Free Energy Five years ago, or there abouts, I came across various articles that cited a number of people who may have discovered a means of generating 'Free' energy. These events had occurred over a period of about ninety years. Yet as soon as the authorities got wind of these experiments everything was hushed up, and equipment confiscated. This prompted me to write a quite lengthy letter to a number of, what I would have thought were influential people. A copy of the letter follows, exactly as it was written: RE: UNIVERSAL (SUPER) ENERGY I would ask that you read the whole of this text before dismissing it as the ramblings of a crackpot or fanciful daydreamer. I am sure you would agree along with many people, the commonly accepted fact that this planet's fossil fuel resources are not inexhaustible. Further, the effect of our exploitation and use of fossil fuels on the ecology and environment of this planet will eventually take its toll. In fact it is already doing so, though those with vested interests in the fossil fuel economy will obviously deny this is happening or will ever happen.

Free Energy

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Free Energy

Five years ago, or there abouts, I came across various articles that cited a number of people who may have discovered a means of generating 'Free' energy.  These events had occurred over a period of about ninety years.  Yet as soon as the authorities got wind of these experiments everything was hushed up, and equipment confiscated.  This prompted me to write a quite lengthy letter to a number of, what I would have thought were influential people.

A copy of the letter follows, exactly as it was written:




I would ask that you read the whole of this text before dismissing it as the ramblings of a crackpot or fanciful daydreamer.  I am sure you would agree along with many people, the commonly accepted fact that this planet's fossil fuel resources are not inexhaustible. 


Further, the effect of our exploitation and use of fossil fuels on the ecology and environment of this planet will eventually take its toll.  In fact it is already doing so, though those with vested interests in the fossil fuel economy will obviously deny this is happening or will ever happen.


Ideally, it would be better if mankind could get by without relying on fossil fuels at all.  But acknowledging the disparity of the many and varied cultures who have to burn something, for heat or cooking, I think we can accept that total non-use of fossil fuels is unrealistic.


However, much of our world economy is controlled and manipulated by a few narrow minded companies that exploit the dwindling oil and gas resources.  In doing so, these companies support and are supported by the political

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power bases of the rich and technologically advanced nations of the world.


Don't worry this letter is not a call for anarchy,  but I am sure you could imagine the sheer terror and paranoia of these people, if they thought that their 'nice little earner' could be undermined and become obsolete.


By what?, you may ask, by means of tapping into a form of universal energy (not nuclear), an energy, or rather, means of accessing it, that forms the basis of creation itself.  This technology would not only give access to this 'super energy' but also a possible means of travel that circumvents the light speed barrier.


If this has got your attention, then carry on reading.  During the evolution of the industrial age and the lead up to it, various scientific thinkers and inventors would quite often simultaneously arrive at similar scientific principles or practical inventions independently of each other. 


It is almost as if these great thinkers were tapping into a greater source of inspiration outside of themselves, and always at times when mankind was ready or needed a push in a certain direction. 


Likewise, I can't lay sole claim to the theories and possible technology behind the reason for this text.  Others have already been thinking along similar lines over recent years but appear to have been.....silenced?


Albert Einstein theorised that nothing in our universe can exceed the speed of light.  The reasoning being that if we try

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to accelerate something towards the speed of light, it's mass effect increases, requiring more energy input.  The effective mass of the accelerated object would increase towards infinite proportions before light speed could be achieved.  We simply could not supply enough energy to achieve light speed, never mind exceed it.


Professor Stephen Hawking has theorised and calculated upon the nature and effect of 'Black Holes' .  He has also theorised that they may provide a means of travelling great distances via worm holes using a spinning black hole, theoretically preventing us from being crushed by gravitational forces in the process.


Over a number of years, these theories and clues from various other sources have led me down a path of contemplation over possible ways of using the infinite mass effect to circumvent the light speed barrier and also to provide an infinite energy source.


I have always been fascinated by the way gyroscopes work, from the child's toy to modern navigational aids.  Even bicycles and motor bikes use gyroscopic forces to achieve balance at speed.


It seems such a simple step to combine the idea of increasing mass effect through acceleration and the theory of spinning black holes acting as a gateway that the answer may lie somewhere in between.  Could we create a controlled temporary black hole effect, by spinning a mass gyroscopically?

Loosely, using super cooled superconductors within a vacuum we could create a gyroscope powered externally up to a point but with a built in generator to take over as the

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power source.  Once a certain rotational velocity is achieved the effective mass will start to increase. 


As the effective mass increases, the spin moment will increase rotational velocity like a spinning ice skater when they bring their arms in to their sides.  Eventually, the momentum will be self accelerating requiring little if any electrical input.  In fact this principle has already been used using water turbine energy, detailed later.


Once the optimum acceleration is achieved, the problem may be in slowing it down, but from there any excess electrical power can then be siphoned off or spin velocity allowed to increase in order to create a gateway into hyper space and around the light speed barrier.


That was as far as I got, and obviously had no idea if it was possible or just fanciful daydreaming, until I came across the following two books.  The first is "The Vortex, (Key to Future Science)" by David A. Ash and Peter Hewitt (ISBN 1- 85860 - 019 - 7).  The second is "The New Science of the Spirit" by David A. Ash, (ISBN 0 - 903336 - 55 - 3).


These two books deal in detail on theories that seek to explain the nature of matter.  What is more intriguing is that the author seems to have discovered scientific principles that link quantum physics and metaphysical ideas as being different  sides of the same coin including hyper space(s) and the principles of super energy.


The basic idea is that matter is a combination of protons, neutrons, positrons etc.  The author seeks to explain that these so called 'particles' are actually vortices of pure energy spinning in multiples of one or more energy vortex,

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in one direction or another and at certain speeds depending on what particle they are.


However to remain manifest within physical space (our dimension) they can only spin up to the speed of light.  A spin velocity greater than the speed of light causes these particles and any matter they form part of to automatically enter into the next higher dimension, which is hyper space.  The nature of hyper space is dealt with in great detail in both books which also explain higher dimensions than hyper space.


There are also many other issues dealt with concerning metaphysical and supernatural questions that seem to be linked with the principles of accelerating energy vortices.  These  include case histories of people who seem to have the ability to accelerate their own matter through hyper space by power of will.


The important principle though is the similarity between an energy vortex and the gyroscope.  It also leaves open the possibility that the high velocity gyroscope need not be solid mass, but high velocity energy.


In chapter eight, around page 133 of 'The New Science of the Spirit', it is apparent that the idea of accessing 'Super Energy' by the principle of high spin velocity has been achieved already.  Bruce de Palma, John Searl, Victor Schauberger and Joseph Newman are three names who have already proved the spinning energy principle.


In particular, John Searle, an electrical engineer constructed an arrangement of spinning discs to generate an

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electromagnetic field.  The following is an extract from David Ashes book.


“The generator, about three feet in diameter, was first tested in the open, by Searl and a friend, in 1952.  To begin with, it produced the expected electric power but an unexpectedly high voltage.  This quickly exceeded a million volts producing a crackling sound and a smell of ozone.


In Searle’s own words: "Once the machine had passed a certain threshold of potential, the energy output exceeded the input.  From then on the energy output seemed virtually limitless".  Then something really spectacular happened.  As the generator continued to increase in potential, it lifted off the ground and broke free of its mountings and the engine. 


It floated in the air, all the time spinning faster and faster.  The air around it glowed pink with ionisation and nearby radio receivers were switched on spontaneously due to electromagnetic induction.  Then the apparatus accelerated off into space and was never seen again!  In subsequent experiments, Searl mounted his generators, which he built up to thirty feet in diameter, more firmly in the ground.  But they still tore themselves free from the earth, taking the foundations with them.


They appeared to produce a powerful ant-gravity force and from the hemispherical crater left in the ground, it was deduced that this force was operating over a sphere with the generator at its centre.”


Victor Schauber experimented by creating a sort of water powered energy vortex after observing natural vortices

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generated by salmon swimming upstream against the water flow.  Once he had created the vortex he was able to tap the energy to drive an electrical turbine and produce power in excess of the input energy.


There are other examples of the uses of vortex energy, and all present astounding possibilities.  These and other experiments have been ignored and ridiculed by mainstream science, dismissed as perpetual motion machines and refused patents.


However, John Searl and some of the other names mentioned have had their machines and records confiscated and destroyed under various pretexts such as 'infringing government research' or 'using electricity without payment' etc.


What is disturbing is the possibility that an economic and Eco-Friendly source of power generation, transport system and even possibly faster than light travel is being deliberately suppressed in order to keep fossil fuel companies in business, their governments in power and the third world in debt.


Mankind will never break free from this planet to explore other worlds if we don't break out of this making money at others expense frame of mind.


Independent entrepreneurs with vision and the financial backing to buck the system are as essential now as they were in the two previous centuries, with their help and others like them, we should explore the potential of vortex energy and take a leap of faith for mankind's future.

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Laurence W. Perry




Sir Richard C. Branson

Mr James Dyson

The M.D. Greenpeace Ltd

The Editor, New Scientist

The Editor, The Daily Telegraph

The Editor, The Sunday Times

Professor Stephen Hawking


I received only one reply from the above addressees, an executive acting for Sir Richard Branson, kindly informing me that The Virgin group did not participate in  R & D,  (Research and Development).