1 FOURTH SUNDAY OF EASTER May 7, 2017 7:45 A.M. THE HOLY EUCHARIST The Word of God, page 355, Book of Common Prayer The First Reading: Acts 2:42-47 Psalm 23 The Second Reading: 1 Peter 2:19-25 Gospel: John 10:1-10 The Sermon: The Rev. D. Andrew Olivo Nicene Creed, page 358 The Prayers of the People, Form VI, page 392 The Peace The Holy Communion The Great Thanksgiving, Prayer A, page 361 Prayer after Communion, page 365 Blessing and Dismissal _________________________________________________________________________ ASSISTING AT THE SERVICE TODAY: Scott Raab, Reader and Chalice Bearer; Joanne Hutton, Lay Eucharistic Minister; Barbie Harper, Susan Heil, and Allie Raether, Flower Guild; Bud Harrell, Assistant Head Usher; George Diliberto and Rick Young, Ushers. THE FLOWERS IN THE CHURCH are given to the glory of God. THE REVEREND DR. LUIS LEÓN IS THE GUEST PREACHER TODAY at St. Peter's Episcopal Church in Charlotte, NC.

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May 7, 2017


The Word of God, page 355, Book of Common Prayer

The First Reading: Acts 2:42-47

Psalm 23

The Second Reading: 1 Peter 2:19-25

Gospel: John 10:1-10

The Sermon: The Rev. D. Andrew Olivo

Nicene Creed, page 358

The Prayers of the People, Form VI, page 392

The Peace

The Holy Communion

The Great Thanksgiving, Prayer A, page 361

Prayer after Communion, page 365

Blessing and Dismissal _________________________________________________________________________

ASSISTING AT THE SERVICE TODAY: Scott Raab, Reader and Chalice Bearer;

Joanne Hutton, Lay Eucharistic Minister; Barbie Harper, Susan Heil, and Allie

Raether, Flower Guild; Bud Harrell, Assistant Head Usher; George Diliberto and

Rick Young, Ushers.

THE FLOWERS IN THE CHURCH are given to the glory of God.


St. Peter's Episcopal Church in Charlotte, NC.

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O God, whose Son Jesus is the good shepherd of your people:

Grant that when we hear his voice we may know him who calls

us each by name, and follow where he leads; who, with you

and the Holy Spirit, lives and reigns, one God, for ever and

ever. Amen.

Acts 2:42-47

Those who had been baptized devoted themselves to the

apostles' teaching and fellowship, to the breaking of bread and

the prayers. Awe came upon everyone, because many wonders

and signs were being done by the apostles. All who believed

were together and had all things in common; they would sell

their possessions and goods and distribute the proceeds to all,

as any had need. Day by day, as they spent much time together

in the temple, they broke bread at home and ate their food with

glad and generous hearts, praising God and having the

goodwill of all the people. And day by day the Lord added to

their number those who were being saved.

Psalm 23

1 The LORD is my shepherd;

I shall not be in want.

2 He makes me lie down in green pastures

and leads me beside still waters.

3 He revives my soul

and guides me along right pathways for his Name's sake.

4 Though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death,

I shall fear no evil;

for you are with me;

your rod and your staff, they comfort me.

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5 You spread a table before me in the presence of those

who trouble me;

you have anointed my head with oil,

and my cup is running over.

6 Surely your goodness and mercy shall follow me all the days

of my life,

and I will dwell in the house of the LORD for ever.

1 Peter 2:19-25

It is a credit to you if, being aware of God, you endure pain

while suffering unjustly. If you endure when you are beaten for

doing wrong, what credit is that? But if you endure when you

do right and suffer for it, you have God's approval. For to this

you have been called, because Christ also suffered for you,

leaving you an example, so that you should follow in his steps.

"He committed no sin, and no deceit was found in his mouth."

When he was abused, he did not return abuse; when he

suffered, he did not threaten; but he entrusted himself to the

one who judges justly. He himself bore our sins in his body on

the cross, so that, free from sins, we might live for

righteousness; by his wounds you have been healed. For you

were going astray like sheep, but now you have returned to the

shepherd and guardian of your souls.

John 10:1-10

Jesus said, "Very truly, I tell you, anyone who does not enter

the sheepfold by the gate but climbs in by another way is a

thief and a bandit. The one who enters by the gate is the

shepherd of the sheep. The gatekeeper opens the gate for him,

and the sheep hear his voice. He calls his own sheep by name

and leads them out. When he has brought out all his own, he

goes ahead of them, and the sheep follow him because they

know his voice. They will not follow a stranger, but they will

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run from him because they do not know the voice of strangers."

Jesus used this figure of speech with them, but they did not

understand what he was saying to them. So again Jesus said to

them, "Very truly, I tell you, I am the gate for the sheep. All

who came before me are thieves and bandits; but the sheep did

not listen to them. I am the gate. Whoever enters by me will be

saved, and will come in and go out and find pasture. The thief

comes only to steal and kill and destroy. I came that they may

have life, and have it abundantly."

All are welcome to receive Holy Communion with us. Our tradition is to

receive both bread and wine, sharing in the common cup. Please assist the

chalice bearer by guiding the cup to your lips. You may also intinct by

dipping the wafer into the chalice. You may wish to receive the bread

only. Receiving the bread only is a valid and acceptable way to share in

Holy Communion. After consuming the wafer, simply cross your arms

over your chest to indicate that you do not wish to receive the wine.

Gluten-free wafers are available on request from the communion minister.

If you are feeling sick, please refrain from receiving the wine and be

mindful of those near you when passing the peace or shaking hands as

you enter and exit the church.

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Easter is the first of the two great cycles of feasts and holy days around

which the church calendar is organized; the other is Christmas. And

Easter, or Eastertide, is not just one day, but a fifty-day liturgical

season which begins with the Great Vigil of Easter and ends on the Day

of Pentecost. Easter has liturgical symbols and practices which you

may notice

1) Our opening acclamation changes from Lent to Easter, when

we begin the service recognizing the central message of our

faith – Alleluia. Christ is risen!

2) The Paschal Candle, which represents Christ’s presence

among us as the light of the world, is lighted for all services.

3) We will say the Gloria on page 356 instead of the more

solemn Kyrie that is our pattern on other Sundays.

4) Frontal color and matching vestments – white and gold. We use a white altar frontal and the clergy wear white stoles.

White symbolizes our hope of the Resurrection, as well as the

purity and newness that come from victory over sin and

death. Gold symbolizes the light of the risen Christ

enlightening the world, as well as our exaltation of Jesus as

Lord and King.

5) Flowers are back in the church. During Lent, we refrained

from the use of flowers. The abundance of flowers today

helps us rejoice in the power of the Resurrection.

6) Alleluias are back! Today we say Alleluia, in the opening

sentences, and at the breaking of the bread (fraction) during

communion. We give thanks that Christ not only died but also

rose again to save us all.

7) Prayers of the People. Instead of the more penitential

arrangement we used during Lent (Form I, found on page 383

of the Book of Common Prayer), we return to Form VI, found

on page 392.

8) Remain standing instead of kneeling. Whereas during Lent

we knelt in the traditional prayer posture for penitence, today

we stand at prayer in honor of Christ’s rising again and in

jubilant celebration of our salvation.

9) Change in Eucharistic Prayer. In place of Eucharistic

Prayer B which we used during Lent, we go back to

Eucharistic Prayer A, found on page 361.

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The 200th Anniversary Campaign for St. John’s



(as of May 3, 2017)

David Abernethy & Elizabeth Lewis

Jennifer Agiesta & Paul Hortenstine

John & Renate Alison

Nikki Allen

Doug & Jane Alspach

Robin Anderson

Philip & Annette Anfinrud

Anthony Anikeeff & Tung-lin Wu

Margaretta Conderman Arnold

Carlos & Lourdes Arriaga

Ted & Eve Atkeson

Shea & Virginia Bader

Paul Barkett

Hughes Bates

Joanne Bauers

Krista Becker

Mike & Carolyn Becraft

Bob Beizer

Laura Belman

Kate Benner

Judy Campbell Bird

Martha & Bill Birdseye

Marion Blakey & William Dooley

Paul Bledsoe & Celia Boddington

Thomas Bleha

Matt Bode & Laurie Adams

Anne Boardman

Diane & Samuel Bodman

Emorie Broemel

Lacy Broemel

Bill Brownlee

Mariann Edgar Budde & Paul Budde

Craig & Barbara Burkhardt

Rick Busch

Cay Buser & Richard Ward

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Sylvia & Stephen Burwell

Hall Carter

Robert Carroll

Liz & Tom Casagrande

Preston & Merrell Cherouny

Ginny Chew

Savanna Clark

Andrew Clarke & Chip Sherrill

Laura Hohnsbeen Clarke

Laurie Clifford

Claudette Cox

Jamie & Robert Craft

Nelson & Carolyn Crouch

John Culver & Mary Jane Checchi

Gwendolyn Cunningham

Jim Czerwonky

Pat Czerwonky

Pat & Garry Dalby

Betsy Danello

Christian & Liz Davis

Randy & Sharon De Angelis

Christine Delucchi & Martha Blalock

Clayton & Margaret Depue

Charles & Bonnie DeWitt

Jeffrey & Linda Dienno

Bessie & Will Doffermyre

James & Joan Doty

Laura & René Doucet

James Doyle

Grace and Will Duthe

James Eastwood

Kaye Edwards

Lauren Edwards

Martha & Dick Ellison

Clark Ervin & Carolyn Harris

Steve & Caroline Faris

Consuello Faunteroy

Wendy Fibison & Samuel Watson

Hyman & Anne Field

Debra & Camden Fine

John Firestone

Carol Cole Flanagan

Ron & Nancy Fletcher

Lee & Juliet Folger

Andrea & Scott Fuller

Linda Gaines

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David Gallalee

Chris & Elizabeth Gardner

John & Ann Gardner

Keith & Jennifer Gardner

Jim & Carrie Garland

Matt & Adrienne Gaziano

Richard & Jeanne Grimmett

Sandy Hackworth & Lisa Lowenfeld

Chuck & Lilibet Hagel

Gary & Debby Hailey

Nick & Kate Hailey

Kristie Hansen

Barbie Harper

Robert & Anne Harrington

Fruzsina Harsanyi & Raymond Garcia

Dolph Hatfield & Mary Wilson

John & Meg Hauge

Geraldine & Brent Hayhurst

Hermann & Janet Helgert

Bob & Tammi Hoback

Ellen Hoff

Heather Hopkins

Max Hudgins

Stephen & Teresa Huettner

Gerry Hughes

William Hughes & Ann Compton Hughes

Andrew Hunt & Elizabeth Hill

Powell & Joanne Hutton

John Peters Irelan

Nancy Carol James

Martha Jenkins

Lance Jensen

Muriel Jerome-O’Keeffe

Jessica Johnson & Christopher Kenny

Wande Johnson

Mac & Barbara Johnston

Robyne Johnston

Michael & Allison Jones

William & Sara Josey

Ellen & Chris Kalisz

Graham & Robin Keithley

Arthur Kellerman & Leila Taaffe

Jim & Lisa Kirchenbauer

Frank & Nancy Klotz

Mark & Amy Klug

Lisa Koehler

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Lily & Brad Kosegarten

Kenny Kraft

Grant Kraus

Albert & Katherine Kyle

Samuel Lancaster

Mary Landrieu & Frank Snellings

Larry LeCompte & Dalia Zabala

Marcus Lemon

Luis León & Lu Stanton León

Andrée & Joseph Leonelli

Patricia Leslie

Leo Lex

Judd & Caroline Littleton

Michael & Priya Lodico

Margaret Love

Jeffrey & Marisol Lovelace

Jimmy Lowe

Kathy Luhrman

Janice Lupton

RJ & Chip Lyerly

Barney Malloy

Tiffany Manchester

Michelle Mangrum

Harry & Claire Marshall

Chrystal & John Martin

Crista &David Martin

Sherill Mason

Nancy Mathis & Shawn Maher

Abbott McCartney & Sigrid Block

Richard & Karen McCormack

Susan McDaid

Sara McGanity

Lisa & Terry McGlynn

Judson McIntire

Ed McLean

Noah & Hilary Mehrkam

Diane Melton

Richard Metzger

Judith Miller

Marc Miller

Nathan Miller

Sarah & Chris Miller

Brandon Montgomery & Stevan Johnson

John & Livy More

Jane Morris

Rob Mosbacher

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Johannes Mueller & Timothy Beacom

Robert & Ann Mueller

Kelly & Chris Mufarrige

Michele & Jim Mullins

Jonathan Nateghi-Asli & George Moran

Henry Nuzum

Stephen O’Shields & Miller Winecoff

Phil & Marge Odeen

Peter & Eleanor Odom

Andy & Catherine Olivo

Ralph & Lydia Olson

Uche & Nkem Onwuamaegbu

Ervin Owens

Owen & Felicia Owunuwanne

Susan & Jake Parcell

Sharon & Bob Park

Margaret Ellen Parke

TJ & Karis Parnham

Virginia Parra

Bob & Gay Pasley

Hew & Lindsey Pate

Laura & Sam Patten

Inmi Patterson

Liz & Kip Payne

Bruce & Pam Perkins

Eric Peters

Kathryn Pharr

Natalie Popovic

Richard Price

Quin Woodward Pu

Katherine & Scott Raab

Allie Raether

Carl & Mary Raether

Garrett & Gigi Rasmussen

Larry Redway

Avo & Sarah Reid

Jack Reiffer

Maria Huamán Reyes

Gini & Harker Rhodes

Christi Rich

Hap & Nora Rigby

Lisa & Garrett Russo

Chase Rynd

Elizabeth Sadqi

Jessica & Alex Sanchez

Brian & KayAnn Schoeneman

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Peter & Ann Seidlitz

Alexian & Christopher Semkow

Chris Siddall

Sandy & Susan Sierck

Adelle Simmons

Thom Sinclair & Jim Kreger

Greg Soltis

Peter & Diane Spaulding

John Staples & Scott Raspa

Anne Stewart

Thomas & Jennifer Stork

John & Holly Sukenik

Meredith & Bard Sullenger

Anthony Tambasco

Matthew Taylor

Tayler & Peter Tchoukaleff

Alfred & Hilary Thesmar

Thomas Traxler & Rachel Bright

David Trebing

Michael Tune & Richard Shanahan

Anthony Turner & Eric Carson

Jennifer Urquhart

Dries van Wagenberg

Patrick & Pamela Venzke

Susan Volgenau

Ellen Vollrath

Erin Waddle

Chris & Barbara Wall

Marc & Susan Warren

Fred & Robin Webber

Jennifer & Henrik Weng

Hilary West

Togo & Gail West

Margo Wiegenstein

Edwin & Kathe Williamson

Christina Wilson

Neil & Emma Wilson

Kathryn Winant

William Wolfe & Ellie Skochdopole

Brenda & Willy Wolter

Audrey Wood

Bill Wright

Scott Wunsch & Megan Bly

William Yale

Aswathi Zachariah & Richard Greene

Paul & Sitta Zehfus

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In order to make online payments to St. John’s easier, we have

instituted a new, streamlined process. Payments for pledges and

other types of donations can now be set up with an online payment

profile at https://www.shelbygiving.com/stjohnsdc by using your

email address and creating a password. The password should

contain a combination of at least eight numbers and letters.

Payment can be made through VISA, MasterCard, Discover, and

American Express cards as well as debit cards and echecks or ACH

direct debits from your account. Just select your preferred method

of payment from the drop-down list. Select the fund to which you

wish to make a payment. A one-time payment can be executed this

way, or automatic recurring payments can be arranged by

following the instructions for scheduled payments. The site also

keeps track of your payments. We encourage you to use this

method of making payments and to let our financial secretary,

Preston Cherouny, know that you will switch to online payments at

a certain date.

Payments can now also be made by texting to 202-335-0365.

You will receive prompts on your device screen for completing the


Please remember that this is a payment process, and St. John’s still

wants to receive your pledge. Pledging can be done online at our

website. By making a pledge, parishioners are not only making a

financial commitment to contribute a certain amount to St. John’s,

but they are also providing vital information to our Clergy and

Vestry needed to plan the budget.

If you have questions, please call Preston Cherouny at the

church office, 202-347-8766.

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Monday May 8

6:30 p.m. AA

Tuesday May 9

10:00 a.m. Staff Meeting

12:00 noon AA

6:30 p.m. EFM Class

Wednesday May 10

12:00 noon AA

Thursday May 11

12:00 noon DA

Al Anon

6:30 p.m. Choir Supper

7:00 p.m. Choir Rehearsal

Sunday May 14

7:45 a.m. Holy Eucharist—Sermon—The Rev. Dr. Luis León

8:15 a.m. Parish Choir Rehearsal


9:00 a.m. Holy Eucharist—Sermon—The Rev. Dr. Luis León

10:00 a.m. Adult Forum—Gordon Chang

The Threat from North Korea.

10:45 a.m. Church School

11:00 a.m. Holy Eucharist—Sermon—The Rev. Dr. Luis León

12:15 p.m. Hospitality Hour

Parish Lunch

Tour of the Church

1:00 p.m. La Santa Eucaristía—Sermón

La Revda. Sarah Taylor Miller

2:00 p.m. Bocaditos y Café—Iglesia San Juan

The Holy Eucharist will be celebrated Monday through Friday

at 12:10 p.m.

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On April 23, St. John’s Church School sponsored a bake sale to raise funds for

the Kwasa Centre, St. John’s partner in South Africa, which includes a school

for children who live in an informal settlement. The bake sale raised $1,217.00

to support the Centre, which provides services to those in need. Thanks to all

who baked goods to add to the bounty and to those who purchased goods. Our

special thanks go to Chrystal and John Martin and Virginia Pasley, who

organized and coordinated the sale, and to all the students, parents, and

parishioners who volunteered their time and energy.


May 7

Need more space in your closets? Clear them out and help your neighbors in

D.C. at the same time. The St. John’s Spring Clothing Drive ends today, May 7.

Volunteers will be in the Parish House parlors on Sundays after the 9:00 a.m.

and 11:00 a.m. services to collect your gently-used clothing. We accept all types

of clothing for men, women, and children. Tax receipts will be available. If you

are interested in helping to sort clothes on one of the Sundays, contact

the Rev. Andy Olivo at [email protected].


“Prayers from the Ark” sung by the St. John’s Choir

Sunday, May 14, 11:00 a.m. service

French poet and nun Carmen Bernos de Gasztold (1919-1995) wrote a collection

of prayers to God from the inhabitants of the Noah’s ark. English composer

Ivor Davies (1901-1971) delightfully set some of these “Prayers from the Ark”

to music, and the St. John’s Choir will sing Noah’s Prayer, The Prayer of the

ADULT FORUM SCHEDULE The Forum is held at 10:00 a.m. on the following Sundays:

May 7: Bonnie Glaser is a senior adviser for Asia and the director of the

China Power Project at the Center for Strategic and International

Studies, where she works on issues related to Asia-Pacific security with

a focus on Chinese foreign and security policy. She will speak on U.S.-

China Relations.

May 14: Gordon Chang is the author of The Coming Collapse of China

and Nuclear Showdown: North Korea Takes On the World.

His writings have appeared in The New York Times and The Wall Street

Journal, among other publications. He is a Forbes.com columnist. He

will speak on The Threat from North Korea.

May 21: Steven Rothstein, Executive Director of the John F. Kennedy

Library Foundation. He will speak on President Kennedy at 100.

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Little Bird, The Prayer of the Dove, and The Prayer of the Cat as anthems on

May 14 at the 11:00 a.m. service.


with the Rev. Josh Thomas

Wednesday, May 17, 6:30 p.m.-8:30 p.m.

The Bier Baron Tavern (1523 22nd St NW) Fr. Josh Thomas, the Executive Director of Kids4Peace, will be the guest

speaker at the Bier Baron Tavern at 6:30 p.m. Kids4Peace helps Israeli,

Palestinian, and American youth forge relationships of trust and respect by

turning to religion as a force for peace. Josh will lead a conversation, Finding

Your Voice for Peace, on the spiritual practices people of faith can use to find

their voice for peace in the world. For more information on Theology on Tap,

please contact the Rev. Andy Olivo at [email protected] or (202)

347-8766, ext. 307.


Thursday, May 18, 6:30 p.m.

Join members of St. John’s Church for a showing of the movie Salam Neighbor,

a documentary about two American filmmakers embedding themselves in a

Syrian refugee camp and providing an intimate look at a humanitarian crisis. We

will gather at 6:30 p.m. and begin the movie at 7:00 p.m. The running time of

the movie is 75-minutes. Light snacks and refreshments will be provided, and

you’re encouraged to bring friends. For more information, please contact

Jessica Sanchez at [email protected].


Thursday, June 1, 7:00 p.m.

The St. John's Book Group will meet on June 1 at 7:00 p.m. in the Parlor.

June 1: The Underground Railway by Colson Whitehead

If you like to read and meet with others who like to read and talk about books,

the Book Club is for you. For questions or more information, please contact

Leila Taaffe at [email protected].


Friday, June 2, 6:30 p.m. to 9:00 p.m.

The Friday night program, which offers parents an opportunity to enjoy free

time while St. John's provides child care, a light supper, and entertainment for

children (infants through age 10) will be held on May 5. All we ask is that you

sign up by noon on Wednesday, May 31 so that we will have an adequate

number of attendants and that you pick up your children before 9:00 p.m.

when the doors will be locked. Sign up with Evangeline Gravina in the

Parish Office at [email protected] or at 202-347-8766, ext.


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The next dates for Baptism and required pre-baptismal classes with the clergy

are as follows:

• June 4, 10:30 a.m.; Thursday, June 1, 7:00 p.m.

• September 10, 9:00 a.m.; Thursday, September 7, 7:00 p.m.

• November 5, 11:00 a.m.; Thursday, November 2, 7:00 p.m.

If you are interested in having a child baptized, or in baptism for yourself,

please contact Kaye Edwards by e-mail at [email protected]. Please note that the parents or grandparents of children being baptized must be

active, pledging members of St. John’s. Adults interested in baptism for

themselves must attend the Rector’s Adult Inquirers’ Class and be active,

pledging participants in the life of the parish.


Wednesday, June 7, 12:10 p.m.-12:45 p.m.

Bach’s Brandenburg Concerto No. 2

United States Air Force Strings

with Trumpeter Mary Bowden Please consider joining us during your lunch break on the First Wednesdays of

the month, through June, and bring a friend. See full season details on the

church website at www.stjohns-dc.org.


Saturday, June 10, 4:30 p.m.-7:30 p.m.

Join the St. John’s contingent as we march in the Capital Pride Parade. The

Parade is sponsored by the Capital Pride Alliance to celebrate and support the

diverse LGBT communities and friends. The Grand Marshal of the Parade is

Edie Windsor, lead plaintiff in the US Supreme Court Case that successfully

overturned Section 3 of the Defense of Marriage Act, a significant legal victory

for same-sex marriage in the US.

Event Details:

Date: Saturday, June 10, 2017

Time: 4:30 p.m. – 7:30 p.m.

Parade Route: Dupont and Logan Circle neighborhoods, Washington, DC

Starting Location: 22nd & P Streets, NW, Washington, DC

Metro: Red Line (Dupont Circle – Q Street Exit)

T-shirts with a St. John’s logo in women and men’s sizes are available for

$10.00 each. For more information and to let us know you will march with the

St. John’s contingent, please contact Anthony Pegues: [email protected].

Please let Anthony know by May 28 if you would like to order a T-shirt.

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October 6-14, 2017

St. John’s will travel again to the Kwasa Centre in South Africa this fall. The

Rector will lead the trip, which will include spending time at the Kwasa Centre

with the Ven. Sharron Dinnie and her parishioners at St. Peter and St. Paul’s

Anglican Church, as well as visits to the Apartheid Museum, a Soweto Tour,

and an overnight safari at the Pilanesberg Game Reserve. If you have questions

or are interested in being part of the pilgrimage, please contact the Rev.

Andy Olivo at [email protected] or at 202-347-8766, ext. 307.


• The empty casserole pans in the Parish House are waiting to be filled with food

for our partnership with So Others Might Eat (S.O.M.E.). St. John’s is

committed to sending food once a month to S.O.M.E. to be served in a meal

program for homeless and low-income persons in D.C. Participation is easy

and flexible! Pick up an empty casserole pan in the Parish House, fill it with a

casserole, and drop it off in the freezer near the dining room soda machine. A

parishioner picks up all the casseroles once a month and drops them off at the

meal site.

• When you travel, bring back unopened toiletry items for homeless

shelters. Place them in the basket in the connector between the Church and the

Parish House.


Is there a place in your estate planning for St. John’s? Often people think that

when they have children or other family members that they want to provide a

legacy to, they can’t also decide to leave a financial legacy to other causes or

organizations that are important to them. Have you assessed your “legacy”

recently? Have you factored in any insurance policies, real estate and

investments that would be part of that legacy? Could there be room to leave 5-

10% to organizations that you care about such as St. John’s? Each and every

gift that St. John’s receives makes a difference. Whether it’s naming St. John’s

in your will or trust or as a partial beneficiary on a retirement plan, insurance

policy or annuity…your generosity will live on and might set a beautiful

example to your heirs as well.

For more information or if you have questions, please contact Lisa

Kirchenbauer at [email protected].


As part of the PATH Act of 2015, Congress has permanently reinstated the

Qualified Charitable Distribution which allows tax payers over 70 ½ to redirect

up to $100,000 of their annual Required Minimum Distribution (RMD) from

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their IRA accounts (only) to a qualified charity. If you are making contributions

to St. John’s Annual Giving or Capital Campaign, this could have a positive

impact on your income tax planning. You can direct some or all of your RMD

to one or more charities.

If you are interested in learning more, please contact Lisa Kirchenbauer at

[email protected] and be sure to consult with your tax

advisor to determine the impact on your personal financial situation.


Praying for the sick and those in need is an important part of our life together.

We invite you to add yourself, family, or friends to the parish prayer list. Other

than birthdays, anniversaries, and deaths, names added to the prayer list will

appear for four consecutive weeks. If you would like the name to be on the

prayer list for a shorter or longer period of time, please let us know. We are

going to begin listing in parentheses the name of the person requesting prayers

for family and friends who are not members of the congregation. To add a

name to the prayer list, please contact the Rev. Andy Olivo at

[email protected].


Help brighten the day of parishioners who can’t be with us by taking them

flowers, located in the side chapel. A card is attached to each vase with contact

information. Thank you for checking to see if a delivery address is convenient

for you.

Flowers need to be delivered on Cathedral Avenue NW, Washington, DC;

Oak Street, NW, Washington, DC; and Rhode Island Ave NW,

Washington, DC.

OUR PRAYERS are requested for the special needs and concerns of this

congregation, especially:

Those who are sick or recovering:

From our parish: Chet Grey, Barney Malloy, Tiffany Manchester, Ed McLean,

Jim Mullins, Victor Obregon, Robert Pahnke, Bob Patchell, Betty Van Iersel,

and Samuel Wakely.

Friends and family of our parish: Yvonne Allen (Nikki Allen), Ed Barels

(Ellen Parke), John Frew Carter (Margo Arnold), Bill Clark (Clark Ervin),

William Frew Conderman (Margo Arnold), Holly Deland (Lu León), Henry

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Farrington (Samuel Watson), Brian Flanagan (Carol Cole Flanagan), Tyrone

Gayle (Jessica Sanchez), Jane Hague (Bill Hague), Craig Harmon (Judy

McKevitt), Jeff Krehbiel (John More), Christy Long (Karen Zachary), Rosemary

Mariner (Carolyn Becraft), James Millin (Cay Buser), Timothy Mullins (Jim

Mullins), Judy Nicola (Cynthia Walker), Jerry O'Hagan (Lance Jensen),

Elizabeth Jane Pearson (Celia Thompson), Daniel Peterson (Gay Pasley), Dona

Poultices (Betty van Iersel), Edward Rebok (Ellen Parke), Candi Forester-Smith

(Michael Stratton), Jim Tatosian (Pat Dalby), Mark Van Note (Pat and Jim

Czerwonky), Bruce Wallace (Gay Pasley), Martha Warren (Kaye Edwards),

Maya White, and Peter Winkler (Betty van Iersel).

Those who are in the hospital:

From our parish: Donald Bitsberger and Ann von der Lippe.

From our parish: John Culver and Gordon Richmond.

Friends and family of our parish: J.D. Banks (Sarah Banks), Julie Howell

(Cynthia Walker), Tracy Margelot (Barbara Van Woerkom), Betty Mauldin

(Susan Welch), and Aiden Mylnikov (Lindsey Bowen).

Those who were born:

From our parish: John Culver and Gordon Richmond.

Friends and family of our parish: Freya Jane Panduro Davis who was born on

April 30.

From our parish: John Culver and Gordon Richmond.

Those in our parish celebrating a birthday this week:

Preston Cherouny, Joan Doty, Kristine Ellison, Allison Eydt, Philip Farris,

Kaleb Froehlich, Juliette Harris, Gordon Heil, Whitley Herndon, Robyne

Johnston, Brooke Kettler, Marcus Lemon, Zachary Leskosky, Stewart Lillard,

Todd Rich, Laurie Rossbach, Alex Stolar, Hilary West, and Sarah Yi.

Those in our parish celebrating an anniversary this week: Carolyn and Mike

Becraft and Caroline and Judd Littleton.

Please help us keep these lists updated by contacting the clergy at St. John’s

via email as soon as you can with corrections, additions, and updates on




OR NARTHEX FLOWERS for Sunday services, in memory of or

thanksgiving for a person or event, please contact the parish office at

202-347-8766. The cost for flowers is as follows: Altar–$110, Chapel–

$55, Narthex–$55, and Entire Church-$220. Please send a check, made

out to St. John’s Church, Attn: Flower Fund, to the church office.

In memory of ___________________________________________

As a Thank Offering for __________________________________

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a warm welcome to St. John’s.

We are delighted to have you worship with us. Please let us know who

you are and how we can best serve you by filling out a “Welcome”

card and leaving it in the offering plate or with an usher or greeter, and

joining us for the coffee hour following the service.

We welcome families with young children at our worship services.

Children’s Worship Bulletins are available from the ushers as you

enter the nave. For parishioners and visitors alike, nursery care for

children under age three is provided on Sunday from 8:15 a.m. to

2:00 p.m. The nursery is located next to the elevator on the lower

level of the Parish House. Take the elevator or stairs to the basement.

We also offer Church School at 10:45 a.m. for children and youth

from age three through tenth grade on the second floor of the Parish


All persons, including children, are invited to take part in the Holy

Eucharist. Parents may decide if their children receive the bread

and/or wine. Children may instead signal their desire to be blessed by

the priest at the altar by crossing their arms across their chest.

Follow us on Instagram at @stjohnslafayettesquare. See photos

from St. John’s musical performances, special events, meetings,

Sunday services, and more. Relive the moment or experience it for the

first time through the touch of a button on your smartphone. Help St.

John’s capture each moment by submitting your photos from events,

worship services, trips, and volunteer efforts.


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