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Appendix A – Pro forma for responses

We are seeking views on each of the individual performance standards outlined. In addition we also seek specific views from certain individuals and groups to the following three questions on the overall set of the performance standards: Returning Officers – do you agree that these standards reflect the level of performance that is relevant to, and reasonably within, the responsibility of ROs in the conduct of their statutory duties? Does the overall set of standards reflect the key performance issues for ROs? Are there any other areas of the ROs remit that we have not covered, and which can be measured? Should the standards be more outcome/delivery focused? If so, how can the standards be changed to reflect this? The basic question is whether the RO is required to perform to a certain level, or to accept the responsibility that the post requires, and ensure that everything is done in order to deliver a good election. This question is crucial to the standard that is then applied – in discussion with the London AEA, it was accepted that only the first standard would actually apply to ROs, and all others would in fact be delivered by ESMs or services, acting on behalf of the RO. It is difficult to measure the ‘effectiveness’ of elections – the result is simply one that the electorate accept as reflecting their will. There is a danger of getting caught up in measuring activities, plans and methodologies, when the actual measure is a free and fair election which reflects the will of the electorate. The performance standards should not be directed only to the RO, but also to the council, where appropriate, as many of the measures contained in these standards depend on the resources made available to the RO to carry out their duties. It is therefore unrealistic to set up a series of measures that assume the RO is in fact independent of the council and able to draw down or claim resources as required for the running of good elections, when it is well known that this is not the case, and many electoral service sections struggle to deliver elections with the bare minimum of resources. There is no sense of having customer care at the centre of the work of the RO, and yet the elector is supposed to be at the heart of the electoral process. If the vision of the commission is that the elector is the key to the provision of elections, then surely this must also be the case for the RO.

Electoral administrators – how straightforward is it to collect and measure performance information in relation to the standards proposed in this consultation paper? Information collection is possible. It is however difficult to compare like with like, due to the numerous differences in information collection, software reports and local conditions, including the interpretation of the legislative framework.

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Performance standards in general need to relate to objectives that are SMART – not always easy for qualitative indicators such as those described below. Continuous improvement is a theme that should flow throughout the performance standard process, and the learning from complaints can be used as a means of ensuring that electors receive the best possible service – this extends throughout the electoral process, and so complaints should not be limited to a planning issue, as currently appears. There should be some level of congruence between the performance relating to these standards and the wider performance framework of CAA – in particular the standards should be outcome-focused.

Political parties and candidates – do you agree that the proposed standards cover areas of specific importance to you and, more generally, support progress towards the shared vision for quality electoral services? Performance standard 1 Skills and knowledge of the Returning Officer Is the standard appropriately defined, taking into account the need for clear, objective assessment criteria?

The implication with this standard is that unless the RO is deeply involved in the running, understanding, risk management of elections, then the election cannot be of an exceptional standard. This clearly is not the case, so the standard is not appropriately defined. The question of getting the appropriate budget may be beyond the reach of the RO – if the council as a whole is not concerned with elections (in authorities where there is no challenge to the existing administration), or if the RO is not the CE and other priorities take precedence. It has been reported for many years that elections will only be properly funded if there is a failure of elections, and that has not happened. The elections in Scotland have not yet resulted in any acknowledgement that the fundamental issues of funding/adequate resources and a consolidated/streamlined legislative framework need to be addressed as a matter of urgency. Instead there are various proposals which continue to adjust the existing system, without providing any mechanism for increasing funding, rather the reverse – the MoJ’s proposals carry the

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real possibility of resulting in reduced funding over time.

Does the ‘evidence to support assessment’ section of this standard outline appropriate and sufficient evidence to justify whether an RO has met the performance standard and/or above the standard?

The appointment contract will indicate the responsibilities of the post, and the post (either CE or senior council officer) will have requirements relating to risk assessment, planning, project management skills etc. But the evidence does not have anything directly linking to knowledge etc of electoral law, which the standard requires. It is not clear how many CEs are going to be able to spend sufficient time to get up to speed on these issues, when they are dealing with social care issues, housing problems etc. It is unlikely that there are any other functions which require the CE to have real knowledge of the workings of the service – and CEs are still responsible for the delivery of those services, and will take responsibility if there is a significant failure. Is the fact that the RO is personally responsible for the election going to make a difference to the CE, who is also responsible for the running of the other services? The notion that attending various briefings and training events is an indication that the RO has a ‘strong’ knowledge of electoral law is unlikely to be substantiated. What does ‘personal development in regards to election management’ actually mean?

Are there any areas or key words within this standard which would require further guidance/ definition?

Any other comments on this standard?

It is difficult for this to be measured using a self-assessment process.

Performance standard 2 Examining the planning processes in place for

an election Is the standard appropriately defined, taking into account the need for clear, objective assessment criteria?

The ESM is responsible for planning for the election. The RO expects the ESM to do appropriate planning. The commission should be able to identify what responsibilities are routinely delegated to ESMs, by reference to jds.

Does the ‘evidence to support assessment’ section of this standard

The evidence is very thin. The plans and risk register have no link with any recognisable methodology – at the very least, it could be

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outline appropriate and sufficient evidence to justify whether an RO has met the performance standard and/or above the standard?

expected that the Commission would expect PRINCE2 methodology to be used in the planning of elections. Thus plans and risk registers should comply with some sort of standard themselves, such as the robustness required by PRINCE2.

Are there any areas or key words within this standard which would require further guidance/ definition?

The inclusion of complaints in this standard does not seem to make sense. Complaints are used by local authorities as a way of improving services. This standard is about planning, not complaints nor service improvement. The link of complaints in the above performance standard is inappropriate – ESMs will look at complaints in the normal situation to improve the service, or to ensure that customers are satisfied with the service provided. A complaint in elections may result in the disenfranchisement of the resident, and this situation is invariably taken extremely seriously by the ESM and RO – it is certainly not a situation that only in the above performance standard that complaints are considered. The issue of evaluation is interesting. If PRINCE2 methodology is used, then evaluation is inevitably a part of the process. Is there any reason why the commission has chosen not to utilise government’s preferred project methodology for the planning process? It is already the case that various logs and documents have been placed on the commission’s website, clearly based on PRINCE2 methodology, so it is unclear why this is not carried through into the standards.

Any other comments on this standard?

This standard includes the issue of business continuity arrangements to cover for loss of staff during election period. The whole issue of business continuity is a significant concern for the RO and the ESM – this relates in particular to the IT risks. It is interesting to note that the standard has the caveat ‘if relevant, contracts are in place’ etc – when it is known that software companies provide IT support for elections. Contingency plans have to be in place for the possibility that IT failure occurs – this is a significant risk for all election offices. Why does the plan of the layout of the count premises have to outline the roles and duties of all the staff present at the count? This may be one way of ensuring that staff know what they are doing, when and where, but it may not be the only way. The measure has to be that the count is managed in a planned and accountable way –

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having a plan of the layout may be an example of evidence to show that this has been sufficiently planned, but it does not seem appropriate for this to be part of the standard itself.

Performance standard 3 Training Is the standard appropriately defined, taking into account the need for clear, objective assessment criteria?

Standard needs to be outcome-based, rather than based on plans and schedules. It would be technically possible to comply with this standard, and at the same time deliver a bad election, which does not satisfy the needs of the electorate. There is no indication of the fact that funding is not always available for all necessary training. Every aspect of the election now has to be so tightly managed that proper training is required for each and every activity. The MoJ is now providing funding to the RO for parliamentary elections, and expects the RO to spend a finite sum on the election. This then means that training will not be able to be provided for all necessary functions, unless the MoJ is able to provide adequate funding. This is unlikely, given the inadequate funding of elections in the past. Election training should not to be considered in isolation, but as part of the wider development and capacity building of electoral teams, both inside and outside the council.

Does the ‘evidence to support assessment’ section of this standard outline appropriate and sufficient evidence to justify whether an RO has met the performance standard and/or above the standard?

No – not appropriate! A schedule of training activities, even accompanied with a training plan, gives no indication that the training provided has been appropriate to what is needed. The electorate is not at the centre of this standard, and yet the training that is given has to be geared towards ensuring that each and every eligible elector is able to vote. Surely the issue is the effectiveness of the training itself, rather than having a plan, and judging the effectiveness of the plan? This is too bureaucratic, and is not sufficiently linked with the requirements of local government, which is outcomes based, rather than process. The evaluation plan and reports have to be positive, in order to be above the performance standard. Simply having these in place cannot be a measure of above standard performance. And there has to be some measure of objectivity to the evaluation and reports – who provides these? It would be interesting to see if the parties/agents/ candidates would be prepared to provide such an evaluation – if the commission provided the

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evaluation forms, there might be a possibility of the parties etc completing these, which would be useful from an evaluation point of view.

Are there any areas or key words within this standard which would require further guidance/ definition?

What is meant by ‘evaluation’? This has different meanings in different contexts – in most environments where an evaluation is required, this is an expensive and time-consuming process, which is unlikely to be met by ROs on an annual basis. If the evaluation is the one-page questionnaire sent out to those who have been trained, this needs to be clarified.

Any other comments on this standard?

The standard is inappropriately worded. The notion that ROs provide training in order ‘to ensure awareness and understanding of legislative requirements’ is not correct – ROs are keenly aware of their responsibilities to deliver the election, and so the training is aimed at ensuring that there is no election petition. Training tends to be practical, with clear instructions to call the back office at the first sign of anything that is problematic!

Performance standard 4 Maintaining the integrity of an election Is the standard appropriately defined, taking into account the need for clear, objective assessment criteria?

The jump from not meeting the standard to meeting the standard is considerable. It may well be the case that a local authority with limited resources and little evidence of electoral fraud would find the cost of meeting the performance standard outweighs the benefit to be derived from doing so. The underlying assumption is that the police and/or the SPOC actually are interested in and have the time to devote to matters of electoral fraud. It may in fact be difficult to get the internal audit team to give any attention to matters of fraud. The only way of getting any involvement from the police has been through the electoral commission, as a result of the possible fraud committed by downloading the commission’s own forms! This has been the case in 2006, with the groups of 5 forms with different names (no information has come from the commission on what happened to this investigation – it would be interesting to know if the commission met the same difficulties of finalising an investigation that the RO may face). Electoral fraud is obviously important, but it happens in the exception, not the norm. The expectation from this standard is that every RO must make plans for electoral fraud to actually happen, rather than having in place an effective risk

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management system, where electoral fraud is identified as a risk, and appropriate control measures are put in place. This would be the normal process for a local authority to manage risk, and it would be appropriate in this instance. Essentially, as long as it is possible for the RO to take appropriate steps immediately any electoral fraud is identified, that should be sufficient for this measure.

Does the ‘evidence to support assessment’ section of this standard outline appropriate and sufficient evidence to justify whether an RO has met the performance standard and/or above the standard?

There is no reference to internal processes described below which would reduce any possibility for electoral fraud. In order for electoral fraud to be effective, significant numbers of votes have to be ‘stolen’ or misappropriated in some way. Internal checks by the ERO should identify these problems.

Are there any areas or key words within this standard which would require further guidance/ definition?

The police are certainly contacted with regard to public order. That is a very different matter to electoral fraud, and it is not clear that this should be included in this standard. The RO is obviously responsible for ensuring that electors are able to vote, and this includes a responsibility to ensure that there are no disturbances, and to take appropriate action, such as calling the police, if this is required. Public order is different to the notion of electoral fraud, which may require the intervention of the ERO, not the RO.

Any other comments on this standard?

There is no identification of what measures are in place in order to ensure that electoral fraud does not occur. For example, postal vote fraud is possible. EROs take care in identifying common addresses for the receipt of postal votes – where this occurs, checks are carried out. The number of postal votes emanating from a single property, or going to a single property, are assessed. The number of postal votes across the borough are analysed, to identify any anomalies and ensure there is nothing untoward taking place. All of these activities happen without any reference to the SPOC or the police, and it is these activities that reassure the RO that there is nothing odd happening with postal votes in their area. The minimal electoral fraud that does take place, even in Inner London, is generally for financial fraud, not to change the result of an election. Has anyone asked whether the electoral fraud that did take place in Peterborough and other places would have been identified through a proper risk

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assessment process? If so, then this is the way to deal with this issue. The above the performance standard is interesting. Does this mean that workshops need to be carried out with women from BME communities who it is expected will not be able to vote for themselves? The notion that it is possible to get joint commitment from political parties and independent candidates to avoid electoral malpractice in the middle of an election is hopeful. The local political parties usually agree to abide by the postal vote protocol, and this they do before the election is called.

Performance standard 5 Delivering public awareness activity for elections

Is the standard appropriately defined, taking into account the need for clear, objective assessment criteria?

The performance standard is based on the bureaucratic requirement that there is a plan. Again, no indication of an outcomes-based process, which provides the customer with some sense of getting what they require in order to engage in the electoral process. There is too much detail in what constitutes above the performance standard – the example provided is simply that, an example of how it may be possible to work with other departments. This is too prescriptive and bureaucratic – the RO has to be able to find what works for them, with the resources that are available. It should be noted that the new funding regime to be introduced by the MoJ will almost inevitably result in a reduction of activity for this performance standard.

Does the ‘evidence to support assessment’ section of this standard outline appropriate and sufficient evidence to justify whether an RO has met the performance standard and/or above the standard?

The evidence to support the assessment is again too bureaucratic, and not based on what actually happens. There is an assumption that the RO functions outside of the local authority, when this is rarely the case. The council will have a view on what the RO can do in the area of public awareness, and this will depend on which party is in power, and whether it is in their interests to provide funds for awareness raising. The notion that the RO is completely independent of the political concerns of the council is unrealistic. It should also be noted that recent legislative proposals include a duty to promote democracy, and that this will apply to all councils. If there is no requirement to increase the involvement of the public, then the RO will not be able to meet this measure.

Are there any areas or

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key words within this standard which would require further guidance/ definition? Any other comments on this standard?

This standard has an evaluation process which indicates some sense of what would normally be required in an evaluation. Again, the possibility of the RO actually complying with the rigour of the suggested evaluation, year on year, is unlikely, and unduly onerous.

Performance standard 6 Communication election information Is the standard appropriately defined, taking into account the need for clear, objective assessment criteria?

The reason the electorate don’t understand the communication on elections is because a considerable amount of it is contained in forms and notices that cannot be changed by the RO. The idea that the RO can produce a parallel set of documents and/or information pamphlets is both wasteful and unrealistic. There is no need for the notices to be worded as they are, or for the forms to be structured as they are, with the archaic language that is used. A measure that lays the responsibility for ensuring that the electorate understands the election material at the RO’s door is misdirected – it should be the responsibility of the MoJ to redraft all election material, using plain language principles and accessible layouts. The ability of the RO to produce a duplicate set of documents, while at the same time referring back to the official set, will depend on the availability of funds. As before, the funding regime to be introduced by the MoJ for parliamentary elections will significantly impact on the ability of ROs to meet this standard.

Does the ‘evidence to support assessment’ section of this standard outline appropriate and sufficient evidence to justify whether an RO has met the performance standard and/or above the standard?

Central government has now changed its approach to the provision of all documentation in all languages. The commission does not seem to be following this approach, which makes it difficult for ROs, who are dependent on central government for their funding. In the light of the MoJ’s funding regime, this too could be an area where ROs are forced to make compromises. It would be interesting to note whether the language issue alone was affected by any funding constraint, or whether other issues relating to accessibility, such as the provision of material in Braille, would be affected. The assumption is that the RO will be able to do whatever is necessary in order to provide material in every conceivable format.

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Are there any areas or key words within this standard which would require further guidance/ definition?

Consulted with other bodies – this introduces the vexed question of what constitutes consultation? And what can the bodies involved in such consultation expect? It may still be the case that there are insufficient funds or resources to carry out the wishes of those consulted, or other reasons why an initiative is not actually carried out.

Any other comments on this standard?

The inclusion of the complaints procedure in this standard is inappropriate – a complaints procedure can be used for any purpose, and should indeed be used as means of ensuring service improvement, where appropriate and where possible. Receiving a complaint is not in itself a reason for doing anything differently – it is however a reason for looking at what is done, and explaining why it is done that way.

Performance standard 7 Accessibility and communication of information for candidates and agents

Is the standard appropriately defined, taking into account the need for clear, objective assessment criteria?

This standard is not sufficiently clear – it refers to the RO providing briefing sessions ‘in the run up to the election’. When does this period begin or end? Political parties may have a problem with potential candidates being briefed on how to submit nomination papers early on in the process, and yet the earlier this happens the better for the successful completion of the nomination process. There is a limited amount that the RO can do to make the process understandable and clear – the process itself is unnecessarily complex, and the documentation unwieldy, cumbersome and difficult to understand. The RO cannot redraft the documents, and at all times the onus has to be on the candidate on completing the forms correctly – care must be taken not to expect too much of the RO in this process. There is a real danger that the line may become blurred between what the RO is expected to, and what the legal requirements of the process are – it would be undesirable for the RO or their staff to be drawn into difficult situations relating to nominations.

Does the ‘evidence to support assessment’ section of this standard outline appropriate and sufficient evidence to justify whether an RO has met the performance standard and/or above the standard?

Again, the notion of evaluation appears to be unclear and a nod at some sense of checking on a regular basis, without any clarity as to what is to be achieved. The point is whether the candidates can understand the process, and the responsibility for this is shared, at least between the MoJ and the RO, together with The Electoral Commission. The forms and notices prescribed in legislation are drafted in archaic language, and difficulty in understanding these documents is inevitable. A

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plain language analysis and redrafting of all these documents would result in a considerable improvement in accessibility of information for candidates and agents. It is inappropriate to lay the responsibility for accessibility of information to the RO, when they cannot actually change the documentation. All the RO can do is produce another set of documents, with the essential caveat that it is the responsibility of the candidate to make sure that everything is done in accordance with the law – which means that they have to go back to the archaic documents and try to understand them and make sure they comply with all requirements.

Are there any areas or key words within this standard which would require further guidance/ definition?

Any other comments on this standard?

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Appendix A – Pro forma for responses

We are seeking views on each of the individual performance standards outlined. In addition we also seek specific views from certain individuals and groups to the following three questions on the overall set of the performance standards: Returning Officers – do you agree that these standards reflect the level of performance that is relevant to, and reasonably within, the responsibility of ROs in the conduct of their statutory duties? Does the overall set of standards reflect the key performance issues for ROs? Are there any other areas of the ROs remit that we have not covered, and which can be measured? Should the standards be more outcome/delivery focused? If so, how can the standards be changed to reflect this?

Electoral administrators – how straightforward is it to collect and measure performance information in relation to the standards proposed in this consultation paper? As with all of the ERO/RO performance standards they rely on the ability/time to write supporting evidence rather than proof of actual work done, however I am unable to offer an alternative way to collect evidence. If they are to be completed post June 09 elections the amount of work necessary will impact on the administration of the Canvass.

Political parties and candidates – do you agree that the proposed standards cover areas of specific importance to you and, more generally, support progress towards the shared vision for quality electoral services?

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Performance standard 1 Skills and knowledge of the Returning Officer Is the standard appropriately defined, taking into account the need for clear, objective assessment criteria?


Does the ‘evidence to support assessment’ section of this standard outline appropriate and sufficient evidence to justify whether an RO has met the performance standard and/or above the standard?

Seems to

Are there any areas or key words within this standard which would require further guidance/ definition?

In bullet point 3 I would propose ‘commands the required budget’ rather than is able to as each RO presumably is able to but might not choose to if they see other areas of work as more important.

Any other comments on this standard?


Performance standard 2 Examining the planning processes in place for

an election Is the standard appropriately defined, taking into account the need for clear, objective assessment criteria?


Does the ‘evidence to support assessment’ section of this standard outline appropriate and sufficient evidence to justify whether an RO has met the performance standard and/or above the standard?

Difficult to prove whether they did what is written down on paper, but as stated previously can’t think of an alternative way to do it.

Are there any areas or key words within this standard which would require further guidance/ definition?


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Any other comments on this standard?


Performance standard 3 Training Is the standard appropriately defined, taking into account the need for clear, objective assessment criteria?


Does the ‘evidence to support assessment’ section of this standard outline appropriate and sufficient evidence to justify whether an RO has met the performance standard and/or above the standard?

Yes, however it would be useful to ask for copies of training manuals and powerpoints used, unless the standard EC ones only are used.

Are there any areas or key words within this standard which would require further guidance/ definition?


Any other comments on this standard?

This is an important standard but could be implemented to various levels (ie a 10 minute training session could tick as many boxes as a two hour one providing the correct paperwork was returned to you)

Performance standard 4 Maintaining the integrity of an election Is the standard appropriately defined, taking into account the need for clear, objective assessment criteria?


Does the ‘evidence to support assessment’ section of this standard outline appropriate and sufficient evidence to justify whether an RO has met the performance standard and/or above the standard?

Seems ok

Are there any areas or Clarify electoral malpractice as many people with

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key words within this standard which would require further guidance/ definition?

little electoral experience will view these performance indicators.

Any other comments on this standard?


Performance standard 5 Delivering public awareness activity for elections

Is the standard appropriately defined, taking into account the need for clear, objective assessment criteria?


Does the ‘evidence to support assessment’ section of this standard outline appropriate and sufficient evidence to justify whether an RO has met the performance standard and/or above the standard?


Are there any areas or key words within this standard which would require further guidance/ definition?

No – seems thorough

Any other comments on this standard?


Performance standard 6 Communication election information Is the standard appropriately defined, taking into account the need for clear, objective assessment criteria?


Does the ‘evidence to support assessment’ section of this standard outline appropriate and sufficient evidence to justify whether an RO has met the performance standard and/or above the standard?


Are there any areas or No

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key words within this standard which would require further guidance/ definition? Any other comments on this standard?

I would have thought this could have been rolled together with the previous one – seems slight overkill on communications. I know it’s important but is not a main feature of the election for an EO and as the EO is the one who will be doing the work and completing this form this should be taken into consideration.

Performance standard 7 Accessibility and communication of information for candidates and agents

Is the standard appropriately defined, taking into account the need for clear, objective assessment criteria?


Does the ‘evidence to support assessment’ section of this standard outline appropriate and sufficient evidence to justify whether an RO has met the performance standard and/or above the standard?


Are there any areas or key words within this standard which would require further guidance/ definition?


Any other comments on this standard?

We currently have full prospective candidate and agent briefing sessions but there is very little interest (last year 4 people turned up – two sitting councillors who weren’t up for re-election, the partner of one of the two councillors and one actual prospective candidate – this event took days to prepare for, officer and RO, Deputy RO on the night and was simply not cost effective or effective at getting information to prospective candidates). It appears that the RO/EO has lots of additional work to do which has no effect.

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From: James Steele Sent: 10 December 2008 16:23 To: Lindsey Taber Cc: Phillippa Saray; John Pollard Subject: RO PS - Aylesbury Vale Lindsey, Notes from this mornings visit with Chris Sheard at Aylesbury Vales to discuss performance standards for RO. AV will be responding formally using the pro forma so these are just notes. (my notes make more sense when read alongside the standard tables in the consultation doc) Standard 1: Dubious as to whether RO's would want to sign an appointment agreement including

acknowledgement of role, duties and responsibilities as the role of returning officer is already in the CEO's job description. This sounds like another contract.

Does the RO really have to be aware of EC guidance? Can he not have put in place a team that will execute elections for him whilst he manages in an executive fashion? Most RO's will not have read our guidance and will have entrusted that task to their electoral staff.

Chris thinks that the most debate will be on this standard and perhaps the language could be adapted as it sometimes suggests that the RO should be in direct day to day management of the elections when in most cases they have created a management structure to do the work for them and they are simply briefed on high profile incidents.

PS 2: Consider changing the standard of business continuity to not cover just staff but

everything including software and suppliers etc. (4th bullet point) Evidence for the physical accessibility issue could be an access audit. For the last bullet point in the standard it states "if relevent, contracts are in

place….". Chris points out that his definition of "relevant" may be different to someone elses.

PS 3: Perhaps adjust the language to suggest that the RO would simply command the

resources to supply training to staff but won't actually provide it himself or even attend.

In the standard it mentions that the RO evaluates training every year. Perhaps this could be changed to regularly as some authorities do not have elections every year and this would be a waste of money.

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PS 4: No real problem with this standard. It is usually the DRO and ESM that meets with

the SPOC and the RO will only get involved if the matter is serious enough. PS 5: When below the standard it refers to "only providing limited info". What is limited? Is

this just poll cards and statutory notices? When meeting the standard other evidence could simply be examples of marketing

materials. A lot of authorities will provide adequate communication to the public but may not

have a strategy written down. Chris however points out that we are right to ask for one.

PS 6: Again, this one could be controversial. Local authorities are coming under pressure

from Gov to reduce their expenditure on translation costs. Chris would therefore like some idea of what "appropriate languages" are and if we are in agreement with gov on this one. Obviously the standard asks for evidence which could justify which languages have been chosen but agreement with government could be helpful.

PS 7 Informal checking of noms papers is mentioned as being below the standard and

Chris thinks that this should be part of the work to meet the standard and it is not mentioned.

To go above the standard you require an appointment system. Chris does not use this as it is unwieldy and simply tells all parties that they can call him at any time and he will guide them through the process. He will work around them rather than telling them when they have to come in and see him.

In point 4 there is a typo. The first word should be "the" rather then "this". Chris is in favour of performance standards and we had a discussion of how in the future as responses come in and evidence is examined we can almost start constructing a best practice pack to share with similar authorities. I said that we want to be careful not to simply provide authorities with a template that they can just sign and put in their folders to pass the standards but sharing is something we envisage. He wants us to make sure that the standards recognise that not all RO's are David Monks or Mark Heath and some simply only get involved at election times but still provide a great electoral service because of the management stucture they have created. He also pointed out that we should be sensitive about when we ask for this info to come

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in as for 2-3 weeks after the election they are still busy. Also, the office is not designed to answer our questions. Some plans maybe part of bigger plans or may be contained in numerous documents that have to be tracked down. James James Steele Business Support Officer The Electoral Commission Eastern & South East England Office Trevelyan House Great Peter Street London SW1P 2HW Tel: 020 7271 0600 Fax: 020 7271 0505 www.electoralcommission.org.uk www.aboutmyvote.co.uk

Democracy matters

Please consider the environment before printing this email

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Lindsey Taber Project Officer – Performance Standards The Electoral Commission Trevelyan House Great Peter Street London SW1P 2HW

18th December 2008

My reference: ACF/AL Your reference:

Please ask for: Mr Frosdick

Dear Ms Taber,

Re: Draft Performance Standards for Returning Officers in Great Britain – Consultation paper I am writing to respond to the invitation to comment on the consultation document on behalf of the Association. ACSeS members are senior legal and democratic services managers whose responsibilities invariably include the management of elections. Many of us are Returning Officers or if not are reporting directly to the Returning Officer. We are therefore able and pleased to have the opportunity to offer a few comments on the proposals contained within the consultation document. We welcome the proposal to set performance standards for the administration of elections. Experience shows that elections have been run successfully by local authority Returning Officers and Electoral Administrators to date. However, we are also acutely aware of the limited instances where things have not gone well. It is for this reason that we support the view that setting a performance standard to provide consistency across the board would be helpful and ensure integrity and public confidence in the process. Common performance standards will in particular also assist in addressing the need for a level of consistency in the resourcing of electoral services by local authorities, where the experience of our members is that the position can be variable, and where it can be difficult to secure sufficient resources to support electoral services as against other competing priorities.

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Our key message is that the requirement for compliance with national performance standards should genuinely support the administration of elections locally and lead to enhanced performance. It would be regrettable if the monitoring of performance becomes the paramount consideration above the actual implementation and maintenance of best practice. In other words we should avoid a ‘tick box’ approach and genuinely encourage high standards and sharing of best practice. This will encourage Returning Officers and their Electoral Administrators to strive for excellence and be innovative in the way they administer the election process. Our specific comments on the proposed standards are few as the proposals are relevant and comprehensive in our view. Standard 1 – We support the proposals Standard 2 – For ‘Performance Standard’, we would suggest the evidence to support assessment should include meetings held and progress report. There should also be evidence of engagement with stakeholders. Standard 3 – We support the proposals Standard 4 – Under ‘Performance Standard’ we would suggest that evidence of liaison with the police should be added. Standard 5 – We endorse the proposals for ‘Above the performance standard’ approach to engage with external bodies in order to pool resources and communication channels with other partners where possible. Standard 6 – We accept these proposals. Standard 7 – For ‘Above the performance standard we would suggest that authorities should have a ‘Help/Advice’ service rather than have an appointment system. Access to advice and assistance should be readily available and encouraged. Appointment system may be in use but those seeking guidance should have easy access to such service. With regard to the question posed to Returning Officers on page 32 of the document, our response is ‘yes.’ We also see the need for an effective system for the count and announcement of the results on a timely basis. Occasionally frustrations are expressed about the slowness of the count and announcement of the results. This may be unavoidable in some cases, especially where re-count becomes necessary. Our response to the question posed to Electoral Administrators is that a system for collecting the supporting evidence would need to be set up. The success of the performance monitoring arrangements would however depend on the importance given to the effective management of the electoral process itself. The gathering of evidence should not therefore detract from the main function of holding elections.

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We hope these few comments are of assistance to you. Yours sincerely Andrew Frosdick President

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Response to Electoral Commission consultation paper on Performance Standards for Returning Officers in Great Britain by the Returning Officer and Electoral Services Staff of Guildford Borough Council

Returning Officers – do you agree that these standards reflect the level of performance that is relevant to, and reasonably within, the responsibility of ROs in the conduct of their statutory duties? Does the overall set of standards reflect the key performance issues for ROs? Are there any other areas of the ROs remit that we have not covered, and which can be measured? Should the standards be more outcome/delivery focused? If so, how can the standards be changed to reflect this? The main focus for a Returning Officer is the outcome of an election so the performance standards shouldn’t be over-prescriptive on methodology.

Electoral administrators – how straightforward is it to collect and measure performance information in relation to the standards proposed in this consultation paper? The standards are useful in raising the profile of Electoral Services within an authority but there are inevitably some drawbacks. The main concern is that the RO should be signing up to standards that he can achieve. The standards should therefore reflect this in the way that they are worded and not ask him to sign up to standards which, in effect, his electoral staff are achieving. More detailed guidance on some of the evidence to justify the standard would be useful and offer a more consistent approach to determining these standards across the country. The amount of work involved in providing detailed plans and evaluations in order to meet these standards is also cause for concern. The time taken could be, for many Electoral Services departments, at the expense of

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outreach work and ensuring the maximum number of people possible are registered to vote. The Electoral Commission should be flexible on the timing of the request to have these standards completed. It takes several weeks after an ordinary election to pay people and sort out the finances for the election claim which are both high priorities.

Political parties and candidates – do you agree that the proposed standards cover areas of specific importance to you and, more generally, support progress towards the shared vision for quality electoral services? No comment. Performance standard 1 Skills and knowledge of the Returning Officer Is the standard appropriately defined, taking into account the need for clear, objective assessment criteria?

Bullet point no.2 is too detailed for ROs to carry out. They should ‘oversee’ the necessary actions to rectify any errors in procedure as opposed to ‘take’.

Does the ‘evidence to support assessment’ section of this standard outline appropriate and sufficient evidence to justify whether an RO has met the performance standard and/or above the standard?

Appointment agreement should state that it is signed by the RO. A comprehensive checklist of duties and responsibilities should be provided to which the RO can refer in deciding if this standard is met.

Are there any areas or key words within this standard which would require further guidance/ definition?


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Any other comments on this standard?

An appointment agreement does not prove that the RO is actually carrying out his/her duties and the worry is that some ROs could tick this box on the basis that the Electoral Services staff are actually meeting this standard with the RO simply being informed about it.

Performance standard 2 Examining the planning processes in place for

an election Is the standard appropriately defined, taking into account the need for clear, objective assessment criteria?

The planning and organisation of an election is mainly for the Electoral Services team to facilitate. It is unlikely in the majority of instances that the RO would do any of these tasks personally. The wording should read that the RO ‘ensures that’ as opposed to ‘does’ otherwise there is a real danger of an RO not accepting the personal responsibility of these performance standards. Is a ‘written plan’ really necessary if all planned discussions are minuted? ‘Written plan’ implies more of a ‘business plan’ which is complicated and time consuming to put together. We would suggest a project plan with detailed task deadlines and minuted meetings relevant for the ‘Meets Standard’ and a written ‘business plan’ with defined objectives and success measures being ‘Above Standard’. See areas requiring better definition below.

Does the ‘evidence to support assessment’ section of this standard outline appropriate and sufficient evidence to justify whether an RO has met the performance standard and/or above the standard?

Consideration of physical accessibility issues ought to extend to include an Equalities Impact Assessment.

Are there any areas or key words within this standard which would require further guidance/ definition?

‘Plan’ should be better defined. Does this mean a project plan of tasks to be completed by a certain deadline or a more detailed business plan?

Any other comments on this standard?


Performance standard 3 Training Is the standard The RO does not personally provide the training

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appropriately defined, taking into account the need for clear, objective assessment criteria?

and this ought to be made clear. Better to say ‘ensures the provision of’ training. 3.Individual training activities should only be assessed when there is an ordinary election and surely not each year. 4. Review on an annual basis except in years when there are no ordinary elections.

Does the ‘evidence to support assessment’ section of this standard outline appropriate and sufficient evidence to justify whether an RO has met the performance standard and/or above the standard?

Include evaluation reports in ‘Meets Standard’.

Are there any areas or key words within this standard which would require further guidance/ definition?


Any other comments on this standard?


Performance standard 4 Maintaining the integrity of an election Is the standard appropriately defined, taking into account the need for clear, objective assessment criteria?

Again, RO ‘ensures’ the performance standard is met is closer to reality in most cases and should be reflected in the standard.

Does the ‘evidence to support assessment’ section of this standard outline appropriate and sufficient evidence to justify whether an RO has met the performance standard and/or above the standard?

Yes, but we would like to be reassured that the local SPOC is aware that more contact will be required with them in agreeing this plan. Up to now contact has been rather limited.

Are there any areas or key words within this standard which would require further guidance/ definition?

What does ‘carries out and documents initiatives to protect those who may be at risk of electoral malpractice’ mean?

Any other comments on this standard?


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Performance standard 5 Delivering public awareness activity for

elections Is the standard appropriately defined, taking into account the need for clear, objective assessment criteria?

Again, the whole standard should read ‘ensures that’.

Does the ‘evidence to support assessment’ section of this standard outline appropriate and sufficient evidence to justify whether an RO has met the performance standard and/or above the standard?

Marketing materials and press cuttings would support this standard but may be too much information for the Electoral Commission to deal with (although it would be a good source of information for your promotions department).

Are there any areas or key words within this standard which would require further guidance/ definition?


Any other comments on this standard?


Performance standard 6 Communication election information Is the standard appropriately defined, taking into account the need for clear, objective assessment criteria?

2. First bullet point. Instead of ‘actively researches whether further formats or languages are necessary’ should read ‘takes note of research as to whether ……’ This will allow the RO to draw on the expertise of the Communications department within the council and to respond accordingly, as opposed to being required to undertake his own research (which is beyond the call of his duties). 3. The RO should have a complaints process in place. Surely this is not necessary to meet a higher standard and should be covered in the Meets Standard area.

Does the ‘evidence to support assessment’ section of this standard outline appropriate and sufficient evidence to justify whether an RO has met the performance standard and/or above the standard?

See below.

Are there any areas or ‘Examples of how the appropriate languages and

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key words within this standard which would require further guidance/ definition?

formats have been decided’ needs clarification. Do you mean ‘Process by which…….’

Any other comments on this standard?


Performance standard 7 Accessibility and communication of information for candidates and agents

Is the standard appropriately defined, taking into account the need for clear, objective assessment criteria?

No. 2 should be part of the meets standard criteria and not below standard. 4. Is an appointment system really necessary as the candidates and agents may prefer a more flexible approach?

Does the ‘evidence to support assessment’ section of this standard outline appropriate and sufficient evidence to justify whether an RO has met the performance standard and/or above the standard?


Are there any areas or key words within this standard which would require further guidance/ definition?

There is confusion over the words ‘with relevant staff’ at the end of 1. Should this have read ‘candidates and agents’ or should the whole of Performance Standard 7 relate to communication with relevant staff, candidates and agents? 4. should read ‘The RO’ instead of ‘This RO’.

Any other comments on this standard?

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Response to the Electoral Commission Consultation on Performance Standards for Returning Officers

Electoral administrators – how straightforward is it to collect and measure performance information in relation to the standards proposed in this consultation paper? To make the collection more straightforward it would be very helpful if the Electoral

Commission could provide a checklist or guidance to assist with the gathering of evidence.

For those authorities that do not already have project plans or assessments in place there will be a significant amount of work in establishing good quality plans for future use. This is likely to a particular issue with those smaller authorities where expertise and resources are limited.

The collection of information and recording of evidence at the time of an election will be difficult and will put extra pressures on resources.

The timetables for the evaluation processes need to be flexible to ensure that tasks that take place after an election, such paying staff, preparing expenses, making tax returns, can still be undertaken with the minimum of hindrance. However, it is appreciated that the collection and return of information must be timely to ensure its relevance to stakeholders.

As electoral administrators we recognise that performance standards offer the opportunity to raise the profile of electoral services and recognise that there are advantages to working with partners to develop best practice.

Performance standard 1 Skills and knowledge of the Returning Officer Is the standard appropriately defined, taking into account the need for clear, objective assessment criteria?

The “not meeting the performance standard” should be reviewed to take account of the fact that not all ROs are ‘hands-on’. An authority with an experienced electoral services team, but an RO who does not get involved in the day-to-day business of the election (which, under the proposed definition, would not meet the performance standard), should not be penalised by the standard, particularly as it does not always follow in such cases that elections are not effectively organised. We suggest that the “not meeting the standard” measure should be amended to: “The RO is aware of the personal nature of the duties and responsibilities of the role but does not meet the performance standards set out below.” In the “Meeting the Performance Standard” bullet points our suggestions for change, to make them more relevant are:-

No. 1 - “Is aware of the contents of the EC guidance materials for the administration of elections and is aware of the legislation required to conduct the election.”

No. 2 - should be removed. We feel it is unrealistic to expect a RO to have a detailed knowledge of procedures and the law. We feel this point is adequately covered in No. 1.

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Performance standard 1 Skills and knowledge of the Returning Officer It may be useful to include a bullet point/measure along the lines: “The RO has a strong link with/understanding of the duties of the ERO and how their functions fit into the electoral process and has established the appropriate communication network with the ERO.”

Does the ‘evidence to support assessment’ section of this standard outline appropriate and sufficient evidence to justify whether an RO has met the performance standard and/or above the standard?

It would be useful here for the EC to provide a template/proforma checklist detailing the responsibilities of the RO. Some ROs may consider it inappropriate to be required to retrospectively complete a further appointment agreement. As a decision of Council, appointments of ROs should be formally recorded. Perhaps guidance could suggest that the RO appointment should include a summary of the main duties so that the appointee is aware of the duties of the role. It may also be useful to require the RO to provide evidence that s/he is aware of the election project plan(s) and to show that they have monitored the progress of their electoral services staff against the plan(s).

Are there any areas or key words within this standard which would require further guidance/ definition?

Although we suggest the deletion of the phrase “direct control” in the “not meeting the performance standard”, if this phrase is to remain it would be useful for the phrase to be defined.

Any other comments on this standard?

We would hope to see that training of an appropriate quality and standard is available and provided for ROs.

Performance standard 2 Examining the planning processes in place for an election Is the standard appropriately defined, taking into account the need for clear, objective assessment criteria?

In all of the measures we would suggest that the wording “The RO…” replaced by “There is…”. In the section Meeting the Performance Standard, number 2, the fourth bullet point could be expanded to ensure that business continuity arrangements are in place for all functions and services connected with the election, not just for the loss of staff.

Does the ‘evidence to support assessment’ section of this standard outline appropriate and sufficient evidence to justify whether an RO has met the performance standard and/or above the standard?

In the evidence for performance, we suggest that you include Impact Assessment/DDA audits of polling stations, together with procedural manuals or other forms of written instructions.

Are there any areas or key words within this standard which would require further guidance/ definition?


Any other comments on this standard?

In number 3, fourth bullet point the word “amendments” should read “amends.”

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Performance standard 3 Training Is the standard appropriately defined, taking into account the need for clear, objective assessment criteria?

We suggest that for clarity the initial wording was “The RO ensures the provision of… “ rather than “provides”. A standard indicating that “the RO is able to command the appropriate resources to support the training of staff” would be relevant and in line with the other standards. In points 3 and 4, we suggest that the phrases “each year” and “annual basis” should be revised to “on a regular basis” to take account of the differing electoral cycles for authorities.

Does the ‘evidence to support assessment’ section of this standard outline appropriate and sufficient evidence to justify whether an RO has met the performance standard and/or above the standard?

In “Above the Performance Standard”, the evidence should include the evaluation of the individual training activities.

Are there any areas or key words within this standard which would require further guidance/ definition?


Any other comments on this standard?


Performance standard 4 Maintaining the integrity of an election Is the standard appropriately defined, taking into account the need for clear, objective assessment criteria?


Does the ‘evidence to support assessment’ section of this standard outline appropriate and sufficient evidence to justify whether an RO has met the performance standard and/or above the standard?


Are there any areas or key words within this standard which would require further guidance/ definition?


Any other comments on this standard?


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Performance standard 5 Delivering public awareness activity for elections Is the standard appropriately defined, taking into account the need for clear, objective assessment criteria?

In Standard 1, we suggest that it would be more relevant to remove the word “limited” and amend it to “only provides information to electors via the poll card and statutory notices”.

Does the ‘evidence to support assessment’ section of this standard outline appropriate and sufficient evidence to justify whether an RO has met the performance standard and/or above the standard?

In standard 2 – the evidence could include examples of marketing materials/designs produced for specific initiatives.

Are there any areas or key words within this standard which would require further guidance/ definition?


Any other comments on this standard?


Performance standard 6 Communication election information Is the standard appropriately defined, taking into account the need for clear, objective assessment criteria?

We would seek clarity on the performance measure regarding translations. Current government advice would appear to suggest that public bodies should be more selective about translating documents, and this seems to contradict that advice.

Does the ‘evidence to support assessment’ section of this standard outline appropriate and sufficient evidence to justify whether an RO has met the performance standard and/or above the standard?


Are there any areas or key words within this standard which would require further guidance/ definition?


Any other comments on this standard?


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Performance standard 7 Accessibility and communication of information for

candidates and agents Is the standard appropriately defined, taking into account the need for clear, objective assessment criteria?

Measure 1 –The second line should read “With relevant candidates and agents”, not “staff”. Measure 2 – we suggest that the second part – “offers an informal checking of nomination papers” – should be included in measure 3, meeting the performance standard. Measure 4 – should read “The” RO

Does the ‘evidence to support assessment’ section of this standard outline appropriate and sufficient evidence to justify whether an RO has met the performance standard and/or above the standard?


Are there any areas or key words within this standard which would require further guidance/ definition?

We seek clarification on the meaning of “appointment system” in paragraph 4 – Above the performance standard.

Any other comments on this standard?


Responses to be returned to [email protected] by 5pm on Friday 19 December 2008

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Appendix A – Pro forma for responses

We are seeking views on each of the individual performance standards outlined. In addition we also seek specific views from certain individuals and groups to the following three questions on the overall set of the performance standards: Returning Officers – do you agree that these standards reflect the level of performance that is relevant to, and reasonably within, the responsibility of ROs in the conduct of their statutory duties? Does the overall set of standards reflect the key performance issues for ROs? Are there any other areas of the ROs remit that we have not covered, and which can be measured? Should the standards be more outcome/delivery focused? If so, how can the standards be changed to reflect this?

Electoral administrators – how straightforward is it to collect and measure performance information in relation to the standards proposed in this consultation paper? There is a time and resource issue with providing evidence of the activities currently undertaken in addition to striving to achieve the minimum standard or above. Many electoral services sections are under-resourced and this additional burden may be difficult to accommodate easily.

Political parties and candidates – do you agree that the proposed standards cover areas of specific importance to you and, more generally, support progress towards the shared vision for quality electoral services?

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Performance standard 1 Skills and knowledge of the Returning Officer Is the standard appropriately defined, taking into account the need for clear, objective assessment criteria?

Yes, although the standard definition should be widened to include the “Deputy Returning Officer with full powers”

Does the ‘evidence to support assessment’ section of this standard outline appropriate and sufficient evidence to justify whether an RO has met the performance standard and/or above the standard?


Are there any areas or key words within this standard which would require further guidance/ definition?


Any other comments on this standard?

Performance standard 2 Examining the planning processes in place for

an election Is the standard appropriately defined, taking into account the need for clear, objective assessment criteria?


Does the ‘evidence to support assessment’ section of this standard outline appropriate and sufficient evidence to justify whether an RO has met the performance standard and/or above the standard?

Yes, although a lot of time and officer resource will be needed to fully meet the minimum standard

Are there any areas or key words within this standard which would require further guidance/ definition?


Any other comments on this standard?

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Performance standard 3 Training Is the standard appropriately defined, taking into account the need for clear, objective assessment criteria?


Does the ‘evidence to support assessment’ section of this standard outline appropriate and sufficient evidence to justify whether an RO has met the performance standard and/or above the standard?


Are there any areas or key words within this standard which would require further guidance/ definition?


Any other comments on this standard?

Some Local Authorities would find it difficult to hold sufficient training sessions to cover all Presiding Officers and Poll Clerks – many train the POs who are then responsible for guiding PCs, although all staff receive a copy of the Electoral Commission handbook for polling station staff. The same is true of training temporary staff. The Association of Electoral Administrators offers formal training, but not all permanent or temporary staff are members of that Association. Training for Electoral Administrators and presentation templates would be welcomed to enable a standard approach to be adopted.

Performance standard 4 Maintaining the integrity of an election Is the standard appropriately defined, taking into account the need for clear, objective assessment criteria?


Does the ‘evidence to support assessment’ section of this standard outline appropriate and sufficient evidence to justify whether an RO has met the performance standard and/or above the standard?


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Are there any areas or key words within this standard which would require further guidance/ definition?


Any other comments on this standard?

It has become increasingly apparent that the police do not have the time or resources to involve the SPOC as part of election planning or risk management. Previous concerns reported to the local SPOC have not resulted in any action being taken due to lack of priority and resources. The local SPOC for East Sussex is retiring shortly. It is felt that this is aimed at larger LAs.

Performance standard 5 Delivering public awareness activity for elections

Is the standard appropriately defined, taking into account the need for clear, objective assessment criteria?


Does the ‘evidence to support assessment’ section of this standard outline appropriate and sufficient evidence to justify whether an RO has met the performance standard and/or above the standard?


Are there any areas or key words within this standard which would require further guidance/ definition?


Any other comments on this standard?

Again, it is felt that it would be difficult to find the resources and time to fully meet this standard, but that assistance could be sought from the Communications officer, if a LA has one. Different approaches are used for different elections – i.e. a pre-poll letter would be sent out for local elections, but not for full elections which would be publicised more heavily in the media. Budgetary constraints would play a major part in the actions that can be taken.

Performance standard 6 Communication election information Is the standard appropriately defined, taking into account the


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need for clear, objective assessment criteria? Does the ‘evidence to support assessment’ section of this standard outline appropriate and sufficient evidence to justify whether an RO has met the performance standard and/or above the standard?


Are there any areas or key words within this standard which would require further guidance/ definition?


Any other comments on this standard?

Consideration should also be given to the Government’s most recent advice that Authorities should not be spending a disproportionate amount on translating documents into different languages, and that citizenship classes should promote the use of English and therefore more inclusion.

Performance standard 7 Accessibility and communication of information for candidates and agents

Is the standard appropriately defined, taking into account the need for clear, objective assessment criteria?

It is felt that point 2 would actually be above the standard, not falling to meet it. It also depends on the franchise – LAs would not expect to meet with candidates for the European or Parliamentary elections

Does the ‘evidence to support assessment’ section of this standard outline appropriate and sufficient evidence to justify whether an RO has met the performance standard and/or above the standard?


Are there any areas or key words within this standard which would require further guidance/ definition?


Any other comments on this standard?

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Danny Creighton

From: Alan Southward <[email protected]>Posted At: 12 January 2009 15:20Conversation: Proposed Standards

Subject: Proposed Standards

With reference to the telephone conversation between your Lindsey Taber and myself I would ask you to take into consideration the comments passed to you by Barbara Hill following the meeting on the 15th December at Lancaster with representatives of the Cumbria Group. I would also add that the overriding concern of the Group was that the Standards to be imposed on Returning Officers assume that most ROs have a working knowledge of Elections and would therefore be in a position to carry out any necessary work required in adhering to those Standards. Unfortunately this is not the case and the burden of ensuring that a Council attains a satisfactory rating will again fall on the overworked Elections Administrator.  Alan 

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Appendix A – Pro forma for responses

We are seeking views on each of the individual performance standards outlined. In addition we also seek specific views from certain individuals and groups to the following three questions on the overall set of the performance standards: Returning Officers – do you agree that these standards reflect the level of performance that is relevant to, and reasonably within, the responsibility of ROs in the conduct of their statutory duties? Does the overall set of standards reflect the key performance issues for ROs? Are there any other areas of the ROs remit that we have not covered, and which can be measured? Should the standards be more outcome/delivery focused? If so, how can the standards be changed to reflect this? The proposed standards are appropriate.

Electoral administrators – how straightforward is it to collect and measure performance information in relation to the standards proposed in this consultation paper? None of the requirements are difficult but they will be quite time consuming to produce initially and will further add to matters needed to be done in the aftermath of each major election.

Political parties and candidates – do you agree that the proposed standards cover areas of specific importance to you and, more generally, support progress towards the shared vision for quality electoral services? N/a

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Performance standard 1 Skills and knowledge of the Returning Officer Is the standard appropriately defined, taking into account the need for clear, objective assessment criteria?


Does the ‘evidence to support assessment’ section of this standard outline appropriate and sufficient evidence to justify whether an RO has met the performance standard and/or above the standard?


Are there any areas or key words within this standard which would require further guidance/ definition?


Any other comments on this standard?

Last bullet point of performance standard, suggest substitution of “so that they can” by “in order to”

Performance standard 2 Examining the planning processes in place for

an election Is the standard appropriately defined, taking into account the need for clear, objective assessment criteria?

Yes to bullet points 1,2,3,5 & 6 Bullet point 4 - if this refers to the local authority (i.e. involvement of council staff on election matters), then it should be removed: it is a matter for the council and not the RO. Bullet point 7 - remove reference to contingency plans as these should be included in the risk register in any event.

Does the ‘evidence to support assessment’ section of this standard outline appropriate and sufficient evidence to justify whether an RO has met the performance standard and/or above the standard?


Are there any areas or key words within this standard which would require further guidance/


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definition? Any other comments on this standard?

Bullet point 4 of Above the performance standard: substitute “amends” for “amendments”.

Performance standard 3 Training Is the standard appropriately defined, taking into account the need for clear, objective assessment criteria?


Does the ‘evidence to support assessment’ section of this standard outline appropriate and sufficient evidence to justify whether an RO has met the performance standard and/or above the standard?


Are there any areas or key words within this standard which would require further guidance/ definition?


Any other comments on this standard?


Performance standard 4 Maintaining the integrity of an election Is the standard appropriately defined, taking into account the need for clear, objective assessment criteria?


Does the ‘evidence to support assessment’ section of this standard outline appropriate and sufficient evidence to justify whether an RO has met the performance standard and/or above the standard?


Are there any areas or key words within this standard which would require further guidance/ definition?


Any other comments on this standard?


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Performance standard 5 Delivering public awareness activity for

elections Is the standard appropriately defined, taking into account the need for clear, objective assessment criteria?


Does the ‘evidence to support assessment’ section of this standard outline appropriate and sufficient evidence to justify whether an RO has met the performance standard and/or above the standard?

Suggest additional bullet point: example of publicity material.

Are there any areas or key words within this standard which would require further guidance/ definition?


Any other comments on this standard?


Performance standard 6 Communication election information Is the standard appropriately defined, taking into account the need for clear, objective assessment criteria?


Does the ‘evidence to support assessment’ section of this standard outline appropriate and sufficient evidence to justify whether an RO has met the performance standard and/or above the standard?


Are there any areas or key words within this standard which would require further guidance/ definition?


Any other comments on this standard?


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Performance standard 7 Accessibility and communication of information for candidates and agents

Is the standard appropriately defined, taking into account the need for clear, objective assessment criteria?


Does the ‘evidence to support assessment’ section of this standard outline appropriate and sufficient evidence to justify whether an RO has met the performance standard and/or above the standard?


Are there any areas or key words within this standard which would require further guidance/ definition?


Any other comments on this standard?


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Response to the Electoral Commission Consultation on Performance Standards for Returning Officers

Electoral administrators – how straightforward is it to collect and measure performance information in relation to the standards proposed in this consultation paper? To make the collection more straightforward it would be very helpful if the Electoral

Commission were to provide templates or guidance on some of the evidences requested.

We acknowledge that for those authorities that do not already have project plans, assessments etc there may be a significant amount of work in establishing good quality plans for future use.

The collection of information emanating at very busy periods such as polling day and the counting of votes will be difficult and will put extra pressures on electoral administrators.

The timetables for the evaluation processes need to be flexible to ensure that electoral administrators have time to ensure that the “post election work” i.e. paying staff, preparing expenses, making tax returns etc can be carried out. However, it is appreciated that the collection and return of information must be timely to ensure its relevance to stakeholders.

As hands on Electoral Staff we recognise that these performance standards offer the opportunity to raise the profile of electoral services within authorities and recognise that there are advantages to working with partners to ensure best practice which can be exploited.

Performance standard 1 Skills and knowledge of the Returning Officer Is the standard appropriately defined, taking into account the need for clear, objective assessment criteria?

The “not meeting the performance standard” should be reviewed in the light that there are two levels of authorities, those with hands-on RO’s and those with hands-off. In authorities with strong experienced electoral services teams the level of expertise required from the RO noted as not currently meeting the performance standard may be all that is required for well-run elections there. We suggest that the “not meeting the standard” measure should read: “The RO is aware of the personal nature of the duties and responsibilities of the role but does not meet the performance standards set out below.” In the “Meeting the Performance Standard” bullet points our suggestions for change, to make them more relevant are:-

Bullet point 1 “Is aware of the contents of the EC guidance materials for the administration of elections and is aware of the legislation required to conduct the election.”

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Performance standard 1 Skills and knowledge of the Returning Officer Bullet point 2 should be removed. We feel it is unrealistic

to expect a RO to have a detailed knowledge of procedures and the law. Their knowledge is necessarily at a quite high level. We feel this point is adequately covered in bullet point one.

It may be useful to include a bullet point/measure along the lines: - “The RO has a strong link with/understanding of the duties of the ERO and how their functions fit into the electoral process and has established the appropriate communication network with the ERO.”

Does the ‘evidence to support assessment’ section of this standard outline appropriate and sufficient evidence to justify whether an RO has met the performance standard and/or above the standard?

It would be useful here for the EC to provide a template/proforma checklist of responsibilities of the RO. It may be considered inappropriate by RO, after they have been appointed (sometimes many years ago), to complete another appointment agreement. All appointments of ROs are minuted. Perhaps guidance could be issued so that in the report submitted to Council a summary of the main duties is included so that the appointee can be under no illusions as to what the job entails.it may be useful to require the RO to evidence that he/she is aware of the project plan(s) for elections, and for him/her to show that they have monitored the progress of their electoral services staff against those plan(s).

Are there any areas or key words within this standard which would require further guidance/ definition?

Although we are suggesting deletion of the phrase “direct control” in the “not meeting the performance standard”, if this phrase is to remain it would be useful for the phrase to be defined.

Any other comments on this standard?

We would hope to see that training of an appropriate quality and standard is available and provided for ROs. Not necessarily through the SOLACE route as anectodally it’s felt this can often focus on the more negative aspects of the role of the RO , rather than what the RO can do to monitor and support his/her team in delivering well-run elections.

Performance standard 2 Examining the planning processes in place for an election Is the standard appropriately defined, taking into account the need for clear, objective assessment criteria?

In all measures we would prefer that the “The RO” replaced by “There is”. In the section Meeting the Performance Standard, number 2, fourth bullet point could be expanded to ensure that - Business continuity arrangements are in place be for all functions and services connected with the election – not just for loss of staff.

Does the ‘evidence to support assessment’ section of this standard outline appropriate and sufficient evidence to justify whether an RO has met the performance standard and/or above the

In the evidence for performance you may wish to include Impact Assessment / DDA type access audits of polling stations.

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Performance standard 2 Examining the planning processes in place for an election standard? Are there any areas or key words within this standard which would require further guidance/ definition?


Any other comments on this standard?

In number 3, fourth bullet point “amendments” should read “amends.”

Performance standard 3 Training Is the standard appropriately defined, taking into account the need for clear, objective assessment criteria?

The standard would be more relevant if the initial wording was, for each of them, “The RO ensures the provision of “ rather than “provides”. A standard that details that “the RO is able to command the appropriate resources to support the training of staff” would be very relevant and in line with other standards, In points 3 and 4 the phrases “each year” and “annual basis” should be revised to “on a regular basis” to accommodate the differing electoral cycles of authorities.

Does the ‘evidence to support assessment’ section of this standard outline appropriate and sufficient evidence to justify whether an RO has met the performance standard and/or above the standard?

In “Above the Performance Standard” the evidence should include the evaluation of the individual training activities.

Are there any areas or key words within this standard which would require further guidance/ definition?


Any other comments on this standard?


Performance standard 4 Maintaining the integrity of an election Is the standard appropriately defined, taking into account the need for clear, objective assessment criteria?


Does the ‘evidence to support assessment’ section of this standard outline appropriate and sufficient evidence to justify whether an RO has


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Performance standard 4 Maintaining the integrity of an election met the performance standard and/or above the standard? Are there any areas or key words within this standard which would require further guidance/ definition?


Any other comments on this standard?


Performance standard 5 Delivering public awareness activity for elections Is the standard appropriately defined, taking into account the need for clear, objective assessment criteria?

In Standard 1 it would be more relevant to remove the word “limited” and change to “only provides information to electors via the poll card and statutory notices”

Does the ‘evidence to support assessment’ section of this standard outline appropriate and sufficient evidence to justify whether an RO has met the performance standard and/or above the standard?

In standard 2 – evidence could include examples of marketing materials/designs produced under specific initiatives.

Are there any areas or key words within this standard which would require further guidance/ definition?


Any other comments on this standard?


Performance standard 6 Communication election information Is the standard appropriately defined, taking into account the need for clear, objective assessment criteria?

1. We would like clarity on the performance measure regarding translations. Government advice is currently that public bodies be more selective about what translated documents are made available and this seems to contradict that advice.

Does the ‘evidence to support assessment’ section of this standard outline appropriate and sufficient evidence to justify whether an RO has met the performance standard and/or above the standard?


Are there any areas or key words within this


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Performance standard 6 Communication election information standard which would require further guidance/ definition? Any other comments on this standard?


Performance standard 7 Accessibility and communication of information for candidates and agents

Is the standard appropriately defined, taking into account the need for clear, objective assessment criteria?

Measure number 1 –The second line should read “With relevant candidates and agents” (not staff). Measure number 2 – the second part – “offers an informal checking of nomination papers” should be included in measure 3 (meeting the performance standard). Measure 4 Should read “The” RO,

Does the ‘evidence to support assessment’ section of this standard outline appropriate and sufficient evidence to justify whether an RO has met the performance standard and/or above the standard?


Are there any areas or key words within this standard which would require further guidance/ definition?

What is meant by “appointment system” in paragraph 4 – Above the performance standard? We currently make ourselves available to candidates/agents on request – does this have to be a more formalised structure?

Any other comments on this standard?


Responses to be returned to [email protected] by 5pm on Friday 19 December 2008

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APPENDIX A – Pro forma for responses We are seeking views on each of the individual performance standards outlined. In addition we also seek specific views from certain individuals and groups to the following three questions on the overall set of the performance standards. Returning Officers – do you agree that these standards reflect the level of performance that is relevant to, and reasonably within, the responsibility of ROs in the conduct of their statutory duties? Does the overall set of standards reflect the key performance issues for ROs? Are there any other areas of the ROs remit that we have not covered, and which can be measured? Should the standards be more outcome/delivery focused? If so, how can the standards be changed to reflect this? Yes these standards reflect and cover the responsibilities of RO. Electoral Administrators – how straightforward is it to collect and measure performance information in relation to the standards proposed in this consultation paper? Performance information should not be too difficult to collect, but it is important not to create an industry by requiring huge detail. Short confirmation from the RO should be all that is required. Measuring the information may not be so easy and should not take up onerous amounts of time for ROs and their staff. Political Parties and candidates – do you agree that the proposed standards cover areas of specific importance to you and, more generally, support progress towards the shared vision for quality electoral services? Yes

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Performance Standard 1 Skills and knowledge of the Returning Officer Is the standard appropriately defined, taking into account the need for clear, objective assessment criteria?

Yes. This is for the RO personally. The RO of course delegates significantly to and depends on his or her whole election team to deliver the collective effort to make the election a success The RO can only “command the budget, staff and other resources” mainly from the Council

Does the ‘evidence to support assessment’ section of this standard outline appropriate and sufficient evidence to justify whether the performance standard and/or above the standard?

The appointment agreement should in effect be included in his/her contract of employment with the Council and this should be clear in terms of specification

Are there any areas or key words within this standard which would require further guidance/definition?


Any other comments on this standard?


Performance Standard 2 Examining the planning process in place for an election Is the standard appropriately defined, taking into account the need for clear, objective assessment criteria?

Yes except that success measures in bullet point 1 of standard 2 needs to be better defines to make sure they refer to achieving what is in the RO’s plan “Evaluation form all stakeholders” in standard 3 needs to refer to the significant ones identified by the RO.

Does the ‘evidence to support assessment’ section of this standard outline appropriate and sufficient evidence to justify whether the performance standard and/or above the standard?

The RO needs a project plan, a risk register and a methodology for evaluating achievement. What is measured to evaluate achievement needs to be defined in a simple way which does not place onerous duties on RO and staff after the election when they are doing other things.

Are there any areas or key words within this standard which would require further guidance/definition?

As above

Any other comments on this standard?


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Performance Standard 3 Training Is the standard appropriately defined, taking into account the need for clear, objective assessment criteria?

3 and 4 should be comprehensive to reflect the training which is given to other staff such as count staff There needs to be clarity about amount of training which is to form the basis of assessment.

Does the ‘evidence to support assessment’ section of this standard outline appropriate and sufficient evidence to justify whether the performance standard and/or above the standard?

In 4 the evaluation plan should obviously include identifying training needs for the future.

Are there any areas or key words within this standard which would require further guidance/definition?


Any other comments on this standard?


Performance Standard 4 Maintaining the integrity of an election Is the standard appropriately defined, taking into account the need for clear, objective assessment criteria?

It is not clear what is contained within “risks of malpractice” – Electoral fraud (postal or polling station)? Security which the RO ensures covering the security of sensitive equipment and ballot papers including when in transit? Security which the RO ensures covering the security of premises? Vetting of election staff? The RO response to security issues needs to be proportionate to the history of and perceived concern about security in the ROs area.

Does the ‘evidence to support assessment’ section of this standard outline appropriate and sufficient evidence to justify whether the performance standard and/or

See above

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above the standard? Are there any areas or key words within this standard which would require further guidance/definition?

See above

Any other comments on this standard?


Performance Standard 5 Delivering public awareness activity for elections Is the standard appropriately defined, taking into account the need for clear, objective assessment criteria?

There seems to be some confusion and overlap between Performance Standards 5 and 6 If these are distinct and I can see they should be then we need better specification to clarify differences between words in Standard 5 like “communicate election information to enable voters to cast their vote” and in 6 like “provide a simple and user friendly way to access information to encourage participation. This is not just a matter or reversing these two straplines which have obviously got transposed

Does the ‘evidence to support assessment’ section of this standard outline appropriate and sufficient evidence to justify whether the performance standard and/or above the standard?

What is record of work undertaken in 3 to include – is this to measure outputs such as leaflets issued, electors engaged, number of hits on the website.

Are there any areas or key words within this standard which would require further guidance/definition?


Any other comments on this standard?


Performance Standard 6 Communication election information Is the standard appropriately defined, taking into account the need for clear, objective assessment criteria?

See comments about Standard 5 above

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Does the ‘evidence to support assessment’ section of this standard outline appropriate and sufficient evidence to justify whether the performance standard and/or above the standard?

See comments above

Are there any areas or key words within this standard which would require further guidance/definition?

As above

Any other comments on this standard?


Performance Standard 7 Accessibility and communication of information for

candidates and agents Is the standard appropriately defined, taking into account the need for clear, objective assessment criteria?

Yes except that it needs to be made clear that the communication of relevant information about the electoral process is about the information which is relevant for the RO to give

Does the ‘evidence to support assessment’ section of this standard outline appropriate and sufficient evidence to justify whether the performance standard and/or above the standard?


Are there any areas or key words within this standard which would require further guidance/definition?


Any other comments on this standard?


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From: John Pollard Sent: 18 December 2008 12:30 To: Lindsey Taber Cc: Phillippa Saray; James Steele Subject: Performance Standards - Colchester Dear Lindsey, Yesterday, I meet with the Sarah Cheek, ESM at Colchester Borough Council to discuss the draft Performance Standards for Returning Officers, please find my notes from the meeting below. PS1: Generally feels that this is a good standard. Sarah felt that it will be very positive for the RO to take responsibility for elections

and that this could translate into more support for the Electoral Services department. Believes that there could be significant practical considerations in the way; currently

the RO delegates heavily to the ESM and head of legal (Deputy RO) to carry out elections, the RO is more interested in top line information.

There could also be a time factor in convincing ROs to attend training to bring themselves up to the standard.

Feels that the appointment agreement is a positive move, but that there could be resistance from ROs who have been in the role for a long time.

PS2 Supportive of this standard - feels that many Electoral Service departments have

plans and risk registers in place already and would meet the standard. The one area that could prove problematic for authorities is that of contracts, it has been common practice not to have formal contracts with printers etc. however, Sarah felt that the resources would be available within the council to assist with the drawing up of contracts.

To achieve above the performance standard, feels that seeking evaluation from stakeholders could be a possible 'box ticking' exercise, especially in small authorities where it would be very difficult to get stakeholders to respond.

Feels that the last bullet point in the above the standard section, should be part of meeting the standard; if authorities have election planners they should definitely be reviewing and amending them.

PS3 Again, happy with this standard. Feels that ROs should be called on to evaluate training as appropriate to the

electoral cycle, not every year. Would like some guidance on what a 'comprehensive training plan' would look like. PS4 Supportive of the standard - Feels that this risk assessment and plan for electoral

malpractice could be included in the overall risk management plan.

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PS5 Sarah felt that this was an area that could cause problems - expressed concern that

she wouldn't know where to start re drafting a public awareness strategy (I have since forwarded her the Commission template document).

Also felt that this standard would possibly be covered by the Communications Department within the council.

Agreed that the standard was needed, as it is important that there should be a public awareness strategy.

PS6 Feels that this is a reasonable standard, and that the council would hold most of the

information needed to satisfy the standard. Makes the point that many Electoral Services Departments would be unlikely to

have the resources to carry out or commission their own research, rather they would be reliant on the 'outside' help.

Feels that the requirement to have a complaints process should be part of meeting the standard.

PS7 Again a good standard - no further comment. Sarah is very supportive of the standards, feels like they will have a positive effect, although like Debbie from Dacorum, she makes the point that the RO will almost definitely delegate responsibility for meeting the standards to the ESM. Kind regards, John Pollard Regional Liaison Officer Eastern and South East England The Electoral Commission Trevelyan House Great Peter Street London SW1P 2HW Tel: 020 7271 0660 Fax: 020 7271 0505 www.electoralcommission.org.uk www.aboutmyvote.co.uk Democracy matters

Please consider the environment before printing this email.

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Tom Aitchison CBE Chief Executive

Waverley Court 4 East Market Street Edinburgh EH8 8BG Tel 0131 469 3002 Fax 0131 469 3010

Lindsay Taber Our Ref: elections2009/ps01 The Electoral Commission Trevelyan House Your Ref: Great Peter Street LONDON Date: 19 December 2008 SW1P 2HW By email only: [email protected] Dear Ms Taber PERFORMANCE STANDARDS FOR RETURNING OFFICERS I enclose a joint submission on behalf of SOLACE (Scotland), SOLAR (Society of Local Authority Lawyers and Administrators), AEA (Scotland and Northern Ireland Branch) (Association of Electoral Administrators) and the Scottish Assessors Association. These are the associations which in Scotland represent Returning Officers, Electoral Registration Officers and electoral administration professionals. Please contact Alex Thomson, Committee and Election Services Manager, if you have any questions about the response. His contact details are: telephone number: 0131 529 4550, e-mail address: [email protected]. Yours sincerely

TOM AITCHISON Chief Executive

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Draft Performance standards for Returning Officers in Great Britain Consultation Paper Comments from the Cheshire Electoral Administrators Group Standard 1. Skills and knowledge of the RO It was felt that the majority of ROs do have the level of knowledge to achieve the standard. There are a number of instances where the RO appoints designated officers to carry out the statutory functions, so should the standard be aimed at RO/DRO/ARO/High Sheriff etc. Should the Chief Exec be the RO should they have a dual role; this function may be best placed with senior legal officers who have the legal background and a better understanding of electoral law. Should all RO receive SOLACE training as a minimum requirement? Standard 2. Robust planning processes for an election What work will be involved; would all process have to be documented. The administrator generally has a formal process in place to keep the RO informed, most ROs are not involved with the planning and implementation of the process so should the standard reflect this? Standard 3. The RO provides appropriate training for all staff Again this is a task undertaken by electoral administration staff and the standard should reflect that the task be delegated. The group all undertake staff training sessions and evaluate training provided after the election. Standard 4 Maintaining the integrity of an election The electoral administrators undertake the role of integrity officer with no involvement of the RO, so the function has been delegated. If and when more complex issues arise, the RO or an appointed DRO should take the lead, a senior figure head can command respect and better placed to interface with candidates and the media – there needs to be a timeframe in place to appoint DRO if necessary. Standard 5. Communication election information and Standard 6. accessibility of information to electors.

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The Cheshire group that 5 & 6 could be combined. Standard 7. Accessibility and communication of information for candidates and agents. There were no comments as to the standard with the exception that in general the electoral administrators provided the majority of support to candidates and agents. The general opinion of the standards was that the majority of the RO themselves would not achieve the standard. It would be the electoral administrators who would be undertaking additional work to meet the standards as well as appointed officers for specific roles. Should the standards also be aimed at ARO/DRO etc and perhaps additional referencing to designated officers for specific functions?

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Appendix A – Pro forma for responses

We are seeking views on each of the individual performance standards outlined. In addition we also seek specific views from certain individuals and groups to the following three questions on the overall set of the performance standards: Returning Officers – do you agree that these standards reflect the level of performance that is relevant to, and reasonably within, the responsibility of ROs in the conduct of their statutory duties? Does the overall set of standards reflect the key performance issues for ROs? Are there any other areas of the ROs remit that we have not covered, and which can be measured? Should the standards be more outcome/delivery focused? If so, how can the standards be changed to reflect this?

Electoral administrators – how straightforward is it to collect and measure performance information in relation to the standards proposed in this consultation paper? Guidance/templates on evidence required would be useful for sake of consistency. Collection of information on extremely busy days, realistically will not happen. Timetable for evaluation must allow for post election work.

Political parties and candidates – do you agree that the proposed standards cover areas of specific importance to you and, more generally, support progress towards the shared vision for quality electoral services?

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Performance standard 1 Skills and knowledge of the Returning Officer Is the standard appropriately defined, taking into account the need for clear, objective assessment criteria?


Does the ‘evidence to support assessment’ section of this standard outline appropriate and sufficient evidence to justify whether an RO has met the performance standard and/or above the standard?


Are there any areas or key words within this standard which would require further guidance/ definition?

What do “no direct control” and “strong knowledge” equate to?

Any other comments on this standard?

Identification of “training needs” to achieve performance standard?

Performance standard 2 Examining the planning processes in place for

an election Is the standard appropriately defined, taking into account the need for clear, objective assessment criteria?

Business continuity arrangements should cover loss of IT, premises as well as staff.

Does the ‘evidence to support assessment’ section of this standard outline appropriate and sufficient evidence to justify whether an RO has met the performance standard and/or above the standard?


Are there any areas or key words within this standard which would


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require further guidance/ definition? Any other comments on this standard?


Performance standard 3 Training Is the standard appropriately defined, taking into account the need for clear, objective assessment criteria?

Rather than each year/annual basis, should be “on a regular basis”.

Does the ‘evidence to support assessment’ section of this standard outline appropriate and sufficient evidence to justify whether an RO has met the performance standard and/or above the standard?

Evaluation of training activities needed as evidence?

Are there any areas or key words within this standard which would require further guidance/ definition?


Any other comments on this standard?


Performance standard 4 Maintaining the integrity of an election Is the standard appropriately defined, taking into account the need for clear, objective assessment criteria?


Does the ‘evidence to support assessment’ section of this standard outline appropriate and sufficient evidence to justify whether an RO has met the performance standard and/or above the standard?


Are there any areas or key words within this standard which would


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require further guidance/ definition? Any other comments on this standard?


Performance standard 5 Delivering public awareness activity for elections

Is the standard appropriately defined, taking into account the need for clear, objective assessment criteria?


Does the ‘evidence to support assessment’ section of this standard outline appropriate and sufficient evidence to justify whether an RO has met the performance standard and/or above the standard?


Are there any areas or key words within this standard which would require further guidance/ definition?


Any other comments on this standard?


Performance standard 6 Communication election information Is the standard appropriately defined, taking into account the need for clear, objective assessment criteria?


Does the ‘evidence to support assessment’ section of this standard outline appropriate and sufficient evidence to justify whether an RO has met the performance standard and/or above the standard?


Are there any areas or key words within this standard which would


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require further guidance/ definition? Any other comments on this standard?


Performance standard 7 Accessibility and communication of information for candidates and agents

Is the standard appropriately defined, taking into account the need for clear, objective assessment criteria?

Yes, apart from obvious errors in Nos. 1 and 2!

Does the ‘evidence to support assessment’ section of this standard outline appropriate and sufficient evidence to justify whether an RO has met the performance standard and/or above the standard?


Are there any areas or key words within this standard which would require further guidance/ definition?


Any other comments on this standard?


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Appendix A – Pro forma for responses

We are seeking views on each of the individual performance standards outlined. In addition we also seek specific views from certain individuals and groups to the following three questions on the overall set of the performance standards: Returning Officers – do you agree that these standards reflect the level of performance that is relevant to, and reasonably within, the responsibility of ROs in the conduct of their statutory duties? Does the overall set of standards reflect the key performance issues for ROs? Are there any other areas of the ROs remit that we have not covered, and which can be measured? Should the standards be more outcome/delivery focused? If so, how can the standards be changed to reflect this? General Points Applying to all Standards The Returning Officer should not be expected to know the depth of knowledge that is being asked for in these standards. This might be best covered by the formal appointment of a deputy (often the Electoral Services Manager) who would have responsibility for these standards, rather than the RO. The RO should simply have responsibility for ensuring that an adequate management system is in place. Where the RO is also the CX, or has other significant duties, then there may well be a failure to meet the standards. The CX is not expected to be involved in the day to day running of other services and this should also apply to the RO appointment. The RO is independent and the EC has no power to direct the RO to act in a certain way. It is difficult to see how an under performing RO could be encouraged to meet the standard.

Electoral administrators – how straightforward is it to collect and measure performance information in relation to the standards proposed in this consultation paper? Some of the information will be easy to collect, some will be more complex. The real danger is that performance statistics become just a ‘tick box’ exercise and that there is no depth to the information collected. It needs to be shown more clearly how these standards can be used to improve performance, rather than just making administrators collect and provide information to show that they meet the standard. The collection and recording process will be very subjective and it needs some clarification as to the quality of the evidence and documentation that will be required.

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A lot of these standards are around ‘participation’ and it feels as though the ADMINISTRATION process is not being effectively measured. Participation issues are subjective and these are not the main function of RO’s and administrators. It should, perhaps, be the responsibility of the political parties and candidates to encourage participation. Over indulgence in participation work could leave the RO and administrators open to claims of political bias and there is a need to protect the professionalism and independence of electoral staff. Increasing the engagement of targeted groups, as has been suggested, could make a difference to the result of an election whereby RO’s could be accused of political tinkering and/or bias. Assessment and Reporting Performance standards were not designed to create a league table but that is the way that they are going. Is there a need to ‘name and shame’ those authorities that are not performing as they should? It would be more helpful for the EC/MoJ to work with those authorities on an individual basis to help them improve, if the need is there. Section 3.10 of the document says the EC will ‘monitor the costs of collecting the data’. This acknowledges that there is a cost to the local council of collecting this data and further information as to how this will be monitored would be useful. The costs of collection must be proportionate to the benefit.

Political parties and candidates – do you agree that the proposed standards cover areas of specific importance to you and, more generally, support progress towards the shared vision for quality electoral services? N/A

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Performance standard 1 Skills and knowledge of the Returning Officer Is the standard appropriately defined, taking into account the need for clear, objective assessment criteria?

No. These functions would not be, and are not, carried out by the RO but by an experienced officer within the council. Standards could reflect this by indicating that a key deputy appointment should be made to carry out these activities.

Does the ‘evidence to support assessment’ section of this standard outline appropriate and sufficient evidence to justify whether an RO has met the performance standard and/or above the standard?

Evidence should include the appointment of a DRO with full powers. Copies of RO appointments are not generally available as they will form a part of their full contract of employment which would not normally be shared with other staff (Electoral staff will complete standards forms). EC could assist in this area by drafting standard forms of contract for RO and DRO appointments, covering the key areas as required by the standards.

Are there any areas or key words within this standard which would require further guidance/ definition?

The evidence required to meet the standard will not show how the standard is being met. This is where the DRO appointment and mandatory training would be helpful to demonstrate that the standard can be met.

Any other comments on this standard?

EC could collect and maintain central records of all RO and DRO appointments EC to provide mandatory training for all new RO/DRO appointments to an agreed level. Accreditation of current SOLACE training by EC Formal appointment of a DRO by the RO would strengthen the role of the Electoral Services Manager and the Electoral team, giving the job the gravitas that is deserves. Refresher training courses should also be a mandatory requirement, this may be particularly useful for those authorities that do not hold annual elections. The RO could meet the ‘above’ standard by the confidence that they place in their DRO appointment.

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Performance standard 2 Examining the planning processes in place for an election

Is the standard appropriately defined, taking into account the need for clear, objective assessment criteria?

There is a query as to the relevance of this measure – what are the success measures for this standard other than a successful and legal result? Further clarification is required. It is not clear how this standard will contribute towards improving RO performance when, again, it is the Electoral Services Manager who ensures these plans are in place.

Does the ‘evidence to support assessment’ section of this standard outline appropriate and sufficient evidence to justify whether an RO has met the performance standard and/or above the standard?

The evidence by itself is not sufficient to show that the planning and organisation is of a sufficient standard. There needs to be a recognition that different plans and risk assessments should be available for the different types of elections. Whilst there may be robust plans in place for local elections, as these are managed and funded locally, there will be different plans and needs for national elections. An authority may perform ‘at standard’ for local elections but fall below standard for other elections when outside influences come into play. Meeting the ‘above standard’ is mostly by means of evaluations. This can be costly to do and needs to be reflected in the fees and charges order for national elections.

Are there any areas or key words within this standard which would require further guidance/ definition?

The plan layout and the roles of count staff should be shown as two separate items. Permanent electoral staff should be removed from this standard. They are not the responsibility of the RO but of the council and, as such, are subject to normal council procedures. Temporary staff employed to work on the election are the responsibility of the RO. There are budgetary implications for ‘contingency plans’ which can cause difficulties in this area. Contracts and contingency plans are two separate items and should not form part of the same category (to be two separate elements)

Any other comments on this standard?

This standard will be difficult, if not impossible, to meet in the event of a ‘snap’ General Election.

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There is little time for planning in the event of a General Election and some, if not all, of the requirements for this standard will be compromised. Particularly when changed legislation is regularly a late feature at such elections. Different levels of funding for the different types of election will also affect how this standard can be met. Awareness sessions for MPs and councillors will help them to have an understanding of which areas of the system are within the control of the RO, and which are not (e.g. because of legislation). EC could help with the provision of this information. Judgements are often made of the electoral system, and local electoral teams, based on inaccurate information and information is requested which cannot always be provided and/or changed by the RO. This standard could see some conflict between EC/MoJ/Local councils in terms of national v local arrangements and the various levels of available funding. The electoral system relies heavily on goodwill (as recognised in EC reports). There are no plans or budgets for goodwill and there is no way to formally measure goodwill but it is there, inherent in the system and should be acknowledged.

Performance standard 3 Training Is the standard appropriately defined, taking into account the need for clear, objective assessment criteria?

Meeting the standard to train ALL staff may be difficult and it was suggested that this category would be more useful split down into the different categories of staff to give a more accurate indication of the level of training being carried out. This breakdown should also include porters, facilities management (or similar) staff as they play a key role in the election set up and its smooth running.

Does the ‘evidence to support assessment’ section of this standard outline appropriate and sufficient evidence to

Yes in part – for those elections conducted at short notice (e.g. general election) these plans may not be available as there may be insufficient time to document all the processes. Particularly when new legislation is late, which it inevitably is.

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justify whether an RO has met the performance standard and/or above the standard? Are there any areas or key words within this standard which would require further guidance/ definition?

It needs to be clearly understood that there is a budgetary implication for training and this will change, dependent on local circumstances and funds available, from election to election. Further clarification is required of the word ‘relevant’ and how this will be assessed in practise. What is relevant in one Authority may be totally impractical in another.

Any other comments on this standard?

Funding from central government should reflect the need to train all staff, especially permanent staff, for the different types of election. Training for permanent staff is non existent for national elections.

Performance standard 4 Maintaining the integrity of an election Is the standard appropriately defined, taking into account the need for clear, objective assessment criteria?

No – this standard concentrates on electoral malpractice in relation to ‘elections’ but fraud can be introduced into the system during the registration process and this should also be considered as part of the standard. Further work needs to be done to make SPOCs aware that election fraud might not only happen during an election period – year round vigilance is required. RO’s and ERO’s also have a part to play in the prevention and detection of financial fraud – e.g. the use of the electoral register to fraudulently apply for credit. RO’s will have plans as to what should be done if malpractice is detected but identifying malpractice is a very “hit and miss” affair. It relies mainly on the vigilance and experience of staff which is seriously compromised during the busy election period and by the “clever” and persistent fraduster.

Does the ‘evidence to support assessment’

There should be an element of training as part of the evidence. This i.s particularly important for

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section of this standard outline appropriate and sufficient evidence to justify whether an RO has met the performance standard and/or above the standard?

those staff employed on a temporary basis throughout the year. Plans need to show a clear link between elections and registration work.

Are there any areas or key words within this standard which would require further guidance/ definition?

Whilst the RO can make their own arrangements with SPOCs, consistency would be maintained if the electoral commission provided further documentation and support in this area.

Any other comments on this standard?

This standard should include mention of postal vote checking and that, as part of the integrity plan, there should be a 100% check on all postal vote returns. This full check would then support the work done at the planning stage. See EC quote below: ‘The Commission strongly believes that 100% personal identifier verification is preferred and would represent good practice, as it results in every postal ballot being treated equally, and results in one administrative process for all postal ballots rather than two separate processes being operated side by side’ (Dec 07) Anything less than 100% check would be a failure to meet the standard. Further legislation would help the RO to meet this standard

e.g. non-handling of applications/postal votes by political parties.

Remove the option for parties/individuals to

design their own forms

Allow RO to accept only forms provided by the relevant council

The practices of other councils and the policies of government departments can hinder the work of individual RO’s as budgets can determine how much and to what extent ‘checking’ work is carried out

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Performance standard 5 Communicating Election Information Is the standard appropriately defined, taking into account the need for clear, objective assessment criteria?

No. There was some confusion as to what was included as ‘election communication’ amongst the group. We have to separate out our primary function i.e. administering the election, from the secondary role of engagement. In order for the RO to maintain their impartial position any engagement activities need to be general in nature but we have doubts as to the appropriateness of RO’s being involved in any engagement activities at all.

Does the ‘evidence to support assessment’ section of this standard outline appropriate and sufficient evidence to justify whether an RO has met the performance standard and/or above the standard?

Are there any areas or key words within this standard which would require further guidance/ definition?

Guidance is required for the ‘above standard’ evaluation methods. What will the success measures be for this? Turnout would not be an accurate means of assessing this. To meet ‘above standard’ will be resource intensive with no obvious way to measure results.

Any other comments on this standard?

Targeting certain audiences can compromise the RO’s position – any specifically targeted information can impact on the result and could leave the RO open to challenge. There is some overlap here with the work done by the EC. The group suggested that EC regional offices could take on some of this work and develop local communication strategies. It is not surprising to find that this was one of the lowest performing areas for RO’s. This area of work is often under resourced and is subject to budget constraints. Administrators must first concentrate their efforts on meeting the ‘essential’ requirements of the job and there may be little budget and little time left over for this function. Electoral Administrators are not experts in this area and need to ‘buy in’ the services from experienced

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press officers to support this work. This is not possible in every local authority. There is no funding for this area of work at national elections and inconsistencies may appear at the different election types.

Performance standard 6 Accessibility of information to electors Is the standard appropriately defined, taking into account the need for clear, objective assessment criteria?

See Performance standard 5 also.

Does the ‘evidence to support assessment’ section of this standard outline appropriate and sufficient evidence to justify whether an RO has met the performance standard and/or above the standard?

There are issues around providing documents in other languages as this may go against current thinking in this area. The RO would need to follow broad council policy and there is a move to provide fewer documents in alternative languages. The RO needs to be able to record this as part of the evidence.

Are there any areas or key words within this standard which would require further guidance/ definition?

Monitoring of policies relating to the relevant languages will be undertaken by a council’s equality and diversity section, rather than by the RO. The words ‘actively researches’ need further clarification to indicate that it is acceptable to use information collected elsewhere within the council to determine the forms/languages required. Section 3 – talk of the ‘complaint’ process would be better worded as ‘feedback’ process. Not all comments on service improvements are complaints. This item will be covered, in most cases, by the LA Complaints Procedure.

Any other comments on this standard?

Again, there seems to be some conflict with the work being carried out by the EC in their ongoing ‘review of forms’. If the aim is to standardise documentation than the EC has a significant role to play. Any documents produced now could be of no use following the EC’s review of current documentation. Little can be done to amend some of the legal forms so it may be hard to meet the ‘above’ standard.

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There is a lack of consistency if each local authority designs and produces their own forms. There is a potential for mis-translations which the RO cannot check due to lack of expertise. This could lead to confusion. The RO is not an expert in this area and would need to buy in the service – this is costly even when that support comes from within the council. There is no funding for this work to be carried out at national elections.

Performance standard 7 Accessibility and communication of information

for candidates and agents Is the standard appropriately defined, taking into account the need for clear, objective assessment criteria?

Further clarification is required as to what is meant by ‘election information’ and ‘nomination process’.

Does the ‘evidence to support assessment’ section of this standard outline appropriate and sufficient evidence to justify whether an RO has met the performance standard and/or above the standard?

Further information is required as to the level of detail required to be provided re ‘information given to candidates and agents’. Information may be given verbally but it’s not clear if this would clarify as ‘evidence’. There is a need for flexibility when the situation requires it – this may be particularly true at national elections when there is little planning time.

Are there any areas or key words within this standard which would require further guidance/ definition?

It needs to be clear that ‘the count’ could be in more than one location and the verification process also includes checking of postal votes that could be held in yet another location. The need for consistency lends itself to one count in one location or, at least, a small number of counts in each authority area.

Any other comments on this standard?

Nomination papers – informal checks. It is not possible to check party descriptions in advance of the election timetable, due to the current regulations, which give a silly close down date for registering party details, and this is an area where frequent errors occur. The appointment system should be ‘standard’ rather than above standard. Above standard should be the evaluation. This

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would maintain consistency with the other performance standards. It is difficult to see how this standard will help to improve performance, rather than just measure current practice.

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Ref: JWT/JO/AEA-formalresponse-2008-12-11 1



Formal response to Electoral Commission consultation paper

on Performance Standards for Returning Officers in Great Britain 1. Introduction 1.1 This is a formal response from the Association of Electoral Administrators (AEA) to the Electoral Commission’s consultation paper published in September 2008. 1.2 We have indicated previously that the AEA recognises and accepts the need for performance standards and that confidence in the process will only increase when a consistent, robust and professional approach reinforced by appropriate measures to deal with inferior performance is applied and we remain of that view. However, we continue to have concerns about the amount of resources that will be necessary to comply with the evidence requirements and with the possible misuse of the outcomes that may be adopted. If the results are used in a positive manner to improve standards of delivery along with consistency of approach, they will have served their purpose. To achieve the quality of service being sought the EC and the Government both have a major responsibility to ensure the necessary resources are provided. 2. Answers to specific questions Returning Officers – Do you agree that these standards reflect the level of performance that is relevant to, and reasonably within, the responsibility of ROs in the conduct of their statutory duties? Does the overall set of standards reflect the key performance issues for ROs? Are there any other areas of the ROs remit that we have not covered, and which can be measured? Should the standards be more outcome/delivery focused? If so, how can the standards be changed to reflect this? In our view, the standards set out levels of performance that are within scope and which reflect the key areas of responsibility of Returning Officer. The standards cover most of the important facets of an election although there is a concern that there has been no attempt to define what a “good election” might look like or to provide an overall checklist which could be used to measure actual performance against such a definition. Electoral administrators – How straightforward is it to collect and measure performance information in relation to the standards proposed in this consultation paper?

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Ref: JWT/JO/AEA-formalresponse-2008-12-11 2

It is noted that the standards provide for a self-assessment and are not too prescriptive, thus allowing each Returning Officer to gauge their own performance. However, we do have some concerns about the gathering of evidence to support the assessment process. At the time of an election, often due to the pressures and timescale, there will inevitably be instances where it is not always possible to record documentary evidence of all eventualities, resulting in evidence in support of the assessment not being provided, particularly in the small shire districts where expertise and resources can be found to be somewhat limited. Further clarity and guidance on this issue would be desirable, with the provision by the EC of pro formas and templates to ensure consistency in approach. There are additional points made i the AEA Southern Branch response which we would endorse.

Political parties and candidates – do you agree that the proposed standards cover areas of specific importance to you and, more generally, support progress towards the shared vision for quality electoral services?

No comment.

3. Comments on Performance Standards

Performance standard 1

Skills and knowledge of the Returning Officer

Is the standard appropriately defined, taking into account the need for clear, objective assessment criteria?

Yes, the AEA supports the principle that ROs need to assess their own personal performance and has no adverse comment on the standards set which should encourage all ROs to take a personal interest in and responsibility for the conduct of elections.

Does the ‘evidence to support assessment’ section of this standard outline appropriate and sufficient evidence to justify whether an RO has met the performance standard and/or above the standard?

Yes. The use of an “appointment agreement” would be a move in the right direction. This should become part of recommended good practice with such formal acceptance saying, for example “I accept this role and understand that this will be a personal liability and responsibility that will involve me acting impartially and outside any other role and responsibilities I have with the council.” To ensure that the standard can be measured on an evidential basis, the evidence for at and above the standard, should include a textual description of the personal involvement of the RO in the conduct of the election.

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Ref: JWT/JO/AEA-formalresponse-2008-12-11 3

Are there any areas or key words within this standard which would require further guidance/ definition?

The phrases “no direct control” and “strong knowledge” need to be defined. Without those definitions, they become very subjective terms.

Any other comments on this standard?

Although not part of the standards, the evidence required for the above level may raise an issue about the type and nature of training required for ROs

Performance standard 2

Examining the planning processes in place for an election

Is the standard appropriately defined, taking into account the need for clear, objective assessment criteria?

The general approach seems about right. In the fourth bullet point in number 2 (meeting the performance standard) the business continuity arrangements also need to cover for loss of service, such as IT or loss of venue such as the count centre and not just for loss of staff. The use of “if relevant” in the penultimate bullet point is questioned. A contract should be in place for all outsourced services.

Does the ‘evidence to support assessment’ section of this standard outline appropriate and sufficient evidence to justify whether an RO has met the performance standard and/or above the standard?

The evidence should also include:

Contracts Written instructions/procedure manual, as

appropriate Complaints register/system

Are there any areas or key words within this standard which would require further guidance/ definition?


Any other comments on this standard?

In number 3, fourth bullet point the word “amendments” should read “amends.”

Performance standard 3


Is the standard appropriately defined, taking into account the

Again the approach is supported. For clarification and accuracy, it would help:

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Ref: JWT/JO/AEA-formalresponse-2008-12-11 4

need for clear, objective assessment criteria?

a) at number 1 if the wording “The RO does not ensure provision of any training …” and at number 2 and 3 “The RO ensures provision of ….” was used; and b) at number 3 if the final sentence was moved to be included as part of the evaluation process at number 4. In points 3 and 4 the phrases “each year” and “annual basis” should be changed to “on a regular basis” to accommodate the differing electoral cycles of authorities. An additional standard such as “The RO is able to command the appropriate resources to support the training of staff” would be very relevant and in line with other standards.

Does the ‘evidence to support assessment’ section of this standard outline appropriate and sufficient evidence to justify whether an RO has met the performance standard and/or above the standard?

No. The outcome of the evaluation of the individual training activities at 3 or 4 if moved to there should be available.

Are there any areas or key words within this standard which would require further guidance/ definition?


Any other comments on this standard?


Performance standard 4

Maintaining the integrity of an election

Is the standard appropriately defined, taking into account the need for clear, objective assessment criteria?

The approach outlined is fully supported.

Does the ‘evidence to support assessment’ section of this standard outline


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Ref: JWT/JO/AEA-formalresponse-2008-12-11 5

Performance standard 4

Maintaining the integrity of an election

appropriate and sufficient evidence to justify whether an RO has met the performance standard and/or above the standard? Are there any areas or key words within this standard which would require further guidance/ definition?


Any other comments on this standard?

In number 4, the second bullet point should start with the word “works”.

Performance standard 5

Communicating election information

Is the standard appropriately defined, taking into account the need for clear, objective assessment criteria?

In number 1 use of the word “limited” could be clarified by inclusion of examples or replaced by the word “statutory”.

Does the ‘evidence to support assessment’ section of this standard outline appropriate and sufficient evidence to justify whether an RO has met the performance standard and/or above the standard?


Are there any areas or key words within this standard which would require further guidance/ definition?


Any other comments on this standard?


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Ref: JWT/JO/AEA-formalresponse-2008-12-11 6

Performance standard 6

Accessibility of information to electors

Is the standard appropriately defined, taking into account the need for clear, objective assessment criteria?

The general approach to this standard is supported, but it would be helpful to clarify in number 2 that information is “available” in various formats and languages (and “not available” for number 1) rather than imply that all options are provided whether likely to be required or not. Furthermore, in some circumstances, it may be appropriate for the RO to provide assistance such as a home visit (for instance, where help is needed with completion of postal voting documents) rather than supplying audio or translated documents.

Does the ‘evidence to support assessment’ section of this standard outline appropriate and sufficient evidence to justify whether an RO has met the performance standard and/or above the standard?


Are there any areas or key words within this standard which would require further guidance/ definition?


Any other comments on this standard?


Performance standard 7

Accessibility and communication of information for candidates and agents

Is the standard appropriately defined, taking into account the need for clear, objective assessment criteria?

In number 1, should the reference to relevant be to candidates and agents” (not staff)?. This standard is about the former, not the latter. In number 2, move the words “and offers an informal checking of nomination papers” to number 3 as part of the process of meeting the standard.

Does the ‘evidence to support assessment’ section of this standard outline

Yes, although number 4 could benefit from requiring evidence of an appointment system (through example information given to candidates and/or agents).

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Ref: JWT/JO/AEA-formalresponse-2008-12-11 7

appropriate and sufficient evidence to justify whether an RO has met the performance standard and/or above the standard? Are there any areas or key words within this standard which would require further guidance/ definition?


Any other comments on this standard?

In number 4, “This” should read “The”

John Turner John Owen Chief Executive Acting Executive

Director (Policy) December 2008

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OFFICERS IN GREAT BRITAIN”. Appendix A – Pro forma for responses

We are seeking views on each of the individual performance standards outlined. In addition we also seek specific views from certain individuals and groups to the following three questions on the overall set of the performance standards: Returning Officers – do you agree that these standards reflect the level of performance that is relevant to, and reasonably within, the responsibility of ROs in the conduct of their statutory duties? Does the overall set of standards reflect the key performance issues for ROs? Are there any other areas of the ROs remit that we have not covered, and which can be measured? Should the standards be more outcome/delivery focused? If so, how can the standards be changed to reflect this? Unless the standards are more outcome and/or delivery focused we cannot see how they can be measurable.

Electoral administrators – how straightforward is it to collect and measure performance information in relation to the standards proposed in this consultation paper? Actual measurement is unclear. The existence of a written plan and/or strategy doesn’t necessarily mean that an effective standard is being met.

Political parties and candidates – do you agree that the proposed standards cover areas of specific importance to you and, more generally, support progress towards the shared vision for quality electoral services? N/A.

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Performance standard 1 Skills and knowledge of the Returning Officer Is the standard appropriately defined, taking into account the need for clear, objective assessment criteria?

Is this subject not more relevant to the RO’s Election team rather than being specific to the RO as an individual? In terms of an individual RO we feel that the only persons likely to meet these requirements in full would tend to be those ROs who also hold the post of say Director or Head of Legal Services.

Does the ‘evidence to support assessment’ section of this standard outline appropriate and sufficient evidence to justify whether an RO has met the performance standard and/or above the standard?

An appointment agreement and an acknowledgement of role and duties and responsibilities is not a means of measurement of performance.

Are there any areas or key words within this standard which would require further guidance/ definition?

Does RO refer just to an individual or to the RO function in general?

Any other comments on this standard?

Performance standard 2 Examining the planning processes in place for

an election Is the standard appropriately defined, taking into account the need for clear, objective assessment criteria?

Does the ‘evidence to support assessment’ section of this standard outline appropriate and sufficient evidence to justify whether an RO has met the performance

Yes if the existence of a plan and risk assessment is seen as a measurement of performance.

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standard and/or above the standard? Are there any areas or key words within this standard which would require further guidance/ definition?

Is an “evaluation plan” the same as an election de-brief?

Any other comments on this standard?

As this standard is centred around the planning process we find it difficult to see the relevance of stakeholder comments here.

Performance standard 3 Training Is the standard appropriately defined, taking into account the need for clear, objective assessment criteria?

Yes if the provision of training is the criteria.

Does the ‘evidence to support assessment’ section of this standard outline appropriate and sufficient evidence to justify whether an RO has met the performance standard and/or above the standard?

Yes if the provision of training is to be a measurement of performance. Would a truer measure not be the quality of the training and not just delivery?

Are there any areas or key words within this standard which would require further guidance/ definition?

Any other comments on this standard?

As Presiding Officers have responsibility for the Polling Station and Poll Clerks we feel that formal training each year is only necessary for the POs.

Performance standard 4 Maintaining the integrity of an election Is the standard appropriately defined, taking into account the need for clear, objective assessment criteria?

Yes if the existence of a plan and risk assessment is the criteria, however, whilst a risk assessment may be necessary, surely the need for the production of an actual plan will be very much dependant on the outcome of the risk assessment.

Does the ‘evidence to Yes if the existence of a plan and risk assessment

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support assessment’ section of this standard outline appropriate and sufficient evidence to justify whether an RO has met the performance standard and/or above the standard?

are a measurement of performance. Having a formal plan in place does not mean action is taken. The existence of a plan may “tick the box” but unless the plan is effective then nothing is achieved.

Are there any areas or key words within this standard which would require further guidance/ definition?

Any other comments on this standard?

Will the EC be producing templates for such plans? In order to achieve consistency of approach by RO’s and their staff and to eliminate duplication of effort a Commission drafted template would be useful.

Performance standard 5 Delivering public awareness activity for elections

Is the standard appropriately defined, taking into account the need for clear, objective assessment criteria?

Yes is the criteria is the existence of a written strategy but would question whether or not a written strategy is necessary.

Does the ‘evidence to support assessment’ section of this standard outline appropriate and sufficient evidence to justify whether an RO has met the performance standard and/or above the standard?

Not sure how this can be measured in terms of comparisons with other ROs? What should the strategy contain? Again if this is to be measured then is consistency between LA’s and RO’s not needed here?

Are there any areas or key words within this standard which would require further guidance/ definition?

Regarding the above performance standard, it is not clear how this will be measured? Some authorities may have neighbouring authorities also holding elections that they can jointly work with whilst some authorities may not be in this position.

Any other comments on this standard?

Performance standard 6 Communication election information Is the standard With regard to translation into other languages, is it

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appropriately defined, taking into account the need for clear, objective assessment criteria?

not now the case whereby the trend is to move away from this?

Does the ‘evidence to support assessment’ section of this standard outline appropriate and sufficient evidence to justify whether an RO has met the performance standard and/or above the standard?

What does the EC see as the criteria for the provision of materials in alternative languages? What is the point at which it is suggested that such materials should be provided? Unless the same standard is used by each RO then how can this be a meaningful measure of performance?

Are there any areas or key words within this standard which would require further guidance/ definition?

What is meant by alternative formats?

Any other comments on this standard?

Re our answer about measurement of performance above, is this not just a measure of compliance with best practice?

Performance standard 7 Accessibility and communication of information for candidates and agents

Is the standard appropriately defined, taking into account the need for clear, objective assessment criteria?

Cannot understand why point 2 “The RO ensures that all candidates and/or election agents are issued with guidance on the nomination process and offers an informal checking of nomination papers” does not meet the proposed standard but point 3 “The RO offers briefing sessions for candidates and/or election agents in the run up to the election. The RO also provides information to candidates and agents both in advance of the count and at the venue itself on the processes to be followed during the count” does meet the standard. Point 3 makes no reference to the actual nomination process.

Does the ‘evidence to support assessment’ section of this standard outline appropriate and sufficient evidence to justify whether an RO has met the performance standard and/or above the standard?

We do not agree that an appointments system for candidates and/or election agents is preferable. We operate an “open door” policy whereby during office hours candidates and/or agents can deliver nomination papers. If they wish to arrange a set time they can do but we don’t insist on this. This is a more flexible approach than insisting on appointments only.

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Are there any areas or key words within this standard which would require further guidance/ definition?

Any other comments on this standard?

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Response to the Electoral Commission Consultation on Performance Standards for Returning Officers

Electoral administrators – how straightforward is it to collect and measure performance information in relation to the standards proposed in this consultation paper? Whilst generally supportive of the response submitted by the AEA Southern Branch there are a number of important differences in emphasis. The collection of information emanating at very busy periods such as polling day

and the counting of votes will be difficult and will put extra pressures on electoral administrators.

The timetables for the evaluation processes need to be flexible to ensure that electoral administrators have time to ensure that the “post election work” i.e. paying staff, preparing expenses, making tax returns etc can be carried out. However, it is appreciated that the collection and return of information must be timely to ensure its relevance to stakeholders.

As electoral administrators we recognise that these performance standards offer the opportunity to raise the profile of electoral services within authorities and recognise that there are advantages to working with partners to ensure best practice which can be exploited.

It would be helpful, post data collection, for the Electoral Commission to identify good examples of plans covering training, electoral integrity issues etc. and share those identified as ‘best practice’ for the benefit of the wider electoral community.

There is a need to recognise that if ROs have to work to tight budgets imposed by the MOJ the emphasis will have to be on funding the basic activities and that some standards may not be achieved.

Performance standard 1 Skills and knowledge of the Returning Officer Is the standard appropriately defined, taking into account the need for clear, objective assessment criteria?

The “not meeting the performance standard” should be reviewed in the light that there are two levels of authorities, those with hands-on RO’s and those with hands-off. In authorities with strong experienced electoral services teams the level of expertise required from the RO noted as not currently meeting the performance standard may be all that is required for well-run elections there. We suggest that the “not meeting the standard” measure should read: “The RO is aware of the personal nature of the duties and responsibilities of the role but does not meet the performance standards set out below.”

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Performance standard 1 Skills and knowledge of the Returning Officer In the “Meeting the Performance Standard” bullet points our suggestions for change, to make them more relevant are:-

Bullet point 1 “Is aware of the contents of the EC guidance materials for the administration of elections and is aware of the legislation required to conduct the election.”

Bullet point 2 should be removed. We feel it is unrealistic to expect all ROs to have a detailed knowledge of procedures and the law. Their knowledge is more often at a quite high level. We feel this point is adequately covered in bullet point one.

Does the ‘evidence to support assessment’ section of this standard outline appropriate and sufficient evidence to justify whether an RO has met the performance standard and/or above the standard?

A local statement or protocol covering the RO’s role & responsibilities might fit better, based on an Electoral Commission template. In our case, which is probably not unusual, the RO responsibilities sit with a designated post and this features as one line in the overall job description. It may be useful to require the RO to evidence that he/she is aware of the project plan(s) for elections, and for him/her to show that they have monitored the progress of their electoral services staff against those plan(s).

Are there any areas or key words within this standard which would require further guidance/ definition?

Although we are suggesting deletion of the phrase “direct control” in the “not meeting the performance standard”, if this phrase is to remain it would be useful for the phrase to be defined.

Any other comments on this standard?

We would hope to see that briefings/training of an appropriate quality and standard are available and provided for ROs. Not necessarily solely through SOLACE. The focus to be what the RO can and should do to monitor and support his/her team in delivering well-run elections.

Performance standard 2 Examining the planning processes in place for an election Is the standard appropriately defined, taking into account the need for clear, objective assessment criteria?

In the section Meeting the Performance Standard, number 2, fourth bullet point should be expanded to ensure that - Business continuity arrangements are in place be for all functions and services connected with the election – not just for loss of staff.

Does the ‘evidence to support assessment’ section of this standard outline appropriate and sufficient evidence to justify whether an RO has met the performance standard and/or above the standard?

In the evidence for performance you may wish to include Impact Assessment / DDA type access audits of polling stations.

Are there any areas or key words within this

Yes. The final bullet point of meeting the standard begins with “if relevant” and an explanation of when the Commission believes it

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Performance standard 2 Examining the planning processes in place for an election standard which would require further guidance/ definition?

is relevant should be provided in accompanying guidance.

Any other comments on this standard?

In number 3, fourth bullet point “amendments” should read “amends.”

Performance standard 3 Training Is the standard appropriately defined, taking into account the need for clear, objective assessment criteria?

A standard that details that “the RO is able to command the appropriate resources to support the training of staff” would be very relevant and in line with other standards, In points 3 and 4 the phrases “each year” and “annual basis” should be revised to “on a regular basis” to accommodate the differing electoral cycles of authorities.

Does the ‘evidence to support assessment’ section of this standard outline appropriate and sufficient evidence to justify whether an RO has met the performance standard and/or above the standard?

In “Above the Performance Standard” the evidence should include the evaluation of the individual training activities.

Are there any areas or key words within this standard which would require further guidance/ definition?


Any other comments on this standard?


Performance standard 4 Maintaining the integrity of an election Is the standard appropriately defined, taking into account the need for clear, objective assessment criteria?


Does the ‘evidence to support assessment’ section of this standard outline appropriate and sufficient evidence to justify whether an RO has met the performance standard and/or above the standard?


Are there any areas or key words within this standard which would


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Performance standard 4 Maintaining the integrity of an election require further guidance/ definition? Any other comments on this standard?


Performance standard 5 Delivering public awareness activity for elections Is the standard appropriately defined, taking into account the need for clear, objective assessment criteria?

In Standard 1 it would be more relevant to remove the word “limited” and change to “only provides information to electors via the poll card and statutory notices” as the word “limited” is open to a variety of interpretations.

Does the ‘evidence to support assessment’ section of this standard outline appropriate and sufficient evidence to justify whether an RO has met the performance standard and/or above the standard?

In standard 2 – evidence could include examples of marketing materials/designs produced under specific initiatives.

Are there any areas or key words within this standard which would require further guidance/ definition?


Any other comments on this standard?


Performance standard 6 Communication election information Is the standard appropriately defined, taking into account the need for clear, objective assessment criteria?

We would like clarity on the performance measure regarding translations. Government advice is currently that public bodies be more selective about what translated documents are made available and this seems to contradict that advice.

Does the ‘evidence to support assessment’ section of this standard outline appropriate and sufficient evidence to justify whether an RO has met the performance standard and/or above the standard?


Are there any areas or key words within this standard which would require further guidance/ definition?

Yes, please see first box above re this standard.

Any other comments on this standard?


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Performance standard 6 Communication election information Performance standard 7 Accessibility and communication of information for

candidates and agents Is the standard appropriately defined, taking into account the need for clear, objective assessment criteria?

Measure number 1 –The second line should read “With relevant candidates and agents” (not staff). Measure number 2 – the second part – “offers an informal checking of nomination papers” should be included in measure 3 (meeting the performance standard). Measure 4 Should read “The” RO,

Does the ‘evidence to support assessment’ section of this standard outline appropriate and sufficient evidence to justify whether an RO has met the performance standard and/or above the standard?


Are there any areas or key words within this standard which would require further guidance/ definition?

What is meant by “appointment system” in paragraph 4 – Above the performance standard? We currently make ourselves available to candidates/agents at a set time, on request, to avoid undue waiting – does this have to be a more formalised structure?

Any other comments on this standard?


Responses to be returned to [email protected] by 5pm on Friday 19 December 2008

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Danny Creighton

From: Crawford Sally <[email protected]>Posted At: 19 December 2008 11:17Conversation: Performance Standards Consultation

Subject: Performance Standards Consultation

I welcome these performance indicators and the framework that they will provide to this Council as we seek to develop our electoral services in accordance with best practice. I am particularly pleased that they are not overly prescriptive so that there is discretion to promote electoral participation and adopt processes to counter electoral fraud that reflect local circumstances. Thank you for the opportunity to comment upon the proposals. Sally Crawford, On behalf of Gillian Beasley, Returning Officer, Peterborough City Council Electoral Services Officer Chief Executive's Dept. Town Hall Peterborough PE1 1GF Tel: 01733 452339 E-mail: [email protected] ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ This e-mail and any files transmitted with it are intended solely for the use of any individual or entity to whom they are addressed. However, the information may be subject to public disclosure under the Freedom of Information Act 2000. Unless the Information is legally exempt from disclosure, the confidentiality of this e-mail and your reply cannot be guaranteed. All e-mail sent to or from this address will be processed by Peterborough City Council's Corporate E-mail system. If you have received this e-mail in error please notify the sender immediately by using the e-mail address or telephone +44 (0) 1733 747474 -Growing the right way for a bigger, better Peterborough. www.peterborough.gov.uk ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

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First Class Post Lindsey Taber Project Officer – Performance Standards The Electoral Commission Trevelyan House, Great Peter Street London SW1P 2HW

Christine Dooley LLB, Solicitor Assistant Chief Executive Legal & Democratic Services London Borough of Havering Town Hall Main Road Romford RM1 3BD DX: 138120 ROMFORD 4 Please ask for Christine Dooley Telephone direct on (01708) 432442 Fax: (01708) 432081 Switchboard: (01708) 434343 Textphone: (01708) 433175 e-mail: [email protected]

E-mail: [email protected] Date: 19th December 2008 Our Ref: CJD/AG/1430 Your Ref: Dear Miss Taber, Re: Consultation Paper on Draft Performance Standards for Returning Officers in Great Britain I refer to the above consultation paper and respond as follows:

1. Flexible timetables for the evaluation process will be needed to ensure that Electoral Administrators have sufficient time to clear post election paperwork and it should be remembered of course that often in the run-up to major elections such as European and GLA elections they are required at numerous meetings, meaning that the only time they are able to take leave is post the election date itself.

2. Templates or guidance on some of the evidence requested would be useful.

3. Performance Standard 1 – The Performance Standard should be drafted to reflect that many Returning Officers are not “hands on” and although they are aware of the personal nature and responsibilities of their duties, there needs to be an acknowledgement in the performance standard that they can satisfy these duties through their appointed deputies. In particular it would be unusual for a Returning Officer who is not “hands on” to have a working

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knowledge of the legislation and certainly they would not have a working knowledge of the election software sufficient to rectify any errors in procedure. In Havering the Deputy Returning Officers are the Council’s Borough Solicitor and the Election Services Manager. The Returning Officer would have general oversight of the election whilst relying on the above staff to deliver an election within the Performance Standards stated. I would suggest that the Performance Standard could be amended so that it is delivered by the Returning Officer personally and/or through his or her appointed deputies. In general terms it is unrealistic to expect a Returning Officer who will often be a Chief Executive, to have a detailed knowledge of electoral procedures and law.

4. Performance Standard 2 – Following on from my previous correspondence it would be preferable if Performance Standard 2 is reworded to “the Returning Officer has arranged for the formal, written plans to be put in place for an election …..”

5. Performance Standard 3 – Again the reference should be to the Returning Officer and his or her staff.

It is the quality of the training which should be evaluated, rather than the provision of training. Whilst it is relatively easy to undertake training for European, GLA and Local Government Elections, it is considerably more difficult to undertake a good training programme for a Parliamentary election given the short timescales, the number of staff involved; (around 500) and the difficulties in obtaining sufficient staff to work on elections at short notice. Therefore there needs to be an acceptance that training for a Parliamentary Election might be by way of written material rather than by holding Training Sessions.

6. Performance Standard 4&5. In both I would prefer the wording to reflect the Returning Officer and his and/or her staff. Otherwise I have no comments on these standards.

7. Performance Standard 6. Government advice is currently that public bodies be more selective about what translated documents are made available and this seems to contradict that advice. In this area the demographics are such that we have less than 5% BAME but over 20% of the community are over retirement age so formats rather than language are particularly important here.

8. Performance Standard 7. Again this is making this a personal Returning Officer requirement whereas it should be through the Returning Officer or his or her staff. As far as paragraph 4 is concerned, it would be most unusual for the Returning Officer who is the Chief Executive to meet with candidates and/or election agents prior to a briefing session. The Borough Solicitor and the Electoral Registration Manager make themselves available upon request without any formalised appointment system being required.

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I have no further comments to make on the consultation paper.

Yours sincerely,

Christine Dooley Assistant Chief Executive, Legal and Democratic Services

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Birmingham-2008-12-16 Page 1 of 2

Our Ref: LS/CLO/MFA/JC Telephone No: 0121 303 9991

Your Ref: Fax No 0121 303 1312

Date: 07 February 2012 e-mail: [email protected]

Ms Lindsey Taber Project Officer – Performance Standards The Electoral Commission Trevelyan House Great Peter Street LONDON SW1P 2HW

E-mail:[email protected]

Dear Ms Taber CONSULTATION PAPER – DRAFT PERFORMANCE STANDARDS FOR RETURNING OFFICERS With reference to the above, I write to confirm that Members of the Council’s Business Management Committee, chaired by the Leader of the City Council, and Members of the Electoral Matters Members Forum, have considered the consultation paper and, on behalf of the City Council, I respond as follows:-

(a) Generally Whilst endorsing the need for ensuring high standards of practice, Members expressed concerns that the introduction of performance standards could lead to increased administrative pressures on Local Authorities. Consequently, they emphasised that the burden of any added administration must be kept to a minimum, and the potential to create a target culture must be avoided (Page 5, Para. 3.4 refers). In addition, Members of the City Council wanted to reaffirm the need for appropriate resources to go hand in hand with any consequential additional administrative requirements Local Authorities may be required to undertake. On a separate, but equally key point for the delivery of excellent performance in electoral services, the importance of the completeness and accuracy of the register, (Page 1, Para. 1.1, 2nd bullet point refers) was fully endorsed.

(b) Specifically Following detailed consideration of the consultation paper by the Members of the City Council’s Election Matters Members Forum, and in line with the above comments, the following specific points are set out for your attention: Defining performance standards -

Page 6, Para. 3.6 - add extra bullet point - “reasonable and affordable”.

Ingleby House 11-14 Cannon Street Birmingham B2 5EN MDX 13053

Corporate Director of Governance (Acting): Dr. M. F. N. Ahmad, LLD (Hon), MBA, LLM, Barrister

Legal and Democratic Services

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Birmingham-2008-12-16 Page 2 of 2

Commission’s vision for quality electoral services - Page 9, Para. 4.8 – bullet point ‘value for money’ should be amended to read – ‘efficient and adequately resourced effective service delivery.’

Maintaining the integrity of an election - Page 23, Proposed Performance Standard 4 The City Council wishes to draw the Electoral Commission’s attention to the establishment of its Electoral Matters Members Forum, comprising elected Members representing all main Political Groups on the Council. The Forum reports directly to the Council’s Business Management Committee. The main role and responsibilities of the Forum is to monitor on a regular basis our electoral processes to ensure they are well planned and managed. This Birmingham initiative meets the exact requirements and purpose of Proposed Performance Standard 4, including regular reporting by the West Midlands Police. We commend such initiatives to other Local Authorities.

The City Council has no objection to its response being made public and I confirm if you need any clarification of the above, please do not hesitate to contact me.

Yours sincerely Dr Mirza Ahmad Corporate Director of Governance (Acting) cc Councillor Mike Whitby, Leader of the Conservative Group Councillor Paul Tilsley, Leader of the Liberal Democrat Group Councillor Sir Albert Bore, Leader of the Labour Group Chief Executive and Returning Officer, Stephen Hughes Chairman of Electoral Matters Members Forum, Councillor Michael Wilkes Elections Officer (FAO Yvonne Thompson) Head of Democratic Services

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Meeting with South West Stakeholder group PS1 The standard is clearly defined but may not hit the button. It is idealistic but not necessarily realistic. There is a gain a resource issue of where the standard is aimed – the RO or the electoral service team. There is also an issue of how we use the evidence. There are two types of RO – hands on or not. Does the standard aim to measure the quality of the RO or the quality of the supporting infrastructure. There is an issue of accountability – however the RO is ultimately where the buck stops. Should the standard apply to the RO or formally appointed Deputy RO with full powers? Cornwall has a competency structure for an RO – this should lead to a set of full competencies for an RO which can be used across the board. Should there be tick box criteria within the standard to get more meaningful information for what a RO can/can’t do? Need to mention like to work of the ERO – this applies to all the standards. Does the RO have an understanding of the ERO function? The standard also needs to address appropriate training – should this be done by the Commission nationwide not just AEA/Solace. There should be a separate section that applies to the electoral service team only – their experience/quality/training. PS2 Business continuity should apply for all electoral services not just for loss of staff. Having a risk management plan is fine but how do you guard against printers not providing ballot papers on the day? – this applies to all suppliers. Will this get lost in other work at the end of June? Again need to link to work of ERO. PS3 First line should say “the RO ensures the provision of…” Need the ability to fund the training and ensures that it takes place regularly. Need a phrase that links the training to the electoral cycle. Need to explicitly state training for count staff as well as policies and presiding officers. Need to be realistic and achievable – as difficult to get above the standard. The key will be assessment of evidence.

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PS4 Fraudulent registration is outside the remit of the RO. – should the standard consider other fraudulent issues – such as stuff on registration. If not, this should be made clear. The line form ERO standard “maintaining integrity of registration and absent voting applications” could be applied. Need to define electoral malpractice. The standard is at the right level. PS5 Remove “limited” in level 1 – if participation fund was to stop there would be a problem. Funding issues need to be implicitly woven into the standards – the level of funding and resources available. Different types of available funding is the way to go. Examples of the types of leaflets/webpages /newspapers/adverts etc Should this be set aside or included in the LA media strategy. Level 4 – evaluation methodology – how to isolate value of publicity. The type of media strategy would vary depending on the type of election – needs to be reflected. – also media interest depends on type of election. PS6 Consideration of demographics. Evidence crucial here – what basis is there for making the decisions – shows demonstratable need. PS7 Appointment system – is this explicitly for candidates and agents? This needs to be clearly defined. Level 1 should say candidates and agents and not “relevant staff” The informal checklist ant level 2 should be at standard. When should the briefing session be?

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Appendix A – Pro forma for responses

We are seeking views on each of the individual performance standards outlined. In addition we also seek specific views from certain individuals and groups to the following three questions on the overall set of the performance standards: Returning Officers – do you agree that these standards reflect the level of performance that is relevant to, and reasonably within, the responsibility of ROs in the conduct of their statutory duties? Does the overall set of standards reflect the key performance issues for ROs? Are there any other areas of the ROs remit that we have not covered, and which can be measured? Should the standards be more outcome/delivery focused? If so, how can the standards be changed to reflect this? The standards seem fair enough and all the bases are covered. Key areas are 1) is there capacity to all the work required – this should be captured somewhere, possibly training. Are there enough staff to do an election. 2) the standards should be internally audited before submission to be verified properly. 3) Should be a mechanism where ROs are made to report afterwards – could feed into business planning for next year, lessons learnt or just to candidates and agents. 4) Decision on whether it is value for money in trying to get form at standard to above standard 5) Clarity on how to drive improvement, local groups, nearest neighbours and good ROs should be recognised.

Electoral administrators – how straightforward is it to collect and measure performance information in relation to the standards proposed in this consultation paper? Challenging, but has to be done.

Political parties and candidates – do you agree that the proposed standards cover areas of specific importance to you and, more generally, support progress towards the shared vision for quality electoral services?

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Performance standard 1 Skills and knowledge of the Returning Officer Is the standard appropriately defined, taking into account the need for clear, objective assessment criteria?

Right to have this – but is it focused enough? Should mention strategic leadership of RO. This is what his RO makes decisions on while operational aspect made by team. Is it necessary for RO to know operational maters? Sould be able to demonstrate chairing project boards and attending leadership meetings etc. Above standard needs more. Business continuity form standard 2 should be here overarching all the standards.

Does the ‘evidence to support assessment’ section of this standard outline appropriate and sufficient evidence to justify whether an RO has met the performance standard and/or above the standard?


Are there any areas or key words within this standard which would require further guidance/ definition?

Any other comments on this standard?

Performance standard 2 Examining the planning processes in place for

an election Is the standard appropriately defined, taking into account the need for clear, objective assessment criteria?

Business continuity form standard 2 should be here overarching all the standards.

Does the ‘evidence to support assessment’ section of this standard outline appropriate and sufficient evidence to justify whether an RO has met the performance standard and/or above the standard?

Are there any areas or key words within this standard which would require further guidance/ definition?

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Any other comments on this standard?

Performance standard 3 Training Is the standard appropriately defined, taking into account the need for clear, objective assessment criteria?

Issue is the appropriate number of staff irrespective of training. This should be covered somewhere.

Does the ‘evidence to support assessment’ section of this standard outline appropriate and sufficient evidence to justify whether an RO has met the performance standard and/or above the standard?

Are there any areas or key words within this standard which would require further guidance/ definition?

Any other comments on this standard?

Performance standard 4 Maintaining the integrity of an election Is the standard appropriately defined, taking into account the need for clear, objective assessment criteria?

Does the ‘evidence to support assessment’ section of this standard outline appropriate and sufficient evidence to justify whether an RO has met the performance standard and/or above the standard?

Are there any areas or key words within this standard which would require further guidance/ definition?

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Any other comments on this standard?

Performance standard 5 Delivering public awareness activity for elections

Is the standard appropriately defined, taking into account the need for clear, objective assessment criteria?

Should be a criteria to ensure full result is published at the end of an election.

Does the ‘evidence to support assessment’ section of this standard outline appropriate and sufficient evidence to justify whether an RO has met the performance standard and/or above the standard?

Are there any areas or key words within this standard which would require further guidance/ definition?

Any other comments on this standard?

Performance standard 6 Communication election information Is the standard appropriately defined, taking into account the need for clear, objective assessment criteria?

Does the ‘evidence to support assessment’ section of this standard outline appropriate and sufficient evidence to justify whether an RO has met the performance standard and/or above the standard?

Are there any areas or key words within this standard which would require further guidance/ definition?

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Any other comments on this standard?

Performance standard 7 Accessibility and communication of information for candidates and agents

Is the standard appropriately defined, taking into account the need for clear, objective assessment criteria?

A report should be written at the end outlining turnout, recounts etc with all vital figures – in line with transparency. This could also cross over to ERO standards.

Does the ‘evidence to support assessment’ section of this standard outline appropriate and sufficient evidence to justify whether an RO has met the performance standard and/or above the standard?

Are there any areas or key words within this standard which would require further guidance/ definition?

Any other comments on this standard?

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Response to the Electoral Commission Consultation on Performance Standards for Returning Officers

Electoral administrators – how straightforward is it to collect and measure performance information in relation to the standards proposed in this consultation paper? It would be very helpful if the Electoral Commission were to provide templates or

guidance on some of the evidences requested. The collection of information arising from very busy periods such as polling day and

the counting of votes will be difficult and will put extra pressures on electoral staff. The timetables for the submission of information required for the evaluation

processes need to be realistic to ensure that electoral administrators have time to ensure that the “post election work” i.e. paying staff, preparing the returns of expenses, making tax returns etc can be carried out. However, it is appreciated that the collection and return of information must be timely to ensure its relevance to stakeholders.

Performance standard 1 Skills and knowledge of the Returning Officer Is the standard appropriately defined, taking into account the need for clear, objective assessment criteria?

We consider that the “not meeting the performance standard” should be reviewed. Returning Officers generally fall into two classes, those very hands-on, and those who, while having overall responsibility for the election, do not get involved in the day-to-day administration of the election. We do not see the latter as a disadvantage, provided the RO ensures the lawful and effective running of elections. We suggest that the “not meeting the standard” measure should read: “The RO is aware of the personal nature of the duties and responsibilities of the role but does not meet the performance standards set out below.” In the “Meeting the Performance Standard” bullet points our suggestions for change are:-

Bullet point 1should read: “Is aware of the contents of the EC guidance materials for the administration of elections and is aware of the legislation required to conduct the election.”

Bullet point 2 should be removed. We feel it is unrealistic to expect all ROs to have a detailed knowledge of procedures and the law. Their knowledge is necessarily at a quite high level. We feel this point is adequately covered in bullet point one.

It may be useful to include a bullet point/measure along the lines: - “The RO has a strong link with/understanding of the duties of the ERO and how their functions fit into the electoral process and has established the appropriate communication network with the ERO.”

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Performance standard 1 Skills and knowledge of the Returning Officer

Does the ‘evidence to support assessment’ section of this standard outline appropriate and sufficient evidence to justify whether an RO has met the performance standard and/or above the standard?++

It would be useful here for the EC to provide a template/proforma checklist of responsibilities of the RO. It may be considered inappropriate by the RO, after they have been appointed (sometimes many years ago), to complete another appointment agreement. All appointments of ROs have been agreed by Councils and details of their appointments are minuted. Perhaps guidance could be issued so that in the report submitted to Council a summary of the main duties is included so that the duties and responsibilities of the role are set out, for the benefit of both the individual and the Council. In addition, it may be useful to require the RO to evidence that he/she is aware of the project plan(s) for elections, and for him/her to show that they have monitored the progress of their electoral services staff against those plan(s).

Are there any areas or key words within this standard which would require further guidance/ definition?

Although we are suggesting deletion of the phrase “direct control” in the “not meeting the performance standard”, if these words do remain it would be useful for them to be defined.

Any other comments on this standard?

We would hope to see that training of an appropriate quality and standard is available and provided for ROs.

Performance standard 2 Examining the planning processes in place for an election Is the standard appropriately defined, taking into account the need for clear, objective assessment criteria?

In all measures we would prefer that the “The RO” replaced by “There is”. In the section Meeting the Performance Standard, number 2, fourth bullet point could be expanded to ensure that - “Business continuity arrangements are in place be for all functions and services connected with the election – not just for loss of staff”.

Does the ‘evidence to support assessment’ section of this standard outline appropriate and sufficient evidence to justify whether an RO has met the performance standard and/or above the standard?

In the evidence for performance you may wish to include Impact Assessment / DDA type access audits of polling stations.

Are there any areas or key words within this standard which would require further guidance/ definition?


Any other comments on this standard?

In number 3, fourth bullet point “amendments” should read “amends.”

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Performance standard 3 Training Is the standard appropriately defined, taking into account the need for clear, objective assessment criteria?

The standard would be more relevant if the initial wording was, for each, “The RO ensures the provision of” rather than “provides”. A standard that details that “the RO is able to command the appropriate resources to support the training of staff” would be very relevant and in line with other standards. In points 3 and 4 the phrases “each year” and “annual basis” should be revised to “on a regular basis” to accommodate the differing electoral cycles of authorities.

Does the ‘evidence to support assessment’ section of this standard outline appropriate and sufficient evidence to justify whether an RO has met the performance standard and/or above the standard?

In “Above the Performance Standard” the evidence should include the evaluation of the individual training activities.

Are there any areas or key words within this standard which would require further guidance/ definition?


Any other comments on this standard?


Performance standard 4 Maintaining the integrity of an election Is the standard appropriately defined, taking into account the need for clear, objective assessment criteria?


Does the ‘evidence to support assessment’ section of this standard outline appropriate and sufficient evidence to justify whether an RO has met the performance standard and/or above the standard?


Are there any areas or key words within this standard which would require further guidance/ definition?


Any other comments on this standard?


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Performance standard 5 Delivering public awareness activity for elections Is the standard appropriately defined, taking into account the need for clear, objective assessment criteria?

In Standard 1 it would be more relevant to remove the word “limited” and change to “only provides information to electors via the poll card and statutory notices”.

Does the ‘evidence to support assessment’ section of this standard outline appropriate and sufficient evidence to justify whether an RO has met the performance standard and/or above the standard?

In standard 2 – evidence could include examples of marketing materials/designs produced under specific initiatives.

Are there any areas or key words within this standard which would require further guidance/ definition?


Any other comments on this standard?


Performance standard 6 Communication election information Is the standard appropriately defined, taking into account the need for clear, objective assessment criteria?

We would like clarity on the performance measure regarding translations. Government advice is currently that public bodies be more selective about what translated documents are made available and this seems to contradict that advice.

Does the ‘evidence to support assessment’ section of this standard outline appropriate and sufficient evidence to justify whether an RO has met the performance standard and/or above the standard?


Are there any areas or key words within this standard which would require further guidance/ definition?


Any other comments on this standard?


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Performance standard 7 Accessibility and communication of information for

candidates and agents Is the standard appropriately defined, taking into account the need for clear, objective assessment criteria?

Measure number 1 –The second line should read “With relevant candidates and agents” (not staff). Measure number 2 – the second part – “offers an informal checking of nomination papers” should be included in measure 3 (meeting the performance standard). Measure 4 Should read “The” RO,

Does the ‘evidence to support assessment’ section of this standard outline appropriate and sufficient evidence to justify whether an RO has met the performance standard and/or above the standard?


Are there any areas or key words within this standard which would require further guidance/ definition?

What is meant by “appointment system” in paragraph 4 – Above the performance standard? We currently make ourselves available to candidates/agents on request – does this have to be a more formalised structure?

Any other comments on this standard?


Responses to be returned to [email protected] by 5pm on Friday 19 December 2008

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Appendix A – Pro forma for responses

We are seeking views on each of the individual performance standards outlined. In addition we also seek specific views from certain individuals and groups to the following three questions on the overall set of the performance standards: Returning Officers – do you agree that these standards reflect the level of performance that is relevant to, and reasonably within, the responsibility of ROs in the conduct of their statutory duties? Does the overall set of standards reflect the key performance issues for ROs? Are there any other areas of the ROs remit that we have not covered, and which can be measured? Should the standards be more outcome/delivery focused? If so, how can the standards be changed to reflect this? The standards reflect the level of performance that is relevant to the responsibility of ROs in the conduct of their statutory duties.

Electoral administrators – how straightforward is it to collect and measure performance information in relation to the standards proposed in this consultation paper? It should be straightforward to collect and measure the performance information.

Political parties and candidates – do you agree that the proposed standards cover areas of specific importance to you and, more generally, support progress towards the shared vision for quality electoral services? No comment

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Performance standard 1 Skills and knowledge of the Returning Officer Is the standard appropriately defined, taking into account the need for clear, objective assessment criteria?

The role of the RO does not require him / her personally to have the skills, training and knowledge to carry out an election. This should not be the criteria for a performance standard. Statute provides that the RO shall be appointed by (in Scotland) the Local Authority. In most cases, the appointed Officer is the Chief Executive. The Chief Executive is appointed manage all functions of the Local Authority. It should be incumbent on the RO to ensure that the Local Authority has a sufficient number of staff who have the necessary skills, training and knowledge to carry out an election.

Does the ‘evidence to support assessment’ section of this standard outline appropriate and sufficient evidence to justify whether an RO has met the performance standard and/or above the standard?

The evidence should include details of the structure of the election management team and allocated responsibilities.

Are there any areas or key words within this standard which would require further guidance/ definition?


Any other comments on this standard?


Performance standard 2 Examining the planning processes in place for

an election Is the standard appropriately defined, taking into account the need for clear, objective assessment criteria?

Yes, although the presence of a detailed project plan does not ensure delivery of a “successful” election. There should be reference to the RO meeting his/her statutory responsibilities, particularly the election timetable.

Does the ‘evidence to support assessment’ section of this standard outline appropriate and sufficient evidence to justify whether an RO has

The project plan should refer to other issues that are integral to then running of an election, such as:- Contingency Plan and Risk Register; Communications Plan; Recruitment Plan;

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met the performance standard and/or above the standard?

Financial Plan; Business Continuity Plan; Information Systems (IT) Plan Plan to deal with Electoral Malpractice

Are there any areas or key words within this standard which would require further guidance/ definition?

Further guidance on dealing with electoral malpractice would be helpful. It should be borne in mind that there is little evidence of malpractice in Scotland.

Any other comments on this standard?


Performance standard 3 Training Is the standard appropriately defined, taking into account the need for clear, objective assessment criteria?

It should be highlighted that the definition of staff includes all staff involved in the election, not just Poll Staff.

Does the ‘evidence to support assessment’ section of this standard outline appropriate and sufficient evidence to justify whether an RO has met the performance standard and/or above the standard?


Are there any areas or key words within this standard which would require further guidance/ definition?


Any other comments on this standard?


Performance standard 4 Maintaining the integrity of an election Is the standard appropriately defined, taking into account the need for clear, objective assessment criteria?

There is no definition of Electoral Malpractice. It should be made clear that malpractice covers all aspects of the election process and includes malpractice by Government, Election Staff, Candidates, Agents, Electors and the Media.

Does the ‘evidence to support assessment’ section of this standard

No. Once the term malpractice has been defined, then the evidence required could be determined.

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outline appropriate and sufficient evidence to justify whether an RO has met the performance standard and/or above the standard? Are there any areas or key words within this standard which would require further guidance/ definition?

Yes – defining malpractice

Any other comments on this standard?


Performance standard 5 Delivering public awareness activity for elections

Is the standard appropriately defined, taking into account the need for clear, objective assessment criteria?

This standard is very similar to Standard 6 below. Its intention should be clarified. The Public Awareness Strategy should be aimed at meeting the RO’s responsibility under the Electoral Administration Act 2006 and the Local Electoral Administration and Registration Services (Scotland) Act 2006.

Does the ‘evidence to support assessment’ section of this standard outline appropriate and sufficient evidence to justify whether an RO has met the performance standard and/or above the standard?

Yes, subject to the above

Are there any areas or key words within this standard which would require further guidance/ definition?


Any other comments on this standard?


Performance standard 6 Communication election information Is the standard appropriately defined, taking into account the need for clear, objective assessment criteria?

See comments on Standard 5.

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Does the ‘evidence to support assessment’ section of this standard outline appropriate and sufficient evidence to justify whether an RO has met the performance standard and/or above the standard?

Are there any areas or key words within this standard which would require further guidance/ definition?

Any other comments on this standard?

Performance standard 7 Accessibility and communication of information for candidates and agents

Is the standard appropriately defined, taking into account the need for clear, objective assessment criteria?


Does the ‘evidence to support assessment’ section of this standard outline appropriate and sufficient evidence to justify whether an RO has met the performance standard and/or above the standard?


Are there any areas or key words within this standard which would require further guidance/ definition?


Any other comments on this standard?


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Appendix A – Pro forma for responses

We are seeking views on each of the individual performance standards outlined. In addition we also seek specific views from certain individuals and groups to the following three questions on the overall set of the performance standards: Returning Officers – do you agree that these standards reflect the level of performance that is relevant to, and reasonably within, the responsibility of ROs in the conduct of their statutory duties? Does the overall set of standards reflect the key performance issues for ROs? Are there any other areas of the ROs remit that we have not covered, and which can be measured? Should the standards be more outcome/delivery focused? If so, how can the standards be changed to reflect this? General It is noted that the Commission has chosen a thematic approach to the functions. Whilst understanding the rationale for this , the London Branch would see value in future assessments being sought for specific areas of work, to back up the information collected on these areas after elections by the Commission. It is considered that there would be difficulties in drawing up standards for functions such as performance in running the count, as timings and other arrangements could be influenced by local factors. There is a need to consider a specific London dimension to the running of elections, and to seek some specific London feedback on future major election returns.

Electoral administrators – how straightforward is it to collect and measure performance information in relation to the standards proposed in this consultation paper? As above.

Political parties and candidates – do you agree that the proposed standards cover areas of specific importance to you and, more generally, support progress towards the shared vision for quality electoral services?

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Performance standard 1 Skills and knowledge of the Returning Officer Is the standard appropriately defined, taking into account the need for clear, objective assessment criteria?

There is some concern this standard needs to make clear that it is referring to the Returning Officer in person,( whereas the other standards referred to areas where the activities may be delegated by the Returning Officer).

Does the ‘evidence to support assessment’ section of this standard outline appropriate and sufficient evidence to justify whether an RO has met the performance standard and/or above the standard?

It is likely that many Returning Officers do not see it as their role to be directly aware of the detail of running an election, and this viewpoint may be put forward by SOLACE. However, there was a recognition that given the nature of the role and the ultimate responsibilities falling on the Returning Officer, it is reasonable to have a standard in place but that the details of what this should include should be reviewed. For example, it may not be reasonable to expect the RO to have detailed knowledge of the Electoral Commission guidance material and in terms of working knowledge of legislation, it has to be acknowledged that many Returning Officers were no longer legal officers.

Are there any areas or key words within this standard which would require further guidance/ definition?

It is considered that the standards should concentrate on the critical parts of the election at which the Returning Officer became involved, notably the count arrangements. Also, an acknowledgment that Returning Officers are accountable for the cost of elections.

Any other comments on this standard?

The standards generally should reflect the reality that administrators wanted Returning Officers to be interested and engaged but that their staff should be entrusted to get on with the actual job of running the elections.

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Performance standard 2 Examining the planning processes in place for

an election Is the standard appropriately defined, taking into account the need for clear, objective assessment criteria?


Does the ‘evidence to support assessment’ section of this standard outline appropriate and sufficient evidence to justify whether an RO has met the performance standard and/or above the standard?


Are there any areas or key words within this standard which would require further guidance/ definition?


Any other comments on this standard?

Performance standard 3 Training Is the standard appropriately defined, taking into account the need for clear, objective assessment criteria?

It is suggested that for this Standard and elsewhere after Standard One the wording ‘ The Returning Officer provides’ should be amended to read ‘ The Returning Officer ensures that provision is made…’ , to recognise that this is a facilitating role rather than the direct responsibility of the RO.

Does the ‘evidence to support assessment’ section of this standard outline appropriate and sufficient evidence to justify whether an RO has met the performance standard and/or above the standard?


Are there any areas or key words within this standard which would require further guidance/ definition?

On disability awareness, there is a need to clarify if inclusion in general training would be sufficient, given the likely resource implications of arranging general training for all election staff.

Any other comments on this standard?

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Performance standard 4 Maintaining the integrity of an election Is the standard appropriately defined, taking into account the need for clear, objective assessment criteria?

It is queried whether specific written plans were needed under this Standard. The last part of the Above the Standard draft wording – work with political parties and independent candidates – is considered to be a standard part of the work by many offices to promote integrity and deter fraud and it is suggested that this be brought into the main body of the Standard.

Does the ‘evidence to support assessment’ section of this standard outline appropriate and sufficient evidence to justify whether an RO has met the performance standard and/or above the standard?

It is considered that the reference to SPOCs for the development of links should be taken out as in practice these officers would see this as a high priority unless critical issues had arisen at elections. It is suggested that instead there should be reference to contacts with Councils’ Internal Audit teams.

Are there any areas or key words within this standard which would require further guidance/ definition?

Any other comments on this standard?

Performance standard 5 Delivering public awareness activity for elections

Is the standard appropriately defined, taking into account the need for clear, objective assessment criteria?


Does the ‘evidence to support assessment’ section of this standard outline appropriate and sufficient evidence to justify whether an RO has met the performance standard and/or above the standard?


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Are there any areas or key words within this standard which would require further guidance/ definition?


Any other comments on this standard?

It is considered that in addition to a written strategy, evidence of actual communications exercises should be included. This would also enable evidence to be collected of where authorities had been unable to undertake this work due to resource constraints.

Performance standard 6 Communication election information Is the standard appropriately defined, taking into account the need for clear, objective assessment criteria?

The general approach of this Standard is supported but there is concern at the resource implications of some of the detail.

Does the ‘evidence to support assessment’ section of this standard outline appropriate and sufficient evidence to justify whether an RO has met the performance standard and/or above the standard?

It is suggested that the first bullet point should be amended to take out the wording ‘ and actively researches whether further formats or languages are necessary’ as it is considered that elections offices would obtain this information from Communications or Equalities offices.

Are there any areas or key words within this standard which would require further guidance/ definition?

Clarification is needed of the extent for the use for different languages given the recent Government shift in emphasis towards an expectation of understanding English in official forms and communications.

Any other comments on this standard?

The current language of many standard election documents such as nomination papers needs improvement and putting into plain English, and the reviews which the Commission is taking of all election documentation is welcomed.

Performance standard 7 Accessibility and communication of information for candidates and agents

Is the standard appropriately defined, taking into account the need for clear, objective assessment criteria?

There is general support for this proposed Standard, which most offices see as essential activities.

Does the ‘evidence to Yes

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support assessment’ section of this standard outline appropriate and sufficient evidence to justify whether an RO has met the performance standard and/or above the standard? Are there any areas or key words within this standard which would require further guidance/ definition?

Any other comments on this standard?

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Response to the Electoral Commission Consultation on Performance Standards for Returning Officers

Electoral administrators – how straightforward is it to collect and measure performance information in relation to the standards proposed in this consultation paper? To make the collection more straightforward it would be very helpful if the Electoral

Commission were to provide templates or guidance on some of the evidences requested.

We acknowledge that for those authorities that do not already have project plans, assessments etc there may be a significant amount of work in establishing good quality plans for future use.

The collection of information emanating at very busy periods such as polling day and the counting of votes will be difficult and will put extra pressures on electoral administrators.

The timetables for the evaluation processes need to be flexible to ensure that electoral administrators have time to ensure that the “post election work” i.e. paying staff, preparing expenses, making tax returns etc can be carried out. However, it is appreciated that the collection and return of information must be timely to ensure its relevance to stakeholders.

As electoral administrators we recognise that these performance standards offer the opportunity to raise the profile of electoral services within authorities and recognise that there are advantages to working with partners to ensure best practice which can be exploited.

Performance standard 1 Skills and knowledge of the Returning Officer Is the standard appropriately defined, taking into account the need for clear, objective assessment criteria?

The “not meeting the performance standard” should be reviewed in the light that there are two levels of authorities, those with hands-on RO’s and those with hands-off. In authorities with strong experienced electoral services teams the level of expertise required from the RO noted as not currently meeting the performance standard may be all that is required for well-run elections there. We suggest that the “not meeting the standard” measure should read: “The RO is aware of the personal nature of the duties and responsibilities of the role but does not meet the performance standards set out below.” In the “Meeting the Performance Standard” bullet points our suggestions for change, to make them more relevant are:-

Bullet point 1 “Is aware of the contents of the EC guidance materials for the administration of elections and is aware

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Performance standard 1 Skills and knowledge of the Returning Officer of the legislation required to conduct the election.”

Bullet point 2 should be removed. We feel it is unrealistic to expect a RO to have a detailed knowledge of procedures and the law. Their knowledge is necessarily at a quite high level. We feel this point is adequately covered in bullet point one.

It may be useful to include a bullet point/measure along the lines: - “The RO has a strong link with/understanding of the duties of the ERO and how their functions fit into the electoral process and has established the appropriate communication network with the ERO.”

Does the ‘evidence to support assessment’ section of this standard outline appropriate and sufficient evidence to justify whether an RO has met the performance standard and/or above the standard?

It would be useful here for the EC to provide a template/proforma checklist of responsibilities of the RO. It may be considered inappropriate by RO, after they have been appointed (sometimes many years ago), to complete another appointment agreement. All appointments of ROs are minuted. Perhaps guidance could be issued so that in the report submitted to Council a summary of the main duties is included so that the appointee can be under no illusions as to what the job entails.it may be useful to require the RO to evidence that he/she is aware of the project plan(s) for elections, and for him/her to show that they have monitored the progress of their electoral services staff against those plan(s).

Are there any areas or key words within this standard which would require further guidance/ definition?

Although we are suggesting deletion of the phrase “direct control” in the “not meeting the performance standard”, if this phrase is to remain it would be useful for the phrase to be defined.

Any other comments on this standard?

We would hope to see that training of an appropriate quality and standard is available and provided for ROs. Not necessarily through the SOLACE route as anectodally it’s felt this can often focus on the more negative aspects of the role of the RO , rather than what the RO can do to monitor and support his/her team in delivering well-run elections.

Performance standard 2 Examining the planning processes in place for an election Is the standard appropriately defined, taking into account the need for clear, objective assessment criteria?

In all measures we would prefer that the “The RO” replaced by “There is”. In the section Meeting the Performance Standard, number 2, fourth bullet point could be expanded to ensure that - Business continuity arrangements are in place be for all functions and services connected with the election – not just for loss of staff.

Does the ‘evidence to support assessment’ section of this standard outline appropriate and sufficient evidence to justify whether an RO has met the performance

In the evidence for performance you may wish to include Impact Assessment / DDA type access audits of polling stations.

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Performance standard 2 Examining the planning processes in place for an election standard and/or above the standard? Are there any areas or key words within this standard which would require further guidance/ definition?


Any other comments on this standard?

In number 3, fourth bullet point “amendments” should read “amends.”

Performance standard 3 Training Is the standard appropriately defined, taking into account the need for clear, objective assessment criteria?

The standard would be more relevant if the initial wording was, for each of them, “The RO ensures the provision of “ rather than “provides”. A standard that details that “the RO is able to command the appropriate resources to support the training of staff” would be very relevant and in line with other standards, In points 3 and 4 the phrases “each year” and “annual basis” should be revised to “on a regular basis” to accommodate the differing electoral cycles of authorities.

Does the ‘evidence to support assessment’ section of this standard outline appropriate and sufficient evidence to justify whether an RO has met the performance standard and/or above the standard?

In “Above the Performance Standard” the evidence should include the evaluation of the individual training activities.

Are there any areas or key words within this standard which would require further guidance/ definition?


Any other comments on this standard?


Performance standard 4 Maintaining the integrity of an election Is the standard appropriately defined, taking into account the need for clear, objective assessment criteria?


Does the ‘evidence to support assessment’ section of this standard outline appropriate and sufficient evidence to


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Performance standard 4 Maintaining the integrity of an election justify whether an RO has met the performance standard and/or above the standard? Are there any areas or key words within this standard which would require further guidance/ definition?


Any other comments on this standard?


Performance standard 5 Delivering public awareness activity for elections Is the standard appropriately defined, taking into account the need for clear, objective assessment criteria?

In Standard 1 it would be more relevant to remove the word “limited” and change to “only provides information to electors via the poll card and statutory notices”

In Standard 3 (above the standards) you may wish to add a measure along the lines of “the RO liaises with the ERO to undertake a review (mini canvass) of electors early in February in order to provide the most up-to-date register for the election”. We understand that this is common practice in some authorities who have the resources to do so.

Does the ‘evidence to support assessment’ section of this standard outline appropriate and sufficient evidence to justify whether an RO has met the performance standard and/or above the standard?

In standard 2 – evidence could include examples of marketing materials/designs produced under specific initiatives.

Are there any areas or key words within this standard which would require further guidance/ definition?


Any other comments on this standard?


Performance standard 6 Communication election information Is the standard appropriately defined, taking into account the need for clear, objective assessment criteria?

1. We would like clarity on the performance measure regarding translations. Government advice is currently that public bodies be more selective about what translated documents are made available and this seems to contradict that advice.

Does the ‘evidence to support assessment’ section of this standard outline appropriate and sufficient evidence to


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Performance standard 6 Communication election information justify whether an RO has met the performance standard and/or above the standard? Are there any areas or key words within this standard which would require further guidance/ definition?


Any other comments on this standard?


Performance standard 7 Accessibility and communication of information for candidates and agents

Is the standard appropriately defined, taking into account the need for clear, objective assessment criteria?

Measure number 1 –The second line should read “With relevant candidates and agents” (not staff). Measure number 2 – the second part – “offers an informal checking of nomination papers” should be included in measure 3 (meeting the performance standard). Measure 4 Should read “The” RO,

Does the ‘evidence to support assessment’ section of this standard outline appropriate and sufficient evidence to justify whether an RO has met the performance standard and/or above the standard?


Are there any areas or key words within this standard which would require further guidance/ definition?

What is meant by “appointment system” in paragraph 4 – Above the performance standard? We currently make ourselves available to candidates/agents on request – does this have to be a more formalised structure?

Any other comments on this standard?


Responses to be returned to [email protected] by 5pm on Friday 19 December 2008

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Meeting with Tony Walls (Chesterfield Borough council) 11/12/08 PS1 - Assumes a role that the RO does not have – too detailed for the RO. At

chesterfield CE commands 1200 staff. - No RO has the depth of knowledge required for the standard - The RO should be aware of the key issues and make decisions as

appropriate - The standard should take account of ESM somewhere – inc good

relationship with RO - How will we look at evidence to prove this standard? - Draft fees released for minimum20%checks – how can they be expected

to do 100% checking with limited budget. - LRO fees don’t increase in line with inflation. PS2 - Hard to address business continuity as this is a problem for most councils - In some cases the risks aren’t documented - Inconsistency in ropactice across the country - Should the standard say the “RO” or the “ESM”? PS3 - Liked this standards – linked to LA training budgets. - Usually on the job training for permenant staff other than courses run by

AEA or EC seminars. Should be a consistent approach t nationwide training with scope for regional issues.

- Uses HR to run courses for presiding officers and poll clerks. PS4 - This is not discretionary as not many instances of electoral malpractice –

this relates mostly to postal votes. - This suggests a broad bruch approach but the standards should be more

specific – ballot box security for example. PS5 - Written public awareness strategy sometimes done by PR/media on behalf

of LA. - They promote democratic engagement - Dependant on candidates and agents - Funding issues PS6 - Cost issue - Reasonableness aspect of doing things in other languages/formats - Outsourcing PS7 - Definition of appointment system – needs to be clearer.

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file:////ECS_DATA1/...s%202012/FOI%203%2012/FOI%203%2012%20-%20RO%20responses%202008/Local%20Authorities/SW/Bristol.txt[07/02/2012 15:27:46]

From: Alan Wherlock [[email protected]]Posted At: 14 November 2008 15:17Conversation: Performance Standards for RO'sPosted To: Performance Standards Inbox

Subject: Performance Standards for RO's

The following comments are submitted on behalf of my RO and also in my own right as an electoral administrator.


Most of the standards appear reasonable and address key issues.

There is a concern, however, that the amount of paperwork (plans, risk assessments, evidence, etc) needed for the proposed RO standards, when taken in overall context with the ERO documentation, will be excessive. This could easily detract from the core tasks facing ERO's/RO's and their staff or require additional resources, which are not currently available.


PS3 TrainingThis standard requires, amongst other things, that "training for Poll Clerks includes......a briefing". In Bristol we issue comprehensive written instructions to Presiding Officers and Poll Clerks. Presiding Officers are also briefed on a range of topics including access and disability issues. They are instructed, in turn, to brief their Poll Clerks on polling day before the station opens for business. Clarification is needed as to whether this is adequate for the purpose of this standard.

There are two reasons for raising this question. Firstly, at a UKPE which could be called with the minimum notice, there would simply be insufficient time to directly brief the 300 or so Poll Clerks employed at a time when Electoral Services staff are working flat out to cope with all the other tasks involved (many Poll Clerks are appointed literally days before polling day itself, hours in some cases). Secondly, if we had to directly brief Poll Clerks at local elections it would cost approx £10,000 (on the basis of the £50 attendance fee proposed in the MoJ's draft fee guidance for the 2009 EPE) for which no budget exists. This is viewed as an unnecessary cost given that current arrangements work well.

The standard needs to be explicit on this issue.

PS6 Accessibility of Information to Electors This standard requires evidence "of how the appropriate languages....have been decided". Whilst acknowledging the Council's obligations under relevant legislation, we are also aware of Government comments to the effect that local authorities need to control spending on translating and interpreting services, particularly as they can have a counter productive effect from an integration point of view.

Clarification is therefore sought as to whether the evidence requirement is likely to put pressure on local authorities to increase spending by producing more translated documents, as failing to take into account translation is quoted as not currently meeting the performance standard.

In Bristol we clearly state on all information disseminated that different formats and translations are available on request. Is this sufficient to meet the standard or will local authorities be expected to automatically produce the translated versions proactively (with the associated extra cost)? This need to made explicit in the guidance/standard.

I hope this proves useful and is taken into account.

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file:////ECS_DATA1/...s%202012/FOI%203%2012/FOI%203%2012%20-%20RO%20responses%202008/Local%20Authorities/SW/Bristol.txt[07/02/2012 15:27:46]

Alan Wherlock, Project OfficerThe Exchange, Corn Street, Bristol BS1 5TR Telephone 0117 9224457, Fax 0117 9223461 email [email protected]

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Appendix A – Pro forma for responses

We are seeking views on each of the individual performance standards outlined. In addition we also seek specific views from certain individuals and groups to the following three questions on the overall set of the performance standards: Returning Officers – do you agree that these standards reflect the level of performance that is relevant to, and reasonably within, the responsibility of ROs in the conduct of their statutory duties? Does the overall set of standards reflect the key performance issues for ROs? Are there any other areas of the ROs remit that we have not covered, and which can be measured? Should the standards be more outcome/delivery focused? If so, how can the standards be changed to reflect this? General Points Applying to all Standards The Returning Officer should not be expected have the depth of knowledge that is being asked for in these standards. This would be best covered by the appointment of a deputy (often the Electoral Services Manager) who would have responsibility for these standards, rather than the RO. Where the RO is also the CX, or has other significant duties, then there would be a failure to meet the standards. The CX is not expected to be involved in the day to day running of other services and this should also apply to the RO appointment. The RO is independent and the EC has no power to direct the RO to act in a certain way. It is difficult to see how an under performing RO could be encouraged to meet the standard.

Electoral administrators – how straightforward is it to collect and measure performance information in relation to the standards proposed in this consultation paper? Some of the information will be easy to collect, some will be more complex. The real danger is that performance statistics become just a ‘tick box’ exercise and that there is no depth to the information collected. It needs to be more clearly shown how these standards can be used to improve performance, rather than simply requiring administrators to collect and provide information to show that they meet the standard. The collection and recording process will be very subjective and it needs some clarification as to the quality of the evidence and documentation that will be required. Practical guidance should be provided by the EC as to the type and evaluation method of “success measures” in each case. A lot of these standards are focussed around ‘participation’ and it feels as though the ADMINISTRATION process is not being effectively measured.

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Participation issues are subjective and these are not the sole domain of RO’s and administrators. It should, perhaps, be the responsibility of the political parties and candidates to encourage participation. Over indulgence in participation work could leave the RO and administrators open to claims of political bias and there is a need to protect the professionalism of electoral staff. Assessment and Reporting Performance standards were not designed to create a league table but that is the way that they are going. Is there a need to ‘name and shame’ those authorities that are not performing as they should? It would be more helpful for the EC/MoJ to work with those authorities on an individual basis to help them improve, if the need is there. Section 3.10 of the document says the EC will ‘monitor the costs of collecting the data’. This acknowledges that there is a cost to the local council of collecting this data and the group would like further information as to how this will be monitored. The costs of collection must be proportionate to the benefit. Some of the money allocated to the set up and running of the EC regional offices would be better used by local RO’s to help them to work together to improve performance.

Political parties and candidates – do you agree that the proposed standards cover areas of specific importance to you and, more generally, support progress towards the shared vision for quality electoral services?

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Performance standard 1 Skills and knowledge of the Returning Officer Is the standard appropriately defined, taking into account the need for clear, objective assessment criteria?

No. These functions would not be carried out by the RO but by an experienced officer within the council. Standards should reflect this by indicating that a key deputy appointment would be made to carry out these activities. The RO should not be expected to be an electoral administrator in order to achieve the standard. A proper awareness of the personal nature of the duties and responsibilities of the role, together with an understanding of the main processes/ procedures and the ability to provide proper resources and support should be a sufficient expectation of the RO. In any “company” the director would only be expected to have a broad strategic overview of its operation with the detail provided by “specialist” personnel.

Does the ‘evidence to support assessment’ section of this standard outline appropriate and sufficient evidence to justify whether an RO has met the performance standard and/or above the standard?

The evidence to support the assessment does not properly address the assessment as it currently stands. Evidence should include the appointment of a DRO with full powers. The RO appointment is a personal contract between the RO and the appointing Council. Copies of RO appointments are not generally available as they will form a part of their full contract of employment and would not normally be shared with other staff. (Electoral staff will complete standards forms). EC could assist in this area by drafting standard forms of contract for RO and DRO appointments, covering the key areas as required by the standards

Are there any areas or key words within this standard which would require further guidance/ definition?

The evidence required to meet the standard will not show how the standard is being met. This is where the DRO appointment and mandatory training would be helpful to demonstrate that the standard can be met.

Any other comments on this standard?

EC could collect and maintain central records of all RO and DRO appointments EC to co-ordinate provision and accreditation of mandatory training for all new RO/DRO appointments with relevant organisations, e.g. Solace/AEA. The formal appointment of a DRO by the RO would strengthen the role of the Electoral Services

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Manager and the Electoral team, giving the job the gravitas that it deserves. Refresher training courses should also be a mandatory requirement, this may be particularly useful for those authorities that do not hold annual elections. The RO could meet the ‘above’ standard by the confidence that they place in their DRO appointment and the experience/qualification held by the appointed DRO.

Performance standard 2 Examining the planning processes in place for

an election Is the standard appropriately defined, taking into account the need for clear, objective assessment criteria?

There is a query as to the relevance of this measure – what are the success measures for this standard? Further clarification is required. It is not clear how this standard will contribute towards improving performance.

Does the ‘evidence to support assessment’ section of this standard outline appropriate and sufficient evidence to justify whether an RO has met the performance standard and/or above the standard?

The evidence by itself is not sufficient to show that the planning and organisation is of a sufficient standard. There needs to be a recognition that different plans and risk assessments should be available for the different types of elections. Whilst there may be robust plans in place for local elections, as these are managed and funded locally, there will be different plans and needs for national elections. An authority may perform ‘at standard’ for local elections but fall below standard for other elections when outside influences come into play. Meeting the ‘above standard’ is mostly by means of evaluations. This can be costly to do and needs to be reflected in the fees and charges order for national elections.

Are there any areas or key words within this standard which would require further guidance/ definition?

The plan layout and the roles of count staff should be shown as two separate items. Permanent electoral staff should be removed from this standard. They are not the responsibility of the RO but are appointed by the Council and, as such, are subject to normal council procedures. Temporary staff employed to work on the election are the responsibility of the RO.

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There are budgetary implications for ‘contingency plans’ which can cause difficulties in this area. Contracts and contingency plans are two separate items and should not form part of the same category (to be two separate elements)

Any other comments on this standard?

This standard will be difficult, if not impossible, to meet in the event of a ‘snap’ General Election. There is little time for planning in the event of a General Election and some, if not all, of the requirements for this standard will be compromised. Different levels of funding for the different types of election will also affect how this standard can be met. Awareness sessions for MPs and councillors will help them to have an understanding of which areas of the system are within the control of the RO, and which are not (e.g. because of legislation). EC could help with the provision of this information. Judgements are often made of the electoral system, and local electoral teams, based on inaccurate information and information is requested which cannot always be provided and/or changed by the RO. This standard could see some conflict between EC/MoJ/Local councils in terms of national v local arrangements and the various levels of available funding. The electoral system relies heavily on goodwill (as recognised in EC reports). There are no plans for goodwill and there is no way to formally measure goodwill but it is there, inherent in the system and should be acknowledged.

Performance standard 3 Training Is the standard appropriately defined, taking into account the need for clear, objective assessment criteria?

Meeting the standard to train ALL staff may be difficult and it was suggested that this category would be more useful split down into the different categories of staff to give a more accurate indication of the level of training being carried out.

Does the ‘evidence to support assessment’ section of this standard outline appropriate and sufficient evidence to justify whether an RO has met the performance standard and/or above the

Yes in part – for those elections conducted at short notice (e.g. general election) these plans may not be available as there may be insufficient time to document all the processes.

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standard? Are there any areas or key words within this standard which would require further guidance/ definition?

It needs to be clearly understood that there is a budgetary implication for training and this will change, dependent on local circumstances and money available, from election to election. Further clarification is required of the word ‘relevant’ and how this will be assessed in practise.

Any other comments on this standard?

Funding from central government should reflect the need to train all staff, especially permanent staff, for the different types of election.

Performance standard 4 Maintaining the integrity of an election Is the standard appropriately defined, taking into account the need for clear, objective assessment criteria?

No – this standard concentrates on electoral malpractice in relation to ‘elections’ but fraud can be introduced into the system during the registration process and this should also be considered as part of the standard. Further work needs to be done to make SPOCs aware that election fraud might not only happen during an election period – year round vigilance is required.

Does the ‘evidence to support assessment’ section of this standard outline appropriate and sufficient evidence to justify whether an RO has met the performance standard and/or above the standard?

There should be an element of training as part of the evidence. This is particularly important for those staff employed on a temporary basis throughout the year. Joint plans need to be in place which show a clear link between elections and registration work.

Are there any areas or key words within this standard which would require further guidance/ definition?

Whilst the RO can, and do, make their own arrangements with SPOCs, consistency would be better maintained if the electoral commission provided further documentation and support in this area.

Any other comments on this standard?

This standard should include mention of postal vote checking and that, as part of the integrity plan, there should be, wherever practicable, a 100% check on all postal vote security statements. This full check would then support the work done at the planning stage. See EC quote below:

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‘The Commission strongly believes that 100% personal identifier verification is preferred and would represent good practice, as it results in every postal ballot being treated equally, and results in one administrative process for all postal ballots rather than two separate processes being operated side by side’ (Dec 07) Anything less than 100% check would be a failure to meet the standard. Further legislation would help the RO to meet this standard

e.g. non-handling of applications/postal votes by political parties.

Remove the option for parties/individuals to

design their own forms

Allow RO to accept only forms provided by the relevant council

The practices of other councils, and in the case of national elections the MoJ, can hinder the work of individual RO’s as budgets/fees and charges order can determine how much and to what extent ‘checking’ work is carried out.

Performance standard 5 Communicating Election Information Is the standard appropriately defined, taking into account the need for clear, objective assessment criteria?

No. There was some confusion as to what was included as ‘election communication’ amongst the group.

Does the ‘evidence to support assessment’ section of this standard outline appropriate and sufficient evidence to justify whether an RO has met the performance standard and/or above the standard?

Are there any areas or key words within this standard which would require further guidance/ definition?

Guidance is required for the ‘above standard’ evaluation methods. What will the success measures be for this? Turnout would not be an accurate means of assessing this. To meet ‘above standard’ will be resource intensive with no obvious way to measure results.

Any other comments on Targeting certain audiences can compromise the

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this standard? RO’s position – any specifically targeted information can impact on the result and could leave the RO open to challenge. There is some overlap here with the work done by the EC. The group suggested that EC regional offices could take on some of this work and develop local communication strategies. Members of the group were not surprised to find that this was one of the lowest performing areas for RO’s. This area of work is often under resourced and is subject to budget constraints. Administrators must first concentrate their efforts on meeting the ‘essential’ requirements of the job and there may be little budget and little time left over for this function. Electoral Administrators are not experts in this area and need to ‘buy in’ the services from experienced press officers to support this work. This is not possible in every local authority. There is no funding for this area of work at national elections and inconsistencies may appear at the different election types.

Performance standard 6 Accessibility of information to electors Is the standard appropriately defined, taking into account the need for clear, objective assessment criteria?

Does the ‘evidence to support assessment’ section of this standard outline appropriate and sufficient evidence to justify whether an RO has met the performance standard and/or above the standard?

There are issues around the wholesale provision of documents in other languages as this may go against current thinking in this area. The RO would need to follow broad council policy and there is a move to provide fewer documents in alternative languages. The RO needs to be able to record this as part of the evidence. Evidence of the ROs ability to provide documents/information in alternative languages on request may be more appropriate.

Are there any areas or key words within this standard which would require further guidance/ definition?

Monitoring of policies relating to the relevant languages will be undertaken by a council’s equality and diversity section, rather than by the RO. The words ‘actively researches’ need further clarification to indicate that it is acceptable to use information collected elsewhere within the council to determine the forms/languages required.

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Section 3 – talk of the ‘complaint’ process would be better worded as ‘feedback’ process. Not all comments on service improvements are complaints.

Any other comments on this standard?

Again, there seems to be some conflict with the work being carried out by the EC in their ongoing ‘review of forms’. If the aim is to standardise documentation than the EC has a significant role to play. Any documents produced now could be of no use following the EC’s review. Little can be done to amend some of the legal forms so it may be hard to meet the ‘above’ standard. There is some difficulty in providing exact translations and consequently concern that the “legal” message may be lost in translation. There is a potential for mis-translations which the RO cannot check due to lack of expertise. This could lead to confusion. The RO is not an expert in this area and would need to buy in the service – this is costly even when that support comes from within the council. The EC could provide standard election documentation/ information, particularly that in and around polling stations, in alternative languages. This would ensure provision/availability of translated documentation to an acceptable and uniform standard throughout the country. There is no funding for this work to be carried out at national elections.

Performance standard 7 Accessibility and communication of information

for candidates and agents Is the standard appropriately defined, taking into account the need for clear, objective assessment criteria?

Further clarification is required as to what is meant by ‘election information’ and ‘nomination process’.

Does the ‘evidence to support assessment’ section of this standard outline appropriate and sufficient evidence to justify whether an RO has met the performance

Further information is required as to the level of detail required to be provided re ‘information given to candidates and agents’. Information may be given verbally but it’s not clear if this would clarify as ‘evidence’. There is a need for flexibility when the situation requires it – this may be particularly true at national elections when there is little

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standard and/or above the standard?

planning time.

Are there any areas or key words within this standard which would require further guidance/ definition?

It needs to be clear that ‘the count’ could be in more than one location and the verification process also includes checking of postal votes that could be held in yet another location. The need for consistency lends itself to one count in one location or, at least, a small number of counts in each authority area.

Any other comments on this standard?

Nomination papers – informal checks. It is not possible to check party descriptions in advance of the election timetable, due to the current regulations, and this is an area where frequent errors occur. The appointment system should be ‘standard’ rather than above standard. Above standard should be the evaluation. This would maintain consistency with the other performance standards. It is difficult to see how this standard will help to improve performance, rather than just measure current practice.

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1. The Returning Officer (RO), appointed by Pembrokeshire County

Council, recognises the importance of performance standards for

Returning Officers. It is his opinion that these standards have to be

meaningful, measurable, relevant and not unnecessarily resource

intensive. Overall they need to be accurate and straightforward or a

true performance comparative will not be demonstrated.

2. In response to the consultation you have asked for specific views form

targeted groups namely Returning Officers, Electoral Administrators

and Political parties/candidates. Areas of concern in the delivery of

elections are shared by Returning Officers and Electoral Administrators


3. Returning Officers


Do you agree that these standards reflect the level of

performance that is relevant to, and reasonably within, the

responsibility of RO’s in the conduct of their statutory duties?

Does the overall set of standards reflect the key performance

issues for RO’s.

Are there any other areas of the RO’s remit that we have not

covered, and which can be measured?

Should the standards be more outcome/delivery focused? If so,

how can these standards be changed to reflect this?

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The standards set out reasonable levels of performance for

Returning Officers reflecting the major areas of responsibility. In

order to gain consistent responses the Electoral Commission

need to draft specific templates for this purpose.

4. Electoral administrators


How straight forward is it to collect and measure performance

information in relation to the standards proposed in this consultation



Administrator’s welcome the use of performance standards. Without

such standards the degree of capability/performance could

previously not be measured.

To assist in a consistent response the use of a simplified template

would be advantageous with a brief description of what is

required. This system of recording must be clear and uncomplicated

to encourage administrators to complete it.

The length of time to respond to performance standards should be

generous considering the other ‘post election’ duties, surveys and

questionnaires that are required by various bodies. This will create

an extra burden onto administrators at a very busy period.

The use of the Electoral Commission’s project planner, risk

assessments is welcomed and ensures the provision of consistent

good quality plans that can be adapted for future use.

There are numerous references to evaluation processes. In order to

encourage useful activity in this regard, it would be helpful to define

a simple but adequate process. There is a danger of over elaborate,

time consuming and meaningless activity otherwise. Concentration

needs to be directed on the visible delivery.

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Performance standard 1

Skills and knowledge of Returning Officer

Is the standard appropriately defined taking into account the need for clear, objective assessment criteria?

The skills and knowledge of RO’s will vary. There will be the more proactive ‘hands-on’ RO. Those not achieving the performance standard will be included in the ‘not currently meeting performance standard’ section. However, we do not foresee many RO’s admitting to fall into this category. Likewise those who achieve more the the performance standard will be identified in the ‘above performance standard’ section. RO’s who carry the position of Chief Executive normally achieve a higher degree of commitment from their Authority.

Does the ‘evidence to support assessment’ section of this standard outline appropriate and sufficient evidence to justify whether an RO has met the performance standard and/or above the standard?

Whilst the expectations of RO’s are generally reasonable, the evidence requirements are not. It would be unusual for Chief Executives or other senior managers to have a recorded appointment agreement with his/her Authority. What would be more useful is to establish a basic job description for an RO.

Are there any areas or key words within this standard which would require further guidance/definition?


Any other comments on this standard?

Training and briefing events will not necessary occur every year.

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Performance standard 2

Examining the planning processes in place for an election

Is the standard appropriately defined taking into account the need for clear, objective assessment criteria?


Does the ‘evidence to support assessment’ section of this standard outline appropriate and sufficient evidence to justify whether an RO has met the performance standard and/or above the standard?

Data from your report shows one-third of RO’s do not have formal plans in place. This could affect their initial response to the standards. There are, in place, Electoral Commission templates but these will need adapting.

Are there any areas or key words within this standard which would require further guidance/definition?


Any other comments on this standard?

Typo error in box 3 – last bullet point

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Performance standard 3


Is the standard appropriately defined taking into account the need for clear, objective assessment criteria?

Electoral cycles are not annual – wording to reflect training to be given prior to the running of elections.

Does the ‘evidence to support assessment’ section of this standard outline appropriate and sufficient evidence to justify whether an RO has met the performance standard and/or above the standard?

In part 4 is reference to system feedback and review. This needs to be simple otherwise it will incur extra burden on administrators.

Are there any areas or key words within this standard which would require further guidance/definition?


Any other comments on this standard?


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Performance standard 4

Maintaining the integrity of the election

Is the standard appropriately defined taking into account the need for clear, objective assessment criteria?


Does the ‘evidence to support assessment’ section of this standard outline appropriate and sufficient evidence to justify whether an RO has met the performance standard and/or above the standard?

Yes, it would be useful if the Electoral Commission established a template of subjects to discuss with local police/SPOC’s. These subjects to be discussed at ‘agents meetings’ also.

Are there any areas or key words within this standard which would require further guidance/definition?


Any other comments on this standard?


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Performance standard 5

Communicating election information

Is the standard appropriately defined taking into account the need for clear, objective assessment criteria?

In part 1 the word ‘limited’ is open to interpretation. Again the possible use of a template that would help in the ‘classification’ of what is below, and above the accepted standard. This would help in the completing the ‘evidence to support assessment’ column.

Does the ‘evidence to support assessment’ section of this standard outline appropriate and sufficient evidence to justify whether an RO has met the performance standard and/or above the standard?

As above.

Are there any areas or key words within this standard which would require further guidance/definition?


Any other comments on this standard?


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Performance standard 6

Accessibility of information to electors

Is the standard appropriately defined taking into account the need for clear, objective assessment criteria?

In Wales the standard will need to reflect the statutory bi-lingual requirement introduced by the Welsh Language Act.

Does the ‘evidence to support assessment’ section of this standard outline appropriate and sufficient evidence to justify whether an RO has met the performance standard and/or above the standard?

Again, the possible use of a template for RO’s to position themselves against.

Are there any areas or key words within this standard which would require further guidance/definition?


Any other comments on this standard?


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Performance standard 7

Accessibility and communication of information for candidates and agents

Is the standard appropriately defined taking into account the need for clear, objective assessment criteria?

In 1, change the word ‘staff’ to ‘agents’. Paragraph 2 should be in the ‘performance standard’ as well as 3. Typo in Part 4 – ‘this’ to read ‘The’.

Does the ‘evidence to support assessment’ section of this standard outline appropriate and sufficient evidence to justify whether an RO has met the performance standard and/or above the standard?


Are there any areas or key words within this standard which would require further guidance/definition?

Clarification of what is meant by ‘appointment system’ in Part 4.

Any other comments on this standard?


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Appendix A – Pro forma for responses

Paul Warren, Chief Executive & Returning Officer, Rochford District Council

19 November 2008

We are seeking views on each of the individual performance standards outlined. In addition we also seek specific views from certain individuals and groups to the following three questions on the overall set of the performance standards: Returning Officers – do you agree that these standards reflect the level of performance that is relevant to, and reasonably within, the responsibility of ROs in the conduct of their statutory duties? Does the overall set of standards reflect the key performance issues for ROs? Are there any other areas of the ROs remit that we have not covered, and which can be measured? Should the standards be more outcome/delivery focused? If so, how can the standards be changed to reflect this? I query the added value of performance standards as opposed to best practice guidance. If Returning Officers are to have a set of standards, there must be concerns as to their exact purpose, interpretation and application. It is important to get the balance between process and outcomes right and the emphasis placed in the guidance on process seems over cumbersome. Will best practice templates be produced around the various plans, strategies and assessments that need to be evidenced? Also, what happens where not all the standards are met or where only some of the supporting statements under each standard category can be evidenced? Why are the standards actually required? How will the information be tested and what sanctions, if any, will be applied? At a time when the move is on 'lifting the burden' and moving away from performance indications and information as such, this seems to be going the other way. Will resource allocations around elections be increased to factor in the self-assessment, evidence gathering and verification process. Paul Warren Chief Executive Rochford District Council Tel: 01702546366 Ext: 3005 [email protected] http://www.rochford.gov.uk

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Danny Creighton

From: amanda bennett <[email protected]>Posted At: 16 December 2008 09:39Conversation: Feedback on consultation on Returning Officers Standards

Subject: Feedback on consultation on Returning Officers Standards

To: Lindsay Taber, Project Officer, Performance Standards We are particularly concerned to promote communication accessibility services. We participated in a consultation event with the Electoral Commission in Glasgow. We welcome therefore a chance to make some comments on the standards for Returning Officers. We hope that you might make use of a useful resource that we have produced aimed at service providers to help them make their services more accessible. Please go to www.communicationforumscotland.org.uk and follow the links to Talk for Scotland: a practical guide for engaging with people with communication support needs These are the brief points we would like to make. Thanks in advance. Comments on consultation document Performance Standard 2: Planning and Organisation Under ‘consideration of physical accessibility (both internal and external)’ In order to make a venue as accessible as possible communication accessibility as well as physical accessibility should be considered. So add in ‘consideration of physical and communication accessibility’. Performance standard 3: Training Disability awareness training to include recognising the needs of people with communication support needs wider than those related to sensory impairment and English as an additional language. (see Talk for Scotland for explanation of diversity of need). This relates to understanding how to communicate face to face with people with communication support needs as well as producing accessible written information. Individuals with communication support needs come from all groups and communities. Often a communication disability can be a hidden disability. Misunderstanding can lead to a misinterpretation of the presenting behaviour of that individual. Performance standard 5: Communication strategy for writing information to follow basic good practice guidelines in terms of format, content and use of language. Not everyone with communication support needs require alternative formats. But people do require simple, clear language and design. Contact details for further information – alternative methods of communication to be offered e.g. mail, email, telephone, face-to-face. People with communication support needs may be easily able to communicate with one but not the other. Evaluation process to include evaluation of communication accessibility.

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Amanda Bennett Civic Participation Network Project Communication Forum Scotland 8 Barclay Terrace Edinburgh EH10 4HP 0131 229 6754 www.communicationforumscotland.org.uk This message is intended only for the named recipient. If you are not the intended recipient you are notified that disclosing, copying, distributing or taking any action in reliance on the contents of this information is strictly prohibited.

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Meeting with Kirby council 11/12/08 The standards should also be about technical competence not just project management/risk. There should able a scope of delivery. PS1 - Supports this standard – especially working knowledge of the legislation - The RO should know what is happening at every stage of the process as

they are held accountable. - The staff need to be able to demonstrate the training. - How will we evidence the standard – what is the definition of “working

knowledge” - Is it the RO who rectifies procedures - One problems that it would be difficult for ESM to honestly fill in - To command the required budget is targeted at the RO who is not he Chief

Exec - What is the appointment agreement - How do we define strong working knowledge? PS2 - No problems with documented plan - No real comments but again should focus on technical issues PS3 - Should say the “RO ensures the provision of…” - Use of a corporate training plan - Access issues and disability training PS4 - The plan will only ever be as good as the Police’s response - How to deal with change in SPOC will affect any plans - What does part 4 (2) mean – postal vote protocol or local initiative - Difficult to say “joint commitment” – hard to evidence PS5 - Statutory responsibility - What is meant by internal communications - This is essentially a resource issue - Part 2- too obvious PS6 - Again dependant on funding - Complaints process – would this include LAs general complaint process PS7 - Key is relationship with candidates and agents - L2 and 3 should for the standard – level 2 on its own should not be below - Appointment system for candidates not agents?

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Appendix A – Pro forma for responses

We are seeking views on each of the individual performance standards outlined. In addition we also seek specific views from certain individuals and groups to the following three questions on the overall set of the performance standards: Returning Officers – do you agree that these standards reflect the level of performance that is relevant to, and reasonably within, the responsibility of ROs in the conduct of their statutory duties? Does the overall set of standards reflect the key performance issues for ROs? Are there any other areas of the ROs remit that we have not covered, and which can be measured? Should the standards be more outcome/delivery focused? If so, how can the standards be changed to reflect this? General Points Applying to all Standards The Returning Officer should not be expected to know the depth of knowledge that is being asked for in these standards. This would be best covered by the appointment of a deputy (often the Electoral Services Manager) who would have responsibility for these standards, rather than the RO. Where the RO is also the CX, or has other significant duties, then there would be a failure to meet the standards. The CX is not expected to be involved in the day to day running of other services and this should also apply to the RO appointment. The RO is independent and the EC has no power to direct the RO to act in a certain way. It is difficult to see how an under performing RO could be encouraged to meet the standard.

Electoral administrators – how straightforward is it to collect and measure performance information in relation to the standards proposed in this consultation paper? Some of the information will be easy to collect, some will be more complex. The real danger is that performance statistics become just a ‘tick box’ exercise and that there is no depth to the information collected. It needs to be shown more clearly how these standards can be used to improve performance, rather than just making administrators collect and provide information to show that they meet the standard. The collection and recording process will be very subjective and it needs some clarification as to the quality of the evidence and documentation that will be required.

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A lot of these standards are around ‘participation’ and it feels as though the ADMINISTRATION process is not being effectively measured. Participation issues are subjective and these are not the sole domain of RO’s and administrators. It should, perhaps, be the responsibility of the political parties and candidates to encourage participation. Over indulgence in participation work could leave the RO and administrators open to claims of political bias and there is a need to protect the professionalism of electoral staff. Assessment and Reporting Performance standards were not designed to create a league table but that is the way that they are going. Is there a need to ‘name and shame’ those authorities that are not performing as they should? It would be more helpful for the EC/MoJ to work with those authorities on an individual basis to help them improve, if the need is there. Section 3.10 of the document says the EC will ‘monitor the costs of collecting the data’. This acknowledges that there is a cost to the local council of collecting this data and the group would like further information as to how this will be monitored. The costs of collection must be proportionate to the benefit. Some of the money allocated to the set up and running of the EC regional offices would be better used by local RO’s to help them to work together to improve performance.

Political parties and candidates – do you agree that the proposed standards cover areas of specific importance to you and, more generally, support progress towards the shared vision for quality electoral services?

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Performance standard 1 Skills and knowledge of the Returning Officer Is the standard appropriately defined, taking into account the need for clear, objective assessment criteria?

No. These functions would not be carried out by the RO but by an experienced officer within the council. Standards should reflect this by indicating that a key deputy appointment would be made to carry out these activities.

Does the ‘evidence to support assessment’ section of this standard outline appropriate and sufficient evidence to justify whether an RO has met the performance standard and/or above the standard?

Evidence should include the appointment of a DRO with full powers. Copies of RO appointments are not generally available as they will form a part of their full contract of employment which would not normally be shared with other staff (Electoral staff will complete standards forms). EC could assist in this area by drafting standard forms of contract for RO and DRO appointments, covering the key areas as required by the standards

Are there any areas or key words within this standard which would require further guidance/ definition?

The evidence required to meet the standard will not show how the standard is being met. This is where the DRO appointment and mandatory training would be helpful to demonstrate that the standard can be met.

Any other comments on this standard?

EC could collect and maintain central records of all RO and DRO appointments EC to provide mandatory training for all new RO/DRO appointments Accreditation of current SOLACE training by EC Formal appointment of a DRO by the RO would strengthen the role of the Electoral Services Manager and the Electoral team, giving the job the gravitas that it deserves. Refresher training courses should also be a mandatory requirement, this may be particularly useful for those authorities that do not hold annual elections. The RO could meet the ‘above’ standard by the confidence that they place in their DRO appointment.

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Performance standard 2 Examining the planning processes in place for

an election Is the standard appropriately defined, taking into account the need for clear, objective assessment criteria?

There is a query as to the relevance of this measure – what are the success measures for this standard? Further clarification is required. It is not clear how this standard will contribute towards improving performance.

Does the ‘evidence to support assessment’ section of this standard outline appropriate and sufficient evidence to justify whether an RO has met the performance standard and/or above the standard?

The evidence by itself is not sufficient to show that the planning and organisation is of a sufficient standard. There needs to be a recognition that different plans and risk assessments should be available for the different types of elections. Whilst there may be robust plans in place for local elections, as these are managed and funded locally, there will be different plans and needs for national elections. An authority may perform ‘at standard’ for local elections but fall below standard for other elections when outside influences come into play. Meeting the ‘above standard’ is mostly by means of evaluations. This can be costly to do and needs to be reflected in the fees and charges order for national elections.

Are there any areas or key words within this standard which would require further guidance/ definition?

The plan layout and the roles of count staff should be shown as two separate items. Permanent electoral staff should be removed from this standard. They are not the responsibility of the RO but of the council and, as such, are subject to normal council procedures. Temporary staff employed to work on the election are the responsibility of the RO. There are budgetary implications for ‘contingency plans’ which can cause difficulties in this area. Contracts and contingency plans are two separate items and should not form part of the same category (to be two separate elements)

Any other comments on this standard?

This standard will be difficult, if not impossible, to meet in the event of a ‘snap’ General Election. There is little time for planning in the event of a General Election and some, if not all, of the requirements for this standard will be compromised.

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Different levels of funding for the different types of election will also affect how this standard can be met. Awareness sessions for MPs and councillors will help them to have an understanding of which areas of the system are within the control of the RO, and which are not (e.g. because of legislation). EC could help with the provision of this information. Judgements are often made of the electoral system, and local electoral teams, based on inaccurate information and information is requested which cannot always be provided and/or changed by the RO. This standard could see some conflict between EC/MoJ/Local councils in terms of national v local arrangements and the various levels of available funding. The electoral system relies heavily on goodwill (as recognised in EC reports). There are no plans for goodwill and there is no way to formally measure goodwill but it is there, inherent in the system and should be acknowledged.

Performance standard 3 Training Is the standard appropriately defined, taking into account the need for clear, objective assessment criteria?

Meeting the standard to train ALL staff may be difficult and it was suggested that this category would be more useful split down into the different categories of staff to give a more accurate indication of the level of training being carried out. This breakdown should also include porters, facilities management (or similar) staff as they play a key role in the election set up and its smooth running.

Does the ‘evidence to support assessment’ section of this standard outline appropriate and sufficient evidence to justify whether an RO has met the performance standard and/or above the standard?

Yes in part – for those elections conducted at short notice (e.g. general election) these plans may not be available as there may be insufficient time to document all the processes.

Are there any areas or key words within this standard which would

It needs to be clearly understood that there is a budgetary implication for training and this will change, dependent on local circumstances and

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require further guidance/ definition?

money available, from election to election. Further clarification is required of the word ‘relevant’ and how this will be assessed in practise.

Any other comments on this standard?

Funding from central government should reflect the need to train all staff, especially permanent staff, for the different types of election.

Performance standard 4 Maintaining the integrity of an election Is the standard appropriately defined, taking into account the need for clear, objective assessment criteria?

No – this standard concentrates on electoral malpractice in relation to ‘elections’ but fraud can be introduced into the system during the registration process and this should also be considered as part of the standard. Further work needs to be done to make SPOCs aware that election fraud might not only happen during an election period – year round vigilance is required. RO’s and ERO’s also have a part to play in the prevention and detection of financial fraud – e.g. the use of the electoral register to fraudulently apply for credit.

Does the ‘evidence to support assessment’ section of this standard outline appropriate and sufficient evidence to justify whether an RO has met the performance standard and/or above the standard?

There should be an element of training as part of the evidence. This is particularly important for those staff employed on a temporary basis throughout the year. Plans need to show a clear link between elections and registration work.

Are there any areas or key words within this standard which would require further guidance/ definition?

Whilst the RO can make their own arrangements with SPOCs consistency would be maintained if the electoral commission provided further documentation and support in this area.

Any other comments on this standard?

This standard should include mention of postal vote checking and that, as part of the integrity plan, there should be a 100% check on all postal vote

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returns. This full check would then support the work done at the planning stage. See EC quote below: ‘The Commission strongly believes that 100% personal identifier verification is preferred and would represent good practice, as it results in every postal ballot being treated equally, and results in one administrative process for all postal ballots rather than two separate processes being operated side by side’ (Dec 07) Anything less than 100% check would be a failure to meet the standard. Further legislation would help the RO to meet this standard

e.g. non-handling of applications/postal votes by political parties.

Remove the option for parties/individuals to

design their own forms

Allow RO to accept only forms provided by the relevant council

The practices of other councils can hinder the work of individual RO’s as budgets can determine how much and to what extent ‘checking’ work is carried out

Performance standard 5 Communicating Election Information Is the standard appropriately defined, taking into account the need for clear, objective assessment criteria?

No. There was some confusion as to what was included as ‘election communication’ amongst the group.

Does the ‘evidence to support assessment’ section of this standard outline appropriate and sufficient evidence to justify whether an RO has met the performance standard and/or above the standard?

Are there any areas or key words within this standard which would

Guidance is required for the ‘above standard’ evaluation methods. What will the success measures be for this? Turnout would not be an

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require further guidance/ definition?

accurate means of assessing this. To meet ‘above standard’ will be resource intensive with no obvious way to measure results.

Any other comments on this standard?

Targeting certain audiences can compromise the RO’s position – any specifically targeted information can impact on the result and could leave the RO open to challenge. There is some overlap here with the work done by the EC. The group suggested that EC regional offices could take on some of this work and develop local communication strategies. Members of the group were not surprised to find that this was one of the lowest performing areas for RO’s. This area of work is often under resourced and is subject to budget constraints. Administrators must first concentrate their efforts on meeting the ‘essential’ requirements of the job and there may be little budget and little time left over for this function. Electoral Administrators are not experts in this area and need to ‘buy in’ the services from experienced press officers to support this work. This is not possible in every local authority. There is no funding for this area of work at national elections and inconsistencies may appear at the different election types.

Performance standard 6 Accessibility of information to electors Is the standard appropriately defined, taking into account the need for clear, objective assessment criteria?

See Performance standard 5 also.

Does the ‘evidence to support assessment’ section of this standard outline appropriate and sufficient evidence to justify whether an RO has met the performance standard and/or above the standard?

There are issues around providing documents in other languages as this may go against current thinking in this area. The RO would need to follow broad council policy and there is a move to provide fewer documents in alternative languages. The RO needs to be able to record this as part of the evidence.

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Are there any areas or key words within this standard which would require further guidance/ definition?

Monitoring of policies relating to the relevant languages will be undertaken by a council’s equality and diversity section, rather than by the RO. The words ‘actively researches’ need further clarification to indicate that it is acceptable to use information collected elsewhere within the council to determine the forms/languages required. Section 3 – talk of the ‘complaint’ process would be better worded as ‘feedback’ process. Not all comments on service improvements are complaints.

Any other comments on this standard?

Again, there seems to be some conflict with the work being carried out by the EC in their ongoing ‘review of forms’. If the aim is to standardise documentation than the EC has a significant role to play. Any documents produced now could be of no use following the EC’s review. Little can be done to amend some of the legal forms so it may be hard to meet the ‘above’ standard. There is a lack of consistency if each local authority designs and produces their own forms. There is a potential for mis-translations which the RO cannot check due to lack of expertise. This could lead to confusion. The RO is not an expert in this area and would need to buy in the service – this is costly even when that support comes from within the council. There is no funding for this work to be carried out at national elections.

Performance standard 7 Accessibility and communication of information for candidates and agents

Is the standard appropriately defined, taking into account the need for clear, objective assessment criteria?

Further clarification is required as to what is meant by ‘election information’ and ‘nomination process’.

Does the ‘evidence to support assessment’

Further information is required as to the level of detail required to be provided re ‘information given

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section of this standard outline appropriate and sufficient evidence to justify whether an RO has met the performance standard and/or above the standard?

to candidates and agents’. Information may be given verbally but it’s not clear if this would clarify as ‘evidence’. There is a need for flexibility when the situation requires it – this may be particularly true at national elections when there is little planning time.

Are there any areas or key words within this standard which would require further guidance/ definition?

It needs to be clear that ‘the count’ could be in more than one location and the verification process also includes checking of postal votes that could be held in yet another location. The need for consistency lends itself to one count in one location or, at least, a small number of counts in each authority area.

Any other comments on this standard?

Nomination papers – informal checks. It is not possible to check party descriptions in advance of the election timetable, due to the current regulations, and this is an area where frequent errors occur. The appointment system should be ‘standard’ rather than above standard. Above standard should be the evaluation. This would maintain consistency with the other performance standards. It is difficult to see how this standard will help to improve performance, rather than just measure current practice.

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Response from SOLACE/SOLAR/AEA

Appendix A – Pro forma for responses

We are seeking views on each of the individual performance standards outlined. In addition we also seek specific views from certain individuals and groups to the following three questions on the overall set of the performance standards: Returning Officers – do you agree that these standards reflect the level of performance that is relevant to, and reasonably within, the responsibility of ROs in the conduct of their statutory duties? Does the overall set of standards reflect the key performance issues for ROs? Are there any other areas of the ROs remit that we have not covered, and which can be measured? Should the standards be more outcome/delivery focused? If so, how can the standards be changed to reflect this? 1. All proposed standards reflect levels of performance relevant to RO’s. 2. They reflect the key input measures relevant to RO’s. 3. No key input areas of a RO’s remit are omitted. 4. It is accepted at this stage that all the performance standards are input

measures reflecting the weaknesses identified from the Commission’s survey of RO’s in England and Wales in 2008. It is also accepted that these measures will be developed in the light of experience and that further standards reflecting key output measures such as the level of complaints received, and, the level of stakeholders satisfaction with RO’s services will be developed in time.

Electoral administrators – how straightforward is it to collect and measure performance information in relation to the standards proposed in this consultation paper? 1. The collection of the performance information should be reasonably

straightforward, provided the Commission does not require onerous levels of detail regarding the plans and strategies referred to in the proposed standards. Simple, short statements which confirm whether all the required issues have been addressed and areas of improvement identified with the steps needed to implement them, should be sufficient. Measuring the performance information may not be so easy, particularly since some of the measures will require feedback from stakeholders to be analysed after

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elections when RO’s and their staff will be concentrating on their other council duties.

2. In general, templates providing a checklist of the evidence required to

support assessment would make the completion of the evidence gathering easier.

Political parties and candidates – do you agree that the proposed standards cover areas of specific importance to you and, more generally, support progress towards the shared vision for quality electoral services? Not applicable Performance standard 1 Skills and knowledge of the Returning Officer Is the standard appropriately defined, taking into account the need for clear, objective assessment criteria?

1. This standard is aimed at the RO personally. But it should also be aimed at the RO’s core election team as well, i.e. any DRO’s, Election Managers, supervisors of postal votes, etc., since RO’s cannot, and do not, organise elections by themselves. The success of an election relies not just on the leadership skills of the RO but also on the effectiveness of the collective effort of their election team to whose members a successful RO must delegate significant parts of the election process.

2. In this bullet point, the reference to “budget, staff

and other resources required” should be clarified to mean “council budget, staff and other resources required”.

3. The level above performance standard should be

clarified to show that the requirement to “demonstrate a strong knowledge of electoral law and both existing and developing practice” applies to RO’s election teams, while the reference to “undertakes continuous personal development” applies to RO’s personally.

Does the ‘evidence to support assessment’ section of this standard

The evidence should be amended to make reference to -

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outline appropriate and sufficient evidence to justify whether an RO has met the performance standard and/or above the standard?

• the RO’s contract of employment for which there should be a person specification and a job outline.

• election team management structure showing the roles of the RO and the election team members, particularly the split between strategic and operational aspects of the election process.

• an allocation of responsibilities for operational matters for each member of the election team, and

• responsibility for control of the council’s elections budget and parliamentary accounts submitted to the MoJ/Scotland Office.

Are there any areas or key words within this standard which would require further guidance/ definition?

Yes – see first box above

Any other comments on this standard?


Performance standard 2 Examining the planning processes in place for

an election Is the standard appropriately defined, taking into account the need for clear, objective assessment criteria?

1. In the first bullet point in level 2, “success measures” should read “achievement measures” to clarify that it is the achievement of the objectives set out in the RO’s project plan which are being measured, not the measures by which other stakeholders may judge the success of the electoral process.

2. In the fourth bullet point in level 2, the reference

to “loss of staff” should be clarified to refer to “election staff”.

3. The second bullet point of level 3 should be

amended to read “seeks evaluation at an appropriate level from all significant stakeholders including....” A requirement to seek evaluation from all stakeholders would include individual voters, groups representing voters from different sections of the community (such as the young, elderly, disability groups, etc.) contractors and agents, and controllers of premises (such as polling places). This level of performance standard should be tempered to allow the RO all

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discretion to determine which stakeholders are the most significant ones at a particular election from whom to seek evaluation, whilst stipulating some stakeholders as mandatory (such as candidates and agents, and staff).

Does the ‘evidence to support assessment’ section of this standard outline appropriate and sufficient evidence to justify whether an RO has met the performance standard and/or above the standard?

1. This section should list two documents, a risk register, and a project plan that addresses the following issues -

• project planning. • business continuity. • recruitment of staff. • polling place accessibility. • layout of the count. • written contracts for outsourcing services outside

the RO’s council. • specification of services obtained by RO’s from

their employing councils. The guidance accompanying the return of evidence in connection with these standards should explain that plans for training staff and for raising public awareness are dealt with in performance standards 3 and 5, respectively, while plans for stakeholder consultation and dealing with complaints are dealt with in level 3 of this performance standard.

Are there any areas or key words within this standard which would require further guidance/ definition?

Yes – see first box above

Any other comments on this standard?


Performance standard 3 Training Is the standard appropriately defined, taking into account the need for clear, objective assessment criteria?

1. It should be made clear that this performance standard applies to all staff, not just to polling staff, i.e. it applies to staff used in all processes of the election including counting staff, staff processing postal votes, transport staff and support staff such as customer service centres (if used).

2. The basic relevant training referred to in level 2

should be clarified by the Commission issuing guidance as to the amount of training expected at

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this level.

Does the ‘evidence to support assessment’ section of this standard outline appropriate and sufficient evidence to justify whether an RO has met the performance standard and/or above the standard?


Are there any areas or key words within this standard which would require further guidance/ definition?

Yes – see first box above

Any other comments on this standard?


Performance standard 4 Maintaining the integrity of an election Is the standard appropriately defined, taking into account the need for clear, objective assessment criteria?

1. No. It is not clear what is meant by “electoral malpractice”, and hence what RO’s are expected to be measured against.

2. This standard should be clarified to show that it

covers two issues - • electoral fraud, and • security of the electoral process. Both of these areas need to be clearly defined to show that they refer to areas within the scope of the RO’s duties. It is suggested that – • “electoral fraud” covers those areas where

applications can be made fraudulently to the RO, or the RO may receive information regarding fraudulent conduct affecting the electoral process, e.g.

■ fraudulent nomination paper. ■ issuing replacements for lost or spoilt ballot

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papers. ■ persons on the AV list seeking to vote at polling

stations whilst claiming not to have applied for a postal or proxy vote.

■ claims of personation by voters. • “security issues” should cover the entire electoral

process for which RO’s are responsible including security issues surrounding –

■ polling places (eg in the event of a bomb scare) ■ count venue (in terms of the security of the ballot

papers and counting process, bomb scare and security of high profile candidates such as Government Ministers.

■ transfer of ballot boxes, ballot papers and other essential election equipment and stationery.

■ printing of ballot papers and postal voting stationery.

3. This is an area, which has not caused significant

concerns in Scotland. The Electoral Commission should therefore issue guidance on what issues RO’s should include under “electoral malpractice”, and the actions to take, especially since level 3 would require “a comprehensive written plan”. The equivalent standard for ERO’s [standard 4] provides such guidance.

Does the ‘evidence to support assessment’ section of this standard outline appropriate and sufficient evidence to justify whether an RO has met the performance standard and/or above the standard?

No. The standard should require specific areas of integrity identified by the Commission under each of the heads of “electoral fraud” and security issues”, e.g. • postal votes – risk areas identified and liaison with

the ERO. • levels of security required agreed with the police

and relevant staff advised accordingly. • contingency plans in place in the event evidence

of electoral fraud or of potential or actual security breach is realised.

Are there any areas or key words within this standard which would require further guidance/ definition?

Yes – see first box above

Any other comments on

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this standard? No

Performance standard 5 Delivering public awareness activity for elections

Is the standard appropriately defined, taking into account the need for clear, objective assessment criteria?

1. No. This standard appears to be confused with Standard 6. Standard 5 should be renamed “Public Awareness Strategy”, and the strap line setting out the aims of this standard should read “This Standard aims to ensure that RO’s deliver effective public awareness activity to encourage participation by electors in the electoral process”. This would reflect the statutory duty on RO’s under section 69 of the Electoral Administration Act 2006, and would also cover RO’s duty in Scotland under section 26 of the Local Electoral Administration and Registration Services (Scotland) Act 2006 in relation to local authority elections.

2. This standard should also reflect the equivalent

standard 6 for ERO’s, particularly level 4 of that standard.

Does the ‘evidence to support assessment’ section of this standard outline appropriate and sufficient evidence to justify whether an RO has met the performance standard and/or above the standard?

Yes, subject to response in box 1 above.

Are there any areas or key words within this standard which would require further guidance/ definition?


Any other comments on this standard?


Performance standard 6 Communication election information Is the standard appropriately defined, taking into account the need for clear, objective assessment criteria?

1. No. This standard appears to be confused with Standard 5. The strap line of Standard 6 should be amended to read, “ This standard aims to ensure that RO’s provide electors with a simple and user friendly way to access the information to enable them to vote”. This would reflect duties on the RO such as those under sections 36 and 37 of the Electoral Administration Act 2006 regarding

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translations of certain documents, and would also mirror the public sector duties enforceable by the Commission for Equality and Human Rights

against public authorities under the Equality Act 2006.

2. The standard should be clarified to show that it does not deal with physical accessibility of premises.

Does the ‘evidence to support assessment’ section of this standard outline appropriate and sufficient evidence to justify whether an RO has met the performance standard and/or above the standard?

Add in reference to equality impact assessment in level 2.

Are there any areas or key words within this standard which would require further guidance/ definition?

Yes – see box 1

Any other comments on this standard?


Performance standard 7 Accessibility and communication of information for candidates and agents

Is the standard appropriately defined, taking into account the need for clear, objective assessment criteria?

1. This standard should be clarified to make clear that it covers the communications of election information regarding the entire election process, from before publication of the notice of election, through the nomination and postal voting processes to the counting of votes and the return and inspection of candidates’ election expenses.

2. The strap line should read, “This standard aims

to ensure that RO’s effectively communicate relevant information on the whole election process conducted by the RO.

3. In level 1, the reference to “nomination process

or count procedure” should read, “election process”. The reference to “relevant staff” should read, “candidates and agents”. Training of staff is covered under standard 3.

4. In level 4, the requirement to operate an

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appointment system should be at a lower level, i.e. level 3.

5. Level 4 should be expanded at the start to reflect

the requirement that the RO has provided written guidance on all aspects of the election process affecting candidates and agents, relevant to the duties of the RO, i.e.

• initial briefing for prospective candidates and

agents. • outline of RO’s public awareness strategy. • scheme of polling places and numbers of stations.• timetable for the elections. • lodging and checking nomination papers. • issue and receipt of postal votes. • verification and counting of votes. • return of candidates’ election expenses.

Does the ‘evidence to support assessment’ section of this standard outline appropriate and sufficient evidence to justify whether an RO has met the performance standard and/or above the standard?

Add in level 4 as first bullet point, “examples of information given to candidates and agents reflecting whole election process”.

Are there any areas or key words within this standard which would require further guidance/ definition?

Yes – see box 1 above

Any other comments on this standard?


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Appendix A – Pro forma for responses

We are seeking views on each of the individual performance standards outlined. In addition we also seek specific views from certain individuals and groups to the following three questions on the overall set of the performance standards: Returning Officers – do you agree that these standards reflect the level of performance that is relevant to, and reasonably within, the responsibility of ROs in the conduct of their statutory duties? Does the overall set of standards reflect the key performance issues for ROs? Are there any other areas of the ROs remit that we have not covered, and which can be measured? Should the standards be more outcome/delivery focused? If so, how can the standards be changed to reflect this? The County Council has concerns about how the proposed arrangements will operate in the context of County Council elections. In these elections the Chief Executive of the County Council acts as the Returning Officer but commissions the relevant district councils (who have electoral registrations powers) to carry out the elections on his/her behalf. For most of the practical purposes, therefore, it is the Deputy Returning Officers within the district councils who carry out the elections. (In the case of Leicestershire County Council this involves commissioning the services of seven district councils). The County Council has reservations about how responsibility about how realistically it can influence performance and has concerns about how standards will be measured and reported for County Councils. In the circumstances, the County Council believes that the submission of a single performance return for the whole County would not be appropriate. The submission of returns on a district basis would clearly be a more practical arrangement.

Electoral administrators – how straightforward is it to collect and measure performance information in relation to the standards proposed in this consultation paper?

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Political parties and candidates – do you agree that the proposed standards cover areas of specific importance to you and, more generally, support progress towards the shared vision for quality electoral services? Performance standard 1 Skills and knowledge of the Returning Officer Is the standard appropriately defined, taking into account the need for clear, objective assessment criteria?

Does the ‘evidence to support assessment’ section of this standard outline appropriate and sufficient evidence to justify whether an RO has met the performance standard and/or above the standard?

Are there any areas or key words within this standard which would require further guidance/ definition?

Any other comments on this standard?

Performance standard 2 Examining the planning processes in place for

an election Is the standard appropriately defined, taking into account the need for clear, objective assessment criteria?

Does the ‘evidence to support assessment’ section of this standard

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outline appropriate and sufficient evidence to justify whether an RO has met the performance standard and/or above the standard? Are there any areas or key words within this standard which would require further guidance/ definition?

Any other comments on this standard?

Performance standard 3 Training Is the standard appropriately defined, taking into account the need for clear, objective assessment criteria?

Does the ‘evidence to support assessment’ section of this standard outline appropriate and sufficient evidence to justify whether an RO has met the performance standard and/or above the standard?

Are there any areas or key words within this standard which would require further guidance/ definition?

Any other comments on this standard?

Performance standard 4 Maintaining the integrity of an election Is the standard appropriately defined, taking into account the need for clear, objective assessment criteria?

Does the ‘evidence to support assessment’ section of this standard

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outline appropriate and sufficient evidence to justify whether an RO has met the performance standard and/or above the standard? Are there any areas or key words within this standard which would require further guidance/ definition?

Any other comments on this standard?

Performance standard 5 Delivering public awareness activity for elections

Is the standard appropriately defined, taking into account the need for clear, objective assessment criteria?

Does the ‘evidence to support assessment’ section of this standard outline appropriate and sufficient evidence to justify whether an RO has met the performance standard and/or above the standard?

Are there any areas or key words within this standard which would require further guidance/ definition?

Any other comments on this standard?

Performance standard 6 Communication election information Is the standard appropriately defined, taking into account the need for clear, objective assessment criteria?

Does the ‘evidence to support assessment’ section of this standard

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outline appropriate and sufficient evidence to justify whether an RO has met the performance standard and/or above the standard? Are there any areas or key words within this standard which would require further guidance/ definition?

Any other comments on this standard?

Performance standard 7 Accessibility and communication of information for candidates and agents

Is the standard appropriately defined, taking into account the need for clear, objective assessment criteria?

Does the ‘evidence to support assessment’ section of this standard outline appropriate and sufficient evidence to justify whether an RO has met the performance standard and/or above the standard?

Are there any areas or key words within this standard which would require further guidance/ definition?

Any other comments on this standard?

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Consultation on draft performance standards for Returning Officers in Great Britain Tees Electoral Officers Group – meeting 23rd October 2008 On the 23rd October members of the Tees Valley electoral officers group met to discuss performance standards issues with Barbara Hill (Regional Manager) and Sarah Seavers (Regional Liaison Officer) from the Electoral Commission’s North of England Office. In this meeting the draft performance standards for Returning Officers were discussed and the comments below are to be submitted as part of the formal consultation on the draft standards. Representatives from Stockton-on-Tees, Redcar and Cleveland, Middlesbrough, Darlington and Hartlepool Councils were present. These representatives were either electoral administrators or democratic services officers with responsibility for elections. The Draft Performance Standards Each performance standard was addressed individually.

Performance Standard 1 – skills and knowledge of the Returning Officer

In principal this was accepted as being a reasonable standard as it didn’t go into too much detail it was thought that for most Returning Officers’ (RO) this would be about their level of knowledge. One council felt however, that their RO at this point in time, would not meet the standard as they were new and had not had this responsibility before. Although it was suggested that a one day course from SOLACE on RO responsibilities would probably enable them to reach the standard. It was requested that this standard include Deputy Returning Officers (DRO) as the RO function generally falls within the Chief Executive’s responsibilities. The DRO’s would then be, in addition to senior electoral staff, the director with responsibility for Democratic services who while not being hands on in the running of an election would fit into the performance standard level of knowledge more so than the RO. It was accepted that this standard remaining exclusively for the RO may highlight that the RO function should perhaps not always fall to the Chief Executive and may be better suited to someone with the capacity to achieve the standard. It was also felt the standard should include Acting Returning Officers’s (ARO’s) and Deputy Acting Returning Officer’s (DARO’s) rather than RO for

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parliamentary elections. The RO in these circumstances can be the High Sherriff, Mayor etc who would not meet the standard.

Performance Standard 2 – Examining the planning processes in place for an election.

This was accepted as a standard. Most felt they would meet with little extra work involved just a case of documenting what they actually do.

Performance Standard 3 – Training Another standard where most felt that they were already meeting if not above the standard but just needed to document their activities. Experiences were shared about the benefits of evaluation when it came to polling staff training. One authority had changed their training sessions as a result and had seen the benefits of this.

Performance Standard 4 – Maintaining the integrity of an election There had been little or no electoral fraud/malpractice for this region and as such no one had a formal plan written down although it was felt this shouldn’t be too onerous to do.

Performance Standard 5 – Communicating election information This was felt to be an area where sharing best practice would be very useful. Stockton borough council did have a formal written strategy and a community engagement officer who was specifically involved in democracy engagement. It was expressed that this is a new and growing area of work for electoral officers, until recently this would have been something they had little or no involvement in. A request was made as to whether this could be changed to be part of the wider duty to promote democracy, a more community based strategy to engage in democracy. Many people get involved in Democracy week which is promoting democracy but not necessarily specifically communicating election information.

Performance Standard 6 – Accessibility of information to electors There are departments within local authorities who are able to assist in the formation of a demographic profile of the area. This would be needed to be able to say whether appropriate languages are available. It was noted that different languages are not generally requested but that people knew about the different formats available through the Electoral Commission. Again, a lot of work is already undertaken which just needs to be documented.

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Performance Standard 7 – Accessibility and communication of information to candidates and agents

It was felt that although everyone holds briefing sessions for candidates a lot of candidates / agents don’t bother to come. Most people have a comprehensive letter which is issued to candidates/agents to give them information about what things will be happening and when. Everyone felt that they communicated information to candidates and agents effectively during the count and as such were confident that they all met the standard. The appointment system was suggested to be included in the standard rather than being above and just leaving the evaluation of the effectiveness of communication to be above the standard. An appointment system was discussed, saying that although it may work well at some elections, where there are hundreds of candidates it would be very difficult to manage. Conclusion Overall a positive discussion took place, ideas were shared and people appeared more confident in their ability to meet the standards, if not exceed. Using the support network of the group the development of record keeping documentation was shared. This should assist in making the collection of evidence to support both performance standards for Electoral Registration Officers and Returning Officers easier. Sarah Seavers Regional Liaison Officer – North East, Yorkshire and the Humber 13 November 2008

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Background Information on the Tees Valley authorities: Electorates for this area range from approximately 70,000 to 140,000 electors. All the councils are Unitary. Hartlepool elects by thirds whilst Stockton-on-Tees, Middlesbrough, Redcar and Cleveland and Darlington elect by wholes. Middlesbrough have a directly elected Mayor following a referendum in 2001. Darlington held a referendum in 2007 where the electorate voted against having a directly elected mayor. The local authority areas either cover 1 to 2 parliamentary constituencies.

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Performance Standard 7: Physical accessibility issues Supports vision themes:

Subject: Accessibility and organisation of polling stations User focus - an easy and accessible process for candidates and electors

This standard aims to ensure that polling stations are appropriately accessible and well organised.

Performance against the standard % on survey Not currently meeting the performance standard

The RO has not taken into account the needs of disabled voters in making alterations to the location, layout and physical features of polling stations provided by the local authority.

The RO has not complied with legislative requirements relating to accessibility of polling stations and elections as set out in the Representation of the People Act 2000* and DDA 2005**

The RO is not aware of access barriers within their polling stations

53% 29%

Of RO’s stated that in the judgment of the RO one or more polling stations provided by the local authority, required physical alteration to make them accessible Of ROs stated that following physical alteration the RO deemed one or polling station inaccessible

The RO has provided external signage to all polling stations 93 The RO provides external signage directing Electors to polling stations

Performance standard

The RO has a comprehensive written plan outlining what steps will be taken in each polling station to address access barriers for disabled voters, based on the outcomes from the Review of Polling Places. The plan will specifically: detail the layout of each station, positioning of signage and voter


79 The RO plans the layout of all polling stations taking into consideration accessibility issues and outcomes from the polling station review.

92 The RO has a structured plan of the layout of the count premises.

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list the access risks at each station in relation to the location; topography; transport to the venue, including parking; physical features e.g. steps; and any other relevant risks

set out the roles and responsibilities of polling station staff in supporting disabled people to vote

details on the process followed to carry out the polling station review and the criteria against which prospective polling places/stations are assessed

In putting together this plan the RO has ensured that in all polling stations: signage is clear and visible from all access points there is adequate lighting and seating available any voter information is displayed prominently where voters will

notice it the ballot box is accessible for all voters the tactile voting device is available and the large print notice of the

ballot paper is displayed in one of the polling booths and, where possible there is level access into and within the polling station there is at least one low-level polling booth which has been placed in

the most appropriate position for wheelchair users there is sufficient space for a wheelchair user to easily get into and

around the polling station and, where this is not possible: voters have been notified, via their poll card, of access barriers at

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their polling station in advance of the election and given the opportunity to make alternative voting arrangements if this is required

The RO will also ensure that the plan details the layout of the count premises and outlines the roles and duties of all the staff present at the count

Above the performance standard

The RO has used their comprehensive written plan to: develop an action plan, with input from disabled people, that sets

out the specific activities required to improve access to inaccessible polling stations and a timescale for doing this.

The RO ensures that polling station staff and disabled voters have a formal opportunity to report access barriers and bad experiences at elections and ensure recommendations for access improvements are acted on immediately. The RO has a process in place for consultation with local disability rights organisations to review and evaluate complaints made by disabled people following an election and move this forward in an appropriate and timely manner.

*RPA duties: duty to take reasonable steps to ensure polling places are accessible, duty to conduct a review of polling stations every 4 years; duty to supply a large print notice of the ballot paper and the tactile template; duty to provide support to vote. **DDA duties: Disability Equality Duty (DDA 2005) duty to promote disability equality and equal participation in public life,

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Danny Creighton

From: ringham, jane <[email protected]>Posted At: 12 December 2008 12:25Conversation: Draft Performance Standards for Returning Officers

Subject: Draft Performance Standards for Returning Officers

Dear Lindsey,

Please find my comments on the draft standards. Note that these are my own views as an experienced electoral administrator and not those of Medway Council.

On a general point I think many of the standards are open to subjective interpretation and don't appear to be measuring quality in any meaningful way.

Skills and knowledge of RO

In my experience the RO does not see it as their role to be directly aware of the detail of running elections although I do recognise that it is reasonable to have some standards in this regard, given the nature of the role and the ultimate responsibilities of the RO. So, for example, it may not be reasonable to expect the RO to be aware of the contents of Guidance or detailed knowledge of legislation. In reality, again, in my experience, the RO becomes directly involved at certain points of the election process - sometimes around nominations, recently around the opening of postal votes, but almost certainly for the conduct of the count. Perhaps it would be more reasonable to draft standards around these areas. One significant omission in the standards would appear to be the requirement to submit accounts within the specified time. This is measurable independently, assuming co-operation with colleagues in MoJ.

Specifically, the current standard regarding "supporting staff" is vague, may be immeasurable and at the very least open to lots of different interpretations. Support will differ depending on the experience levels of the staff in the elections team, and the specific set up in each local authority.

The suggested evidence of an agreement about roles etc, would only really be relevant for newly appointed RO's. Many RO's have been in position for several years and their roles have developed without it being formalised apart from a Council resolution at the time. Certainly I am aware that many Councils are now trying to draft broader delegation schemes for officers and so the role of RO will be swept up with many other roles and there may be little appetite to expand it to describe the RO role more fully.


Again standards in this area are difficult. The notion of "relevant" training is open to interpretation and it seems that as drafted the standards measures quantity rather than quality. I freely acknowledge that it is much more difficult to introduce quality, but for example, to measure the success of the training, perhaps some idea of the decrease in errors in the ballot paper account, or complaints about polling station staff, could be evidence. This may inevitably mean more systems to measure these things, and I will probably not be popular amongst colleagues for suggesting it. But if performance standards are to be meaningful, and useful to us to improve our own services, they must be relevant.

Communicating information

The Government seems to be shifting emphasis from translating information to an expectation that people will take action to learn English. Perhaps the emphasis on languages in this standard will become irrelevant in the near future. There is no reference to providing information in plain English in the current standards, and increasingly this is as important a factor as providing information in different languages and formats.

Specifically the use of the word "research" in the performance standard may have resource implications, when in reality it is likely that such information will be available from the local authority's policy, equalities or communications sections.

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Reference is made to having a complaints process for people to make comments about materials, but it may be more pertinent to also require evidence that evaluation is undertaken of such comments to ensure points are taken on board for future elections.

Communication of information to candidates

In addition to providing information about the nomination and count processes, I am surprised there is no reference to providing information about postal votes, particularly raising awareness of the agreed protocols around security and integrity.

I hope these comments are useful and look forward to seeing the final version in due course.

Jane Ringham Head of Member Services & Elections, Gun Wharf, Dock Road, Chatham, Kent ME4 4TR 01634 332864 [email protected]

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Appendix A – Pro forma for responses

We are seeking views on each of the individual performance standards outlined. In addition we also seek specific views from certain individuals and groups to the following three questions on the overall set of the performance standards: Returning Officers – do you agree that these standards reflect the level of performance that is relevant to, and reasonably within, the responsibility of ROs in the conduct of their statutory duties? Does the overall set of standards reflect the key performance issues for ROs? Are there any other areas of the ROs remit that we have not covered, and which can be measured? Should the standards be more outcome/delivery focused? If so, how can the standards be changed to reflect this? Most or nearly all the standards mentioned are met. All plans and procedures are regularly updated and improvements made to meet performance standard levels.

Electoral administrators – how straightforward is it to collect and measure performance information in relation to the standards proposed in this consultation paper? All standards are met and above in some cases.

Political parties and candidates – do you agree that the proposed standards cover areas of specific importance to you and, more generally, support progress towards the shared vision for quality electoral services? In most cases the standards imply that the specific goals and requirements will improve the quality of the electoral services.

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Performance standard 1 Skills and knowledge of the Returning Officer Is the standard appropriately defined, taking into account the need for clear, objective assessment criteria?

Yes, the RO has a project plan in place which includes risks and resources. A new recruitment plan is to be put in place.

Does the ‘evidence to support assessment’ section of this standard outline appropriate and sufficient evidence to justify whether an RO has met the performance standard and/or above the standard?

Yes, the RO has in place success measures.

Are there any areas or key words within this standard which would require further guidance/ definition?

Any other comments on this standard?

Performance standard 2 Examining the planning processes in place for

an election Is the standard appropriately defined, taking into account the need for clear, objective assessment criteria?


Does the ‘evidence to support assessment’ section of this standard outline appropriate and sufficient evidence to justify whether an RO has met the performance standard and/or above the standard?

Yes, the RO has plans for risks, count procedures and layout/contingency plans. The RO seeks evaluation from party agents and informs agents of any changes.

Are there any areas or key words within this standard which would require further guidance/ definition?

Any other comments on

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this standard?

Performance standard 3 Training Is the standard appropriately defined, taking into account the need for clear, objective assessment criteria?

Yes, all training is given to both permanent and temporary staff.

Does the ‘evidence to support assessment’ section of this standard outline appropriate and sufficient evidence to justify whether an RO has met the performance standard and/or above the standard?

The RO has a training plan and this is updated for each individual election and reviewed and amended after each election.

Are there any areas or key words within this standard which would require further guidance/ definition?

Any other comments on this standard?

Performance standard 4 Maintaining the integrity of an election Is the standard appropriately defined, taking into account the need for clear, objective assessment criteria?


Does the ‘evidence to support assessment’ section of this standard outline appropriate and sufficient evidence to justify whether an RO has met the performance standard and/or above the standard?

We are currently reviewing and collating a new risk assessment plan for identifying any form of electoral malpractice.

Are there any areas or key words within this standard which would require further guidance/ definition?

Any other comments on

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this standard?

Performance standard 5 Delivering public awareness activity for elections

Is the standard appropriately defined, taking into account the need for clear, objective assessment criteria?


Does the ‘evidence to support assessment’ section of this standard outline appropriate and sufficient evidence to justify whether an RO has met the performance standard and/or above the standard?

All standards are met and above. We have recently created a post for an Elections Engagement Officer. This involves working with community groups and local media et. A voter participation strategy is currently being created.

Are there any areas or key words within this standard which would require further guidance/ definition?

Any other comments on this standard?

Performance standard 6 Communication election information Is the standard appropriately defined, taking into account the need for clear, objective assessment criteria?


Does the ‘evidence to support assessment’ section of this standard outline appropriate and sufficient evidence to justify whether an RO has met the performance standard and/or above the standard?

A work plan is in place and regularly updated.

Are there any areas or key words within this standard which would require further guidance/ definition?

Any other comments on

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this standard?

Performance standard 7 Accessibility and communication of information for candidates and agents

Is the standard appropriately defined, taking into account the need for clear, objective assessment criteria?


Does the ‘evidence to support assessment’ section of this standard outline appropriate and sufficient evidence to justify whether an RO has met the performance standard and/or above the standard?

All standards are met and above. The RO has an appointment system in place and has regular contact with agents. Regular feedback is encouraged from the agents.

Are there any areas or key words within this standard which would require further guidance/ definition?

Any other comments on this standard?

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Draft performance standards for Returning Officers in Great Britain Response to consultation paper

Performance standard 1

Point 1 – further guidance/definition required on ‘working knowledge’ – it is assumed that the RO’s staff will have detailed knowledge of electoral legislation, so detailed knowledge is not requiredthe RO would only need a general understanding

Point 2 – is too detailed. Administrators would take the appropriate action to rectify any errors.

Performance standard 2

Equalities Impact Assessments should be included in the standard Performance standard 3

Equalities Impact Assessments should be included in the standard Performance standard 4

Point 3 – further guidance required on ‘electoral malpractice’. Does this include corrupt and illegal practices and/or fraud?

Performance standard 5

No comments Performance standard 6

No comments Performance standard 7

Point 4 – an appointment system would be too restrictive. More flexibility should be required to be above the performance standard.

Electoral Services Borough Council of Wellingborough Swanspool House Doddington Road Wellingborough NN8 1BP 26 November 2008

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Danny Creighton

From: James SteeleSent: 12 December 2008 15:48To: Lindsey TaberCc: Phillippa Saray; John PollardSubject: Performance standards - Dacorum BC

All, This morning I attended another meeting with a local authority to discuss performance standards for RO's. Today it was the turn of Debbie Cooke in Dacorum. PS1: All the bullet points listed under the standard would not be performed by the RO but would have been delegated to the ESM. However, Debbie is happy about the idea of an agreement being drawn up to illustrate what the RO is responsible for and that the buck stops with him. She also points out that in a parliamentary election the RO is officially the mayor who definitely would not meet this standard so the language should be altered to suggest that the RO should have delegated these tasks to a responsible and capable person. PS2: Any polling station/place reviews they may have completed could also be included as evidence. We had a bigger discussion about how a lot of the functions now have to be outsourced as the council simply can't do them. This outsourcing leads to a loss of control over the whole process. They could write a contingency plan for this but again it is relying on a third party. If a printer goes bust (given the economic climate…) then the printer listed as a backup may not have capacity. It is very hard to write a realistic contingency plan. PS3: Debbie was happy with this standard but again made the point that as she only has elections every 4 years a annual review of training would be unnecessary. PS4: Again, happy with this standard. Further evidence asked for could inlcude any guidance issued (telling candidates about collecting postal votes). It could also include minutes of meeting held with candidates and agents on integrity. PS5 & PS6 Debbie felt that standards 5 and 6 were linked and considered them as one. She too had concerns about being told what languages they may have to provide information in. I mentioned that the evidence the authority would supply would be there to justify any decisions that they came to. It would not be a one size fits all approach as London is not the same as rural boroughs. PS7:

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Unlike Chris in Aylesbury, Debbie definitely did not want informal checking of nomination papers to be inlcuded in the standard and is happy as it is written now. She preferred not to provide an informal checking process and would not want it to become "official" because it is in our standard.Again, minutes of meetings with candidates could be included as evidence as well as the information packs that they provide for them when attending the count. Debbie is generally another fan of performance standards but would want us to know that the RO would probably delegate the responsibility of completing them to the ESM. She was also keen to hear how political parties felt about them. James James Steele Business Support Officer The Electoral Commission Eastern & South East England Office Trevelyan House Great Peter Street London SW1P 2HW Tel: 020 7271 0600 Fax: 020 7271 0505 www.electoralcommission.org.uk www.aboutmyvote.co.uk

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Danny Creighton

From: Phillippa SaraySent: 11 December 2008 10:22To: Pronoy BoseCc: Lindsey Taber; John Pollard; James SteeleSubject: Fw: Returning Officer Performance Standards

Hi Pronoy  At the Eastern AEA branch meeting on Tuesday this week I encouraged all present to respond to our consultation. I emphasised that there is no requirement to respond to every standard if there is not enough time, we would far rather receive comments about show stoppers than no comments at all. This was helped by John Turner's positive comments about the standards as he was also present.   Sharon Shand took me up on this prompt, please see her comments below.  In addition I said that if people want to respond but can't quite meet next Friday's deadline, they should send their comments in as soon as possible after that date. I said I couldn't set secondary or tertiary 'deadlines' but we would make every effort to take slightly late comments into account.  Thanks  Phillippa    Phillippa Saray Regional Manager, South of England The Electoral Commission 020 7271  0682 Sent using BlackBerry   ‐‐‐‐‐Original Message‐‐‐‐‐ From: Phillippa Saray To: '[email protected]' <[email protected]> Sent: Thu Dec 11 10:12:58 2008 Subject: Re: Returning Officer Performance Standards  Dear Sharon  Many thanks for your comments, very much appreciated. I will pass them straight on to Pronoy Bose, Performance Standards Manager to take into account as we develop the standards. I think you make a very important and useful point, with a constructive suggestion as to how standard one could be made workable in the real world.  Kind regards  Phillippa    Phillippa Saray Regional Manager, South of England 

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The Electoral Commission 020 7271  0682 Sent using BlackBerry   ‐‐‐‐‐Original Message‐‐‐‐‐ From: Sharon Shand <[email protected]> To: Phillippa Saray Sent: Thu Dec 11 09:41:47 2008 Subject: Returning Officer Performance Standards  Hi Phillipa, At the recent AEA meeting you mentioned you were happy for even a comment regarding the above so here is mine, which I hope you can forward to the appropriate colleague. My only concern is around Performance Standard One, I am very lucky to have a very good working relationship with my Returning Officer who has taken the role very seriously and it has helped that he has a legal background and has a great respect for the tasks we have to carry out. However this has not always been the case and I am very aware of other colleagues who would find it impossible to  go to their RO and say 'you have to sign this appointment agreement to acknowledge your role, duties and responsibilities', the difficulty comes from many angles you could be a new Electoral Officer having to suddenly go to the Chief Executive who may have not had a hands on approach before and basically ask them to sign that they know what they are doing. Or indeed you could be an experienced Officer but have to go to a new Chief. Although I fully support the idea it maybe difficult for some colleagues to do this. I wondered if this appointment agreement should be drawn up by the Commission and given to HR departments to distribute to RO's as a matter of course rather than asking Junior Officers to do this. Another great approach would be for all RO's to sign up to the AEA training as John Turner mentioned. Many thanks and kind regards    Sharon Shand AEA (Cert) Service Manager, Electoral Services Waveney District Council   Tel: 01502 523253 Fax: 01502 523005   Please consider the environment: think before you print this email    Confidentiality: This email and its attachments are intended for the above named only and may be confidential. If they have come to you in error you must take no action based on them, nor must you copy or show them to anyone; please reply to this email and highlight the error.  Security Warning: Please note that this email has been created in the knowledge that Internet email is not a 100% secure communications medium. We advise that you understand and accept this lack of security when emailing us.  Viruses: Although we have taken steps to ensure that this email and attachments are free from any virus, we advise that in keeping with good computing practice the recipient should ensure they are actually virus free.