Federation of Orthopaedics and Traumatology Trainees in Europe FORTE Road Map for 2017 Written by: João Vide, MD FORTE Immediate Past President Date: December 26 th , 2016

FORTE Road Map 2017 · 2019. 1. 15. · FORTE - Federation of Orthopaedic and Trauma Trainees in Europe Page 5 of 16 [email protected] 2. FORTE Board FORTE Board consists in

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Page 1: FORTE Road Map 2017 · 2019. 1. 15. · FORTE - Federation of Orthopaedic and Trauma Trainees in Europe Page 5 of 16 forte.orthop@gmail.com 2. FORTE Board FORTE Board consists in

F e d e r a t i o n o f O r t h o p a e d i c s a n d T r a u m a t o l o g y T r a i n e e s i n E u r o p e





Page 2: FORTE Road Map 2017 · 2019. 1. 15. · FORTE - Federation of Orthopaedic and Trauma Trainees in Europe Page 5 of 16 forte.orthop@gmail.com 2. FORTE Board FORTE Board consists in

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1. Introduction 3 2. FORTE Board 5

2.1 Social Bodies 2.1.1. Executive Committee (ExCom) 2.1.2. General Assembly Table 2.1.3. Fiscal Council

5 5 6 7

2.2 Standing Committees 2.2.1. Membership Committee 2.2.2. Social Media & Communication Committee 2.2.3. Congress Scientific Advisory Committee 2.2.4. Finance Committee 2.2.5. Constitutional & Bylaws Committee 2.2.6. Educational Committee 2.2.7. Fellowship Committee 2.2.8. FORTE/BJJ Editorial Committee 2.2.9. National Representatives 2.2.10. Advisory Committee

8 8 9


11 11 12 13 13 14 16

3. Final Considerations 16

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1. Introduction The Federation of Orthopaedic and Trauma Trainees in Europe (FORTE), was founded during the EFORT Congress of 2005, in Lisbon (Portugal). Since then numerous Presidents have strived to achieve FORTE ultimate goals – improvement of orthopaedic educational standards, enabling learning opportunities and promotion of colleagues network: 2006: Marina van Rhee (NL) 2007: Marina van Rhee (NL) 2008: Dirk-Jan Hofstee (NL) 2009: Dirk-Jan Hofstee (NL) 2010: Michiel Janssen (NL) 2011: Enis Guryel (UK) 2012: Bram Hentaneer (NL) 2013: Nikolaos Paschos (GR) 2014: Gazi Huri (TR) 2015: João Vide (PT) 2016: João Vide (PT) I have the privilege to be re-elected as President and thus consolidate the amazing projects we have developed recently. Together, this new FORTE Board, can make a real difference for the future, setting new standards, that future FORTE generations will keep developing, long after we are gone. This document sets all the projects and goals for this year and acts as a guide to all our Board members. New developments FORTE is still searching for the best way to represent every trainee and young orthopaedic surgeon in Europe. Thus, in our last General Assembly we have created an individual membership status. This brings us closer to all members and enables a better representation. Another change is our head office, now located in Portugal, where we have a FORTE staff support, which allow us to be more rigorous and effective:

- Accountant: Pedro Calheiros ([email protected]) - Secretary: Clara Alves ([email protected])

Our recent Standing Committees are giving their first results. Social Media & Communications Committee has increased activity exponentially – Facebook, Twitter and Website are updated frequently and have increasing traffic by the month. Orthopaedics Today

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Newsletter has received frequent articles from FORTE and now we have a new project already launched – the FORTE newsletter. The FORTE book series is another long expect project, that will see the light by late 2016. It is with great expectation that we will see the launch the first volume of our Book Series! Last but not least, our first own Educational event – the first European Orthopaedic Summer School, the FORTE Summer School 2016. This exciting project as gathered the scientific support of EFORT, EORS, ESSKA, Eurospine, FESSH, EHS, EFAS, EPOS and EMSOS, together with the participation of 20 different countries. It’s a true European project that will assist Ortho & Trauma trainees in a unique way! Relaxing, learning and connecting in a wonderful setting is what we seek. FORTE welcomes everyone in the Federation! No financial benefit comes from the positions one takes in the board. Benefits come from networking with experts, residents and institutions throughout Europe and from felling of making things a bit better. Completing projects and delivering work is what makes these positions meaningful, but friendship is what unites us and what makes them joyful. In the following pages you will learn about our Board, their tasks, and how FORTE operates. Please don’t miss out reading our Constitution and if you still have questions, refer to one of the ExCom members.

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2. FORTE Board FORTE Board consists in the three Social Bodies – Executive Committee, General Assembly Table and Fiscal Council – the standing committees, temporary committees and tasks forces and the National Representatives.

2.1 SOCIAL BODIES 2.1.1 Executive Committee (ExCom)

President Tommaso Bonanzinga, MD (Italy) Instituto Ortopedico Rizzoli University of Bologna, Bologna, Italy [email protected] | +39 331 1805529

President-Elect Daniel Ryan, MD (UK) 3rd year specialist registrar Great Western Hospital, Swindon (UK) [email protected] | +44 7775 622086

Immediate Past-President João Vide, MD (Portugal) 1st year Orthopaedic & Trauma Consultant Hospital Particular do Algarve, Faro, Portugal Hospital Beatriz Angelo, Lisbon, Portugal [email protected] |+351 919 238 211

Secretary General Jasmin Diallo, MD (Switzerland) 1st year Orthopaedic & Trauma Consultant Kantonsspital Baselland, Liestal (Switzerland) [email protected] | +41 78 950 70 43

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Treasurer Szymon Czech, MD (Poland) 6th year Orthopaedic Trainee District Hospital of Trauma and Orthopaedics Piekary Slaskie, Poland [email protected] | +48 502 317 437

The ExCom is the leader all the resolutive directives of administration and the promoter of their execution. The President chairs all meetings and is the ultimate representative of this body. The ExCom Vice-President (President-Elect) is the President’s representative in his absence. He assists the President in its activities and is fully aware of all procedures, statutes and regulations. The Immediate Past-President must ensure a smooth transition, allowing all on going projects and positions held by the Federation to persist. The Secretary General is the executive member of all directives, transmitting to the necessary elements the deliberations taken in ExCom meetings and their registration in the proper minutes book. He will chair the Membership Committee. The Treasurer is the responsible for the annual balance report and budget for next year. He will chair the Finance Committee.

2.1.2 General Assembly Table

President André Couto, MD (Portugal) 4th year Orthopaedic Trainee Hospital S. João, Portugal [email protected] | +351 961 030 340

Vice-President Louis Dagneaux, MD (France) 1st year Chef de Clinique CHRU Montpellier, France [email protected] | +336 99 42 24 90

Member at large Inari Laaksonen, MD (Finland) 4th y Orthopaedic Trainee|Postdoc research fellow Turku University Hospital (Finland)|Massachusetts General Hospital/Harvard Med School, Boston USA [email protected] | Telephone +1-857- 445-1326

*In red highlight are positions to be voted in the next General Assembly

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General Assembly Table is responsible for scheduling and calling the members for the General Assembly meetings. The President of the General Assembly table , assisted by the Vice President and Member at Large, is responsible for providing the agenda at least one month before the meeting and the minutes within one month after. The date of the next General Assembly is defined at the end of the last one. There must be at least one per year. 2.1.3 Fiscal Council

President Luis Machado, MD (Portugal) Orthopaedic & Trauma Trainee Hospital de S. André, Leiria, Portugal [email protected] | +351 918 051 548

Vice-President Dimitris Mantakos, MD (Greece) Position Institution, Country [email protected] | Telephone

Member at large Rami Madanat, MD, FEBOT, PhD (Finland) Orthopaedic & Trauma Consultant since 2013 Fellowship in 2014/15 [email protected] | +358 40 5144042

*In red highlight are positions to be voted in the next General Assembly

The Fiscal Council inspects all the administrative and financial acts of the ExCom, audit the accounts and reports and give a position about the actions that implicate a raise of the Federation’s expenses or lowers the income.

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2.2 STANDING COMMITTEES All chairs of the Committees are responsible for presenting a report at each General Assembly where goals and accomplishment must be summarized. The yearly report will be included in the Annual Report and available to all members for consult. 2.2.1 Membership Committee This Committee is responsible for gathering, processing and organizing all members information. The chair of this Committee as the obligation to provide accurate and updated information to the Financial Committee. Chair (= Sec General)

Jasmin Diallo (Switzerland)

[email protected]

Members Anze Mihelic (Slovenia) [email protected] André Couto (Portugal)

[email protected]

Arne Burssens (Belgium) [email protected] Florin Cioanca (Romenia)

[email protected]

Gonzalo Alvarez (Spain)

[email protected]

Heid Elin Odland [email protected] Johannes Eckert (Germany)

[email protected]

Louis Dagneaux (France)

[email protected]

Pim van Egmond (Netherlands)

[email protected]

Safa Gursoy (Turkey) [email protected] Simone Perelli (Italy) [email protected] Szymon Czech (Poland)

[email protected]

Tadija Petrovic (Croatia)

[email protected]

Vishal Paringe (UK) [email protected] Yousif Naser (Slovakia) [email protected] Yosef Tyson (Sweden) [email protected]

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v Duties and Deadlines

1 – Update members database Retrieve information from our Secretary, Ms. Clara Alves. Update database of all our individual members, delegates from the National Societies, contacts in National Residents Societies and Specialty Societies. Take actions to establish National Representatives in the missing countries (see 2.2.8 National Representatives). Deadline: End of March 2017. 2.2.2 Social Media & Communication Committee This Committee is responsible for our social channels updates: Facebook, Twitter, FORTE newsletter, OTE newsletter and website. The chair is responsible for keeping tabs in progress and communicate with ExCom and other Committees. Chair Pim van Egmond

(Netherlands) [email protected]

Members Adrian Cassar-Gheti (Ireland)

[email protected]

Danny Ryan (UK) [email protected] Luca La Verde (Italy) [email protected]

v Duties and Deadlines 1 – FORTE Newsletter (Pim van Egmond) Monthly newsletter (12 issues/year + special issues) Advertise newsletter and add all current individual members. Deadline: End of December 2016. 2 – Website (Adrian Cassar-Gheti) Update website monthly. Update new board and President letter for 2017. Deadline: End of December 2016. 3 – Facebook / Twitter (Daniel Ryan) Monthly updates (at least). Deadline: Monthly. 4 – OTE Newsletter (Luca La Verde) Monthly newsletter. Organize article for submission. Deadline: See below.

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2.2.3 Congress Scientific Advisory Committee This Committee is responsible for organizing FORTE’s activities in every congress were FORTE acts as an invited society, with particular relevance in each year’s EFORT congress. Chair (President-elect)

Daniel Ryan (UK) [email protected]

Members Tommaso Bonanzinga (Italy)

[email protected]

João Vide (Portugal) [email protected] Christoph Clement (Austria)

[email protected]

v Duties and Deadlines 1 – Organize FORTE Residents Session Together with EFORT Science & Education Manager (Diana Orejuela - [email protected]) plan our participation in the congress. Our meeting must consider which is the best schedule to allow the greatest attendance to our Session. General Assembly shall occur after the Session in the same room. Anticipation and advertisement are critical for success. Deadline: General structure and setting of dates until the end of November 2016.

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2.2.4 Finance Committee This Committee is responsible for collecting our membership fees, based on the information provided by the Membership Committee. It is also responsible for proposing plans to enhance revenue, such as applications to grants or funds. The committee will manage our bank accounts, give green light together with the Fiscal Council, to every expense – publicity, printing, representation, etc. Chair (Treasurer)

Szymon Czech (Poland)

[email protected]

Members Inari Laaksonen (Finland)

[email protected]

Dimitris Mantakos (Greece)

[email protected]

Matthias Klotz (Germany)

[email protected]

Luis Machado (Portugal)

[email protected]

v Duties and Deadlines 1 – Collect Membership Fees Fees for 2017: FREE for individual members. Need to announce promotion to increase applications. 300€ for National Societies - 1 delegate (1000€ if society representing over 500 trainees/young orthopaedic surgeons and wants to be represented with 2 delegates). Fees for 2018: 10€/year for individual members. If payment of full duration of training program, 50% discount. For National Societies same fees. Deadline: End of March 2017. 2 – Plan for acquiring further revenue Elaborate a list of institutions, societies and grant applications that FORTE can apply to. Deadline: Next General Assembly – June 2017. 2.2.5 Constitutional & Bylaws Committee This Committee is responsible to evaluate and propose changes in the Constitution and elaborate Internal regulations when needed.

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Chair (Imm. Past Pres.)

João Vide (Portugal)

[email protected]

Members Tommaso Bonanzinga (Italy)

Daniel Ryan (UK) Jasmin Diallo (Switzerland)

2.2.6 Educational Committee This Committee is responsible for elaborating proposals for educational events, collaborate on the development of the scientific content of the sessions provided by FORTE in the different congress, collaborate with the Social Media & Communication Committee providing educational content for the different channels and generally have an active participation in any educational activity. Chair Arne Burness (Belgium) [email protected] Members Danny Ryan (UK) [email protected]

Ivan Bohacek (Croatia)

[email protected]

Jan Schüttrumpf (Germany)

[email protected]

Kostas Anagnostakos (Greece)

[email protected]

Kurstein Sant (Malta) [email protected] Luís Machado1

(Portugal) [email protected]

Mustafa Akkaya (Turkey)

[email protected]

Nikolaos Paschos2 (Greece)

[email protected]

Stjepan Dokuzovic (Croatia)

[email protected]

1UEMS Representative; 2FORTE Book Series Coordinator 1 – Search for opportunities to establish FORTE Resident Session Contact National Societies, National Resident Societies and Specialty Societies to present them the opportunity to have a FORTE Resident Session. Resident Sessions will be a joined activity of the Educational & Fellowship Committee with the Congress Scientific Advisory Committee. Deadline: Monthly updates to FORTE ExCom.

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2 – Present Educational Committee Contact National Societies, National Resident Societies and Specialty Societies to present them the opportunity to have a FORTE Resident Session. Resident Sessions will be a joined activity of the Educational & Fellowship Committee with the Congress Scientific Advisory Committee. Deadline: Monthly updates to FORTE ExCom. 2.2.7 Fellowship Committee The new FORTE Fellowship database is a major project from FORTE, thus the separation into a new independent Committee. The project as different phases. First phase is the collection of detailed data from all available fellowship programs and make it available to our members in a secure area on our website. Second phase is a system of feedback from participants, funding of selected programs and development of own programs. The spectrum of this database is worldwide, not only European. Exchange programs may be coordinated by FORTE. Chair Luís Machado

(Portugal) [email protected]

Members Danny Ryan (UK) [email protected] Rami Madanat (Finland)

[email protected]

Stjepan Dokuzovic (Croatia)

[email protected]

Peter Mahieu (Belgium) [email protected] Pouria Taheri (Germany)

[email protected]

Tommaso Bonanzinga (Italy)

[email protected]

Vishal Paringe (UK) [email protected]

v Duties and Deadlines 1 – Build Fellowship Database Contact European Subspecialty Societies, National Orthopaedic and Subspecialty Societies, Individual Training Centers, to collect data (send project manuscript including submission form). Deadline: Present status in the next General Assembly – June 2017 2.2.8 FORTE/BJJ Editorial Board Committee This Committee is responsible for managing FORTE pages in the EFORT Open Reviews.

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Chair Charles Riviére & Louis

Dagneaux (France) [email protected]

Members Tommaso Bonanzinga (Italy)

[email protected]

João Vide (Portugal) [email protected] Daniel Ryan (UK) [email protected]

v Duties and Deadlines

1 – Start collaboration Define initial proposals and establish contact with Prof. Hoffmeyer. Deadline: Proposals by end of March 2017. 2.2.9 National Representatives This National Representatives are our bridge to the country they represent. Whenever suitable, they are the presidents of their national residents association. They must work close to our Membership Committee, to provide the necessary information about training conditions, number of residents, etc, and act as a gathering element with their National Association. National Representatives may be included in other Committees or selected tasks, as they manifest interest. Although we’ve reached most of the European residents, we’re still lacking representation in many countries. All members of the Board of Directors should strive to accomplish representatives from all countries. Albania (missing) Austria Christoph Clement [email protected]

[email protected]

Belarus (missing) Belgium Justine Barbier [email protected] Bosnia Herzgovina


Bulgaria Philip Hitov [email protected] Croatia Tadija Petrovic [email protected] Cyprus Konstantinos Kyriakides [email protected] Czech Republic

Robert Juzek [email protected]

Denmark Casper Dragsted [email protected]

Estonia Marju Raukas [email protected]

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Finland Inari Laaksonen [email protected] France Louis Dagneaux [email protected] Germany Matthias Klotz [email protected] Greece Dimitris Mantakos [email protected] Hungary (missing) Iceland (missing) Ireland Neil Burke [email protected] Italy Tiziana Corsini [email protected] Kosovo Bujar Shabani [email protected] Latvia (missing) Lithuania (missing) Luxemburg (missing) Macedonia Velimir Dimitrioski [email protected] Malta Kurstein Sant [email protected] Montenegro (missing) Netherlands Pim van Egmond [email protected] Norway Heid Elin Odland [email protected] Poland Szymon Czech [email protected] Portugal André Couto [email protected] Romania Florin Cioanca [email protected] Russia (missing) Serbia (missing) Slovakia Yousef Naser [email protected] Slovenia Anze Mihelic [email protected] Spain Eduardo Gardella [email protected] Sweden Marie Leksell [email protected] Switzerland Jasmin Diallo [email protected] Turkey Safa Gursoy [email protected] Ukraine (missing) UK Mustafa Rashid [email protected]

*In red are pending confirmations

v Duties and Deadlines 1 – Provide Information to the Membership Committee Information to provide to the Membership Committee (with knowledge of Secretary Ms. Clara Alves):

- National Orthopaedic Societies: Membership form for Societies - Individual Members: Membership form for individual.

Deadline: End of March, 2017.

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2.2.10 Advisory Committee Advisory Committee is made individuals that made relevant contributions to the progress of the Federation, have a deep understanding of it and wish to keep a role assisting future generations to achieve bigger goals. Past Presidents are automatically part of this Committee. Members from this Committee will only have a right to vote if suitable for active member status.


João Vide (Portugal) [email protected] Gazi Huri (Turkey) [email protected] Nikolaos Paschos (Greece) [email protected]

3. Final Comments This document sets the goals and provides the starting point for this year’s purposes. In the next days, email discussion groups will be started to initiate progression with work. Please keep a close connection with all members and try and gather interested and dynamic new members for our Board, specially from countries that are not yet represented in this Board. Go strong, go FORTE!

Your truly,

João Vide, MD

(FORTE Immediate Past President)