St. Joseph Catholic Church 2011 Darling Avenue, Waycross, GA 31501 Fr. Bob Cushing, Pastor: (478) 284-5235 [email protected] Church Secretary: Barbara Grace Albert (912-286-0491) [email protected] Music Minister: Timothy Remmel (912-281-9787) [email protected] Religious Education Coordinator: Lacey Gruver (912) 282-0493 [email protected] Hispanic Ministry Coordinator: Jason Strickland (912) 387-6781 [email protected] Youth Ministry Coordinator: Loretta Coar (912) 390-9116 [email protected] Loaves and Fishes Outreach: (912)283-5221 Office number: (912) 283-7700/Office fax (912) 283-7929 Office hours: Monday-Thursday 9:00am—4:30pm https://www.facebook.com/pages/St-Joseph-Catholic-Church/117872604905966 Ascension Sunday May 13, 2018 Dear Parishioners and Friends: Go into the whole world and proclaim the gospel to every creature.[Mark 16:15] This is the graduation exercise for the disciples of Jesus. His teachings about the Kingdom of God and the resurrection appearances of Jesus are now ended. Christ places his church into the hands of illiterate fisherman and otherwise unremarkable people. There was no Plan B.This is it. Go! ...” Jesus said. [i.e. dont stand around with your hands in your pockets.”] Ascension isnt so much about where Jesus went but about where Jesus sends us. Just as Christ commis- sioned his own disciples to go to all the nations, our cele- bration of Christs ascension moves us out into the whole world to proclaim the gospel. Do you get this? We are dis- ciples sent on the same mission as the ancient church. This is why the Church celebrates this time as the Novena to the Holy Spirit, so that we can reclaim the meaning of being sent out as disciples on mission, to integrate the message, to catch fire with the Spirit, to become that new creation, that living hope that is the living Body of Christ. If you wish to take this next week to heart and honor Gods Word and the Tradition of our Catholic Church, one way of doing that is by praying/studying the Novena to the Holy Spirit. Copies of the Novena on bright paper are in the foyer of the Church in English and Spanish. Question of the week: What does it mean to be a disciple on mission”? Who has evangelized you by their witness to the Risen Christ? How were you changed by the experience of their witness? GO!” (become disciples on mission!) Fr. Bob Cushing Domingo de la Ascensión 13 de Mayo, 2018 Queridos Feligreses y Amigos: Vayan a todo el mundo y proclamen el Evangelio a todas las creaturas.[Marcos 16:15] Este es el ejercicio de graduación para los discípulos de Jesús. Su enseñanza acerca del reino de Dios y las apari- ciones de Jesús después de la resurrección ya se terminaron. Cristo pone su iglesia en las manos de pescadores que no saben leer y escribir y de cualquier manera personas de cualquier manera sin nada especial. No hay Plan B.¡Así es! ¡Vayan!dijo Jesús. [ej. no se paren allí con las manos en los bolsillos.”] La Ascensión no es tanto acerca de donde va Jesús, pero de adonde nos manda Jesús. Así como Cristo le da el mandato a sus discípulos de ir a todas las naciones, nuestra celebración de la ascensión de Cristo nos mueve hacia afue- ra en todo el mundo a proclamar el evangelio. ¿Lo entien- den? Somos discípulos mandados en la misma misión de la iglesia Antigua. Esto es por lo que la Iglesia celebra este tiempo como la Novena del Espíritu Santo, para que poda- mos reclamar el significado de ser mandados como los discí- pulos en una misión, para integrar el mensaje, a coger el fuego con el espíritu, para volvernos la nueva creación, la esperanza viviente que es el Cuerpo Viviente de Cristo. Si deseas, la próxima semana puedes de corazón honrar la Pa- labra de Dios y las Tradiciones de nuestra Iglesia Católica de una manera sencilla haciendo esta oración/estudio de la Novena al Espíritu Santo. Copias de la Novena en papel bri- llante están en la entrada de la Iglesia en inglés y español. Pregunta de la semana; ¿Que significa ser discípulos en misión? ¿Quién te ha evangelizado a ti con su testimonio del Cristo resucitado? ¿Como cambiaste por la experiencia de ese testigo? ¡VAYAN!(¡conviértanse en discípulos en misión!) P. Bob Cushing

Fr. Bob Cushing P

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St. Joseph Catholic Church 2011 Darling Avenue, Waycross, GA 31501

Fr. Bob Cushing, Pastor: (478) 284-5235 [email protected] Church Secretary: Barbara Grace Albert (912-286-0491) [email protected] Music Minister: Timothy Remmel (912-281-9787) [email protected]

Religious Education Coordinator: Lacey Gruver (912) 282-0493 [email protected] Hispanic Ministry Coordinator: Jason Strickland (912) 387-6781 [email protected]

Youth Ministry Coordinator: Loretta Coar (912) 390-9116 [email protected] Loaves and Fishes Outreach: (912)283-5221

Office number: (912) 283-7700/Office fax (912) 283-7929 Office hours: Monday-Thursday 9:00am—4:30pm


Ascension Sunday May 13, 2018

Dear Parishioners and Friends:

“Go into the whole world and proclaim the gospel to every

creature.” [Mark 16:15]

This is the graduation exercise for the disciples of

Jesus. His teachings about the Kingdom of God and the

resurrection appearances of Jesus are now ended. Christ

places his church into the hands of illiterate fisherman and

otherwise unremarkable people. There was no “Plan B.”

This is it. “Go! ...” Jesus said. [i.e. “don’t stand around

with your hands in your pockets.”]

Ascension isn’t so much about where Jesus went

but about where Jesus sends us. Just as Christ commis-

sioned his own disciples to go to all the nations, our cele-

bration of Christ’s ascension moves us out into the whole

world to proclaim the gospel. Do you get this? We are dis-

ciples sent on the same mission as the ancient church. This

is why the Church celebrates this time as the Novena to the

Holy Spirit, so that we can reclaim the meaning of being

sent out as disciples on mission, to integrate the message, to

catch fire with the Spirit, to become that new creation, that

living hope that is the living Body of Christ. If you wish to

take this next week to heart and honor God’s Word and the

Tradition of our Catholic Church, one way of doing that is

by praying/studying the Novena to the Holy Spirit. Copies

of the Novena on bright paper are in the foyer of the

Church in English and Spanish.

Question of the week: What does it mean to be a

“disciple on mission”? Who has evangelized you by their

witness to the Risen Christ? How were you changed

by the experience of their witness?

“GO!” (become disciples on mission!)

Fr. Bob Cushing

Domingo de la Ascensión 13 de Mayo, 2018

Queridos Feligreses y Amigos:

“Vayan a todo el mundo y proclamen el Evangelio a todas las

creaturas.” [Marcos 16:15]

Este es el ejercicio de graduación para los discípulos

de Jesús. Su enseñanza acerca del reino de Dios y las apari-

ciones de Jesús después de la resurrección ya se terminaron.

Cristo pone su iglesia en las manos de pescadores que no

saben leer y escribir y de cualquier manera personas de

cualquier manera sin nada especial. No hay “Plan B.”

“¡Así es! ¡Vayan!” dijo Jesús. [ej. “no se paren allí con las

manos en los bolsillos.”]

La Ascensión no es tanto acerca de donde va Jesús,

pero de adonde nos manda Jesús. Así como Cristo le da el

mandato a sus discípulos de ir a todas las naciones, nuestra

celebración de la ascensión de Cristo nos mueve hacia afue-

ra en todo el mundo a proclamar el evangelio. ¿Lo entien-

den? Somos discípulos mandados en la misma misión de la

iglesia Antigua. Esto es por lo que la Iglesia celebra este

tiempo como la Novena del Espíritu Santo, para que poda-

mos reclamar el significado de ser mandados como los discí-

pulos en una misión, para integrar el mensaje, a coger el

fuego con el espíritu, para volvernos la nueva creación, la

esperanza viviente que es el Cuerpo Viviente de Cristo. Si

deseas, la próxima semana puedes de corazón honrar la Pa-

labra de Dios y las Tradiciones de nuestra Iglesia Católica

de una manera sencilla haciendo esta oración/estudio de la

Novena al Espíritu Santo. Copias de la Novena en papel bri-

llante están en la entrada de la Iglesia en inglés y español.

Pregunta de la semana; ¿Que significa ser “discípulos en

misión? “¿Quién te ha evangelizado a ti con su testimonio

del Cristo resucitado? ¿Como cambiaste por la experiencia

de ese testigo?

“¡VAYAN!” (¡conviértanse en discípulos en misión!) P.

Bob Cushing

St. Joseph Offertory May 13, 2018

Offertory $4,202.00

Children’s Circle $44.00

$4,246.00 Catholic Home Missions $104.00

Knights Serving Breakfast 05/13/2018 1 gal. 2% milk Lee Tipps 1 gal. orange jc. Roney Petersen 10 bananas Mike Frawley Last Day of PRE May 13, 2018

Over a dozen volunteers from our local K of C council worked three shifts outside the local Walmart en-trances on Saturday, April 28, 2018. K of C buys the Tootsie Rolls that are distributed during the event. All monies collected are sent to the K of C State Charity Council. They distribute the donations to local charities. Our Loaves and Fishes ministry was one of three recipients in 2018. Thanks to everyone who donated their time and money to this fundraiser!

Next week, our second collection is for the Catholic Communication Campaign. This campaign connects people with Christ, here and around the world in develop-ing countries, through the internet, television, radio, and print media. And fifty percent of funds collected remain in our diocese to fund local communications efforts. Your support helps spread the gospel message! To learn more, visit www. usccb.org/ccc.

Nuestra segunda colecta la próxima semana es para la Campaña Católica de la Comunicación. Esta campaña conecta a las personas con Cristo, aquí y alrededor del mun-do, en los países en desarrollo a través del internet, la televi-sión, la radio y los medios impresos. Y, el cincuenta por cien-to de los fondos recaudados, permanece en nuestra diócesis para financiar nuestros esfuerzos locales en el camp de las comunicaciones. ¡El apoyo de ustedes ayuda a propagar el mensaje del evangelio! Para informarse más, visiten www.usccb.org/ccc.

Get acquainted with the Five Franciscan Martyrs of Georgia:

Pedro de Corpa, Blas de Rodriguez, Antonio de Badajoz, Miguel de Añon, and Francisco de Veråscola. Our Bishop has requested that we

support their cause for canonization. Personable images of the men are on the bulletin board in church hallway. For more info, go to


Conozcan a los Cinco Mártires Franciscanos de Georgia: Pedro

de Corpa, Blas de Rodríguez, Antonio de Badajoz, Miguel de Añon, y Francisco de Veråscola. Nuestro Obispo ha pedido que ayudemos

a la causa de su canonización. Imágenes personales de estos hom-bres están en el pizarrón en el pasillo de la iglesia. Para mas in-

formación, vaya a www.georgiamartyrs.org

Office for the Protection of Children and Young

People, toll free reporting hotline: (888) 357-5530

BAA: Thank God for all who have given so generously to the Bishop’s Annual Appeal! We are at 78% of our Parish target! With some of you faithfully paying your pledges that leaves very close to being “done” for this year - way ahead of previous years. Way to go, team! Now if those of us who haven’t given yet could send in something, however small, to help with our Parish support of the Diocese, we will done for this year.

PAO: ¡Gracias a Dios por todos los que han dado tan ge-nerosamente a la Petición Anual del Obispo! ¡Estamos ya en los 78% de la meta de nuestra Parroquia! Con algunos de ustedes fielmente pagando sus ofrecimientos eso nos deja muy poco mas para estar “hechos” por este año– mu-cho antes que los años anteriores. ¡Muy bien hecho, mi equipo! Ahora si aquellos de nosotros que no hemos dado diéramos algo, por poco que sea, para ayudar a nuestra parroquia a ayudar a la Diócesis, terminaríamos por este año.

SIFI! Make a Difference!

Are you upset over the cruel and inhumane treatment of undocumented immigrants? Are you looking for a hands-on way to show your solidarity and support? One concrete step you can take is to volunteer as a remote team member with the Southern Poverty Law Center’s Southeast Immi-grant Freedom Initiative (SIFI).

At home volunteers are needed to conduct telephone in-takes, assist in communications with detainees’ family members, and help out with paperwork and other adminis-trative tasks. On-the ground attorneys, translators, and medical and mental health professionals are also need-ed. Volunteers may sign up for periodic shifts and/or re-spond to requests for assistance. Find out more and sign up at www.splcenter.org/sifi.

You’re invited to pray the Rosary in English this week at Debbie Cahill’s home. Please join us in prayer on Wednesday, May 16, 2018 at 10:00 am. Her home is located at 433 Loblolly Lane in Waycross. Please contact Ann Johnson with your prayer intentions at 912-288-0315.

PLEASE PRAY FOR ALL THOSE WHO ARE ILL, ES-PECIALLY PARISHIONERS: Joyce Bachofner, Ann Inman, Arcelia Saucedo, Eliza-beth Smith, Peggy Thomas, Howard Sturgis, Judy VanDruff, Carlene Murray, Rose Mary Fulford, Doro-thy Gaskill, Bob & Kathy Odam, Colleen Matich, Deb-bie Cahill, Leslie Bennett, Marilyn Bonacci, Abraham Gomez, Tom DiBiase, Glenn & Shelly Chase, Kathleen (Billie) Herbert, Clinton Vaughn, Morgan Hess & Ann Marie Hess, Genevieve Martin, Albert Gatton, Shirley Marsh, Keith Fullenkamp, and Bill & Glenda Brewing-ton.

PLEASE PRAY FOR ALL THOSE IN SERVICE TO OUR COUNTRY: LT. Tim Boyce, U.S. Navy, Rann Howell, and Colonel Mark B. Parker.

Please contact Barbara Albert 912-283-7700 in the Church Office to have names added or re-moved from the lists above. Thank You!

PLEASE PRAY FOR FAMILY & FRIENDS OF OURS: Robert Cushing Jr., Pat Marsh, Hannah Phillips & Fam-ily, Gloria Ray, Glynda Gausnaell, Lindsay Joyce, Patri-cia Carter, Connie McAlpin, Roger Gaskill, Michael McAlpin, Jason McCullum, Dan Cason, Paul Tang, Mi-chael Driggers, Maurice Hannah, Earl Black, Tom Grizzaffe, James Kenneth Cox Jr., Lonny Joseph War-ing Jr., Merinda Mixon, Annie Burns, Toby Foster, Bill Caballero, Harris Lott, Florence Struempler, Lindon Deal, Sr. Francis Ann Cook, James Stokes, Cindy Tay-lor, Kris Kruse, April Snider, Robin Johnson, and Thomas Williams, Angel Sinai Gomez, Kim Messenger, William Willis, Sandy Wright, Ashley Hoffman, Sue Rossi, Brittany Alderman, Betty Denyko, and Sr. Chris Cullen, MFIC, David Greg Russell, Chloe Robinson, William Martin IV, Michelle Rio, Bobby Ziolkowski, Stan Stipe, Sharon Deal Joseph McHendry, Ron Milkas, Dr. Richard Lynch, Rose Parisee, Adrian Arnold, Erin Crosby, Rosa Maria Santos, Norma Walker, Marian James, Mervyn Humphreys, Ida Cook, Becky Griffin, Claudia Taylor, and Megan Schultz, Dora Bullard, Mil-lie Bailey, Edmay Tardif, Ken Jorishie, Joyce McAneny, Kevin Wehling, Marilyn Sanderson, and Gara Baker.

Happy Mother’s Day, dear Moms! We are so grateful for your faithful embodiment of the love

of God, how you show us who Mary and Jesus are by the ways you care for our families! We love you and honor you in a very special way today with

blessings upon blessings!

¡Feliz Dia de las Madres, queridas mamas! Esta-mos tan agradecidos por su personificación fiel del

amor de Dios, ¡cómo nos muestran quienes son María y Jesús por la manera como cuidan de nues-

tra familias! ¡Te amamos y honramos en una ma-nera especial hoy con bendiciones sobre bendicio-


This Sunday, May13, is the LAST DAY of PRE Classes. Perfect Attendance Certificates will be given out at the end of the 10:30 Mass! Two free Dinners at Pizza Inn will be drawn for an older and a younger finalist. Faithfulness to Religious Education is its own special accomplishment. Congratulations to our most faithful students AND their parents who got them here for classes!

Este domingo, 13 de mayo, es el ULTIMO DIA DE

CLASES DE ERP. ¡Los certificados de asistencia per-fecta serán dados al final de la Misa de 10:30 am! Dos comidas gratis en Pizza Inn serán rifadas para un fina-lista mayor y otro menor. Fidelidad a la Educación Religiosa es un triunfo en sí mismo. ¡Felicidades a nuestros más fieles estudiantes Y a sus papas que los trajeron a las clases!

Graduation Mass-May 27, 2018 at 10:30 am Mass. This is for high school and college graduation. If you know of someone who is graduating from an area high school or from college, please get names to Loretta Coar or Barbara Albert.

Loaves and Fishes Report April, 2018

“ Happiness comes from what you give, not from what you get.”

36 families were helped, some in many ways 24 families were given food 24 individuals were given clothing 7 families were helped with rent 15 families were helped with utilities 2 individuals were helped with a gas card 2 homeless families were helped with a motel room 1 migrant family was helped with a mattress and box springs Individual parishioners contributed $2,265 The church tithed $800 and $1,000 was donated by the O’Neil Diocesan Fund Thank you St. Joseph parishioners

Making plans to get Married? Contact the par ish office and speak with Fr. Bob at least 6 Months before your planned wed-

ding. He will review with you the documentation, education, and liturgical details necessary before the wedding can happen.

Part of the Preparation is the educational/spiritual formation workshop: here are some options – in ENGLISH, Pre-Cana

Workshops in Warner Robins, GA on Saturday, September 8; Catholic Engaged Encounter at St. Matthew Par ish in Jacksonville, on June 2; Pre-Cana Workshops at St. James in

Savannah on August 10-11 and in Jacksonville at St. Matthew on August 18. In SPANISH, Marriage Preparation at St. Jo-

seph in Augusta on May 19 and in Jacksonville at St. Matthew Parish August 18.

¿Haciendo planes para casarse? Contacte la oficina de la

parroquia y hable con el P. Bob por lo menos 6 meses antes del día de su boda. El revisará su documentación, educación y

detalles litúrgicos necesarios antes de que la boda se lleve a cabo. Parte de la preparación es el taller de educación/

spiritual: aquí hay varias opciones – en INGLES, Taller de

Pre-Cana en Warner Robins, GA el sábado, 12 de mayo y el

8 de septiembre; Encuentro de compromiso católico en la Pa-rroquia de San Mateo en Jacksonville el 2 de junio; Taller de

Pre – Cana en Savannah el 10-11 de agosto y en Jacksonville

en San Mateo el 18 de agosto. En español Prepara-

ción Matrimonial en San José en Augusta el 19 de mayo y en Jacksonville en la parroquia de San Ma-

teo el 18 de agosto.

Eucharistic Minsters Formation Meeting will be on Wednesday nights May 16 & 23 at 7:15 PM in the

Conference Room. ALL Eucharistic Ministers are expected to make a minimal of one meeting each year. Four opportunities in the next 2 months! New

Eucharistic ministers and interested parishioners are welcome as well.

Encuentro de Preparación de Ministros de Eucaristía se llevará a cabo el miércoles en la noche 16 y 23 de mayo en el Salón de Conferencias. De TODOS los Ministros de Eu-caristia se espera que tomen al menos una reunión al ano de preparación. Habrá cuatro oportunidades en los próxi-mos dos (2) meses! Los nuevos ministros de Eucaristía y parroquianos interesados son bienvenidos también.

RCIA: The Rite of Chr istian Initiation is a process before initiation for those who want to become Catholic. If you are al-

ready Catholic and you need a refresher course, this may be for you! If you have not been confirmed or not made your 1st Holy

Communion and you are 17 years or older, come and check this out. This week’s gathering –May 15- will introduce us to the

ministry of Jesus as the call to Justice and Peace. Each session begins at 7:15 PM on Tuesday evening and ends at 9 PM. For more info talk to our RCIA Catechist, Fran McElroy mom-

[email protected] or Fr. Bob.

This Week at St. Joe’s

05/14/2018 Monday 9:00 am Mass 05/15/2018 Tuesday 12:10 pm Mass; 7:00 K of C; 7:15 pm RCIA 05/162018 Wednesday 4-6 pm Adoration; 6 pm Mass for Healing and Anointing; 7:15 pm EM training 05/17/2018 Thursday 12:10 pm Mass; 6:00 pm Choir Practice 05/18/2018 Friday No Mass; Office Closed 05/19/2018 Saturday 10:30 am First Communion Practice; 5:00 pm-5:45 pm Confessions; 6:00 pm English Mass; Pentecost Sunday; 2nd Collection Catholic Communication Campaign 05/20/2018 Sunday 11:00 am Bilingual Mass/First Holy Communion; Pentecost Sunday; 2nd Collection Catholic Communication Campaign

May 12, 2018 6:00 pm English Mass-Saturday Lector: Lucy Todd EM: Maria Contreras and Louise Walker Server: Fran McElroy Usher: Mike Frawley and Joe Robison Intention: Doris Cushing(RIP) May 13, 2018 10:30 pm English Mass-Sunday Lector: Aaron Harwood EM: John Chancey, Ann Saucedo, Loretta Coar, Eloise Pur-dom, and Randy Yon Server: Seth Cheshire and Natalie Romero Usher: Jim Craig and Roney Petersen Intention: Pro Populo May 13, 2018 6:00 pm Spanish Mass-Sunday Lector: Maribel Rios EM: Magdalena Santana, Juanita Sosa, y Vicente Rodas Server: Carolina Morfin y Selina Ocadiz Usher: Francisco Velez and Abel Rodrigues Intention: None May 19, 2018 6:00 pm English Mass-Saturday Lector: Barbara Albert EM: Marian Williams and Lucy Todd Server: Lee Tipps Usher: Bob Scheuing and Dave Cahill Intention: Barbara Karle(RIP) May 20, 2018 11:00 am Bilingual Mass-Sunday Lector: Socorro Martinez and Nicholas Blasko EM: Montse Diaz, Juanita Sosa, Loretta Coar, Vicente Rodas, y Anna Velez Server: Carolina Morfin and Selina Ocadiz Usher: Francisco Velez y Abel Rodrigues Intention: Pro Populo

Parish Mission Prayer

Father of Mercy, your Holy Spirit has called us from many lands and cultures to become the faith community of St. Joseph Parish. You gather us to proclaim your Word of Mercy for all through prayer, sacrament, and service. O Holy one show us how to nourish this commitment through faith formation, hospitality, and stewardship, so that through us your compassion may embrace the cross of all the needy, through Christ our Lord. Amen

Oracion de la Misión Parroquial Padre de Misericordia, tu Santo Espíritu nos ha llamado de muchas tierras y culturas para formar la comunidad de fe de la Parroquia de St. Joseph. Nos uniste para proclamar tu palabra de misericordia para todos a través de la oración, sacramentos y servicio, O Santísimo, muéstranos como alimentar este compromiso a través de la form ación de fe, hospitalidad y corresponsabili-dad, para que a través de nosotros tu compasión ellos abracen la cruz de todos los necesitados, por Cristo nuestro Señor. Amen

Mass Intentions for Weekday Services Monday-None Tuesday-None Wednesday-None Thursday-None

Bulletin Deadline: All announcements and news items for the next Sunday's bulletin need to be given to our parish secretary (Barbara).[[email protected]] by Monday morning.

Word from Pope Francis

“Jesus' Ascension into Heaven thus allows us to know this reality that is so consoling on our journey: in Christ, true God and true man, our humanity has been brought to God. He has opened the way. He is like the leader of a mountain climbing party that is roped together. He has reached the summit and pulls us to himself, leading us to God. If we entrust our lives to him, if we let ourselves be guided by him, we are certain of being in safe hands.”

STEWARDSHIP OF THE LAND: For over 7 years, Joe

Woodruff has been a daily dynamo, caring for the grounds and

doing much of the maintenance in our buildings as well. A few

folks have wandered over and assisted him for a day or for an hour,

off and on, or for many months. We are grateful for their steward-

ship of holy sweat as well. Helping out, Steve Johnson opened up

the road across the back property to the Knights of Columbus Hall

with a bulldozer. Now we need “laborers for the vineyard,” other

folks to assist by “adopting areas top maintain.” Besides this there

are MANY things to be done on the grounds and May is the best

month to do it before the heat hits. Please let Joe know if you want

to do a special project area with your buddies or alone. Call’m at

912-337-5917. You’ll be glad you did!


Woodruff ha sido diariamente un dinamo, cuidando nuestros terrenos

y haciendo mucho del mantenimiento en nuestros edificios también.

Unos cuantos amigos se han acercado de vez en cuando a ayudarle

por un día o una hora, de vez en cuando, o por muchos meses. Esta-

mos agradecidos por esta corresponsabilidad del sudor santo tam-

bién. Esta semana pasada, Steve Johnson abrió la calle al atreves de

la parte de atrás de la propiedad al Salón de los Caballeros de Colon

con una excavadora. Ahora necesitamos “labradores de la viña”

otros amigos para que nos ayuden a tomar pequeñas secciones de esto

y limpiar lo que ha sido comenzado. Además de esto hay MUCHAS

cosas que necesitan hacerse en los terrenos y mayo es el mejor mes

para hacerlo antes de que el calor nos pegue. Por favor deje saber a

Joe si usted puede hacer algo de este Proyecto especial con sus ami-

gos o solo. Llame al 912-337-5917. Estará feliz de haberlo hecho.

The New Catholic Answer Bible: NABRE. This

is our parish favorite bible with RCIA Cate-

chism inside as well as the best translation.

Leather bound with larger print, $35. See

Barbara in the church office.

The Youth group spaghetti dinner was a huge success. Many thanks to the parishioners who supported us. And a very special "thank you goes” out to the Knights of Columbus for their support of our fund raiser. Additionally, we want to thank the following individuals for preparing the meal Tom McElroy, Dave Cahill, Bob Interval, and Tru-man Dickson, Fran McElroy, & Connie Interval.

Palabras del papa Francisco

La Ascensión de “Jesús” a los cielos nos permi-te conocer la realidad que es tan consoladora en nuestra jornada: en Cristo, el verdadero Dios y verdadero hombre, nuestra humanidad ha sido llevada a dios. El ha abierto el camino. El es como el líder que sube una montaña que están amarrados juntos. El ha llegado a la meta y nos lleva a nosotros con él, guiándonos a Dios. Si le confiamos nuestras vidas a él, si nos dejamos guiar por él, podemos estar seguros de estar en buenas manos.


La noche de espagueti del Grupo Juvenil fue un gran éxito. Muchas gracias a los feligreses que nos ayu-daron. Y muy especiales gracias van a los C aballe-ros de Colon por su ayuda en esta recolecta de fon-dos. Adicionalmente, queremos dar las gracias a las siguientes personas que prepararon la comida Tom McElroy, Dave Cahill, Bob Interval, and Truman Di-ckson, Fran McElroy, & Connie Interval.