, we need you. You've got two minutes. Veronica: Okay, we're on our way. Come on girls lets go. Kimmie: Oh my god! I’m so excited! they leave the dressing room and go over to where the video is going to be shot. Cecilia: Oh! I've left my heels in the dressing room, give me a sec. she turns around and runs to the dressing room. Director 2: Come on sweetie, we haven't got all day! You're eating up our time here! Cecilia: Sorry, I'm coming, I'm coming. As she comes back, shoes in hand, she slams straight right into Joel who's wandered into the studio by mistake. Joel: Woah! Slow down there, you nearly - Cecilia?! Cecilia: Hey Joel...What's up? Congrats on getting into the band by the way. Joel: How did you - Cecilia: The makeup artists are really bad gossips. Director 2: Come on! If we have to wait for you any longer - Veronica: Just give her a sec, she's on her way, don't worry. Joel: clears his throat So, um. We never - I didn't- We didn't get the chance to meet up again after the auditions. Cecilia: Yeah, I waited but you never showed. I figured you'd just forgotten or something. Joel: Oh, I'm so sorry, I didn't realise. I was - Cecilia: Hey it's no big deal. Our managers probably wouldn't have approved anyway - fraternizing with our competition. Joel: Oh come on, we're signed to the same label. We're not competition. Cecilia: Yeah, that's not what I heard.

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Joel: Um. Well...Do you... Um. You want to go catch a movie or something later? I think we've got the night off tonight. Director 2: Right! that's it, we're starting without you honey, this is ridiculous. Cecilia: I've got to go. she starts to leave Joel: But - Cecilia: You left me waiting for you Joel, I'm not just going to make this easy for you. Plus, I've got work now so... she waves and starts to walk away Joel: shouting after her Yeah. I get that. Maybe, maybe another time? to himself Damn. What does this girl want from me? Ha ha ha ha ha Yo, I'll tell you what I want, what I really, really want So tell me what you want, what you really, really want I'll tell you what I want, what I really, really want So tell me what you want, what you really, really want I wanna, (ha) I wanna, (ha) I wanna, (ha) I wanna, (ha) I wanna really, really, really wanna zigazig ah

If you want my future, forget my past If you wanna get with me, better make it fast Now don't go wasting my precious time Get your act together we could be just fine

I'll tell you what I want, what I really, really want So tell me what you want, what you really, really want I wanna, (ha) I wanna, (ha) I wanna, (ha) I wanna, (ha) I wanna really, really, really wanna zigazig ah If you wanna be my lover, you gotta get with my friends

(Gotta get with my friends) Make it last forever, friendship never ends If you wanna be my lover, you have got to give Taking is too easy, but that's the way it is

Oh, what do you think about that Now you know how I feel Say, you can handle my love, are you for real (Are you for real) I won't be hasty, I'll give you a try If you really bug me then I'll say goodbye

Yo I'll tell you what I want, what I really, really want So tell me what you want, what you really, really want I wanna, (ha) I wanna, (ha) I wanna, (ha) I wanna, (ha) I wanna really, really, really wanna zigazig ah

If you wanna be my lover, you gotta get with my friends (Gotta get with my friends) Make it last forever, friendship never ends If you wanna be my lover, you have got to give

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(You've got to give) Taking is too easy, but that's the way it is

So, here's a story from A to Z You wanna get with me, you gotta listen carefully (all but SallyAnne)We got Sal in the place who’s really in your face (all but Kimmie and Chloe)You got Kim and Chlo who like an easy beat (all but Veronica)Watch out for V, she's a real lady (Cecilia)And as for me, Cece you'll see

Slam your body down and wind it all around Slam your body down and zigazig ah If you wanna be my lover

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Act 2

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Scene 1

This scene is designed to show the passage of time. We see the bands going on tour, signing autographs. We see their fan bases grow. We see FRAG protests as the bands become more and more popular.On the screen behind them we see projections of tour dates, articles about the band's scandals in tabloids, snippets of concerts and clips of their tour buses.

Interviewer: So we're here with Blue Flames, pre-show, they're about to get onstage here in Amsterdam, the third stop on their first world tour, Girls how does it feel?

SallyAnne: Honestly it's just been such an amazing experience.

Chloe: All the fans are so supportive –

Fan: (Offstage) Chloe I love you!

Chloe: I love you too! laughs Um, yeah it's just been great.

Veronica: And having the chance to go all over the world, and seeing how much support we have.

Kimmie: Our fans are amazing

Cecilia: We have a great team behind us well

SallyAnne: Yeah, um, basically just everything I guess.

Kimmie: This has been my dream since before I can remember and to be here now with these amazing girls puts her arms around her bandmates I just feel so lucky.

Interviewer: Okay well thank you girls, have a good show!

Girls: Thank you!

Fans: Oh my god!!! I love you!! Enzo! Can I have a picture?! Cecilia!! Ahhh!! (etc.)

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Paparazzi: Over here! Give us a smile! This way! Gorgeous! Gorgeous!


the boys are now standing on a platform as if they're doing a concert/show with fans screaming below them, they're wearing ridiculous futuristic matching outfits

Joel: What's up Rome! How is everyone doing today?

audience scream

Mike: Thank you all so much for coming out tonight!

Enzo: Woah what a crowd!

Enrique: We're Fusion Five and this is Year 3000, join in if you know it!

One day when I came home at lunchtime, I heard a funny noise Went out to the back yard to find out if it was, One of those rowdy boys. Stood there was my neighbour called Peter, And a Flux Capacitor. He told me he built a time machine Like the one in a film I've seen. Yeah, yeah. [Chorus:] He said, "I've been to the year three thousand. Not much has changed but they lived under water. And your great-great-great-granddaughter Is pretty fine (is pretty fine)." He took me to the future in the flux thing and I saw everything, Boy bands and another one and another one... and another one! Triple breasted women swim around town... totally naked! We drove around in a time machine,

Like the one in the film I've seen. Yeah, yeah. [Chorus] I took a trip to the year three thousand. This song had gone multi-platinum. Everybody bought our 7th album. It had outsold Michael Jackson. I took a trip to the year three thousand. This song had gone multi-platinum. Everybody bought our 7th album, 7th album. He told me he built a time machine Like the one in a film I've seen. Yeah, yeah. [2x] He said, "I've been to the year three thousand. Not much has changed but they lived under water. And your great-great-great-granddaughter Is pretty fine (she's pretty fine)." He said, "I've been to the year three thousand.

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Not much has changed but they lived under water. And your great-great-great-

granddaughter Is pretty fine."

Fans scream at front of podium then rotate around as we see boys leave what is now back of their stage, front of ours

Ricky: Geez! They lived under water, Please! what is this sh…

Mike: (interrupting) yeah, yeah, we know - it’s hardly ground breaking stuff, but did you hear the fans? they loved it, so it must just be us not getting it!

Joel: Right so you think our fans are dumb enough to think “triple breasted women” are cool! Give me a break! we’re just another one

Bez and Enzo: and another one...and another one…

Ricky: Towel flicks the boys

Hannah: Listen you have talent, that’s what the fans love, it doesn’t matter what you sing, they’d pay to hear you sing gangnam style!

Bez: Hannah what was that thing you were singing in the tour bus earlier? It sounded cool!

Hannah: picks up guitar what this one…..Plays a few riffs of Testify

Ricky: Aw man I love it, what are the lyrics?

Hannah: Well I just happen to have a few copies – want to have a go?

boys huddle around Hannah and hold a piece of paper each for moment then they launch into a very relaxed backstage coincidental jam version of Testify

Testifying Fusion Five:Toni Ricky Carlos Alvar Adrián Everyone

I’ve had enough, yeah I’m bored. On every billboard, what for?

But there’s this girl, got me on edge. Want to sing to her, be her silhouette.

I know that I’ve said things before, but my feelings just endure.

I know I committed the perfect crime, Now I’m ripping what I sew. And I need you to know

That I’m desperate to find you, I’d be lying if it weren’t true. I’ve been texting no replying, and I’m guessing you read me too. Cause I’d fly all the way to Mars and back, I’d write your name with the stars. So that you could see from Earth and above,

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that you’re the one for me.

Darling, I’m testifying, oh no. Yes I’m testifying my love.

I was wrong, I admit it. Was just that one time and I fully regret it. All this pain hast left me numb, Oh darling you messed me up.

I know that I’ve said things before, but my feelings just endure. I know I committed the perfect crime, Now I’m ripping what I sew. And I need you to know.

That I’m desperate to find you, I’d be lying if it weren’t true. I’ve been texting no replying, and I’m guessing you read me too. Cause I’d fly all the way to Mars and back, I’d write your name with the stars. So that you could see from Earth and above, that you’re the one for me.

Darling, I’m testifying, oh no. Yes I’m testifying my love.

Scene 2

We find ourselves in a recording studio with the girls, they are waiting for Hannah, John and the staff from the recording studio to arrive. It’s a very warm, relaxed environment - with comfy sofas and a fridge etc. Enter Girlband, Coco and Chanel

Cecilia: on phone No Joel I've had enough, I don't care! You told me you wanted us to go public and now you say you want to wait? And I'm not supposed to get suspicious? What do you mean "what am I suggesting?" I read the magazines Joel, I've seen the pictures of you, out every night with some girl hanging off your arm. No! Esto es ridículo, se termino Joel, ya esta, ya basta - tres meses hemos estado ya y me sigues haciendo esto? Oh, you didn't understand? Why don't I make it simple. We're done! she hangs up, she starts to cry

Veronica: Oh babe, I'm so sorry. I can't believe he'd do something like this.

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SallyAnne: It's for the best, trust me, you don't need him, you're better than that.

Kimmie: Sweetie you’re better off without him, don’t cry - he doesn’t deserve your tears.

Cecilia: still crying I know but, I just, I don't, no lo entiendo. Why? Why would he do this? He said he loved me.

Chloe: Maybe we're just reading the wrong side of the story? You can't trust those tabloids, you know that better than anyone Cecilia.

Cecilia: What's that supposed to mean?

Chloe: Nothing, I just- Well, you know, what they said about you wasn't true was it? About your past and your parents being…

Cecilia: What? Go on, Say it!

SallyAnne: Never mind.

Cecilia: Those stupid idiots have dragged my name through the mud ever since we started this band. I just don't get it. What, because I’m hispanic it means my whole family is either in prison, in a gang or a drug dealer? Why are they attacking me? And now this? How could Joel do this? Continue adlib rant in Spanish to Coco and Chanel throwing things on the floor while they pick them up and sympathise

silence, nobody knows what to say, it’s awkward, Cecilia leans on Veronica’s shoulder and veronica hugs her, then in strides John followed by Hannah - holding a guitar

John: Good morning my beautiful ladies! How are we all this morning? no answer I have some wonderful news- since you got off your tour your fan base hasn’t stopped growing. Your last single has been at number one for two weeks AND, drum roll please, silence We’ve had Richard Fenn on the phone all morning trying to book you as the opening act for the Oscars!


John: Some kind of reaction would be nice. I’ve put my heart and soul into getting you to where you are, and you don’t seem excited, or even remotely bothered when

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I tell you I’ve booked you for THE OSCARS…….It’s THE OSCARS, what’s wrong with you people?


John: Right. Well, Hannah is here - she says you guys have been working on a few ideas lately - we need some new material if we want to keep on this high streak. So, why don’t you show me what you’ve got.

Hannah: Well, the girls wanted to do something a little more...meaningful, this time around. We thought of doing something like this.


Hannah: Plays guitar - speaking over it It be a little controversial...but it goes... Cause I don’t wanna be like you. I don’t wanna walk in your shoes, I wanna walk in my shoes, I wanna make my own rules. No I don’t wanna be like you. I don’t wanna walk in your shoes, wanna be myself, don’t make me be anybody else. I wanna be original, I wanna be me, myself and I. But you’re keeping me in the door, making me live out a lie. I wanna be original, wanna be me, myself and I…...

John: Okay…(interrupting) ...Were there any other ideas?

Veronica: What, you didn’t like that one?


Hannah: Well, we only really came up with three finished pieces.

Chloe: Yeah, and our favourite was the one she just played you.

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SallyAnne: Just try to picture it with all five of us in harmony - we’ll play our own music and -

John: Play your own music? No, no, no. That’s not how we do things.

Hannah: Well why don’t we show you the other ideas?

plays one verse of Testiying

John: pinching the top of his nose Okay, what’s the other one? Can I hear that?

Hannah: flustered Oh...Ummm. Yeah, sure.

plays the chorus of something else

John: Okay, you know what Hannah. You’ve done a fantastic job, amazing, really girls I’m very impressed.

SallyAnne: So you’ll let us record it?

John: No.

Veronica: No?!

John: No. Like I said, I love them, but we just have to hold back on recording them for the time being. I’ve found you guys the perfect song. It’s just, a perfect reflection of what Blue Flames is.

Cecilia: You don’t know what Blue Flames is.

John: Excuse me?

Chloe; Cecilia, let it be, please?

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Cecilia: You don’t have a clue what we’re capable of. You don’t listen to any of our ideas, you just brush us off as if we don’t know what we’re talking about. Eres tu el que nos contrató, pero no nos conoces para nada!

SallyAnne: Cecilia, you’re talking Spanish again

Cecilia: You have tried to mould us all to your stupid little pop girl image and now none of our songs mean anything, we can’t speak with our own voices anymore.

John: You know what, if you hate it so much, why don’t you just leave? Cecilia: I- John: Oh, that’s right, I’d forgotten, you can’t leave because I’m the one keeping your good for nothing brother out of jail every week. Veronica: Dad! John: Keep out of this. So, Cecilia, what are you going to do? huh? Cecilia: I.. John: That’s what I thought. Now get in there and you record what I tell you to record.

John sits down, girls move to riser and record bootyliciious

I don't think you ready for this talent

I don't think you ready for this talent

I don't think you ready for this

'Cause we all too bootylicious for yo babe

I don't think you ready for this talent

I don't think you ready for this talent

I don't think you ready for this

'Cause Blue Fame just too bootylicious for yo babe

Move your body up and down (whoo!)

Make your booty touch the ground (whoo!)

I can't help but wonder why (whoo!)

Is my vibe too vibealacious for you, babe

I shake my talent at every chance

When I whip with my hips you slip into a trance

I'm hoping you can handle all this talent that I have

Now let's cut a rug while we scat some jazz

I don't think you ready for this talent

I don't think you ready for this talent

Veronica: You know what, no. I’m done. I’m done.

Chloe: What? Vee what do you mean?

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Veronica: This isn’t us and I’m sick and tired of taking it and taking it. You keep saying you’ll give us a chance to do our own stuff, but you never do.

John: How dare you! If you want to stay on this label you’ll get right back i…. -

Veronica: I’m not an object to be sold for your benefit, I’m a human and on top of that I’m your daughter. This song isn’t us - I won’t be seen to be a part of something that makes us look like we’re some easy brainless group of ditzy bimbo’s. I’m done.

she storms out, silence, everyone is really shocked, all the girls run off after her, John shakes his head and laughs

John: She’ll come back. She signed the contract after all. exit, lights down spotlight on Cecilia who picks up Hannah’s guitar

Original Cecilia/Maria I’m not rhythm, I don’t stay the same, so please don’t ask me to cause I don’t work that way. You can’t mold me, I’m not a shape, yes I’m human and I make mistakes. Cause I don’t wanna be like you. I don’t wanna walk in your shoes, I wanna walk in my shoes, I wanna make my own rules. No I don’t wanna be like you. I don’t wanna walk in your shoes, wanna be myself, don’t make me be anybody else. I wanna be original, I wanna be me, myself and I. But you’re keeping me in the door, making me live out a lie. I wanna be original, wanna be me, myself and I. But I’m trapped inside your mind. So let me be original. You can’t fix me, I’m not broken.

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You can’t defeat me, complete me, this is who I am. And I know that you don’t like it, I know you disapprove. But my heart falls just as fast, And my feelings break like glass. I wanna be original, I wanna be me, myself and I. But you’re keeping me in the door, making me live out a lie. I wanna be original, wanna be me, myself and I. But I’m trapped inside your mind. So let me be original.


Scene 2A

The gang is hanging out in their usual meeting spot in the park. Apollo is messing around with his ukulele. Charlie looks amazing, he’s freshened up and bought some new clothes, he’s trying to meditate but he keep looking nervously towards SR. Velma and Phoebe are handing out flyers to passers by, trying to promote F.R.A.G. Hannah enters SR and Charlie quickly tries to act natural.

Apollo: singing out of tune We are FRAG we’ve got this in the bag...no, no, that’s not it. Umm...we don’t lag...tag, sag, gag, hag….guys what rhymes with FRAG? …. OH! I know! drag! We are FRAG, we’re a drag.

the others all look at him questioningly, awkward pause.

Apollo: I’ll keep working on it...he keeps strumming and singing to himself

Hannah: Hey guys, sorry I’m late, Mr.Benson was being...well, his usual self.

Phoebe: distracted by the chance to gossip Oh no! What happened?

Charlie: Concerned Are you okay?

Hannah: Yeah, I’m fine, I’m just tired of him ignoring ALL of my ideas. I mean, the stuff he’s getting these kids to sing is just -

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Apollo: Empty?

Hannah: Yeah. Exactly.

Apollo: It’s like they’re a black hole, sucking up their personalities and individuality and leaving them as brainless carcassess ready for the alien invasion, right?

Phoebe: whispers to Hannah He has these...theories...about alien life-forms using humans as hosts when they invade earth. Just ignore him, the rest of us dol

Hannah: Well the point is It’s got nothing behind it, no truth. You should have seen the girls today, they were NOT happy.

Velma: Intrigued What are you talking about?

Hannah: I think they’re starting to see exactly what being signed to Frenzy REALLY means and, I dunno, It just feels like something big is going to happen...

Charlie: Yes. Yes. I felt it too. The breeze has been whispering recently, I could tell mother nature was trying to tell me something. She can feel it...the electricity buzzing through her childrens’ veins.

Phoebe: Ooo, that sounds kind of magical.

Hannah: Uhh...yeah...sure. Listen. I thought, maybe, it was time I introduced you guys to the bands?

Velma: You have got to be joking? You think that group of brainless teens will think twice about helping us? All they care about is fame.

Charlie: Hannah just said they -

Velma: I heard her loverboy. It’s not happening.

Apollo: Velma, We would be HELPING. Making a difference. Isn’t that what you always wanted?

Velma: I - I -

Phoebe: Please Velma? I know you want to do what’s right.

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Velma: shocked You ALL think we should do this?!

Hannah: Listen, I’ve got to get back. Just think about it okay? This could be huge for us, if we work with them, we might be able to bring the Benson’s off their high perch once and for all.

Scene 3

A red carpet event is taking place, lots of paparazzi, bodyguards and security men, tv crews, and screaming fans. Downstage left we see the girls with John and Coco, Downstage right we see the boys with Mary and Chanel. Veronica is missing.

Chanel: Madre mia, me vais a hacer llorar! Que guapos que estais por dios! Pareceis hombres!

Enrique: Gracias Chanel. Enserio, has sido estupenda estos últimos meses. Coco y tu, sois increíbles.

Mike: Yo, man ask her if she knows anything about Vee.

Joel: Ask her if Cecilia has told her anything about me.

Enzo: Guys, chill, seriously stop thinking about those girls and let's just have fun. I mean really, how many chances are we going to get to walk down the red carpet wearing designer suits?

Enrique: He’s right. You need to stop stressing about all that drama, you know if Mary found out she would kill both of you “no fraternising with your competition unless I specifically tell you to do so” remember?

Bez: I’m with them, relax, you guys can see them after.

Chanel: A ver, tampoco estoy sorda, si quieres les respondo yo y ya está. Obviamente quieren saberlo y conociendoles a los dos no se van a poder calmar hasta que saben lo que pasa.

Joel: Whatever she just said had something to do with us didn’t it? What was it? What did she say?

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Chanel: Listen, I don’t know where Miss. Benson is - she hasn’t been around for a week now and none of the other girls seem to know what’s going on.

Mike: Damn, is she okay though? Maybe I should ask Mrs. -

Enzo: NO!

Chanel: As for you and your girl Joel...I don’t know how much luck you're going to have. La chica estaba muy cabreada, pero te sigue queriendo, eso lo veo muy claro.

Joel: What?

Enrique: She said that Cecilia is still really mad at you but that she’s pretty sure she still loves you.

Chanel: Yes. But if you want win her again, you must to do something big, something that she can not expect.

Joel: Okay...Okay I can do that. In fact I’ll do it right here, right now. Guys back me up yeah? shouting over Yo Cecilia!

Cecilia: Oh god, what does he want?

Chloe: You want me to go-

Cecilia: No, no it’s fine. I’ll handle it. Clearly the guy can’t take a hint.

she walks over

Cecilia: What Joel? What? Do you not understand the words “we’re through”?

Joel: Just...hear me out okay?

Cecilia: I don’t know Joel. It’s all too much too fast…I just…

Joel: That’s just how I feel. We’re living all these changes in front of the cameras, but couldn’t we give it a go and just see where it takes us?

Cecilia: step by step right?

Joel: step by step and hand in hand and side by side

SallyAnne: Awww

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Joel: Let’s make it public. Right here. Right now. What do you say?

Chloe: Say yes!

Coco and Chanel: yes, yes, yes!

Cecilia: I - I have to think about it. I don’t know Joel, it’s just all so much. I don’t know if I can do this right now.

Joel: trying to hide his disappointment I get it. I do. At least...walk down the carpet with me?

She nods, He holds her hand, She smiles at him, the light changes back and suddenly a load of cameras are flashing and journalists are shouting again

Scene 4

Lights up on John Benson who is in his apartment - he looks frazzled and as though his cool persona has suddenly cracked to reveal something of a broken man. He looks tired and concerned. Mary is pacing the room behind him, clearly very distressed.

Mary: I can’t believe this! How could you? She’s your daughter John. OUR daughter. Now she won’t return any of my calls, she’s just disappeared and I - I - she starts to cry I don’t know where my baby is. I don't know if she’s okay.

John goes to comfort her but she steps back, she collects herself then turns to him, we can see pure rage in her eyes

Mary: You find my little girl do you hear me? You find her and you bring her home. And once you have - I want you to leave. I want you out

John: What?!

Mary: OUT! John, out!! she starts to cry again, uncontrollably and runs off SL

John is now alone. He pours himself a drink and downs it in one. He perches on the end of the sofa, pulls out his phone and calls a number. He tries to call Veronica several times and we hear it go to voice mail.

he leaves

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lights out

Scene 5

Lights up and we’re in Frenzy studios again

Chloe: Have any of you heard from her?

Cecilia: No. I hope she’s okay.

SallyAnne: Of course she’s okay, she’s just being a drama queen.

Chloe: SallyAnne!

SallyAnne: What? Listen, you know I love her but what she’s doing is purely selfish. She knew we had this show today, she knew she needed to be here. What are we supposed to do when we get up on that stage and she’s not with us. huh?

Cecilia: It won’t make any difference. With the tracks we’ve been making recently there’s no way we’re winning a Grammy. I don’t care what John says.

John walks in, talks quietly to Macey, she looks over at the girls, sighs, and nods. John then turns to leave. As he does a very tired and ill looking Veronica walks through the door wearing a baggy cardigan and her hair in a messy bun.

John: Veronica?!

Veronica: I’m here for them, not for you. Just - don’t talk to me, okay?

John: Veronica, please -

the girls spot her and rush over

Chloe: Oh my god. Vee I’m so glad you’re alright, we were worried sick! Where have you been? What happened?

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Cecilia: And what, in god’s name are you wearing?

Coco and Chanel: AIEEEEE! Dios mio, mi nina – que ha pasado aquí? Adlibs

Coco: Cari, que te ha pasado?

Cecilia: Nothing a good dress and some new Jimmy Choos won’t fix right girls?

Chanel: Si, si pero Jimmy Choo – no que asco porfi…al menos unos Louboutins…. Aver si la damos…..

John: Well – you clearly don’t need me! If these two misfits can fix all your problems with a bit of high fashion. Maybe you were just being a drama queen. Fine I’ll leave you to your freaks. Fashion fixes everything right?....huh! and they say I’m shallow. You better perform some miracles here then…..

Veronica: I -

Coco Chanel Veronica: Crying Freakies – nos ha llamado freakies, ad lib upset for different reasons

Enter Fusion Five

Mike: Whoa! What’s going on here? We can’t leave you girls for 5 minutes before

the next tidal wave hits.

Enrique: What’s the matter ladies?

Coco: Pues mira….1 su padre la ha dicho que le da igual 2 nos han llamado freakies

3…que nos hace falta miraglos para hacernos guapas….4…..

Chanel: y encima ha dicho que ……

Boys arms around girls, finger to mouth to shhh

You're insecure

Don't know what for

You're turning heads when you walk through the door

Don't need make-up, to cover up

Being the way that you are is enough

Everyone else in the room can see it

Everyone else but you

Baby you light up my world like nobody else

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The way that you flip your hair gets me overwhelmed

But when you smile at the ground it ain't hard to tell

You don't know, oh oh

You don't know you're beautiful

If only you saw what I can see

You'll understand why I want you so desperately

Right now I'm looking at you and I can't believe

You don't know, oh oh

You don't know you're beautiful, oh oh

That's what makes you beautiful

So come on, you got it wrong

To prove I'm right, I put it in a song

I don't know why, you're being shy

And turn away when I look into your eye eye eyes

Everyone else in the room can see it

Everyone else but you

Baby you light up my world like nobody else

The way that you flip your hair gets me overwhelmed

But when you smile at the ground it ain't hard to tell

You don't know, oh oh

You don't know you're beautiful

If only you saw what I can see

You'll understand why I want you so desperately

Right now I'm looking at you and I can't believe

You don't know, oh oh

You don't know you're beautiful, oh oh

That's what makes you beautiful

You don't know you're beautiful

Laughter, hugs Coco and Chanel exit

Scene 6

we are in a rehearsal room. Macey the choreographer is running through a basic choreography with the boys, they’re messing around behind her

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Macey: BOYS! Please, you’ve only got a few hours until your appearance at the Grammys! Do you want to win?

Mike: Sorry Macey. We’re just - It’s just that - Well -

Enzo: Let’s be honest Macey, we already know the routine.

Macey: Well that’s amazing since this is the first time we’ve done it?

Joel: It’s not though is it Macey? This is in no way your fault, you’re extremely talented and you know we have the utmost respect for you.

Macey: But?

Enrique: Well, every single one is the same. The only difference is the sequence, the steps themselves never change. They’re the standard boyband moves, EVERY TIME…

Macey: No, no that isn’t true.

Mike: Just remember…..shows TV remote screen ….Our first single

Joel: Our newest music video

Enzo: The tour

Macey: Well...Maybe you’re right. I knew it wasn’t exactly fresh new material but I didn’t think….What if we changed it a little? We could always -

Mary walks in SR

Mary: You could always what?

Macey: We could always - um - always -

Enrique: Do something new.

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Mike: Something fun, that will surprise the fans and leave people with something to talk about.

Enzo: Some of us can actually dance you know? More than just this, pose and smile and walk and smile and point and smile, you’ve got us doing.

Macey: What do you think Mrs. Benson? They could, technically switch things up a little, maybe try-

Mary: We do not “switch things up” do you understand? One unknown variable and I could lose everything she realizes what she’s just said WE could lose everything.

Joel: But we’re willing to take that risk. Please, Mary just let us try something new?

Mary: No. You may be willing to take the risk but as your manager I make the final decisions. I decide what’s best for the band and I’ve decided that you will do what was planned - no last minute changes, no silly tricks or whatever else you were planning.

Mike: But -

Mary: But nothing. Macey, if you plan to keep working for Frenzy you will ensure these boys do what I say. As for all of you - we do not change a product once it’s on the market, we sell your fans what they know they’re buying….a boy band. And that, my dears, is what you are. Understood?

Boys: Yes, Mrs. Benson.

Mary: (to Macey) These boys need to be ready for Wembley, and we don’t mess about with Wembley now do we?

they move to upSL where they have a water break, stretch and keep mumbling about how it “isn’t fair” etc. Mary Exits behind them, throwing Macey a stern look.

Scene 7

Both bands are in the dressing room as Coco, Chanel and all the costume and hair team fret around them frantically

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Chloe: I still don’t get this. Why are we doing a shoot with the guys? I thought they were our competition.

Enzo: Yeah, that’s the point, apparently our next big gig is a girlband vs. boyband show.

SallyAnne: So, hold on, they’re pitching us against each other?

Mike: That’s what it looks like. Hasn’t your manager told you any of this?

Veronica: No. Our manager is too much of a pompous ass-

Cecilia: Hey. Vee, just, let’s not do this today okay?

Veronica: Fine.

Joel: Am I the only one who just doesn’t get this? I mean, we’ve been doing everything they want for months, we’ve been making them mega bucks and now they’re pitching us against each other?

Bez: I have a bad feeling about this

Chloe: Yeah. It doesn’t make any sense.

SallyAnne: It’s not like having us battle it out is going to do anything for them, there’s no point to it.

Chanel: Excuse me Miss but I know what is happen

Cecilia: Espera, que?

Coco: A ver. Lo que quiere decir es que -

Chanel: Déjame hablar por mi misma. Lo que os iba a decir mis amores es que los Bensons han hecho un trato, hace ya casi un año.

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Enrique: Y eso que tiene que ver con nosotros, con nuestra música?

Coco: Hicieron una apuesta entre ellos, donde decidieron crear dos grupos de pop. Uno de chicas y uno de chicos.

Chanel: Se dieron un año para crear artistas reconocidos por el mundo entero. Artistas que ganaron Grammys y tienen fans por todos lados.

Veronica: Hold on. What are they saying?

Cecilia: They’re talking about some deal your parents made, nearly a year ago.

Veronica: Yeah. I heard them, it was just about creating our girl band. What does that have to do with anything?? And how do they know about it?

Chanel: La gente habla mi amor, y yo no soy ciega ni sorda. No tienes que ser un genio para ver lo esta pasando aqui.

Enrique: Y que es lo que está pasando?

Coco: El grupo que gane en vuestro show va a seguir con Frenzy, pero el que pierda…

Chanel: Digamos que todo se terminó para el grupo que pierda. Los Bensons’ les dejaran tirados y sin ningún esperanza de tener éxito en el mundo en el que vivís a presente.

Kimmie: but why?! Surely they can’t just get kick us out, after everything we’ve done...

Mike: Could someone please explain what’s going on?

Enrique: It’s not just a show. They’re going to drop the band that loses, they’ve got some sick bet going on.

the room erupts into cries of shock and anger. “What do you mean?” “Are you sure?” “That’s not possible!” “They wouldn’t do something like that!” “Well, I guess we’ll just have to win then!”

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Veronica: quietly Guys louder GUYS shouting GUYS!

The room goes quiet, everybody looks at her.

Veronica: They’re capable of doing this. I’ve seen them do it before. I just never thought -

Enzo: Did you know about this?

Veronica: What?! No!

Chloe: And how exactly do we know we can trust you huh? You’re no different to them.

Veronica: Guys, I’m in the same boat as you here, I swear. I hadn’t got a clue. But, we need to do something.

Mike: I agree, but, what?

SallyAnne: Well I don’t know about you guys but I am sick and tired of being their puppets. I want to be really good artists, not just some marketed teeny pop group.

Enzo: Pop isn’t always the cheesy stuff they’ve got us doing though, and it’s time we showed our fans who we really are.

Sick and tired of hearing

All these people talk about

What's the deal with this pop life

And when is gonna fade out

The thing you got to realize

What we doing is not a trend

We got the gift of melody

We gonna bring it till the end

(Come on now)

It doesn't matter

'Bout the car I drive or

What I wear around my neck

All that matters

Is that you recognize

That it's just about respect

It doesn't matter

About the clothes I wear

And where I go and why

All that matters

Is that you get hyped and

We'll do it to you every time

(Come on now)

Do you ever wonder why

This music gets you high?

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It takes you on a ride

Feel it when your body

Starts to rock

(Your body starts to rock)

Baby you can't stop

(You can't stop)

And the music's all you got

Come on now

This must be, pop

Dirty pop

Baby you can't stop

I know you

Like this dirty pop

This must be

Now, why you wanna try

To classify the type of thing

That we do

'Cause we're just fine

Doin what we like

Can we say the same for you?

Tired of feelin all

Around me animosity

Just worry about yours

'Cause I'ma get mine

Now people can't you see

It doesn't matter

'Bout the car I drive or

The ice around my neck

All that matters

Is that you recognize

That it's just about respect (oh)

It doesn't matter

About the clothes I wear

And where I go and why

All that matters

Is that you get hyped and

We'll give it to you every time

(Come on)

Do you ever wonder why (Why?)

This music gets you high?

(Music gets you high)

It takes you on a ride

Feel it when your

Body starts to rock

(Your body starts to rock)

Baby you can't stop

(You can't stop)

And the music's all you got

Baby come on

This must be, pop

Chloe: Okay so what’s the plan?

lights out

Scene 9

Split stage showing the Bensons’ offices. Sat around the table in each of the offices we can see the bands, their manager, one of the makeup artists and several other crew members and assistants.

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John: Alright girls, this is it. Your big show, if we get through this nothing will be able to stop us. You’ll have people begging for you all over the world, listening to all your albums, cheering for you every time you get up on stage.

Chloe: fakes confusion Get through it Mr. Benson? What is there to get through? Surely it’s just another show, like all our others, the only difference being we’ll be performing with Fusion Five - and we’ve gotten through all of those before.

John: Well, yes. However. Umm… Just think of it this way; the boys are great - but you girls are better and we, we just want to show that. It’s a performance, like you said so we’ll need you to act as if this is a big competition, as if you’re fighting really hard to win.

Veronica: To win what exactly?

SallyAnne: Yeah, Don’t get me wrong Mr. Benson sarcastically I LOVE the idea, but why on earth would you pitch two of your own artists against each other...Even if we are quotation marks in the air “only acting”

John: Listen girls. This is a very big step in your careers and we’re all here today to brainstorm our ideas and see what we can come up with. Let’s discuss the technicalities of it all at another time okay? You know that usually we don’t do things this way but, considering the circumstances, we thought -

Cecilia: You’d let us get involved? But surely Mr. Benson, if this is one of the biggest moments of our careers you wouldn’t NOW decide to suddenly let us participate? After all, you’ve said so many times that changing what we do and how we do it is far too big a risk to take. to herself Que te crees, que somos idiotas?

John: confused and starting to get nervous What?


Mary: Right boys, this is it. We need to pull out all the stops - theatrics, pyro, amazing choreo, impressive costume. We need everything to be bigger and better -

Mike: Better than who exactly?

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Mary: Better than you. Well, better than who you’ve been up to now. What I’m trying to say is that this needs to be your best performance yet. You need to give it everything. You need to crush those girls -

Enrique: Yeah, about that. Why exactly are we competing with our own people? I mean, they’re signed to Frenzy too right? It just doesn’t make sense.

Mary: Oh. Um, yes, of course. Well, you see. The thing is you know that here at Frenzy we’re always pushing the boundaries -

Joel: Oh yes. We know.

Mary: And trying new things. I believe, WE believe that will benefit us all massively.

Enzo: When you say “Benefit us all”, Benefit who exactly?

Mary: Umm, Benefit, uh, the - Listen, if you have an issue with it just think of it this way, you’re play acting. People go mad for these kinds of things and It’s never been done like this before.

Confused looks and disapproving mumbles

Mary: FINE. But whether you get it or not, whether you like it or not, this is what we’re doing - so can we please just get to it?

Chloe: Well, anyway, clearly they have no idea that we’re onto them. But hopefully we’ve gotten them a bit nervous with all our questions.

Cecilia: So, what’s the plan?

Huddle whispers…

Enzo: We do the show, but we don’t do it the way they want us to. Listen he whispers, back to the audience

Mike: Will it work?

SallyAnne: It has to.

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Enrique: We’re going to need to put in twice the effort. We can’t let them guess that we’ve got something up our sleeves.

Veronica: Nobody said it would be easy. But everyone’s up for it right?

All: Right! Yeah! Absolutely! of course! Let’s do this!

Bez: Ok but, where do we start from?

Everyone looks to Hannah who has just walked in, she notices them and suddenly

looks very uncomfortable and slightly scared. A few of the girls & boys rush over to

her, crowding around with big mischievous smiles.

Hannah: Oh god, what are you lot up to now?

Kimmie: Nothing…

Bez: But say we were up to something.

Chloe: You’d help us right?

Mike: We just need a song, one incredible, amazing totally Hannah song.

Hannah: Hannah song? You mean-

Cecilia: Total artistic freedom, to write whatever you want.

Enzo: Well, not WHATEVER, but yeah.

SallyAnne: The truth is Hannah if we don’t do this, well, we might not do anything …


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Hannah: I don’t even want to know what that means. she thinks Fine, I’ll help

you...but if the Benson’s ask I didn’t have anything to do with it, this is all your plan, I

don’t want to lose my job.

Veronica: Of course, complete anonymity and secrecy, they’ll have no idea.

Hannah: Good.In that case, there are some people I think you guys should meet, tomorrow at Crimson Park...In the meantime though, what about something like...everyone gets close to her making a circle back to the audience. We can hear Hannah singing a small melody, the guys talking etc.

Scene 9A

We find ourselves once again outside. The members of F.R.AG. are present and they all seem to have made an effort to look presentable and like a cohesive group. Velma is pacing up and down and wringing her hands whilst the others mumble inaudibly behind her.

Velma: Oh god, what are we doing? Why did I let you guys talk me into this?

Charlie: Calm down Velma, deep breaths, you’re messing up your chakras!

Apollo: Even if it doesn’t go to plan, at least we can say we tried. I mean, what’s the worst that could happen?

Velma: The worst? The worst that could happen is that these kids decide we are a threat to their pop star careers and expose us!

Phoebe: Oh, come on, don’t be so dramatic Velma, plus, there isn’t really THAT much to expose is there?

Velma: Well, yeah, but….I -

Hannah enters SL, alone, she puts a hand out behind her to show that she is telling someone to wait. She approaches the group.

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Hannah: Alright, they’re waiting over there. You guys still want to do this right?

Charlie: If you think it’s the right thing to do then we trust you.

Velma: under her breath Speak for yourself.

Hannah: Alright then. I’ll bring them over.

Hannah waves and the bands enter from both exits SL

Enzo: Umm, Hannah, why have you brought us here in the middle of the night? It’s starting to creep me out.

Veronica: Hold on. Who are they? Is this who we’re meeting?

Apollo: Hey!

Bev: Uhhh...Hi?

Hannah: Okay so don’t freak out but, this is F.RA.G., and I -

SallyAnne: Hold up. F.R.A.G.?

Mike: As in the activist group that has been protesting AGAINST us since this all started.

Velma: I told you they wouldn’t get it. Let’s just go -

Charlie: Hold on. Listen, I know how it looks -

Enrique: Oh yeah? And how does it look?

Kimmie: As far as I can see you’re the people who have been trying to destroy everything we’ve been working for.

Hannah: Guys. Please. Just hear them out?

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Charlie: We’re not protesting against you. In fact, Apollo here even auditioned to be a member of one of your bands. Our issue is with Frenzy -

Apollo: No offence Miss. Benson, but to be completely honest, our issue is with your parents and their methods.

Phoebe: What these guys are trying to say is that we are fighting against your parents AND their company.

Velma: They dehumanize young people, they market them and make them robotic.

Veronica: Huh. Surprisingly, that actually makes sense.

Hannah: You see? We could help you. You guys said yourselves you need all the support you can get.

Chloe: We? You’re one of them?!

Cecilia: Listen, it’s been great meeting all of you but what we’re trying to do - the fight that we want to bring to the Benson’s, it needs more than just chants and banners.

Velma: Well, strength comes in numbers right?

Joel: Woah, woah, woah. What are you saying?

Charlie: We can light the spark in your fans’ minds, get them thinking. Spread a rumor...make them doubt whether their FAVOURITE bands are happy, or safe, or even free.

Veronica: That is...GENIUS! I’m in! That is, if the rest of you are?

the rest of the band members mumble their agreement. The bands and F.R.A.G. merge together, shaking hands, introducing themselves, sharing info etc.

Phoebe: Um, whilst you’re all here. Do you think I could get a selfie? I’m a BIG fan and my friends are not going to BELIEVE that I met all of you!

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they all laugh and group together to take a selfie

Scene 10

Bothe bands on stage. the stage is set as a concert stage, we see and hear crew members going through lighting and sound checks, tuning instruments, setting props etc. whilst, on either side the band’s have last minute makeup and costume changes. Over a speaker we hear someone announce 5 minutes until doors open. Everyone starts to move a little faster.

Mary: Alright, this is it boys. You know what you’re doing?


Mary: Listen I know I’ve been hard on you at times over this past year but I hope you know that it’s only ever been for you. I just wanted you guys to be the best that you can be, and look at you, you’ve made it all this way - I’m so proud.

Mike: Thanks. Despite not always agreeing on everything, you’ve been a pretty good manager. It’s a shame really.

Mary: What is?

Crew: Boys, we need you in position now.

Joel: Hey could I go get a bottle of water real quick? No matter how many times we do this, I always get nervous.

Crew: Sure, meet us stage right in two minutes.

the boys exit SR, Joel runs across the stage, slowing down as he reaches the point where the girls are standing

John: Well, I have to say, we’ve really gone all out with this one and I can’t believe how much effort and collaboration you girls have put into it. This is going to be the best show we’ve ever done, mark my words.

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Cecilia: pretending to be sweet Y tu léeme los labios. No sabes de lo que somos capaces. We’re so grateful.

John: I’m just glad to have been able to share this journey with you. That I’ll continue to be able to share this journey with you. I know we’ve had our...issues, but when it comes down to it, we make a pretty good team.

Cecilia spots Joel hanging around

Cecilia: Excuse me.

she goes over to where Joel is standing

Cecilia: Hey. What are you doing here, aren’t you supposed to be in position already?

Joel: I just wanted to see you before we started.

Cecilia: Okay…

Joel: Um. I also. I got you something.

Cecilia: You got something, for me?

Joel: Yeah he pulls a necklace out of his pocket I thought it could be a good luck charm.

Cecilia: Oh. It’s gorgeous!

Joel: It is - was my mum’s...Can I?

he puts it on for her

Cecilia: touching the necklace Thank you.

Joel: I should, I should get going. We’ve got this, right?

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Cecilia: You’ll do amazing, and I’ll be right there next to you.

he smiles and turns to leave

Cecilia: Joel!

he turns around. She goes over to where he’s standing and kisses him on the cheek, he smiles

Cecilia: Nos vemos ahora, my love.

Crew member: Girls, let’s go, they’ve just opened the doors. Joel what are you still doing here? Go!

They step down off stage and move to back. Lights down

Scene 11

the doors are opened at the back of the hall and in stream a mass of screaming fans, waving banners and talking excitedly amongst themselves. When they reach the bottom of the stage they stop, still chattering.

Voiceover: Ladies and Gentlemen please get ready for the battle of the century! Girlband Vs. Boyband right here, live, at Wembley stadium. Please put your hands together for our boys - the one and only Fusion Five!

crowd goes wild as the boys appear onstage, they high five a couple of audience members

Joel: What’s up Wembley!

Enzo: How ya’ll doing?

Voiceover: And without further ado, let’s hear it for our amazing girls, Blue Flames!

crowd goes wild again as the girls run on, waving and jumping

Chloe: Hello Wembley! Thank you all so much for coming out here tonight!

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Cecilia: You ready to go crazy?

crowd cheer

Voiceover: Let the battle of the bands begin!


Now that you're out of my life, I'm so much better

You thought that I'd be weak without you, but I'm stronger

You thought that I'd be broke without you, but I'm richer

You thought that I'd be sad without you, I laugh harder

Thought I wouldn't grow without you, now I'm wiser

Thought that I'd be helpless without you, but I'm smarter

You thought that I'd be stressed without you, but I'm chillin'

You thought I wouldn't sell without you, sold nine million

I'm a survivor (what?)

I'm not gon' give up (what?)

I'm not gon' stop (what?)

I'm gon' work harder (what?)

I'm a survivor (what?)

I'm gonna make it (what?)

I will survive (what?)

Keep on survivin'(what?)

I'm a survivor (what?)

I'm not gon' give up (what?)

I'm not gon' stop (what?)

I'm gon' work harder (what?)

I'm a survivor (what?)

I'm gonna make it (what?)

I will survive (what?)

Keep on survivin'(what?)

Wishing you the best

Pray that you are blessed

Bring much success, no stress, and lots of happiness

(I'm better than that)

I'm not gon' blast you on the radio

(I'm better than that)

I'm not gon' lie on you and your family

(I'm better than that)

I'm not gon' hate on you in the magazines

(I'm better than that)

I'm not gon' compromise my Christianity

(I'm better than that)

You know I'm not gon' diss you on the internet

'Cause my mama taught me better than that

I'm a survivor (what?)

I'm not gon' give up (what?)

I'm not gon' stop (what?)

I'm gon' work harder (what?)

I'm a survivor (what?)

I'm gonna make it (what?)

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I will survive (what?)

Keep on survivin'(what?)

I'm a survivor (what?)

I'm not gon' give up (what?)

I'm not gon' stop (what?)

I'm gon' work harder (what?)

I'm a -

Enrique: Hold up, hold up, hold up.

Cecilia: What's the matter pretty boy, the competition too hot for you?

Mike: No. No, we have something we’d like to say.

Chloe: Now? In the middle of our show?

Enzo: Yes. Right now. And we need you guys to help us out with it.

Veronica: Ok, sure. What is it you want to say exactly?

Joel: Well you see, Our fans are amazing

crowd screams

Joel: But there’s something they don’t know.

SallyAnne: Oh, and what on earth is that?

Mike: They don’t know about all the amazing people working night and day behind the scenes to make our shows what they are. To make us who we are.

Chloe: Awww. Yes, of course. You guys are so sweet to think of this.

Voiceover: Ladies and Gentlemen, please welcome onto stage the wonderful managers and masterminds behind Frenzy’s newest hits - Mary and John Benson

crowd go wild

Mary: What are they doing?

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John: Was this your idea?

Mary: No, did you know about this?

they walk on, smiling awkwardly and looking really confused

Veronica: Now, for those of you who didn’t know these two wonderful people are not only our managers but they’re also my parents!

Mike: Yo! All of you reporters in the crowd, are you getting this? Because this is about to be the biggest reveal in the history of pop music.

John: Hold on -

Joel: Shhhh. It’s okay. We’ll explain Mr. Benson. You see, Mr. and Mrs, Benson here have been the driving force behind our bands all along. Deciding what we say, how we look, how we sound and basically, controlling our whole careers.

Mary: Boys, Please, This is -

Enrique: So we’re here tonight to reveal our true selves…to show you what we can do, and why you should keep BOTH bands on the label.

John and Mary: you don’t understand….we only wanted to…. The music business is….!

Veronica: Oh, come on, give it a rest guys. No more talking…it’s your turn to listen to us for a change.

Mike: Surely you’ve figured out by now what the moral to this story is?

Chloe: Try to knock us down and we’ll just come back stronger, we’ll come back fighting, and not only that we will come back united. WE ARE SURVIVORS!

Kimmie: We refuse to let you turn us into trash.

Enzo: Just for the record…We say adios to the fakery….we want a new start

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All: We ….ladies and gentlemen for Blue Flame and Fusion Five it’s time to say goodbye!. We are BLUE FUSION!

Drop cloaks and mix girls and boys together

Bye bye bye

I'm doing this tonight

You're probably gonna start a fight

I know this can't be right

Hey baby come on

I loved you endlessly

When you weren't there for me

So now it's time to leave and make it alone

I know that I can't take no more

It ain't no lie

I want to see you out that door

Baby bye bye bye

Bye bye Don't want to be a fool for you

Just another player in your game for two

You may hate me but it ain't no lie

Baby bye bye bye

Bye bye

Don't want to make it tough

I just want to tell you that I've had enough

It might sound crazy but it ain't no lie

Baby bye bye bye

You just hit me with the truth

Now girl you're more than welcome to

So give me one good reason

Baby come on

I've lived for you and me

And now I really come to see

That life would be much better once you're gone

I know that I can't take no more

Ain't no lie

I want to see you out that door

Baby bye bye bye

Bye bye Don't want to be a fool for you

Just another player in your game for two

You may hate me but it ain't no lie

Baby bye bye bye

Bye bye

Don't want to make it tough

I just want to tell you that I've had enough

It might sound crazy but it ain't no lie

Baby bye bye bye

I'm givng up I know for sure

don't' want to be the reason for your love no more

Bye bye

I'm checking out, I'm signing off

Don't want to be the loser and I've had enough

Don't want to be your fool in this game for two

So I'm leaving you behind

(Bye bye bye)

I don't want to make it tough

(Make it tough)

But I've had enough

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(Bye bye)

And it ain't no lie

Bye bye Don't want to be a fool for you

Just another player in your game for two

You may hate me but it ain't no lie

Baby bye bye bye

Bye bye

Don't want to make it tough

I just want to tell you that I've had enough

It might sound crazy but it ain't no lie

Baby bye bye bye

Cecilia: And we thank you, for bringing us together, truly.

Enzo: But now, we’re going to try and make real music.

SallyAnne: We’re going to try things our way and be the artists we want to be.

Kimmie: We’re done being the artists you’ve made us, we’re so much more than that.

Mike: We’ve got the annulment of our contracts here, all signed and verified. It’s your choice…are you with us or not?

Scene 12

there’s a strange silence and then the audience gradually begin to clap, eventually they’re roaring. Mary and John reluctantly hug their daughter and a few band members

Veronica: Ladies and Gentlemen, we’re very sorry that this all had to happen so publicly tonight. We hope that, despite not being what it says on your posters, you will continue to support us along our journey. We’ll even help you make new ones!

Enrique: We wanted to give you a little preview of who we truly are tonight. So put your hands together and make some noise!

Those who play instruments pick up their base, guitar, drum set etc. they perform the following song together, it’s not a big showy number - it’s simplistic it shows their true talent and how much they enjoy music.

Yeah, You could be the greatest

You can be the best

You can be the King Kong banging on your chest

You could beat the world

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You could beat the war

You could talk to God, go banging on his door

You can throw your hands up

You can beat the clock

You can move a mountain

You can break rocks

You can be a master

Don't wait for luck

Dedicate yourself and you gon' find yourself

Standing in the hall of fame (yeah)

And the world's gonna know your name (yeah)

'Cause you burn with the brightest flame (yeah)

And the world's gonna know your name (yeah)

And you'll be on the walls of the hall of fame

You can go the distance

You can run the mile

You can walk straight through hell with a smile

You could be the hero

You could get the gold

Breaking all the records they thought, never could be broke

Do it for your people

Do it for your pride

How you ever gonna know if you never even try?

Do it for your country

Do it for your name

'Cause there's gonna be a day

When your, standing in the hall of fame (yeah)

And the world's gonna know your name (yeah)

'Cause you burn with the brightest flame (yeah)

And the world's gonna know your name (yeah)

And you'll be on the walls of the hall of fame

Be a champion, be a champion, be a champion, be a champion

On the walls of the hall of fame

Be students, be teachers

Be politicians, be preachers

Be believers, be leaders

Be astronauts, be champions

Be truth seekers

Be students, be teachers

Be politicians, be preachers

Be believers, be leaders

Be astronauts, be champions

Standing in the hall of fame (yeah, yeah, yeah)

And the world's gonna know your name (yeah, yeah, yeah)

'Cause you burn with the brightest flame (yeah, yeah, yeah)

And the world's gonna know your name (yeah, yeah, yeah)

And you'll be on the walls of the hall of fame

You could be the greatest

(You can be a champion)

You can be the best

(You can be a champion)

You can be the King Kong banging on your chest

(You can be a champion)

You could beat the world

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(You can be a champion)

You could beat the war

(You can be a champion)

You could talk to God, go banging on his door

(You can be a champion)

You can throw your hands up

(You can be a champion)

You can beat the clock

(You can be a champion)

You can move a mountain

(You can be a champion)

You can break rocks

(You can be a champion)

You can be a master

(You can be a champion)

Don't wait for luck

(You can be a champion)

Dedicate yourself and you gon' find yourself

(You can be a champion)

Standing in the hall of fame

(You can be a champion)

The End