Forget about us now

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  • 7/28/2019 Forget about us now


    Forget about us

    Part 1 __________________

    It was summer. John was found hanged, dangling from a tree in a field. A

    farmer discovered the body early in the morning as he walked to his land. His body

    swayed rhythmically in the morning breeze. The creaking of the taut rope, as it rocked

    to and fro, joined the soughing of the wind through the treetop and the rustle of the

    dead leaves on the ground. The police came a few minutes after the farmer phoned

    emergency services. His body was lowered gently to the ground as if it could still be

    hurt, placed inside a body bag and into a polices hearse. A forensic photographer,

    dressed in a white one piece sanitary suit, snapped pictures of the scene for later

    investigation but the suicide note scribbled in careless handwriting on a used envelope

    in Johns shorts, made this act superfluous. Lovelorn, John had committed suicide.

    Two journalists with tape recorders were talking to a petite policewoman. They

    paused briefly as the hearses old engines drone made hearing each other difficult.

    The hearse left and the policewoman continued giving an official statement. The

    reporters were not happy. Suicides were not reported in the press for fear of a wave of

    copycat suicides. The authorities seem to believe that such matters should be out-of-sight and forgotten. But this was a different case. In hours, the story of Johns suicide

    would make front page news. But for now the two journalists were not aware of this

    and begrudged the pointless work they had to do. They knew that the information

    gathered would be filed away and not published. The suicide note read, That what

    must be cured cannot be endured. Ill be free now.

    (284 words)

    Summary 1

    1 - In not more than 70 summarise the above passage.

    John committed suicide by hanging. He was found by a farmer and the police were

    informed. Reporters were on the scene, obtaining a statement. A suicide note was

    found, hinting that John had some sort of sickness that only death could cure. 42 words

  • 7/28/2019 Forget about us now


    Part Two__________________

    Forget about us, we never happened. Thats how Alicia broke the news to John.

    She quit the game they were playing. She had had enough of the lies and deceit

    surrounding their affair. John was married. She was single. Before their first

    adulterous kiss, she had made one thing clear to John. Youll never be mine, she

    had whispered before she leaned through Johns truck window and kissed him lightly

    on his lips. At the time, surprised by her act, he had not taken the import of what this

    mean. Deep in his entrails, nestled next to his spleen and pancreas, something stirred.

    Maybe it was the rekindling of love but he dismissed it. He liked Alicia a lot but it

    was a sort of tender curiosity rather than love. She was slim, sported a black bob and

    had dark eyes. He liked her girly gestures of how when she sat, she enjoyed circling

    her foot in a clockwise manner or the way she looked at her fingernails before shetamed her stray hairs. He also was comfortable talking to her. John felt that Alicia

    could understand whatever topic they discussed. It is like a virus, isnt it? John had

    told Alicia one night. What is? Alicia had quizzed. Love, John replied, it finds

    its way inside you. Youve never asked for it. It just happens. Inside you, it grows

    and multiplies and youve only got two ways out if your love is unrequited. You either

    learn to live with the feeling, you somehow force yourself to forget or it kills you.

    You could say, you either heal or die of the affliction. At some point in their

    whirlwind affair, John had fallen in love but she had not.

    The two policemen, a portly constable and a lanky sergeant, showed up at the

    address written on the suicide note in Johns shorts. Maybe John had written his note

    on the envelope on purpose to aid the police or maybe not. The police were just happy

    with the lucky break. Alicias door was closed but not locked. The fat policeman

    entered first, while his leaner colleague stayed at the door. Anyone home, he

    shouted. He did not get a reply and walked in. Anyone home, he yelled again. He

    hoped to hear a reply as he moved from the hall to the living room but did not get one.

    Instead he found Alicia on her sofa with visible finger marks round her neck. The

    police did not take long to solve the murder especially when neighbours informed

    them that Alicia Meilkin was not married.

    (434 words)

    Summary 02

  • 7/28/2019 Forget about us now


    In not more than a 100 words summarise Part 02.











    Part 3 __________________

    The previous evening John was waiting at Alicias door. She was not surprised to see

    him. What are you doing here? she barked. Get lost, Ive already told you its

    over, she blurted out. But but I cant go on without you, John muttered. He started

    to tremble. I already have another boyfriend and besides, John, let bygones be

    bygones. It was fun while it lasted but youre married. What can you do about that?

    Ill leave herif you tell me you have feelings for me, Ill leave her. I wont go

    home tonight. Let me spend the night with you. Alicia was resolute, Ive already

    told you, its over and Im not in the habit of repeating myself. Please let me stay,

    he begged. She paid no notice to this and looked in her purse for the house keys. He

    grabbed her hand but she shook it away and unlocked the door. To her, he was

    emotional flotsam. From an alcove of his mind the thought of her having sex with

    another man reared itself. He could see her lying in bed, pleasing this other man, like

    she had satisfied him. In a moment of jealous madness, he spun her round and as she

    faced him, he throttled her. He squeezed her soft neck as tight as the pain that

    constricted his insides. When she collapsed on the doorsteps he came to his senses.

    He mistook her agonic breathing as a sign she was still alive. John picked up her body

    and went inside. He placed her on the sofa but by this time there were no signs of life.

    Wake up, he commanded. Wake up. Come on wake up, please wake up, he

    pleaded. But it was no use. He had extinguished her life. Panicked he left the house

    and got in his pick-up truck. He wanted to physically distance himself from the event

    but there was no way to escape the mental torture. As he drove, he recollected the

  • 7/28/2019 Forget about us now


    events that led to now. Each thought in his head on its own meant very little. It is akin

    to a single frame in a film reel. There is only so much you can analyse. But gather

    enough frames and you can make a film. The downside is that memory is strongly

    affected by emotions. Like a sepia bath, in which photos are immersed to give them

    that sepia tint, each image in his head was tainted by remorse. The film playing in his

    head was a depressing romantic tragedy rather than a comedy.

    (426 words)

    Summary 03

    In not more than a 100 words summarise Part 03.










    Part 04 __________________

    By now he had driven out of the hamlet Alicia Meilkin lived in. I killed her, he

    repeated over and over again as he drove through the night. A majestic oak tree,

    silhouetted against the moonlit sky caught his eye and his mind played a cruel

    intellectual montage. He saw himself. He saw the tree. He joined these two images in

    his head and pictured himself swinging from his neck. He drove about four kilometres

    more, stopped the truck and parked it on a side street. At the back of the truck he had a

    long length of synthetic rope. Not the ideal material, natural wouldve been better,

    he thought as he started his trek to the oak tree. Twenty odd steps away from the

    truck, he returned to it and grabbed the first piece of paper he found and wrote what

    would become a suicide note. He put the paper in his pocket and started the long walk

  • 7/28/2019 Forget about us now


    to the oak tree. By the time he got there, rather that dissuaded, he was convinced of

    what he was about to do.

    The story was sensational. The media swooped on it like hyenas stealing a

    carcass from a cheetah. The suicide on its own was no news, a murder held its own,

    but a murder connected to a suicide was fantastic. For three days, it was the talk of the

    country. But time and memory are inversely proportional. The more time passes, the

    less people remember. After four days, it had become old news and superseded by a

    story about someone putting up his kidney for sale on eBay and the suicide/murder

    was relegated from front page news to page five or six. In a years time, only those

    really close to John or to Alicia will mourn the tragic events of that night. In twenty

    years, the memory will be even fainter. In thirty, the people holding on to the

    memories of this sad tale will have died in turn. Alicia and John will then have neverexisted. That is the nature of remembrance, like a virus and like love, it needs a host to

    continue existing.

    (358 words)

    Summary 04

    In not more than 90 words summarise Part 04












    01 - Give a heading to each part.

    02 - Provide the antonym and synonym for each of the following underlined word/s

    which appear in the text.

    A - dangling from a tree

    antonym - fixed; attachedsynonym - hanging, swinging

  • 7/28/2019 Forget about us now


    B - The creaking of the taut rope


    C - scribbled in careless handwriting


    D - snapped pictures of the scene for later


    E - Lovelorn, John had committed suicide.


    F - But this was a different case.


    G - enough of the lies and deceit surrounding their affair


    H - either heal or die of the affliction._____________________________________________________________________

    I - a portly constable and a lanky sergeant



    J - Ive already told you its over, she blurted out.


    K - To her, he was emotional flotsam.


    L - He had extinguished her life.


    M - each image in his head was tainted by remorse


    N - A majestic oak tree, silhouetted against the moonlit sky


    O - he started his trek to the oak tree


    P - The media swooped on it like hyenas stealing a carcass from a cheetah


    Q - That is the nature of remembrance
