Form 2a. STRUCTURED LIST OF PPAs PER SECTOR (LONG LIST) NO. PROGRAM PROGRAM COMPONENTS ACTIONS/INTERVENTION Secto r: SOCIAL SECTOR 1 Educational Enhancement Program 1.1 K-12 Financial Assistance Program 1.1.1 conduct profiling of target beneficiaries 1.1.2 develop mechanisms to implement the program 1.1.3 provide financial assistance to support disadvantaged students 1.2 Scholarship Program Expansion and provision for financial assistance on basic education 1.2.1 conduct profiling of target beneficiaries 1.2.2 develop mechanisms to expand the program 1.2.3 coordinate with target colleges 1.2.4 pay the tuition fee and other expenses 1.3 Revision of the Ordinance for Scholarship Program 1.3.1 conduct consultation with stakeholders 1.3.2 deliberate the revisions 1.3.3 revise the ordinance 1.4 City Graduate Tracer Program 1.4.1 coordinate with different colleges 1.4.2 establish mechanisms to trace graduates 1.4.3 encourage participation among beneficiaries 1.5 City College of Calapan Development Program 1.5.1 offer entrepreneurship and agriculture program 1.5.2 strengthen partnership and linkages 1.5.3 maintain quality education 1.6 Educational Development Program 1.6.1 establish coordination and linkaging 1.6.2 develop new approaches to education 1.7 Alternative Learning System Program 1.7.1 coordinate with barangay officials 1.7.2 conduct profiling of target beneficiaries

Form 2a. STRUCTURED LIST OF PPAs PER SECTOR (LONG LIST) 3_Form 2a.pdf · System Program 1.7.1 coordinate with barangay officials 1.7.2 conduct profiling of target beneficiaries

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1 Educational Enhancement Program

1.1 K-12 Financial Assistance Program

1.1.1 conduct profiling of target beneficiaries

1.1.2 develop mechanisms to implement the


1.1.3 provide financial assistance to support

disadvantaged students


Scholarship Program Expansion and provision for financial assistance on basic education

1.2.1 conduct profiling of target beneficiaries

1.2.2 develop mechanisms to expand the program

1.2.3 coordinate with target colleges


pay the tuition fee and other expenses

1.3 Revision of the Ordinance for Scholarship Program


conduct consultation with stakeholders

1.3.2 deliberate the revisions

1.3.3 revise the ordinance

1.4 City Graduate Tracer Program

1.4.1 coordinate with different colleges


establish mechanisms to trace graduates

1.4.3 encourage participation among beneficiaries

1.5 City College of Calapan Development Program

1.5.1 offer entrepreneurship and agriculture program

1.5.2 strengthen partnership and linkages

1.5.3 maintain quality education

1.6 Educational Development Program


establish coordination and linkaging


develop new approaches to education


Alternative Learning System Program

1.7.1 coordinate with barangay officials

1.7.2 conduct profiling of target beneficiaries

1.8 Reading & Research for Excellence

1.8.1 establish computer-aided system

1.8.2 procure new reading materials

1.8.3 promote reading and study habits

1.9 Historical, Culture and Arts

1.9.1 strengthen different organized cultural groups

1.9.2 procure/develop needed instruments, costumes and props


Aid to Public School Teachers

1.10.1 extend assistance to educators

1.10.2 promote quality education and welfare of teachers

1.11 Strengthening of City School Board


strengthen coordination and linkages


formulate policies and educational plan


Strengthening of City College of Calapan Board of Trustees

1.12.1 strengthen coordination and linkages

1.12.2 improve college policies and plan

2 Protective Services Program 2.1 Public Safety Initiatives


establish coordination and linkages

2.1.2 encourage community participation

2.2 Task Force Discipline Program


promote good character among citizenry

2.2.2 establish community support and acceptance


Provision of additional manpower for the implementation of peace, order and disaster risk reduction management

2.3.1 encourage spirit of volunteerism among community

2.3.2 promote resilient community


Provision of patrol mobiles and civil defense equipment

2.4.1 promote safety and security


improve civil defense system

2.5 Conduct of Values formation for Tricycle drivers/operators

2.5.1 improve customer care service among tricycle drivers/operators

2.5.2 establish cooperation among stakeholders


Anti Criminality/Drug Clearing/Prevention/Education/ Rehabilitation Program

2.6.1 partnership among government, civil society organizations and church


reduce crime rate in the city


empower barangay police action team


Strengthening of Peace and Order Council

2.7.1 strengthen coordination and linkages

2.7.2 improve peace and order situation


Social Welfare and Development Program

3.1 Strengthening of Day Care Centers


educate the children ages 3-5 years old

3.1.2 improve classrooms and facilities

3.2 Full implementation of BP 344 for easy access to communication and mobility

3.2.1 provide adequate access for PWDs and senior citizens

3.2.2 conduct intensive information and education campaign

3.3 Strengthening of Barangay Council for the Protection of Children(BCPC)


reorganization/reactivation of BCPC


conduct of reorientations and meetings

3.4 Information and Education Campaign

3.4.1 conduct of IECs to different barangays/sectors


production & distribution of IEC materials

3.5 Social Protection 3.5.1 provide assistance to Children in Need of Social Protection (CNSP)eg.abused/exploited/abandoned children,CICL,CAR


PAMANA(Pantawid ng Maralitang mag-aaral-educational assistance program)

3.6 Community & Family Welfare Program


provide support services to early child care & development(ECCD) program

3.6.2 conduct capability building of child development workers(CDW)

3.6.3 conduct celebrations of family day,childrens month & CDW week

3.6.4 construct child minding center

3.6.5 initiate group work activities for CICL & CAR

3.6.6 provide assistance to BCPC

3.6.7 implement SEA-K program

3.6.8 conduct parent effectiveness service training

3.6.9 strengthen the women,ERPAT and solo parents organizations


establish VAWC desk in every barangay


implement comprehensive interventions against gender-based violence


provide special programs for solo parents

3.7 Program for Persons with Disabilities(PWD) & Senior Citizens(SC)


advocacy for the protection,care & rights of PWDs & SCs

3.7.2 creation of ordinance for tricycle friendly designs of tricycle

3.7.3 implement community based rehabilitation program for PWDs

3.7.4 provide artificial devices

3.7.5 establish the Person with Disability Affairs Office(PDAO)

3.7.6 organize the PWDs in city/barangays

3.7.7 refer mental patients in psychiatric hospital

3.7.8 provide financial assistance to SCs

3.7.9 initiate Ulirang Nakakatanda Award


provide opportunities for socialization and membership in the organization

3.8 Emergency Assistance 3.8.1

provide aid to individuals in crisis situations(medical,funeral,transportation,educational etc.assistance program)


provide emergency shelter assistance

3.8.3 stockpiling of goods for disaster relief


Health, Nutrition & Population Program

4.1 Basic Emergency Maternal Obstetric & Newborn Care ( BEmONC) facility based delivery


construct facility based delivery

4.1.2 train/equip staff of BEMONC

4.1.3 orient pregnant & lactating mothers on

the services of the facility

4.2 Gender And Development Programs


conduct of gender sensivity orientation to different barangays and sectors of the city

4.2.2 organize male responsibility on gender & development (MR GAD)

4.3 Strengthening of Primary Health Care Services


expand program on immunization

4.3.2 advocacy for infant breastfeeding until 6 months

4.3.3 advocacy for newborn screening


provide oral rehydration solution to diarrhea cases & medicines to respiratory cases including pneumonia

4.3.4 prenatal & postnatal care

4.3.5 initiate postpartum women to breastfeeding one hour after delivery


conduct buntis congress with partners

4.3.7 conduct of dental examination(oral/treatment)

to daycare children & senior citizens

4.3.8 provide dentures to SCs,PWDs,BNS & BHWs

4.3.9 operation of dental bus

4.4 Creation of synchronized health needs services and electronic database


capacitate staff on electronic database

4.4.2 establish database management


procure necessary equipment/materials

4.5 Health Services Program for CGC employees and CCC students

4.5.1 provide laboratory services(blood chem,urinalysis etc) to employees & students

4.5.2 conduct calisthenics program for employees

4.5.3 provide the need/request of the employees and students for vaccines,vitamins & medicines,checking of blood pressure and other health services

4.6 Responsible Parenthood(RP) &Family Planning(FP)


conduct of RP/FP classes in barangays

4.6.2 conduct of pre-marriage counselling


organize Calapeñong Padre de Familia KATROPA(Kalalakihang Tapat sa Responsibilidad at Obligasyon sa Pamilya)

4.7 Nutrition Program 4.7.1

encourage community for home,school& food production program


provide micronutrient supplementation to 6-59 mos.children & to pregnant/lactating mothers

4.7.3 promote food fortification program(use/sell iodized salt)

4.7.4 conduct of nutrition education to parents of severe & undernourished children

4.7.5 campaign on breastfeeding promotion

4.7.6 promote the nutritional guidelines for 10 kumainments & pinggang pinoy

4.8 Adolescents Youth and Health Development Programs(AYHD)


establish community & school teen center/clinic


orient students/youth on adolescents sexual & reproductive health

4.8.3 conduct of U4U teen trail

4.8.4 conduct short film making festival

4.8.5 conduct learning package on parent education in adolescent health and development training


partnership with other civic organization in all undertakings of AYHD

4.8.7 conduct search on best practicing maternal,child and adolescents health barangays

4.8.8 combating teenage pregnancy - thru character education, continuous implementation of existing PPAs, multi sectoral approach

4.90 Population Management Program

4.9.1 sustain implementation of population management program

4.9.2 encourage participation of the community on the advocacies of the program

4.1 Control Programs for communicable diseases, non-communicable diseases, mental health, dental health, environmental health and sanitation,


conduct case finding and detection of of individuals with symptoms of TB,Leprosy,HIV/AIDS & other communicable diseases

4.10.2 provide treatment to identified cases

4.11 Strengthening of Blood Council


conduct regular council meeting


initiate activities that will encourage the participation of the community eg.blood letting,free blood type examination,etc.

4.12 Strengthening of City Health Board


reorganize/reactivate city health board

4.12.2 upgrade the capacity of the members of the city health board

4.13 Other Related Services 4.13.1

organize/form health clubs like health & nutrition club,mother's club,breatfeeding advocates club etc.


promote health and well being of senior citizens &persons with disabilities

4.13.3 advocate the blindness prevention program

4.13.4 conduct barangay dental/medical consultation,treatment & laboratory examination

5 Socialized Medical Health Card

5.1 Education and Information Campaign

5.1.1 conduct orientation seminar on the benefits of SMHCP


5.11.2 educate/inform the stakeholders regarding the services of the program

5.2 Membership Coverage of Health Card

5.2.1 conduct survey & identify the beneficiaries

5.2.2 issue the health insurance membership card to identified indigent beneficiaries

5.3 Maintenance of IT Software System

5.3.1 update the database system of the program

5.3.2 upgrade the IT software system

5.4 Identification(ID) Card For Every Beneficiary

5.4.1 update profile of the beneficiaries

5.4.2 provide beneficiary with ID card

5.5 Revision of the Ordinance for Health Card Program

5.5.1 consult stakeholders regarding the amendments of the health card program ordinance


conduct meeting to revise the ordinance

5.6 Payment of bills to accredited hospitals and health care providers

5.6.1 orient the accredited hospitals/health care providers with the system of the program


provide memorandum of aggreement(MOA)


process the payment of bills to the healthcare providers


Housing Program

6.1 Slum Improvement Key to Poverty Alleviation Program (SIKAP)

6.1.1 provide livelihood program to relocated family

6.2 Housing Moving for Excellence Program (HOME)

6.2.1 provide land tenure assistance

6.2.2 process and distribute land titles to relocated families

6.2.3 provide community organizing and development to informal settlers

6.2.4 promote proactive land banking to CGC

6.2.5 establish collaborative housing governance


Youth and Sports Development Program

7.1 Strict implementation of no smoking ordinance, expanded wellness program and creation of wellness center, continuing of sports programs


provide penalties/sanctions to no smoking ordinance violators,promote wellness program,establish wellness center,sustain sports development programs

7.2 UNLAD Kabataan Program 7.2.1

conduct activities/events that will develop the skills & talents of the youth

7.2.2 conduct leadership summit for youth leaders

7.2.3 support the initiatives of the federation of student council

7.2.4 provide incentives to youth with sports excellence

7.2.5 provide financial assistance to athletes,sports club/associations & barangays

7.2.6 conduct sports clinic/seminar

7.3 Establishment of PAGASA Youth Movement

7.3.1 organize/mobilize the youth sector in the city

7.3.2 conduct youth development activities/events

7.4 Leadership training, character city program, anti-drug campaign etc.


conduct leadership training for barangay/school youth leaders

7.4.2 encourage the participation of the youth in character city program,anti-drug campaign,reproductive health advocacies et.




Trade and Industry Development Program

8.1 Strengthening of SMEs

8.1.1 strengthen linkages and networking

8.1.2 organize SMEs into associations

8.2 IEC on Barangay Enterprise 8.2.1 coordination with barangay officials


partnership with national government agencies


Building Entrepreneurial Skills and Talents of Kids (BEST Kids)


expand coverage of the program to other schools

8.3.2 develop new business for beneficiaries

8.4 Conduct of Case Study of the existing industries in the city

8.4.1 partnership with other government agencies and organized groups

8.4.2 coordination with barangay officials

8.5 Product Development 8.5.1 identification of viable products in the city


utilization of existing resources in the barangay level

8.6 Product Packaging 8.6.1

partnership with other government agencies and organized groups


provision of financial assistance to beneficiaries

8.7 Marketing Assistance 8.7.1

establish linkages and networks with target markets


conduct of selling missions and promotion

8.8 Business Consultation 8.8.1

conduct capability building for technical staff


research on recent market trends for business

8.9 Price Watch Monitoring Services

8.9.1 establish linkages with other government agencies


establish database for historical data


institutionalize hotline to attend to customers needs

8.10 Investment Promotion Services

8.10.1 development of different investment promotional materials

8.10.2 updating of investment information

8.11 Trade Fair Participation/Hosting

8.11.1 establish linkages and networks to target market


encourage product producers to actively participate

8.12 Improvement of City Investment Incentive Code

8.12.1 coordination with other government agencies and private sector

8.12.2 conduct researches on what other LGUs are offering to target investors as well as their preferred investment areas

8.13 Activation and strengthening of City SMED Council, Local Chamber of Commerce, local producers associations

8.13.1 encourage active participation among SMEs


provide support to the needs of the SMEs


Technology and Livelihood Development Program

9.1 Access to Government Initiatives through Livelihood Assistance (AGILA)

9.1.1 conduct training/skills needs assessment to different barangays

9.1.2 establish coordination and linkages to different government agencies

9.2 Establishment of Shared Service Facility for Producers

9.2.1 identification of needed facilities of different producers

9.2.2 identification of site for the SSF


establishment of team to manage the facilities

9.3 Strengthening of Negosyo Center

9.3.1 coordination with different barangay officials


bring down the services of the center outside the office

9.4 Financial/Credit Assistance 9.4.1

establish better system in providing assistance


ensure better collection of dues from beneficiaries

9.5 Procurement of Technovan for Barangay Livelihood Program

9.5.1 appropriate funds to procure the vehicle and necessary equipment

9.5.2 coordination with barangay officials on the schedule of services to their area


Public Employment Services Program

10.1 Local manpower registry/skills profiling/ Skills Database 10.1.1 Establish employment services database

10.1.2 Acquire National Manpower Skills Registry System (NMSRS)


Livelihood Training 10.2.1 Identification of livelihood training needs

10.2.2 Identification of training beneficiaries

10.3 Special/Local recruitment activity

10.4 Expanded Coverage of Career Information Campaigns

10.5 Conduct of Job Fairs 10.5.1 Establish coordination and linkaging to govt agencies and other employment agencies

10.5.2 Promotion of job fairs

10.5.3 Monitor job employment generated

10.6 Skills Trainings Services 10.6.1

Identification of skills training needs

10.6.2 Target beneficiaries

10.6.3 Monitor employment outputs after training

10.7 Adoption of Investment sa Tao-Kapalit ay Trabaho

10.8 Career Guidance and Counseling

10.8.1 Delegate staff oriented in career guidance and counseling

10.8.2 Capacitate career guidance counselor

10.9 Labor Education for Graduating Students


Coordination with schools and colleges

10.9.2 Conduct labor education to graduating students


Establishment of Barangay OFW Family Circles

10.10.1 Community organizing for OFW families


Provide government assistance to OFW family circles


Special Program for Employment of Students and Out-of-School Youth

10.11.1 Organization of out-of-school youth in the



Identification of employment opportunities for OSY

10.11.3 Employment of OSY


Aid to Victims of Illegal Recruitment/ Retrenched / Displaced Workers


Estblish mechanisms to track victims of illegal recruitment, retrenched and displaced workers


Provide programs and aids for victims of illegal recruitment, retrenched and displaced workers


Coordination with different business establishment re-job openings


Require business establishments particularly those with big investments to coordinate with the city govt their job openings

10.13.2 Promote job openings thru tri-media


Prioritization of hiring local residents in the job openings

11 Tourism Development Program

11.1 Enactment of City Tourism Code


Preparation and drafting of Tourism Code

11.1.2 Conduct of committee hearings

11.1.3 Consultation thru conduct of public hearings

11.1.4 Benchmarking in several successful tourist destination

11.2 Activation and strengthening of City/Barangay Tourism Council

11.2.1 Identification of City/Brgy Council Members

11.2.2 Preparation of EO creating the City/Brgy Tourism Council

11.2.3 Planning and execution of tourism projects

11.3 Creation & Strengthening of Tourism Related Associations (HRAC, restaurant operators, transportation groups, travel agencies, souvenir shops, tour guides, etc.)


Conduct initial meeting and consultation on travel agencies and tour operations

11.3.2 Election of officers


Capacity development of new and existing tourism related associations

11.3.4 Planning and execution of identified plans and programs

11.4 Formulation of City Tourism Master Plan


Meeting for planning process needed

11.4.2 Identification of members for the planning process

11.4.3 Adoption of the City Council

11.5 Establishment of passenger friendly tricycle

11.5.1 Meeting/consultation with tricycle driver associations

11.5.2 Problem identification

11.5.3 CapDev and Personality development for TODA members

11.6 Continuously improvement of Kalap Festival

11.6.1 Attendance to different festival management workshops

11.6.2 Benchmarking in other successful and famous festivals


Encourage leveling up of performances

11.6.4 Increase cash incentives/prizes to attract participation

11.6.5 Promotion of of Kalap Festival

11.7 Tourism Statistics 11.7.1 Attendance to tourism statistics training conducted by DOT


Transfer of knowledge to managers and owners of tourism establishments

11.8 Livelihood Seminar on Eco-tourism

11.8.1 Conduct of community tour guiding seminars

11.8.2 Conduct of tour packaging orientation to people's organization

11.9 Participation in Tourism Fair and Festivals

11.9.1 Regular attendance to national tourism and trade fairs

11.9.2 Linkaging with other govt agencies and tie-up with other local tourism establsiment partners


Information and Education Campaign


Production of promotional materials such as brochures, souvenirs. Etc.


Regular updating of social media web pages

11.10.3 Video production

12 Fishery Development Program

12.1 Massive IECs / Amendment and Strict implementation of City Fisheries Ordinance


Strengthening of Fishery Law Enforcement

12.1.2 IEC in secondary schools

12.1.3 Tri-media promotion

12.2 Reorganization and Strengthen of the Local Fisheries Council


Dialogue Meeting BFARMCs and CFARMC

12.2.2 Reoganization of Fisheries Council


Capability Building for Fisheries Council

12.3 Crafting of Caluangan Lake Management Plan


Conduct of Research and Data Gathering

12.3.2 Drafting of Management Plan

12.3.3 Presentation/ Public Hearing

12.4 Capability Building 12.4.1

Training of Fishery Management Office

12.4.2 Capability Building for fisher folks

12.5 Sustainable marine and coastal resources for training of fisher folks (school)


Conduct community based education/training of fisherfolks


Equip fisherfolks with knowledge on sustainable marine & coastal resources

12.6 Livelihood and logistical support to fisheries sector

12.6.1 Provide alternative income to fisherfolks thru livelihood projects

12.6.2 Provide logistics support to fishery sector eg.fishing gears

12.7 Maintenance of Marine Protected Areas (MPAs)

12.7.1 Conduct regular monitoring and maintenance of the area

12.7.2 Provide additional area for expansion of MPA

12.8 Strengthening of Bantay Dagat


Reorganization of Bantay Dagat members

12.8.2 Capability building of Bantay Dagat members


Information and Education Campaign


Intensify campaign of fishery management and coastal preservation thru orientation, meeting, tri-media and capability building to fisherfolks and coastal residents

13 Agricultural Development

13.1 Angat Kabuhayan sa Agrikultura Program

13.1.1 Provide livelihood project to low income employees & farmers

Program (AKAP)

13.1.2 Promote food production program in

urban & rural areas

13.2 Strict implementation of City Ordinance no. 10 on Burning of Rice Straws


Conduct information & education campaign on city ordinance no.10

13.2.2 Encourage participation of farmers association & ricemillers

13.3 IEC on agricultural barangays

13.3.1 Conduct GAD information & education campaign to farmers of different barangays

13.4 Massive IECs / Amendment and Strict implementation of City Fisheries Ordinance

13.4.1 Intensify campaign on the implementation of city fisheries ordinance

13.5 Strengthening of Vegetable and Fruit Growers Association 13.5.1

encourage participation of urban/rural barangays and schools in vegetable gardening

13.5.2 promote fruit trees planting & production


Strengthening of Farmer's Association 13.6.1

enhance/upgrade capacities of farmers association through seminars/trainings

13.6.2 provide/assist farmers with agricultural inputs subsidies

13.7 Agricultural Trade Fair 13.7.1

participate in local & national trade fair to promote locally produced crops/products

13.7.2 encourage participation of private producers/entrepreneurs

13.8 Organic Farm Accreditation Program


establish organically produced crops

13.8.2 secure accreditation of organic farm

13.9 Marketing Assistance Service


provide space for marketing of locally produced vegetables/fruits/crops(bagsakan area)

13.9.2 assist in the promotion of the local products

14 Cooperative Development Program

14.1 Strengthening of City Cooperative Development Council(CCDC)


conduct regular meeting of CCDC

14.1.2 conduct capacity development activities

14.2 Continuous Accreditation of CCCDO as training provider for cooperative trainings 14.2.1

comply with the accreditation requirements of CDA

14.2.2 upgrade knowledge of accredited trainers


Barangay/Sector PMES 14.3.1 conduct seminar/training to different barangay/sector requesting for PMES


organize cooperative in different sectors of the locality

14.4 Capability Building Trainings for CCCDO personnel 14.4.1

upgrade the capacity of the staff thru attendance to trainings & seminars

14.4.2 conduct skills enhancement/team building activities

14.5 Standard Trainings for CDA Curricula

14.5.1 conduct trainings to the officers of the different cooperatives of the city as per CDA curricula

14.6 National/Regional Congress, Coop Summit & Meetings

14.6.1 CCDC participation to national/regional congress,coop summit & meetings

14.7 Coop Day & Coop Month Celebration

14.7.1 conduct celebration of coop day & coop month

14.7.2 encourage participation of different cooperatives thru conduct of cooplympics & other coop events

14.8 Search for Outstanding Coop/Coop Leaders

14.8.1 conduct search for Natatanging Kooperatiba

14.8.2 data profiling of cooperatives

14.9 Cooperative Newsletter Publication

14.9.1 update news on cooperative activities,accomplishments & events


provide information on cooperative organization,system & benefits

15 Economic Enterprise Program

15.1 Night Market Management Service

15.1.1 monitor services of night market activities

15.1.2 provide strategic area for night market business owners

15.2 Strengthening of Market Sections Associations

15.2.1 conduct of paligsahan sa pamilihan, clean & ordely market section and market motiff contest


implement consumer welfare projects

15.3 Maintenance of Passenger Terminal

15.3.1 assign personnelto monitor the arrival& departure of transport vehicles

15.3.2 maintain the cleanliness & orderliness of

the terminal

15.4 Operation of Slaughterhouse

15.4.1 conduct monitoring of operation of slaughterhouse

15.4.2 install water treatment facility

15.5 Botika ng Bayan 15.5.1 upgrade services & facilities of botika ng



provide additional medicines that will cater to the needs of the patient

15.6 Strengthening of City Economic Enterprise Board

15.6.1 conduct of regular meetings/dialogues or consultations


enhance /upgrade knowledge of the members of the board




Environmental Management Program

16.1 Preparation of Action Plan for convergence and integration – Flood Management Plan for Bucayao and Magasawangtubig with Drainage Management Plans of Calapan City, Baco, Victoria and Naujan


initiate meetings/dialogues/consultations with the local officials of concerned municipalities and line agencies


conduct activities on flood and drainage management plan preparation

16.2 NORAD funded flood Control Master Plan

16.2.1 conduct review of flood control master plan

16.2.2 coordinate with concerned local & national agencies

16.3 Feasibility study on the construction of multipurpose dam to address domestic water supply, irrigation, hydro power generation and flood control


conduct activities on the preparation of feasibility study

16.3.2 coordinate with local and national agencies including private sector

16.4 Water containment area in flood plain related to flood control and mitigation and for agricultural purposes program


identify areas for the flood control/mitigation and agricultural purposes

16.5 Provincial initiatives and activities for watershed protection measures

16.5.1 encourage active participation of the communities in watershed protection measures activities

16.6 Identification of Forest Management Units (FMUs) and preparation of Forest Management Plan


inclusion of CSOs and academe in the preparation of the plan

16.6.2 identify FMUs

16.7 Mangrove tree planting 16.7.1 sustain mangrove tree planting and rehabilitation


encourage private sectors to participate in mangrove tree planting activities

16.8 Strengthening of City/Barangay Solid Waste Management Board(C/BSWMB)


enhance capacity of the members of the board through attendance to trainings/seminars

16.8.2 conduct of regular meetings & consultations of C/BSWMB

16.9 Waste Collection, Segregation, Processing, Reduction, Reuse and Recycling (Solid Waste Management)


encourage the home/school/community to practice the proper collection & disposal of solid waste


utilize the tri/social media in the promotion of solid waste management


Information, Education Campaign


produce printed materials,audio & video of IECs

16.10.2 conduct of IECs in barangays & schools


Tree planting and nourishment activities.


initiate tree planting and nourishment activities


coordinate with local and other line agencies


Trainings on handicraft-making out of waste materials.

16.12.1 conduct handicraft trainings of junkshop


16.12.2 provide technical/financial assistance to

junkshop owners association


Land, Air & Water Quality Monitoring System


initiate activities on land,water & air quality management


monitor system of land,water & air quality


Networking and linkaging with international organizations

16.14.1 establish linkages with international



use of social network to encourage support/assistance of international organizations


Enhancement of No Plastic Ordinance


enhance the implementation of the ordinance


encourage the support of the public and private sectors


Crafting and Enactment of Environmental Code


conduct activities on the preparation of environmental code


initiate consultations/dialogues with the stakeholders


City Disaster Risk Reduction Management/ Climate Change Adaptation (CDRRM/CCA)


Formulation of Module/CCA-DRRM handbook


conduct stakeholder consultation on the formulation of CCA-DRRM handbook

17.1.2 production & distribution of handbook

17.2 Development of Information, Education and Communication Campaign

17.2.1 printing and distribution of CCA-DRRM IEC materials


use of tri-media and social network for CCA-DRRM information campaign

17.3 Capacity building on mainstreaming disaster risk reduction and management/CCA in development planning, investment programming/financing and project evaluation and development


conduct trainings of stakeholders on CCA-DRRM mainstreaming

17.3.2 inclusion of CCA-DRRM in development planning investment

17.4 Organize and train additional force multipliers/volunteers

17.4.1 conduct of training to equip the additional task force multipliers with knowledge on CCA-DRRM

17.4.2 organize the task force multipliers/volunteers

17.5 Procurement of additional rescue and emergency equipment

17.5.1 provide emergency response team with additional rescue & emergency equipment

17.6 Institutionalize City Flood Action Plan


request Sangguniang Panlungsod adoption/ordinance of Flood Action Plan

17.6.2 allocate fund in the investment program of the city

17.7 Implementation of recommendations of Drainage Master Plan


conduct dialogues/consultation with the concerned local & national agencies

17.7.2 encourage the support/assistance of the private sectors

17.8 Conduct of risk assessment, vulnerability analysis and other science-based technology and methodologies to enhance the City's ecological profile, sectoral studies and mainstream disaster risk reduction and management activities / Climate Change Adaptation in Comprehensive Land Use Program (CLUP) and comprehensive Development Program (CDP)

17.9 Linkaging and Netwroking


Stockpiling of basic emergency supplies and provision of food subsistence or relief goods to disaster victims


Maintenance of Quick Response Team


Other Disaster - Related Services


Rehabilitation and Recovery

18 Animal Health Program

18.1 Rabies vaccination in dogs and cats

18.2 Deworming, vaccination of Small & large Animals

18.3 Treatment of Common animal diseases

18.4 Conduct of Technical Assistance to Backyard Raisers and companion Animal Owners

18.5 Strictly implementation of anti-stray animals ordinance




Human Resources and Development Program

19.1 Conduct of values formation / character building/ customer service 19.1.1

Identification of orientation/training needs of employees or departments

19.1.2 Monitoring and evaluation of training


19.2 Employees Welfare Fund 19.2.1 Sufficient appropriation on the employees welfare fund

19.3 Employees Health Care Program

19.3.1 Strenghtening of employees health care program


Expansion of health care program coverage

19.4 Technical Skills Development / Capability Building Enhancement


Identification of professional or technical skills devlopment needs of employees

19.4.2 Appropriation of funds for conduct of capacity building trainings


Equal opportunities for all employees for attendance to trainings and seminars

19.5 Masteral/Doctorate Degree Scholarship Program for CGC employees


Partnership with colleges/university for scholarship tie-up with the CGC


Encourage employees for enrollment for masteral or doctoral degree for carreer and professional development

19.5.3 Screening of qualified and persevering CGC employees for masteral/doctoral degree

19.6 Non-monetary Benefits for Employees

19.6.1 Inform the employees of their non-monetary benefits during AO's meetings, employees' orientations or thru memorandums

19.7 Recognition of Outstanding Employees/department

19.7.1 Establish mechanisms and criteria for selection of outsanding employees and department

19.7.2 Provide incentives to recognized employees/departments

19.8 Procurement of Needed Equipment

19.8.1 Inventory of equipment

19.8.2 Justification of need to procure equipments (computer, etc) for HRM record database


Propose appropriation in capital outlay

19.9 Strengthening of employees association/cooperative

19.9.1 Support the initiatives of existing employees cooperatives


Encourage gathering and participation of employees of their right to assemble for common causes


Strengthening of Personnel Selection Board


Orientation of Personnel Selection Board members

19.10.2 Conduct of selection process according to

CSC rules and guidelines


Institutionalization of ISO 9001:2008 QMS to all CGC operations

19.1.1 Conduct ISO Quality Mgt. System to all employees and departments

19.1.2 Identification of procesess/scopes for QMS institutionalization

19.1.3 Undergo ISO training


Subject new scopes to 3rd party audit

19.1.5 Migration to ISO 9001:2015

20 Revenue Enhancement Program

20.1 Revenue Generation Program

20.1.1 Regular conduct of examination of books of accounts of business establishments

20.1.2 Enhance business tax collection thru BRIS-RS4LGU system and streamlined business permit processing


Revision of schedule of market values to increase collection on real property taxes

20.2 General Revision of Assessment

20.2.1 Preparation of proposed schedule of market values

20.2.2 Conduct of consultation and public hearings to real property owners

20.2.3 Enactment of GRA/adoption of SFMV

20.3 Real Property Tax Administration Project


Conduct of intensive fieldwork activities


Update and discover of real properties

20.3.3 Monitor Assessed Value target increase at the end of year

20.4 Government Funding Institutions (GFI)/Non Government Agencies (NGAs) linkages

20.4.1 Establish coordination and linkaging with Government Funding Institutions and NGAs

20.5 Debt Service 20.5.1

Ensure allocation of funds for debt service


Ensure timely payment of amortizations

20.6 Conduct of Auction Sale of delinquent real properties

20.6.1 Posting of List of Delinquent real properties

20.6.2 Serving of warrant of levy

20.6.3 Entry to compromise agreement

20.6.4 Sale of deliquent properties to highest bidder/buyer

20.6.5 Collection of deliquent RPT taxes

20.7 Tax Mapping Computerization Program


Conduct data gathering and research

20.7.2 Encoding of technical descriptions in Tax Map database

20.7.3 System of maintenance

20.8 Information and Education Campaign

20.8.1 Printing of information materials such as leaflets, tarpaulins and tri-media for RPT awareness


Coordination with assessment personnel in RPT collection

20.9 Civil Registry Computerization System

20.9.1 Data gathering and research

20.9.2 Data banking


Acquisition of Civil Registry Computerized System (CRIS)


Hiring of technical staff and encoders


Automated Business Permit and Tricycle Registration Regulatory Simplification System


Data gathering and research

20.10.2 Development of system for automated

business and tricycle registration

20.10.3 Hiring of technical staff and encoders

20.10.4 System maintenance

21 Financial Accountability Program

21.1 e-NGAs Implementation

21.2 Acquisition of reliable electronic payroll system

21.3 Acquisition of E-Budget Software from COA

21.4 Strengthening of disposal and appraisal committee

21.5 Improvement of Inventory System

21.6 Maintenance of Transparent Procurement Process

21.7 Establishment of Internal Audit System under Mayor's Office

22 Planning and Budgeting Program

22.1 Revision/ Update of Comprehensive Landuse Plan

22.2 Comprehensive Road Plan

22.3 Management and Information Systems Plan

22.4 Procurement of High-End Servers/Data Storage/Licensed OS/Licensed Application Software/Licensed Anti-Virus

22.5 Establishment of Monitoring and Evaluation System

22.6 Additional Technical People

22.7 Development Planning

22.8 Barangay Development Planning Workshop

22.9 Strengthening of Gov't Councils & Other Special Bodies


Implementation of Community Based Monitoring System (CBMS) with Disaster Risk Reduction and Management / CCA Indicators


Aid to City Development Council/Regional Development Council Operations


Strengthening planning and budgeting linkage

23 Legal Assistance Program

23.1 Information and Education Campaign

23.2 Legal Assistance Caravan

23.3 Linkaging and Networking

23.4 Other Legal - Related Services

24 Communication Development

24.1 Production and broadcasting of Television Program

24.1.1 Co-production and broadcasting with local television channels like TV Net and Calapan Cable

24.1.2 Production of video documentaries for other cable networks to showcase the best practices in Calapan City

24.1.3 Broadcasting and airing of 'Calapan Ngayon Radio Program' and Calapan Weekly News

24.2 Printing of Magazine and other informative items

24.2.1 Mass production of news magazines and newspapers


Efficient distribution of magazines and newspapers to all government and private offices, schools, other institutions and private homes, etc.

24.3 Printing/Design of promotional materials (billboards, pamphlets, leaflets, stickers, flyers, brochures, pictures, etc.)

24.3.1 Mass production of promotional materials (billboards, pamphlets, leaflets, stickers, flyers, brochures, pictures, etc.)


Efficient distribution of promotional materials

24.4 Production/airing of advertisements, videos and other multi-media materials

24.4.1 Production of 'Working Mayor', CIO Exclusive and Informecials

24.5 Information and Education Campaign

24.5.1 Conduct of Info Caravan for schools and barangays

24.5.2 Conduct of press briefings

24.6 Documentation/coverage of different events official programs, projects or activities

24.6.1 Coverage and documentation of events like founding anniversary, SOCA, program launch and other special events

25 One Calapan Program

25.1 City Hall Responsive Services

25.2 Community Affairs Services

25.3 Labanan ang Kahirapan Advocacy

25.4 Regular Forum with Business Sectors and other stakeholders

25.5 Discipline and Good Character City Initiatives

25.6 One Run/Unity Walk KalapFun Run


Legislative Research and Development Program

26.1 Improvement of Systems & Procedures

26.2 Research and Development

26.3 Secretariat Services

26.4 Custodial Services

26.5 Administrative / Governance

27 Regional Government Center

27.1 Site Identification and Finalization

27.2 Likaging and Networking

27.3 Full Operation of RGC

28 Special Purpose

28.1 Aid to Various Groups, Associations, Special Bodies, etc.

28.2 Aid to Component Barangays

28.3 Discretionary Fund

28.4 Inter-Agency Assistance Program



29 Infrastructure Support to Social Sector

29.1 Repair and Rehabilitation of School Buildings

29.2 Construction of Multi-Purpose/School Buildings


Resettlement and Relocation Project


Infrastructure Support


Access to Basic Social Services


Core Shelter Assistance Program

29.3 Construction of Multi-Purpose School Covered Court

29.4 Completion of City College Building

29.5 Installation of additional warning, traffic and emergency signage's in the city

29.6 Establishment of centralized hotline

29.7 Coordination and installation of additional fire hydrants, MOA signing

29.8 Widening/ construction /opening of road and acquisition of road right of way / repair and maintenance of bridge

29.9 Installation and Maintenance of Streetlights


Installation of CCTV Cameras


Construction of Crisis Center for Disadvantage Women and Children


Construction of Multi-Purpose Building intended for the youth, women, senior citizen, pwd, etc.


Establishment of Lingap Bata Center


Construction of Senior Citizens Center


Completion of Health Rural Health Units


Slum Improvement Key to Poverty Alleviation Program (SIKAP)


Resettlement and Relocation Project


2 Infrastructure Support


3 Access to Basic Social Services

29.16. Core Shelter Assistance Program



Lupang Abot-Kamay at Murang Pabahay (LUPA)


Employees' Housing Program


2 Community Mortgage Program


Concreting of access roads to settlements


Other Infrastructure/Housing - Related Services


Establishment of City Multi-purpose Sports Complex


Construction of recreational facilities


Infrastructure Support to Economic Sector

30.1 Establishment of Tourist Assistance Desk/Tourism Information Center up to barangay level

30.2 Eco Tourism sites development

30.3 Rehabilitation of City Plaza

30.4 Improvement of of Calapan River Park

30.5 Improvement of of City Museum

30.6 Port Development

30.7 Airport Development

30.8 Improvement of power and water support facilities

30.9 Establishment of City Convention Center


Irrigation support facilities


Full operationalization of City Farmer-Scientist Research and Extension Center


Purchase/Acquisition/Construction of Pre and Post Harvest Facilities/Mechanization


Construction of Trading post (organic/vegetables/high value crops)


Concreting of Farm to Market Roads


Establishment of Cold Storage Facility


Improvement of Calapan Zoological and Recreational Park


Establishment of multi-level parking area at CBD


Repair and Maintenance of Park, Plaza & Monuments


Public Market Management Service

30.20 Maintenance of Public

Cemetery 30.20.1 Identification of areas in the public

cemetery that needs to be maintained


Coordination w/ the Civil registry department


Construction of Multi-modal transport terminal


Infrastructure Support to Enviroment Sector

31.1 River Restoration and Conservation Program


Information Education Campaign

31.1.2 Information dissemination

31.1.3 Implementation of the program

31.2 Management of Sanitary Landfill 31.2.1

Minimize the cost of operation and maintenance of the sanitary landfill.


Implementation of cost-sharing scheme between the LGU and the citizenry on solid waste management.

31.3 Management of Materials Recovery Facility


Maintenance of functional MRF

31.4 Nursery operations and maintenance for endemic forest trees species

31.4.1 Propagation of indigenous tree species for the city urban greening projects.

31.4.2 Produce urban greening activities

31.5 Establishment of waste water treatment facilities

31.5.1 Conduct of study

31.5.2 Information Education Campaign

31.5.3 Identification of establishments

31.6 Construction of City Motorpool

31.6.1 Allocation of fund

31.6.2 Fund Sourcing

31.7 Establishment of DOC-mirror station

31.8 Construction of additional evacuation centers in strategic areas

31.8.1 Identification of areas that needs evacuation centers

31.8.2 Site inspection

31.8.3 Identification of beneficiaries

31.8.4 Allocation of funds

31.8.5 Fund sourcing

31.9 Installation of solar panels to reduce energy consumption expenditures

31.9.1 Identification of benefeciaries

31.9.2 Consultation meeting


Construction of flood and erosion control projects


Conduct study for the projects


Consultation w/ different concerned agencies


3 Project Identification


Implementation of Disaster Mitigation Projects like dredging/desilting of Calapan River and Bucayao River, gabion wall construction, cleaning of drainage canals, construction of drainage canals, etc.


Conduct consultations

31.11.2 Site inspection

31.11.3 Implementation of the project


Installation/Maintenance of road signages


Identification of location that needs road signages


2 Installation of signages


Maintenance of Disaster Response Command Center


Infrastructure Support to Institutional Sector

32.1 Establishment of Information Kiosk/Distribution of Citizen's Charter Handbook


Dissemination of information relative to the services of the City Government through the establishment of an information kiosk


Distribution of Citizen's charter Manual to various barangays & agencies

32.2 Rehabilitation of Old City Hall

32.2.1 Inspection of area to be rehabitated

32.2.2 Allocation of funds

32.3 Construction of ABC Building

32.3.1 Inspection of site for ABC Building

32.3.2 Allocation of funds

32.3.3 Fund Sourcing

32.3.4 Construct ABC Building

32.4 Completion of City Government Complex

32.4.1 Site Inspection

32.4.2 Allocation of funds

32.5 Regional Government Center Site Development

32.5.1 Identification of site for government center

32.5.2 Allocation of funds

32.5.3 Fund sourcing


Coordination/Consultation with different regional offices