«£«- -tifli t-*'. 'i '•w i' % ' f- The Saloon is the Enerny of the Homes May Anjprica Protect Her Homes. Y OL- XXI- NO. 42 FOREST CITY, POTTRR CO., S. !>., THURSDAY, FEB. 11, 1904 $1,50 PBR 3> : l,v>v OF- STAPLE and FANCY Groceries W IE:. ? BEST LINE ON EARTH DRY GOODS, TINWARE, GLASSWARE. BOOTSMSSHOES, In fact everything kept in a First Class Store F£5 MEN. BOYSYOUTHS i WOMF^I.MlSSESMPCHILDREN J * «-* A; ' J Eida "SKXT TO the BRIDGE" FOREST CITY THE CHICAGO and HOBTH-WESTERK railway* TIME-TABLE: Gettysburg Station Fr't | Pass. | "i Station ^iPoss. | Fr't A m. p.m. p.m. A.m. 10:20 9:35 Lv Rftdfield Ar 6:30 0:03 1105 9 58 " ..Zeli.. " 5 57 8'.tl liar. 1008 " Rockham " 5 47 sos 11 r.T 1026 " Miranda " ,5 30 7 3<i 12 35pml0 45 " Faulkton " 5 10 7 10 l is " 11 or. " Burkmere. " 4 50 a 4:. 1 55 " 11 25 " . .Soneca.." 4 30 li '.o 2 50 "11 52 "Lebanon" 4 00 r.n 3 40 " 12 15am, Ar Gcttvsb'g Lv 3 40 ft KI Freight connects at Redlield with pas- for Huron. For further information inquire of W. B. Kalikrra Gen. Pass. Agt, Chicago , <; A. C. Jabnkon Gen. Agt., Winon^ B. Ii. Harriett*, A(«nt Gettysburg, S. D. Oliat ffiitp }Jrc9S •L-——— T tt, day evening. Mr Gregn liought tliij instrument of Mrs Johnston ov the entertainment of the T1IOHNE, ^lb. & Puor'u children. GET YOUR HEALS AT THE POPULAR GATES -:H0USE, Forest City, S. D. Meals at All Hours, —LODGINGS FOR TRAVBLERSr- Charges Reasonable Kerrpahmenta,<tonrectl*iiery Dr. C. H. DWIGHT DENTIST " (Successor to C N Bpardman) - Odd Fellows' Building Gkttysmtbp Give me a call. All work guaranteed. Consultation and examination free. Call last four days of each week until further notice. WILLIAM SCHOOF GETTYSBURG, 8. D. -Ex-Register of Deed*. Potter County, - Dealer iu REAL ESTATES •; Notary Public and Collection -Agent *• FMeJfliWnalK'B Aftuui li—• Proprietor of the Pott«r County Auction 8tnrr Taxci paid and business for Non-Rcildent promptly attended to Keep a Complete Abstract of all Government Lands, Homesteads and Tree Claims Attends Contesting Abandoned Claims. HBED eiAIHTO LET OH SHARES "HIS MASTER'S VOICE" , DON'T FAIL TO HEAR S, D. B0NSEY, The Tcmperance Man, with his VICTOR Phonograph The Victor won the Gold Medal over all other Talking Machines at Buffalo. It was awarded by eight distinguished judges—confirmed by three more—confirmed again by a final one, a unanimous,verdict of superiority by twelve distinguished men. v ; '* Any one can operate them. I am Agent for this machine and wilt be pleased to take your order for one. S. D. B0NSET. IY ••jr. THE NECESSARY MAGAZINE IN'THE PRESIDENTIAL YEAR. ^ The Review of R.eviews is often called a necessity, in recognition of its usefulness in keeping readers "up with the times." In Presidential election years the REVIEW OP' REVIEWS is more than ever " the necessary magazine." Everybody wants to be truly and quickly informed about this or that public question that has, forged to the front; to know about the new candi- dates and personal factors in politics, to have a com- plete picture at hand of the* current movement of history. Jr. - -v In Dr. fihtw'i odltoriala, In tta authentic and timtly con- v tributsd article*, ia its brilliant character sketches, in its coadtn- ;• eationa and reviews of all the important articles etf ether wagasinee, > and in its hufadrcd a month of vaH tble nortralts, witty cartoons, and interesting views, tl?o REVIEW CP REVIEWS gives the ' : r much desired news cf the world'* and our own, psogrcrs. "The ,y, World undera Field-glass " is the way enerubrenber describes it. ' Man in nvihltc Ufa. like President Theodore Rocnevelt tbe ii members of Congress, and the (treat captains of industry, who p-;' n\vi3t keep " up with the timee," intelligent men and women all •ver Atoeriu •lea, have decided it ia u indispensable." 25c. a copy, $2.50 a year TBE REVIEW OF REVIEWS CO. 13 Astor*PI»ce, New York v * Town -and Farm Property: AUCTIOHE E R iiwunirntlaas und itcips solicited from our . feis, which ninstreach us by Tuesday night to IW prompt publication. '& Alto publisher of "AKPAO KIN." monthly, the'bnly palter in tho Sioux ia^Kuagc (except one) iu the United States. ' Er as s'coml class matter at the Postoffiee at Forot City, S. D. Rosebud Bill Passed A telegram received from Congressman Burke this evening announces the pleasant intelligence thft the Rosebud Bill has passed and the long fight is over. The pebble of the southern payt of the state have to thank Congressman i|rke for a fight against opposi- tion, which has been of the strong- est uiul the winning of this meas- ure is one of which he may well he proud. The same telegram announces that the Supreme Court has decid- ed in favor of South Dakota in the suitftn'ought against the state of North Carolina, in which Col. R. W. Stewart appeared for South Dakota. This meatus that the Sfote University wilj be richer by $4O,0OO,»—Pierre Capital. AiWEY SnElU'AHl). Agency Budget is on the raone Andrew J. Brower, LAWYER Real Estate law a specialty. * Careful attention given to >cm-Resident clipntK. Practice in all State Courts and all United States and Departments. A Poor Cold Lo! The cold snap this week finds several Indian tepees here with us yet, waiting for their trail and lease money, which was due them December 15th last. It is said |fa|i *]|y»w<^witiWj' i '' | iiiiiip aiul their Lurseii suffer fug for hay to eat. •*'- * '' Poor Lot he ought to write a strenuous, letter to the Great Fa- ther at Washington and wake him up. "-Teddy" ought to bo attending to his treaties with his red wards instead of watching the Russians and Japs fight. Miss Muiude LaPlant sick list. The freighters are in from Cherry Creek. Mesdames John Garroan and Crowfeather are on the sick list. Mr GiegoltU's transfer to Stand- ing Rock, as clerk there, has jeen revoked. .•<; ' »• Mrs Kate Sheppard who was working at the hospital has gone home for a short visit. Mi . and Mrs J no Comutpck, of White Horse camp, came in Spn day to spend a few days. Miss Cavalier went to Evarts the latter part of last we$k. She left Monday for Flandreau with four pupils. Rev Ashley went to see Wm Lee Wednesday, his cateohist at Mc- Kenzie's Point, who was not ex- pected to live. Rev Ashley was absent, on the Moreau river, Sunday and Rev Percy Phillips led the services at the Episcopal Church. John Biddle resigned his position as Boss Farmer a short time' ago and on Monday left for Axtell, Kan. where he will settle do^tp on a farm. A The Indians have had another proposition sprung on them to lease the remaining portion of the Res- ervation for grazing purposes to the highest bidder. Mr Fuller entertained the small er children of the Agency ' last Saturday evening, while Miss Walsh entertained the plder ones, with several other, young people, nilssshw »•>!,•«>• jwwed<ina all BROW Bit & BROWER General - Real - Estate - Dealers. We buy, sell and trade REAL ESTATE. Wild and imoroved Un>ls for rent. Care for and pay taxes on real estate for non-residents. Good titles a specialty—Insurance Written— Money to Ican^- Notarv Public In office. —LIST YOUR I,ANI>S WITH US; —BUY YOUR LAND OF US; RENT YOUR LAND OP US —DO BUSINESS WITH U8- Grltjiabnrg, Petler Col, D, T. P. MURTHA ~/'i D. J. o'KEEFE MURTHA & O'KEEFE *S? Lawyers / '' ' GETTYSBURG-. % .SO. DAKOTA Practice in all the Courts and before the Departments. Special attention given to real estate law Buy and sell real estate Rent lands and pay taxes for non-resi- dents WANTED—FAITHFUL PER- SON to travel for well established house in a few counties, calling on retail merchants and agents. Lo- cal territory. Salary $30.00 per week with expenses additional, all payable in cash each week. Money for expenses advanced. Position permanent. Business successful and rushing. Standard House, 330 Dearborn St., Chicago. t The Press is in receipt of eight sample blotters from Mr. A. W. Fairbanks of 234 E. 55th street, Chicago, 111., which are decorated with the monthly calendars and also temperance "seed-thoughts. Each month contains different matter. Just the thing to keep on your desk or to slip into a letter when writing to an unconcerned friend. One hundred of one month sent by mail for 35c. Mr Fairbanks is remembered as one of tbe pioneer publishers of Pot- ter, 'way back in the eighties, when the publisher of The Press was his first employe on tbe Appo- mattox Herald. C A. B. School Notes Mollie High Elk is at the hos- pital. The farm boya are hauling fertil- izers from Forest City. Football has been the rage late- ly among the boys. ' ' Zoie Sitting Eagle came back from the hospital Thursday. Mr King now has two classes of boys in sloyd on Monday and Thursday evenings. . „.v- ; Mrs Lafferty and daughter Lillian visited Miss Elizabeth Sheppard Saturday. Ziebach Brings The Horses has gone home on account of his grandmother's illness. General assembly was held at the school Sunday evening. Several yisitors were present. Miss Walsh's classes had their social Friday evening. There were several visitors from the Agency. ,,W' Miss Wetzel writes from her new position at Perns Cal. that she is much pleased with her surroundings. v -'"'Tr The water was shut off at the school Sunday on account of the severe cold; and the boys are haul- ing water from the river. Louise Spotted Crow returned from the hospital Saturday. She has entirely recovered from the effects of the bui n Miss Dunn vistt«u Mr and Mrs Ludlow Sunday afternoon. Miss Dunn is getting along very nicely with the work in the sewing room. Mr Justin Eaglefeather is un- able to do his work as nightwatch- man on account of sore eyes and Mr Sam Hill will take his place til) he gets iietter. '> ? Mr Green treated the children * phonographic concert Satur- TAKEN TO Tiv th<< undersigned, a bay gelding, with w||ftf sitrlp In face, weight 900 to 1000 lbs? > about S. Branded P L connected on t, shoulder and 7 connected, on IcfU flanU ' , .1. P. BUEHL, Forest Cl,ty, S. D, ,lan. 18,11MM *- -''r* WANTED—AgcnU. Hustlers, Salesmen. Clerks nnd everybody who wants to enjoy- a good hearty laugh U> send 50c for "Tips to Agents." Worth K0 to any person* who sells goods for a living. Tf uot satis- 1 factory vour money back. Circular for stamp. "TI"' Dr. Wlnte Electric Cpmb Co, Decatur, ill. : > R'I'P'A'N'S Tabules, .y Doctors find A good prescriptions For mankind Tbe 5-cent paokct Is enodfeB fbr nsnal ONI' sions. The fnmily bottle (M cents) contains t supply for a year. All druggistfc sell Uiea. 1 mPTC ^EE CATALOGUE; wllii Corn, Grain, Grass, toes, Vefetable & flower Seedi QPPHQ FOREST, FRUIT & 0£i£iL/0 Ornamental Trees. " Freo packets each or- 1£1£i£jO der. Special pre-, miums aud Cash Prizes.' OSCAR H. WILL & CO. Bismarck N. H =} WANTED-TRUSTWORTHY LAD"? " on Qkntlkman to manago business In this county aud adjoining territory for, house of solid financial standing. I0O.OA straight cash salary and expenses paicf each Monday direct from headquarters. Evpense money advanced; position per- manent. Address Manager, 005 Monoii Bdg, Chicago 1 BLACK - DRAUGHT STOCK w* POULTRY MEDICINE Stock and poultry hava few anncc f feet reporiP>an enjoyable eye Minor Mention Mrs E Ashley took supper with Mrs D L Green last Friday. Mel. McGinnis came thru from Gettysburg Wednesday with hay and reported the snow two deep in several places. Henry Esselbrugge of Laurel was in town with 10 head of sheep which he sold to Jeff Sage. Mr E is shipping six car loads o< sheep to the eastern market this winter. The Press is in receipt of one of the calendars sent out by the Agricultural Insurance oompany of Sioux Falls, 10x12 inches. The pages bear all the colors of the rainbow. The Royal Neighbors had a pleasant meeting with the Vice Oracle, Mrs Kempf, last Friday afternoon. The next meeting on March 4th is to be at Chancelor Mrs E Ashley's residenoe. tronblas wbich [iT»r toBgnjariUsa. .4}} for •££" digestion ia a perfect Prominent American br farmers keep theic herdst healthy by giving them an ooea* •ioaai do* oCBla3>D(ati«t 8todc and Poultry Medicine la their food. Any stock raiserm*r boy a 26-omt half-poond airtight eta of tiiis medicine frotn his dealer and keep his stock in vigoraoa health for weeks. Dealers gener- ally keep Black-Draught Stock and Poultry Medicine, u yours does wit, send 25 cents for a sample can to the manufacturers, Iba Chattanooga Medicine Co., Chat- tanooga, Tenn. Boenu*, Oa., Iu. tti ISM. ' BlMk-Dranght Stook |bl Poaltey Kedlolne la the beet Iersr tried. Oar •took was looUag bad «ka yoa i me the medicine aad now they as ~ ilookiag! peroeat. getting so flna. 1h«r an looking tt tWc. B. P. BBOOXnrOTO*. Mayor Reed of Aberdeen in- forms us that he is in receipt of a letter from F. A. Miller, general passenger agent for the Milwaukee road, stating that his company,the Northwestern and tbe Great Northern have reached an agree- ment by which a rate of one and onethird fare for the round trip will be made to Aberdeen for the Business Men's Banquet on the evening of February 18th. Tho tickets will be good for the 17th and 18th and for return till the 10th. The March Delineator contains much matter of interest and value in its household departments. One of the most excellent features is an article by Eleanor Merchant on Serving the Informal Sunday Night Supper and Impromptu Evening Refreshment for Re- ceptions, illustrated, as well as tbe unique luncheon dishes a la Plancnette, will appeal to all who enjoy dainty confections. Lent observing housewives will find many suggestions t o lessen their table difficulties at this season, including Novel Oyster Recipes by Frances E. Peck, Special Lenten Dishes by Alice Chittenden, and Dainty Souffles by Margaret Hill. In addition there are numerous other seasonable recipes and useful in- formation for many home imiin It Pays ru Invent raat* mm mm IMstmrwqt Usk i aa lha w M^wnRn PI IK '•MMtear' M Ar ssr Ins tortM*' ftWKMNtMtNTMly •eS turnmrn M.mm lesfMstita, t C0W» tCSft ftttft MtflMMa' ^ W«lttSftM,«.jCl Rotary SbuttiO Sewing Machine " i\ •rasRNUu*oaan. mui LOCK AND CHAIN STiTCH. TWO MACHJNB8 IN ONB. : BALL BEARING STAND WHEEL , •• We also manufacture sewing machines UmI retail trma IU.M mp. ~ •— - ' —•tfrtatyi lakes i soT r rutin aa afleataetlM " ' while Tbe "Standard" 1 tick of a watch. Mai otber machines make 2U. . Apply to our local dealer, air It than le ad dealer in your town, address T«T . Standard Sawing Machine Co* , CLEVELAND, OHIO, ;v

Forest City press. (Forest City, Potter County, D.T. [S.D ...chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn93057084/1904-02-11/ed-1/seq-1.pdf · YOL- XXI-NO. 42 FOREST CITY, POTTRR CO., S. !>.,

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«£«- -tifli t-*'.

'i %»'•w



' f - • The Saloon is the Enerny of the Homes May Anjprica Protect Her Homes.

YOL- XXI-NO. 42 FOREST CITY, POTTRR CO., S. !>., THURSDAY, FEB. 11, 1904 $1,50 PBR





Groceries W IE:. ?



In fact everything kept in a First Class Store


* «-* H»A;' J • Eida "SKXT TO the BRIDGE" FOREST CITY



TIME-TABLE: Gettysburg Station Fr't | Pass. | "i Station ^iPoss. | Fr't A m. p.m. p.m. A. m . 10:20 9:35 Lv Rftdfield Ar 6:30 0:03 1105 9 58 " ..Zeli.. " 5 57 8'.tl liar. 1008 " Rockham " 5 47 sos 11 r.T 1026 " Miranda " ,5 30 7 3<i 12 35pml0 45 " Faulkton " 5 10 7 10 l is " 11 or. " Burkmere. " 4 50 a 4:. 1 55 " 11 25 " . .Soneca.." 4 30 li '.o 2 50 "11 52 "Lebanon" 4 00 r.n 3 40 " 12 15am, Ar Gcttvsb'g Lv 3 40 ft KI Freight connects at Redlield with pas-

for Huron. For further information inquire of

W. B. Kalikrra Gen. Pass. Agt, Chicago

, <; A. C. Jabnkon Gen. Agt., Winon^

B. Ii. Harriett*, A(«nt Gettysburg, S. D.

O l i a t f f i i t p } J r c 9 S

•L-——— • Ttt, •

day evening. Mr Gregn liought tliij instrument of Mrs Johnston ov the entertainment of the

T1IOHNE, ^lb. & Puor'u children.




Forest City, S. D. Meals at All Hours,


Charges Reasonable



(Successor to C N Bpardman) -

Odd Fellows' Building Gkttysmtbp

Give me a call. All work guaranteed. Consultation and examination free.

Call last four days of each week until further notice.


-Ex-Register of Deed*. Potter County, -Dealer iu REAL ESTATES

•; Notary Public and Collection -Agent *• FMeJfliWnalK'B Aftuui li—•

Proprietor of the Pott«r County Auction 8tnrr Taxci paid and business for Non-Rcildent

promptly attended to Keep a Complete Abstract of all Government

Lands, Homesteads and Tree Claims Attends Contesting Abandoned Claims.




S, D. B0NSEY, The Tcmperance Man, with his VICTOR Phonograph

The Victor won the Gold Medal over all other Talking Machines at Buffalo. It was awarded by eight distinguished judges—confirmed by three more—confirmed again by a final one, a unanimous,verdict of superiority by twelve distinguished men. v

;'* Any one can operate them. I am Agent for this machine and wilt be pleased to take your

order for one. S. D. B0NSET.



THE NECESSARY MAGAZINE IN'THE PRESIDENTIAL YEAR. ^ The Review of R.eviews is often called a

necessity, in recognition of its usefulness in keeping readers "up with the times."

In Presidential election years the REVIEW OP' REVIEWS is more than ever " the necessary magazine." Everybody wants to be truly and quickly informed about this or that public question that has, forged to the front; to know about the new candi­dates and personal factors in politics, to have a com­plete picture at hand of the* current movement of h i s t o r y . J r .

- -v In Dr. fihtw'i odltoriala, In tta authentic and timtly con- v tributsd article*, ia its brilliant character sketches, in its coadtn-

;• eationa and reviews of all the important articles etf ether wagasinee, > and in its hufadrcd a month of vaH tble nortralts, witty cartoons, and interesting views, tl?o REVIEW CP REVIEWS gives the ' :

r much desired news cf the world'* and our own, psogrcrs. "The ,y, World undera Field-glass " is the way enerubrenber describes it. '

Man in nvihltc Ufa. like President Theodore Rocnevelt tbe ii members of Congress, and the (treat captains of industry, who p-;' n\vi3t keep " up with the timee," intelligent men and women all •ver Atoeriu •lea, have decided it ia u indispensable."

25c. a copy, $2.50 a year TBE REVIEW OF REVIEWS CO.

13 Astor*PI»ce, New York v


Town -and Farm Property:


iiwunirntlaas und itcips solicited from our . feis, which ninstreach us by Tuesday night

to IW prompt publication. '& Alto publisher of "AKPAO KIN." monthly,

the'bnly palter in tho Sioux ia^Kuagc (except one) iu the United States. '

Er as s'coml class matter at the Postoffiee at Forot City, S. D.

Rosebud Bill Passed A telegram received from

Congressman Burke this evening announces the pleasant intelligence thft the Rosebud Bill has passed and the long fight is over. The pebble of the southern payt of the state have to thank Congressman

i|rke for a fight against opposi­tion, which has been of the strong­est uiul the winning of this meas­ure is one of which he may well he proud.

The same telegram announces that the Supreme Court has decid­ed in favor of South Dakota in the suitftn'ought against the state of North Carolina, in which Col. R. W. Stewart appeared for South Dakota. This meatus that the Sfote University wilj be richer by $4O,0OO,»—Pierre Capital.


Agency Budget is on the


Andrew J. Brower, L A W Y E R

Real Estate law a specialty. * Careful attention given to >cm-Resident

clipntK. Practice in all State Courts and all United States

and Departments.

A Poor Cold Lo! The cold snap this week finds

several Indian tepees here with us yet, waiting for their trail and lease money, which was due them December 15th last. It is said

|fa|i *]|y»w<^witiWj'i''|iiiiiip aiul their Lurseii suffer fug

for hay to eat. •*'- * '' Poor Lot he ought to write a

strenuous, letter to the Great Fa­ther at Washington and wake him up.

"-Teddy" ought to bo attending to his treaties with his red wards instead of watching the Russians and Japs fight.

Miss Muiude LaPlant sick list.

The freighters are in from Cherry Creek.

Mesdames John Garroan and Crowfeather are on the sick list.

Mr GiegoltU's transfer to Stand­ing Rock, as clerk there, has jeen revoked. .•<; ' »•

Mrs Kate Sheppard who was working at the hospital has gone home for a short visit.

Mi . and Mrs J no Comutpck, of White Horse camp, came in Spn day to spend a few days.

Miss Cavalier went to Evarts the latter part of last we$k. She left Monday for Flandreau with four pupils.

Rev Ashley went to see Wm Lee Wednesday, his cateohist at Mc-Kenzie's Point, who was not ex­pected to live.

Rev Ashley was absent, on the Moreau river, Sunday and Rev Percy Phillips led the services at the Episcopal Church.

John Biddle resigned his position as Boss Farmer a short time' ago and on Monday left for Axtell, Kan. where he will settle do^tp on a farm. A

The Indians have had another proposition sprung on them to lease the remaining portion of the Res­ervation for grazing purposes to the highest bidder.

Mr Fuller entertained the small er children of the Agency ' last Saturday evening, while Miss Walsh entertained the plder ones, with several other, young people, nilssshw »•>!,•«>• jwwed<ina all


General - Real - Estate - Dealers. We buy, sell and trade REAL ESTATE. Wild and imoroved Un>ls for rent. Care for and pay taxes on real estate for

non-residents. Good titles a specialty—Insurance Written—

Money to Ican^- Notarv Public In office. —LIST YOUR I,ANI>S WITH US;



Grltjiabnrg, Petler Col, D,

T. P. MURTHA ~ / ' i D. J. o'KEEFE

MURTHA & O'KEEFE *S? Lawyers /

' ' • '


Practice in all the Courts and before the Departments. Special attention given to real estate law

Buy and sell real estate Rent lands and pay taxes for non-resi­


WANTED—FAITHFUL PER­SON to travel for well established house in a few counties, calling on retail merchants and agents. Lo­cal territory. Salary $30.00 per week with expenses additional, all payable in cash each week. Money for expenses advanced. Position permanent. Business successful and rushing. Standard House, 330 Dearborn St., Chicago. t

The Press is in receipt of eight sample blotters from Mr. A. W. Fairbanks of 234 E. 55th street, Chicago, 111., which are decorated with the monthly calendars and also temperance "seed-thoughts. Each month contains different matter. Just the thing to keep on your desk or to slip into a letter when writing to an unconcerned friend. One hundred of one month sent by mail for 35c. Mr Fairbanks is remembered as one of tbe pioneer publishers of Pot­ter, 'way back in the eighties, when the publisher of The Press was his first employe on tbe Appo­mattox Herald.

C A. B. School Notes Mollie High Elk is at the hos­

pital. The farm boya are hauling fertil­

izers from Forest City. Football has been the rage late­

ly among the boys. ' • ' Zoie Sitting Eagle came back

from the hospital Thursday. Mr King now has two classes of

boys in sloyd on Monday and Thursday evenings. . „.v- ;

Mrs Lafferty and daughter Lillian visited Miss Elizabeth Sheppard Saturday.

Ziebach Brings The Horses has gone home on account of his grandmother's illness.

General assembly was held at the school Sunday evening. Several yisitors were present.

Miss Walsh's classes had their social Friday evening. There were several visitors from the A g e n c y . , , W '

Miss Wetzel writes from her new position at Perns Cal. that she is much pleased with her surroundings. v -'"'Tr

The water was shut off at the school Sunday on account of the severe cold; and the boys are haul­ing water from the river.

Louise Spotted Crow returned from the hospital Saturday. She has entirely recovered from the effects of the bui n

Miss Dunn vistt«u Mr and Mrs Ludlow Sunday afternoon. Miss Dunn is getting along very nicely with the work in the sewing room.

Mr Justin Eaglefeather is un­able to do his work as nightwatch-man on account of sore eyes and Mr Sam Hill will take his place til) he gets iietter. '> ?

Mr Green treated the children * phonographic concert Satur-

TAKEN TO Tiv th<< undersigned, a bay gelding, with

w||ftf sitrlp In face, weight 900 to 1000 lbs? > about S. Branded P L connected on t, shoulder and 7 connected, on IcfU

flanU' , .1. P. BUEHL, Forest Cl,ty, S. D, ,lan. 18,11MM *-

• • -''r* WANTED—AgcnU. Hustlers, Salesmen.

Clerks nnd everybody who wants to enjoy-a good hearty laugh U> send 50c for "Tips to Agents." Worth K0 to any person* who sells goods for a living. Tf uot satis-1

factory vour money back. Circular for stamp. "TI"' Dr. Wlnte Electric Cpmb Co, Decatur, ill. :

> R'I'P'A'N'S Tabules, .y Doctors find

A good prescriptions • For mankind

Tbe 5-cent paokct Is enodfeB fbr nsnal ONI' sions. The fnmily bottle (M cents) contains t supply for a year. All druggistfc sell Uiea. 1

mPTC ^EE CATALOGUE; wllii Corn, Grain, Grass,

toes, Vefetable & flower Seedi QPPHQ FOREST, FRUIT & 0£i£iL/0 Ornamental Trees. "

Freo packets each or-1£1£i£jO der. Special pre-, miums aud Cash Prizes.'

OSCAR H. WILL & CO. Bismarck N. H

=} WANTED-TRUSTWORTHY LAD"? " on Qkntlkman to manago business In this county aud adjoining territory for, house of solid financial standing. I0O.OA straight cash salary and expenses paicf each Monday direct from headquarters. Evpense money advanced; position per­manent. Address Manager, 005 Monoii Bdg, Chicago 1


Stock and poultry hava few anncc f


reporiP>an enjoyable eye

Minor Mention Mrs E Ashley took supper with

Mrs D L Green last Friday. Mel. McGinnis came thru from

Gettysburg Wednesday with hay and reported the snow two deep in several places.

Henry Esselbrugge of Laurel was in town with 10 head of sheep which he sold to Jeff Sage. Mr E is shipping six car loads o< sheep to the eastern market this winter.

The Press is in receipt of one of the calendars sent out by the Agricultural Insurance • oompany of Sioux Falls, 10x12 inches. The pages bear all the colors of the rainbow.

The Royal Neighbors had a pleasant meeting with the Vice Oracle, Mrs Kempf, last Friday afternoon. The next meeting on March 4th is to be at Chancelor Mrs E Ashley's residenoe.

tronblas wbich [iT»r toBgnjariUsa. .4}}

f o r • £ £ " digestion ia a perfect Prominent American br farmers keep theic herdst healthy by giving them an ooea* •ioaai do* oCBla3>D(ati«t 8todc and Poultry Medicine la their food. Any stock raiserm*r boy a 26-omt half-poond airtight eta of tiiis medicine frotn his dealer and keep his stock in vigoraoa health for weeks. Dealers gener­ally keep Black-Draught Stock and Poultry Medicine, u yours does wit, send 25 cents for a sample can to the manufacturers, Iba Chattanooga Medicine Co., Chat­tanooga, Tenn.

Boenu*, Oa., Iu. tti ISM. ' BlMk-Dranght Stook |bl Poaltey

Kedlolne la the beet Iersr tried. Oar •took was looUag bad «ka yoa i me the medicine aad now they as

~ ilookiag! peroeat. getting so flna. 1h«r an looking tt

tWc. B. P. BBOOXnrOTO*.

Mayor Reed of Aberdeen in­forms us that he is in receipt of a letter from F. A. Miller, general passenger agent for the Milwaukee road, stating that his company,the Northwestern and tbe Great Northern have reached an agree­ment by which a rate of one and onethird fare for the round trip will be made to Aberdeen for the Business Men's Banquet on the evening of February 18th. Tho tickets will be good for the 17th and 18th and for return till the 10th.

The March Delineator contains much matter of interest and value in its household departments. One of the most excellent features is an article by Eleanor Merchant on Serving the Informal Sunday Night Supper and Impromptu Evening Refreshment for Re­ceptions, illustrated, as well as tbe unique luncheon dishes a la Plancnette, will appeal to all who enjoy dainty confections. Lent observing housewives will find many suggestions t o lessen their table difficulties at this season, including Novel Oyster Recipes by Frances E. Peck, Special Lenten Dishes by Alice Chittenden, and Dainty Souffles by Margaret Hill. In addition there are numerous other seasonable recipes and useful in­formation for many home imiin

It Pays



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